State of Iowa v. Eliot James Stowe ( 2022 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 21-0080
    Filed July 20, 2022
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Monona County, Zachary Hindman,
    Eliot Stowe appeals his conviction for first-degree murder. AFFIRMED.
    Martha J. Lucey, State Appellate Defender, and Vidhya K. Reddy, Assistant
    Appellate Defender, for appellant.
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Sheryl Soich, Assistant Attorney
    General, for appellee.
    Heard by Vaitheswaran, P.J., Badding, J., and Vogel, S.J.*
    *Senior judge assigned by order pursuant to Iowa Code section 602.9206
    VAITHESWARAN, Presiding Judge.
    Eliot Stowe appeals his first-degree murder conviction. He argues the
    district court should have found him not guilty by reason of insanity.
    I.     Background Facts and Proceedings
    Cheryl, described by her friend as “a real champion of the underdog,” took
    in her adult grandson, Eliot Stowe. When Cheryl uncharacteristically failed to show
    up for a work meeting, a Monona County sergeant went to her acreage to check
    on her.
    Stowe answered the door. The sergeant, who had since learned there was
    an outstanding warrant on Stowe, arrested him and entered the home “to check
    on Cheryl’s possible well-being.” In a bedroom, he observed “a large mass of dried
    blood” on the floor and “more blood underneath the bed.” A search warrant was
    later executed on the home.
    Cheryl’s body, wrapped in what appeared to be a large living room rug
    secured with duct tape, was found in a field about a mile and a half from her home.
    A roll of duct tape was picked up in the middle of a road. A burned baseball bat
    was found in a fire pit outside Cheryl’s garage. The deputy medical examiner
    testified that Cheryl sustained “blunt force injuries” caused by an object “like a bat.”
    The State charged Stowe with first-degree murder. Stowe notified the
    district court of his intent to rely on an insanity defense. Following a bench trial,
    the court rejected the defense and found Stowe guilty.
    II.    Insanity Defense
    The statutory insanity defense states:
    A person shall not be convicted of a crime if at the time the
    crime is committed the person suffers from such a diseased or
    deranged condition of the mind as to render the person incapable of
    knowing the nature and quality of the act the person is committing or
    incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong in relation to that
    act. Insanity need not exist for any specific length of time before or
    after the commission of the alleged criminal act. If the defense of
    insanity is raised, the defendant must prove by a preponderance of
    the evidence that the defendant at the time of the crime suffered from
    such a deranged condition of the mind as to render the defendant
    incapable of knowing the nature and quality of the act the defendant
    was committing or was incapable of distinguishing between right and
    wrong in relation to the act.
    Iowa Code § 701.4
    Stowe concedes that “the question is whether ‘there is substantial evidence
    to support the trial court’s conclusion the defendant did not prove by a
    preponderance of evidence he was insane when he committed the crimes.’”
    (Quoting State v. Wheeler, 
    403 N.W.2d 58
    , 61 (Iowa Ct. App. 1987), overruled on
    other grounds by State v. Reeves, 
    636 N.W.2d 22
    , 25 (Iowa 2001).) Stowe also
    concedes “credibility issues are left to the factfinder” and “a factfinder generally is
    not obliged to accept expert testimony, even if it is uncontradicted.” (Internal
    citations and quotations omitted.) But he asserts “expert testimony ‘should not be
    arbitrarily and capriciously rejected.’” (Citing Waddell v. Peet’s Feeds, Inc., 
    266 N.W.2d 29
    , 32 (Iowa 1978).) In his view, the district court “discarded” two expert
    opinions “in favor of its own observations and analysis—failing to account for the
    reality that inferences which can routinely and logically be drawn from a mind
    unafflicted by schizophrenia, will not necessarily apply to a mind that is so
    Three experts testified on the insanity defense.        Clinical psychologist
    Richard Frederick opined Stowe appeared “to be somebody who had
    schizophrenia,” he was “treated for it,” and he “was doing pretty well.” At the same
    time, he discerned “some confusion in [Stowe’s] thinking at some level,” and he
    characterized the “disorganization of thinking” as a hallmark of schizophrenia.
    After several hours of conversation with Stowe, Dr. Frederick opined Stowe
    “clearly” did not “understand what [was] happening,” he was “in a state of unreality”
    when he killed his grandmother, and he “did not know” that the charged behavior
    “was wrong.”
    Forensic psychologist Tracy Thomas, who was retained by the State to
    evaluate Dr. Frederick’s opinion, ultimately opined that Stowe “did know [the]
    nature and quality” of his behavior but he “had a diseased or deranged condition
    of the mind” that “caused him to be unable to distinguish between right and wrong.”
    She, too, interviewed Stowe and, like Dr. Frederick, she relied in part on Stowe’s
    “disorganization of thought,” which she defined as “illogical, garbled, nonsensical”
    Psychiatrist James Dennert testified for the State. Following a document
    review, he saw “no evidence that Mr. Stowe was suffering any sort of acute
    psychiatric or psychotic condition.” He did reason that Stowe may have personality
    disorder and was possibly suffering from schizophrenia, but he opined Stowe “did
    not suffer a mental impairment, illness, or derangement at the time of the event
    that would prevent him from being able to understand the nature and
    consequences of his actions, nor prevent him from being able to understand the
    difference between right and wrong.”
    The district court thoroughly evaluated each of the three expert opinions.
    The court found Dr. Dennert “credibly” focused on Stowe’s “mental state from
    closest in time to when he killed Cheryl.” In contrast, the court noted that Drs.
    Frederick and Thomas relied on Stowe’s after-the-fact, self-serving statements.
    The court contrasted those statements with Stowe’s rational behaviors around the
    time of the killing, citing the following pieces of evidence among others:
    •   The “manner” in which Stowe killed Cheryl: “he inquired of
    Cheryl what would happen if he hit her with a baseball bat; he
    listened to her answer, that she would probably die; he went
    and retrieved a baseball bat; he followed her to the bedroom
    where she went to try to get away from him; he attempted
    unsuccessfully to open the bedroom door; he broke out a
    panel of the bedroom door; he reached through the panel and
    hit her with the baseball bat; he opened the door and hit her
    more; and then once Cheryl had crawled under the bed, he
    sat, smoked a cigarette, and waited for her to die.”
    •   Stowe’s “efforts at hiding the evidence” of Cheryl’s killing: he
    “rolled her or her body up in two rugs; thoroughly secured the
    rugs with duct tape; obtained the keys required to access one
    of Cheryl’s vehicles; placed butcher paper in the back of the
    vehicle in order to soak up any of Cheryl’s blood that may
    have leaked from her body; carried her body from her
    residence to the vehicle, and placed it inside the vehicle;
    searched for a place to dump Cheryl’s body; decided to dump
    her body off of a low-maintenance Level B access road, . . .
    rather than a main road; then decided to dump her body such
    that a fence and some trees or bushes were between the road
    and where he left her body; dumped the roll of duct tape that
    he had used to secure Cheryl’s body in the rugs in a different
    direction, from her house, than where he had dumped her
    body; then returned to Cheryl’s residence and wiped up his
    bloody footprints from the floor of the house; turned on a fan
    in the bedroom where most of the bloodstains were, and
    pointed the fan at the bloodstains; poured some kind of
    cleaning powder on the biggest bloodstains; shut the partially
    broke door between the bedroom where most of the evidence
    of Cheryl’s death was, and the rest of the house; and
    attempted to burn up the bat which he had used to beat
    •   Stowe’s interaction with the officers during the welfare check:
    Stowe told the officer “why Cheryl was not at her house”:
    “[Stowe’s] story was carefully crafted to try to address some
    of the most suspicious aspects of Cheryl’s absence. In
    particular, by claiming that Cheryl had been picked up by a
    friend, [he] explained why all of [her] vehicles remained at her
    house. And by claiming that Cheryl had flown somewhere
    ‘down there’ to help a Latino individual who had been
    deported, he implied that she had gone somewhere in Latin
    America, which could provide a possible explanation for why
    she was unreachable by phone. [His] story also anticipated,
    and attempted to address, less significant potentially
    suspicious aspects of the situation—for example, when [he]
    was pressed by [the officer] for more details, he told [the
    officer] that he was not ‘super overly in [her] business,’ as an
    explanation for why he could not do so.”
    •   Stowe’s response to the officer’s refusal to close and lock the
    door of Cheryl’s home: “[Stowe] demanded that [the officer]
    shut the door in front of [Stowe], so that [Stowe] could see him
    do it. [Stowe] told [the officer] that he knew his legal rights,
    and asserted a property interest in the house. And [Stowe]
    asserted that if [the officer] or another officer ‘cross[ed] the
    premises of the threshold’ of the door to Cheryl’s house, [the
    officer] or that other officer would be ‘breaking and entering’-
    which is a fairly accurate recitation of the law.”
    •   Stowe’s interactions with the officers during execution of the
    search warrant: “he posed to the officers who were present
    intelligent inquiries about the search warrant; he sought
    clarification about whether the search warrant was distinct
    from and in addition to the warrants for his arrest; he inquired
    who issued the search warrant; and he inquired what the
    officers meant when they said that the search warrant made
    his refusal to consent to the search irrelevant.”
    •   Stowe’s interactions with officers after execution of the search
    warrant: “he asked reasonable and intelligent questions about
    his bond situation; he inquired whether the charges on which
    he had been arrested were felonies or misdemeanors; he
    cooperated with the completion of paperwork relating to his
    placement in jail; and he responded rationally to questions
    asked of him during this procedure.”
    The court determined Stowe—“very soon after he killed Cheryl”—
    was able to rationally assess his situation; he was able to rationally
    anticipate the likely future actions of others, in response to that
    situation; and he was able to rationally devise and then mostly carry
    out a plan designed to minimize the chances that those others would
    act in ways detrimental to him.
    These calculations, the court said, undermined Stowe’s statements and the two
    experts’ reliance on his seemingly disorganized thought processes. The court
    expressed a lack of conviction that “at the time when [Stowe] killed Cheryl, his
    mental illness rendered him incapable of knowing the nature and quality of that
    act” or “that . . . his mental illness rendered him incapable of distinguishing between
    right and wrong in relation to that act.”
    Substantial evidence supports the district court’s findings underlying its
    conclusion on the insanity defense. As for the court’s evaluation of the expert
    testimony, it is established that “[w]hen conflicting psychiatric testimony is
    presented to the fact finder, the issue of sanity is clearly for the fact finder to
    decide.” See State v. Jacobs, 
    607 N.W.2d 679
    , 685 (Iowa 2000). Indeed, as noted
    at the outset, “[t]he trial court as trier of fact is not obligated to accept opinion
    evidence, even from experts, as conclusive.” 
     And “[w]hen a case evolves into
    a battle of experts, we, as the reviewing court, readily defer to the district court’s
    judgment as it is in a better position to weigh the credibility of the witnesses.” 
    Because it was the district court’s prerogative to weigh the three expert opinions,
    we affirm the court’s findings and determinations with respect to those experts, the
    court’s conclusion on the insanity defense, and Stowe’s judgment and sentence
    for first-degree murder.

Document Info

Docket Number: 21-0080

Filed Date: 7/20/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 7/20/2022