William Harry Meece v. Commonwealth of Kentucky ( 2017 )

  •                                               REND.ERED:. SEPTEMBER 28, 2017
    WILLIAM HARRY MEECE                                                   . APPELLANT
    v.                     HONORABLE JOHN GRISE, JUDGE
    NO. 06-CR-00656
    COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY                                                  APPELLEE
    A Warren.County jury found William Harry Meece guilty of Murder (three
    ·counts); Burglary, first degree; and Robbery, first degree. The jury determined
    beyond a reasonable doubt that aggravating circumstances existed in each of
    the three murders and thereafter fixed Meece's punishment at death. This
    .Court affirmed the Warren Circuit Court's judgment on direct appeal. Meece
    · filed a pro se Kentucky Rule of Civil Procedure (CR) 60.02 motion:. which was
    .                                                                .
    supplemented by defense counsel, that .the circuit co-urt denied .. Prior to the
    ·ruling on his CR 60.02 motion, but afte·r filing the motion, Meece also filed a
    motion under Kentucky Rule of Criminal Procedure (RCr) 11.42. His RCr
    11.42 motion is still pending in circuit court. Having revfowed the arguments
    of the parties, we affirm the trial court's order denying Meece's CR 60.02
    I.      BACKGROUND
    This Court previously and extensively reviewed the record in this case on
    direct appeal. See Meece v. Commonwealth, 
    348 S.W.3d 627
    (Ky. 2011). We
    refrain from unnecessarily repeating ourselves here _and limit the background
    to the facts and procedural history   th~t   are relevant to this CR 60.02 appeal.
    On Febru.ary 26, 1993, Meece, at the urging of Meg Wellnitz (Wellnitz),
    shot and killed Wellnitz's father, mother, and brother in their Adair County
    home. In February of 2003, a grand jury returned indictments against Meece
    and Wellnitz for Burglary, Robbery, and three counts of Murder.
    In 2004, Meece entered into plea discussions with the Commonwealth,
    and the parties reached an agreement. Meece gave two recorded statements in
    compliance with the agreement, confessing to all three murders and providing
    details as to how Wellnitz commissioned him to commit the crimes and how he
    did so. Wellnitz also entered a guilty plea and gave a .recorded statement.
    Although her statement was inconsistent with Meece's in some details, the
    parties agreed that Meece had given Wellnitz money to purchase a Browning
    Hi-Power 9mm gun for Meece; Wellnitz used a fake ID to make that purchase;
    and Meece used that gun to kill the Wellnitzes.
    Meece moved the court to withdraw his guilty plea, which the court
    granted. Wellnitz proceeded with her guilty plea and was sentenced in
    accordance with her agreement with the Commonwealth. 1 . The court once
    again set Meece's case for trial, and      o~   September 18, 2006, the jury returned
    a verdict of guilty on all counts and subsequently recommended a sentence of
    As previously stated, this Court has already reviewed this case on direct
    appeal and affirmed Meece's conviction and sentence. We now address Meece's
    CR 60.02 motion, setting forth additional background as necessary.
    Whether a Defendant is entitled
    to· the extraordinary relief provided by
    CR 60.02 is a matter left to the "sound discretion of the court and the exercise
    of that discretion will not be disturbed on appeal except for abuse." Brown v.
    932 S.W.2d 359
    , 362 (Ky. 1996) (quoting Richardson v.
    327 S.W.2d 572
    , 574 (Ky. 1959)). "The test for abuse of discretion is
    whether the trial judge's decision was arbitrary, unreasonable, unfair, or
    unsupported by sound legal prinGiples." Foley v. Commonwealth, 
    425 S.W.3d 880
    , 886 (Ky. 2014) (citing Commonwealth v. English, 
    993 S.W.2d 941
    , 945 (Ky.
    1999) (internal citations omitted)). ,
    III.        ANALYSIS
    Meece's original CR 60.02 motion set forth numerous grounds for relief.
    However, on appeal, the issues are more limited. Meece argues two broad
    grounds for relief: (1) several of the Commonwealth's witnesses gave perjured
    i While serving her sentence,-Wellnitz was found in her cell in 2014, dead from
    apparent suicide.
    ~estimony,   leading to a deprivation of his constitutional rights; and (2) the
    prosecutor committed fraud upon the Court, also leading to a violation of
    IMeece's constitutional rights.
    A.    The purpose of CR 60.02 relief.
    "CR 60.02 allows appeals based upon claims of error 'that were unknown
    and could not have been known to the moving party by exercise of reasonable
    diligence and in time to have been otherwise presented to the court."' Sanders
    v. Gommonwealth, 
    339 S.W.3d 427
    , 437 (Ky. 2011) (quoting Young v. Edward
    Technology Group, Inc., 
    918 S.W.2d 229
    , 231 (Ky. App. 1995)). The rule
    provides an extraordinary form of relief, and "is not intended as merely an
    additional opportunity to raise claims which could and should have been raised
    in prior proceedings[.]" 
    Sanders, 339 S.W.3d at 437
    . ·
    "It has long been the policy of this court that errors occurring during the
    trial should be corrected on direct appeal, and the grounds set forth under the·
    various subsections of CR 60.02 deal with extraordinary situations which do
    not as a rule appear during the process of a trial." Gross v. Commonwealth,
    648 S.W.2d 853
    , 856 (Ky. 1983) (quoting Howard v. Commonwealth, 
    364 S.W.2d 809
    , 810 (Ky. 1963) (emphasis added)). As such, "[t]he movant must
    dempnstrate why he is entitled to this special, extraordinary relief." 
    Gross, 648 S.W.2d at 856
    . The relief is extreme, limited, and reserved for those times
    when justice itself requires an avenue for the plight endured by the aggrieved
    party. See 
    id. 4 CR.
    60.02 is not intended to provide relief for grounds that could be
    attacked through direct appeals or collateral motions such as grounds under
    RCr 11.42. "[CR 60.02] is for relief that is not available by direct appeal and
    not available under RCr 11.42." 
    Gross, 648 S.W.2d at 856
    . This Court has
    required that "a defendant aggrieved by a judgment in a criminal case" must
    · first "directly appeal that judgment, stating every ground of error which it is
    reasonable to exp·ect that he or his counsel is aware of when the appeal is
    Id. at 857.
    Theh, the "defendant is required to avail himself of RCr
    11.42 ... as to any ground of which he is aware, or should be aware ... ". 
    Id. Only after
    these avenues are exhausted can a defendant claim grounds for CR
    60.02 relief. And the defendant cannot raise the same grounds as those for
    which he claimed, or should have claimed, relief bn direct appeal or pursuant
    to RCr 11.42. See 
    id. ·"In summary,
    CR 60.02 is not a separate avenue of
    appeal to be pursued in addition to other remedies, but is available only to
    raise isslies which cannot be raised in other proceedings." McQueen v.
    948 S.W.2d 415
    , 416 (Ky. 1997).
    Although Meece attempts to obfuscate and disguise most of his
    arguments, there are four main areas for which he claims relief: (1) Regina
    Meade perjured herself; (2) Dell Jones perjured himself; (3) Leondus Patrick
    perjured himself; and (4) the prosecutor, Brian Wright, committed fraud. At
    the outset, we must state· that Meece has litigated, is currently litigating, or
    should have litigated all of these claims for relief. However, we address the
    merits of his arguments below.
    B.        Meece's claims of witnesses' perjury do not entitle him to CR 60.02
    Meece correctly states .that CR 60.02 allows a court to provide relief from
    a judgment when there has been "perjury or falsified evidence." CR 60.02(c).
    This Court has previously addressed the issue of perjury as grounds for relief
    under CR 60.02. See Commonwealth v. Spaulding, 
    991 S.W.2d 651
    (Ky. 1999).
    When a prosecutor knowingly utilizes a material, false statement against the
    defendant, he has committed prosecutorial misco;nduct through the use of
    perjured testimony. 
    Id. at 654
    (quoting United States v. Lochmondy, 
    890 F.2d 817
    , 822 (6th Cir. 1989)).     Th~   "use of perjured testimony [without the
    knowledge of the prosecutor] is treated like newly discovered evidence for the
    purposes of CR 60.02." 
    Spaulding, 991 S.W.2d at 654
    "[A] criminal conviction based on perjured testimony can be a reason of
    an extraordinary nature justifying relief pursuant to CR 60.02(f)[.]" 
    Id. at 657
    (emphasis added). In such cases, "the burden remains on the defendant to
    show both that a reasonable certainty exists as to the falsity of the testimony
    and that the conviction probably would not have resulted had the truth been
    known before [the Defendant] can be entitled to [CR 60.02] relief." 
    Id. According to
    Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 523.020, a person commits
    perjury "when he makes a material false statement, which he does :hot believe,
    in any official proceeding under an oath required or authorized by law." So, to
    justify relief, Meece must first show a reasonable certainty that Meade, Jones,
    or Patrick made a material false statement, which he or she did not believe.
    Meece identifies Meade, Jones, and Patrick as witnesses he claims gave
    perjured testimony at his trial. The alleged perjurous testimony from each
    witness is described and addressed below.
    1. · Regina Meade.
    Regina Meade was married to Meece from 1991 to 2000. The murders
    occurred in 1993. While they were married, Meade did not incriminate Meece
    in any way for the murders of the Wellnitz family. However, after their divorce,
    police approached her again. This time, she told them about hearing Meece
    and Wellnitz discussing their plot to kill the Wellnitz family and what she had
    seen the night of the murders. It is undisputed that the Commonwealth agreed
    not to prosecute Meade for any of her potentially criminal involvement in these
    activities in exchange for her truthful testimony. However, at trial, when
    Meece's.counsel   q~estioned   Meade about this plea agreement, she did not   , r
    disclose it.
    Defense Counsel (DC)): Do you have any agreements with the
    Commonwealth regarding your testimony
    here today?
    Regina Meade (RM):        No.
    DC:                       There was never any agreement between
    ·you and the Commonwealth that you would
    not be charged with any crime?
    RM:                       Not to my knowledge.
    DC:                       Not to your knowledge?
    RM:                       Not that I remember.
    DC:                       I take it that you've never been   ch~ged
    with any crimes then?
    RM:                       Nope.
    Meece, 348 S.W.3d at 679
    After this exchange, counsel moved on to other subject areas. 
    Id. Meade mentioned
    through her testimony and cross-examination that she met with the
    prosecutor and detectives, but, again, counsel did not question her further
    about any agreements that arose from this meeting. On redirect, the
    prosecutor did not attempt to question Meade any further about the plea
    Id. Regina Meade
    did not commit perjury.
    It is undisputed that Meade failed to state on cross-examination that she
    had made an agreement with the prosecution in exchange for her truthful
    testimony at trial. This testimony, then, was false. Additionally, it was
    material as it went to the credibility of her testimony. However, we cannot say
    with reasonable certainty that it was testimony she did not believe to be true.
    Meade stated that there was no agreement she remembered or knew of, but
    admitted that she had never been prosecuted. Additionally,    sh~   spoke during
    cross-examination about a meeting between her and the prosecution team.
    Defense counsel did not question her about the terms of this meeting. We
    cannot with reasonable certainty say that she believed her statements to be
    false, especially considering what she admitted about her communications with
    the prosecution. We cannot then say that the trial court's decision was
    arbitrary or unsupported by legal principles; thus, the trial court did not abuse
    its discretion in holding likewise.
    Meece has already litigated this issue.
    Despite Meece's attempts to repackage his argument regarding Meade's
    testimony, we addressed this issue on direct appeal. "Meece argue[d] that his
    Due Process rights were violated by the prosecution's failure to correct Meade's
    · testimony in regard to any agreements she had with the Commonwealth
    concerning her testimony. Meece further argue[d] that her testimony was
    perjurous and this was known to the Commonwealth." 
    Meece, 348 S.W.3d at 676
    . In addressing this issue, we held that "whether the misstatement by
    Meade was intentional or innocent under the circumstances, given that no
    explanation for [defense   counsel'~]   failure to impeach Meade is given or
    apparent ... , one may only conclude that the failure to impeach Meade upon
    this allegedly false statement was strategic and tactical." 
    Id. at 680.
    2 This
    Court found that trial counsel either knew or should have known, based on the
    record and the trial court's findings, about Meade's plea agreement with the
    Id. As such,
    this Court presumed the decision not to
    impeach Meade further was tactical and any complaint as to this perjured
    testimony was waived. See 
    id. "[CR 60.02]
    is for relief that is not available by
    direct appeal and not available under RCr 11.42." 
    Gross, 648 S.W.2d at 856
    Thus, this issue has been previously litigated and resolved and cannot be a
    source of relief for this claim.
    2 Despite Meece's attempts to characterize this Court's Opinion as finding that
    Meade had perjured herself, we made no such finding. We only determined that
    whether the statement was "intentional or innocent" was irrelevant given Meece's
    knowledge of the plea agreement and ensuing failure to impeach on this issue.
    2.    Dell Jones.
    In 1993, during the course of the murder investigation, Dell Jones
    '                   .
    attempted to conduct a polygraph examination of Meece. 
    Id. at 668.
    Jones began qu.estioning Meece about the Wellnitz murders, "Meece demanded
    the polygraph cease." 
    Id. at 687.
    Jones _stated that "from the time of Meece's
    request to terminate the polygraph, and during the process of his
    disconnecting the leads ·from Meece, their conversations dealt only with
    paperwork ... (a second Miranda waiver), along with the nature of the actual
    questions on the test ... ". 
    Id. at 687-88.
    The trial court admitted Jones's
    testimony over Meece's objection. 
    Id. at 688.
    At1trial, Jones provided an
    abbreviated testimony and stated that "at one point, [Meece said] that there
    had be.en sixteen rounds fired."3 
    Id. Later, Kentucky
    State Police (KSP) Det.
    Wheat testified that he had not released ·the number of shots fired. 
    Id. Dell Jones
    did not commit perjury.
    Meece's argument as to Dell Jones's alleged perjury is based upon a
    distortion of facts: "Assuming [Dell's statement that Meece was free to leave]
    was true, the form [Meece] signed would not have been a Miranda waiver of
    rights, because he would not have been in custody." Meece argues that
    because this Court termed the form he signed as a "Mirandd' waiver, he must
    have been in custody and thus, Dell Jories and the officers involved must have·
    lied about his ability to leave. To Meece, the conclusion is that Jones .
    3There were actually 17 shots fired, a contradiction which Meece also
    addressed in his statement to police when he confessed.
    committed perjury when he testified. that Meece was free to leave during his
    The determination of whether a suspect is in custody for Miranda
    purposes is a legal determination requiring an examination of the totality of the
    circumstances. Meece's argument presupposes that by signing a Miranda
    waiver, the signer suddenly becomes "in custody." We cannot, and will not,
    contradict well-established law by holding that a signature on such a form
    creates, de facto, a finding that the signer was in custody.
    Meece has presented no evidence that Jones believed his statement, that
    Meece was free to leave, was a lie. There is no evidence or even any allegation,
    other than Meece's confusion regarding Miranda law, that Jones's statement
    was false. Meece. has failed to prove with reasonable certainty that Jones made
    a false statement. We see no reason to find the trial court abused its discretion
    in holding.that these claims of perjury were unfounded .
    .Meece· has already litigated this issue.
    Meece claims that, had ·Jones told the truth, Meece's statements to him
    would have been excluded because Meece was in custody _arid the statements
    were made involuntarily. _We recognize Meece's attempt here to use a claim of
    perjury as an· opportunity to relitigate the exclusion of his statements to Jones.
    Meece argued to the trial court that the Miranda waiver he signed before Jones_
    began the polygraph was involuntary, and Meece sought to suppress the ·
    statements he made to Jones. The trial court overruled the motion. Meece
    also addressed the issue in his appeal to this Court. This Court upheld the
    trial court's admission of the statements. See 
    Meece, 348 S.W.3d at 688
    . On
    appeal, we held that "his argument that he was deceived as to the nature of the
    test is unavailing." 
    Id. Although he
    argues now that Jones perjured himself, this alleged perjury
    involves whether Meece was free to go, which Meece argues, in turn, affects
    whether his Miranda waiver was- valid. Meece restates this claim as an
    allegation of perjury but it is only an attempt to camouflage his real contention:
    that he was not free to go and his statements were involuntary. We are not
    distracted from the truth, however, that this issue, like Meece's argument as to
    Meade's testimoriy, has been previously litigated and CR 60.02 cannot provide
    a basis for relief on this issue either:
    3. -   Leondus Patrick III.
    Leondus Patrick
    III worked
    at Sports Unlimited, the store where Meece
    and Wellnitz purchased a Browning Hi-Power 9mm gun and ammunition, the
    same month as the murders. Patrick testified that he had sold Meece two to
    three boxes of hydra-shok ammunitfon along with the gun. On cross-
    examination, Patrick testified that he thought another employee had sold
    Meece 1,000 rounds of ammunition on a separate occasio_n. During the second
    redirect examination, Patrick stated the 1,000 rounds were USA, full metal
    jacket ammunition, which he described as a cheaper ammunition for target
    shooting which could be bought more affordably in larger supply at one time.
    '   .
    Patrick did not commit perjury.
    Meece contends that Patrick's testimony that Meece bought 1-,000
    ·rounds of ammunition "was false ... [because Meece], in fact, had purchased less
    · than half of that ammunition." Meece implies that Patrick's alleged perjury
    regarding the number of bullets purchased called into question his entire
    testimony, including his identification of Meece as being present at the
    purchase of the murder weapon. 4
    Once again, Meece argues that because he disagrees with the statements
    made by a witness, that witness has committed perjury. Meece alleges that
    Patrick's statement is fai.lse because he bought less ammunition than 1,000
    rounds. However, he fails to allege or point to any reason for the trial court to
    find that Patrick intentionally gave a false statement believing it to be untrue .
    . As such, we cannot say that the trial court's decision was arbitrary or that the
    trial court abused its discretion in dismissing these claims of perjury.
    Meece should have raised the issue on direct appeal and has already
    raised this issue in his RCr 11.42 motion.
    Meece has failed to identify any new information which was unknown at
    the time of trial or at the time of his appeal. Every "defendant is-required to
    . )
    avail himself of RCr 11.42 ... as to any ground of which he is aware, or should
    be aware ... ". 
    Gross, 648 S.W.2d at 857
    . Meece argued that Patrick lied about
    the number of rounds Meece had purchased; but Meece was present for the
    purchase in question. Thus, Meece was in the. perfect position to attack this
    - 4 Meece admitted to being present at the purchase of the gun, both in his
    recorded· statement and at trial, and admitted to buying 11 total boxes of ammunition.
    statement and did refute Patrick's testimony during his own testimony' to the
    jury. CR 60.02 is an improper avenue to address the issues raised about
    Patrick.· Additionally, Meece has raised this issue in his RCr 11.42 motion,
    which has yet to be re·S-olved.
    4.    Even if these three witnesses commi~ted perjury, there is no
    reasonable certainty that the result would have. been different.
    A defendant alleging perjury under CR 60.02 must not only show a
    reasonable certainty that the testimony was false but must also show a
    reasonable certainty "that the conviction probably would not have resulted had
    the truth been known ... ". 
    Spaulding, 991 S.W.2d at 657
    . Meece must also
    show with reasonable certainty that his conviction would not have occurred
    but for this allegedly perjured testimony. We hold that no such reasonable
    certainty has been shown.
    The Commonwealth presented a mountain of evidence against Meece,
    including his recorded statements in which he confessed to the murders in
    graphic detail. If we accept Meece's argument as true, then the jury would
    have had three variations in the testimony before it: (1) the jury would have
    known of Meade's agreement with the Commonwealth; (2) Meece's statement to
    Dell Jones about the "16 rounds" likely would not have been admitted; and (3)
    the jury would have known Meece had bought only about 500 rounds of
    ammunition, rather than 1,000. Given Meece's two statements, coupled with
    the corroborating evidence admitted at trial (including the testimony of his co-
    defendant), we cannot conclude that the jury would have reached a different
    result "had the truth been known." We hold that Meece failed to show a
    reasonable certainty that any perjury, even if it was proven, would have
    changed the outcome of his trial.
    C.    The allegations of fraud.
    Meece's argument as to the prosecutor's fraud in this case is,
    unfortunately, confusing and unclear. However, it appears Meece's claim is
    that Brian Wright, the lead prosecutor at trial against Meece, committed fraud
    by: (1) misrepresenting the terms of Meece's plea agreement; (2) allowing Meece
    to misrepresent the terms of his agreement to the Court during the plea
    colloquy; (3) reiterating this misrepresentation ·during Mee.ce's cross-
    examination and during the Commonwealth's closing argument; and (4) lying
    to the Court about the terms of the plea agreements with Meece, Wellnitz, and
    Meade. Most of Meece's argument stems from Meece's and Wright's
    fundamental disagreement as to what the terms of Meece's plea agreement
    were. To clarify Meece's argument, we have separated his claims into the
    segments, which we. address below ..
    1.    Fraud under CR 60.02.
    For fraud to create a mechanism of relief under CR 60.02, there must be
    "extrinsic fraud or 'fraud upon the court."' Goldsmith v. Fifth Third Bank, 
    297 S.W.3d 898
    , 904 (Ky. App. 2009) (emphasis original) (quoting Rasnick v.
    982 S.W.2d 218
    , 219-20 (Ky. App. 1998)). The fraud described under
    CR 60.02 is a "species of fraud which does or attempts to subvert the integrity
    of the court itself." 
    Goldsmith, 297 S.W.3d at 904
    Rasnick, 982 S.W.2d at 219-20
    (internalcitations omitted)). This "fraud has been construed
    · to include only the most egregious conduct, such as bribery of a judge or a
    member of the jury? evidence fabrication, and improper attempts to influence
    the court by counsel." 
    Goldsmith, 297 S.W.3d at 904
    Rasnick, 982 S.W.2d at 219-20
    ). "[F]raudbetween the parties, without more, does.not rise to
    the level of fraud upon the court." 
    Goldsmith, 297 S.W.3d at 904
    Rasnick, 982 S.W.2d at 219-20
    ) ..
    The fraud covered by CR 60.02. is generally "fraudulent conduct outside
    of the trial which is practiced upon the court, or upon the defeated party, in
    ~uch    a manner that [the defeated party] is prevented 'from appearing or
    presenting fully and fairly his side of the case." McMuny v. McMuny, 
    957 S.W.2d 731
    , 733 (Ky. App. 1997) (quoting W. Bertelsman and K. Phillipps,
    Kentucky Practice CR 60.02, cmt. 6, at 426 (4th ed. 1984)).' The important
    matter here is that the party victimized by the fraud was unable to adequately
    defend himself. See 
    id. Tb grant
    relief due to fraud, two prongs must be met: "(1) fraud and
    circumvention of the prevailing party which prevented a defense being
    presented, and (2) that the defendant had and has a meritorious defense to the
    action." Mauldin v. Bearden, 
    293 S.W.3d 392
    , 397 (Ky. 2009) (emphasis
    removed) (quoting Rice v. Dowell, 322 S.W.2cj. 468 (Ky. 1959) (internal citations
    omitted)). Thus, simply alleging fraud is insufficient. The movant must also
    show that there was a "valid defense" he was prevented from presenting due to
    _th~   alleged fraud. 
    Mauldin; 293 S.W.3d at 397-98
    (citing Dawson v. Clelland,
    252 S.W.2d 694
    (Ky, 1952) and Overstreet v. Grinstead's Adm'r, 
    140 S.W.2d 16
    836 (Ky: 1940)). In order to prevail in his motion, Meece must show that this
    fraud was present and that it hindered his "meritorious" defense.
    2.    None of Wright's conduct in describing Meece's plea agreement
    constitutes fraud.
    Most of Meece's arguments about Wright's alleged fraud flow from a basic
    disagreement as to the terms of Meece's original plea agreement. Due to this
    disagreement, Meece now argues that any references Wright made to this plea
    agreement were fraudulent as Wright misrepresented the terms of the
    agreement. Meece claims that these references, occurred in multiple
    circumstances, each of which we-will describe below. But, to fully articulate
    Meece's argument, we must understand the context created by the plea
    agreement itself.
    Meece contends that Wright guaranteed Meece an "extended" visit with
    his children as a condition of his plea agreement. Wright stated that there was
    no such guarantee, merely a statement that he would not interfere with any
    such visitation. Meece and Wright discussed Meece's visit with his children
    during one of his :r:ecorded interviews. That interview was played to the jury at
    trial. The parties stated:s
    Wright:       Bill, you still agree that you will testify in this case?
    Meece:        Uh, as long as everything goes the way it's supposed to
    ~-                                                      /
    Wright:       What do you mean by that? I want to know on this
    tape. On the visit.
    s This excerpt is taken from the transcript provided by Meece in his motion to
    vacate convictions and sentences under RCr 11.42, ~Cr 10.02, and RCr 10.06.
    Meece:        It is part bf the agreement that I will get to have a [sic]
    extended visit with my children. And that visit has
    been scheduled to the best of my knowledge for the
    21st of December and that as long as that visit goes off
    without any hitch, (background noise) my agreement to
    testify in trial.
    Wright:       And the only oblig~tion I made was that I would not do
    anything to hinder that visit and at the beginning that
    I would encourage your attorney.
    Meece:       You'd do cthe best you could to see that come to pass.
    Wright:       And I've done my - I've fulfilled my end; is that
    Meece:        Yes, to the best of my knowledge, you've fulfilled your
    Now, we examine the instances in which Meece claims Wright
    fraudulently misled the court orjury     ~s   to this agreement.
    The plea agreement itself.
    As a preliminary step to understanding and. addressing Meece's claims of
    fraud, we must first address this plea agreement and any promised visitation.
    It is clear to this Court from this transcript that Meece admitted there was no
    such guaranteed visitation as a condition to his plea agreement. Meece stated
    that he felt Wright had fulfilled any obligations he felt Wright had. We will not
    assume that Wright misrepresented the terms of this agreement when Meece is
    quoted as agreeing to the terms as Wright and the Commonwealth described.
    6 It is presumed that this blank represents an inaudible portion of the interview;
    this portion has been copied exactly from Meece's motion to vacate as described in
    footnote 5.
    This transcript clearly shows that the Commonwealth merely intended not to
    prevent any visitation between Meece and his children. 7
    CR 60.02 fraud entails acting in a way to "subvert the integrity of the
    court." See 
    Goldsmith, 297 S.W.3d at 904
    Rasnick, 982 S.W.2d at 219-20
    (internal citations omitted)). What Meece has described is a
    disagreement as to what was required by his plea agreement. Meece has failed
    to show any intentional conduct on the part of the prosecutor to misrepresent
    this plea agreement to the court and thereby subvert the integrity of the
    judicial process. He has failed to allege or show that Wright misrepresented
    the plea agreement at all; Meece simply disagrees with Wright's interpretation
    of the agreement. Thus, Wright has not committed fraud upon the court.
    Meece's plea colloquy.
    Meece does not define this instance of fraud specifically, but he described
    his plea colloquy during his testimony and presented it as further proof of
    Wright's fraud. Meece's allegations of fraud intertwine several instances
    referring to his plea agreement, but we must unpackage each instance he
    describes to accurately understand and address the merits of his argument.
    During his plea colloquy, Meece told the judge that the written plea
    agreement was the only agreement he relied upon in entering his plea. He
    stated that all the terms of the agreement were included in this written offer.
    He now contends that his visit with his children was a term of the offer; that
    7 It should also be noted that Meece did, in fact, have a visit with his children
    after he entered a guilty plea. Meece testified that he immediately filed his motion to
    withdraw his guilty pl~a at the end of that visit.
    Wright intentionally failed to include it in the written agreement; and ,that
    Wright allowed· Meece to lie to the Court about all the terms of his agreement
    being in the written offer. This, to Meece, constitutes fraud upon the Court.
    Once more, we look to the transcript we have quoted. Because we
    disagree with Meece's interpretation of h_is plea agreement, we cannot agree
    that there was any fraud during Meece's plea colloquy. Wright did not include
    the visit in the written plea agreement because he did not see it as a condition
    of the offer. Thus, his failure to stipulate this condition during the plea
    colloquy cannot constitute "fraud upon the court."
    We must also state that any fraud during the plea colloquy was on the
    part of Meece·alone. He testified at trial that he never intended to follow
    through.with the plea agreement. This fact was further evidenced by his
    immediate motion to withdraw his guilty plea after he had visitation with his
    children. He entered the guilty plea, knowing he was lying to the court the
    entire time. Thus, his allegations of fraud against Wright here cannot provide
    him with a basis for relief.
    Wright's cross-examination of Meece.
    Meece chose to testify at trial. During his testimony, he explained to the
    ji,uy that he and Wellnitz were not involved in the murders and were, in fact,
    studying the night of the murder. To enhance the credibility of his testimony,
    Meece claimed that he used the discovery provided by the prosecution in his
    case to develop his "story" about what happened to the Wellnitz fam~ly.
    Furthermore, Meece explained that-he thought his staterrients after the guilty
    plea would never be used against him and that he never inten,ded to follow
    through with the plea agreement. His whole purpose in entering a guilty plea
    was to see his children. Finally, Meece testified that Wright promised him that,
    as a condition of his guilty plea, he would have an "extended" visit with his
    children. 8 On cross-examination, Wright questioned Meece as to the terms of
    his plea agreement, contradicting him and asking whether the actual
    agreement was that Wright would not interfere with any visitation with Meece's
    Once again, the alleged fraud stemmed from Meece's interpretation of his
    plea agreement. As can be seen in the transcript of the exchange between
    Meece and Wright, Wright intended only to abstain from interfering with any
    visitation between Meece and his children and felt that he had fulfilled this
    promise. As such, it was not fraudulent for Wright to cross-examine Meece
    about. Meece's mistaken interpretation of the agreement.
    Wright's closing argument.
    During closing argument, Wright brought out a transcript of the
    · interview we previously described. In his brief, Meece quotes what he deems
    the relevant portion of this closing argument:
    s During his testimony, Meece referenced a fax between Meade's attorney
    (Meade is the mother of Meece's children) and Wright, in which Meade's attorney told
    Wright that Meade would allow the visit between Meece and his children if Meece
    entered a guilty plea. Meece believes this fax to be proof of Wright's fraud. However,
    even in the light most favorable to Meece, this fax merely shows Wright's knowledge of
    an agreement to allow this visitation on .Meade's part. It exhibits Wright's agreement
    not to hinder or interfere with any visitation; at most, it shows Wright's intent to act as
    a mediator between the parties in scheduling the visitation. It does not prove Wright
    ~aranteed the described visitation as a term of Meece's plea agreement.
    The only obligation! made was to do nothing to hinder the
    agreement. He told you· he had a private attorney in
    Lexington. Regina had a private attorney. I had no
    involvement in that. I said the Commonwealth fulfilled its
    end ...· To come up here and imply we did something wrong.
    There is no proof. It doesn't exist.
    Meece seems to believe that Wright's statements were not only a
    misrepresentation of the truth but that Wright also improperly testified to the
    jury about the plea agreement. We cannot conclude that the described
    statements were fraudulent. Wright properly referred to an interview already in
    evidence. As admitted evidence, Wright was free to reference the statement
    during closing argument. See Tamme v. Commonwealth, 
    973 S.W.2d 13
    , 39
    .   .
    (Ky. 1998). Any statements as to Wright's understanding of this agreement are
    not even close to what this Court has considered fraud upon the Court under
    CR 60.02; as we stated, such "fraud has been construed to include only the
    most egregious con~uct, such as bribery of a judge or a member of the jury,
    evidence fabrication, and improper attempts to_influence the court by counsel."
    Goldsmith, 297 S.W.3d at 904
    Rasnick, 982 S.W.2d at 219-20
    Considering we have already   ~tated   that Wright clearly intended only to refrain
    from interfering with Meece's visit with his children, no such fraud exists here.
    3.    None of Wright's conduct in presenting witnesses' testimony
    constitutes fraud.
    Th~ last portion of Wright's conduct that Meece attacks is his
    explanation of the, terms of the Commonwealth's plea agreements      ~ith   Meece,
    Wellnitz, and Meade. The Commonwealth repeatedly told the trial court and, in
    some instances, the jury, that a condition of these plea agreements was that
    each witness testify truthfully at trial. Meece appears to claim that, due to the
    inconsistendes of each witness's (Meece, Wellnitz, and Meade) description of
    the murders, some or all of them must be lying. Therefore, Meece appears to
    assume that Wright fraudulently lied to the trial court about the requirement of
    truthfulness for each of these plea agreements.
    We are unpersuaded by Meece's claims here. We understand Meece to
    argue that inconsistencies in his, Wellnitz's, and Meade's testimony require the
    conclusion that some or all of the:rp. lied at trial and that Wright knew of these
    inconsistencies and thus understood that the witnesses were lying. Meece
    then seems to claim that, because Wright followed through with the plea
    agreements for Wellnitz and Meade, he fraudulently lied to the Court about the
    requirement of truthfulness. We certainly cannot conclude that this argument
    . entitles Meece to CR 60.02 relief; nor can we 'conclude that Meece's argument
    even logically follows established law.
    Meece's argument is based on three unproven, false premises. First,
    Meece assumes that one, if not all, of the witnesses intentionally lied. This trial
    occurred thirteen years after the murders, and we cannot assume that every
    single discrepancy is .an intentional lie or perjury. Memories alter and that is
    why we place value in ajury's truth-finding ability. The jury heard all the
    evidenc~,   even the inconsistent evidence, and deemed Meece's evidence less
    credible than the prosecution's.
    Second, Meece assumes that the Commonwealth cannot continue with a
    plea agreement if the agreement is not followed exactly, with every single term
    I                       23
    performed perfectly. This Court is unwilling to dictate what the
    Commonwealth must or must not do with its plea agreements. If the
    Commonwealth determines it is more appropriate to continue with the terms of
    a plea agreement, even "if a Defendant fails to fulfill all of his or her obligations,
    that is the Commonwealth's prerogative.
    Finally, Meece assumes that Wright's statement must be fraudulent due
    to these testimonial inconsistencies. Meece makes an illogical leap to this
    conclusion. Wright accurately stated that "truthfulness" was a term of Meece's,
    Meade's, and Wellnitz's plea agreements. Then he presented their testimony
    and statements to the jury. From there, it was up to the jury to determine the
    veracity and credibility ~f this evidence. There is no fraud present~
    4.    Even if Wright had committed fraud, Meece's defense was not
    Under our jurisprudence, Meece cannot simply claim fraud and emerge
    victorious from a motion for CR 60.02 relief. As we have reiterated, CR 60.02 is
    a means of extraordinary relief and requires a greater showing of proof. Thus,
    a defendant claiming relief must also show that the alleged fraud hindered his
    otherwise "meritorious defense." See 
    Mauldin, 293 S.W.3d at 397
    (Ky. 2009)
    (quoting Rice, 
    322 S.W.2d 468
    (internal citations omitted)). Meece has failed to
    show how his defense was hindered in any way by Wright's alleged fraud.
    Although we have    delin~ated   Meece's fraud allegations into multiple
    · portions, in essence, Meece simply argues: Wright misrepresented my plea.
    agree.ment to the jury and the court and allowed plea agreements for witnesses
    that I think lied. What Meece fails to emphasize is that he provided a robust
    defense as to these two areas. Meece testified, at length: about the reason for
    his guilty plea; about how: the Commonwealth lied to him about his visit with
    his childre~; about how he lied to get that visitwith his children at the time of
    the guilty plea; and about how Wright knew Meece was lying about the terms of
    his plea agreement. Meece attacked the credibility of the other witnesses
    against him and he attacked the veracity of Wellnitz's confession. He had
    ample opportunity to present this defense to the jury. But, the jury chose not
    to believe him and found the evidence against him more persuasive. Simply
    because his strategy was unsuccessful does not substantiate a claim of fraud.
    The trial court did not abuse its discretion in finding a complete lack of any
    basis for an allegation of fraud in this .case.
    We must also remark on the irreconcilable contention from Meece that, if
    not for Wright's false statements, "the trial court would have been forced to find
    that the Commonwealth breached its end of the plea agreement [with Meece]."
    If this had occurred, Meece claims that his "false, inculpatory, 2004 statements
    would not have been admissible at trial." There is a basic fallacy to this
    argument he fails to recognize. He testified, of his own volition, at trial that he
    never intended to follow through with this plea agreement. He planned to, and
    did, withdraw his plea as soon as his visit with his children was complete. He
    admitted that he enacted this plea under his own fals.e belief that his
    statements would.: never be admissible against him at trial.
    Thus, whether the 'commo"nwealth breached its portion of the plea
    agreement is irrelevant. Meece's statements were made voluntarily, without an
    intent to ever complete the agreement with the Commonwealth. Meece cannot
    now claim his defense was hindered by the Commonwealth's refusal to
    complete the terms of this agreement when he never intended to perform the
    agreement. These arguments cannot be resolved. Meece cannot intend to
    break the agreement, receive a benefit from the agreement, and then claim the
    other party is at fault for not performing. In sum, Meece cannot show that his
    defense was impeded by the Commonwealth's non-performance when he never
    intended to testify according to the terms of the plea agreement.
    D.    Relief under CR 60.03.
    Alternatively, Meece claims relief under CR 60.03. Meece correctly
    relates the rule under CR 60.03 that "Rule 60.02 shall not limit the power of
    any court to entertain an independent action to relieve a person from a
    judgment, order or proceeding on appropriate equitable grounds." He fails to
    relate the last portion of the rule, however. "Relief shall not be granted in an
    independent action if the ground or relief sought has been denied in a
    proceeding by motion under Rule 60.02, or would be barred because not
    brought in time under the provisions of that rule." 
    Id. This rule
    is intended as an equitable form of relief when no other avenue
    exists. See Bowling v. Commonwealth, 
    163 S.W.3d 361
    , 365 (Ky. 2005). Relief
    requires a showing of three elements: "Claimants must (1) show that they have
    no other available or adequate remedy; (2) demonstrate that movants' own
    fault, neglect, or carelessness did not create the situation for which they seek
    equitable relief; and (3) establish a recognized ground ... for the equitable
    Id. (quoting Campaniello
    Imports, Ltd. V. Saporiti Italia S.p.A., 
    117 F.3d 655
    , 662 (2nd Cir. 1997) (emphasis    remov~d)).   If an adequate remedy was
    available in the original proceedings, CR 60.03 does not provide grounds for
    equitable relief. 
    Bowling, 163 S.W.3d at 365
    (internal citations omitted).
    We have already held that the issues raised by Meece were addressed on
    direct appeal, are better served in an RCr 11.42 motion, or are meritless. We
    see no separate equitable relief warranted under the facts presented, thus,
    Meece is not entitled to relief under CR 60.03.
    E.    Meece's CR 8.04 argument.
    Meece .also alleged that because the Commonwealth did not "specipcally''
    deny all of Meece's allegations in his CR 60.02 motion, "the Commonwealth
    must be deemed to have admitted" them pursuant to CR 8.04. The
    Commonwealth cites an unreported case in which the Court of Appeals held
    that CR 8.04 does not apply to a CR 60.02 motion, as it does not require a
    responsive filing and is inconsistent with the Rules of Criminal Procedure.
    It is not necessary at this time to determine whet:Q.er CR 8.04 applies to
    CR 60.02 filings because the Commonwealth did respond to Meece's CR 60.02 ·
    motion .. CR 8.04 simply states that "[a]verments in a pleading to which a
    responsive pleading is required are admitted when not denied in the responsive
    pleading" (emphasis added). The Commonwealth .flatly denied in its response
    . to Meece's CR 60.02 motion that any witness committed perjury or that Wright
    committed fraud, and the Commonwealth explained why Meece's arguments
    fail. Clearly, these issues. are all in dispute - most of them have been litigated
    before and they have been argued and disputed extensively. Thus, CR 8.04
    does not require us to hold that all of Meece's arguments are considered to be
    · admitted as true.·
    This. Court has repeatedly held that the relief offered by CR 60.02 is
    extraordinary. However, we have also repeatedly held that CR 6°0.02 is not a
    method by which parties can reexamine issues already decided or for which
    there are other avenues of relie[ Meece's motion has disguised direct appeal
    and RCr 11.42 arguments in an attempt to persuade this Court into providing
    the equitable relief afforded by CR 60.02. We are not persµaded, and, for the
    foregoing reasons, we affirm the    Wari~n   Circuit Court.
    All sitting. All concur ..
    Katherine Blair
    Department of Public Advocacy
    Andy Beshear            .
    Attorney General of Kentucky
    Jeffrey Allan Cross .
    Assistant Attorney General