In re Lundgren ( 2017 )

    No. 117,201
    In the Matter of ALVIN R. LUNDGREN,
    Original proceeding in discipline. Opinion filed May 26, 2017. Disbarment.
    Kimberly L. Knoll, Deputy Disciplinary Administrator, argued the cause, and Stanton A. Hazlett,
    Disciplinary Administrator, was with her on the formal complaint for the petitioner.
    Respondent did not appear.
    Per Curiam: This is an uncontested original proceeding in discipline filed by the
    office of the Disciplinary Administrator against respondent, Alvin R. Lundgren, of Veyo,
    Utah, an attorney admitted to the practice of law in Kansas in 1990.
    On July 20, 2016, the office of the Disciplinary Administrator filed a formal
    complaint against respondent alleging violations of the Kansas Rules of Professional
    Conduct (KRPC). Respondent filed an answer on August 15, 2016. A hearing was held
    on the complaint before a panel of the Kansas Board for Discipline of Attorneys on
    October 6, 2016, at which the respondent appeared pro se. The hearing panel determined
    that respondent violated KRPC 1.15(a) and (d) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 326) (safekeeping
    property); 8.3(a) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 378) (reporting professional misconduct); 8.4(c)
    (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 379) (engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or
    misrepresentation); Kansas Supreme Court Rule 207(c) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 246) (failure
    to report action); and Kansas Supreme Court Rule 208(c) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 246)
    (failure to notify Clerk of the Appellate Courts of change of address).
    Upon conclusion of the hearing, the panel made the following findings of fact and
    conclusions of law, together with its recommendation to this court:
    "Findings of Fact
    "6.       In August 1989, the Utah Supreme Court admitted the respondent to the
    practice of law in Utah.
    "7.       The Kansas Supreme Court admitted the respondent to the practice of
    law in the State of Kansas on September 20, 1990.
    "8.       The Missouri Supreme Court also admitted the respondent to the practice
    of law in 1990.
    "9.       On April 12, 1994, the California Supreme Court admitted the
    respondent to the practice of law. Prior to his admission to the practice of law in the State
    of California, the respondent engaged in misconduct.
    'Count One:
    'In November 1992, Respondent was hired by Checkrite to perform debt
    collection work. Checkrite hired Respondent to recover debts from
    checks written on insufficient funds and closed bank accounts that had
    been issued to California merchants. At the time, Respondent was
    working as an attorney in Utah.
    'Between April 1993 and August 1993, Respondent sent letters to debtors
    on letterhead which stated "Lundgren & Associates, P.C. Attorneys at
    Law." The letterhead listed an address in Sacramento, California. At the
    time, Respondent was not admitted to practice law in the State of
    California. The letterhead did not mention the jurisdictions that
    Respondent was admitted as a member of the bar.
    'In June 1993, Respondent sent a check to the State Bar's Committee of
    Bar Examiners to pay fees associated with his application for admission
    to the State Bar of California. The check was imprinted with
    Respondent's Sacramento address and indicated that the account
    belonged to "Lundgren & Associates, P.C., Attorneys at Law."
    Respondent was not admitted to the practice of law in California until
    April 12, 1994.
    'By sending out letters and issuing checks imprinted with "Attorney at
    Law," Respondent held himself out as being entitled to practice law in
    the State of California in violation of Business and Professions Code
    sections 6125(a) and 6126.
    'Conclusions of Law: By the foregoing conduct, Respondent committed a
    willful violation of Business and Professions Code section 6068(a).
    'Counts Five and Eight:
    'In 1993, a civil complaint was filed against Respondent and other
    defendants for violations of the federal Fair Debt Collections Act and the
    California Unfair Business Practices Act, in a suit entitled Newman v.
    Checkrite, Eastern District Court of California, U.S. District Court case
    number CIV-S-93 1557 LKK PAN.
    'On January 25, 1994, Respondent appeared at a scheduling conference
    acting as the attorney for defendant [D.K.] in the Newman case. Prior to
    February 18, 1994, Respondent negotiated with plaintiff's counsel to
    obtain an extension of time for [D.K.] to respond to plaintiff's discovery.
    'Respondent was not admitted to practice law in the U.S. District Court
    for the Eastern District of California until May 18, 1994. Respondent did
    not seek pro hac vice status to practice in the court pending his admission
    to this State Bar of California. He also did not inform the court that he
    was not admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern
    District of California at the time that he made the appearance on behalf
    of [D.K.].
    'By making an appearance in court on behalf of a client in negotiating an
    extension of time prior to being admitted to the practice of law before the
    federal court, Respondent engaged in the practice of law in a jurisdiction
    while he was not licensed to do so.
    'Conclusions of Law: By the foregoing conduct, Respondent committed
    a willful violation of Rules 1-300(B) and 5-200(B) of the Rules of
    Professional Conduct.'
    "10.    On July 13, 1998, the California Supreme Court entered an order
    suspending the respondent's license to practice law in that state for a period of 18 months.
    After serving 1-month suspension, the respondent was placed on probation.
    "11.    On February 22, 2000, the Missouri Supreme Court entered an order
    concluding that the respondent violated Rule 4-5.5 (a) for engaging in the unauthorized
    practice of law in California. That court entered an order indefinitely suspending the
    respondent from the practice of law in Missouri. Thereafter, on May 30, 2000, the
    Missouri Supreme Court reinstated the respondent's license to practice law.
    "12.    J.B. filed a complaint against the respondent with the Utah State Bar,
    Office of Professional Conduct ('OPC'). Thereafter, on October 31, 2012, the OPC filed a
    motion for summary judgment in the second district court for Morgan County, Utah.
    "13.    On February 1, 2013, the second district court for Morgan County, Utah,
    granted the OPC's motion for summary judgment. Later, the court entered an order which
    included findings of fact and conclusions of law. The court concluded that the respondent
    violated Rule 1.15(a) (safekeeping property), Rule 1.15(d) (safekeeping property), Rule
    8.1(b) (bar admission and disciplinary matters), and Rule 8.4(a) (misconduct).
    "14.   Thereafter, on June 5, 2013, the court held a sanctions hearing. During
    the sanctions hearing, the respondent stated, 'I have no prior record [of attorney
    "15.   In an order memorializing its findings and conclusions, the court found
    that the respondent misappropriated client funds. The court ordered the respondent be
    disbarred from the practice of law in Utah.
    "16.   While the Utah disciplinary case was pending, on July 22, 2014, the
    respondent relinquished his license to practice law in California. In the voluntary
    resignation, the respondent declared the following:
    '1.    I am not currently suspended from the practice of law as a result
    of the imposition of discipline by the California Supreme Court,
    nor subject to (a) a period of disciplinary probation; (b)
    conditions attached to a public or private reproval; or (c) the
    terms of an agreement in lieu of discipline with the Office of the
    Chief Trial Counsel;
    '2.    To my knowledge, I am not currently the subject of any
    disciplinary complaint, investigation or proceeding by any
    professional licensing agency in California or another
    '3.    I am not currently charged with the commission of any felony or
    misdemeanor and have no knowledge that I am the subject of a
    current criminal investigation or grand jury proceeding for the
    alleged commission of a felony or misdemeanor in any
    '4.     I have not been convicted of any crime for which I have failed to
    notify the State Bar pursuant to Business and Professions Code
    section 6068(a)(5). (Emphasis added.)'
    The California Supreme Court accepted the voluntary resignation on October 21, 2014. It
    appears that the respondent never informed the bar authorities of California that, in fact,
    he was the subject of a disciplinary complaint in Utah at the time he relinquished his
    "17.    The respondent appealed the second district court's decision to the Utah
    Supreme Court. On July 21, 2015, the Utah Supreme Court entered its opinion, which
    provided as follows:
    '¶ 1 Intentionally misappropriating a client's money is at or near the top
    of the list of things a lawyer should never do. But that is what Alvin
    Lundgren did when he took [J.B.]'s money from his client trust account
    for his own purposes. Upon discovering the defalcation, [J.B.] reported
    Mr. Lundgren to the Utah State Bar Office of Professional Conduct
    (OPC). Following an investigation, the OPC filed a complaint in district
    court against Mr. Lundgren. Based on his admitted misconduct, the
    district court granted the OPC's motion for summary judgment and
    disbarred Mr. Lundgren. Mr. Lundgren timely appealed. We affirm his
    disbarment and state again that a Utah attorney who intentionally
    misappropriates client funds will be disbarred unless the attorney can
    show truly compelling mitigating circumstances.
    '¶ 2 Mr. Lundgren had been practicing law for twenty years when [J.B.]
    hired him to pursue a workers' compensation claim. In February 2009,
    [J.B.] settled her claim for $24,906. Per her instructions, Mr. Lundgren
    retained $2,500 of [J.B.]'s share of the settlement proceeds in his client
    trust account in order to pay her outstanding medical bills. However, in
    July of 2010, [J.B.]'s doctor, Carl Mattson, informed her that her medical
    bills remained outstanding. [J.B.] called Mr. Lundgren numerous times
    and left several messages, but Mr. Lundgren failed to respond.
    '¶ 3 Ultimately, in December of 2010, [J.B.] sent Mr. Lundgren a letter
    asking him to account for her settlement funds. She attached a copy of
    Dr. Mattson's bill. Mr. Lundgren did not reply, nor did he account for the
    $2,500 entrusted to him.
    '¶ 4 He later claimed to have lost [J.B.]'s case file. As a result of Mr.
    Lundgren's failure to respond and failure to use the settlement funds as
    directed, [J.B.] filed a complaint with the Utah State Bar. On August 12,
    2011, the OPC sent Mr. Lundgren notice of [J.B.]'s informal complaint.
    As part of its investigation, the OPC asked Mr. Lundgren to provide bank
    records of the deposits and withdrawals made to and from his client trust
    account from March 2009 through October 2010. The OPC did not
    receive this information, although Mr. Lundgren claims that he sent it.
    '¶ 5 The OPC referred the case to a screening panel of the Ethics and
    Discipline Committee, which heard the matter on January 26, 2012. At
    the hearing, Mr. Lundgren admitted under oath that he had taken [J.B.]'s
    money from his client trust account for his own personal use. He further
    testified that over the course of about four years, he had taken money
    belonging to other clients from his client trust account to cover business
    and personal expenses. None of Mr. Lundgren's clients authorized him to
    take their money from the trust account for his benefit.
    '¶ 6 At some point after receiving notice of [J.B.]'s complaint, but prior to
    the hearing before the screening panel, Mr. Lundgren set up monthly
    payments of $300 to Dr. Mattson to pay [J.B.]'s medical expenses—
    ostensibly because he did not have enough money to pay [J.B.]'s medical
    bill in full. Mr. Lundgren ultimately accounted for [J.B.]'s full settlement
    monies by paying Dr. Mattson's bill and reimbursing the rest of the
    money to her.
    '¶ 7 Following the hearing, the screening panel directed the OPC to file a
    formal complaint in district court against Mr. Lundgren, and the OPC
    did. The OPC then moved for summary judgment, which the district
    court granted. The court concluded that Mr. Lundgren violated rules
    1.15(a) and (d) of the Utah Rules of Professional Conduct by
    misappropriating client funds and rule 8.1(b) by "knowingly fail[ing] to
    respond to a lawful demand for information" made by the OPC.
    '¶ 8 Thereafter, the district court conducted a sanctions hearing "to
    receive relevant evidence in aggravation and mitigation." SUP. CT. R.
    PROF'L PRAC. 14-511(f). Following the Standards for Imposing
    Lawyer Sanctions of the Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice—
    rule 14-607—the district court considered various mitigating factors,
    including Mr. Lundgren's (1) "absence of a prior record of discipline,"
    (2) "good character and reputation," and (3) "remorse." The court then
    determined that none of the evidence presented was "truly compelling,"
    and thus did not justify departure from the presumptive sanction of
    disbarment. See SUP. CT. R. PROF'L PRAC. 14-605. The court
    explicitly rejected Mr. Lundgren's claim that his financial hardship
    should be considered a mitigating factor. Before imposing sanctions, the
    court also considered aggravating factors, which included Mr.
    Lundgren's dishonesty, his pattern of misconduct, and his extensive
    experience in practicing law. The court imposed the sanction of
    disbarment for Mr. Lundgren's misconduct. He timely appealed.
    '¶ 9 Mr. Lundgren does not challenge the grant of summary judgment
    with regard to his violation of rule 1.15(a) and (d). Accordingly, we are
    asked to review only the district court's decision to disbar Mr. Lundgren.
    Under the Utah Constitution, this court has the duty and the authority to
    "govern the practice of law, including admission to practice law and the
    conduct and discipline of persons admitted to practice law." UTAH
    CONST. art. VIII, § 4. Generally, we do not overturn a district court's
    findings of fact unless they are "arbitrary, capricious, or plainly in error."
    In re Discipline of Babilis, 
    951 P.2d 207
    , 213 (Utah 1997). However, "in
    light of our constitutional mandate and the unique nature of disciplinary
    actions," we review district court findings in attorney discipline matters
    with less deference. 
    Id. In this
    area, we retain "the right to draw different
    inferences from the facts" in order to "make an independent
    determination" of the correctness of the discipline the district court
    imposed. In re Discipline of Crawley, 
    2007 UT 44
    , ¶ 17, 
    164 P.3d 1232
    see also In re Discipline of Corey, 
    2012 UT 21
    , ¶ 23 n. 13, 
    274 P.3d 972
    '¶ 10 The Utah Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice govern,
    among other things, the ethical practice of law in the State of Utah and
    provide the standards for imposing sanctions on attorneys who violate
    the rules. See SUP. CT. R. PROF'L PRAC. 1.0 to 8.5 ("Rules of
    Professional Conduct"), 14-601 to 14-607 ("Standards for Imposing
    Lawyer Sanctions"). Chapter fourteen, article 6 provides the Utah State
    Bar with rules for imposing sanctions on attorneys who have "engaged in
    professional misconduct." 
    Id. 14-603(a). These
    rules are designed to
    "maintain the high standard of professional conduct required of those
    who undertake the discharge of professional responsibilities as lawyers."
    Id. 14-602(b). Further,
    the rules allow judges "flexibility and creativity in
    assigning sanctions" when a lawyer has committed misconduct. 
    Id. 14- 602(d).
    A court should consider specific factors when imposing
    sanctions, including "(a) the duty violated; (b) the lawyer's mental state;
    (c) the potential or actual injury caused by the lawyer's misconduct; and
    (d) the existence of aggravating or mitigating factors." 
    Id. 14-604(a)-(d). 9
    '¶ 11 Though the rules allow for flexibility in most cases, there are
    presumptive sanctions for the most egregious types of misconduct.
    Disbarment is the presumptive sanction when a lawyer either "knowingly
    engages in professional misconduct . . . with the intent to benefit the
    lawyer . . . and causes serious or potentially serious injury to a party" or
    "engages in serious criminal conduct, a necessary element of which
    includes . . . misappropriation, or theft." 
    Id. 14-605(a)(1), (2).
    though disbarment is the harshest sanction available in the realm of
    attorney misconduct—"the proverbial professional death-sentence," In re
    Discipline of Corey, 
    2012 UT 21
    , ¶ 40, 
    274 P.3d 972
    —we have long said
    that intentional misappropriation of client funds is one of, if not the most
    "severe" kind of misconduct in the legal profession. In re Discipline of
    2012 UT 87
    , ¶ 15, 
    297 P.3d 564
    . Misappropriation of client
    funds undermines the relationship between attorney and client and
    damages the legal profession as a whole. Indeed, this court and others
    have not minced words when addressing it, describing it as "always
    indefensible," In re Discipline of Babilis, 
    951 P.2d 207
    , 217 (Utah 1997);
    something "we cannot tolerate," In re Discipline of Johnson, 
    2001 UT 110
    , ¶ 14, 
    48 P.3d 881
    ; a form of "ethical dereliction," In re Blumenstyk,
    152 N.J. 158
    704 A.2d 1
    , 4 (1997); "the gravest form of professional
    misconduct," Att'y Grievance Comm'n v. Pattison, 
    292 Md. 599
    441 A.2d 328
    , 333 (1982); and an act that "reflects poorly on the entire legal
    profession and erodes the public's confidence in lawyers." In re
    Disciplinary Action Against Rooney, 
    709 N.W.2d 263
    , 270 (Minn. 2006).
    As we explained in Babilis, a seminal Utah case in this area, intentional
    misappropriation of client funds "strikes at the very foundation of the
    trust and honesty that are indispensable to the functioning of the
    attorney-client relationship and, indeed, to the functioning of the legal
    itself." 951 P.2d at 217
    '¶ 12 Because intentional misappropriation of client funds is so deeply
    concerning and intolerable to our profession, an attorney who is guilty of
    it should be disbarred. The only exception to this rule occurs if an
    attorney can show "truly compelling mitigating circumstances." In re
    Discipline of Ince, 
    957 P.2d 1233
    , 1237 (Utah 1998); 
    Babilis, 951 P.2d at 217
    . We have never explicitly defined the phrase "truly compelling
    mitigating circumstances," but we have said that the "mitigating factors
    must be significant," 
    Ince, 957 P.2d at 1237-38
    , and should be construed
    "relatively narrowly." Grimes, 
    2012 UT 87
    , ¶ 40, 
    297 P.3d 564
    ; see also
    2012 UT 21
    , ¶ 37 n. 17, 
    274 P.3d 972
    . Again, the standard for
    sanctioning such behavior is purposely strict in order to serve the public
    and the profession by maintaining the trust that is so critical to the
    attorney-client relationship.
    'A.     The "Truly Compelling Mitigating Circumstances" Standard Is
    Not "Illusory"
    '¶ 13 The modern standard for attorney sanctions in cases of intentional
    misappropriation was first set out by this court in Babilis, where we
    adopted the rule that "intentional misappropriation of client funds will
    result in disbarment unless the lawyer can demonstrate truly compelling
    circumstances." 951 P.2d at 217
    . Mr. Lundgren argues that the
    truly compelling mitigating circumstances standard is "illusory" and that
    we should depart from it in favor of a "balancing" or rehabilitative
    approach. However, his briefing on this point is unpersuasive and largely
    inadequate. See UTAH R. APP. P. 24(a)(9) ("The argument shall contain
    the contentions and reasons of the appellant with respect to the issues
    presented . . . ."); State v. Thomas, 
    961 P.2d 299
    , 305 (Utah 1998)
    ("[R]ule 24(a)(9) requires not just bald citation to authority but
    development of that authority and reasoned analysis based on that
    authority."); see also Water & Energy Sys. Tech., Inc. v. Keil, 
    2002 UT 32
    , ¶ 21, 
    48 P.3d 888
    ("[T]his court will not become simply a depository
    in which the appealing party may dump the burden of argument and
    research." He fails to provide a reasoned argument for the reversal of our
    existing standard. We therefore decline to abrogate it.
    '¶ 14 Mr. Lundgren's argument begins with a list of various "background
    illustrative cases"—cases that are summarized without further exegesis.
    He asserts that the district court below was "unable" to find truly
    compelling mitigating circumstances "because there is no precedent in
    recent Utah Supreme Court case history." But in fact there have been a
    number of cases applying the "truly compelling mitigating
    circumstances" standard in recent years, though it is true that no attorney
    has yet met that standard. See, e.g., In re Discipline of Ennenga, 
    2001 UT 111
    37 P.3d 1150
    ; Corey, 
    2012 UT 21
    274 P.3d 972
    . Mr.
    Lundgren's primary argument appears to be, in essence, because no
    attorney who has misappropriated client funds since 1997 has been able
    to escape the presumptive sanction of disbarment by showing truly
    compelling mitigation, "there may be a problem with" the standard. We
    '¶ 15 The fact that no attorney in Utah to date has been able to show that
    he acted under truly compelling mitigating circumstances when he
    misappropriated client funds does not indicate that there is a problem
    with the standard, nor does it render the standard "illusory," "vague," or
    unenforceable. Nor do we agree with Mr. Lundgren that the standard is
    "worthless and of no material benefit." To the contrary, we find our strict
    standard for imposing sanctions in cases of intentional misappropriation
    to be extremely explicit, worthy, and highly beneficial to the legal
    profession and the public.
    '¶ 16 In arguing that our standard is "illusory," Mr. Lundgren grasps at a
    variety of sources, none of which are on point. Mr. Lundgren asserts that
    our standard sets the bar for showing mitigation "so impossibly high"
    that no attorney will ever meet it. We disagree, but in any event we need
    not address the question of a hypothetical case of truly compelling
    mitigation because Mr. Lundgren has not shown that he acted under
    mitigating circumstances. We agree with the OPC that the truly
    compelling mitigation standard "is a high burden for attorneys to meet.
    That does not mean it is an illusion."
    '¶ 17 Mr. Lundgren asserts that this case presents us with "an
    opportunity" to "abandon" the truly compelling mitigation standard "and
    return to a more rational" test. We decline this opportunity because we
    find the test perfectly rational. As we explained when we adopted the
    "[t]he honesty and loyalty that all lawyers owe their
    clients are irrevocably shattered by an intentional act of
    misappropriation, and the corrosive effect of such acts
    tends to undermine the foundations of the profession and
    the public confidence that is essential to the functioning
    of our legal system. Lawyers should be on notice that an
    intentional act of misappropriation of a client's funds is
    an act that merits disbarment."
    Babilis, 951 P.2d at 217
    . We uphold that standard today and reiterate that
    an attorney who intentionally misappropriates client funds will be
    disbarred unless he or she can show truly compelling mitigating
    'B.     Mr. Lundgren Failed to Present Any Truly Compelling
    Mitigating Circumstances
    '¶ 18 Mr. Lundgren testified under oath that he misappropriated unearned
    money from his client trust account for his business and personal use. On
    appeal, Mr. Lundgren appears to argue that he showed truly compelling
    mitigating circumstances in two ways: (1) his conduct was not as bad as
    other disbarred attorneys and (2) he "repaid all amounts." We uphold the
    district court's determination that Mr. Lundgren has failed to show truly
    compelling circumstances that would mitigate his misconduct.
    '¶ 19 "[T]he standard for departing from the presumptive sanction of
    disbarment is a 'truly compelling' mitigating factor in the circumstances
    of [this] case, not the comparative seriousness of other cases." Ennenga,
    2001 UT 111
    , ¶ 16, 
    37 P.3d 1150
    . Mr. Lundgren argues that because
    other attorneys have misappropriated more money than he did, he should
    not be disbarred. He contends the "relative severity" of his conduct was
    less than that of other attorneys who have been disbarred—because he
    took less money—and therefore he should receive a lesser punishment
    than disbarment. These arguments fail. Rule 14-605, which governs the
    imposition of sanctions, does not suggest that the amount of money
    misappropriated has any bearing on the seriousness of the misconduct.
    See SUP. CT. R. PROF'L PRAC. 14-605(a)(2)-(3) (calling for
    disbarment when a lawyer "engages in serious criminal conduct . . .
    which includes . . . misappropriation" or "engages in any other
    intentional misconduct involving . . . deceit"). Moreover, we review each
    case of misconduct individually—the relative seriousness of other cases
    of attorney misconduct has no bearing on the proper resolution of this
    case. Ennenga, 
    2001 UT 111
    , ¶ 16, 
    37 P.3d 1150
    '¶ 20 Mr. Lundgren points to Utah State Bar v. Jardine, a case in which
    the attorney, Mr. Jardine, charged unreasonable fees, deposited client
    retainers in his operating account before they were earned, and
    committed various other violations, but was only suspended. 
    2012 UT 67
    , ¶¶ 1, 83, 
    289 P.3d 516
    . Mr. Lundgren claims that his own misconduct
    "was far less severe." We are not persuaded by this argument. Again, as
    we explained in Ennenga, we do not compare severity across cases. 
    2001 UT 111
    , ¶ 16, 
    37 P.3d 1150
    . Mr. Lundgren cannot justify his unlawful
    and unethical conduct by noting that he could have done worse.
    '¶ 21 Moreover, Jardine is distinguishable because Mr. Jardine's
    misconduct, though unacceptable, did not rise to the level of knowing
    and intentional misappropriation of client funds. 
    2012 UT 67
    , ¶¶ 10, 31-
    289 P.3d 516
    . Mr. Jardine's case involved mishandling client funds—
    not stealing them (a subtle nuance perhaps, but an important one). 
    Id. ¶¶ 48-50.
    Mr. Jardine was charging his clients large "nonrefundable"
    retainers, which he would deposit directly into his operating account—
    and which he argued were earned upon receipt. 
    Id. ¶ 48.
    In deeming this
    misconduct, we explained that although it is conceivable that an
    attorney—perhaps due to the benefit conferred by the person's "towering
    reputation"—might earn a client's retainer fee the moment she receives it,
    Mr. Jardine did not. 
    Id. ¶ 50.
    We thus concluded it was misconduct under
    rule 1.15(a) for Mr. Jardine to deposit client retainers directly into his
    operating account. 
    Id. ¶ 53.
    Mr. Lundgren, unlike Mr. Jardine, knowingly
    took funds that were not only unearned, but would never be earned, and
    were in fact earmarked for another purpose, namely, to pay [J.B.]'s
    medical bills.
    '¶ 22 It is true that Mr. Lundgren ultimately restored [J.B.]'s funds, but
    this factor is not mitigating where there is no evidence to show that
    remorse was his motivation for restoring the funds. Tellingly, Mr.
    Lundgren did not self-report his unethical conduct or restore the funds to
    [J.B.] until after she had lodged a complaint with the OPC. Thus, it
    seems likely that his restoration of the funds was merely an attempt to
    avoid punishment. Under rule 14-607(c)(1) of the Supreme Court Rules
    of Professional Practice, "compelled restitution" cannot be considered a
    mitigating factor.
    '¶ 23 And Mr. Lundgren misses the ethical point entirely when he
    attempts to minimize his misappropriation by asserting that it is
    "philosophically debatable if the client does not know of the removal of
    funds over which the client does not have control, whether there is actual
    injury." It is not philosophically debatable whether stealing money is
    okay so long as the victim never finds out. And in any event, [J.B.] did
    find out and was certainly inconvenienced in a variety of ways. Not least
    of these is the fact that Mr. Lundgren did not pay her medical bills as he
    was instructed (he was instead forced to set up a payment plan with the
    doctor much later), and [J.B.] had to endure the disappointment and
    frustration of dealing with the doctor's collection attempts. We are glad
    that Mr. Lundgren was ultimately able to pay [J.B.] back, but "he did not
    make repayment until he was forced to do so by threat of suit . . . and
    after [the client] had made an informal complaint." Ennenga, 
    2001 UT 111
    , ¶ 13, 
    37 P.3d 1150
    . "The repaying of [J.B.]'s] money, though the
    right thing to do, was not accomplished in a way that mitigates the
    Id. '¶ 24
    Because Mr. Lundgren has failed to show truly compelling
    mitigating circumstances, we need not discuss the aggravating factors in
    detail. Although we do note that Mr. Lundgren's dishonesty, his pattern
    of misappropriation, his long experience in the practice of law, his
    inability to accept the consequences of his actions, and his attempts to
    justify his misconduct are all aggravating factors. In sum, disbarment is
    the appropriate sanction for Mr. Lundgren's misconduct.
    '¶ 25 Today we reaffirm that the sanction for intentional
    misappropriation of client funds is disbarment unless an attorney can
    show truly compelling mitigating circumstances. Mr. Lundgren
    intentionally misappropriated client funds and failed to show any truly
    compelling mitigation. We therefore affirm the district court's order of
    In re Lundgren, 
    355 P.3d 984
    , 791 Utah Adv. R. 5, 
    2015 UT 58
    (2015). The respondent's
    disbarment in Utah was effective September 20, 2015.
    "18.    Following his disbarment in Utah, the respondent failed to notify the
    Kansas disciplinary administrator of the discipline imposed.
    "19.     On October 19, 2015, the disciplinary administrator's office received a
    letter from the OPC regarding the respondent's disbarment. On October 22, 2015, the
    disciplinary administrator's office docketed a complaint for investigation, wrote to the
    respondent informing him that the case had been docketed for investigation, provided the
    respondent with a copy of the correspondence from the OPC, and directed the respondent
    to provide a written response to the complaint within 20 days. The respondent failed to
    provide a written response to the complaint as directed.
    "20.     On November 23, 2015, Terry Morgan, special investigator with the
    disciplinary administrator's office, wrote to the respondent. In the letter, Mr. Morgan
    pointed out that the respondent failed to provide a timely written response to the
    complaint as directed in previous correspondence. Mr. Morgan provided the respondent
    with 10 additional days to forward a written response to the initial complaint.
    "21.     On December 3, 2015, the respondent wrote to the disciplinary
    administrator's office. The respondent did not provide a written response to the
    complaint, rather the respondent stated:
    'I am a former member of the Kansas Bar, #14733, but have not
    been active nor paid bar dues for many years. I was recently disbarred in
    Utah, and notice thereof being cause for instigating this action.
    'Please advise whether under the Kansas Rules I can qualify for
    ongoing bar membership. If I am no [sic] precluded, I will submit a plan.'
    "22.     On December 9, 2015, the disciplinary administrator's office responded
    to the respondent's letter, stating:
    'This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 3,
    2015, regarding the referenced disciplinary action. In response to your
    inquiry, I have included a copy of Kansas Supreme Court Rule 202.
    Pursuant to the rule, a finding of misconduct in another jurisdiction shall
    be deemed conclusive evidence of misconduct for purposes of a
    disciplinary action pending in this state. If you have questions
    concerning the application of the rule in this case, I would refer you to
    private counsel.
    'I also enclose a copy of Supreme Court Rule 217 providing for
    the surrender of a law license during the pendency of a disciplinary
    matter. A surrender of license results in an immediate Order of
    Disbarment when a disciplinary action is pending. You may also want to
    discuss a surrender of license with private counsel.
    'I anticipate that this matter will be submitted to the Review
    Committee for the Kansas Board for the Discipline of Attorneys in the
    very near future. If you have information that you would like submitted
    for consideration prior to presenting the matter to the review [sic]
    committee [sic] I encourage you to contact me or Terry Morgan,
    investigator, of this office.'
    "23.     On January 28, 2016, Mr. Morgan again wrote to the respondent. In the
    letter, Mr. Morgan again pointed out that the respondent failed to provide a written
    response to the complaint as directed in previous correspondence. Mr. Morgan again
    provided respondent with 10 additional days to submit a written response to the
    "24.     On March 17, 2016, the respondent provided a response to the complaint.
    The respondent's letter provided:
    'Your office was provided notice of disciplinary action against
    me. You have generously requested input from [me] regarding the action.
    Please consider my response below.
    'I was licensed to practice law in the State of Utah in 1989. Later
    I was admitted to Kansas, Missouri and California. My history in all
    states was clean, except for an incident in California in 1993-1994 prior
    to my admission to the California Bar. In that incident my firm and one
    non-attorney employee had been sued in Federal Court for the Central
    District of California. I attended an informal planning conference. At that
    conference I stated I appeared on behalf of the employee. The judge
    reported me to the California Bar for appearing for the client prior to
    being admitted to the bar. I was admitted to the California bar shortly
    thereafter. That issue was resolved with the California Bar.
    'There are no other incidents until the Utah Bar sought sanctions
    against me for failure to properly maintain a trust account in 2012 (Case
    #024500019, 2d District Court, Morgan County, Utah.) In short those
    allegations surrounded a complaint by a client that a medical bill had not
    been paid upon the completion of her case. The client's complaint was
    correct. Her bill had not been timely paid, partly due to office problems
    (a flood had destroyed many office records, including computer copies.)
    The bill was paid after the client filed the complaint. Nevertheless, the
    Utah Bar proceeded with prosecution for violations of the client's trust
    account. I admitted to the violation, and paid the client the full amount to
    which she was entitled.
    'Utah takes a very strict position against any kind of violation of
    client trust funds. Notwithstanding that the client was fully
    reimbursed prior to the filing of the bar complaint, the State bar
    prosecuted this transgression aggressively claiming that the strict liability
    sanction of disbarment applies in all cases without exception. I argued
    that [sic] the facts that I took responsibility for the failure to timely pay,
    but then paid in full the client amounts due (about $1500.)
    'The Utah Supreme Court concluded that there was no mitigation
    sufficient to deny disbarment. While I disagree with the rationale used in
    the Supreme Court opinion, that basically states that there is no
    mitigation sufficient to avoid the presumptive sanction of disbarment, I
    am subject to their final decision.
    'I was disbarred effective the summer of 2015.
    'I had no Kansas clients during the time of the pendency of the
    Utah action. I have not attempted to solicit any other clients since the
    Utah action.
    'I understand that the Kansas rules assume that a violation in a
    foreign jurisdiction is conclusive of a violation in Kansas, I would be
    extremely grateful for an opportunity to further defend myself before the
    State [sic] Kansas to preserve my right to practice law in Kansas, or seek
    The two highlighted statements above are worth commenting on. First, the respondent
    stated, '[t]hat issue was resolved with the California bar.' The respondent's statement is
    misleading. The respondent's unauthorized practice of law in California resulted in a
    suspension from the practice in California and later, on a reciprocal basis, in Missouri.
    Second, the respondent asserted that J.B. was fully reimbursed prior to the filing of the
    bar complaint. This statement is false.
    "25.     On March 29, 2016, the respondent sent a follow-up letter. In the
    respondent's follow-up letter, he pointed out mitigating circumstances that apply.
    Additionally, the respondent stated:
    'As mentioned in the prior letter, the Supreme Court does not
    recognize mitigation in a cognizable form. That court stated: that an
    attorney must demonstrate "truly compelling mitigating circumstances."
    However that court has not been able to articulate what that phrase
    means. That court has not recognized any truly compelling mitigating
    circumstances since that standard was articulated in In Re: The
    Discipline Of Jean Robert Babilis (
    951 P.2d 207
    Utah 1997).
    'Kansas has not adopted this strict liability standard. Wherefore, I
    respectfully request that your office consider a path to allow me to
    practice law in Kansas under such guidelines as you may direct.'
    "26.    On April 6, 2016, the disciplinary administrator's office sent a letter to
    the respondent, informing the respondent that the disciplinary case had been submitted to
    the review committee and that the review committee directed a formal hearing.
    "27.    On July 20, 2016, the disciplinary administrator filed a formal complaint
    in the instant case. Thereafter, on August 15, 2016, the respondent filed an answer to the
    formal complaint.
    "28.    On October 6, 2016, the hearing panel conducted a hearing on the formal
    "29.    While this action was pending, on October 26, 2016, the Missouri
    Supreme Court issued an order disbarring the respondent.
    "Conclusions of Law
    "30.    Based upon the findings of fact, the hearing panel concludes as a matter
    of law that the respondent violated KRPC 1.15(a), KRPC 1.15(d), KRPC 8.3(a), KRPC
    8.4(c), Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 207(c), and Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 208(c), as detailed below.
    "KRPC 1.15
    "31.    Lawyers must keep the property of their clients safe. KRPC 1.15
    specifically provides:
    '(a)    A lawyer shall hold property of clients or third persons that is in
    a lawyer's possession in connection with a representation separate from
    the lawyer's own property. Funds shall be kept in a separate account
    maintained in the state of Kansas. Other property shall be identified as
    such and appropriately safeguarded. Complete records of such account
    funds and other property shall be kept by the lawyer and shall be
    preserved for a period of five years after termination of the
    '(d) Preserving identity of funds and property of a client.
    (2) The lawyer shall:
    (i)     Promptly notify a client of the receipt of the client's funds,
    securities, or other properties.
    (ii)    Identify and label securities and properties of a client promptly
    upon receipt and place them in a safe deposit box or other place
    of safekeeping as soon as practicable.
    (iii)   Maintain complete records of all funds, securities, and other
    properties of a client coming into the possession of the lawyer
    and render appropriate accountings to the client regarding them.
    (iv)    Promptly pay or deliver to the client as requested by a client the
    funds, securities, or other properties in the possession of the
    lawyer which the client is entitled to receive.
    (v)     Produce all trust account records for examination by the
    Disciplinary Administrator upon request of the Disciplinary
    Administrator in compliance with Rule 216A.'
    In this case, the respondent failed to properly safeguard his client's property when he took
    J.B.'s money from his client trust account and converted it to his own personal use. The
    respondent failed to properly safeguard his clients' property when, over the course of
    about 4 years, he took money belonging to other clients from his client trust account to
    cover business and personal expenses. The respondent failed to properly safeguard his
    clients' property when he failed to maintain complete records of his clients' funds.
    Finally, the respondent failed to properly safeguard his clients' funds when he failed to
    promptly pay or deliver funds to the client as requested. Therefore, the hearing panel
    concludes that the respondent violated KRPC 1.15(a) and KRPC 1.15(d).
    "KRPC 8.4(c)
    "32.    'It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to . . . engage in conduct
    involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.' KRPC 8.4(c). The respondent
    engaged in conduct that involved dishonesty when he converted J.B.'s funds and other
    clients' funds to his own use. Additionally, the respondent engaged in dishonest conduct
    when he executed the voluntary resignation form in California in 2014, which included a
    false statement. Finally, the respondent violated KRPC 8.4(c) when he made false and
    misleading statements in his correspondence with the disciplinary administrator's office.
    As such, the hearing panel concludes that the respondent violated KRPC 8.4(c).
    "KRPC 8.3(a) and Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 207(c)
    "33.    Lawyers must report misconduct. KRPC 8.3(a) and Kan. Sup. Ct. R.
    207(c) provide the requirements in this regard. 'A lawyer having knowledge of any
    action, inaction, or conduct which in his or her opinion constitutes misconduct of an
    attorney under these rules shall inform the appropriate professional authority.' KRPC
    8.3(a). Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 207(c) provides:
    'It shall be the further duty of each member of the bar of this
    state to report to the Disciplinary Administrator any action, inaction, or
    conduct which in his or her opinion constitutes misconduct of an attorney
    under these rules.'
    The respondent failed to inform the Kansas disciplinary administrator following his
    disbarment in Utah. As such, the hearing panel concludes that the respondent violated
    KRPC 8.3(a) and Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 207(c).
    "Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 208(c)
    "34.   Attorneys must provide the Clerk of the Appellate Courts with current
    contact information. Specifically, all attorneys must 'within thirty days after any change
    of address notify the Clerk of such change.' Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 208(c). After vacating 5015
    W. Old Highway 30, Mt. Green, Utah 84050, the respondent failed to notify the Clerk of
    the Appellate Courts. It is unclear when the respondent moved from that address,
    however, it was sometime prior to the hearing on the formal complaint. The respondent's
    current address is 220 South Stagecoach Drive, Veyo, Utah 84782. The hearing panel,
    therefore, concludes that the respondent failed to provide the Clerk of the Appellate
    Courts with the respondent's current address in violation of Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 208(c).
    "American Bar Association
    Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions
    "35.   In making this recommendation for discipline, the hearing panel
    considered the factors outlined by the American Bar Association in its Standards for
    Imposing Lawyer Sanctions (hereinafter 'Standards'). Pursuant to Standard 3, the factors
    to be considered are the duty violated, the lawyer's mental state, the potential or actual
    injury caused by the lawyer's misconduct, and the existence of aggravating or mitigating
    "36.   Duty Violated. The respondent violated his duty to his clients to properly
    safeguard their property.
    "37.   Mental State. The respondent knowingly and intentionally violated his
    "38.   Injury. As a result of the respondent's misconduct, the respondent caused
    actual injury to his client and the legal profession.
    "Aggravating and Mitigating Factors
    "39.     Aggravating circumstances are any considerations or factors that may
    justify an increase in the degree of discipline to be imposed. In reaching its
    recommendation for discipline, the hearing panel, in this case, found the following
    aggravating factors present:
    "40.     Prior Disciplinary Offenses. The respondent has been previously
    disciplined. In 1994, the California Supreme Court suspended the respondent from the
    practice of law after the respondent engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. The
    Missouri Supreme Court entered a reciprocal suspension for that same conduct. Then, in
    2015, the respondent was disbarred by the Utah Supreme Court for the underlying
    conduct in this case. Finally, in 2016, the Missouri Supreme Court also disbarred the
    respondent for the conduct which gave rise to this case.
    "41.     Dishonest or Selfish Motive. The respondent converted client property to
    his own use, provided a document to the California Supreme Court which contains false
    information, and provided false information to the disciplinary administrator's office in
    written correspondence. Accordingly, the hearing panel concludes that the respondent's
    misconduct was motivated by dishonesty.
    "42.     Multiple Offenses. The respondent committed multiple rule violations.
    The respondent violated KRPC 1.15(a), KRPC 1.15(d), KRPC 8.3(a), KRPC 8.4(c), Kan.
    Sup. Ct. R. 207(c), and Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 208(c). Accordingly, the hearing panel
    concludes that the respondent committed multiple offenses.
    "43.     Bad Faith Obstruction of the Disciplinary Proceeding by Intentionally
    Failing to Comply with Rules or Orders of the Disciplinary Process. The respondent
    failed to provide a timely written response to the complaint in this case. The respondent's
    failure to provide a timely written response to the complaint amounts to bad faith
    obstruction of the disciplinary proceeding by intentionally failing to comply with rules
    and orders of the disciplinary process.
    "44.     Refusal to Acknowledge Wrongful Nature of Conduct. Throughout the
    proceedings in Utah, the respondent minimized the significance of his misconduct. The
    respondent's minimization of his conduct continued in this case.
    "45.     Vulnerability of Victim. J.B. was vulnerable to the respondent's
    "46.     Substantial Experience in the Practice of Law. The Kansas Supreme
    Court admitted the respondent to practice law in the State of Kansas in 1990. At that
    time, the respondent had already been admitted to practice in the State of Utah. At the
    time of the misconduct, the respondent had been practicing law for more than 20 years.
    "47.     Illegal Conduct, Including that Involving the Use of Controlled
    Substances. The respondent admitting using funds belonging to J.B. and other clients
    over a period of years. This conduct constitutes theft. Further, it should be noted that
    while the respondent fully repaid J.B., it is impossible to determine whether all his clients
    were repaid. The record is clear that no other clients complained that the respondent
    failed to provide them with funds to which they were entitled.
    "48.     Mitigating circumstances are any considerations or factors that may
    justify a reduction in the degree of discipline to be imposed. In reaching its
    recommendation for discipline, the hearing panel, in this case, found the following
    mitigating circumstances present:
    "49.     The Present and Past Attitude of the Attorney as Shown by His or Her
    Cooperation During the Hearing and His or Her Full and Free Acknowledgment of the
    Transgressions. Despite his minimization, the respondent admitted the underlying facts
    of the case.
    "50.     Imposition of Other Penalties or Sanctions. The Utah Supreme Court
    and the Missouri Supreme Court have disbarred the respondent for the misconduct.
    "51.     Remorse. At the hearing on this matter, the respondent expressed
    genuine remorse for having engaged in the misconduct.
    "52.    Remoteness of Prior Offenses. The discipline imposed in California in
    1998 and in Missouri in 2000 is remote in character and in time to the misconduct in this
    "53.    In addition to the above-cited factors, the hearing panel has thoroughly
    examined and considered the following Standards:
    '4.11   Disbarment is generally appropriate when a lawyer
    knowingly converts client property and causes injury or
    potential injury to a client.'
    '5.11   Disbarment is generally appropriate when:
    (a)      a lawyer engages in serious criminal conduct a
    necessary element of which includes intentional
    interference with the administration of justice,
    false swearing, misrepresentation, fraud,
    extortion, misappropriation, or theft; or the sale,
    distribution or importation of controlled
    substances; or the intentional killing of another;
    or an attempt or conspiracy or solicitation of
    another to commit any of these offenses;
    (b)      a lawyer engages in any other intentional
    conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or
    misrepresentation that seriously adversely
    reflects on the lawyer's fitness to practice.'
    "54.    The disciplinary administrator recommended that the hearing panel reject
    the respondent's request for probation and instead recommend that the respondent be
    disbarred. In his answer, the respondent included a request for probation. At the hearing,
    the respondent recommended that the hearing panel give him 'an opportunity to retain or
    reinstate' his license to practice in Kansas. The respondent argued that he has a financial
    need to practice law. Finally, the respondent asked to be allowed to prove himself to the
    community that he is responsible.
    "55.     According to Kan. Sup. Ct. R. 211(g)(3), a hearing panel may not
    recommend that a respondent be placed on probation unless:
    '(i)     the Respondent develops a workable, substantial, and detailed
    plan of probation and provides a copy of the proposed plan of
    probation to the Disciplinary Administrator and each member of
    the Hearing Panel at least fourteen days prior to the hearing on
    the Formal Complaint;
    '(ii)    the Respondent puts the proposed plan of probation into effect
    prior to the hearing on the Formal Complaint by complying with
    each of the terms and conditions of the probation plan;
    '(iii)   the misconduct can be corrected by probation; and
    '(iv)    placing the Respondent on probation is in the best interests of the
    legal profession and the citizens of the State of Kansas.'
    "56.     The respondent's request for probation is fraught with problems. Initially,
    it is worth noting that the respondent could not recall whether he first read the rule which
    sets forth the procedure for probation. The respondent's plan is not workable, substantial,
    or detailed. The respondent failed to put his plan of probation into effect. While the
    respondent argued that he could not put it into effect, there are certainly steps he could
    have taken which he did not take. Next, the respondent's misconduct included dishonest
    conduct and dishonest conduct cannot be corrected by probation. In re Stockwell, 
    296 Kan. 860
    295 P.3d 572
    (2013). Finally, placing the respondent on probation is not in the
    best interests of the legal profession nor the citizens of the State of Kansas.
    "57.     The respondent has played fast and loose with the truth in the
    disciplinary proceedings in Utah, in his voluntary resignation in California, and during
    the disciplinary proceedings here in Kansas. Despite the 1998 order suspending his
    license to practice law in California, during the Utah sanctions hearing, the respondent
    testified that he had not previously been disciplined. In the voluntary resignation of his
    license to practice law in California, despite the pending complaint in Utah, the
    respondent asserted that he had no disciplinary complaints pending in any jurisdiction.
    Finally, in correspondence with the disciplinary administrator's office, the respondent
    falsely claimed that J.B. was fully reimbursed before the bar complaint was filed.
    Regarding his misconduct in California, the respondent stated that the 'issue was resolved
    with the California bar,' when in fact, in 1998, his license to practice law in California
    had been suspended. Further, the respondent failed to report his 2000 reciprocal
    suspension in Missouri and his 2015 disbarment in Utah.
    "58.     Accordingly, based upon the findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the
    Standards listed above, the hearing panel unanimously recommends that the respondent
    be disbarred.
    "59.     Costs are assessed against the respondent in an amount to be certified by
    the Office of the Disciplinary Administrator."
    In a disciplinary proceeding, this court considers the evidence, the findings of the
    disciplinary panel, and the arguments of the parties and determines whether violations of
    KRPC exist and, if they do, what discipline should be imposed. Attorney misconduct
    must be established by clear and convincing evidence. In re Foster, 
    292 Kan. 940
    , 945,
    258 P.3d 375
    (2011); see Supreme Court Rule 211(f) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 251). Clear
    and convincing evidence is "'evidence that causes the factfinder to believe that "the truth
    of the facts asserted is highly probable."'" In re Lober, 
    288 Kan. 498
    , 505, 
    204 P.3d 610
    (2009) (quoting In re Dennis, 
    286 Kan. 708
    , 725, 
    188 P.3d 1
    Respondent was given adequate notice of the formal complaint, to which he filed
    an answer. Respondent was also given adequate notice of the panel hearing where he
    appeared in person. He filed no exceptions to the panel's final hearing report. With no
    exceptions before us, the panel's findings of fact are deemed admitted. Supreme Court
    Rule 212(c), (d) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 255). Furthermore, the evidence before the hearing
    panel establishes the charged misconduct in violation of KRPC 1.15(a) and (d) (2017
    Kan. S. Ct. R. 326) (safekeeping property); 8.3(a) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 378) (reporting
    professional misconduct); 8.4(c) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 379) (engaging in conduct
    involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation); Kansas Supreme Court Rule
    207(c) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 246) (failure to report action); and Kansas Supreme Court
    Rule 208(c) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 246) (failure to notify Clerk of the Appellate Courts of
    change of address) by clear and convincing evidence and supports the panel's conclusions
    of law. We therefore adopt the panel's findings and conclusions.
    The only remaining issue before us is the appropriate discipline for respondent's
    violations. At the panel hearing, the office of the Disciplinary Administrator
    recommended that the respondent be disbarred. The hearing panel also unanimously
    recommended that the respondent be disbarred. The respondent requested probation, that
    he be given an opportunity to retain or reinstate his license, and that he be allowed to
    prove to the community that he is a responsible person.
    The day prior to the hearing before this court, the respondent notified the office of
    the Clerk of the Appellate Courts that he would not appear in person or by counsel. The
    clerk informed him that pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 212(e)(5) he was required to
    appear and that any response from him must be submitted in writing; the clerk gave
    respondent the clerk's office fax number.
    At the hearing before this court, the respondent did not appear. The Disciplinary
    Administrator recommended that the respondent be disbarred. We agree with the
    recommendation of both the Disciplinary Administrator and the panel, and we hold that
    respondent is disbarred from the practice of law in the state of Kansas.
    IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Alvin R. Lundgren be and he is hereby disbarred
    in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 203(a)(1) (2017 Kan. S. Ct. R. 234), effective
    upon the date of the filing of this opinion.
    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the costs of these proceedings be assessed to
    respondent and that this opinion be published in the official Kansas Reports.
    BEIER, J., not participating.
    KATHRYN GARDNER, J., assigned.1
    REPORTER'S NOTE: Judge Gardner, of the Kansas Court of Appeals, was appointed
    to hear case No. 117,201 vice Justice Beier under the authority vested in the Supreme
    Court by K.S.A. 20-3002(c).