laurie-freeman-sharon-mockmore-beccy-boysel-gary-d-boysel-linda-l ( 2014 )

  •                 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 13–0723
    Filed June 13, 2014
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Muscatine County, Mark J.
    Smith, Judge.
    Appellants assert the district court improperly granted summary
    Sarah E. Siskind, Barry J. Blonien and David Baltmanis of Miner,
    Barnhill & Galland, P.C., Madison, Wisconsin, Andrew L. Hope of Hope
    Law Firm, P.L.C., West Des Moines, James C. Larew and Claire M. Diallo
    of Larew Law Office, Iowa City, for appellants.
    Michael R. Reck, Mark McCormick, Charles F. Becker, Kelsey J.
    Knowles of Belin McCormick, P.C., Des Moines, Steven J. Havercamp
    and Eric M. Knoernschild of Stanley, Lande & Hunter, P.C., Muscatine,
    Joshua B. Frank and Charles A. Loughlin of Baker Botts L.L.P.,
    Washington, D.C., for appellee.
    Joshua T. Mandelbaum, Des Moines, and Howard A. Learner,
    Chicago, Illinois, for amici curiae Environmental Law & Policy Center and
    Iowa Environmental Council.
    Ronald A. May of Gomez, May LLP, Davenport, James L. Huffman,
    Portland, Oregon, Scott A. Shepard, Chicago, Illinois, Roger E. Meiners,
    Arlington, Texas, and Andrew Morriss, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for amicus
    curiae Property and Environment Research Center.
    Sarah E. Crane of Davis Brown Law Firm, Des Moines, and
    Richard O. Faulk of Hollingsworth LLP, Washington, D.C., for amici
    curiae National Association of Manufacturers, Council of Industrial
    Boiler Owners, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc., National
    Mining Association, Nuclear Energy Institute, Inc., and Textile Rental
    Services Association of America.
    APPEL, Justice.
    Eight residents of Muscatine filed a lawsuit 1 on behalf of
    themselves and other similarly situated Muscatine residents against
    Grain Processing Corporation (GPC), which operates a local corn wet
    milling facility. The residents claim the operations at GPC’s facility cause
    harmful pollutants and noxious odors to invade their land, thereby
    diminishing the full use and enjoyment of their properties. They base
    their claims on common law and statutory nuisance as well as the
    common law torts of trespass and negligence.                 The residents seek
    certification of the lawsuit as a class action, damages for the lost use and
    enjoyment of their properties, punitive damages, and injunctive relief.
    Prior to class certification, GPC moved for summary judgment.
    GPC asserted the residents’ common law and statutory claims were
    preempted by the Federal Clean Air Act (CAA), 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401–7671q
    (2012).   In the alternative, GPC claimed the common law claims were
    preempted by Iowa Code chapter 455B (2013), which is the state
    statutory companion to the CAA. Finally, GPC argued the issues raised
    by the residents amounted to political questions involving complex policy
    and economic issues that cannot and should not be resolved by the
    judicial process.
    The district court granted summary judgment in favor of GPC on
    all three theories and dismissed the lawsuit. The residents appeal. For
    the reasons expressed below, we reverse the judgment of the district
    court and remand the case for further proceedings.
    1Plaintiffs filed an “Amended Class Action Petition” on March 19, 2013, which
    will hereinafter be referred to as the petition.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background.
    The eight individually named plaintiffs all reside within one and
    one-half miles of GPC’s facility in Muscatine. They seek to represent a
    class described as follows:       “All Muscatine residents (other than
    Defendant and its affiliates, parents, or subsidiaries) who have resided
    during the damages period within 1.5 [miles] of the perimeter of
    Defendant’s facility located at 1600 Oregon St., Muscatine, Muscatine
    County, Iowa.”
    According to the petition, GPC conducts corn wet milling
    operations at its Muscatine facility. The plaintiffs assert wet milling is a
    production method and process that transforms corn kernels into
    products for commercial and industrial use.        The plaintiffs allege the
    corn wet milling operation at GPC’s facility creates hazardous by-
    products and harmful chemicals, many of which are released directly
    into the atmosphere.    The plaintiffs allege these by-products include:
    particulate matter, volatile organic compounds including acetaldehyde
    and other aldehydes, sulfur dioxide, starch, and hydrochloric acid. They
    assert the polluting chemicals and particles are blown from the facility
    onto nearby properties.      They note particulate matter is visible on
    properties, yards, and grounds and various chemical pollutants are also
    present. Compounding these adverse effects, according to the plaintiffs,
    GPC has used, continues to use, and has failed to replace its worn and
    outdated technology with available technology that would eliminate or
    drastically reduce the pollution.     The plaintiffs assert these emissions
    have    caused   them   to   suffer   persistent   irritations,   discomforts,
    annoyances, inconveniences, and put them at risk for serious health
    The plaintiffs generally allege three claims against GPC: nuisance,
    negligence, and trespass.        With regard to the nuisance claim, the
    plaintiffs contend GPC’s use of its facility constitutes a nuisance under
    the common law and Iowa Code chapter 657, which provides a statutory
    framework for nuisance claims. They assert that GPC has operated its
    facility in a manner that unreasonably interferes with the reasonable use
    and enjoyment of their properties.
    The plaintiffs also assert they have been harmed by GPC’s
    negligence.   They claim GPC failed to exercise reasonable care in its
    operations by causing or permitting hazardous substances to be released
    at the facility; failing to follow accepted industry standards with respect
    to maintaining its operation; failing to exercise reasonable and prudent
    care in their operations; and failing to implement, follow, and enforce
    proper operations and safety procedures. The plaintiffs further rely on
    res ipsa loquitor, arguing the release of the toxic substances would not
    ordinarily occur in the absence of GPC’s negligence, and, the acts or
    omissions of the equipment and personnel that led to the toxic releases
    were under GPC’s control at all relevant times.
    Finally, the plaintiffs claim GPC’s operations constitute a past and
    continuing trespass.    They allege GPC, intentionally, purposefully, or
    with substantial knowledge that harm would result, contacted the
    properties of the plaintiffs and the class without their consent, resulting
    in the lost use and enjoyment of their properties. The plaintiffs assert
    GPC’s contact with their properties constitutes a tortious physical
    intrusion on their properties.
    GPC sought to bring an end to the litigation by filing a motion for
    summary judgment.        First, GPC claimed the CAA’s comprehensive
    regulatory framework preempted the plaintiffs’ causes of action. Second,
    GPC claimed Iowa Code chapter 455B, which regulates emissions,
    preempted the plaintiffs’ claims.        Finally, GPC asserted the case
    presented a nonjusticiable political question because a lawsuit impacting
    facility emissions lacks judicially discoverable and manageable standards
    for resolving the issues.
    Resisting the motion for summary judgment, the plaintiffs
    emphasized that under the CAA, states are allowed to impose stricter
    standards than those imposed by federal law.           The plaintiffs noted
    nothing in the language of Iowa Code chapter 455B repealed chapter 657
    related to nuisance claims and, in any event, their common law claims
    were not inconsistent or irreconcilable with chapter 455B. Finally, the
    plaintiffs asserted courts routinely hear complex nuisance, negligence,
    and trespass cases and, as a result, there was no basis in the federal
    political question doctrine to decline to hear the case.
    The district court first considered whether the CAA preempted the
    plaintiffs’ claims and concluded the CAA established a comprehensive
    regulatory scheme that displaced state law. In reaching this result, the
    district court noted that in American Electric Power Co. v. Connecticut
    (AEP), the United States Supreme Court held the CAA displaced “any
    federal common law right to seek abatement of carbon-dioxide emissions
    from fossil-fuel fired power plants.” 564 U.S. ___, ___, 
    131 S. Ct. 2527
    180 L. Ed. 2d 435
    , 447 (2011). While the district court recognized
    the AEP Court did not consider the question of whether the CAA
    preempted state law claims, the district court cited lower federal court
    authority concluding the CAA also preempted state law claims. See Bell
    v. Cheswick Generating Station (Bell I), 
    903 F. Supp. 2d 314
    , 315–16, 322
    (W.D. Pa. 2012) (concluding the CAA preempted state common law
    nuisance, negligence, trespass, and strict liability claims), rev’d 
    734 F.3d 7
    188, 190 (3d Cir. 2013); 2 Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc. (Comer I), 839 F.
    Supp. 2d 849, 865 (S.D. Miss. 2012) (extending the reasoning of AEP to
    state   law   claims     after   characterizing     them     as    turning   on    the
    reasonableness of emissions, a determination entrusted to Congress);
    United States v. EME Homer City Generation L.P., 
    823 F. Supp. 2d 274
    297 (W.D. Pa. 2011) (holding the CAA is a comprehensive regulatory
    scheme that preempted a common law public nuisance claim).
    Adopting the reasoning of these authorities, the district court
    noted Congress had entrusted to the EPA and parallel state agencies the
    authority to regulate air emissions, and the CAA had established a
    method of citizen input in its rulemaking process. The district court held
    that to have a jury make a judgment about the reasonableness of GPC’s
    emissions would invade the authority Congress vested in the EPA and
    state environmental authorities.         The district court further noted GPC
    was already the subject of an enforcement action by state regulators
    under the CAA and that the plaintiffs’ actions in this case would conflict
    with these enforcement procedures.
    For largely the same reasons, the district court concluded state
    environmental statutes and regulations under Iowa Code chapter 455B
    preempted the plaintiffs’ common law claims.                      The district court
    reasoned that controversies related to air emissions were to be
    determined by state regulators, not by judges and juries in common law
    Finally, the district court also agreed with GPC’s position that the
    questions raised in the litigation amounted to political questions not
    2The Third Circuit heard the appeal after the district court ruled on the motion
    for summary judgment in this case.
    amenable to resolution by the judiciary in a lawsuit. Citing Comer I, the
    district court noted a court or jury lacks judicially discoverable and
    manageable standards for resolving the complex environmental issues
    and would be forced to make policy determinations weighing the costs
    and benefits of GPC’s facility to the surrounding community. See 839 F.
    Supp. 2d at 864 (“It is unclear how this Court or any jury, regardless of
    its level of sophistication, could determine whether the defendants’
    emissions unreasonably endanger the environment or the public without
    making policy determinations that weigh the harm caused by the
    defendants’ actions against the benefits of the products they produce.”).
    This court retained the plaintiffs’ appeal.
    II. Standard of Review.
    The standard of review for rulings on motions for summary
    judgment is for correction of legal errors. Stevens v. Iowa Newspapers,
    728 N.W.2d 823
    , 827 (Iowa 2007). The standard applies when the
    material facts are not disputed or the appeal turns on questions of
    statutory interpretation.   See State v. Spencer, 
    737 N.W.2d 124
    , 128
    (Iowa 2007); Krause v. Krause, 
    589 N.W.2d 721
    , 724 (Iowa 1999).
    III. Discussion of Preemption Under the CAA.
    A. Overview of Common Law and Statutory Approaches to
    Environmental Protection.
    1. Introduction. In the law, as in life, in order to know where you
    are, you need to know where you have been.          We therefore begin our
    discussion of the issues posed in this case with an overview of the law of
    environmental protection.      This background will give us a better
    understanding of the historical and legal context in which the issues in
    this case arise. In particular, the historical and legal context will shed
    light on the degree to which the passage of the CAA impacts the
    traditional role of state law in environmental regulation .
    2. Traditional remedies for environmental harm: the common law.
    The common law provided the first means of attempting to control
    environmental        pollution.      Tort    claims    challenging      environmental
    pollution can be traced back to at least the seventeenth century to
    William Aldred’s Case, (1611) 77 Eng. Rep. 816, 9 Co. Rep. 57a (K.B.),
    where the court held odor from the defendant’s hog lot was a nuisance.
    See 1 John H. Wigmore, Select Cases on the Law of Torts 569–71 (1912);
    Jason J. Czarnezki & Mark L. Thomsen, Advancing the Rebirth of
    Environmental Common Law, 34 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 1, 3 & n.14
    (2007) [hereinafter Czarnezki]. Despite its ancient origin, most American
    environmental caselaw dates to the late nineteenth and twentieth
    centuries after the Industrial Revolution. See Czarnezki, 34 B.C. Envtl.
    Aff. L. Rev. at 3.
    The     primary      common       law     theories     seeking     redress     for
    environmental harms were nuisance, 3 negligence, trespass, and strict
    liability. See 1 Linda A. Malone, Environmental Regulation of Land Use
    § 10:2, at 10-7, 10-8.1 (2013) [hereinafter Malone]. In the United States,
    many pollution cases invoking these common law theories have been
    brought over the years, with mixed results. See, e.g., 
    id. § 10:2,
    at 10-9
    n.8, 10-12 n.19 (collecting cases involving trespasses committed in the
    3The common law distinguishes between private and public nuisances. See
    Czarnezki, 34 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. at 4. A private nuisance is a tort arising from the
    unreasonable “invasion of another’s interest in the private use and enjoyment of land.”
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 821D, at 100 (1979). A public nuisance arises from “an
    unreasonable interference” with a public right. 
    Id. § 821B(1),
    at 87. A public nuisance
    does not necessarily involve interference with the use and enjoyment of land. 
    Id. § 821B
    cmt. h, at 93.
    air space above land and nuisance cases involving odors in the air and
    smoke, dust, or gas emissions). See generally Andrew Jackson Heimert,
    Keeping Pigs Out of Parlors: Using Nuisance Law to Affect the Location of
    Pollution, 27 Envtl. L. 403, 406–08 & n.7 (1997) (providing a brief history
    of nuisance actions from as early as the twelfth century to the early
    twentieth century); Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer, Control of Air Pollution
    Through the Assertion of Private Rights, 1967 Duke L.J. 1126, 1130–48
    (1967) (summarizing cases involving trespass, negligence, and nuisance
    claims in the air pollution context); Harold W. Kennedy and Andrew G.
    Porter, Air Pollution: Its Control and Abatement, 8 Vand. L. Rev. 854, 854–
    64 (1954–1955) (citing numerous common law cases seeking remedies in
    the context of air pollution); Roger Meiners & Bruce Yandle, Common
    Law and the Conceit of Modern Environmental Policy, 7 Geo. Mason L.
    Rev. 923, 926–46 (1999) (giving overview of common law tradition and
    identifying nuisance as the “backbone” of common law environmental
    litigation). The availability of nuisance theory to address environmental
    harms was endorsed by the Restatement (Second) of Torts, which
    includes sections on both public nuisance and private nuisance.        See
    Restatement (Second) of Torts §§ 821B–821E, at 87–104. According to
    one commentator, nuisance theory “has hung on from its horse-and-
    buggy origins” and “continues to be the fulcrum of what is called today
    environmental law.” 1 William H. Rodgers, Jr., Environmental Law: Air
    and Water § 1.1, at 3 (1986); 
    id. § 2.1,
    at 29.
    Nuisance theory has been recognized in Iowa for decades and has
    been utilized to address environmental problems.      See, e.g., Kriener v.
    Turkey Valley Cmty. Sch. Dist., 
    212 N.W.2d 526
    , 535–36 (Iowa 1973)
    (noxious odor from sewage facility amounts to private nuisance); Ryan v.
    City of Emmetsburg, 
    232 Iowa 600
    , 601–03, 
    4 N.W.2d 435
    , 437–38 (1942)
    (private nuisance arising from sewer system).        See generally Ronald
    Sorenson, The Law of Nuisance in Iowa, 12 Drake L. Rev. 107 (1962–
    1963). For instance, in Bowman v. Humphrey, the plaintiff landowner
    successfully sued a creamery on a nuisance theory for depositing refuse
    in a running stream that injured the lower riparian owner.        
    132 Iowa 234
    , 235–36, 243, 
    109 N.W. 714
    , 714–15, 717 (1906).           Similarly, in
    Higgins v. Decorah Produce Co., plaintiffs successfully claimed that a
    poultry and produce plant was a nuisance and obtained a court order
    that certain sanitary measures be taken to reduce the odor. 
    214 Iowa 276
    , 283–84, 
    242 N.W. 109
    , 112–13 (1932).
    In addition to common law nuisance, the Iowa legislature has
    enacted a statutory nuisance claim in Iowa Code chapter 657. See Iowa
    Code § 657.1. We have long held that the statutory nuisance provisions
    of Iowa Code chapter 657 do not modify the common law of nuisance but
    supplement it. See, e.g., Miller v. Rohling, 
    720 N.W.2d 562
    , 567 (Iowa
    2006); Perkins v. Madison Cnty. Livestock & Fair Ass’n, 
    613 N.W.2d 264
    271 (Iowa 2000); Bates v. Quality Ready-Mix Co., 
    261 Iowa 696
    , 703, 
    154 N.W.2d 852
    , 857 (1967).
    In addition to nuisance claims, parties seeking redress for
    environmental harms have also pleaded common law claims of
    negligence and trespass. See Malone § 10:2, at 10-7, 10-8.1. Negligence
    claims ordinarily require conduct that falls below a standard of care
    established for others against unreasonable risk of harm. 
    Id. § 10:2,
    10-8.1; see also Sterling v. Velsicol Chem. Corp., 
    647 F. Supp. 303
    , 316–
    17 (W.D. Tenn. 1986) (involving common law negligence claim in
    connection with closure of chemical waste burial site), aff’d in part, rev’d
    in part, 
    855 F.2d 1188
    (6th Cir. 1988); Patrick v. Sharon Steel Corp., 
    549 F. Supp. 1259
    , 1261, 1269 (N.D. W. Va. 1982) (holding negligence claim
    arising from air pollution raises question of fact for jury); Conrad v. Bd. of
    199 N.W.2d 139
    , 140 (Iowa 1972) (involving negligence
    claim arising from pollution of a farm pond); Bloodgood v. Organic Techs.
    Corp., No. 99–0755, 
    2001 WL 98656
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. Feb. 7, 2001)
    (involving negligence claim, inter alia, arising from operation of a
    compost facility); Schlichtkrull v. Mellon-Pollock Oil Co., 
    152 A. 832
    , 832
    (Pa. 1930) (involving negligence claim arising from injuries resulting from
    pollution of house well).
    Trespass ordinarily requires a showing of actual interference with a
    party’s exclusive possession of land including some observable or
    physical invasion. See 
    Ryan, 232 Iowa at 603
    , 4 N.W.2d at 438 (noting
    distinction between trespass and nuisance); see also Borland v. Sanders
    Lead Co., 
    369 So. 2d 523
    , 525 (Ala. 1979) (trespass involving lead
    particulates and sulfoxide deposits); Lunda v. Matthews, 
    613 P.2d 63
    65–66 (Or. Ct. App. 1980) (trespass caused by dust); Bradley v. Am.
    Smelting & Ref. Co., 
    709 P.2d 782
    , 784, 792 (Wash. 1985) (holding
    intentional deposit of microscopic particulates from copper smelter could
    give rise to trespass claim).   Perhaps the most cited, relatively recent,
    trespass cases in the air pollution context arise from fluoride emissions
    in Washington and Oregon.       See generally Lampert v. Reynolds Metals
    372 F.2d 245
    (9th Cir. 1967); Reynolds Metals Co. v. Lambert, 
    316 F.2d 272
    , rev’d in part 
    324 F.2d 465
    (9th Cir. 1963); Arvidson v.
    Reynolds Metals Co., 
    236 F.2d 224
    (9th Cir. 1956); Fairview Farms, Inc.
    v. Reynolds Metals Co., 
    176 F. Supp. 178
    (D. Or. 1959); Martin v.
    Reynolds Metals Co., 
    342 P.2d 790
    , 791 (Or. 1959).
    As with nuisance claims, these common law causes of action have
    a deep legal tradition that find their roots well into the past and extend to
    the present day.     See Patrick J. Kelley, Restating Duty, Breach, and
    Proximate Cause in Negligence Law: Descriptive Theory and the Rule of
    Law, 54 Vand. L. Rev. 1039, 1056–63 (2001); George E. Woodbine, The
    Origins of the Action of Trespass, 34 Yale L.J. 343, 343–44 (1925); George
    E. Woodbine, The Origins of the Action of Trespass, 33 Yale L.J. 799, 799–
    800 (1924).
    3. Advent of the “age of statutes.” 4             While state common law
    actions to address environmental problems may be well-established,
    reliance solely on common law to control pollution proved inadequate.
    Because the common law only settled disputes on a case-by-case basis,
    coverage was hit and miss. Further, bringing common law actions was
    expensive, and many potential plaintiffs simply could not afford to bring
    actions against well-heeled defendants.             In addition, requirements of
    standing, causation, and proof of damages often made success in
    common law actions difficult. See Malone § 10:2, at 10-19. Finally, the
    1960s and 1970s saw dramatic increases in the amount and extent of
    pollution.      Through broadcast television, viewers watched as the
    Cuyahoga River caught fire, acid rain poured on the Northeast region,
    and many American cities experienced severe smog. See Lowell E. Baier,
    Reforming the Equal Access to Justice Act, 38 J. Legis. 1, 12–13 (2012)
    (describing “[e]nvironmental disasters in the 1960’s and 1970’s . . . [that]
    gave rise to . . . environmentalism”).
    As a result, the 1960s and 1970s saw the development of
    significant statutory approaches to pollution. See Arnold W. Reitze, Jr.,
    The Legislative History of U.S. Air Pollution Control, 36 Hous. L. Rev. 679,
    696–711 (1999) [hereinafter Reitze]. The CAA was originally enacted in
    Id. at 698.
    It has since been substantially amended numerous
    4See   generally Guido Calabresi, A Common Law for the Age of Statutes (1982).
    times. See Arnold W. Reitze Jr., A Century of Air Pollution Control Law:
    What’s Worked; What’s Failed; What Might Work, 21 Envtl. L. 1549,
    1588–1612 (1991); Reitze, 36 Hous. L. Rev. at 699, 702–29.
    Each subsequent amendment increased the scope and complexity
    of the effort to control air pollution. See Reitze, 36 Hous. L. Rev. at 699–
    729. In particular, in 1990 Congress enacted major amendments to the
    CAA.   See Craig N. Oren, The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990:           A
    Bridge to the Future?, 21 Envtl. L. 1817, 1817, 1828, 1832 (1991). As
    noted by one commentator, since 1970, “the EPA has created a vast
    regulatory structure to control the emission of air pollutants, including
    technological standards, health standards, risk levels, and enforcement
    provisions, completely transforming what was once the province of state
    law.” Alexandra B. Klass, State Innovation and Preemption: Lessons from
    State Climate Change Efforts, 41 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1653, 1686 (2008).
    The CAA is undoubtedly complex. By way of general overview, the
    CAA embraces what has been called a “cooperative federalism” model.
    See Bell v. Cheswick Generating Station (Bell II), 
    734 F.3d 188
    , 190 (3d
    Cir. 2013) (“[The CAA] employs a ‘cooperative federalism’ structure under
    which the federal government develops baseline standards that the states
    individually implement and enforce.”).      With respect to ambient air
    quality, the CAA directs the EPA to set national ambient air quality
    standards (NAAQS) for pollutants in ambient air considered harmful to
    the public health and welfare. See 42 U.S.C. § 7409(a)–(b). The NAAQS
    are further divided into primary NAAQS and secondary NAAQS.              
    Id. § 7409(b).
      The primary NAAQS are intended to protect public health,
    while the secondary NAAQS are intended to protect the surrounding
    Id. They are
    often, though not always, the same. See,
    e.g., 40 C.F.R. pt. 50 (2013); U.S. Envt’l Prot. Agency, National Ambient
    Air Quality Standards (NAAQS),
    (last updated Dec. 14, 2012) (chart detailing primary and secondary
    NAAQS levels).     States are required to develop state implementation
    plan(s) (SIP) that employ pollution reduction methods to meet the
    Id. § 7410(a)(1).
      The states, however, are free to adopt more
    stringent requirements if they choose to do so. 
    Id. § 7416.
    Each state’s
    SIP must include a mandatory permitting program for all stationary
    sources limiting the amounts and types of emissions each source is
    allowed to discharge.    
    Id. § 7661a(d)(1).
      Before new construction or
    modifications may be made to a source of emissions, the SIP must
    provide for “written notice to all nearby States the air pollutions levels of
    which may be affected by such source at least sixty days prior to the date
    on which commencement of construction is to be permitted.”                
    Id. § 7426(a)(1)(B).
      See generally North Carolina ex rel. Cooper v. Tenn.
    Valley Auth. (TVA), 
    615 F.3d 291
    , 299–300 (4th Cir. 2010) (providing
    overview of the CAA’s management of emissions through NAAQS, SIP,
    permit programs, and 42 U.S.C. § 7426(a)(1)); Her Majesty the Queen v.
    City of Detroit, 
    874 F.2d 332
    , 335 (6th Cir. 1989) (describing basic
    requirements for SIP, including permit programs).
    4. Differences between common law and regulatory regimes. The
    CAA and Iowa Code chapter 455B address the overall quality of air that
    we all breathe and provide a regulatory framework focused on prevention
    of pollution through emissions standards designed to protect the general
    public. While civil money penalties may be imposed for violations of the
    CAA, the CAA does not provide damage remedies to harmed individuals.
    See 42 U.S.C. § 7604. In contrast, the common law focuses on special
    harms to property owners caused by pollution at a specific location. See
    Alice Kaswan, The Domestic Response to Global Climate Change: What
    Role for Federal, State, and Litigation Initiatives?, 42 U.S.F. L. Rev. 39,
    102–03 (2007). As a result, through common law actions, victims may
    obtain compensatory damages, punitive damages, and injunctive relief.
    id. In sum,
    statutes deal with general emissions standards to
    prospectively    protect       the    public,    while    common        law     actions
    retrospectively focus on individual tort remedies for owners of real
    property in particular locations for actual harms.                      As noted by
    [C]ommon law controls are based on property rights, are
    location specific, and provide remedies to rightholders for
    real harms. Federal regulation, on the other hand, is all
    encompassing,      provides   no    specific  protection   to
    rightholders, and offers no remedies for damages that
    rightholders may sustain . . . [t]he two approaches are truly
    different and therefore, cannot be compared as though they
    were quite similar.
    Roger E. Meiners, Stacie Thomas, & Bruce Yandle, Burning Rivers,
    Common Law, and Institutional Choice for Water Quality, in The Common
    Law and the Environment: Rethinking the Statutory Basis for Modern
    Environmental Law 54, 78 (Roger E. Meiners & Andrew P. Morriss eds.,
    2000); see also 6 Frank P. Grad, Treatise on Environmental Law § 18.02,
    at 18-5 (2001) [hereinafter Grad] (“A rather clear division of labor has
    developed between litigation to protect the public interest under federal
    and state statutory law, and the protection of individual, private interests
    through common law, frequently tort actions.”); Daniel P. Selmi &
    Kenneth A. Manaster, State Environmental Law § 2:2, at 2-12 to 2-13
    (2012)    [hereinafter   Selmi]      (noting    that   even   citizen   suits    under
    environmental statutes do not ordinarily provide a damage remedy and
    that injunctive relief in common law actions can take into account
    specific facts of the case).
    The differences in the statutory and common law regimes are
    demonstrated by what must be shown to establish a violation. A party
    seeking to establish a violation of the statutory regime does not need to
    demonstrate the presence of a nuisance. See, e.g., Pottawattamie County
    v. Iowa Dep’t of Envtl. Quality, 
    272 N.W.2d 448
    , 454 (Iowa 1978) (holding
    violation of fugitive-dust rule does not require showing of public
    nuisance).   Conversely, many cases have held that a party seeking to
    show a nuisance is not required to show a violation of some other law.
    See, e.g., Galaxy Carpet Mills, Inc. v. Massengill, 
    338 S.E.2d 428
    , 429
    (Ga. 1986) (permitting nuisance action related to pollution caused by
    coal-fired boilers even though owner had obtained environmental
    permits); Urie v. Franconia Paper Corp., 
    218 A.2d 360
    , 362–63 (N.H.
    1966) (permitting private nuisance action for pollution even though
    defendant complied with state environmental laws); Tiegs v. Watts, 
    954 P.2d 877
    , 883–84 (Wash. 1998) (finding defendant could be held liable
    for nuisance even though defendant had permit from department of
    ecology). See generally 58 Am. Jur. 2d Nuisances § 395, 873–74 (2012)
    (“A governmental license does not carry with it immunity for private
    injuries that may result directly from the exercise of the powers and
    privileges conferred.”). Similarly, compliance with statewide air pollution
    regulations does not shield a defendant from trespass liability.         Cf.
    Borland, 369 So. 2d at 526
    –27 (holding compliance with Alabama’s air
    pollution control law does not shield a defendant from trespass liability).
    Thus, a property owner seeking full compensation for harm related
    to the use and enjoyment of property at a specific location must resort to
    common law or state law theories to obtain a full recovery.         Cf. Md.
    Heights Leasing, Inc. v. Mallinckrodt, Inc., 
    706 S.W.2d 218
    , 221–22, 224,
    226 (Mo. Ct. App. 1985) (discussing available damages and relief for
    claims based on nuisance, negligence, and trespass theories).              In
    addition, the common law offers the prospect of creative remedies, such
    as paying for clean-up costs or creation of a common law fund for
    compensation or restoration. See Czarnezki, 34 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev.
    at 27–35.
    B. Positions of the Parties.
    1. Plaintiffs. The plaintiffs begin their attack on the district court’s
    ruling by suggesting that we are required to approach the issue of federal
    preemption of state law with skepticism.          They point to the well-
    established history of common law claims. They further note that several
    statutory provisions of the CAA demonstrate that Congress did not
    intend to preempt state common law actions. Turning to the caselaw,
    the plaintiffs argue that the reasoning in International Paper Co. v.
    479 U.S. 481
    107 S. Ct. 805
    93 L. Ed. 2d 883
    (1987), is
    applicable here and not the reasoning in AEP.
    The plaintiffs note that there is no express preemption of state law
    causes of action in the CAA. As a result, any preemption of state law
    arises by implication only.     According to the plaintiffs, such implied
    preemption is strongly disfavored and ordinarily to be avoided unless
    absolutely necessary. Cf. Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 
    331 U.S. 218
    67 S. Ct. 1146
    , 1152, 
    91 L. Ed. 1447
    , 1459 (1947) (“[W]e start with
    the assumption that the historic police powers of the States were not to
    be superseded by the Federal Act unless that was the clear and manifest
    purpose of Congress.”).
    Citing the language of the CAA, the plaintiffs note that the “any
    measures” clause demonstrates that the states retain broad authority
    over air pollution.   Specifically, the any measures clause states: “[t]he
    reduction or elimination, through any measures, of the amount of
    pollutants produced or created . . . and air pollution control [measures]
    at its source is the primary responsibility of States and local
    governments.” 42 U.S.C. § 7401(a)(3) (emphasis added). The plaintiffs
    contend that the plain language of the statute authorizes the states to
    reduce pollution through any measures, which include nuisance and
    common law claims.
    The plaintiffs next draw our attention to the “citizens’ rights”
    savings clause in the CAA, which in relevant part provides:
    Nothing in this section shall restrict any right which
    any person (or class of persons) may have under any statute
    or common law to seek enforcement of any emission
    standard or limitation or to seek any other relief (including
    relief against the Administrator or a State agency).
    Id. § 7604(e).
    The plaintiffs argue that the language of the citizens’ rights
    savings clause demonstrates congressional intent not to preempt state
    statutory or common law claims related to air pollution.
    The plaintiffs further cite another savings clause in the CAA
    entitled “Retention of State authority,” which in relevant part provides:
    Except as otherwise provided . . .      nothing in this
    chapter shall preclude or deny the right       of any State or
    political subdivision thereof to adopt or      enforce (1) any
    standard or limitation respecting emissions    of air pollutants
    or (2) any requirement respecting control or   abatement of air
    pollution . . . .
    Id. § 7416.
    The plaintiffs contend that the retention of state authority
    savings clause demonstrates congressional intent to allow state statutory
    or common law causes of action respecting emissions of air pollutants.
    The plaintiffs find support for their position in caselaw.         The
    plaintiffs focus our attention on Ouellette.      In Ouellette, a class of
    property owners on the Vermont side of Lake Champlain alleged the
    discharge of pollutants into the lake by a paper mill located in New York
    constituted a continuing nuisance under Vermont common 
    law. 479 U.S. at 483
    –84, 107 S. Ct. at 
    807, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 891
    . The defendant
    maintained that the lawsuit was preempted by the Clean Water Act
    (CWA), 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251–1387 (2010). 
    Id. at 484,
    107 S. Ct. at 
    807, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 892
    Like the CAA, the CWA contains two savings clauses. The “citizen
    suit” savings clause of the CWA provides: “Nothing in this section shall
    restrict any right which any person (or class of persons) may have under
    any statute or common law to seek enforcement of any effluent standard
    or limitation or to seek any other relief . . . .” 33 U.S.C. § 1365(e).
    The CWA also has a “states’ rights” savings clause, which provides:
    Except as expressly provided in this chapter, nothing
    in this chapter shall (1) preclude or deny the right of any
    State or political subdivision thereof or interstate agency to
    adopt or enforce (A) any standard or limitation respecting
    discharges of pollutants, or (B) any requirement respecting
    control or abatement of pollution; . . . or (2) be construed as
    impairing or in any manner affecting any right or jurisdiction
    of the States with respect to the waters (including boundary
    waters) of such States.
    Id. § 1370.
    The Supreme Court in Ouellette concluded that while a Vermont
    common law nuisance claim could not be brought against a New York
    paper mill, the plaintiffs could bring a nuisance claim under New York
    law. 479 U.S. at 497
    –500, 107 S. Ct. at 
    814–16, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 900
    –02. While the plaintiffs recognize that Ouellette was a case brought
    under the CWA, see 
    id. at 483,
    107 S. Ct. at 
    807, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 891
    they claim that the reasoning of the case is fully applicable to cases
    brought under the CAA in light of the similarity of structure and
    language of the two statutes. See Bell 
    II, 734 F.3d at 195
    (“[A] textual
    comparison of the two savings clauses [in the CAA and CWA] at issue
    demonstrates there is no meaningful difference between them.”).
    The plaintiffs further argue that Congress knew how to preempt
    state laws when it so desired. The CAA expressly preempts state law in
    some areas, for example, with respect to new motor vehicle emissions,
    fuel additives, and aircraft emissions. See 42 U.S.C. § 7543(a) (motor
    id. § 7545(c)(4)(A)
    (fuel or fuel additives); 
    id. § 7573
    The plaintiffs argue the district court erred in relying on AEP
    instead of Ouellette.   In AEP, the Supreme Court held that the CAA
    preempted potential claims under federal common law. 564 U.S. at ___,
    131 S. Ct. at 
    2537, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    . The plaintiffs argue that the
    separation of powers question presented in determining whether a
    federal statute preempts federal common law is fundamentally different
    from the federalism question raised in determining whether a federal
    statute preempts state common law. They note that AEP itself recognizes
    the distinction. See 564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 2535–37, 
    2540, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 445
    –47, 450–51. The plaintiffs claim that AEP does not alter
    the basic teaching of Ouellette and does not represent a shift in the
    Supreme Court’s approach to federal preemption issues.
    In support of their position, the plaintiffs cite two circuit court
    cases decided after AEP. First, the plaintiffs cite Bell II, where the Court
    of Appeals for the Third Circuit reversed a case on appeal that was cited
    by GPC and relied upon extensively by the district court, Bell I. See Bell
    II, 734 F.3d at 190
    . In Bell II, the Third Circuit followed Ouellette and
    held that the CAA did not preempt state common law claims in the
    state. 734 F.3d at 196
    –97.       Second, the plaintiffs note that a
    similar result with similar reasoning was obtained in the Court of
    Appeals for the Second Circuit in In re Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)
    Prods. Liab. Litig., 
    725 F.3d 65
    , 96–103 (2d Cir. 2013), cert. denied, 
    82 U.S.L.W. 3459
    (U.S. Apr. 21, 2014) (No.13–0842).
    2.     GPC.   In response, GPC notes that the CAA preempts
    nonsource-state statutory law and federal common law. AEP, 564 U.S.
    at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2540, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    TVA, 615 F.3d at 296
    . It
    invites us to take the next step and hold that the CAA also preempts
    source-state common law and statutory private actions.
    GPC recognizes that in Ouellette, dictum indicates that the CWA
    did not preempt source-state common law.      
    See 479 U.S. at 497
    , 107
    S. Ct. at 
    814, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 900
    . But GPC suggests that events since
    Ouellette was decided have driven the law in a different direction.
    Specifically, GPC points to amendments enacted to the CAA in 1990 and
    the recent decision of the United States Supreme Court in AEP.
    GPC’s narrative emphasizes that in 1990, three years after
    Ouellette was decided, Congress enacted the Clean Air Act Amendments
    of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-549, 104 Stat. 2399 (1990). Characterizing the
    amendments as “extensive,” GPC notes that, among other things, the
    amendments      required   the   EPA    Administrator    to   conduct   “a
    comprehensive analysis of the impact of this chapter on the public
    health, economy, and environment of the United States.”          42 U.S.C.
    § 7612(a).   Further, in conducting the analysis, Congress required the
    Administrator to consider the effects of the CAA on “employment,
    productivity, cost of living, economic growth, and the overall economy of
    the United States.” 
    Id. § 7612(c).
    GPC asserts that the Clean Air Act
    Amendments of 1990 triggered a “regulatory tsunami” in environmental
    regulations, including the requirement that the EPA regulate carbon
    dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases. See Massachusetts v. EPA, 549
    23 U.S. 497
    , 528, 
    127 S. Ct. 1438
    , 1459, 
    167 L. Ed. 2d 248
    , 274 (2007)
    (holding that “the [CAA] authorizes EPA to regulate greenhouse gas
    emissions from new motor vehicles in the event that it forms a ‘judgment’
    that such emissions contribute to climate change”). GPC seeks to escape
    the power of the 1987 language in Ouellette by urging this court to
    examine the CAA as it exists today.
    Looking at the CAA today, GPC argues that AEP, and not Ouellette,
    is the most authoritative case from the Supreme Court. In reaching the
    conclusion that the CAA preempted federal common law, the AEP Court
    emphasized the first decider under the CAA is an expert administrative
    agency involved in the balancing of complex factors. 564 U.S. at ___, 131
    S. Ct. at 
    2539, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 449
    . According to the AEP Court, such
    complex judgments are better left to an expert agency rather than
    individual district court judges who “lack the scientific, economic, and
    technological resources an agency can utilize” in deciding such issues.
    564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2539–40, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 450
    . While GPC
    recognizes that the narrow issue in AEP was whether federal common
    law was preempted by the CAA, see id. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2532, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 442
    , GPC argues that the reasoning in AEP on the federal
    common law preemption issue applies fully to the question of whether
    the CAA preempts state law, see id. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2537–38, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    Casting a somewhat broader argument, GPC argues that common
    law and statutory actions such as those brought by the plaintiffs
    interfere with both the goals and method embraced by the CAA in
    regulating air pollution.   According to GPC, interference with either is
    grounds for preemption. Geier v. Am. Honda Motor Co., 
    529 U.S. 861
    120 S. Ct. 1913
    , 1925, 
    146 L. Ed. 2d 914
    , 932 (2000) (holding
    claims   are    preempted        when    they   are     “ ‘an   obstacle    to   the
    accomplishment and execution of’ . . . important means-related federal
    objectives” (quoting Hines v. Davidowitz, 
    312 U.S. 52
    , 67, 
    61 S. Ct. 399
    85 L. Ed. 581
    , 587 (1941))); 
    Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 494
    , 107 S. Ct. at
    813, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 898
    (“A state law also is pre-empted if it interferes
    with the methods by which the federal statute was designed to reach
    [the] goal [of eliminating water pollution].”).
    With respect to goals, GPC argues that allowing the plaintiffs’
    causes   of    action   to    proceed   would   upset     the   balance    between
    environmental     protection     and    economic      disruption   that    Congress
    authorized the EPA to determine. See AEP, 564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at
    2539, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 449
    (noting “[t]he [CAA] entrusts such complex
    balancing to EPA”).          GPC maintains that the EPA has established a
    balanced approach to require transition to lower emitting equipment only
    when modification, replacement, or construction occurs.              In this case,
    GPC claims that plaintiffs, among other things, are seeking to require
    GPC to install new equipment and take other equipment offline even
    though the EPA has not imposed a similar requirement.                       Such a
    requirement is contrary to Goodell v. Humboldt County, 
    575 N.W.2d 486
    500–01 (Iowa 1998), where we observed that a local law that would in
    effect prohibit what state law permitted could give rise to conflict
    GPC also asserts that the goal of certainty is undermined by
    allowing the plaintiffs’ claims to proceed. GPC relies on TVA, in which
    the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit considered whether public
    nuisance claims related to air pollution could go 
    forward. 615 F.3d at 296
    . The TVA court noted the complex balancing entrusted to the EPA,
    the comprehensive nature of the regulation, the scientific complexity of
    many of the issues, and the reliance interests and expectations of
    enterprises that have complied with the CAA regulatory requirements,
    and reasoned that “individual states [should not] be allowed to supplant
    the cooperative federal-state framework that Congress through the EPA
    has refined over many years.” 
    Id. at 298–301.
    The TVA court noted that
    if nuisance suits were brought across the country, they would threaten
    to “overturn the carefully enacted rules governing airborne emissions”
    and “it would be increasingly difficult for anyone to determine what
    standards govern.” 
    Id. at 298.
    GPC also asserts that private common law and state statutory
    actions would interfere with the law’s method of achieving its goal and
    should therefore be preempted.     See 
    Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 494
    , 107
    S. Ct. at 
    813, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 898
    .      GPC argues the CAA provides a
    method for individuals to participate in decision making through the
    rulemaking process.    According to GPC, a citizen cannot sidestep that
    process by bringing common law claims.
    GPC further claims that the CAA amounts to a comprehensive
    scheme that occupies the entire regulatory field. It notes that Congress
    and the EPA have pervasively regulated the area of clean air and, relying
    on TVA, GPC argues that field preemption is an alternative route to
    affirm the district court. 
    See 615 F.3d at 303
    Last, GPC attacks the plaintiffs’ statutory analysis of the CAA.
    With respect to the retention of state authority savings clause, GPC notes
    that it allows a “[s]tate or political subdivision thereof to adopt or
    enforce” more stringent regulations. See 42 U.S.C. § 7416. GPC asserts
    that by its plain language, the retention of state authority savings clause
    does not authorize private common law or statutory causes of action, but
    only the imposition of more stringent standards by state or subdivision
    regulators.   See 42 U.S.C. § 7602(d) (defining state); United States v.
    552 F. Supp. 2d 679
    , 680 (N.D. Ohio 2008) (holding the judiciary
    is not a state or political subdivision); Haudrich v. Howmedica, Inc., 
    642 N.E.2d 206
    , 209–10 (Ill. App. Ct. 1994) (same). GPC also argues that the
    CWA has stronger language than the retention of state authority savings
    clause of the CAA. In the CWA, Congress provided that nothing in the
    chapter shall “be construed as impairing or in any manner affecting any
    right or jurisdiction of the States with respect to the waters . . . of such
    States.”   33 U.S.C. § 1370.   GPC notes that Congress did not include
    similar language in the CAA.
    In any event, GPC argues that while a savings clause might
    prevent field preemption, it does not prevent conflict preemption.      See
    Geier, 529 U.S. at 869
    , 120 S. Ct. at 
    1919, 146 L. Ed. 2d at 924
    ; Pokorny
    v. Ford Motor Co., 
    902 F.2d 1116
    , 1125 (3d Cir. 1990). Moreover, GPC
    asserts that the express language of the citizens’ rights savings clause is
    limited to “this section,” see 42 U.S.C. § 7604(e); Iowa Code § 455B.11,
    and, as a result, other sections of the CAA are not impacted by the
    savings clause and may preempt state common law and statutory claims.
    C. Analysis of CAA Preemption.
    1.   Introduction to federal preemption concepts.   GPC claims that
    the CAA preempts state common law actions.         The concept of federal
    preemption is based upon the Supremacy Clause of the United States
    Constitution. Under the Supremacy Clause,
    [the] Constitution, and the Laws of the United States . . .
    shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in
    every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the
    Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary
    U.S. Const. art. VI, cl. 2.    The question of whether a federal statute
    preempts state common law is one of federal law and we are bound by
    the decisions of the United States Supreme Court in the area.
    Under the Supremacy Clause, whether Congress sought to override
    or preempt any inconsistent state law turns on congressional intent.
    Medtronic, Inc. v. Lohr, 
    518 U.S. 470
    , 485, 
    116 S. Ct. 2240
    , 2250, 135 L.
    Ed. 2d 700, 715–16 (1996). “Congress may indicate pre-emptive intent
    through a statute’s express language or through its structure and
    purpose.” Altria Grp., Inc. v. Good, 
    555 U.S. 70
    , 76, 
    129 S. Ct. 538
    , 543,
    172 L. Ed. 2d 398
    , 405 (2008); accord Scott Gallisdorfer, Clean Air Act
    Preemption of State Common Law: Greenhouse Gas Nuisance Claims After
    AEP v. Connecticut, 
    99 Va. L
    . Rev. 131, 140 (2013) [hereinafter
    Implied preemption falls into two categories: conflict preemption
    and field preemption.     Conflict preemption occurs when a state law
    “actually conflicts” with a federal law, especially where it is impossible for
    a party to comply with both state and federal requirements. See English
    v. Gen. Elec. Co., 
    496 U.S. 72
    , 79, 
    100 S. Ct. 2270
    , 2275, 
    110 L. Ed. 2d 65
    , 74 (1990).    A variant of conflict preemption, obstacle preemption,
    may be found where “state law stands as an obstacle to the
    accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of
    Congress.” See Caleb Nelson, Preemption, 
    86 Va. L
    . Rev. 225, 228–29,
    265 (2000) (internal quotation marks omitted). Field preemption occurs
    where the federal law so thoroughly occupies the field that Congress left
    no room for state law. Cipollone v. Liggett Grp., Inc., 
    505 U.S. 504
    , 516,
    112 S. Ct. 2608
    , 2617, 
    120 L. Ed. 2d 407
    , 423 (1992); Gallisdorfer, 
    99 Va. L
    . Rev. at 141.
    The Supreme Court, however, has been particularly reluctant to
    find federal preemption of state law in areas where states have
    traditionally exercised their police power.   In Rice, the Supreme Court
    noted that preemption analysis begins “with the assumption that the
    historic police powers of the States [are] not to be superseded by the
    Federal Act unless that was the clear and manifest purpose of 
    Congress.” 331 U.S. at 230
    , 67 S. Ct. at 
    1152, 91 L. Ed. at 1459
    .        Further, the
    Supreme Court has emphasized that “when the text of an express pre-
    emption clause is susceptible of more than one plausible reading, courts
    ordinarily ‘accept the reading that disfavors pre-emption.’ ” Altria 
    Grp., 555 U.S. at 77
    , 129 S. Ct. at 
    543, 172 L. Ed. 2d at 406
    (quoting Bates v.
    Dow Agrosciences LLC, 
    544 U.S. 431
    , 449, 
    125 S. Ct. 1788
    , 1801, 161 L.
    Ed. 2d 687, 706 (2005)).
    2.   Traditional application of federal common law or state law
    causes of action to environmental claims. When dealing with interstate
    pollution, federal common law provided the rule of decision in a number
    of early cases.   Prior to the recent AEP ruling in the Supreme Court,
    federal common law was utilized in numerous water pollution cases. As
    noted above, state claims of nuisance, negligence, and trespass are
    traditional causes of action that have been utilized in a wide variety of
    environmental contexts. Plainly, the existence of common law causes of
    action to address pollution has been part of the “historic police powers”
    of the states. See Huron Portland Cement Co. v. City of Detroit, 
    362 U.S. 440
    , 442, 
    80 S. Ct. 813
    , 815, 
    4 L. Ed. 2d 852
    , 855 (1960) (noting the
    authority of states “to free from pollution the very air that people breathe
    clearly falls within the exercise of even the most traditional concept of
    what is compendiously known as the police power”).
    3.   Clean water precedents related to preemption of federal and
    state common law claims. We begin our discussion of CAA preemption
    with an overview of clean water cases both prior to and after the passage
    of the CWA. These cases are instructive because of their discussion of
    the intergovernmental complexities surrounding pollution cases and
    because of the similarities in language and structure between the CWA
    and the CAA.      In particular, the cases demonstrate the important
    distinction between whether a federal statute extinguishes federal
    common law, and whether a federal statute preempts state common law.
    We begin our survey by noting the state of the law prior to the
    enactment of the CWA. Prior to the 1970s, the Supreme Court held that
    federal common law governed the use and misuse of interstate water.
    See, e.g., Hinderlider v. La Plata River & Cherry Creek Ditch Co., 
    304 U.S. 92
    , 110, 
    58 S. Ct. 803
    , 811, 
    82 L. Ed. 1202
    , 1212 (1938); Missouri v.
    200 U.S. 496
    , 518–20, 
    26 S. Ct. 268
    , 268–69, 
    50 L. Ed. 572
    577–78 (1906).
    In 1971, the Supreme Court suggested in dicta, however, that an
    interstate dispute between a state and a private company should be
    resolved by reference to state nuisance law.      See Ohio v. Wyandotte
    Chems. Corp., 
    401 U.S. 493
    , 498 n.3, 
    91 S. Ct. 1005
    , 1009 n.3, 
    28 L. Ed. 2d 256
    , 263 n.3 (1971) (“[A]n action such as this, if otherwise
    cognizable in federal district court, would have to be adjudicated under
    state law.”). Thus, in the early 1970s, it was uncertain whether plaintiffs
    seeking to attack pollution in the waterways could bring their claims
    under federal common law or state common law.
    In 1972, the United States Supreme Court decided Illinois v. City of
    Milwaukee (Milwaukee I), 
    406 U.S. 91
    92 S. Ct. 1385
    31 L. Ed. 2d 712
    (1972). The case arose when Illinois moved for leave to file an original
    action in the Supreme Court to enjoin Milwaukee from discharging
    sewage into Lake Michigan. 
    Id. at 93,
    92 S. Ct. at 
    1387–88, 31 L. Ed. 2d at 717
    . The Supreme Court concluded that Illinois could bring a claim
    under federal common law to abate a public nuisance in interstate or
    navigable waters. 
    Id. at 106–07,
    92 S. Ct. at 
    1394–95, 31 L. Ed. 2d at 725
    –26.       The Supreme Court, however, foreshadowed the future and
    noted that “[i]t may happen that new federal laws and new federal
    regulations may in time pre-empt the field of federal common law of
    Id. at 107,
    92 S. Ct. at 
    1395, 31 L. Ed. 2d at 725
    With respect to state common law, the Milwaukee I Court
    suggested that it was displaced by federal legislation and federal common
    law at least with respect to sources located in another state.                 The
    Milwaukee I Court noted that:
    [f]ederal common law and not the varying common law of the
    individual States is . . . entitled and necessary to be
    recognized as a basis for dealing in uniform standard with
    the environmental rights of a State against improper
    impairment by sources outside its domain.
    Id. at 107
    n.9, 92 S. Ct. at 1395 
    n.9, 31 L. Ed. 2d at 726 
    n.9 (emphasis
    added) (quoting Texas v. Pankey, 
    441 F.2d 236
    , 241 (10th Cir. 1971)).
    In 1972, Congress adopted the CWA. 5            33 U.S.C. §§ 1251–1387
    (2012). The CWA contains a “citizen suit” savings clause in its remedies
    section, which provides:
    Nothing in this section shall restrict any right which any
    person (or class of persons) may have under any statute or
    common law to seek enforcement of any effluent standard or
    limitation or to seek any other relief (including relief against
    the Administrator or a State agency).
    5TheFederal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was significantly reorganized
    and expanded, and as amended became commonly known as the CWA.
    Id. § 1365(e).
      The Senate Public Works Committee report in 1971
    suggested that the citizen suit savings clause would specifically preserve
    any rights or remedies under any other law. See S. Rep. No. 92-414, at
    81 (1971), reprinted in 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3668, 3746.
    The CWA also contains a “states’ rights” savings clause, which
    states: “[e]xcept as expressly provided . . . nothing in this chapter shall
    . . . be construed as impairing or in any manner affecting any right or
    jurisdiction of the States with respect to the waters (including boundary
    waters) of such States.” 33 U.S.C. § 1370.
    Finally, the CWA contains a “primary responsibilities and rights”
    provision. The primary responsibilities and rights provision declares that
    “[i]t is the policy of the Congress to recognize, preserve, and protect the
    primary responsibilities and rights of States to prevent, reduce, and
    eliminate pollution.” 
    Id. § 1251(b).
    After the enactment of the CWA, the Supreme Court decided City of
    Milwaukee v. Illinois (Milwaukee II), 
    451 U.S. 304
    101 S. Ct. 1784
    , 68 L.
    Ed. 2d 114 (1981). This case arose out of the ongoing efforts of Illinois,
    and later Michigan, to abate sewage discharges from the city of
    Milwaukee allegedly in violation of federal common law. 
    Id. at 308–10,
    101 S. Ct. at 
    1788–89, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 120
    –22.        The Supreme Court
    granted certiorari to consider the effect of the CWA on the federal
    common law cause of action recognized by Milwaukee I. Milwaukee 
    II, 451 U.S. at 307
    –08, 101 S. Ct. at 
    1787, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 120
    In Milwaukee II, the Supreme Court, consistent with its prediction
    in Milwaukee I, held in light of the passage of the CWA, federal common
    law related to pollution of the waterways was preempted. Milwaukee 
    II, 451 U.S. at 317
    –19, 101 S. Ct. at 
    1792–93, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 126
    Speaking for a six-member majority, Justice Rehnquist observed in a
    footnote that:
    the question whether a previously available federal common-
    law action has been displaced by federal statutory law
    involves an assessment of the scope of the legislation and
    whether the scheme established by Congress addresses the
    problem formerly governed by federal common law.
    Id. at 315
    332, 101 S. Ct. at 1792
    1800, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 125
    n.8, 136. The Milwaukee II Court concluded that:
    Congress has not left the formulation of appropriate federal
    standards to the courts through application of often vague
    and indeterminate nuisance concepts and maxims of equity
    jurisprudence, but rather has occupied the field through the
    establishment of a comprehensive regulatory program
    supervised by an expert administrative agency.
    Id. at 317,
    101 S. Ct. at 
    1792, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 126
    . The Court noted:
    Not only are the technical problems difficult—doubtless the
    reason Congress vested authority to administer the Act in
    administrative agencies possessing the necessary expertise—
    but the general area is particularly unsuited to the approach
    inevitable under a regime of federal common law [that would
    generate] ‘sporadic’ [and] ‘ad hoc’ [approaches to pollution
    Id. at 325,
    101 S. Ct. at 
    1796–97, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 131
    (quoting S. Rep.
    No. 92-414, at 95).
    The Milwaukee II Court, however, was careful to distinguish
    between federal common law and state common law. See 
    id. at 310
    329, 101 S. Ct. at 1789
    1798, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 122
    n.4, 134. While
    the Supreme Court declared that federal common law was displaced by
    the CWA, it expressly declined to consider whether plaintiffs could bring
    a claim under state common law. 
    Id. at 310
    n.4, 101 S. Ct. at 1789 
    68 L. Ed. 2d at 122 
    n.4. In this regard, the Court noted:
    It is one thing . . . to say that States may adopt more
    stringent limitations through state administrative processes,
    or even that States may establish such limitations through
    state nuisance law, and apply them to in-state discharges. It
    is quite another to say that the States may call upon federal
    courts to employ federal common law to establish more
    stringent standards applicable to out-of-state dischargers.
    Id. at 327–28,
    101 S. Ct. at 
    1798, 68 L. Ed. 2d at 133
    Upon remand, the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in
    Illinois v. City of Milwaukee (Milwaukee III), considered whether the CWA
    precluded application of one state’s common law against a pollution
    source located in a different state. 
    731 F.2d 403
    , 406 (7th Cir. 1984).
    The Seventh Circuit in Milwaukee III concluded that such state common
    law was preempted.     
    Id. at 410–11.
       The Seventh Circuit was careful,
    however, to distinguish an effort to apply a state’s common law against a
    polluter located outside the state and a common law claim against an in-
    state polluter.   See 
    id. at 414.
      The Seventh Circuit noted that an
    approach that allowed the application of state common law against an
    out-of-state polluter could lead to confusion, as a single source might be
    subject to different and conflicting state common law in a number of
    surrounding states, thereby leading to a “chaotic confrontation between
    sovereign states.” 
    Id. Yet, the
    Seventh Circuit recognized that the citizen
    suit savings clause preserved a right under state common law to obtain
    enforcement or prescribed standards or limitations against an in-state
    Id. at 413–14.
    The Supreme Court denied certiorari. 
    469 U.S. 1196
    105 S. Ct. 980
    83 L. Ed. 2d 981
    In 1987, the Supreme Court returned to the subject area in
    Ouellette. In Ouellette, a class of property owners on the Vermont side of
    Lake Champlain alleged that a paper mill located in New York discharged
    pollutants into the lake and constituted a nuisance under Vermont 
    law. 479 U.S. at 483
    –84, 107 S. Ct. at 
    807, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 891
    . International
    Paper Co. moved for summary judgment, claiming that the CWA
    preempted state common law claims under Milwaukee III. 
    Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 484
    –85, 107 S. Ct. at 
    808–09, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 892
    –93.          The
    federal district court denied summary judgment, citing the citizen suit
    savings clause and the states’ rights savings clause of the CWA. 
    Id. at 485,
    107 S. Ct. at 
    808, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 892
    –93.         The district court
    reasoned that state common law actions to redress interstate water
    pollution could be maintained under the law of the state where the injury
    Id. at 486,
    107 S. Ct. at 
    808–09, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 893
    In Ouellette, the Supreme Court reversed the district court. See 
    id. at 487,
    101 S. Ct. at 
    809, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 893
    . The Supreme Court held
    that the CWA preempted state nuisance actions to the extent that state
    law applied to an alleged out-of-state polluter. 
    Id. at 493–94,
    107 S. Ct.
    812–13, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 897
    –98. The Ouellette Court recognized that
    states play a significant role in the protection of their own natural
    resources, that the CWA permits the EPA to delegate to a state the
    authority to administer permit programs with respect to certain sources
    of pollution within the state, and that a state may require discharge
    limitations more stringent than those required by the EPA. 
    Id. at 489–
    90, 107 S. Ct. at 810
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 895.
    Nonetheless, the Ouellette Court noted that with respect to out-of-
    state sources, the affected state’s role is limited to the opportunity to
    object to the proposed standards of a federal permit in a public hearing.
    Id. at 4
    90, 107 S. Ct. at 810
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 895. A state, however,
    does not have the authority to block the issuance of a permit with which
    it may be dissatisfied. 
    Id. at 490,
    107 S. Ct. at 
    811, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 896
    In short, the state “may not establish a separate permit system to
    regulate an out-of-state source.” 
    Id. at 491,
    107 S. Ct. at 811, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 896.   The Ouellette Court noted that allowing affected states to
    impose separate discharge standards on a single “point source” would
    interfere with the carefully devised regulatory system established by the
    Id. at 493,
    107 S. Ct. at 812, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 898.
    While the Ouellette Court held that the plaintiffs could not impose
    Vermont law on the out-of-state polluter, it emphasized that the Vermont
    residents were not without a remedy. Id. at 
    497, 107 S. Ct. at 814
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 900. According to the Ouellette Court, the citizen suit and
    states’ rights savings clauses, jointly referred to by the Court as the
    “saving clause,” preserves actions not incompatible with the CWA and
    “nothing in the Act bars aggrieved individuals from bringing a nuisance
    claim pursuant to the law of the source State.” 
    Id. The Ouellette
    Court offered three reasons why an action brought
    against International Paper Co. under New York nuisance law would not
    frustrate the goals of the CWA.    First, the Ouellette Court noted that
    imposing a source state’s law does not affect the balance among federal,
    source-state, and affected-state interests, particularly in light of the
    specific authorization that allows source states to impose stricter
    Id. at 498–99,
    107 S. Ct. at 815, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 901.
    Second, the Ouellette Court noted that restricting common law actions to
    those of the source state “prevents a source from being subject to an
    indeterminate number of potential regulations.” 
    Id. at 499,
    107 S. Ct. at
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 901. Finally, the Ouellette Court noted that states
    may be expected to take into account their own nuisance laws in setting
    permit requirements. 
    Id. Thus, under
    the CWA cases, a clear pattern emerges.        Federal
    common law over pollution of interstate waterways is now preempted in
    light of the comprehensive nature of the CWA and the expertise vested in
    the EPA and state agencies to solve complex problems involved in
    environmental issues. State law claims against out-of-state sources are
    preempted because they would be inconsistent with the regulatory
    framework created by the CWA and would create chaos by imposing
    multiple regulatory schemes on a single source. State law claims against
    in-state sources of pollution, however, are saved by the citizen suit
    savings clause, the states’ rights savings clause, and other provisions of
    the CWA and are consistent with the principle that states may impose
    limitations on pollution more stringent than required by federal law. As
    a result, state common law claims against an in-state source are not
    preempted by the CWA.
    4.   CAA precedent.      The Supreme Court has not recently
    considered the scope of preemption of state common law under the CAA.
    We begin our discussion, however, with an important Supreme Court
    case that teed up the issue.     In Massachusetts, the Supreme Court
    considered a claim brought by a group of private organizations that filed
    a rulemaking petition asking the EPA to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG)
    emissions from new motor vehicles under the 
    CAA. 549 U.S. at 505
    , 127
    S. Ct. at 
    1446, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 260
    .      After an extensive notice and
    comment period, the EPA entered an order denying the rulemaking. 
    Id. at 511,
    127 S. Ct. at 
    1449–50, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 263
    –64.        The EPA’s
    stated reasons for denial were that the CAA did not authorize the EPA to
    issue mandatory regulations to address global climate change and that
    even if it did, it would be unwise to issue such regulations at this time.
    Id. at 511,
    127 S. Ct. at 
    1450, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 264
    .       The Court of
    Appeals for the D.C. Circuit denied a petition to review the denial of
    Id. at 511,
    127 S. Ct. at 
    1451, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 265
    The Supreme Court reversed. 
    Id. at 535,
    127 S. Ct. at 
    1463, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 278
    .     It held that the EPA did have authority to set
    emissions standards and had offered no reasonable explanation for its
    failure to promulgate 
    rules. 549 U.S. at 528
    534, 127 S. Ct. at 1459
    1463, 167 L. Ed. 2d at 274
    , 278.
    After Massachusetts, the EPA began to incrementally regulate
    aspects of GHG emissions.      See Gallisdorfer, 
    99 Va. L
    . Rev. at 131.
    Environmental groups were unsatisfied with the pace of EPA regulation,
    however, and began to file actions seeking injunctive caps on GHG
    emissions under a public nuisance theory.       See 
    id. Often, plaintiffs
    seeking to increase environmental protection from GHG emissions
    proceeded on a federal common law theory. 
    Id. In 2011,
    however, the Supreme Court decided AEP, in which eight
    states, New York City, and three nonprofit land trusts, brought an action
    seeking to enjoin GHG emissions from four private companies and the
    Tennessee Valley Authority. See 564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2532, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 442
    . Because the EPA began regulating GHG emissions as a
    result of the Massachusetts case during the pendency of the lawsuit, the
    question arose as to whether the action of the EPA “displaced” the federal
    common law that was traditionally regarded as a source of law for
    interstate nuisance actions. See id. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2533–35, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 442
    In language similar to that used in Milwaukee II, the Supreme
    Court held that the CAA displaced federal common law with respect to
    GHG emissions. AEP, 564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2537, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    . The Supreme Court concluded that the CAA directly addressed
    the question because “air pollutants” were subject to regulation under
    the CAA and “air pollutants” clearly included GHG emissions. Id. at ___,
    131 S. Ct. at 
    2532–33, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 442
    The Supreme Court in AEP, however, only held that federal
    common law regarding “air pollutants” was displaced by the CAA. Id. at
    ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2537, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    . The Court declined to
    reach the state law nuisance claims because they had not addressed the
    issue on appeal. Id. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2540, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 450
    The AEP Court noted, however, that “[l]egislative displacement of federal
    common law does not require the same sort of evidence . . . demanded
    for preemption of state law.” Id. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2537, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 447
    (quoting Milwaukee 
    II, 451 U.S. at 317
    , 101 S. Ct. at 1792, 68 L.
    Ed. 2d at 126) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    As previously noted, after AEP, two federal appellate courts
    considered whether the CAA preempted state law in the source state.
    See Bell 
    II, 734 F.3d at 190
    , cert. denied, 
    82 U.S.L.W. 3531
    (U.S. June 2,
    2014) (No. 13–1013) (concluding that state law claims are not
    preempted); MTBE Prods. Liab. 
    Litig., 725 F.3d at 96
    –103 (finding that
    source-state common law claims are not preempted under the CAA).
    One federal district court, however, came to a different conclusion.
    In Comer I, a federal district court found that state common law claims
    brought by property owners against several oil companies, coal
    companies,      electric   companies,      and     chemical     companies,      whose
    emissions allegedly contributed to global warming were preempted by the
    CAA. 839 F. Supp. 2d at 865
    . 6
    6On appeal, the case was reversed by a panel of the Court of Appeals for the
    Fifth Circuit. Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc. (Comer II), 
    585 F.3d 855
    , 859, 878–80 (5th
    Cir. 2009). However, in an unusual result, a petition for rehearing en banc was granted
    and then dismissed for a lack of quorum, with the result that the district court opinion
    stood. See Comer v. Murphy Oil USA, Inc., 
    598 F.3d 208
    , 210 (5th Cir.), dismissed on
    607 F.3d 1049
    , 1055 (5th Cir. 2010).
    Prior to AEP, federal caselaw on the question of CAA preemption of
    source-state common law was mixed.         In Her Majesty the Queen, the
    Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that Canadian officials could
    seek to enjoin construction of a Michigan trash incinerator under
    Michigan law because of the alleged lack of air pollution control
    equipment, even though the facility had already received a CAA 
    permit. 874 F.2d at 342
    –44. Similarly, in Gutierrez v. Mobil Oil Corp., a federal
    district court held that plaintiffs could proceed on source-state common
    law claims alleging defendant negligently maintained storage facilities for
    various fuels. 
    798 F. Supp. 1280
    , 1281 (W.D. Tex. 1992).
    However, in TVA, the Fourth Circuit reviewed a district court order
    granting an injunction at the behest of the State of North Carolina
    requiring the immediate installation of emissions controls at four
    Tennessee Valley Authority generating plants located in Alabama and
    Tennessee. 615 F.3d at 296
    . The injunction was based upon the district
    court’s determination that the plants were a public nuisance under the
    law of the affected state, North Carolina.     
    Id. The estimated
    cost of
    compliance with the order was uncertain, but North Carolina admitted
    that the cost would be in excess of one billion dollars. 
    Id. at 298.
    The Fourth Circuit reversed. 
    Id. at 312.
    The Fourth Circuit found
    that the litigation amounted to a collateral attack on the process chosen
    by Congress to establish appropriate standards and grant permits for the
    operation of power plants. See 
    id. at 302.
    The Fourth Circuit stressed
    that an “injunction-driven demand” for artificial changes was likely to be
    inferior to a system-based analysis of what changes would do the most
    Id. Yet, the
    Fourth Circuit did not hold that Congress had entirely
    preempted the field of emissions regulation. 
    Id. Instead, each
    case had
    to be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine “ ‘if it interferes
    with the methods by which the federal statute was designed to reach [its]
    goal.’ ” 
    Id. at 303
    (alteration in original) (quoting 
    Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 494
    , 107 S. Ct. at 
    813, 93 L. Ed. 2d at 898
    ).              While the TVA court
    expressly disapproved of the application of the law of the affected state as
    contrary to Ouellette, 
    TVA, 615 F.3d at 308
    –09, the court further found
    “it would be difficult to uphold the injunctions because [the Tennessee
    Valley        Authority’s]   electricity-generating   operations   are   expressly
    permitted by the states in which they are located,” 
    id. at 309.
    5. Discussion. All parties agree that nothing in the CAA expressly
    preempted the nuisance and common law actions presented in this case.
    Therefore, the question of whether the CAA preempted the claims in this
    case must rely on an implied preemption theory based upon either field
    preemption or conflict preemption.
    a.    Field preemption.    We begin our discussion by noting that a
    party seeking to use implied field preemption to oust state law causes of
    action that have been traditionally part of the police power of the states
    faces an uphill battle. See 
    Huron, 362 U.S. at 442
    , 80 S. Ct. at 
    815, 4 L. Ed. 2d at 855
    (noting the authority of states “to free from pollution the
    very air that people breathe clearly falls within the exercise of even the
    most traditional concept of what is compendiously known as the police
    power”). Congress unquestionably has the power to preempt local law
    when it acts on federal concerns and may expressly do so. To imply the
    ousting of traditional state law remedies such as nuisance by implication
    in a federal statute, though not impossible, seems at least improbable in
    most cases. In the case of the CAA, state regulation of pollution sources
    through source-state-law actions had to have been something of an
    obvious, yet unaddressed, issue when the statute was drafted.                  To
    suggest that Congress indirectly removed the state’s ability to address
    these environmental concerns with state law actions seems, on the
    surface at least, rather unlikely.   At a minimum, to find implied field
    preemption, we think there should be powerful textual authority or
    structural issues that drive us in this counterintuitive direction.
    When we look at the text of the CAA, we find language that tends
    to support the conclusion that Congress did not impliedly oust the state
    law actions of the source state. The any measures clause, the retention
    of state authority savings clause, and the citizens’ rights savings clause
    strongly suggest that Congress did not seek to preempt, but to preserve,
    state law claims.    See 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401(a)(3), 7416, 7604(e).          The
    citizens’ rights savings clause expressly states that the ability to bring
    actions under the CAA does not preempt common law rights.              See 42
    U.S.C. § 7604(e). While the term “requirements” in the retention of state
    authority savings clause is perhaps indefinite, most courts that have
    considered the question have concluded that the term includes common
    law duties. See, e.g., Riegel v. Medtronic, Inc., 
    552 U.S. 312
    , 323–24, 
    128 S. Ct. 999
    , 1007–08, 
    169 L. Ed. 2d 892
    , 902–03 (2008); 
    Cipollone, 505 U.S. at 521
    –22, 112 S. Ct. at 
    2620, 120 L. Ed. 2d at 426
    GPC suggests that allowing state law actions based on source-state
    law will undercut the structure of the CAA.       We think not.       The CAA
    statute was structured to promote cooperative federalism.         Under the
    cooperative federalism approach, the states were given the authority to
    impose stricter standards on air pollution than might be imposed by the
    CAA.    See Bell 
    II, 734 F.3d at 197
    –98.     In short, Congress expressly
    wanted the CAA to be a floor, but not a ceiling, on air pollution control.
    A similar conclusion has been reached by the Second, Third, and Sixth
    Id. at 194–98;
    MTBE Prods. Liab. 
    Litig., 725 F.3d at 96
    Her Majesty the 
    Queen, 874 F.2d at 342
    GPC further suggests that because air pollution matters involve
    complex questions requiring the balancing of economic and social
    benefits and harms, controversies over source-state pollution are best
    left to administrative agencies and the rulemaking process.       Further,
    GPC makes an appeal that there should be a uniform approach to these
    questions.   This argument may have some policy appeal, but it runs
    against the grain of bilateral cooperative federalism manifest in the any
    measures clause, the retention of state authority savings clause, and the
    citizens’ rights savings clause of the CAA. See 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401(a)(3),
    7416, 7604(e).
    GPC supports its argument with citation to language in AEP and
    Comer I.     But GPC and some of the authority upon which it relies
    conflate the issue of displacement of federal common law with the
    somewhat related but distinct issue of preemption of state common law.
    We think two takeaway points from the Supreme Court’s caselaw are (1)
    the question of displacement of federal common law is different than the
    question of preemption of state law actions, and (2) the standard for
    displacement of federal common law is different than the standard for
    preemption of state law.       Further, in considering the issues of
    displacement of federal common law under the CWA and the CAA, the
    Supreme Court has not had to consider the statutory language in the
    CAA suggesting a congressional intent to not preempt state law.
    GPC’s argument that it will be subject to multiple regulators is also
    insufficient for us to find that all state law actions based upon source-
    state law are preempted because Congress occupied the field.          With
    respect to this argument, it is important to remember the distinction in
    Ouellette and Milwaukee II between preemption of the law of a source
    state from the preemption of the law of the pollution-affected state.
    Ouellette, 479 U.S. at 491
    –94, 107 S. Ct. at 811–13, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 896–
    98; Milwaukee II, 451 U.S. at 
    327–28, 101 S. Ct. at 1798
    , 68 L. Ed. 2d at
    132–33.   Allowing claims to go forward based on the law of the state
    merely affected by pollution could cause real structural problems as a
    multistate polluter could be subject to the laws of many states, which
    could impose contradictory and confusing legal requirements.          The
    thrust of the Ouellette and Milwaukee II decisions is that allowing
    common law claims from all affected states would create chaos and
    cannot be allowed.
    It is critical, however, to distinguish between efforts to apply the
    law of the source state and efforts to apply the law of the pollution-
    affected state. In this case we deal with a claim that seeks to regulate
    pollution based on the law of the source state. This is precisely the kind
    of cooperative federalism anticipated by the statute. GPC is not subject
    to a dozen or more regulatory regimes, but only two. The notion that a
    person must comply with parallel state and federal law requirements that
    may not be uniform is not new to the law. As recognized in Ouellette, on
    the one hand, state “nuisance law may impose separate standards and
    thus create some tension with the permit system,” but, on the other
    hand, “the restriction of suits to those brought under source-state
    nuisance law prevents a source from being subject to an indeterminate
    number of potential regulations.” 
    Id. at 499,
    107 S. Ct. at 815, 
    93 L. Ed. 2d
    at 901.
    The conclusion that source-state common law claims are not
    preempted by the CAA is endorsed by treatise writers. See Grad § 18.02,
    at 18-4 to 18-5 (“Despite the overriding emphasis on federal and state
    statutes in the field of environmental law, common law remedies, even
    those old fashioned causes of trespass and nuisance, remain viable
    causes of action.”); Malone § 10:2, at 10-7 n.1 (“[S]tate common law
    theories of liability were not preempted by the [CAA].”); 1 William H.
    Rodgers,    Environmental   Law    §    3:1(A)(1)   (2013),   available   at (“[T]here is no question that nuisance law that was
    preserved has remained vibrant and serviceable.”).
    GPC seeks to avoid the teaching of Milwaukee II and Ouellette by
    suggesting that while state common law actions might not have been
    originally preempted by the CAA when Milwaukee II and Ouellette were
    decided, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and the dramatic growth
    in the complexity of clean air regulation now give rise to conflict
    preemption.    According to GPC, this increasingly complex web of
    regulation was recognized in AEP, where the Supreme Court emphasized
    the complexity of environmental regulation and the difficulties of
    balancing competing interests in the formulation of environmental policy.
    See 564 U.S. at ___, 131 S. Ct. at 
    2539, 180 L. Ed. 2d at 449
    This argument has been zealously advanced by GPC and has some
    appeal.    There is no question that the federal regulatory framework
    under the CAA is increasingly complicated. It is important in our view,
    however, not to conflate increased complexity with the issue of conflict
    preemption. Notwithstanding the increased complexity, the cooperative
    federalism framework and the notion that states may more stringently
    regulate remains a hallmark of the CAA.
    Further, state common law and nuisance actions have a different
    purpose than the regulatory regime established by the CAA. The purpose
    of state nuisance and common law actions is to protect the use and
    enjoyment of specific property, not to achieve a general regulatory
    purpose. It has long been understood that an activity may be entirely
    lawful and yet constitute a nuisance because of its impairment of the use
    and enjoyment of specific property. See Galaxy Carpet 
    Mills, 338 S.E.2d at 429
    Urie, 218 A.2d at 362
    Tiegs, 954 P.2d at 883
    –84.           We
    therefore decline to conclude that the increased complexity of the CAA
    has categorically elbowed out a role for the state nuisance and common
    law claims presented here.
    b. Conflict preemption. GPC presents yet another refinement of its
    argument. While it may be that Congress has not impliedly occupied the
    field, case-by-case conflict preemption may arise in light of the dense
    federal regulations.   In other words, while it may not be possible to
    declare that Congress has preempted source-state law in all cases
    involving emissions regulation, it has in cases that amount to a collateral
    attack on the NAAQS, SIP, and permitting method established by
    Congress under the CAA.
    In support of this argument, GPC cites TVA. As noted above, in
    TVA the Fourth Circuit reversed an order granting injunctive relief to the
    State of North Carolina in a public nuisance action challenging the
    pollution from power plants located in Alabama and 
    Tennessee. 615 F.3d at 296
    .   The Fourth Circuit noted that it was estimated that the
    equipment modification ordered by the district court could cost in excess
    of one billion dollars.   
    Id. at 298.
       The Fourth Circuit held that the
    injunction requiring extensive changes to equipment based on a public
    nuisance theory conflicted with the CAA where the existing equipment
    had been approved under the CAA regulatory framework. See 
    id. at 302–
    The approach of TVA has not been uniformly embraced in the
    federal courts. The conflict preemption analysis in TVA seems contrary
    to the approach of the Third Circuit in Bell 
    II, 734 F.3d at 193
    (finding “nothing in the [CAA] to indicate that Congress intended to
    preempt source state common law tort claims.”), and the Second Circuit
    in MTBE Products Liability 
    Litigation, 725 F.3d at 95
    –104 (finding “[s]tate
    law [in the case] neither ‘penalizes what federal law requires’ nor ‘directly
    conflicts’ with federal law” and therefore the impossibility preemption
    defense did not overcome the presumption against preemption).             Cf.
    Merrick v. Diageo Americas Supply, Inc., No. 3:12-CV-334-CRS, 
    2014 WL 1056568
    , at *5–8 (W.D. Ky. Mar. 19, 2014) (disagreeing with TVA and
    following Bell II and MTBE Products Liability Litigation).
    While we understand the reasoning in TVA, we do not think it
    provides a basis for summary judgment in this case. The plaintiffs seek
    damages related to specific properties at specific locations allegedly
    caused by a specific source.     Of course, the plaintiffs must prevail on
    issues of substantive liability that the district court has not had occasion
    to address and are not before us now. If the plaintiffs do prevail on the
    merits, however, any remedy involving damages or remediation would
    simply not pose the kind of conflict with the permitting process that the
    sweeping injunction in TVA presented. See 
    id. at 301–06.
    Any impact on
    the regulatory regime would be indirect and incidental. As a result, we
    conclude that conflict preemption with the CAA does not apply to a
    private lawsuit seeking damages anchored in ownership of real property.
    See Bell 
    II, 734 F.3d at 189
    –90 (allowing private property owners’ claims
    for nuisance, negligence, and trespass based on facility’s flying ash and
    unburned by-products to go forward); Bennett v. Mallinckrodt, Inc., 
    698 S.W.2d 854
    , 862 (Mo. Ct. App. 1985) (“States may be preempted from
    setting their own emissions standards, but they are not preempted from
    compensating injured citizens.”).
    With respect to the question of whether injunctive relief would
    conflict with the CAA, we do not find this issue ripe at this time. Even
    TVA indicates that conflict preemption analysis is not subject to
    sweeping generalities and must be done on a case-by-case basis.         
    See 615 F.3d at 302
    –03.        We simply cannot evaluate the lawfulness of
    injunctive relief that has not yet been entered. Such an evaluation must
    await the development of a full record and the shaping of any injunctive
    relief by the district court.
    IV. Discussion of Preemption by Iowa Code Chapter 455B.
    A. Positions of the Parties.
    1. Plaintiffs.   The plaintiffs attack the district court’s ruling on
    preemption under Iowa Code chapter 455B in several ways.                The
    plaintiffs note that Iowa Code chapter 455B, like the CAA, has a citizens’
    rights savings clause, which provides: “[t]his section does not restrict any
    right under statutory or common law of a person or class of person to . . .
    seek other relief permitted under the law.”     Iowa Code § 455B.111(5).
    The plaintiffs contend the language simply means what it says and
    allows the statutory and common law claims they have brought in this
    case, which should be considered “other relief permitted under the law.”
    With respect to common law claims, the plaintiffs assert because
    there is no express preemption in Iowa Code chapter 455B, the
    defendants must rely on implied preemption.           Implied preemption,
    however, is found only where “ ‘imperatively required,’ ” Fabricius v.
    Montgomery Elevator Co., 
    254 Iowa 1319
    , 1322, 
    121 N.W.2d 361
    , 362
    (1963) (quoting Bradshaw v. Iowa Methodist Hosp., 
    251 Iowa 375
    , 388,
    101 N.W.2d 167
    , 174 (1960)). The plaintiffs maintain that preemption
    here is not “imperatively required,” as the common law claims specifically
    address harms to property, while the regulatory framework in Iowa Code
    chapter 455B addresses more general harms caused by pollution. The
    plaintiffs assert that Iowa caselaw supports this proposition.          See
    Simpson v. Kollasch, 
    749 N.W.2d 671
    , 674 (Iowa 2008) (indicating
    compliance with environmental regulation is not a defense to a nuisance
    claim, though it may be evidence of whether defendant’s conduct is a
    nuisance); Gerst v. Marshall, 
    549 N.W.2d 810
    , 813–15 (Iowa 1996)
    (involving common law claims brought along with claims under chapter
    The plaintiffs further note that their nuisance claim is based in
    part on Iowa Code chapter 657, which provides a general framework for
    bringing statutory nuisance claims in Iowa. In order to find that Iowa
    Code chapter 455B preempts the statutory provisions of Iowa Code
    chapter 657, the plaintiffs maintain that the two statutes must be
    “irreconcilably repugnant.”   State v. Rauhauser, 
    272 N.W.2d 432
    , 434
    (Iowa 1978). The plaintiffs argue that far from being irreconcilable, the
    statutes may be harmonized by interpreting Iowa Code chapter 455B’s
    citizens’ rights savings clause as allowing statutory nuisance actions that
    may result in stricter control of pollution. Further, plaintiffs emphasize
    that claims under the nuisance statute protect against harms to specific
    property, while chapter 455B more generally protects the public from air
    pollution.   Because the statutes address different types of harms and
    interests, the plaintiffs contend there can be no preemption of nuisance
    claims arising from Iowa Code chapter 455B.
    Further, the plaintiffs note that the legislature has expressly
    provided that certain types of statutes do preempt statutory nuisance
    actions. Specifically, Iowa Code sections 657.1(2) and 657.11(1) provide
    that nuisance claims related to electrical utilities and animal feeding
    operations are preempted from further regulation through statutory
    nuisance claims. The plaintiffs press the point that the legislature knew
    how to preempt certain types of environmental claims from nuisance
    actions but did not extend preemption to the plaintiffs’ claims in this
    Finally, the plaintiffs claim that if Iowa Code chapter 455B
    preempted state common law claims, a serious constitutional issue
    would be present.     They note, for instance, we have held that giving
    farms immunity from nuisance suits may deprive one of the use and
    enjoyment of property and amount to an unconstitutional “taking” of
    property without due compensation.         Gacke v. Pork Xtra, L.L.C., 
    684 N.W.2d 168
    , 172–74 (Iowa 2004); Bormann v. Bd. of Supervisors, 
    584 N.W.2d 309
    , 320–21 (Iowa 1998).          To the extent there is any doubt
    regarding the proper interpretation of Iowa Code chapter 455B, it should
    be interpreted in a fashion to avoid the constitutional problem. Dalarna
    Farms v. Access Energy Coop., 
    792 N.W.2d 656
    , 663–64 (Iowa 2010).
    2. GPC. Because state law preemption is substantively identical to
    federal conflict and field preemption, GPC incorporates its arguments
    regarding federal preemption on the question of whether Iowa Code
    chapter 455 preempted the common law claims in this case.            GPC,
    however, presents some refinements based upon its analysis of the Iowa
    First, GPC points out that in order for state law to preempt
    common law claims based on field preemption, it is not necessary that it
    be impossible to reconcile the statute with the common law claims. GPC
    argues that in Northrup v. Farmland Industries, Inc., we found that the
    Iowa Civil Rights Act was the exclusive remedy for wrongful discharge
    based on disability without a finding of impossibility. See 
    372 N.W.2d 193
    , 197 (Iowa 1985).      Further, GPC argues that an action becomes
    irreconcilable with state law by imposing requirements beyond what the
    state law proscribes. For instance, in Baker v. City of Iowa City, we held
    that an ordinance allowing claims against employers with fewer than four
    employees was irreconcilable with the Iowa Civil Rights Act, which
    provided claims could only be brought against employers with four or
    more employees. 
    750 N.W.2d 93
    , 101–02 (Iowa 2008).
    Second, building on Northrup and Baker, GPC asserts that the
    common law claims in this case go beyond the state law framework in
    chapter 455 by circumventing the state’s emissions regulation and
    permitting process and by potentially imposing new standards without
    the scientific expertise and extensive rulemaking process employed by
    the state environmental regulators.       GPC argues that the court could
    order GPC to use certain processes or install new pollution control
    equipment,   which    could    conflict   with   environmental   regulatory
    requirements imposed on it by the Iowa Department of Natural
    Resources (DNR) or the EPA and further upset the delicate balance
    achieved through the regulatory process.
    Therefore, GPC argues that if the plaintiffs prevail in their common
    law claims, GPC could end up in an intolerable catch-22 situation. For
    instance, GPC suggests that the state court in the common law actions
    might order a remedy that the DNR refuses to approve. In this setting,
    GPC would be forced to either comply with the district court order and
    defy the DNR, or vice versa.     Or, the DNR could, after careful study,
    ultimately approve court-ordered changes to its operations as a result of
    the common law claims, but the necessary approvals might not be
    obtained quickly enough for timely compliance with the court’s mandate.
    GPC argues this kind of trouble was addressed in Goodell, where the
    court noted that imposition of local requirements in excess of state law
    requirements could lead to 
    preemption. 575 N.W.2d at 501
    attempt by a local government to add to those requirements would
    conflict with the state law, because the local law would in effect prohibit
    what the state law permits.”).
    B. Analysis of Iowa Code Chapter 455B Preemption.
    The precise question here is whether Iowa Code chapter 455B
    impliedly conflicts with and thus preempts a statutory claim for nuisance
    under Iowa Code chapter 657 and common law claims of nuisance,
    trespass, and negligence.        With respect to one statute impliedly
    preempting another, we have understandingly been quite demanding.
    The legislature is presumed to know the existing state of the law when
    the new statute is enacted. Jahnke v. Incorporated City of Des Moines,
    191 N.W.2d 780
    , 787 (Iowa 1971). In the absence of any express repeal,
    the new provision is presumed to accord with the legislative policy
    embodied in prior statutes.      See Ruth Fisher Elementary Sch. Dist. v.
    Buckeye Union High Sch. Dist., 
    41 P.3d 645
    , 648 (Ariz. Ct. App. 2002).
    When prior and later statutes deal with the same subject matter,
    although in apparent conflict, they should as far as reasonably possible
    be construed in harmony with each other to allow both to stand and be
    given force and effect. See Polk Cnty. Drainage Dist. Four v. Iowa Natural
    Res. Council, 
    377 N.W.2d 236
    , 241 (Iowa 1985). While we recognize the
    possibility of an implied repeal, such action is permitted only where the
    statutes “cover the same subject matter,” are “irreconcilably repugnant,”
    and implied repeal is “absolutely necessary.” 
    Rauhauser, 272 N.W.2d at 434
    . While the issue in this case does not require a complete repeal of
    Iowa Code chapter 657, we think the Rauhauser test remains applicable
    where a party seeks to nullify application of a preexisting statute to a
    specific circumstance.
    With respect to whether a statute abrogates common law, the test
    is somewhat similar.     We have declared that absent express statutory
    language, a party seeking to demonstrate that a statute impliedly
    overrides common law must show that this result is “imperatively
    required.” See, e.g., Rieff v. Evans, 
    630 N.W.2d 278
    , 286 (Iowa 2001);
    Collins v. King, 
    545 N.W.2d 310
    , 312 (Iowa 1996). While the question of
    whether the CAA preempts state common law is a question of federal law,
    whether chapter 455B impliedly repeals or overrides common law is a
    question of state law.
    There is no definitive Iowa case dealing with the question of
    whether nuisance or common law claims may go forward in light of the
    provisions of Iowa Code chapter 455B. In Gerst, a plaintiff raised parallel
    common law claims along with a citizen-action claim under Iowa Code
    455B. 549 N.W.2d at 813
    .      We were not asked, however, to
    decide whether the nuisance and common law claims were extinguished
    by Iowa Code chapter 455B.
    Nonetheless, we do have instructive caselaw. We have made clear
    that a lawful business, properly conducted, may still be a nuisance. For
    instance, in Simpson we noted in the context of the proposed
    construction of a hog-confinement facility that compliance with DNR
    regulations was not a defense to a nuisance 
    action. 749 N.W.2d at 672
    674. We noted that “ ‘a lawful business, properly conducted, may still
    constitute a nuisance if the business interferes with another’s use of his
    own property.’ ” 
    Id. at 674
    (quoting Weinhold v. Wolff, 
    555 N.W.2d 454
    461 (Iowa 1996)).    Our approach is consistent with the law in other
    jurisdictions. See, e.g., Flo-Sun, Inc. v. Kirk, 
    783 So. 2d 1029
    , 1036 (Fla.
    2001) (holding “something may legally constitute a public nuisance . . .
    although it may technically comply with existing pollution laws”); Biddix
    v. Henredon Furniture Indus., Inc., 
    331 S.E.2d 717
    , 724 (N.C. Ct. App.
    1985) (noting that the North Carolina Clean Water Act does not preempt
    common law claims); Gonzalez v. Whitaker, 
    643 P.2d 274
    , 278 (N.M. Ct.
    App. 1982) (holding state environmental statutes do not preempt
    common law claims). See generally, Selmi § 10:26, at 10-56, 57.
    We do not see enforcement of nuisance and other common law
    torts in this case as inconsistent with the regulatory framework
    established by chapter 455B.       As indicated above, the nuisance and
    common law actions in this case are based on specific harms to the use
    and enjoyment of real property that are different from the public interest
    generally in controlling air pollution.     We thus think the principles
    articulated in Van Baale v. City of Des Moines, 
    550 N.W.2d 153
    , 156
    (Iowa 1996) (“Where the legislature has provided a comprehensive
    scheme for dealing with a specified kind of dispute, the statutory remedy
    provided is generally exclusive.” (quoting IA C.J.S. Actions § 14 n.55
    (1985))), and 
    Northrup, 372 N.W.2d at 197
    (holding remedy provided
    under Iowa Civil Rights Act “is exclusive”), are inapplicable. In short, we
    think Iowa Code chapter 455B did not impliedly repeal application of
    Iowa Code chapter 657 to air pollution claims or preempt Iowa common
    With respect to remedies, GPC speculates that the district court
    could enter a remedy that conflicts with Iowa Code chapter 455B. As a
    result, GPC argues that the nuisance and common law claims should not
    be allowed to go forward.     Any consideration of this possibility at this
    stage of the litigation, however, is premature. GPC has not demonstrated
    that the district court sitting in equity cannot fashion equitable relief that
    is consistent with Iowa Code chapter 445B. Specifically, to the extent
    the district court orders equitable relief, any such relief may be
    conditioned upon obtaining regulatory approvals required under Iowa
    Code chapter 455B. Or, equitable relief may require development of a
    common     fund   to     promote   clean up   that   does   not   impact the
    requirements of Iowa Code chapter 455B at all. In any event, we decline
    to speculate at this stage about the possible legal issues that may be
    raised by the granting of any injunctive relief in this case.
    V. Discussion of Political Question Doctrine.
    A. Positions of the Parties.
    1.   Plaintiffs.    The plaintiffs argue that the political question
    doctrine does not serve as an impediment to their statutory and common
    law claims. The plaintiffs note that political questions ordinarily involve
    questions for which there is a demonstrable constitutional commitment
    to other branches of government. The plaintiffs note that in Des Moines
    Register & Tribune Co. v. Dwyer, this court held the Iowa Constitution
    had “a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment” to the Iowa
    Senate of the power to establish its rules of proceedings. 
    542 N.W.2d 491
    , 496 (Iowa 1996).       Unlike Dwyer, the plaintiffs argue, there is no
    demonstrable constitutional commitment involved in this case. Indeed,
    Congress has expressly authorized statutory and common law actions
    under state law.       A state court deciding directly authorized litigation
    would not be expressing a lack of respect for Congress or any other
    coordinate branch of government.
    The plaintiffs recognize that one of the criteria identified in Baker
    v. Carr and other political question doctrine cases is “a lack of judicially
    discoverable and manageable standards for resolving [the issue].” 
    369 U.S. 186
    , 217, 
    82 S. Ct. 691
    , 710, 
    7 L. Ed. 2d 663
    , 686 (1962). The
    plaintiffs agree that this case may involve social and economic issues to
    some extent, but that is in the nature of environmental litigation.
    According to the plaintiffs, courts have been deciding nuisance cases for
    years without invoking the political question doctrine. See, e.g., Comer v.
    Murphy Oil USA, Inc. (Comer II), 
    585 F.3d 855
    , 869–76 (5th Cir. 2009),
    reh’g granted, 
    598 F.3d 208
    , 210 (5th Cir.), dismissed on reh’g for lack of
    607 F.3d 1049
    , 1055 (5th Cir. 2010); Connecticut v. Am. Elec.
    Power Co., 
    582 F.3d 309
    , 321–32 (2d Cir. 2009) (lower court decision
    preceding AEP), rev’d on other grounds, 564 U.S. ___, 
    131 S. Ct. 2527
    180 L. Ed. 2d 435
    (2011). This case is no more complex than thousands
    of other cases involving medical malpractice, copyright infringement, or
    patent protection.      The plaintiffs argue that the political question
    doctrine does not permit a court to avoid a dispute merely because it
    presents complex or technical factual issues that the court “would gladly
    avoid.” Zivotofsky ex rel. Zivotofsky v. Clinton, ___ U.S. ___, ___, 132 S.
    Ct. 1421, 1427, 
    182 L. Ed. 2d 423
    , 429 (2012) (quoting Cohens v.
    Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat.) 264, 404, 
    5 L. Ed. 257
    , 291 (1821)).
    Finally, on the question of whether the case is impossible to decide
    “without an initial policy determination of a kind clearly for nonjudicial
    Baker, 369 U.S. at 217
    , 82 S. Ct. at 
    710, 7 L. Ed. 2d at 686
    the plaintiffs contend the fact that the court or jury may have to
    determine     what   conduct   is   reasonable   does   not   amount   to   a
    nonjusticiable question. They cite McMahon v. Presidential Airways, Inc.,
    where the court noted that in “an ordinary tort suit, there is no
    ‘impossibility of deciding without an initial policy determination of a kind
    clearly for nonjudicial discretion.’ ”     
    502 F.3d 1331
    , 1365 (11th Cir.
    2007) (quoting 
    Baker, 369 U.S. at 217
    , 82 S. Ct. at 
    710, 7 L. Ed. 2d at 686
    2. GPC.   GPC claims that this case presents textbook political
    questions. No judge or jury could decide the claims, according to GPC,
    without balancing economic benefits against the harms caused by air
    pollution. It notes, for instance, that the balance between environmental
    goals and economic growth involves a conflict between pollution control
    and new jobs. See Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc.,
    467 U.S. 837
    , 852 n.25, 
    104 S. Ct. 2778
    , 2786 n.25, 
    81 L. Ed. 2d 694
    708 n.25 (1984). GPC asserts that this balancing of interests is best left
    to the political branches of government.      Allowing the statutory and
    common law claims to go forward, according to GPC, would amount to a
    collateral attack on the elaborate system created by Congress that will
    risk results that undermine the system’s clarity and legitimacy.        
    TVA, 615 F.3d at 301
    , 304.
    B. Analysis of Political Question Doctrine.
    1.   Overview of political question doctrine.   The federal political
    question doctrine arises largely from the United States Supreme Court
    case of Baker. In that case, the United States Supreme Court laid out six
    considerations for determining whether a political question was present:
    [(1)] a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of
    the issue to a coordinate political department; or [(2)] a lack
    of judicially discoverable and manageable standards for
    resolving it; or [(3)] the impossibility of deciding without an
    initial policy determination of a kind clearly for nonjudicial
    discretion; or [(4)] the impossibility of a court’s undertaking
    independent resolution without expressing lack of the
    respect due coordinate branches of government; or [(5)] an
    unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political
    decision already made; or [(6)] the potentiality of
    embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by
    various departments on one question.
    369 U.S. at 
    217, 82 S. Ct. at 710
    , 7 L. Ed. at 686.
    The high-water mark of the federal political question doctrine
    appears to be matters involving foreign affairs, determinations of the
    propriety of congressional enactments, and matters related to the
    legislative process. See, e.g., Nixon v. United States, 
    506 U.S. 224
    , 226,
    113 S. Ct. 732
    , 734, 739–40, 
    122 L. Ed. 2d 1
    , 7, 13–14 (1993);
    Goldwater v. Carter, 
    444 U.S. 996
    , 1002–06, 
    100 S. Ct. 533
    , 536–38, 
    62 L. Ed. 2d 428
    , 430–32 (1979) (Rehnquist, J., concurring in judgment).
    The federal political question doctrine has been the subject of
    extensive commentary. Some question whether there is any legitimate
    basis for it. See Louis Henkin, Is There a “Political Question” Doctrine?,
    85 Yale L.J. 597, 600 (1976) (“[T]here may be no doctrine requiring
    abstention from judicial review of ‘political questions.’ ”); Martin H.
    Redish, Judicial Review and the “Political Question,” 79 Nw. U. L. Rev.
    1031, 1031 (1984) (noting commentators have “disagreed about [the
    federal political question doctrine’s] wisdom and validity”);.       Other
    commentators have defended the federal political question doctrine. See
    J. Peter Mulhern, In Defense of the Political Question Doctrine, 137 U. Pa.
    L. Rev. 97 (1988).
    It has also been observed that since Baker, the doctrine has fallen
    into disuse in the United States Supreme Court. See Rachel E. Barkow,
    More Supreme than Court?: The Fall of the Political Question Doctrine and
    the Rise of Judicial Supremacy, 102 Colum. L. Rev. 237, 263 (2007).
    Since Baker, the federal political question doctrine has been invoked
    successfully in only three cases. See Vieth v. Jubelirer, 
    541 U.S. 267
    124 S. Ct. 1769
    , 1778, 
    158 L. Ed. 2d 546
    , 560 (2004) (holding
    gerrymanding claim nonjusticiable); 
    Nixon, 506 U.S. at 226
    , 113 S. Ct. at
    734, 122 L. Ed. 2d at 7
    (concluding question whether the Senate rule
    regarding impeachment is constitutional is nonjusticiable); Gilligan v.
    413 U.S. 1
    , 5–6, 10, 
    93 S. Ct. 2440
    , 2443, 2446, 
    37 L. Ed. 2d 407
    , 413, 415 (1973) (holding determination of adequacy of national
    guardsmen training exclusively vested in Congress).     Even   if   one   is
    inclined to adopt a political question doctrine of some kind, there is a
    question of scope. The six considerations listed by Justice Brennan in
    see 369 U.S. at 217
    , 825 S. Ct. at 
    710, 7 L. Ed. 2d at 686
    , are
    both opaque and elastic. Some commentators advocate consideration of
    all of them, usually in descending order of importance as recognized by
    the plurality opinion in Vieth, 
    see 541 U.S. at 278
    , 124 S. Ct. at 
    1776, 158 L. Ed. 2d at 558
    . Others urge a narrower approach through what
    has been termed the “classical” model, which emphasizes, if not requires,
    a constitutionally based commitment of power to another branch of
    government.    See Amelia Thorpe, Tort-Based Climate Change Litigation
    and the Political Question Doctrine, 24 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 79, 80
    (2008). It is important to note, however, that the United States Supreme
    Court has made clear that the federal political question doctrine does not
    apply to state courts. See 
    Goldwater, 444 U.S. at 1005
    n.2, 100 S. Ct. at
    n.2, 62 L. Ed. 2d at 430 
    n.2 (Rehnquist, J., concurring) (“This Court,
    of course, may not prohibit state courts from deciding political questions,
    any more than it may prohibit them from deciding questions that are
    moot, so long as they do not trench upon exclusively federal questions of
    foreign policy.” (Citation omitted.)).
    Whether and to what extent state courts should adopt the federal
    political question doctrine is a question of some controversy.         Several
    decades ago, Oregon Supreme Court Justice Hans Linde remarked that
    “there are hardly any state analogues to the self-imposed constraints on
    justiciability, ‘political questions,’ and the like.” Hans A. Linde, Judges,
    Critics, and the Realist Tradition, 82 Yale L. J. 227, 248 (1972). While
    Linde’s observation may be overstated, Helen Hershkoff has noted that
    state courts do tend to hear an array of questions that would be
    considered nonjusticiable in federal court.         See Helen Hershkoff, State
    Courts and the “Passive Virtues”: Rethinking the Judicial Function, 114
    Harv. L. Rev. 1833, 1863 (2001).              Two former state supreme court
    justices have observed the significant differences between separation of
    powers under state constitutions as compared to under the Federal
    Constitution.    See Christine M. Durham, The Judicial Branch in State
    Government: Parables of Law, Politics, and Power, 76 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1601,
    1603 (2001) (“State constitutions have a tradition independent of federal
    law in the allocation of power among the branches of state government
    and in their development and understanding of republican principles.”);
    Ellen A. Peters, Getting Away from the Federal Paradigm: Separation of
    Powers in State Courts, 
    81 Minn. L
    . Rev. 1543, 1558 (1997) (“State courts
    are regularly called upon to enforce state constitutional obligations that,
    for sound reasons of federalism, federal courts have declined to enforce.”
    (Footnote omitted.)). If so, the federal political question doctrine might
    have limited value for state courts.
    In some state courts, the doctrine seems to be met with some
    skepticism.     See Backman v. Secretary, 
    441 N.E.2d 523
    , 527 (Mass.
    1982) (“[W]e have never explicitly incorporated the [political question]
    doctrine into our State jurisprudence . . . . [T]his court has an obligation
    to adjudicate claims that particular actions conflict with constitutional
    requirements.”).     Other state courts, however, have cited federal
    precedent solely as if the doctrine were binding on state courts, mixed
    federal and state cases without any clear delineation, and even simply
    used the label “political question” without meaningful case citation or
    analysis. See Christine M. O’Neill, Closing the Door on Positive Rights:
    State Court Use of the Political Question Doctrine to Deny Access to
    Educational Adequacy Claims, 42 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 545, 560–76
    (2009) (categorizing cases according to citation methodology).
    The political question doctrine has rarely provided the basis for a
    holding in our cases.     One exception is Dwyer, a case in which we
    considered whether the Iowa Senate’s policy on release of certain long-
    distance phone records fell within the constitutionally granted power to
    the Senate to determine its own rules of 
    proceedings. 542 N.W.2d at 493
    .     We held that because of the demonstrable constitutional
    commitment to the Senate of the power to make its own rules in article
    III, section 9 of the Iowa Constitution, the lawsuit filed by the newspaper
    to obtain the records raised a nonjusticiable political question.    
    Id. at 494,
    Similarly, in State ex rel. Turner v. Scott, we considered an action
    brought by the attorney general to remove Scott from his Senate seat.
    269 N.W.2d 828
    , 828 (Iowa 1978). Relying upon article III, section I of
    the Iowa Constitution (which vests authority upon each house to judge
    the qualifications of its own members) we held that the case presented a
    political question that should be resolved by the Senate. 
    Id. at 830–31.
    The holdings in Dwyer and Scott are consistent with the narrower
    classical model of the political question doctrine, which focuses on the
    textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of decision-making
    power to another branch of government, the first Baker factor, 369 U.S.
    217, 82 S. Ct. at 710
    , 7 L. Ed. 2d at 686.
    As is often the case, however, the plaintiffs do not question
    whether the political question doctrine applies in state court and whether
    we should adopt a political question doctrine for Iowa that departs from
    the federal approach. In somewhat similar circumstances, where a party
    does not suggest a different standard under Iowa law, we adopt for the
    purposes of the case the federal standard, reserving the right to apply the
    standard differently than under the federal cases. See, e.g., State v.
    818 N.W.2d 135
    , 150 (Iowa 2012) (“Even where a party has not
    provided a substantive standard independent of federal law, we reserve
    the right to apply the standard presented by the party in a fashion
    different than the federal cases.”); NextEra Energy Res. LLC v. Iowa Utils.
    815 N.W.2d 30
    , 45 (Iowa 2012) (“Even in cases where a party has
    not suggested that our approach under the Iowa Constitution should be
    different from that under the Federal Constitution, we reserve the right to
    apply the standard in a fashion at variance with federal cases under the
    Iowa Constitution.”); State v. Oliver, 
    812 N.W.2d 636
    , 650 (Iowa 2012);
    State v. Bruegger, 
    773 N.W.2d 862
    , 883 (Iowa 2009); In re Det. of
    744 N.W.2d 333
    , 338–39 (Iowa 2008). We reserve the right to
    apply the federal standards differently because the six factors in Baker
    are not clearly defined and are open-ended. As a result, within the Baker
    framework, there is a wide range of permissible analysis on each of the
    factors.   We therefore proceed to utilize the federal Baker approach,
    reserving the right to apply these standards in a fashion different from
    federal precedent.
    2. Discussion. From any perspective, it is clear that there is no
    textual constitutional commitment of the issues raised in this case to
    another branch of government. The first and most important factor of
    the Baker formula is thus plainly not present and cuts markedly against
    any application of the political question doctrine here. See Klinghoffer v.
    S.N.C. Anchille Lauro Ed Altri-Gestione Motonave Achille Lauro in
    Amministrazione Straordinaria, 
    937 F.2d 44
    , 49 (2d Cir. 1991) (“Although
    no one factor is dispositive, Justice Brennan, the author of Baker, has
    suggested that the first [factor] . . . is of particular importance . . . [and
    the absence of this factor] strongly suggests that the political question
    doctrine does not apply.” (Citation omitted.)).
    We now move to the second factor, namely, a lack of judicially
    discoverable and manageable standards to resolve the issues. Tort law,
    however, including the law of nuisance, has evolved over the centuries.
    The law has devised a number of doctrinal approaches to accommodate
    difficulties in proof associated with complex environmental and toxic tort
    cases.     See Benjamin Ewing & Douglas A. Kysar, Prods and Pleas:
    Limited Government in an Era of Unlimited Harm, 121 Yale L.J. 350, 370
    (2011). As a result, the United States Supreme Court has never found a
    lack of judicially manageable standards in a tort suit involving private
    Id. at 412.
    The caselaw generally stands for the proposition that
    actions for damages are relatively immune to efforts to dismiss based
    upon the political question doctrine. See, e.g., Gordon v. Texas, 
    153 F.3d 190
    , 195 (5th Cir. 1998) (“Monetary damages might but typically do not
    require courts to dictate policy . . . nor do they constitute a form of relief
    that is not judicially manageable.”); Koohi v. United States, 
    976 F.2d 1328
    , 1332 (9th Cir. 1992) (“Damage actions are particularly judicially
    manageable.”); Barasich v. Columbia Gulf Transmission Co., 
    467 F. Supp. 2d
    676, 679–80, 683 (E.D. La. 2006) (holding demand for damages
    justiciable); Mallinckrodt, 
    Inc., 706 S.W.2d at 221
    (“[I]ndividual tort
    recoveries . . . are not precluded by the political question doctrine.
    Appellants are not trying to establish standards that conflict with
    legislative determinations; they are seeking compensation for injuries.”
    (Citation omitted.)).
    To the extent the science is obscure and complex, the burden of
    proof of all elements of causation remains on the plaintiffs. The mere
    fact that a case is complex does not satisfy this factor. As noted by the
    Second Circuit in AEP, courts have successfully adjudicated complex
    common law public nuisance claims for more than a century. Am. Elec.
    Co., 582 F.3d at 326
    ; Alperin v. Vatican Bank, 
    410 F.3d 532
    , 552
    (9th Cir. 2005) (noting the political question doctrine does not arise
    because the case “is unmanageable in the sense of being large,
    complicated, or otherwise difficult to tackle from a logistical standpoint”).
    Turning to the third factor, there is no need for an initial policy
    determination by another branch of government.          Indeed, the tort law
    itself represents an initial policy determination, namely, that certain
    plaintiffs who demonstrate necessary harm to the use and enjoyment of
    their real property may be entitled to damages and injunctive relief. See
    Am. Elec. Power 
    Co., 582 F.3d at 331
    McMahon, 502 F.3d at 1364
    Klinghoffer, 937 F.2d at 49
    (“The fact that the issues before us arise in a
    politically charged context does not convert what is essentially an
    ordinary tort suit into a non-justiciable political question.”).
    With these major factors removed, the remaining factors generally
    fall out of the equation. None of the remaining Baker factors are very
    strong in any approach to the political question doctrine and they
    certainly do not provide a basis for nonjusticiability in this case.
    As is apparent from the above analysis, none of the Baker factors
    apply in this case with much force. We therefore conclude that this case
    is not subject to dismissal under the political question doctrine.
    VI. Conclusion.
    For all of the above reasons, we conclude that the plaintiffs’ claims
    in this case are not preempted by the CAA, are not preempted by Iowa
    Code chapter 455B, and are not subject to dismissal by operation of the
    political question doctrine.    Our rulings on these issues, of course,
    express no view on the appropriateness of class certification or on the
    underlying merits of the plaintiffs’ claims.     We do conclude, however,
    that GPC was not entitled to summary judgment.              As a result, the
    judgment of the district court is reversed and the case is remanded for
    further proceedings.
    DISTRICT      COURT       JUDGMENT        REVERSED           AND   CASE
    All justices concur, expect Mansfield, J., who takes no part.

Document Info

Docket Number: 13–0723

Filed Date: 6/13/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/1/2016

Authorities (89)

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