Castleberry v. DeBrot , 424 P.3d 495 ( 2018 )

    No. 111,105
    DOUGLAS L. CASTLEBERRY, Individually and as the Administrator of the ESTATE OF
    BARBARA MAE CASTLEBERRY, Deceased, and on behalf of SUSAN M. KRAFT and SCOTT
    CASTLEBERRY, Adult Heirs at Law of BARBARA MAE CASTLEBERRY, Deceased,
    In a civil case, when the Kansas Supreme Court grants a petition for review of a
    Court of Appeals' decision, only those issues presented in the petition, or fairly included
    therein, will be considered.
    Proximate cause is the cause that in a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken
    by any superseding cause, both produced the injury and was necessary for the injury. The
    injury must be the natural and probable consequence of the wrongful act. Individuals are
    not responsible for all possible consequences arising from their negligence—just those
    that are probable according to ordinary and usual experience.
    Any perceived distinction between the phrases "causing an event" and
    "contributing to an event" is a distinction without a difference.
    Remarks of counsel in a civil case result in reversible error when the prejudiced
    party has not had a fair trial. Reversal is appropriate when there is a reasonable
    probability the error affected the trial's outcome in light of the entire record.
    Review of the judgment of the Court of Appeals in an unpublished opinion filed April 22, 2016.
    Appeal from Sedgwick District Court; RICHARD T. BALLINGER, judge. Opinion filed August 24, 2018.
    Judgment of the Court of Appeals affirming the district court is affirmed on the issues subject to review.
    Judgment of the district court is affirmed on the issues subject to review.
    Steven C. Day, of Woodard, Hernandez, Roth & Day, LLC, of Wichita, argued the cause, and
    Christopher S. Cole, of the same firm, was with him on the briefs for appellant.
    Jonathan Sternberg, of Jonathan Sternberg, Attorney, P.C., of Kansas City, Missouri, argued the
    cause, and Larry Wall and Tina Huntington, of Wall Huntington Trial Law, of Wichita, were with him on
    the briefs for appellees.
    The opinion of the court was delivered by
    BILES, J.: Brian L. DeBrot, M.D., appeals after a jury found him negligent and
    awarded damages to his deceased patient's heirs and estate. The medical malpractice
    theory was that DeBrot failed to recognize the patient was about to suffer a stroke the day
    before she had it. A Court of Appeals panel affirmed. See Castleberry v. DeBrot, No.
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *30 (Kan. App. 2016) (unpublished opinion). We granted
    review and now affirm on the issues subject to our review, although our rationale differs
    in some respects.
    At the outset, we must resolve a challenge about what issues DeBrot's petition for
    review identifies. We hold those questions are: (1) whether it was error to instruct the
    jury that a party is at fault when the party's "negligence caused or contributed to the event
    which brought about the claims for damages"; (2) whether plaintiffs' counsel's closing
    arguments contained improper remarks and, if so, whether that requires reversal; and (3)
    whether expert standard-of-care testimony that doctors must "err on the safe side" was
    improper and, if so, whether that requires reversal.
    As to the instructions, we adhere to our holding in Burnette v. Eubanks, 308 Kan.
    ___, Syl. ¶ 3, ___ P.3d ___ (this day decided) ("Any perceived distinction between the
    phrases 'causing an event' and 'contributing to an event' is a distinction without a
    difference."). We also hold that plaintiffs' counsel improperly urged the jury to decide the
    case on concerns other than the law and the evidence. But we determine there is no
    reasonable probability the verdict would have been different without this error. Finally,
    we hold the district court did not abuse its discretion by permitting experts to testify as
    they did because they simply explained the mental processes used in forming their
    opinions about whether DeBrot breached the standard of care. We affirm.
    Barbara Castleberry suffered a debilitating stroke on December 20, 2007. About a
    year later, she fell and sustained a fatal head injury. This lawsuit claims a direct causal
    connection between these two events and DeBrot's medical malpractice.
    Barbara saw DeBrot, a primary care physician, five times before her 2007 stroke,
    including December 6 and December 19. During the first December visit, Barbara's
    "chief complaint" was left hand numbness. She reported tingling in the hand, increasing
    difficulty picking things up, difficulty turning pages, dizziness, and foot numbness. She
    wondered if she was having a stroke. DeBrot believed these symptoms were caused by
    carpal tunnel syndrome. He testified a stroke "[w]asn't even a consideration" because he
    clinically reproduced her symptoms, which would have been impossible if she had
    suffered a stroke.
    DeBrot referred Barbara to a carpal tunnel specialist, who confirmed the diagnosis
    and began treatment. She returned to DeBrot on December 19—the day before her
    stroke—chiefly complaining about wrist pain. She had high blood pressure and reported
    dizziness, constipation, increased numbness, blurred vision, and emotional problems.
    DeBrot believed a steroid injection given by the specialist two days earlier caused the
    pain. DeBrot rescheduled her follow up with the specialist for an earlier date.
    After Barbara died, her husband and estate sued DeBrot for damages sustained
    during her remaining lifetime after the stroke and for damages resulting from Barbara's
    death. The negligence focused on DeBrot's alleged failure to recognize the impending
    stroke or to diagnose Barbara with transient ischemic attacks (TIA) during the two
    December 2007 visits.
    Barbara suffered an ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood vessel becomes
    blocked, depriving necessary blood supply to an area in the brain. This is different from a
    hemorrhagic stroke, in which a blood vessel ruptures, placing pressure on the surrounding
    brain cells. A TIA, like an ischemic stroke, blocks blood flow to one or more areas in the
    brain; but unlike a stroke, the blockage is temporary. A TIA is a warning sign for an
    impending stroke. Plaintiffs claimed the stroke was avoidable had DeBrot acted within
    the standard of care during Barbara's December visits because (1) he would have
    discovered the blockage in Barbara's carotid artery by listening to the artery or ordering
    an ultrasound or Doppler examination; or (2) he would have placed Barbara on aspirin
    therapy, which reduces the ischemic stroke risk.
    A jury found DeBrot at fault and awarded Barbara's estate, her husband, and
    children economic and noneconomic damages. The district court entered judgment
    against DeBrot for damages totaling $907,484.69. DeBrot appealed.
    Before the Court of Appeals, DeBrot argued for reversal claiming: (1) the district
    court did not properly instruct the jury on causation and the evidence required to prove it;
    (2) the court instructed the jury it could not assign fault to plaintiffs; (3) plaintiffs'
    counsel made prejudicial remarks during closing arguments; (4) the court permitted
    plaintiffs' experts to redefine the duty of care owed to Barbara; and (5) the court erred in
    making various evidentiary rulings. The panel affirmed. Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    at *30.
    DeBrot filed a petition for review with this court, which we granted. Jurisdiction is
    proper. See K.S.A. 20-3018(b) (providing for petitions for review of Court of Appeals
    decisions); K.S.A. 60-2101(b) (Supreme Court has jurisdiction to review Court of
    Appeals decisions upon petition for review).
    We begin by defining the issues because DeBrot's supplemental brief, filed after
    this court granted review, argued questions not itemized as being erroneously decided by
    the Court of Appeals. Plaintiffs objected to this. Our rule states:
    "An order granting review may limit the issues on review. If review is not limited, the
    issues before the Supreme Court include all issues properly before the Court of Appeals
    which the petition for review or cross-petition allege were decided erroneously by the
    Court of Appeals. In civil cases, the Supreme Court may, but need not, consider other
    issues that were presented to the Court of Appeals and that the parties have preserved for
    review." (Emphasis added.) Supreme Court Rule 8.03(h)(1) (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 56).
    The rules also explain how petitions for review are to be drafted. Rule 8.03(a)(4)
    "The petition must contain concise statements of the following, in the order indicated:
    "(C) A statement of the issues decided by the Court of Appeals of which review is
    sought. The court will not consider issues not presented or fairly included in the petition.
    The court, however, may address a plain error not presented. In a civil case, the petitioner
    also must list, separately and without argument, additional issues decided by the district
    court which were presented to, but not decided by, the Court of Appeals, which the
    petitioner wishes to have determined if review is granted." (Emphasis added.) Supreme
    Court Rule 8.03(a)(4) (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 54).
    In DeBrot's petition for review, he stated in his "Statement of Issues For Which
    Review Is Sought" as follows:
    "Although Dr. DeBrot believes all of the issues raised in this appeal should be
    considered, the following particularly merit review:
    "1.     Whether the PIK recommended instructions on causation are fundamentally
    flawed, in that they do not correctly state the law of proximate cause?
    "2.     Whether the Court of Appeals erred by failing to address the prejudicial impact
    of plaintiffs' improper 'Reptile Litigation' arguments in light of the overall theme
    of plaintiffs' case and applied the wrong legal standard?
    "3.     Whether the Court of Appeals incorrectly upheld the trial court in allowing
    expert witnesses to redefine the legal duty of a physician?" (Emphasis added.)
    After review was granted, DeBrot included a section in his supplemental brief
    entitled, "The Court of Appeals Erred in Rejecting Defendant's Contentions as to Several
    Evidentiary Issues." Similarly, DeBrot argued in his supplemental brief that the panel
    erred in rejecting his argument that the district court should have instructed the jury that
    its causation findings had to be based on expert testimony. DeBrot never explained why
    he included these issues in his supplemental brief nor did he explain their earlier omission
    from his petition for review or his reply in support of that petition for review.
    When asked at oral argument about these omissions, DeBrot's counsel conceded
    the additional issues were not raised in the petition for review but hoped the introductory
    phrase—"Dr. DeBrot believes all of the issues raised in this appeal should be
    considered"—was sufficient to overcome plaintiffs' objection.
    "A party aggrieved by a decision of the Court of Appeals on a particular issue
    must seek review in order to preserve the matter for Kansas Supreme Court review."
    Snider v. American Family Mut. Ins. Co., 
    297 Kan. 157
    , 172, 
    298 P.3d 1120
    (2013). We
    hold that DeBrot failed to preserve the arguments regarding the evidentiary issues, the
    question regarding limiting causation evidence to experts, and the instruction that
    plaintiffs were not at fault. See Bullock v. BNSF Railway Co., 
    306 Kan. 916
    , 920, 
    399 P.3d 148
    (2017) (quoting Supreme Court Rule 8.03[h][1], which states "'[t]he issues
    before the Supreme Court include all issues properly before the Court of Appeals which
    the petition for review or cross-petition allege were decided erroneously by the Court of
    Appeals" to limit the issues to be addressed); Chism v. Protective Life Ins. Co., 
    290 Kan. 645
    , Syl. ¶ 1, 
    234 P.3d 780
    (2010) ("In a civil case, when the Kansas Supreme Court
    grants a petition requesting review of a Court of Appeals' decision . . . only issues
    presented in the petition, or fairly included therein, will be considered.").
    We note Rule 8.03(h)(1) recites, in part, "In civil cases, the Supreme Court may,
    but need not, consider other issues that were presented to the Court of Appeals and that
    the parties have preserved for review." This discretion ties to Rule 8.03(a)(4)(C), which
    requires parties to identify and separately list any issues presented to—but not decided
    by—the Court of Appeals that the party believes the Supreme Court should consider in its
    review. Rule 8.03(h)(1) is not a stealth mechanism to excuse the specificity required by
    Rule 8.03(a)(4) and our other rules controlling the review process. Similarly, we do not
    consider DeBrot's introductory phrase quoted above as sufficient to be considered "fairly
    included" in the petition.
    To view this otherwise would do a disservice to the other parties who must decide
    whether to oppose review. They should not have to guess about this. See Rule 8.03(c)
    (granting a party opposing a petition or cross-petition right to file a response). In the same
    vein, uncertainty about the issues in controversy overly complicates this court's decision-
    making process when determining whether to grant review or grant review only on
    limited issues.
    We hold the questions subject to review are those itemized in DeBrot's petition for
    review: (1) whether it was error to instruct the jury that a party is at fault when the
    party's "negligence caused or contributed to the event which brought about the claims for
    damages"; (2) whether plaintiffs' counsel's closing arguments contained improper
    remarks and, if so, whether that requires reversal; and (3) whether expert standard-of-care
    testimony that, e.g., doctors must "err on the safe side" was improper and, if so, whether
    that requires reversal.
    DeBrot argues the judgment must be reversed because the district court did not
    properly instruct the jury on causation. He contends the instructions permitted the jury to
    impose liability without finding Barbara's injuries would not have occurred "but-for" his
    negligence. We disagree.
    Additional Facts
    Two doctors testified as plaintiffs' experts: William Miser and Frank Yatsu. We
    must detail their testimony.
    Miser concluded DeBrot departed from the standard of care by failing to consider
    TIA or stroke; failing to listen to Barbara's carotid artery for blockage; failing to recheck
    her abnormally high blood pressure at the December 19 visit; failing to comply with
    standards on hypertension treatment by using only one medication to treat her; failing to
    place her on aspirin; failing to do additional clinical tests that would have contradicted
    carpal tunnel as the sole explanation for her symptoms; and failing to explore or
    document the blurred vision and other symptoms she reported. He did not dispute
    DeBrot's carpal tunnel diagnosis but concluded it inadequately explained the symptoms.
    Miser believed the sudden numbness, particularly on the left side, was a
    neurological symptom that should have led DeBrot to address the stroke possibility.
    Miser said the negative changes between the two December visits—during which carpal
    tunnel treatment began—"scream[ed] out that something [was] going on." He noted
    Barbara's blurred vision and dizziness could have been caused by "showers of clots"
    during a TIA. He concluded DeBrot should have investigated and ruled out psychological
    problems Barbara reported, even if they were not stroke related. Miser determined
    DeBrot's "judgments [were] below the safe practice of medicine, standard of care."
    Miser also testified DeBrot's failure to adequately treat Barbara's hypertension, to
    begin aspirin therapy, and to test for a carotid artery blockage all led to DeBrot's failure
    to recognize an impending stroke. Miser "absolutely believe[d]" aspirin "would have
    reduced and probably prevented, more probably right than wrong, [Barbara's] stroke,
    disabilities, and death." Miser said DeBrot's shortcomings caused Barbara's injuries
    because the carotid artery stenosis could have been addressed with a procedure that
    restores blood flow through a blocked artery; and, if done soon enough after the
    blockage's onset, can reverse its symptoms. When performed, the operation averts a
    stroke by timely restoring blood flow. Miser explained other reasons for the stroke were
    DeBrot's failure to follow up on Barbara's psychological changes and his failure to seek
    medical attention for the neurological symptoms. He said DeBrot's mismanagement of
    Barbara's blood pressure "was an important part of the reason she had a stroke,
    disabilities, and death."
    Yatsu died before trial but his deposition was read. Yatsu disagreed with DeBrot's
    conclusion that Barbara had carpal tunnel syndrome. He believed DeBrot departed from
    the standard of care by failing to diagnose the TIA. In particular, he cited DeBrot's failure
    to adequately address her reported dizziness, blurred vision, and psychological
    symptoms, as well as her hypertension and dyslipidemia, which Yatsu said are known to
    provoke artery obstruction. Yatsu said it would have taken just a few seconds to listen to
    Barbara's carotid artery, but he could not say to a reasonable degree of certainty whether
    DeBrot would have heard a "bruit," indicating artery obstruction. Yatsu said a carotid
    duplex ultrasound would have revealed a stenosis. Yatsu said DeBrot should have
    ordered this test on December 6 based on Barbara's hand numbness and tingling,
    dizziness, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Similarly, Yatsu believed DeBrot should
    have diagnosed Barbara's TIA on December 19.
    Yatsu noted there is a surgical procedure to address stenosis that has a 65-75%
    chance of success. He said if DeBrot had discovered Barbara's stenosis and had Barbara
    undergone that surgery, it was more probable than not Barbara would have avoided the
    stroke. Yatsu said there was time for the surgery before the December 20 stroke. He
    believed if Barbara's TIA was treated on either visit, the stroke more probably than not
    could have been avoided. Yatsu testified Barbara's illnesses after the stroke were caused
    by the stroke.
    DeBrot's experts, Doctors Alexander Davis and Jeffrey Kaplan, testified DeBrot
    acted within the standard of care. Hinting at causation, Davis said blood pressure
    treatment to avoid strokes would occur over years and suggested a patient would not have
    a stroke "next month" if treatment was not altered in the next four visits. And he said
    blood pressure only directly causes hemorrhagic strokes, which was not the type Barbara
    had. Kaplan's testimony did not address causation.
    Jury Instructions
    The district court gave the following relevant instructions:
    "Instruction No. 7
    "A physician has a duty to use the learning and skill ordinarily used by other members of
    that same field of medicine in the same or similar circumstances. In using this learning
    and skill, the physician must also use ordinary care and diligence. A violation of this duty
    is negligence."
    "Instruction No. 8
    "In determining whether a primary care physician used the learning, skill, and conduct
    required, you are not permitted to arbitrarily set a standard of your own or determine this
    question from your personal knowledge. On questions of medical or scientific nature
    concerning the standard of care of a primary care physician, only those qualified as
    experts are permitted to testify. The standard of care is established by members of the
    same profession in the same or similar circumstances. It follows, therefore, that the only
    way you may properly find that standard is through evidence presented by expert
    "Instruction No. 12
    "Negligence is defined in Instruction No. 7.
    "A party is at fault when he is negligent and that negligence caused or contributed to the
    event which brought about the claims for damages." (Emphases added.)
    In addition, Instruction No. 11 advised jurors: "[DeBrot] further denies that any
    act or omission on his part was the cause of any of plaintiffs' claimed damages or
    injuries." (Emphasis added.) Instruction No. 14 informed: "If you find Doug Castleberry
    is entitled to recover damages, you should allow the amount of money which will
    reasonably compensate him for the loss caused by defendant." (Emphasis added.) And
    Instruction No. 15 advised: "If you find Susan Kraft or Scott Castleberry are entitled to
    recover damages, you should allow the amount of money which will reasonably
    compensate them for the loss caused by the defendant." (Emphasis added.)
    DeBrot requested four modifications to the instructions to address his causation
    concerns. First, he proposed an alternative instruction describing the ways plaintiffs
    claimed damages because of his fault. Second, he requested an instruction that "the
    plaintiff in a medical malpractice case bears the burden of showing not only the
    defendant's negligence, but that the negligence caused the plaintiff's injury." (Emphasis
    added.) Third, he requested an instruction that "the proximate cause of an injury is that
    cause which in natural and continuous sequence produces the injury and without which
    the injury would not have occurred," and that
    "[c]onduct is the proximate cause of an injury if the conduct is a substantial factor in
    bringing about the harm. Conduct is a substantial factor if it has such an effect in
    producing the harm as to lead a reasonable person to regard it as a cause of the harm so
    that the conduct in question may properly be regarded as being responsible for the
    Fourth, DeBrot requested a comparative fault instruction, which defined "fault" as
    negligence that "caused or contributed to the event which brought about the claims for
    damages." But unlike the instructions given, DeBrot's would have directed the jury to (1)
    determine if any party is at fault; (2) assign percentages of fault to each person found to
    be at fault; and (3) assign a total of 100% fault among those individuals. They would
    have had the jury consider comparative fault between him, Barbara, and plaintiffs and
    assign appropriate percentages of fault to each.
    DeBrot also objected that the combination of Instruction No. 12's "contributed to"
    language and the absence of a proximate cause definition would imply that any small
    contribution might be adequate to find fault.
    Court of Appeals Rulings
    The panel held the district court erred by using the "caused or contributed to"
    language in Instruction No. 12. It noted this phrasing was adapted from PIK Civ. 4th
    105.01, which discusses comparative fault. The panel determined Instruction No. 12's use
    of this phrase was legally inappropriate because comparative fault was inapplicable to the
    current case. Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *8.
    Even so, the panel concluded this error was harmless because there was no
    reasonable probability it affected the trial's outcome. 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *9. It
    explained the "central issue" was whether DeBrot's negligence caused Barbara's injury. It
    further noted plaintiffs' experts testified DeBrot's failure to diagnose stroke led to
    Barbara's injury and death, while defendant's experts testified DeBrot did not deviate
    from the standard of care. The panel concluded:
    "Simply put, the question presented to the jury was whether the defendant caused
    Barbara's injury. There was no other source presented that could have contributed to her
    injury. As a result, the defendant has failed to show a reasonable probability that the
    definition of causation given in [the instruction] affected the outcome of the trial." 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *9.
    The panel rejected DeBrot's claim that the court should have instructed the jury on
    proximate cause. It noted the PIK Committee specifically recommends no instruction
    defining causation. Given that, the panel concluded the district court did not err in
    refusing to give DeBrot's requested proximate cause instructions. 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at
    Standard of Review
    "'For jury instruction issues, the progression of analysis and corresponding
    standards of review on appeal are: (1) First, the appellate court should consider the
    reviewability of the issue from both jurisdiction and preservation viewpoints, exercising
    an unlimited standard of review; (2) next, the court should use an unlimited review to
    determine whether the instruction was legally appropriate; (3) then, the court should
    determine whether there was sufficient evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to
    the defendant or the requesting party, that would have supported the instruction; and (4)
    finally, if the district court erred, the appellate court must determine whether the error
    was harmless, utilizing the test and degree of certainty set forth in State v. Ward, 
    292 Kan. 541
    256 P.3d 801
    (2011) . . . .' [Citation omitted.]" Foster v. Klaumann, 
    296 Kan. 295
    , 301-02, 
    294 P.3d 223
    Because DeBrot objected to the causation instructions and requested alternatives
    that he now argues should have been given, he preserved these claims for appeal. See
    Foster, 296 Kan. at 302
    (holding medical malpractice litigant preserved instructional
    error issue by objecting to instructions at trial); Wolfe Electric, Inc. v. Duckworth, 
    293 Kan. 375
    , 403, 
    266 P.3d 516
    (2011) (noting failure to raise issue before trial court would
    preclude litigant from raising it before appellate court).
    To be legally appropriate, "'an instruction must always fairly and accurately state
    the applicable law, and an instruction that does not do so would be legally infirm."' State
    v. McDaniel, 
    306 Kan. 595
    , 615, 
    395 P.3d 429
    (2017) (quoting State v. Plummer, 
    295 Kan. 156
    , 161, 
    283 P.3d 202
    [2012]). "If an instruction is legally appropriate and
    factually supported, a district court errs in refusing to grant a party's request to give the
    Plummer, 295 Kan. at 162
    "To establish medical malpractice, a plaintiff must show: (1) the health care
    provider owed the patient a duty of care, which required that the provider meet or exceed
    a certain standard of care to protect the patient from injury; (2) the provider breached that
    duty or deviated from the standard of care; (3) the patient was injured; and (4) the injury
    proximately resulted from the health care provider's breach of the standard of care. Miller
    v. Johnson, 
    295 Kan. 636
    , Syl. ¶ 15, 
    289 P.3d 1098
    Foster, 296 Kan. at 302
    Our caselaw defines proximate cause as
    "the cause that in a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any superseding cause,
    both produced the injury and was necessary for the injury. The injury must be the natural
    and probable consequence of the wrongful act. Yount v. Deibert, 
    282 Kan. 619
    , 624-25,
    147 P.3d 1065
    (2006). Individuals are not responsible for all possible consequences of
    their negligence, but only those consequences that are probable according to ordinary and
    usual experience." Hale v. Brown, 
    287 Kan. 320
    , 322, 
    197 P.3d 438
    Proximate cause is ordinarily a factual question to be resolved by the trier of fact.
    Cullip v. Domann, 
    266 Kan. 550
    , 556, 
    972 P.2d 776
    (1999). But see 
    Hale, 287 Kan. at 324
    (noting when "all the evidence on which a party relies is undisputed and susceptible
    of only one inference, the question of proximate cause becomes a question of law").
    "There are two components of proximate cause: causation in fact and legal
    causation. To establish causation in fact, a plaintiff must prove a cause-and-effect
    relationship between a defendant's conduct and the plaintiff's loss by presenting sufficient
    evidence from which a jury can conclude that more likely than not, but for defendant's
    conduct, the plaintiff's injuries would not have occurred. To prove legal causation, the
    plaintiff must show it was foreseeable that the defendant's conduct might create a risk of
    harm to the victim and that the result of that conduct and contributing causes was
    foreseeable." Drouhard-Nordhus v. Rosenquist, 
    301 Kan. 618
    , 623, 
    345 P.3d 281
    DeBrot argues the phrase "or contributed to" in the given instruction permitted the
    jury to impose liability on him without finding causation in fact, because "[n]othing in the
    ordinary meaning of the word contributed suggests the existence of the legally critical
    'but for' requirement." In other words, he asserts the instruction was not legally
    The panel took a different tack but agreed the instruction was legally
    inappropriate. The panel held the error arose because this was not a comparative fault
    case. From the panel's perspective, the district court used a definition from a pattern
    instruction involving a theory of liability inapplicable to the case. Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *8-9.
    This holding comes to us on review unchallenged by plaintiffs since they did not
    cross-petition for review. See 
    Snider, 297 Kan. at 172
    (challenge to Court of Appeals'
    holding not before Supreme Court on review when issue not raised in petition or cross-
    petition). Ordinarily, that would settle the matter. See Friends of Bethany Place v. City of
    297 Kan. 1112
    , 1121, 
    307 P.3d 1255
    (2013) (litigant's failure to cross appeal for
    review of claim precluded its consideration). But in this instance, we cannot accept this
    conclusion because our logic in rejecting DeBrot's contentions so necessarily undercuts
    the panel's rationale that we end up concluding there was no error in the district court's
    instruction. See Burnette, 308 Kan. ___, Syl. ¶ 3 ("Any perceived distinction between the
    phrases 'causing an event' and 'contributing to an event' is a distinction without a
    In Burnette, we considered causation instructions substantially similar to those
    given in the current case. We concluded they were legally and factually appropriate, and
    rejected defense arguments substantially similar to those DeBrot raises. We held the
    instructions correctly communicated the cause-in-fact requirement under Kansas law.
    Burnette, slip op. at 19 ("[T]he instructions told the jury that to impose liability for [the
    decedent's] suicide on either defendant, it would have to find defendant's negligence was
    a but-for cause of his death."). We also concluded:
    "The 'caused or contributed to' language in Instruction No. 11 permitted the jury
    to assign fault only if a defendant's negligence 'ha[d] a share in' producing the injury.
    [Lollis v. Superior Sales Co., Inc., 
    224 Kan. 251
    , 263, 
    580 P.2d 423
    (1978)]. If the jury
    believed the injury would have occurred without a defendant's negligence, i.e., the
    negligence did not have a share in producing the injury, the instructions told the jury to
    assign no fault to that defendant." Burnette, slip op. at 20.
    We could make these same points here when addressing whether the error the
    panel found was harmless. But in the end, since we would logically circle back to the real
    point, i.e., it was not error for the district court to give the instructions, it is simpler to
    acknowledge the instructions given were legally appropriate. And since there was no
    error, there necessarily was no reasonable probability the jury imposed fault based on
    anything less than a "but-for" causal relationship between DeBrot's negligence and the
    injuries and damages.
    Regardless, we note under this case's facts, the error DeBrot claims could not
    possibly have required reversal. The causation evidence was that treatment within the
    standard of care probably would have averted the stroke. For the jury to conclude
    DeBrot's negligence had anything to do with the stroke, it would have to have concluded
    the stroke would not have occurred if DeBrot had recognized it was imminent and taken
    appropriate measures to address the situation. We affirm on this issue.
    DeBrot next argues he deserves a new trial because plaintiffs' counsel improperly
    suggested during closing that the verdict would have either a beneficial or adverse impact
    on the community depending on how the jury found. Counsel tied the verdict to whether
    the jury wanted "safe medicine or unsafe medicine." We agree this was error but hold it
    was harmless.
    Additional Facts
    In closing arguments, plaintiffs' counsel listed the "available and affordable tools
    and tests and treatments that were not used or performed" during the two visits in
    December. He claimed these were "designed . . . to prevent tragedies such as occurred in
    this matter." Counsel faulted DeBrot for not listening to Barbara's carotid artery for signs
    of stenosis and for not using a blood pressure monitor. He argued a carotid Doppler is
    "completely safe" and noninvasive. He criticized DeBrot for failing to consult a
    neurologist about the "safest thing" to do under the circumstances. And he blamed
    DeBrot for not simply admitting Barbara to the hospital for tests, which he argued would
    have been "the safest thing to do." Counsel also claimed DeBrot prevented Barbara from
    "participation in her own safety" by failing to talk to her about the risks of not running
    the tests. Finally, he faulted DeBrot for deciding to "guess instead of test," failing to fully
    explore Barbara's symptoms, and failing "to use the common sense test" when he
    dismissed Barbara's concern about having a stroke without investigation.
    This standard of care argument culminated with counsel's remark: "When we
    establish standards of care in this case, as a jury you'll want to decide if you want safe
    medicine or unsafe medicine." (Emphasis added.) Defense counsel objected at this point,
    but the court overruled it because "[t]he jury [had] been instructed to follow the
    instructions." Plaintiffs' counsel then returned to the "safety" theme several more times,
    by asserting:
    "The evidence is clear. DeBrot broke several basic and foundation cornerstones
    of the rules of safe medical practice which resulted in the care being below the standard
    of care. . . .
    "We presented evidence that doctors should always provide patients a margin of
    safety. We presented evidence that doctors must always err on the side of safety. Don't
    drive right on the edge of the road. Give yourself a margin of safety. Don't follow the
    truck right behind it. Give yourself a margin of safety. . . . And then you can never
    needlessly endanger a patient. . . .
    "And what was the danger of sending her for the carotid duplex test? No
    danger. . . . What was the danger of picking up the phone and saying this woman thinks
    she has a stroke, doctor neurologist, here's what I've done, do you think I've missed any
    steps . . . [?]"
    Counsel summarized why the jury should find DeBrot liable by stating, "So
    Barbara Castleberry's life story is in your hands. You'll either right a wrong or you'll say
    with your verdict that DeBrot was practicing safe and reasonable [medicine] and within
    the standard of care." Later, during a narrative about Barbara's life leading up to the
    stroke, counsel said "a reasonable doctor who wants to err on the safe side" would ask
    "what is the cause of this[?] And if he rushes to judgment and says it's carpal tunnel
    syndrome, he better remember, you know, you can have carpal tunnel syndrome and a
    TIA at the same time, I haven't ruled anything dangerous out, I have played God, I have
    chosen this disease for this woman without being safe, no margin of safety, no erring on
    the safe side."
    In rebuttal, plaintiffs' counsel quoted extensively from Yatsu's testimony
    including, "[t]o say that dizziness and all of [Barbara's] symptoms are not stroke related"
    was not "safe medicine." He argued, "Our effort here was to educate you, not to scare
    you, as somebody says, but to educate you so you could make a fair, appropriate, safe
    decision about whether or not he acted within the standard of care." Counsel then told the
    "Here's a piece of information we believe we've provided to you, not to scare you
    but to put you on notice as to the knowledge that Dr. DeBrot had. 60.2 percent of strokes
    occur in women. 60.2 percent occur in women. When you go to the doctor's office, did
    you know 60.2 percent were going to be on your side?"
    Counsel reminded the jury Barbara asked DeBrot about stroke risk, but there was
    no mention of that inquiry in her medical records. He argued if DeBrot went on vacation
    the next doctor would not know Barbara had been concerned about stroke. He asked the
    jury, "How is that safe and prudent care?"
    Then, counsel addressed DeBrot's failure to recheck Barbara's blood pressure after
    a high initial reading during the December 19 consultation. He argued the medical
    literature established this should have been done, "[a]nd would anybody think that they'd
    want the doctor to treat somebody against the guidelines? Is that what you would think
    would be reasonable, prudent, safe, on-the-side-of-the-patient medicine . . . ?"
    In analyzing the closing arguments on appeal, the panel did not decide whether the
    "safe medicine or unsafe medicine" comment was improper but concluded instead it "was
    arguably a prohibited golden rule argument." Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *11.
    Nevertheless, the panel reasoned reversal was not required, even if the comment was
    improper, because DeBrot "failed to argue, let alone establish a likelihood, that this
    improper remark . . . changed the result of the trial." 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *11.
    Standard of Review
    In civil cases, "counsel are granted latitude in making arguments. '"This court has
    consistently followed the general rule against imposing narrow and unreasonable
    limitations upon argument of counsel made to the jury."'" Bullock v. BNSF Railway Co.,
    306 Kan. 916
    , 942, 
    399 P.3d 148
    (2017). But if counsel injects error into the trial by
    exceeding that latitude, a court must determine whether that error prejudiced a party's
    right to a fair 
    trial. 306 Kan. at 943
    . The test is whether "'there is a reasonable probability
    that the error will or did affect the outcome of the trial in light of the entire 
    record.'" 306 Kan. at 943
    (quoting Siruta v. Siruta, 
    301 Kan. 757
    , 772-73, 
    348 P.3d 549
    DeBrot argues the panel erred by not reversing the jury verdict and ordering a new
    trial because the "safe medicine or unsafe medicine" argument improperly asked the jury
    to base its decision on achieving a social goal and was not harmless since it was tied to
    plaintiffs' litigation strategy. Plaintiffs argue the comments were proper because they
    were directed at the jury's decision on the standard of care, and there was evidence
    DeBrot violated that standard of care by practicing unsafe medicine.
    The court addressed a similar comment in Bullock. There, plaintiff's counsel
    "'Justice is an ideal that is given meaning by your values. You decide what justice is
    based on what you feel and what values you have, and you learn those values within your
    community. And your verdict, whatever your verdict is, the justice you decide upon will
    reflect your values and the values of this community. It will speak to the values of how an
    employer should treat an employee, what kinds of conditions of work and employment
    . . . a person in this community is entitled to, and that's really important stuff.' (Emphases
    added.)" 306 Kan. at 942
    The Bullock court concluded the comment was improper because the "'community
    values'" reference "'suggested the jury could improperly decide the case based on
    something other than the law contained in the 
    instructions.'" 306 Kan. at 945
    . It compared
    the comment to an erroneous jury instruction in a different case, telling the jury to "'act
    upon [its] conscientious feeling about what is a fair result in this case and acquit the
    defendant if you believe that justice requires such a 
    result.'" 306 Kan. at 944
    State v. McClanahan, 
    212 Kan. 208
    , 209, 
    510 P.2d 153
    [1973]). The court further
    reasoned that commentary about the verdict's reflection of the community's "'values of
    how an employer should treat an employee'" was improper because "[j]uries are tasked
    with deciding cases based on the evidence presented by counsel and the law instructed by
    the court, not with protecting their communities through their 
    verdicts." 306 Kan. at 945
    In Sledd v. Reed, 
    246 Kan. 112
    , 114, 
    785 P.2d 694
    (1990), the court held it was
    improper to argue "'[i]f we hold Doctor Reed responsible and other doctors responsible
    who do their best and who make their best judgments as they treat these kinds of cases,
    no one will answer these calls.'" The court reasoned the argument was calculated to
    inflame jurors' passions or prejudices by predicting their verdict's consequences. The
    argument was "inappropriate, [and] had no bearing upon the issues before the 
    jury." 246 Kan. at 116-17
    The "safe medicine or unsafe medicine" argument is similar to those in Bullock
    and Sledd. It invited the jury to determine whether DeBrot's conduct met the standard of
    care based on whether it desired "safe medicine or unsafe medicine," instead of the
    evidence and the law. The evidence included expert testimony that, e.g., DeBrot's failure
    to "err on the safe side" contributed to the experts' opinions that he deviated from the
    standard of care. But it did not go to the jury's values about whether they wanted "safe
    medicine or unsafe medicine." As phrased, the comment implied the jury's decision could
    reach beyond the confines of the case and impact medical care elsewhere. As presented in
    this case, the comments were error. See Biglow v. Eidenberg, 308 Kan. ___, ___ P.3d ___
    (this day decided), slip op. at 29 (holding district court within discretion to prohibit
    during closing argument a "broad and abstract statement that a physician's job is to 'take
    care of people and help people, but really the safety'" because it did nothing to establish a
    deviation from the standard of care).
    The next question is whether there is a reasonable probability this error affected
    the verdict. The panel concluded reversal was not required because DeBrot failed to
    argue the remark prejudiced him. DeBrot argues the panel improperly placed the burden
    on him and was wrong about whether he asserted prejudice, directing our attention to his
    Court of Appeals brief. Plaintiffs argue any error was harmless.
    We agree with DeBrot that the panel misallocated the burden of proving
    harmlessness. In Bullock, the court took its standard of review from the reasonable
    probability test articulated in State v. Ward, 
    292 Kan. 541
    , 569, 
    256 P.3d 801
    Bullock, 306 Kan. at 944
    . In analogous situations using the test in the jury instruction
    context, we have made clear the party benefiting from the error has the burden to show
    harmlessness when the other party objected to an erroneous instruction. 
    Siruta, 301 Kan. at 772
    . In this case, if anyone benefitted from the improper argument it was plaintiffs, so
    they have the burden to demonstrate the error was harmless.
    That said, we hold the panel correctly concluded any error was harmless. In Sledd,
    the improper argument that liability would deprive the community of doctors did not
    require reversal because the matter was "thoroughly tried" by competent counsel; the
    central issue was whether the doctor committed malpractice; the trial was several days
    long and consisted of over 600 pages of testimony; the experts were well respected; the
    jurors heard the testimony and asked questions during deliberations that showed they
    understood the issues; and the jury was instructed to disregard arguments not based on
    evidence. 246 Kan. at 117-18
    ; see also Thompson v. KFB Ins. Co., 
    252 Kan. 1010
    850 P.2d 773
    (1993) (holding counsel's erroneous closing arguments were
    harmless because "[t]he charges of counsel misconduct . . . certainly are not of the same
    magnitude as those complained of in" Walker v. Holiday Lanes, 
    196 Kan. 513
    413 P.2d 63
    [1966], and Glynos v. Jagoda, 
    249 Kan. 473
    819 P.2d 1202
    DeBrot argues the comment about patient safety "represented the linchpin of
    plaintiffs' entire litigation theory." He argues this theme was the "final step in a 'Reptile
    Litigation' strategy," which he argues is designed to encourage juries to decide cases
    "based upon fear, generated by plaintiff's [sic] counsel, that a verdict in favor of the
    defendant will harm the safety of the community, and thus the juror." The differences
    between Sledd and this case lend some merit to DeBrot's argument.
    While the Sledd court viewed the improper commentary as divorced from that
    case's central issue, here the remark went directly to its core—whether DeBrot violated
    the standard of care. It did so by tying the answer to the jurors' personal values on how
    "safe" medical practice should be. Plaintiffs' counsel urged the jury to make a "safe
    decision," which lends credence to DeBrot's claim that the remark was strategic. And the
    district court's failure to sustain DeBrot's objection did nothing to mitigate the prejudice
    from that remark.
    Nevertheless, we conclude there is no reasonable probability this error affected the
    trial's outcome in light of the entire record. The call to decide the case on improper
    grounds was much more subtle than those in Sledd and Bullock. And when made, the
    court promptly noted the jury had been instructed to follow the court's instructions. Those
    instructions properly directed the jury to base its standard-of-care findings on expert
    testimony, which focused on the care DeBrot rendered rather than community values.
    Finally, and as discussed with the next issue, "patient safety" was a theme embedded
    throughout the expert testimony—frequently without objection. This tied the "safety"
    theme—mentioned during closing arguments by both sides—within the context of
    explaining that testimony. Accordingly, the error was harmless.
    The final issue is whether plaintiffs' expert testimony impermissibly redefined the
    legal duty a physician owes to a patient. We hold there was no error.
    Additional Facts
    DeBrot identifies five instances in which the district court overruled objections to
    testimony he believed redefined the standard of care. Except for the fifth instance,
    DeBrot objected on grounds the questions misstated the legal standard. In the fifth, he
    objected that the witness was not designated as an expert.
    In the first instance, the court ruled it would permit a question-and-answer
    exchange from DeBrot's deposition to be read in which plaintiffs' counsel asked DeBrot
    "[o]n December 6th, were you permitted to needlessly endanger patients?"
    Second, the court allowed Miser to testify he took "into consideration the caveat
    that a doctor is to never needlessly endanger a patient," must provide a margin of safety,
    and must err on the side of safety in his "opinion that [DeBrot] deviated from the
    standard of care . . . ."
    Third, the court permitted plaintiffs' counsel to ask defense expert Davis how it
    was "safer for [Barbara] not to have" her carotid artery listened to and whether that was
    "a safer way to treat the patient." Davis responded, "It was appropriate." Plaintiffs'
    counsel continued, asking "[w]as it safer?" Davis responded that safety is important, but
    everything was appropriate and within the standard of care because listening to the
    carotid arteries was not expected and "not considered good medicine" at each patient
    Fourth, during plaintiffs' cross-examination of defense expert Kaplan, the court
    permitted plaintiffs' counsel to elicit testimony that Kaplan "err[ed] on the conservative
    safe side" in arriving at his opinions.
    And, fifth, the court permitted a physician who treated Barbara before DeBrot to
    testify he was "trying to avoid needlessly endangering" her while treating her.
    Although these are the particular instances that drew DeBrot's objections, the
    panel noted,
    "the record reflects numerous occasions where similar evidence was introduced . . .
    without objection. Indeed, Dr. Miser testified repeatedly, without objection, that the
    standard of care required the defendant to take 'safety steps,' that safety was 'the number
    one factor in treating people,' that the standard of care required the defendant to have
    good reason to 'deviate from these safety rules' and fail to obey 'safety features,' and that
    the standard of care involved 'the safe practice of medicine.'" Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *14.
    The panel concluded the district court did not err by permitting these questions
    because they went to the standard of care, which is defined by experts, while the duty of
    care is defined by law. The panel held the evidence "defined the applicable standard of
    care, as an expert witness is allowed—and required—to do," so the district court did not
    abuse its discretion in admitting it. Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *15.
    Standard of Review
    Evidentiary rulings follow a multistep analysis:
    "'"Generally, when considering a challenge to a district judge's admission of
    evidence, an appellate court must first consider relevance. Unless prohibited by statute,
    constitutional provision, or court decision, all relevant evidence is admissible. K.S.A. 60-
    407(f). Evidence is relevant if it has any tendency in reason to prove any material fact.
    K.S.A. 60-401(b). To establish relevance, there must be some material or logical
    connection between the asserted facts and the inference or result they are intended to
    establish. [Citation omitted]."' 
    Mooney, 283 Kan. at 620
    (quoting State v. Gunby, 
    282 Kan. 39
    , 47, 
    144 P.3d 647
    "'[T]he question of whether evidence is probative is judged under an abuse of
    discretion standard; materiality is judged under a de novo standard.' 
    Shadden, 290 Kan. at 817
    (citing State v. Reid, 
    286 Kan. 494
    , 507-09, 
    186 P.3d 713
    [2008]). The next step is to
    determine which additional rules of evidence or other legal principles govern
    admissibility. 'On appeal, this conclusion is reviewed de 
    novo.' 290 Kan. at 817
    Boldridge v. State, 
    289 Kan. 618
    , Syl. ¶ 10, 
    215 P.3d 585
    [2009]). '"[E]videntiary rules
    governing admission and exclusion may be applied either as a matter of law or in the
    exercise of the district judge's discretion, depending on the contours of the rule in
    Mooney, 283 Kan. at 620
    Gunby, 282 Kan. at 47
    )." Manhattan Ice &
    Cold Storage v. City of Manhattan, 
    294 Kan. 60
    , 69-70, 
    274 P.3d 609
    "Typically the admission of expert testimony is reviewed under an abuse of
    discretion standard and depends on finding that the testimony will be helpful to the jury."
    Puckett v. Mt. Carmel Regional Med. Center, 
    290 Kan. 406
    , 444, 
    228 P.3d 1048
    Error in the admission or exclusion of evidence does not warrant reversal unless
    "there is a 'reasonable probability that the error will or did affect the outcome of the trial
    in light of the entire record.'" State v. McCullough, 
    293 Kan. 970
    , 981-82, 
    270 P.3d 1142
    DeBrot argues the judgment must be reversed because the district court admitted
    expert testimony he claims redefined the duty of care by supplanting reasonable care
    under the circumstances with a more onerous duty, e.g., to "err on the conservative, safe
    side." He claims the testimony was not "relevant to questions of fact involving the legally
    defined standard of care" and instead redefined the duty of care "into a duty to do
    'whatever is safest.'"
    At the time of trial, K.S.A. 60-456(b) provided,
    "If the witness is testifying as an expert, testimony of the witness in the form of opinions
    or inferences is limited to such opinions as the judge finds are (1) based on facts or data
    perceived by or personally known or made known to the witness at the hearing and (2)
    within the scope of the special knowledge, skill, experience or training possessed by the
    The panel did not perform a relevance analysis, but instead framed the issue as
    whether the district court abused its discretion admitting the opinion testimony "under
    K.S.A. 2015 Supp. 60-456." Castleberry, 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *14. The panel reasoned
    that since expert testimony was required to prove the standard of care, testimony that this
    standard involved "'err[ing] on the side of safety'" did not "create a new legal standard but
    instead defined the applicable standard of care, as an expert witness is allowed—and
    required—to do." 
    2016 WL 1614018
    , at *15. The panel's analytical path was sound.
    When a district court permits a witness to testify as an expert, "the court cannot
    regulate the factors or mental process used by the expert in reaching his opinion or
    conclusion on the case. The factors and mental processes used by the expert 'can only be
    challenged by cross-examination testing the witness' credibility.'" Pope v. Ransdell, 251
    29 Kan. 112
    , 123, 
    833 P.2d 965
    (1992) (quoting City of Bonner Springs v. Coleman, 
    206 Kan. 689
    , 695, 
    481 P.2d 950
    In Schlaikjer v. Kaplan, 
    296 Kan. 456
    , 469, 
    293 P.3d 155
    (2013), the trial court
    granted a motion in limine that "testimony based on physician treatment preferences"
    could not be introduced on direct examination, but might be explored on cross-
    examination to test credibility. The Schlaikjer court affirmed the district court's decision
    "insofar as it addressed physician preference testimony admitted on direct examination
    for the purpose of proving the applicable standard of 
    care." 296 Kan. at 470
    . The
    Schlaikjer court relied on Karrigan v. Nazareth Convent & Academy, Inc., 
    212 Kan. 44
    510 P.2d 190
    (1973), in which the court affirmed a directed verdict based on plaintiff's
    failure to adduce testimony sufficient to establish the applicable standard of care or
    breach when the expert testified only what his practices were with respect to patients in
    circumstances similar to the plaintiff's. But the expert "stopped short of testifying that
    defendant's methods constituted unsound medical practice," so the evidence was
    "'insufficient to establish . . . the "degree of learning and skill ordinarily possessed by
    members of his profession and of his school of medicine in the community where he
    practices or similar communities."'" 
    Schlaikjer, 296 Kan. at 470
    Karrigan, 212 Kan. at 50
    In Pope, the conservator for a minor child born with developmental disabilities
    sued the mother's doctor for negligent obstetrical care. A defense expert testified the
    injuries were caused by the mother's drug use. On cross-examination, plaintiff's counsel
    attempted to ask whether it was "possible" for various conditions to cause injury.
    Defendant objected that an expert's opinion testimony must be based on reasonable
    medical probabilities, not possibilities. The district court sustained the objection. On
    appeal, the court drew a distinction between opinions that must be "within a reasonable
    medical probability," and the "factors or mental processes used by the expert in reaching
    his opinion or conclusion on the 
    case." 251 Kan. at 123
    . The court held the cross-
    examination would have been appropriate, so the district court erred in prohibiting 
    it. 251 Kan. at 124
    The testimony to which DeBrot objects as misstating the legal standard is like the
    testimony in Pope. It tended to show—albeit in general terms—the conduct required by
    the legal duty flowing from DeBrot to Barbara. It did not tend to show DeBrot was
    subject to a standard other than the standard applicable to a physician in like
    circumstances. Moreover, the claim that it redefines the standard of care to impose a duty
    of ultra-vigilance is dubious. Like the cross-examination questions in Pope, and unlike
    the physician-preference testimony in Karrigan, the questions were asked within the
    context of the witnesses' overarching opinions that DeBrot deviated from the standard of
    care. The questions about "margin of safety" and "erring on the safe side" illustrate the
    experts' mental processes in reaching their conclusions.
    Because this testimony was within the scope of permissible expert testimony, the
    district court did not abuse its discretion admitting it.
    Neither was there an abuse of discretion overruling DeBrot's objection that a
    treating physician should have been designated as an expert before being permitted to
    testify he was "trying to avoid needlessly endangering" her while treating her. The
    testimony related to that doctor's own actions and did not purport to establish the standard
    of care DeBrot owed to Barbara under the circumstances or whether DeBrot deviated
    from the standard. Even if inadmissible for some other reason, the testimony was not
    objectionable for lack of an expert witness designation. See K.S.A. 60-404 (specific
    ground for objection must be stated); State v. Robinson, 
    306 Kan. 1012
    399 P.3d 194
    (2017) (holding appellant could not argue on appeal grounds for exclusion of evidence on
    appeal that were not included in trial objection).
    BEIER, J., concurring: I agree with the majority's ultimate outcome and much of
    its reasoning on this case. Still, I must write separately because I cannot agree with its
    application of our Rule 8.03 (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 53)—soon to be amended for overdue
    clarification and improvement—to prevent consideration of other issues the defendant
    pursued before the Court of Appeals. Ultimately these other issues cannot carry the day
    for the defendant, but I believe he has a right to have them analyzed by the full court.
    Under the current version of Rule 8.03(h)(1), this court may choose when it grants
    a petition for review to limit the issues it will consider. We did not make that choice in
    this case. In such a situation, as quoted by the majority, "the issues before the Supreme
    Court include all issues properly before the Court of Appeals which the petition for
    review . . . allege[s] were decided erroneously by the Court of Appeals." In addition, the
    rule provides, "In civil cases, the Supreme Court may, but need not, consider other issues
    that were presented to the Court of Appeals and that the parties have preserved for
    review." (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 56.)
    As the majority also acknowledges, defendant Brian L. DeBrot, M.D., filed a
    petition for review that specifically said that he believed "all of the issues raised in this
    appeal should be considered." He then said that specific issues "particularly" merited
    review. It is only this latter set of issues that the majority is willing to entertain.
    The majority is correct that DeBrot failed to "list, separately and without
    argument," the issues that did not fall into the category of "particularly" meriting review
    as "additional issues decided by the district court which were presented to, but not
    decided by, the Court of Appeals, which the petitioner wishes to have determined if
    review is granted" under Rule 8.03(a)(4)(C) (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 54). But I do not think
    that this minor deviation is deserving of the ultimate punishment of being ignored. It may
    be a bit inconvenient for us to review DeBrot's brief filed before the Court of Appeals
    and the panel's decision to determine the additional issues his petition for review was
    referring to when he said he believed that "all of the issues raised in this appeal should be
    considered," but mere inconvenience is hardly a worthy rationale for the majority's
    Thus I would reach the merits on all of the preserved issues that DeBrot raised in
    the Court of Appeals. His petition for review's reference to his belief that all issues
    should be considered plus his list of issues "particularly" meriting review qualified under
    Rule 8.03(a)(4)(C) (2018 Kan. S. Ct. R. 54) as a "statement of the issues decided by the
    Court of Appeals of which review is sought," and we should not treat certain issues as
    "not presented or fairly included in the petition" for review. Our procedural stinginess is
    simply unwarranted, particularly when we take up an issue on which the plaintiffs did not
    file a cross-petition, i.e., the Court of Appeals panel's decision that causation instructions
    were erroneous.
    The additional issues on which DeBrot sought review are not nothing. They are
    numerous and, in at least a few cases, meritorious. They are:
    •   Whether a jury instruction should have been modified to say that, in a
    medical malpractice case, causation must be established through expert
    •   Whether it was error to instruct the jury that plaintiffs were not at fault as a
    matter of law.
    •   Whether plaintiffs' counsel's closing argument about DeBrot probably
    being rushed during Barbara Castleberry's December 19, 2007, visit
    because he wanted to get to a holiday party was error.
    •   Whether plaintiffs' counsel unnecessarily called for two bench conferences
    during defense counsel's closing argument.
    •   Whether plaintiffs' counsel's use of a denial in response to a pretrial request
    for admissions in an effort to impeach DeBrot was error.
    •   Whether plaintiffs' counsel's questions regarding informed consent were
    •   Whether it was error to permit plaintiffs' counsel to read a sentence from a
    letter written by an author of an article regarded by an expert witness as
    authoritative, when the letter was solicited by plaintiffs' counsel and was
    not admitted into evidence.
    •   Whether it was error to permit plaintiffs' counsel's cross-examination to
    exceed the scope of direct testimony.
    •   Whether several other pieces of evidence should have been excluded or
    lines of questioning prohibited, some because they allegedly violated limine
    orders; these issues focused on questioning about another doctor's personal
    treatment preference, a mention of DeBrot's credibility, a line of
    questioning about conversations between defense counsel and a defense
    expert, an expert's reference to the annual number of deaths attributable to
    medical error, questions posed to Castleberry's son about overheard
    conversations among health care personnel, and other questions suggesting
    that there was an inappropriate relationship between DeBrot and a nurse.
    •   Whether 17 exhibits should have been admissible under the learned treatise
    exception to the hearsay rule.
    •   Whether cumulative error requires reversal and remand for a new trial.
    The first of these issues untouched by the majority concerns the district judge's
    refusal to modify Instruction 8 at DeBrot's request to say that a medical malpractice case
    not only requires expert testimony to establish the standard of care but also to establish
    causation. DeBrot is correct that this is Kansas law. See Sharples v. Roberts, 
    249 Kan. 286
    , 292, 
    816 P.2d 390
    (1991); Bacon v. Mercy Hosp. of Ft. Scott, 
    243 Kan. 303
    , 307,
    756 P.2d 416
    (1988). He is also correct that even an otherwise factually and legally
    appropriate instruction can be misleading and erroneous if it is incomplete. The district
    judge's refusal to modify the instruction was error, and the Court of Appeals panel was
    wrong when it employed an alternative, nonmeritorious argument made by DeBrot on
    this issue as a straw man to rule in plaintiffs' favor.
    I would not hold that this error is reversible standing alone. My review of the trial
    record persuades me that causation was simply not the fulcrum of this case. Rather, it
    turned on identification of the standard of care and on whether DeBrot breached it.
    Nearly all of defense counsel's lengthy closing argument was focused on standard of care
    and breach; it included a very brief mention of damages near its conclusion. On
    causation, defense counsel was silent. He no doubt appreciated that there was never a
    question about Castleberry's subsequent stroke causing all of her and her heirs' damages.
    He correctly focused on the true question: Should DeBrot have seen the stroke coming
    and reacted in a way that would have prevented it or minimized its ultimately disastrous
    Regarding the issue of whether plaintiffs' counsel's argument about DeBrot's
    probable hurry to a holiday party was error, I would agree with the Court of Appeals
    panel that it was. The comment was unsupported in the evidence and effectively
    encouraged the jury to rely on impermissible inference stacking. State v. Banks, 
    306 Kan. 854
    , 859, 
    397 P.3d 1195
    (2017) (inference stacking prohibited); State v. Akins, 
    298 Kan. 35
    592, 601, 
    315 P.3d 868
    (2014) (error to comment on facts not in evidence). I would hold
    that this error is not reversible standing alone.
    I would part company from the Court of Appeals on whether plaintiffs' counsel
    should have been permitted to read from the letter from the author of an article regarded
    as authoritative by an expert. A letter solicited by counsel is not a learned treatise, even if
    the letter is written by a learned individual whose work is respected and relied upon by an
    expert witness. See K.S.A. 60-460(cc); see also State v. Baldwin, 
    36 Kan. 1
    , 17, 
    12 P. 318
    (1886) (authors do not write under oath; "grounds of belief and processes of reasoning
    cannot be tested by cross-examination"), cited in Wilson v. Knight, 
    26 Kan. App. 2d 226
    982 P.2d 400
    (1999). Again, however, I would hold that this error is not
    reversible standing alone.
    I would hold that additional error occurred when plaintiffs' counsel questioned
    Miser about his preference for whether he or a nurse performed a review of a patient's
    systems. The Court of Appeals initially said that the record was insufficient to support
    this appellate claim, but, if there was error, it was not reversible. I agree with the second
    part of its holding because the error was cured in part by counsel's rephrasing of a
    question after a defense objection; the error is not reversible standing alone.
    I would also agree with the Court of Appeals that a reference to the number of
    deaths attributable to medical error by expert William Miser, M.D., was a violation of the
    district court's limine order. Again, I would hold that this error is not reversible standing
    alone. It was brief and isolated, and no participant in the trial ever returned to it.
    This brings me to cumulative error. Walker v. Holiday Lanes, 
    196 Kan. 513
    , 520,
    413 P.2d 63
    (1966) (Cumulative error is to be viewed "in relation to the record in its
    entirety" and necessitates reversal when the "various [errors] have so permeated and
    tainted the entire proceedings that [a party] has been deprived of the fair trial to which
    every litigant is entitled.").
    I would hold that the combination of the five errors I have listed with the error
    identified by the majority—plaintiffs' counsel's improper linkage between the verdict and
    whether the jury wanted "safe medicine or unsafe medicine"—does not require reversal
    under the cumulative error doctrine. But I think this case presents a close call, in part
    because I am also troubled by what a lawyer from an earlier generation might refer to at
    least two instances of "sharp practice" by plaintiffs' counsel. Although these instances fell
    short of the standard for an appellate court to identify them as legal error, they
    nevertheless would have had a tendency to undermine the overall fairness of the trial.
    Plaintiffs' counsel inappropriately questioned Castleberry's son about the fact that there
    were things he could not say in front of the jury, when the limitation on his testimony
    originated in a proper order in limine. This was too clever by half, as any alert juror
    would inevitably suspect that important, and possibly damning, information was being
    concealed. And plaintiffs' counsel's questions about any relationship between DeBrot and
    the nurse are simply not amenable to characterization as intended to elicit relevant
    LUCKERT and JOHNSON, JJ., join the foregoing concurrence.