Alexis Ficek v. Ronald Morgan, III ( 2022 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 22-0217
    Filed September 21, 2022
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Celene Gogerty, Judge.
    A father appeals the district court’s disposition of his petition to modify
    visitation, custody, and child support.   AFFIRMED IN PART, REVERSED IN
    Alexis Ficek, Pleasant Hill, self-represented appellee.
    Kate Simon of Cordell Law, L.L.P., Des Moines, and Ronald Rieper, Des
    Moines, for appellant.
    Considered by Ahlers, P.J., and Badding and Chicchelly, JJ.
    CHICCHELLY, Judge.
    Ronald (Ronnie) Morgan appeals the district court’s disposition of his
    petition to modify visitation, custody, and child support for two minor children, A.M.
    and E.M. The court declined to modify the most recent order between Ronnie and
    the children’s mother, Alexis Ficek, except that it removed the supervision
    requirement for Ronnie’s visitation. Upon our de novo review, we affirm the district
    court’s ruling as to legal custody and child support, but reverse and remand with
    instructions relative to the issue of visitation.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    Ronnie and Alexis were never married but have two minor children together,
    A.M., born in 2011, and E.M., born in 2013. In 2015, the court entered a decree
    establishing paternity, child custody, visitation, and support. Ronnie and Alexis
    were awarded joint legal custody. Alexis was awarded physical care subject to
    Ronnie’s scheduled visitation, which included alternating weekends and
    overnights during the week. The court ordered Ronnie to pay $667.92 per month
    in child support and provide health insurance for the children.
    Ronnie began using opiates in approximately 2017 and later developed an
    addiction to heroin. He entered an in-patient treatment facility in early 2019, but
    upon his departure, Ronnie relapsed and overdosed while the children were in his
    care.    The children found him unresponsive and called a grandparent for
    assistance.     Ronnie re-entered in-patient treatment in July and eventually
    transitioned to a sober living house from August into October. Ronnie relapsed
    upon his release but maintains he has remained sober since October 27, 2019 and
    no longer requires any form of treatment.
    After Ronnie’s overdose in the children’s presence, Alexis filed an
    application for modification of the court’s 2015 decree. Ronnie did not participate
    in the modification case, and the court entered a default judgment in November
    2019. The court awarded sole legal custody to Alexis and left Ronnie’s visitation
    rights up to Alexis’s discretion—with visitation to occur as deemed to be in the best
    interests of the children and under the supervision of Alexis, a professional
    supervisor, or a third party chosen by Alexis.
    Since then, Alexis and Ronnie’s co-parenting relationship has remained
    rocky. As the district court noted, “they bicker inappropriately when discussing the
    children” and “clearly do not agree on many issues.” Ronnie faults Alexis for,
    among other things, not being more liberal with his visitation, limiting his phone
    communication with the children, and over-enrolling the children in extracurricular
    activities—particularly during the time they have agreed to set aside for his
    visitation.1   Alexis likewise faults Ronnie for a number of issues, including
    inconsistent and cancelled visits, lack of attendance at therapy sessions, and
    “hostile” communication.
    At the same time, Ronnie has started down a better path in many ways. He
    provided five clean drug tests in the two years between the default modification
    order and the modification trial presently under review. Although Ronnie struggled
    to work and fell behind in child support during the height of his addiction, he has
    maintained steady employment since April 2021. He is married, and his wife’s
    1 The parties have engaged in mediation on at least two occasions. Most recently,
    they agreed in May 2021 that Ronnie shall have parenting time with the children
    every Saturday from 10:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M.
    three children reside in their home part-time.         Ronnie is afforded regular,
    unsupervised, and overnight visitation with his eldest child, R.M., born out of a
    different relationship in 2008.
    In December 2020, Ronnie filed a petition for modification, alleging a
    substantial change in circumstances since the default order. After a bench trial in
    November 2021, the court ordered the modified paternity order from 2019 to
    remain in full force and effect, except that the provision requiring supervision of
    Ronnie’s visitation be deleted. Ronnie filed a timely appeal.
    II. Review.
    Our review of custody proceedings for a child born out of wedlock is de
    novo. Lambert v. Everist, 
    418 N.W.2d 40
    , 42 (Iowa 1988). We give weight to the
    district court’s factual findings and credibility determinations, though we are not
    bound by them. Id.; Iowa R. App. P. 6.907. “Prior cases have little precedential
    value, except to provide a framework for analysis, and we must base our decision
    on the particular facts and circumstances before us.” In re Marriage of Will, 
    489 N.W.2d 394
    , 397 (Iowa 1992).
    III. Discussion.
    A. Change in Circumstances and Best Interests of the Children.
    Ronnie alleges the district court erred in finding that he did not establish a
    substantial change in circumstances. He also maintains the court’s disposition
    was not in the children’s best interests. As the party seeking modification, Ronnie
    “must establish by a preponderance of evidence that there has been a material
    change in circumstances since the decree and that the requested change in
    visitation is in the best interests of the children.” Christy v. Lenz, 
    878 N.W.2d 461
    464 (Iowa Ct. App. 2016) (citation omitted). “‘[A] much less extensive change in
    circumstances is generally required in visitation cases’ than the change necessary
    to modify child custody.’”2    
     (alteration in original) (citation omitted).   “The
    rationale for this lower standard is found in the prevailing principle that the best
    interests of children are ordinarily fostered by a continuing association with the
    noncustodial parent.” 
     (citation omitted).
    While the district court found Ronnie did not satisfy the higher standard
    necessary to modify custody, we note the court implicitly found there was at least
    a material change in circumstances in relation to Ronnie’s abstinence from illegal
    drugs, which was sufficient to support removing the supervision requirement from
    his visitation. However, the court concluded that a structured visitation schedule
    was not yet in the children’s best interests because Ronnie “does not appreciate
    the gravity of his addiction” and “also does not appreciate the destructive impact
    of his addictions on his children and Alexis.” The children’s therapist noted that
    “Dad’s lack of consistency of involvement in their lives” has provided the children
    with additional trauma. Ronnie does not accept any fault for this harm despite
    numerous cancelled visits with the children. He admits his lack of attendance at
    some visits and therapy sessions occurred because he lost his license after a 2019
    conviction for operating while intoxicated and also because he was between jobs.
    He also admits to still consuming alcohol.
    2To modify child custody, the party seeking modification must establish a material
    and substantial change in circumstances that is relatively permanent and was not
    originally contemplated by the court. Thorpe v. Hostetler, 
    949 N.W.2d 1
    , 5 (Iowa
    Ct. App. 2020).
    In light of the trauma the children have experienced in their relationship with
    Ronnie, the district court found a slow and unstructured approach to increased
    visitation to be consistent with their best interests, leaving decisions concerning
    the progression of visitation in the hands of Alexis.   While we agree that a slow
    approach to increased visitation is consistent with the children’s best interests
    here, our cases do not support
    the right of visitation [to be] contingent upon an invitation from the
    party having custody of the child, or require the consent of one parent
    for the other to visit the child, . . . thereby leaving the privilege of
    visitation entirely to the discretion of the party having the child in
    Smith v. Smith, 
    142 N.W.2d 421
    , 425 (Iowa 1966) (alteration in original) (citation
    omitted); see also In re Marriage of Retterath, No. 14–1701, 
    2015 WL 6509105
    , at
    *4 (Iowa Ct. App. Oct. 28, 2015); Thompson v. Fowler, No. 17-0284, 
    2017 WL 6513973
    , at *3 (Iowa Ct. App. Dec. 20, 2017); In re Marriage of Kanetomo, No. 19-
    2020 WL 5650593
    , at *4 (Iowa Ct. App. Sept. 23, 2020). As such, we cannot
    concur in the district court’s approach. While we do find the court acted equitably
    in modifying visitation to remove the supervision requirement, we remand to the
    district court to set a gradual visitation schedule for Ronnie that progresses, over
    a period of no more than six months, to every other weekend from Friday at 5:00
    P.M. until Sunday at 5:00 P.M., as well as additional visitation on a weekday or
    worknight, the details of which shall be set by the district court upon consideration
    of the children’s best interests.
    B. Legal Custody.
    Ronnie alleges the district court erred in denying his request to modify legal
    custody. This determination requires a higher standard than that necessary to
    modify visitation. See Christy, 878 N.W.2d at 464. To modify a custodial provision,
    the applying party must establish by a preponderance of evidence
    that conditions since the decree was entered have so materially and
    substantially changed that the children’s best interests make it
    expedient to make the requested change.              The changed
    circumstances must not have been contemplated by the court when
    the decree was entered, and they must be more or less permanent,
    not temporary. They must relate to the welfare of the children.
    Thorpe, 949 N.W.2d at 5. As explained above, the district court found Ronnie
    failed to demonstrate a substantial, permanent change in circumstances. The
    court’s ruling stated:
    Although the court is hopeful that Ronnie has gotten past the worst
    of his addiction, it does not bode well when he minimizes the
    struggles he faces with substance abuse. . . . It will take time and
    patience for Ronnie to rebuild trust with his children and Alexis,
    neither of which he has demonstrated. He thinks of himself first and
    the best interests of his children second.
    We agree with the district court’s concerns regarding the substantial and lasting
    nature of Ronnie’s progress. Therefore, we affirm the court’s refusal to modify
    legal custody.
    C. Modification of Child Support.
    Ronnie does not dispute the district court’s calculation of child support,
    which arrived at a figure within ten percent of the amount originally ordered in
    2015.3 Rather, he argues the district court should have considered deviating from
    3 Modification of child support orders is permitted “when there is a substantial
    change in circumstances,” which exists when the result varies by ten percent or
    the child support guidelines to do justice between the parties. He claims his
    obligation is not sustainable and leaves him vulnerable to non-compliance because
    he is unable to cover monthly expenses or catch up on his arrears to Alexis, which
    total over $17,000. However, we find it was not an abuse of discretion for the court
    to refuse to vary from the child support guidelines in this instance. See In re
    Marriage of Hoksbergen, 
    587 N.W.2d 490
    , 492 (Iowa Ct. App. 1998) (setting forth
    the standard of review). Iowa Court Rule 9.11 permits variance from the guidelines
    when the court makes a written finding that their application “would be unjust or
    inappropriate.” We do not find such an injustice based upon our review of the
    record. Ronnie’s child support obligations will continue in the amount originally
    IV. Disposition.
    We find the district court acted equitably and consistently with the children’s
    best interests by refusing to confer legal custody or decrease child support for
    Ronnie. On those issues we affirm. However, we remand to the district court to
    set a visitation schedule consistent with this opinion.
    more. See 
    Iowa Code § 598
    .21C(1), (2)(a). Therefore, the court did not disturb
    Ronnie’s monthly obligation.