Hildreth v. State ( 2018 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 16-1174
    Filed January 24, 2018
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Robert J. Blink, Judge.
    James Hildreth appeals the dismissal of his application for postconviction
    relief, asserting his trial counsel was ineffective. AFFIRMED.
    John Audlehelm of Audlehelm Law Office, Des Moines, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Sheryl Soich, Assistant Attorney
    General, for appellee State.
    Considered by Danilson, C.J., and Doyle and Mullins, JJ.
    DOYLE, Judge.
    James Hildreth appeals from the dismissal of his application for
    postconviction relief, asserting his waiver of his right to a speedy trial was invalid
    by way of his trial counsel’s ineffective assistance. Upon our review, we affirm.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    On December 2, 2009, Hildreth was charged by trial information with two
    counts of second-degree sexual assault for sexually assaulting his fiancée’s then
    six-year-old daughter. Trial was scheduled for January 7, 2010. On December
    14, 2009, Hildreth’s trial attorney filed a notice of taking depositions in the case.
    The prosecutor advised Hildreth’s counsel that the State would withdraw any plea
    offer if Hildreth deposed the child victim. On January 5, 2010, Hildreth’s counsel
    advised the prosecutor that Hildreth would be willing to forego depositions in
    exchange for a favorable plea offer. The same day, the State’s Criminalistics
    Laboratory issued its DNA Report detailing the initial results of its DNA screening
    tests on the evidentiary samples collected from the State’s evidence. Little DNA
    evidence was found in the collected samples, and what was found was identified
    to most likely belong to the victim. Further testing was ongoing, and the prosecutor
    and Hildreth agreed to continue the trial twice while awaiting the lab’s completed
    DNA report, with trial scheduled for March 1, 2010.      A status hearing was held
    February 24, 2010, and Hildreth was present. There, the prosecutor indicated the
    evidence was still being tested, and he did not expect the completed report for
    another two to three weeks. Ultimately, the district court was advised by the
    prosecutor and Hildreth’s counsel that three options were before Hildreth.
    Hildreth’s counsel explained that the State had tendered a plea offer to Hildreth,
    wherein Hildreth would plead guilty to lascivious acts, a class “C” felony without
    the mandatory minimum.        Counsel advised he had discussed the offer with
    Hildreth, but Hildreth had indicated he wanted to wait until the DNA testing was
    complete before accepting the offer. The prosecutor was willing to go to trial on
    the scheduled date, which complied with Iowa Rule of Criminal Procedure
    2.33(2)(b)—Iowa’s speedy-trial rule. The prosecutor was also willing to accept the
    plea offer that day, or, if Hildreth agreed to waive his rule 2.33(2)(b) right to trial
    within ninety days, the prosecutor would agree to continuing trial to await the
    results of the additional DNA testing. The prosecutor further stated:
    I just want to make sure that Mr. Hildreth understands that he is not
    going to later, if he gets convicted, he is not going to blame his
    attorney because he didn’t do depositions or he didn’t get the DNA,
    which could be favorable; could be unfavorable to him. So those are
    the concerns.
    The court conducted a colloquy with Hildreth:
    THE COURT: So, Mr. Hildreth, as I understand it, you are
    willing to waive and you are waiving speedy trial so you can get the
    DNA evidence. Is that correct?
    [HILDRETH]: Yes.
    THE COURT: You understand, though, I will try to get this trial
    up within a very reasonable time. And I am trying to ballpark about
    30 days or so. It could be because of the court’s docket I can’t do it
    that fast. It may take a little longer. Do you understand that?
    [HILDRETH]: Yes, I do.
    THE COURT: You are willing to go along with that?
    [HILDRETH]: Yes.
    THE COURT: And because you are taking that position, [the
    prosecutor] is saying, “All right, Judge. Let’s continue. I’m going
    along. I will continue the trial date. If he wants depositions, we will
    get them set up. . . .” And if that is the way this runs its course, [the
    prosecutor] is not pulling the plea offer or at least not—just not
    saying, ‘‘Okay. All deals are off, we go to trial in 30 or 60 days. . . .”
    THE COURT: So plea discussions are still on the table as long
    as that victim is not deposed. . . . Do you understand that, Mr.
    [HILDRETH]: Yes, I do.
    The prosecutor requested that Hildreth sign a waiver of his rule 2.33(2)(b) right,
    and he did.
    Shortly thereafter, the lab’s DNA report was completed. The results were
    less than favorable to Hildreth, including finding seminal fluid on the victim’s
    panties consistent with Hildreth’s DNA profile. Thereafter, the State withdrew its
    prior plea offers.
    The matter was tried to the bench, and Hildreth was found guilty of two
    counts of second-degree sexual assault. We affirmed his convictions on direct
    appeal. See State v. Hildreth, No. 10-1641, 
    2013 WL 2371194
    , *1-2 (Iowa Ct. App.
    May 30, 2013). Hildreth later filed an application for postconviction relief (PCR),
    claiming, among other things, that his waiver of his right to a speedy trial was
    invalid by way of ineffective assistance of his trial counsel. Following a hearing,
    the PCR court dismissed Hildreth’s PCR application.
    Hildreth now appeals that ruling, arguing his trial counsel was ineffective.
    Our review is de novo. See Dempsey v. State, 
    860 N.W.2d 860
    , 868 (Iowa 2015).
    Ineffective assistance is shown by establishing counsel breached an essential duty
    that resulted in prejudice. See 
    II. Discussion.
    Under Iowa Rule of Criminal Procedure 2.33(2)(b), if a defendant indicted
    for a public offense is not brought to trial within ninety days, the indictment must
    be dismissed unless the State proves one of the following exceptions
    occurred: (1) the defendant waived the right, (2) the defendant caused the delay,
    or (3) there was good cause for the delay. See State v. Taylor, 
    881 N.W.2d 72
    , 78
    (Iowa 2016); see also State v. Utter, 
    803 N.W.2d 647
    , 652 (Iowa 2011). To
    establish the defendant waived his speedy-trial right, the State must show the
    defendant intentionally relinquished or abandoned the right.       See Taylor, 881
    N.W.2d at 78. “That is . . . the defendant must do so knowingly and intelligently.”
    Id. at 79. Mere acquiescence of the right is not sufficient. See id. at 80.
    In the present case, because the trial information was filed December 2,
    2009, Hildreth had to be tried by March 2, 2010, unless one of the exceptions
    occurred. See id. at 78-80; see also Iowa R. Crim. P. 2.33(2)(b). Although Hildreth
    acknowledges he signed a waiver of his right to a speedy trial, he claims the waiver
    was not knowingly or intelligently made because of his trial counsel’s actions—or
    lack thereof. More specifically, Hildreth insists that his trial attorney failed to
    provide him with the January 2010 forensic lab report, and if Hildreth had been
    given the report, he would not have waived his speedy-trial right. Hildreth asserts
    this requires dismissal of his charges. We disagree.
    Hildreth relies upon Taylor, wherein the Iowa Supreme Court found that the
    district court erred in not granting Taylor’s motion to dismiss her indictment
    because her speedy-trial right had been violated. See Taylor, 881 N.W.2d at 74-
    80. Based upon the unusual facts of the case, the supreme court disagreed that
    the State had shown both good cause for its delay in bringing Taylor to trial within
    ninety days of her indictment and that Taylor waived her right.               See id.
    Consequently, it did not address Taylor’s ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim.
    See id. at 80.
    Two justices of the court dissented in Taylor and would have affirmed the
    finding that Taylor waived her right to a speedy trial. See id. at 80-81 (Mansfield
    & Waterman, JJ., dissenting). Nevertheless, those justices would have preserved
    for possible PCR proceedings the question of whether Taylor’s counsel rendered
    effective assistance in consenting to the waiver, because, in the dissent’s view,
    there were possible tactical reasons that would have made waiver a good decision,
    even after the ninety-day deadline, such as negating the possibility of other
    charges being filed against Taylor. See id.
    The dissent in Taylor discussed and distinguished Taylor from another
    case, Utter, where the supreme court found the record adequate to address on
    direct appeal Utter’s ineffective-assistance-of-counsel claim concerning Utter’s
    waiver of her speedy-trial right. See id. (discussing Utter, 803 N.W.2d at 655).
    Somewhat akin to Hildreth’s argument here, the court in Utter found:
    Utter would not have pled guilty if she had known the court was
    required to dismiss the information under rule 2.33 . . . .
    Consequently, she did not enter into the plea voluntarily or
    intelligently. Thus, a reasonable probability exists that, but for
    counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would
    have been different.
    803 N.W.2d at 655. On this basis, the court found Utter’s trial counsel was
    ineffective, vacated Utter’s guilty plea, and remanded for dismissal of the
    information pursuant to rule 2.33. See id. at 655-56.
    Hildreth’s claim here is kind of a hybrid of those addressed in Taylor—in
    both the majority and dissenting opinions—and Utter. However, the facts and
    procedural posture of both Taylor and Utter make this case distinguishable. See
    Taylor, 881 N.W.2d at 79-80; Utter, 803 N.W.2d at 653-55. Hildreth’s claim, like in
    Utter but unlike Taylor, is one of ineffective assistance. Utter was required to show
    she would not have pled guilty but for her counsel’s ineffective assistance. See
    Utter, 803 N.W.2d at 653-55. Utter was able to do that by first showing her trial
    counsel permitted her to enter a guilty plea “after the speedy indictment time
    expired,” which was a breach of an essential duty. Id. at 653. That is not what
    happened here.
    When Hildreth agreed to waive his speedy-trial right and wait for the
    additional lab report, the speedy-indictment time had not expired; in fact, the State
    was prepared to go to trial within that deadline. Hildreth’s trial counsel testified at
    the PCR hearing that he advised Hildreth of the risk of waiting for the additional
    report, and although he could not recall for certain, trial counsel testified it was his
    ordinary practice to give his clients lab reports when received and believed he
    would have given Hildreth the January 2010 report.           The transcript from the
    February 2010 pretrial conference shows Hildreth was explicitly advised there was
    a possibility the additional report could be unfavorable to him, and there is no
    indication that Hildreth was unaware what was in the January 2010 report or that
    he had not seen it or received it.
    Moreover, unlike in Taylor, Hildreth was expressly informed of his speedy-
    trial right and agreed to waive it so he could await the completion of the additional
    report. See 881 N.W.2d at 79-80. He could have been tried within ninety days,
    but he knowingly waived the right. Hildreth did not establish his trial counsel
    breached an essential duty. Consequently, Hildreth cannot show his counsel
    rendered ineffective assistance. Accordingly, we affirm the ruling of the PCR court
    dismissing Hildreth’s PCR application.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-1174

Filed Date: 1/24/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/28/2018