In the Interest of L.R., Minor Child ( 2022 )

  •                     IN THE COURT OF APPEALS OF IOWA
    No. 22-0803
    Filed September 21, 2022
    Minor Child,
    C.R., Father,
    J.D., Mother
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Dickinson County, Shawna L.
    Ditsworth, District Associate Judge.
    Parents appeal the order terminating their rights to their child. AFFIRMED
    Elizabeth K. Elsten, Spirit Lake, for appellant father.
    Bethany Brands of Boji Legal Services, PLLC, Spirit Lake, for appellant
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Ellen Ramsey-Kacena, Assistant
    Attorney General, for appellee State.
    Shannon Sandy of Sandy Law Firm, P.C., Spirit Lake, attorney and
    guardian ad litem for minor child.
    Considered by Ahlers, P.J., and Badding and Chicchelly, JJ.
    AHLERS, Presiding Judge.
    The juvenile court terminated both parents’ parental rights to their seven-
    year-old child. At the time of the termination hearing, the father was in federal
    prison with an expected release date in 2025. The mother had been released from
    state prison to a halfway house about two weeks before the hearing. Both parents
    We conduct de novo review of orders terminating parental rights. In re Z.K.,
    973 N.W.2d 27
    , 32 (Iowa 2022). Our review follows a three-step process that
    involves determining if at least one statutory ground for termination has been
    established, whether termination is in the child’s best interests, and whether any
    permissive exceptions should be applied to preclude termination. In re A.B., 
    957 N.W.2d 280
    , 294 (Iowa 2021). Then we address any additional claims raised by
    the parents. In re K.M., No. 19-1637, 
    2020 WL 110408
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. Jan.
    9, 2020).
    Each parent raises four claims: (1) statutory grounds for termination were
    not established1; (2) termination is not in the child’s best interests; (3) the
    closeness of the parent-child bond should preclude termination; and (4) an
    additional six months to work toward reunification should have been granted. We
    address each claim in turn.
    1 In addition to their broad challenge to the statutory grounds, both parents claim
    the State failed to make reasonable efforts towards reunification. The State “must
    show reasonable efforts as part of its ultimate proof the child cannot be safely
    returned to the parent,” which is a statutory element under the grounds claimed in
    this case. See In re C.B., 
    611 N.W.2d 489
    ,493 (Iowa 2000). So we will address
    their reasonable-efforts claims within our discussion of the statutory grounds
    authorizing termination.
    I.     Statutory Grounds.
    The juvenile court terminated the parents’ rights pursuant to Iowa Code
    section 232.116(1)(f) (2021), which permits termination upon proof that (1) the
    child is four years of age or older; (2) the child has been adjudicated a child in need
    of assistance (CINA); (3) the child has been removed from the physical custody of
    the child’s parents for the last twelve consecutive months and any trial period at
    home has been less than thirty days; and (4) the child cannot be returned to the
    custody of the child’s parents at the time of the termination hearing. In re D.W.,
    791 N.W.2d 703
    , 707 (Iowa 2010) (interpreting section 232.116(1)(f)(4)’s use of
    the phrase “at the present time” to mean at the time of the termination hearing).
    Both parents concede the first three elements and limit their challenge to proof of
    the fourth—whether the child could be returned to their custody.
    The mother asserts that the child could be returned to her custody at the
    time of the termination hearing because children are permitted to live at the halfway
    house at which she resided. While that may technically be true, it would have been
    unreasonable to permit the child to do so here. The mother has a long history of
    mental-health and substance-abuse problems. She just finished a seven-month
    stretch in prison on a burglary charge and was only released a few weeks before
    the hearing. She had not demonstrated the ability to remain drug free in the
    community and had just started scheduling mental-health treatment. See C.B.,
    611 N.W.2d at 495 (“A parent cannot wait until the eve of termination, after the
    statutory time periods for reunification have expired, to begin to express an interest
    in parenting.”); In re J.W., No. 22-0002, 
    2022 WL 2348175
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App.
    June 29, 2022) (declining to place any significance on a parent’s period of sobriety
    because it occurred in a custodial setting); In re E.T., No. 20-1637, 
    2021 WL 811173
    , at *2 (Iowa Ct. App. Mar. 3, 2021) (noting a mother’s “eleventh-hour
    efforts” to address her mental health were not sufficient); In re B.H., No. 19-1696,
    2020 WL 376557
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. Jan. 23, 2020) (considering a mother’s
    unaddressed mental-health issues when determining her child could not be
    returned to her care). The child could not be safely returned to her custody at the
    halfway house or anywhere else.
    We reject the father’s argument as well. As noted, the father is in prison,
    so the child obviously could not be placed in his custody. See In re D.N.-M.,
    No. 22-0886, 
    2022 WL 3421321
    , at *1 (Iowa Ct. App. Aug. 17, 2022) (concluding
    a child could not be returned to the father because the father was incarcerated at
    the time of the termination hearing). The father tries to avoid this flaw in his
    argument by arguing that the child could be returned to the mother’s custody. But,
    this does not save him. As we have already ruled, the child could not be returned
    to the mother. Further, even if that were not the case, the father cannot assert
    facts or legal positions pertaining to the other parent, as the court makes a
    separate adjudication as to each parent. See In re D.G., 
    704 N.W.2d 454
    , 460
    (Iowa Ct. App. 2005).
    However, both parents assert that any barriers to reunification are the result
    of the failure of the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to
    make reasonable efforts to reunify the child with the parents. While not a strict
    substantive requirement of termination, the State must show reasonable efforts as
    part of its ultimate proof that a child cannot be safely returned to the care of a
    parent. In re L.T., 
    924 N.W.2d 521
    , 527 (Iowa 2019). The parents suggest a
    number of different efforts that the DHHS should have offered that they claim would
    have helped them progress toward reunification.
    The problem for the parents is that making these suggestions to us—or
    even to the juvenile court at the termination hearing—is too late. “If a parent has
    a complaint regarding services, the parent must make such challenge at the
    removal, when the case permanency plan is entered, or at later review hearings.”
    In re C.H., 
    652 N.W.2d 144
    , 148 (Iowa 2002). Further, the complaint must be
    made to the juvenile court, as voicing the complaint to a social worker is
     “[I]f a parent fails to request other services at the proper time, the
    parent waives the issue and may not later challenge it at the termination
    The parents are doing exactly what C.H. says they cannot, which is wait
    until the termination hearing to challenge the reasonableness of the DHHS’s
    efforts. See 
     Here, the juvenile court made reasonable-efforts findings at each
    stage of the CINA proceeding, with no challenge to those findings made by the
    parents and no request for additional services being made. We find the parents
    have waived any reasonable-efforts challenge that would lead us to determine the
    child could not be returned to their respective care due to the failure of DHHS to
    make reasonable efforts.
    Accordingly, the statutory ground authorizing termination of both parents’
    rights is satisfied.
    II.    Best Interests.
    The parents argue termination is not in the child’s best interests.2 The
    primary thrust of their argument is that the child was living with family members
    until shortly before the termination hearing, but, now that the child has been placed
    in foster care, the child may be adopted by a nonfamily member. See In re R.J.,
    495 N.W.2d 114
    , 117 (Iowa Ct. App. 1992) (recognizing “[t]here is no statutory
    preference for” relative placement post termination). They argue this is not in the
    child’s best interests. Cf. In re K.N., No. 17-0010, 
    2017 WL 1278370
    , at *3 (Iowa
    Ct. App. Apr. 5, 2017) (recognizing a parent does not have standing to challenge
    the placement of a child after their rights have been terminated).
    The parents’ argument ignores the fact that the two prior family placements
    ended due to the actions of the family members. The first placement—with the
    child’s paternal grandmother—ended when the grandmother tested positive for
    methamphetamine. The second placement—with the child’s grandaunt—ended
    when the grandaunt requested the child’s removal due to personal circumstances
    that prevented her from being a placement or adoption option. After these two
    placements fell through, the child was placed with foster parents with whom the
    child had previously been placed and had a very positive relationship. We reject
    the parents’ best-interests argument by noting and agreeing with these findings by
    the juvenile court:
    2 When making a best-interest determination, we “give primary consideration to
    the child’s safety, to the best placement for furthering the long-term nurturing and
    growth of the child, and to the physical, mental, and emotional condition and needs
    of the child.” In re P.L., 
    778 N.W.2d 33
    , 40 (Iowa 2010) (quoting 
    Iowa Code § 232.116
    This family was brought to the attention of the [DHHS] due to illegal
    drug abuse, despite a prior [CINA] proceeding which dealt with very
    similar issues. [The child], at the current age of seven, has nearly
    spent more time in an out-of-home placement than she has living
    with either her mother or father. [The child] has experienced removal
    from a relative placement due to the relative’s use of illegal drugs.
    [The child] has now been placed with the foster family [with whom
    she had] previously lived for eighteen-and-a-half months. [The child]
    has been without a parent much of her life. [The child] cannot wait
    any longer for her parents, or even her relative caregivers, to choose
    her well-being over drug use. [The child] has transitioned back into
    the safety of her foster family, with whom she had developed a
    relationship and bond. [The child] is doing well currently, and has
    historically done well in the care of the foster family. [The child] is
    adoptable. [The child] considers her foster family her family. [The
    child] calls the foster family by “Mom” and “Dad” and identifies their
    children as her “sisters.” [The child] has been out of the custody of
    [the mother] for well over the one-year timeframe. The court finds
    that [the mother’s] and [the father’s] past performance throughout the
    life of this case, as well as the prior [CINA] case, is indicative of the
    quality of future care each parent is capable of providing at this time.
    The court finds that a termination of [both parents’] parental rights is
    in [the child’s] best interest.
    III.   Permissive Exception—Parent-Child Bond.
    Iowa Code section 232.116(3) lists a number of circumstances under which
    the court can deny termination even if statutory grounds for termination exist and
    termination is in a child’s best interests.         We commonly refer to these
    circumstances as exceptions. See, e.g., In re A.S., 
    906 N.W.2d 467
    , 473 (Iowa
    2018). One of those exceptions is when “[t]here is clear and convincing evidence
    that the termination would be detrimental to the child at the time due to the
    closeness of the parent-child relationship.” 
    Iowa Code § 232.116
    (3)(c). Both
    parents contend this exception should be applied to avoid termination.
    We are not persuaded by the parents’ contention.             All exceptions in
    section 232.116(3) are permissive, not mandatory. A.S., 906 N.W.2d at 475.
    Therefore, it is within our discretion whether to apply an exception based on the
    unique circumstances of each case and after having considered the best interests
    of the child. Id. While we do not doubt that there is some bond between each
    parent and the child and there may be some corresponding emotional distress by
    termination, the emotional distress caused by termination pales in comparison to
    that already inflicted on the child by the parents’ past actions and the future distress
    that will be inflicted on the child if the child is not given the permanency that comes
    with termination. By the time of the termination hearing, the father had been in
    prison for three years, with only limited in-person and telephone contact with the
    child. The mother had just gotten out of prison without making any effort to
    maintain meaningful contact with the child. Even before the stretch in prison, the
    mother had largely abandoned all parenting responsibilities and was periodically
    unable to be found. The child expressed excitement when able to return to her
    foster family, and she is reportedly doing well in that placement. Under these
    circumstances, we decline to apply the exception found in section 232.116(3)(c) to
    deny termination.
    IV.    Additional Six Months.
    If the juvenile court decides not to terminate parental rights, it has the option
    of ordering any alternative statutory permanency option, which includes giving the
    parents an additional six months to work toward reunification.             
    Iowa Code § 232.117
    (5) (permitting the court to enter a permanency order pursuant to section
    232.104 if it does not terminate parental rights); see also 
     § 232.104(2)(b)
    (providing a permanency option of giving the parents an additional six months).
    The parents contend the juvenile court should have exercised this option.
    In order to grant an additional six months for the parents to work toward
    reunification, the court must be able to “enumerate the specific factors, conditions,
    or expected behavioral changes which comprise the basis for the determination
    that the need for removal of the child from the child’s home will no longer exist at
    the end of the additional six-month period.” Id. § 232.104(2)(b). The juvenile court
    was unable to find any basis for believing circumstances would meaningfully
    improve within six months, and neither can we.
    As to the mother, we agree with the juvenile court when it said:
    [The mother] has a long-standing history of substance abuse, related
    legal problems and an overall history of instability in her life. [The
    mother] has not yet negated the risk of recurrence of harm to [the
    child]. Based on [the mother’s] acknowledgment of her need to
    continue to work on herself and demonstration of an inability to work
    on her own issues while providing appropriate parenting at the same
    time, the court does not believe there is likely to be a different
    outcome in six months.
    The father’s claim fails because he is not expected to be released from federal
    prison until 2025, so there is no basis for believing that the problems that led to the
    removal of the child will be fixed within six months.
    V.     Conclusion.
    Finding all issues raised by both parents unpersuasive, we affirm the
    juvenile court’s order terminating both parents’ rights to the child.

Document Info

Docket Number: 22-0803

Filed Date: 9/21/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2022