State of Iowa v. Reed Nathan Barclay ( 2017 )

  •                    IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 16-0699
    Filed January 11, 2017
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Cerro Gordo County, James M.
    Drew, Judge.
    A defendant appeals his indeterminate fifteen-year prison sentence for
    delivery of methamphetamine as a habitual offender. AFFIRMED.
    Sarah A. Reindl of Reindl Law Firm, Mason City, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Thomas J. Ogden, Assistant
    Attorney General, for appellee.
    Considered by Vogel, P.J., and Tabor and Mullins, JJ.
    TABOR, Judge.
    Reed Barclay alleges the sentencing court discriminated against him
    because he suffers from mental illness.       Barclay seeks to have his prison
    sentence vacated and to be admitted into drug court. Because Barclay’s claim of
    discrimination does not lead to his desired remedy, we affirm his judgment and
    I.     Prior Proceedings
    In December 2015, the State charged Barclay by trial information with two
    counts of delivery of methamphetamine, class “C” felonies, in violation of Iowa
    Code sections 124.401(1)(c)(6) and 124.413 (2015), as a second and
    subsequent offender under section 124.411, and as a habitual offender under
    sections 902.8 and 902.9(1)(c). In February 2016, Barclay initialed and signed a
    written plea of guilty to one of the two delivery counts. As part of the agreement,
    the State agreed to dismiss the second count and to recommend a prison term
    not to exceed forty-five years, all suspended; five years’ probation; and
    placement in drug court.
    The Second Judicial District Department of Correctional Services
    completed a presentence investigation (PSI) in April 2016. Thirty-four-year-old
    Barclay reported to the investigator that he had been “diagnosed with
    schizoaffective disorder, ADHD, and intermittent explosive disorder and was in
    special education and behavior disorder classes while in school.” He dropped
    out of high school after the eleventh grade but received his GED from North Iowa
    Area Community College in 1999.
    Barclay also reported being a daily user of methamphetamine and was
    diagnosed with a severe amphetamine-type substance-abuse disorder.                 He
    received in-patient treatment at Prairie Ridge Integrated Behavioral Healthcare in
    Mason City in 2015, but he left the program in December of that year and was
    hospitalized at the Mercy Medical Center psychiatric unit. According to the PSI,
    Prairie Ridge staff evaluated Barclay in February 2016 as a result of a drug-court
    referral. The PSI reported the drug-court team decided not to accept Barclay into
    the drug-court program.      The PSI recommended Barclay be sentenced to a
    prison sentence not to exceed forty-five years, reasoning: “The defendant’s
    criminogenic needs require a higher level of supervision than what community
    based supervision can provide.”
    Barclay was aware of the drug-court team’s decision at the March 2016
    guilty-plea hearing. His counsel explained: “Mr. Barclay has been evaluated for
    drug court and they won’t accept him at this time. They might reevaluate him
    over the term of his probation, but right now they believe it’s a little too much
    anxiety for him to participate in that right off the bat.” The plea-taking court
    responded: “So the screening for drug court has been done, and that’s not an
    option at this time. So I’m assuming then we’re just going to jointly recommend
    probation to the Department of Correctional Services without involvement in drug
    court?” Defense counsel agreed that was accurate. But the prosecutor said he
    still intended to recommend drug court, saying “It’s still . . . the court’s discretion
    whether they allow him in.[1] So since that’s what I agreed to, that’s what I’m
    going to recommend.” Barclay personally affirmed he understood the status of
    the drug-court recommendation and, nevertheless, went ahead with his guilty
    At the April 2016 sentencing hearing, the State recommended “a forty-five-
    year prison sentence with the one-third mandatory minimum imposed but that
    sentence be suspended with a recommendation for placement in the Cerro
    Gordo County drug court.” The prosecutor continued:
    [I]n support of my recommendation, I do believe [Barclay] does
    have a lengthy drug history and criminal history that would suggest
    that he does need . . . the drug court and its specialized training in
    order to be successful in becoming a productive member of our
    society. I do believe a lot of his offenses are drug-induced or drug-
    related, so the State feels that the drug court would be in his best
    interest and will leave it for the court’s determination.
    Defense counsel asked the court to accept the State’s recommendation
    but also asked the court to sentence Barclay to “something other than forty-five
    years” as recommended by the PSI. Defense counsel revisited the drug-court
    Again, Mr. Barclay did apply for the drug court. Initially he was
    rejected. . . . I’m not sure the reason, but I know that they had
    reached capacity or very close to it at the time that Mr. Barclay had
    applied.     Certainly during his probation supervision if they
    reevaluated him, made a determination that he was appropriate for
    drug court—he’s nodding his head indicating to you, your Honor,
    that he would like to participate in that. He’s heard some very good
    things about that.
    Our record does not contain any information about the application and approval
    process for the Cerro Gordo County Drug Court. Thus, it is not clear that the district
    court did have unilateral discretion to accept a defendant into the program.
    In his allocution, Barclay shared his “plan for success” in pursuing drug treatment
    in the community so that he could be a “contributing member of society” if he was
    not accepted into drug court.
    In imposing sentence, the judge told Barclay he was considering the
    statutory   factors,   including   Barclay’s   age,    prior   record,   employment
    circumstances, nature of the offense, his attitude, and the information and
    recommendations in the PSI. The court also assured Barclay he was seriously
    considered for participation in drug court:
    I oversee drug court, and for multiple reasons you were deemed
    not acceptable for the drug court program. And I’m not required to
    explain why somebody gets or doesn’t get into drug court, but I
    want to assure you and everybody that’s here supporting you that
    we don’t take those applications lightly and we really looked hard at
    your situation and talked a lot about it.
    The court further addressed Barclay’s combination of substance-abuse
    and mental-health issues.
    One of the problems that we have that you present for us is a
    societal problem, and it bothers me. I want you to know that mental
    illness is a topic that is very close to me, and our society just really
    has failed miserably in providing the resources we need to properly
    deal with mental illness. And then when you combine that with
    serious drug addiction, it just compounds the problem. And, you
    know, you are a classic dual diagnosis defendant as you sit here. I
    know you know this. I’m pretty sure the people here for you know
    this. Your record is abysmal. It’s really bad. And that’s why you sit
    here facing this charge as a habitual offender.
    The court then offered the following explanation for imposing an
    indeterminate fifteen-year term of incarceration:
    From my vantage point the only way probation would work
    for you is in some type of a specialty court, which we just don’t
    have the resources to handle a person in your situation. And, you
    know, some days are just less fun than others for my job, Mr.
    Barclay, but I think the recommendation from the Department of
    Correctional Services is appropriate and we’re going to impose the
    prison sentence. However, . . . I am not going to impose the triple
    sentence on you. I believe that the [fifteen] years with five-year
    mandatory minimum will be sufficient to obtain the sentencing
    Barclay appeals, contesting only the sentence imposed. He contends the
    district court “discriminated” against him “at sentencing because of his disability
    denying him equal protection under the law and violating the Americans with
    Disabilities Act as Amended.”
    II.    Scope and Standards of Review
    Our standard of review depends on the nature of the challenge to the
    sentence. See State v. Seats, 
    865 N.W.2d 545
    , 552–53 (Iowa 2015). To the
    extent Barclay raises an equal-protection claim, we review the sentence de novo.
    id. at 553
    . But we review Barclay’s nonconstitutional claim invoking the
    Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA) for the correction
    of legal error. See 
     In general, we review a sentencing decision for an abuse
    of discretion. See State v. Hill, 
    878 N.W.2d 269
    , 272 (Iowa 2016). “A district
    court abuses its discretion when it exercises its discretion on grounds clearly
    untenable or to an extent clearly unreasonable.” 
    III.   Analysis
    Barclay argues he was denied entry into drug court “because of his mental
    illness, and his sentence of incarceration, rather than accommodating him in the
    drug court program, discriminated against him based upon his disability.” He
    asserts: “If drug court is a program that is offered to drug users, it was illegal for
    the trial court to deny drug court to Mr. Barclay because he is disabled and a
    drug user.” Barclay contends the sentencing court’s decision violated the ADA
    and “his right to equal protection of the law guaranteed by the Fourteenth
    Amendment to the Constitution.”2        Barclay cites Pennsylvania Department of
    Corrections v. Yeskey, 
    524 U.S. 206
    , 209 (1998), for the proposition that
    correctional services, programs, and activities shall not be denied as the result of
    a disability.
    The State counters that Barclay has chosen the wrong forum for his
    disability complaint. The State relies on the analysis from a similar sentencing
    challenge before a Virginia appellate court, quoting: “Nowhere in the ADA does it
    appear that Congress intended the Act to provide rights that could be asserted in
    a criminal proceeding . . . .” See Wilson v. Commonwealth, 
    522 S.E.2d 385
    , 387
    (Va. Ct. App. 1999). The Virginia court rejected Wilson’s argument that Yeskey
    governed the sentencing court’s order of incarceration, denying her admission to
    a detention center program due to her mental health condition.                 See 
    (emphasizing Yeskey involved a civil suit filed against a department of
    corrections in accord with ADA provisions).
    Our supreme court expressed a similarly narrow view of Yeskey’s holding
    when rejecting a claim that a sentencing court erred in failing to consider the
    ADA in mitigation of punishment or in deciding the appropriate placement among
    sentencing options. See State v. Jacobs, 
    644 N.W.2d 695
    , 697 (Iowa 2001).
    The court opined: “Our review of that decision convinces us that it only mandates
    that specific services otherwise provided to prison inmates shall not be denied as
    Although Barclay mentions equal protection in his appellate brief, he does not include
    any argument in support of a constitutional claim. Accordingly, the equal-protection
    issue is not properly before us. See Baker v. City of Iowa City, 
    750 N.W.2d 93
    , 102–03
    (Iowa 2008) (holding a conclusory statement without argument waives an issue).
    the result of a disability.   The defendant here has been denied no service
    because of his disability.” 
     The Jacobs court did not address the applicability
    of the ADA in a criminal proceeding because it found the “defendant’s disability, if
    any, did not play any role in [the sentencing] decision.” See 
    Barclay contends his case differs from Jacobs because the sentencing
    judge, who happened to belong to the drug-court team, suggested Barclay’s
    mental illness was a factor in the team turning down his application. In turn, the
    court denied Barclay’s request for probation, believing Barclay would not
    succeed outside of prison without drug-court supervision. The State agrees the
    drug-court rejection influenced the court’s decision to sentence Barclay to prison
    but disagrees that the drug-court team’s reasons for rejecting Barclay’s
    application are apparent from this record.
    After canvassing the parties’ arguments, we are not persuaded Barclay is
    entitled to relief from his prison sentence under the ADA. Congress enacted the
    ADA to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities and to create
    causes of action for qualified people who have faced discrimination. See 
    42 U.S.C. § 12101
    (b).     Congress amended the ADA in 2008 to reject several
    opinions of the United States Supreme Court that had “the effect of restricting the
    meaning and application of the definition of disability.”      See Goodpaster v.
    Schwan’s Home Serv., Inc., 
    849 N.W.2d 1
    , 8 (Iowa 2014) (quoting statement
    from then Iowa Senator Tom Harkin). But Barclay has not pointed us to any
    precedent from Iowa or other jurisdictions where a criminal defendant has relied
    on the ADA to successfully attack a sentencing court’s exercise of discretion, and
    we have found none.
    Generally a successful showing of discrimination under the ADA requires
    a plaintiff to show he or she has a physical or mental impairment that
    “substantially limits one or more major life activities.” See Sanchez v. Vilsack,
    695 F.3d 1174
    , 1178 (10th Cir. 2012) (quoting 
    42 U.S.C. § 12102
    (1)(A)). “[I]t is
    not sufficient for a plaintiff to identify an impairment and leave the court to infer
    that it results in substantial limitations to a major life activity.”   
    Barclay did not challenge his exclusion from drug court before or after entering
    his guilty plea, we have no record regarding his mental impairment, other than
    the information he provided to the PSI preparer. And we have no showing the
    mental illness diagnoses listed in the PSI posed a substantial limit on a major life
    activity for Barclay. Accordingly, we cannot find the ADA applies to this case.
    See generally Evans v. State, 
    667 S.E.2d 183
    , 186 (Ga. Ct. App. 2008) (rejecting
    challenge by criminal defendant found ineligible for drug court where defendant
    “neither argued nor demonstrated” his disabilities affected a major life activity).
    Barclay is correct in asserting an illegal-sentence claim stands as an
    exception to the rules of error preservation. See State v. Bruegger, 
    773 N.W.2d 862
    , 871 (Iowa 2009) (holding claim that sentence was illegal because it violated
    constitutional provision could be raised for first time on appeal). But that error-
    preservation exception does not absolve Barclay from showing he is a “qualified
    individual with a disability,” who meets the essential eligibility requirements for
    participation in the Cerro Gordo County drug court, to prove an ADA violation.
    42 U.S.C. § 12131
    (2). Even if a criminal case could serve as an appropriate
    forum for an ADA challenge, Barclay did not lay the proper groundwork here.
    Finally, the State contends it was permissible, in fact mandatory, for the
    district court to consider the impact of Barclay’s mental health issues on his need
    for rehabilitation and the need for community protection.        See 
    Iowa Code § 907.5
    (1)(e) (directing court to consider “[t]he defendant’s mental health and
    substance abuse history and treatment options available in the community and
    the correctional system” before suspending sentence). We agree and find no
    abuse of discretion in the court’s sentencing decision. See State v. Wright, 
    340 N.W.2d 590
    , 593 (Iowa 1983) (holding “right of an individual judge to balance the
    relevant factors in determining an appropriate sentence inheres in the
    discretionary standard”).