Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board v. Aaron J. Thomas , 844 N.W.2d 111 ( 2014 )

  •                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 13–1510
    Filed March 14, 2014
    On review of the report of the Grievance Commission of the
    Supreme Court of Iowa.
    Review of a report filed by the Grievance Commission of the
    Supreme Court of Iowa recommending the suspension of an attorney’s
    license. LICENSE REVOKED.
    Charles L. Harrington and Wendell J. Harms, Des Moines, for
    Aaron J. Thomas, Anamosa, pro se.
    WIGGINS, Justice.
    The Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board brought a
    complaint against Aaron J. Thomas, alleging Thomas committed the
    crime of theft by misappropriation and violated the Iowa Rules of
    Professional Conduct, an Iowa Court Rule, and Iowa Code section
    602.10119 (2011).     A division of the Grievance Commission of the
    Supreme Court of Iowa found Thomas committed the crime of theft by
    misappropriation and violated the Iowa Rules of Professional Conduct,
    the Iowa Court Rule, and the Iowa Code. The commission recommended
    a six-month suspension from the practice of law with conditions.
    Thereafter, the Board filed a statement regarding Thomas’s
    sanction and recommended we revoke Thomas’s law license.           On our
    de novo review, we find the Board established by a convincing
    preponderance of the evidence Thomas committed violations of our rules
    by converting funds for his own use without having a colorable claim to
    those funds. Accordingly, we revoke Thomas’s license.
    I. Scope of Review.
    We review attorney disciplinary proceedings de novo.           Iowa
    Supreme Ct. Att’y Disciplinary Bd. v. Stowe, 
    830 N.W.2d 737
    , 739 (Iowa
    2013).    The Board must prove the attorney’s ethical misconduct by a
    convincing preponderance of the evidence.          
    Id. “A convincing
    preponderance of the evidence is more than a preponderance of the
    evidence, but less than proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” Iowa Supreme
    Ct. Att’y Disciplinary Bd. v. McCarthy, 
    814 N.W.2d 596
    , 601 (Iowa 2012).
    This places a burden on the Board that is higher than the burden in civil
    cases but lower than the burden in criminal matters. 
    Stowe, 830 N.W.2d at 739
    .    We respectfully consider the commission’s recommendations;
    however, they are not binding upon us. 
    Id. 3 II.
    Findings of Fact.
    On our de novo review, we make the following findings of fact.
    Thomas graduated from law school in 2001 and received his law license
    in 2002. He subsequently joined his father’s law practice in Anamosa.
    The complaint against Thomas stems from his handling of a legal
    matter for Emily Street. In February 2009, Street went to Thomas for
    legal representation for a 2008 car accident.       Street received a neck
    injury in the accident. She and her parents wanted to have the other
    party involved in the car accident pay for Street’s medical bills and her
    car repair bill. Further, Street and her parents wanted the other party to
    pay back their insurance carrier, State Farm, for sums it paid because of
    the accident.
    Thomas agreed to represent Street and her parents in the matter.
    They entered into a contingent fee agreement.           The contingent fee
    agreement provided Thomas would receive thirty percent of the recovery
    if the parties settled after filing suit but before commencement of trial.
    Thomas was successful in this matter.         He filed a petition on
    December 2, 2009, and on April 25, 2011, Street and her parents settled
    the suit for $23,000.    The other party’s insurance carrier issued the
    check for $23,000 payable to the Thomas Law Firm; Street; Street’s
    parents; Street’s health insurance provider, Healthcare Recoveries; and
    State Farm.     Thomas had a limited power of attorney to endorse the
    check on behalf of State Farm.      To this point, Street and her parents
    were satisfied with Thomas’s representation.
    Thomas’s subsequent distribution of the $23,000 is the crux of
    this grievance proceeding.      Street and her parents understood the
    contingent fee agreement gave Thomas thirty percent of Street’s portion
    of the settlement, or $5400. 1           They understood the agreement also
    required Thomas to pay any unpaid medical expenses on Street’s behalf.
    Further, they understood the agreement to require Thomas to reimburse
    Street’s health insurance provider and State Farm for sums these
    companies      advanced      on   Street’s     account    due    to   the    accident.
    Additionally, Thomas claims Street and her parents agreed for him to
    keep $500 in his trust account for expenses Thomas might have in
    pursuing Street’s underinsured motorist claim against State Farm. As of
    April 2011, Street and her parents were entitled to the proceeds of the
    settlement less the amount he agreed to pay to the third parties, his
    attorney fees, and the $500 in expenses.
    In regards to his obligation to pay any unpaid medical expenses
    and reimburse the insurance companies, Thomas wrote one check to
    Healthcare Recoveries for $2824.44 on April 26, 2011, to reimburse
    Street’s health care provider for the sums it advanced. This should have
    left the $5000 for State Farm, $500 for expenses, and the remaining
    $9275.56 in his trust account for Street and any unpaid medical bills.
    At this point, Thomas’s actions became questionable in numerous
    ways. First, Thomas withheld the full $9275.56 for months, even though
    the Streets asked Thomas to disburse the funds.                  Thomas claims he
    entered into an agreement with Street and her parents to withhold this
    money to pursue a separate action against Street’s insurance carrier,
    State Farm.      Street agreed she wanted to sue State Farm.                 However,
    Street did not recall discussing a fee agreement for the State Farm
    lawsuit, she did not agree that Thomas could retain this money to cover
    1Thomas   divided the $23,000 into two amounts: $5000 to reimburse State Farm
    and $18,000 for Street. He calculated his attorney fee from each individual amount.
    Therefore, his thirty percent fee from Street’s portion was thirty percent of $18,000 or
    State Farm expenses, and she did not enter into a fee agreement with
    Thomas to that effect. Thomas acknowledged he would not normally ask
    for an advance of more than $500 to cover the expenses of a lawsuit.
    Thomas’s trust account records indicated Thomas did not pay any costs
    for the State Farm lawsuit out of this money. We find Street to be more
    credible. We also find the only amount Thomas would have a colorable
    claim to would be the $500 for expenses.
    Second, Thomas wrote a series of checks from Street’s settlement
    proceeds in his trust account for personal and business purposes that
    exceeded his fees. Thomas wrote two checks to himself totaling $9500.
    Thomas wrote a check to an employee for $1000. Thomas also wrote a
    check to his then wife for $1000. While Thomas originally justified this
    payment as a business expense because his then wife reviewed and
    organized Street’s medical reports, he later admitted he gave her the
    money as a way to share in the settlement. He drew all four checks on
    the client trust account and acknowledged they were payments from
    Street’s settlement.   These checks totaled $11,500.       This amount
    exceeded his agreed upon fee by $6100.
    Third, Thomas did not pay the $5000 to State Farm.         Thomas
    believed his fee for acting on State Farm’s behalf was thirty percent, or
    $1500. Thomas issued a check to State Farm for $3350, withholding a
    fee of $1650. Although he dated the check April 26, 2011, State Farm
    did not receive the check until February 2012. State Farm was unable to
    cash the check due to the date on the check and requested a
    replacement check.     Thomas has never responded to State Farm’s
    Finally, Thomas reimbursed Healthcare Recoveries, but did not pay
    Street’s remaining medical expenses. Street did have an unreimbursed
    medical bill from Physiotherapy Associates.    Thomas was supposed to
    pay this bill from the $9275.56 retained in his trust account. There is no
    evidence Thomas used the remaining $9275.56 to pay Street’s medical
    bills. Street forwarded these bills to Thomas, but continued to receive
    collection notices from Physiotherapy Associates until April 2012.
    In summary, Street did not receive her portion of the settlement
    until nine months after Thomas received the settlement check. During
    the nine months, Thomas’s trust account balance dropped below what he
    owed to Street.   Thomas also admitted he withdrew money from the
    client trust account to pay for Dish Network at his office and for his
    home mortgage. The lowest balance for the client trust account was in
    June 2011 at $236.55.
    In January 2012, Street received a check from the client trust
    account for $10,304.24.     This check overdrew Thomas’s client trust
    account.   Thomas wrote a check to the client trust account from his
    personal account to correct the overdraft. Neither Street nor her parents
    received a written summary showing the settlement distribution.
    Thomas closed his client trust account in October 2012 and did
    not open a new client trust account.       Thomas admitted he still had
    possession of $3350 that either belonged to State Farm or to Street.
    On May 6, 2013, Thomas represented himself before a division of
    the grievance commission. Thomas admitted that at the time he handled
    Street’s funds he was unfamiliar with client trust account rules. He also
    admitted he wrote checks for his own benefit that exceeded his colorable
    claim to funds from Street’s settlement.
    Based on our de novo review, we can only come to one
    conclusion—Thomas used money belonging to a client and State Farm
    for his own use without having a colorable claim to those funds.
    III. Disciplinary Proceedings.
    On January 11, 2012, Street filed a complaint with the Iowa
    Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board. Thomas signed for certified
    mail corresponding to the complaint and letter from the Board.                    The
    Board sent Thomas letters on October 29, October 31, November 15, and
    December 5. Thomas received all of these letters but did not respond.
    The commission filed its report and found Thomas committed the
    crime of misappropriation, which violated Iowa Rules of Professional
    Conduct 32:1.15(a), (d), 32:8.4(b)–(c), Iowa Court Rule 45.2(2), and Iowa
    Code section 602.10119. Further, the commission found Thomas failed
    to communicate with his client as required by rule 32:1.4(a)(3)–(4), and
    failed to act with reasonable diligence and promptness as required by
    rule 32:1.3. 2 Finally, the commission determined Thomas violated rule
    32:8.1(b) by failing to respond to the Board’s requests for documentation.
    The commission recommended Thomas receive a six-month
    suspension, be required to complete a basic skills course that includes
    the topic of client trust accounts, and be required to associate with a
    nonrelated mentor with experience in trust accounts and ethics when
    Thomas opens a client trust account after reinstatement.
    As required by rule 35.11(1), we review the commission’s report
    de novo. Iowa Ct. R. 35.11(1). On November 22, 2013, the Board filed a
    statement requesting we revoke Thomas’s law license. See Iowa Ct. R.
    35.11(1) (allowing the parties to a grievance proceeding to file statements
    in support of or in opposition to the discipline recommended by the
    commission).       The Board emphasized Thomas’s misappropriation of
    2Although   the Board charged Thomas with violating rule 32:1.5(c), the
    commission’s findings do not find a violation of this rule other than to mention Thomas
    did not send an accounting to his clients.
    funds, stating Thomas did not have a colorable claim to the money in the
    client trust account that belonged to Street and State Farm.
    IV. Ethical Violations.
    The record shows numerous examples of Thomas’s unethical
    conduct, including failing to respond to clients, trust account violations,
    and failing to put a contingent fee agreement in writing. However, there
    is sufficient evidence in the record to prove Thomas converted client
    funds for his own use. Therefore, it is unnecessary for us to address any
    other rule violations. See 
    Stowe, 830 N.W.2d at 741
    The Board charged Thomas with violating rules 32:8.4(b) and (c).
    These rules provide:
    It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
    (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on
    the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer
    in other respects;
    (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud,
    deceit, or misrepresentation[.]
    Iowa R. Prof’l Conduct 32:8.4(b)–(c).      The criminal act of theft by
    misappropriation states a person commits theft when the person:
    Misappropriates property which the person has in trust, or
    property of another which the person has in the person’s
    possession or control, whether such possession or control is
    lawful or unlawful, by using or disposing of it in a manner
    which is inconsistent with or a denial of the trust or of the
    owner’s rights in such property, or conceals found property,
    or appropriates such property to the person’s own use, when
    the owner of such property is known to the person.
    Iowa Code § 714.1.      Even though the state never formally charged
    Thomas with a crime, a criminal conviction is not a prerequisite to
    finding a violation under our rules. See Comm. on Prof’l Ethics & Conduct
    v. Hall, 
    463 N.W.2d 30
    , 35 (Iowa 1990) (“It is . . . immaterial that
    respondent was not charged or convicted of a crime.          A criminal
    conviction is not a condition precedent to a discipline proceeding when
    the facts themselves warrant discipline.”).
    The Board also charged Thomas with violating Iowa Court Rule
    45.2(2) and Iowa Code section 602.10119. Rule 45.2(2) states:
    Accounting and returning funds or property. Except as stated
    in this chapter or otherwise permitted by law or by
    agreement with the client, a lawyer shall promptly deliver to
    the client or third person any funds or other property that
    the client or third person is entitled to receive and shall
    promptly render a full accounting regarding such property.
    Iowa Ct. R. 45.2(2). The Code provides:
    An attorney who receives the money or property of a
    client in the course of the attorney’s professional business,
    and refuses to pay or deliver it in a reasonable time, after
    demand, is guilty of a theft and punished accordingly.
    Iowa Code § 602.10119.
    Thomas admitted and the evidence supports that he had no
    colorable claim to the money he used from the trust account for his own
    personal use. Therefore, we find Thomas violated these rules and statute
    through his misappropriation of funds from Street and State Farm for his
    own use without having a colorable claim to those funds.
    V. Sanction.
    The sanction we impose on an attorney for a trust account
    violation depends on the facts of the violation.   If an attorney has a
    colorable future claim to the money converted, we will not revoke the
    attorney’s license.   See Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y Disciplinary Bd. v.
    712 N.W.2d 89
    , 97 (Iowa 2006) (finding the attorney had a
    colorable future claim to the funds he converted so suspension, not
    revocation, was appropriate).     In cases where the attorney takes a
    retainer in anticipation of doing the work and withdraws money from the
    trust account before the attorney earns it, we assume the attorney has a
    colorable future right to those funds unless the Board proves otherwise.
    See Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y Disciplinary Bd. v. Powell, 
    830 N.W.2d 355
    358–59 (Iowa 2013) (“[T]he evidence failed to support a finding that
    Powell had no colorable claim to the funds he removed from his trust
    account or failed to place in his trust account.”); Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y
    Disciplinary Bd. v. Boles, 
    808 N.W.2d 431
    , 441–42 (Iowa 2012) (finding a
    flagrant violation of our trust account rules, but suspension was
    appropriate when the violation could be characterized as the attorney
    paying himself fees before he earned them); Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y
    Disciplinary Bd. v. Parrish, 
    801 N.W.2d 580
    , 586, 590 (Iowa 2011)
    (finding an attorney withdrew funds from the trust accounts before the
    fees were actually earned and suspension was appropriate).
    On the other hand, “[t]here is no place in our profession for
    attorneys who convert funds entrusted to them. It is almost axiomatic
    that we revoke licenses of lawyers who do so.” Comm. on Prof’l Ethics &
    Conduct v. Ottesen, 
    525 N.W.2d 865
    , 866 (Iowa 1994). The amount of
    money an attorney converts does not lessen the sanction.        See Iowa
    Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Anderson, 
    687 N.W.2d 587
    590 (Iowa 2004).
    Here, Thomas had a contingent fee arrangement with Street and
    her parents. Upon the payment of the settlement to Thomas’s office by
    the tortfeasor’s insurance company, Thomas was only entitled to an
    amount equal to his contingent fee and expenses.      He could not have
    earned any other fees or been reimbursed any other expenses from the
    Street settlement he deposited in his trust account.      Thus, when he
    withdrew additional funds from the trust account in excess of his fee and
    expenses    and   the   evidence   establishes   he   spent   the   additional
    withdrawals on personal expenses, the Board proved by clear and
    convincing evidence Thomas did not have a colorable future claim to any
    sums in the trust account from the settlement beyond his fees and
    expenses.   It is for this reason, we find he converted Street’s and her
    parents’ funds in his trust account for his own personal use.
    In cases where an attorney is to be paid a contingent fee from a
    personal injury settlement, and he or she converts any funds due the
    client, we have consistently revoked the attorney’s license.        See Iowa
    Supreme Ct. Att’y Disciplinary Bd. v. Adams, 
    809 N.W.2d 543
    , 544–46
    (Iowa 2012) (revoking the license of an attorney who converted client
    settlement funds to the attorney’s personal use); Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y
    Disciplinary Bd. v. Reilly, 
    708 N.W.2d 82
    , 85 (Iowa 2006) (same); 
    Ottesen, 525 N.W.2d at 866
    (same). Although Thomas eventually paid Street the
    money he converted, restitution of client funds does not preclude us from
    revoking an attorney’s license as a sanction. See Iowa Supreme Ct. Att’y
    Disciplinary Bd. v. Wengert, 
    790 N.W.2d 94
    , 102 (Iowa 2010); 
    Reilly, 708 N.W.2d at 84
    VI. Disposition.
    After fully considering the matter, we order the license of
    respondent, Aaron J. Thomas, to be revoked effective with the filing of
    this opinion. We assess costs to respondent as provided in Iowa Court
    Rule 35.27(1).