Deer Run Estates, LLC v. Hon Darren W. Peckler Judge, Mercer Circuit Court, Et Al ( 2015 )

  •                                                                     T ETuaA,Isiti
    RENDERED: JUNE 11, 2015
    °Sup-trim                         of rticfit{gu l   dtn
    DA             1 -a               C..
    STACEY CALDWELL                                                               APPELLANT
    V.                      CASE NO. 2014-CA-000456-OA
    JUDGE, JEFFERSON CIRCUIT COURT                                                 APPELLEE
    D/B/A PALO ALTO SPINE, LLC                                   REAL PARTY IN INTEREST
    Litigants have historically been permitted to conduct ex parte' interviews
    with fact witnesses. These interviews serve various purposes but are mainly
    1 The law often attaches a negative connotation to communications labeled as
    ex parte. See BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 597 (7th ed. 1999) ("ex parte communication: A
    generally prohibited communication between counsel and the court when opposing
    counsel is not present."). Our use of the phrase ex parte throughout this opinion is
    devoid of those implications contrived from clandestine—and impermissible—
    communications between an attorney and a judge or a party known to be represented
    by counsel. Instead, we use this phrase in a manner that is true to the basic
    definition of the Latin phrase, "from or on behalf of one side of the lawsuit," to refer to
    a meeting between counsel and a fact witness without prior notification to opposing
    USAGE 343 (3d ed. 2011). Other jurisdictions, as well as the parties and amici
    presently before us, have routinely referred to these interactions as ex parte without
    invoking the level of impropriety ordinarily associated with ex parte communications.
    We do the same.
    directed at investigating the facts of the case and curtailing litigation costs by
    allowing litigants to gauge the usefulness of a witness's potential testimony by
    interviewing the witness before paying for a discovery deposition.
    Whether this time-honored method of informal discovery extends to the
    plaintiff's treating physicians and what role the federal Health Insurance
    Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) plays in regulating these
    interviews has been an issue across the country for some time. And the issue
    has come before many of Kentucky's circuit courts and the federal courts in
    both the Western and Eastern Districts of Kentucky. Today we decide
    conclusively whether litigants in Kentucky may, and under what conditions,
    engage in ex parte interviews with treating physicians.
    In an original action before the Court of Appeals, Stacey Caldwell, the
    plaintiff in the underlying medical-malpractice action, sought a writ of
    prohibition preventing the trial court from enforcing its order permitting
    counsel for Dr. Frank Castro, 2 the defendant in the underlying action, to
    contact Caldwell's treating physicians ex parte. Importantly, no provision in
    the trial court's order compelled any physician to have contact with Castro's
    counsel or disclose any information, nor did it authorize disclosure of protected
    health information; whether or not to disclose any information was left to the
    treating physician's discretion. Before the Court of Appeals, Caldwell argued
    that because she was entitled to confidentiality in her communications with
    2   Dr. Castro practices for Palo Alto Spine, LLC.
    her healthcare providers, the trial court's order permitting ex parte contact
    with those providers was in error.
    The Court of Appeals declined to issue a writ because it found Caldwell
    did not have a right to confidentiality in her communications with her treating
    physicians. As a result, the Court of Appeals concluded the trial court's order
    was not erroneous.
    Based on our review of Kentucky and federal law, we conclude that no
    law inhibits litigants from seeking ex parte interviews with the opposing party's
    treating physicians. But the disclosure of medical information during those
    ex parte meetings is controlled by HIPAA. For disclosure to be permitted, the
    party must first obtain a court order authorizing disclosure in a voluntary
    ex parte interview. Upon review of the instant order, it is clear the trial court
    declined to authorize ex parte disclosure of Caldwell's health information thus
    failing to satisfy HIPAA. But because the trial court is explicit in its refusal to
    authorize ex parte disclosures, we find it unnecessary to issue an extraordinary
    The underlying litigation stems from a discectomy Castro performed on
    Caldwell. Caldwell had a long history of spinal problems predating the
    procedure, but she alleges the surgery was unnecessary and negligently
    performed. Caldwell claims she suffered painful nerve damage and restricted
    mobility because of this surgery.
    During the course of discovery and after obtaining Caldwell's medical
    records, Castro moved the trial court to enter a qualified protective order
    permitting him to make ex parte contacts with Caldwell's healthcare providers.
    Following a hearing, the trial court concluded there is no bar prohibiting
    Castro's counsel from contacting ex parte Caldwell's healthcare providers
    because they are ultimately fact witnesses and the information they possess is
    not subject to an evidentiary 'privilege. The trial court's order 3 limited the
    scope of Castro's counsel's permissible ex parte contacts to those physicians
    who treated Caldwell "for the injuries that are the subject matter of this
    litigation" but expressly declined to authorize disclosure of Caldwell's health
    information. The court's order also explicitly stated it was neither requiring
    any physician to speak -with Castro nor compelling disclosure of any
    information to Castro, noting the "treating physicians are free to accept or
    decline counsel's request as they see fit."
    Caldwell filed a petition for a writ of prohibition and a motion for
    intermediate relief4 with the Court of Appeals. In her petition, Caldwell argued,
    as she does now, she was entitled to a writ because the trial court's order
    violated the physician-patient privilege, her right to confidentiality in her
    communications with her doctors, and the order was not authorized by federal
    3 The court's order, although entitled "Qualified Protective Order," is nothing of
    the sort. The order does not mandate any disclosure and does not require any
    protective measures to ensure the confidentiality of information discovered pursuant
    to the order. Although it is a qualified protective order in name, the trial court's order
    also fails to satisfy HIPAA's requirements for qualified protective orders as outlined in
    45 C.F.R. 164.512(e)(1)(v).
    4   See Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure (CR) 76.36(4).
    law. The Court of Appeals denied her motion for intermediate relief without
    discussion. It also omitted analysis of the writ prerequisites and proceeded
    directly to the merits of her allegation of error.
    Upon reaching the merits, the Court of Appeals declined to issue a writ
    and presented two main reasons for so holding. First, it concluded no
    Kentucky law prohibits the trial court from authorizing ex parte
    correspondence with nonexpert treating physicians. And second, the Court of
    Appeals reasoned the trial court's order did not violate any right Caldwell may
    have to privacy of her medical information because the order does not compel
    any disclosure. The court declined to address the impact of HIPAA's privacy
    regulations on Castro's ability to communicate ex parte with Caldwell's
    physicians, deciding "the order of the trial court relied solely upon Kentucky
    Caldwell appeals that denial to this Court as a matter of right. 5
    The issuance of a writ is an extraordinary remedy that is disfavored by
    our jurisprudence. 6 We are, therefore, "cautious and conservative both in
    entertaining petitions for and in granting such relief." 7
    5 CR 76.36(7)(a) ("An appeal may be taken to the Supreme Court as a matter of
    right from a judgment or final order in any proceeding originating in the Court of
    Appeals."); see also Ky. Const. § 115 ("In all cases, civil and criminal, there shall be
    allowed as a matter of right at least one appeal to another court . . . .").
    6   Ridgeway Nursing & Rehab. Facility, LLC v. Lane, 
    415 S.W.3d 635
    , 639 (Ky.
    7   Bender v. Eaton, 
    343 S.W.2d 799
    , 800 (Ky. 1961).
    A writ of prohibition may be granted upon a showing that (1) the
    lower court is proceeding or is about to proceed outside of its
    jurisdiction and there is no remedy through an application to an
    intermediate court; or (2) that the lower court is acting or is about
    to act erroneously, although within its jurisdiction, and there
    exists no adequate remedy by appeal or otherwise and great
    injustice and irreparable injury will result if the petition is not
    granted. 8
    Caldwell makes no proper argument that the trial court was without
    jurisdiction to enter the challenged discovery order. 9 She seeks the second
    class of writ. And when seeking a writ of the second class, a petitioner must
    first show she has no adequate remedy by appeal or otherwise. If this
    requirement can be met, the petitioner must then show she will suffer great
    injustice or irreparable harm absent the issuance of a writ. This has
    consistently been defined as injury of a "ruinous nature." 0
    The latter requirement is not absolute, however. In what has come to be
    known as the "certain-special-cases exception," our precedent allows waiver of
    the great injustice and irreparable harm element in cases where the instant
    harm may not rise to the level of irreparable but a "substantial miscarriage of
    justice will result if the lower court is proceeding erroneously, and correction of
    8   Hoskins v. Maricle, 
    150 S.W.3d 1
    , 10 (Ky. 2004).
    9 Caldwell made a passing allegation that the trial court was acting outside its
    jurisdiction in entering the allegedly erroneous discovery order. This argument is
    presented for the first time in a footnote in Caldwell's reply brief. Aside from the
    absurdity of arguing that a trial court lacks jurisdiction to enter a discovery order in a
    pending civil case, Kentucky courts have declined to entertain arguments so
    introduced. See Smith v. Commonwealth, 
    366 S.W.3d 399
    , 401 (Ky. 2012) (quoting
    Milby v. Mears, 
    580 S.W.2d 724
    , 728 (Ky.App. 1979) ("[T]he reply brief is not a device
    for raising new issues . . . .")). Because this issue is not properly before us, we make
    no further mention of it.
    Bender, 343 S.W.2d at 801
    the error is necessary and appropriate in the interest of orderly judicial
    administration." 11
    Proof of the elements described above is a condition precedent to
    contemplation of the merits underlying a writ petition. Strict adherence to
    these prerequisites "is a practical and convenient formula for determining, prior
    to deciding the issue of alleged error, if petitioner may avail himself of this
    remedy. " 12 These strictures evince a reluctance to reach the merits of alleged
    errors in writ proceedings. Indeed, the test that must be satisfied before the
    Court may analyze the alleged error was designed expressly to limit "the
    number of writ cases that proceed to the merits of the controversy" 13 because
    writ proceedings "necessitate an abbreviated record which magnifies the
    chance of incorrect rulings that would prematurely and improperly cut off the
    rights of litigants." 14 It bears repeating that the issuance of a writ is inherently
    discretionary. Even if the requirements are met and error found, the grant of a
    writ remains within the sole discretion of the Court. 15
    Because of the discretion inherent in granting a writ, we review the
    decision of the Court of Appeals for an abuse of discretion. When questions of
    law or findings of fact made by the Court of Appeals en route to their ultimate
    decision are raised, however, we review de novo and for clear error,
    Id. 12 Id.
          13    Cox v. Braden, 
    266 S.W.3d 792
    , 796 (Ky. 2008).
    14 Interactive Media Entm't & Gaming Ass'n v. Wingate, 
    320 S.W.3d 692
    , 695
    (Ky. 2010) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    15   Edwards v. Hickman, 
    237 S.W.3d 183
    , 189 (Ky. 2007).
    respectively. The Court of Appeals in the present case has omitted analysis of
    the writ prerequisites in its opinion denying Caldwell's petition for a writ,
    opting instead to proceed directly to the merits. 16 So we review the availability
    of the writ remedy de novo.
    Caldwell's argument in favor of her entitlement to an extraordinary writ
    is grounded in state-law principles. She claims the trial court's order
    permitting Castro's counsel to communicate ex parte with her treating
    physicians was error because: communications with treating physicians are,
    or should be, treated as privileged; the American Medical Association's Code of
    Medical Ethics carries the force of law in prohibiting nonconsented disclosure
    of confidential information; Kentucky case law prohibits trial courts from
    authorizing defendant's counsel to communicate with a plaintiff's treating
    physicians ex parte; and the trial court's order is "confusing and misleading."
    Caldwell also argues, at least initially, that HIPAA does not create an
    entitlement to ex parte contacts for defendants. It is not until the last page of
    her reply brief that Caldwell makes a one-paragraph argument that HIPAA
    prohibits the ex parte meetings she seeks a writ to prevent. The amicus on her
    behalf, the Kentucky Justice Association, took up the HIPAA argument and
    presented us with a comprehensive argument explaining why, in its view, the
    trial court's order violates HIPAA. Castro, of course, refutes Caldwell's
    16 It is worth noting that this practice has support in our writ jurisprudence.
    Our precedent authorizes proceeding directly to the merits of a dispute when they are
    uncomplicated and doing so would promote the end of "judicial economy in limiting
    the breadth of analysis appellate courts undertake when considering writs." So. Fin.
    Life Ins. Co. v. Combs, 
    413 S.W.3d 921
    , 927 n.20 (Ky. 2013). The Court of Appeals
    used that approach, but we choose the more traditional analytical approach.
    allegations of error; and although he presents a capable argument regarding
    HIPAA's impact on ex parte communications with nonparty treating physicians,
    Kentucky Defense Counsel, Inc., supplied an amicus brief buttressing Castro's
    cause regarding HIPAA.
    We have often held discovery disputes satisfy the no-adequate-remedy-
    by-appeal requirement. Cases so holding often focus on the inability of
    information disclosed under an erroneous discovery order to be recalled. 17 In
    those cases, "[t]he injury suffered . . . will be complete upon compliance with
    the order and such injury could not thereafter be rectified in subsequent
    proceedings in the case.” 18
    This case is no different. Although Caldwell's main objection is with the
    form of discovery permitted by the trial court's order, the gravamen of her
    complaint is that through ex parte discovery—which, by definition, takes place
    beyond the watchful eye of opposing counsel or the court—confidential or
    otherwise undiscoverable information, or information protected by federal law,
    may be disclosed without Caldwell's consent and to her detriment. If that were
    to happen—and we must presume it will happen when assessing the
    17 See, e.g., Grange Mut. Ins. Co. v. Trude, 
    151 S.W.3d 803
    , 810 (Ky. 2004)
    ("[T]here will rarely be an adequate remedy on appeal if the alleged error is an order
    that allows discovery."); 
    Bender, 343 S.W.2d at 802
    Bender, 343 S.W.2d at 802
    availability of the writ remedy 19—Caldwell would be left without an avenue of
    appellate recourse to rectify her grievance. 20
    We also find this issue to satisfy the certain-special-cases exception
    because its resolution is necessary to ensure the orderly administration of
    justice in the Commonwealth. This exception has been reserved for "first-
    impression questions[] bearing importantly on the public administration of the
    law or on a party's fundamental rights." 21 We find this to be a case of the
    former and conclude it is particularly suited to application of this exception
    because of the unique procedural posture in which this issue typically will
    This case presents our appellate courts with their first opportunity to
    address this issue, 22 even though the bulk of HIPAA's privacy regulations were
    19 See Commonwealth, Cabinet for Health and Family Servs. v. Chauvin,
    316 S.W.3d 279
    , 283 (Ky. 2010) ("In applying this threshold test, the petitioner's
    allegations are assumed to be true.").
    Bender, 343 S.W.2d at 802
    ("Once the information is furnished it cannot
    be recalled."); Young v. Carran, 
    289 S.W.3d 586
    , 588 (Ky.App. 2008) ("This court has
    recently held that HIPAA does not create a state-based private cause of action for
    violations of its provisions. We also note that federal courts have uniformly held that
    HIPAA does not create a private cause of action even at the federal level.") (citations
    We except from this conclusion Caldwell's argument citing the "confusing
    and misleading" nature of the challenged order. Caldwell did have an adequate
    remedy available to rectify this issue. As the Court of Appeals recognized, "a motion
    for clarification in the trial court was an available and adequate remedy that precludes
    extraordinary relief." We agree with the Court of Appeals and conclude that a writ is
    not available to Caldwell on those grounds.
    21   Inverultra, S.A. v. Wilson, 
    449 S.W.3d 339
    , 349 (Ky. 2014).
    22 A similar claim was raised before, but the Court of Appeals concluded that
    the plaintiff's allegation "that [her treating physician's] ex parte conversations with [the
    defendant] were violations of both HIPAA and the Kentucky Rules of Medical Ethics"
    was not timely raised. See Miller v. Jewish Hosp. Healthcare Servs., Inc., 2004-CA-
    promulgated nearly fifteen years ago. 23 Our inability to address this issue
    before today notwithstanding, it has been percolating through state courts, 24
    federal district courts, 25 and academic circles 26 for a decade. And the issue has
    arisen in the trial courts of the Commonwealth. The parties have provided
    citation to Kentucky courts that have struggled to address this exact issue in
    discovery orders.
    Discovery disputes, as a general matter, come before this Court nearly
    always via writ petitions. The very nature of informal discovery is likely to
    increase this trend because restrictions on ex parte communications are even
    less likely to be challenged on appeal once final judgment is reached. It stands
    to reason that the only manner in which this issue may reach this Court is
    through a writ petition. We find it necessary, therefore, to reach the merits of
    this issue to ensure that the decisions of our trial courts concerning ex parte
    contacts with treating physicians comport with Kentucky and federal law; 27
    2005 WL 2469688
    (Ky.App. Oct. 7, 2005). This Court denied
    discretionary review.
    23 See Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information,
    65 Fed.Reg. 82,462-01 (Dec. 28, 2000) (to be codified at 45 C.F.R. pts. 160 8s 164).
    24 See, e.g., State ex rel. Proctor v. Messina, 
    320 S.W.3d 145
    (Mo. 2010)
    (en banc); Arons v. Jutkowitz, 
    880 N.E.2d 831
    (N.Y. 2007).
    25 See, e.g., Bayne v. Provost, 
    359 F. Supp. 2d 234
    (N.D.N.Y 2005); Nat'l Abortion
    Fed'n v. Ashcroft, 
    2004 WL 292079
    (N.D. Ill. Feb 6, 2004).
    26 See, e.g., Joseph Regalia 85V. Andrew Cass, Navigating the Law of Defense
    Counsel Ex parte Interviews of Treating Physicians, 31 J. CONTEMP. HEALTH L. 85 POL'Y
    35 (2015); Scott Aripoli, Comment, Hungry Hungry HIPAA: Has The Regulation Bitten
    Off More Than it Can Chew By Prohibiting Ex parte Communication With Treating
    Physicians?, 75 UMKC L.Rev. 499, 500 (2006).
    27 To be sure, this is not to imply that writ petitions will satisfy the certain-
    special-cases exception simply because they concern a discovery matter. To the
    contrary, most discovery disputes concern the application of settled principles of law
    otherwise, those decisions may continue to evade appellate review. Caldwell's
    instant petition presents a claim for which a writ is an appropriate remedy at
    this Court's discretion pending an analysis of the merits. 28
    Turning to the merits of Caldwell's writ petition, we will first 'address
    HIPAA's impact because, as we discuss below, the HIPAA analysis necessarily
    subsumes the state-law arguments championed by Caldwell.
    A. HIPAA Does not Prohibit Ex Parte Interviews with Treating Physicians,
    but it Does Regulate the Protected Health Information to be Disclosed
    in Ex Parte Interviews.
    Congress enacted HIPAA with the primary purpose of making health
    insurance more "portable" to prevent the denial of insurance coverage for
    preexisting conditions when employees change jobs and, in so doing, change
    health-insurance providers. 29 As part of HIPAA's expansive reform, Congress
    charged the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human
    Services (HHS) with promulgating regulations "with respect to the privacy of
    individually identifiable health information" if Congress had not done so three
    years after HIPAA's enactment. 30 When Congress failed to act, HHS adopted,
    at the discretion of capable trial judges. This case is distinguished from run-of-the-
    mill discovery writs because if we decline to reach the merits of this issue, trial courts
    will be left with no precedential guidance going forward.
    28See Commonwealth v. Peters, 
    353 S.W.3d 592
    , 596 (Ky. 2011) (concluding the
    special-cases exception applied where "the issue in the present case has far-reaching
    implications regarding pretrial procedure in the Commonwealth").
    29 See 
    Arons, 880 N.E.2d at 839-40
    ("Congress enacted HIPAA principally to
    increase the portability and continuity of health insurance and to simplify
    administrative procedures so as to reduce health care costs.").
    30 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Pub.L.
    No. 104-191, § 264(c)(1), 110 Stat. 1936, 2033-34.
    after notice and public comment, privacy regulations ensuring patients' privacy
    as medical records began their move to storage in a digital format. 31
    The cornerstone of HIPAA's privacy rule presents a broad prohibition on
    the disclosure of medical information, providing that "[a] covered entity or
    business associate may not use or disclose protected health information,
    except as permitted or required by this subpart." 32 A covered entity is defined
    to include health plans; health care clearinghouses; and health care providers,
    such as physicians and hospitals. 33 Protected health information includes, with
    exceptions irrelevant here, "individually identifiable health information"
    transmitted or maintained in whatever form or medium. 34 Health information
    includes information "whether oral or recorded in any form or medium" that
    pertains to the physical health of an individual. 35
    HIPAA provides for mandatory disclosure of protected health information
    by a covered entity under only two circumstances: (1) upon a request by an
    individual for her own health information or (2) when requested by the
    Secretary of HHS to investigate HIPAA compliance. 36 Permissible uses and
    disclosures of protected health information are more numerous and reside in
    31   See 65 Fed.Reg. 82,462-01 (codified at 45 C.F.R. pts. 160 86 164).
    32   45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a).
    33   45 C.F.R. § 160.103.
    Id. 35 Id.
          36 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a)(2).
    45 C.F.R. 164.502(a)(1). 37 Among the permissible disclosures authorized by
    HIPAA, is the "litigation exception," which permits disclosure of protected
    health information "in the course of any judicial or administrative proceeding"
    either "[i]n response to an order of a court of administrative tribunal" or "[i]n
    response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process," so long as
    additional safeguards are met. 38
    Noticeably absent from the sea of HIPAA privacy regulations is any
    mention of ex parte communications between counsel and a covered entity. 39
    In fact, the privacy rule does not purport explicitly to regulate the permissibility
    of ex parte communications or interviews as an informal discovery too1. 4° But
    the absence of express reference to ex parte interviews does not render HIPAA
    inapplicable to regulate such contacts. Because HIPAA, by its terms, applies to
    the oral disclosure of health information, it has routinely been held that the
    37 See 65 Fed.Reg. 82,462, 82,657 ("We note that nothing in the [privacy] rule
    requires covered entities to act on authorizations that they receive, even if those
    authorizations are valid. A covered entity presented with an authorization is permitted
    to make the disclosure authorized, but is not required to do so.").
    38   45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i)-(ii).
    39 See 
    Bayne, 359 F. Supp. 2d at 240
    ("Absent within the four corners of the
    relevant rules and regulations and the enabling statute is any mention of the ex parte
    interview of a health provider, such as whether to prescribe or proscribe such
    actions . . . .").
    4° See Smith v. Am. Home Prods. Corp. Wyeth Ayerst Pharm., 
    855 A.2d 608
    , 622
    (N.J Super. 2003) ("Nowhere in HIPAA does the issue of ex parte interviews with
    treating physicians, as an informal discovery device, come into view. The court is
    aware of no intent by Congress to displace any specific state court rule, statue or case
    law . . . on ex parte interviews."); Joseph Regalia 86 V. Andrew Cass, Navigating the
    Law of Defense Counsel Ex parte Interviews of Treating Physicians, 31 J. CONTEMP.
    HEALTH L. 86 POIN at 48. ("[N]either the Act, nor its legislative history, expressly
    prohibits defense counsel ex parte interviews.").
    disclosure of protected health information in ex parte interviews falls within the
    ambit of HIPAA. 41
    The divergence of judicial opinion focuses on what impact HIPAA and its
    litigation exception have on the continued viability of ex parte contacts with
    treating physicians. 42 Some courts have concluded, and Caldwell and her
    amicus have argued, that the judicial exception is wholly inapplicable to
    informal ex parte discovery because its covert nature renders it outside "the
    course of any judicial or administrative proceeding," which is a prerequisite for
    disclosure under that section. The contrary analysis, promoted by Castro and
    his amicus, reasons that HIPAA does not prohibit ex parte interviews with
    treating physicians, it "merely superimposes procedural prerequisites" to
    authorize disclosure of protected health information.
    The leading case espousing the former position is State ex rel. Proctor v.
    Messina, decided by the Supreme Court of Missouri. 43 In that case, the court
    narrowly defined the litigation exception's leading language: "in the course of a
    judicial . . . proceeding." 44 As a result, the court concluded that disclosure
    41 See, e.g., 
    Messina, 320 S.W.3d at 150
    ("This federal regulation's use of the
    term oral communication clearly includes ex parte 'oral' communications with a
    physician . . . .").
    42 Scott Aripoli, Comment, Hungry Hungry HIPAA: Has The Regulation Bitten Off
    More Than it Can Chew By Prohibiting Ex parte Communication With Treating
    Physicians?, 75 UMKC L.Rev. at 500 ("Whether HIPAA truly does preclude defense
    attorneys from conducting ex parte interviews with treating physicians has yet to be
    concretely settled in jurisdictions that have traditionally allowed ex parte
    communications. . . . Unfortunately, no two jurisdictions seem to have found a
    uniform line of reasoning with regard to answering this question.").
    320 S.W.3d 145
    (2010) (en banc).
    Id. at 156.
    under that exception "must be under the supervisory authority of the court
    either through discovery or through other formal court procedures." 45 Because
    the Missouri Rules of Civil Procedure do not provide a mechanism for courts to
    oversee ex parte communications, the court held 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e), which
    permits disclosures in the course of judicial proceedings, does not apply to a
    meeting for ex parte communications." 46
    The opposing viewpoint may be found in the Court of Appeals of New
    York's decision in Arons v. Jutkowitz. 47 The court in Arons concluded that "the
    Privacy Rule does not prevent this informal discovery from going forward, it
    merely superimposes procedural prerequisites." 48 Those procedural
    prerequisites, the court explained, include satisfying one of the two prongs of
    the litigation exception in order to permit disclosure of protected health
    information by the covered entity. 49 This reasoning has been adopted by the
    Supreme Court of Michigan, holding that ex parte interviews were permitted
    under HIPAA and disclosure of protected health information permitted so long
    as the second prong of the litigation exception was satisfied by provision of
    "satisfactory assurance" that efforts have been made to obtain a qualified
    protective order. 80
    Id. 46 Id.
    at 157.
    880 N.E.2d 831
    (N.Y. 2007).
    Id. at 842.
    Id. 50Holman v.
    785 N.W.2d 98
    , 105-08 (Mich. 2010); 45 C.F.R.
    § 164.512(1)(e)(ii)(B) ("A covered entity may disclose protected health information in
    We find more persuasive the New York court's position. We do not define
    "in the course of any judicial . . . proceeding" as narrowly as the Messina court
    in light of the Secretary of HHS's commentary in the Federal Register
    pertaining to 45 C.F.R. § 164.512, which explains the Privacy Rule was "not
    intended to disrupt current practice whereby an individual who is a party to a
    proceeding and has put his or her medical condition at issue will not prevail
    without consenting to the production of his or her protected information." 51
    prerequisites" over informal ex parte discovery is the most appropriate
    analytical approach. If a party satisfies the superimposed procedural
    prerequisites by fulfilling the litigation exception's requirement, the resulting
    ex parte contact has been drawn well within "the course of [the] judicial .. .
    proceeding" as required by HIPAA.
    Before moving on, it is worth taking a close look into the procedural
    prerequisites imposed by HIPAA. For an ex parte interview with a treating
    physician to comply with HIPAA, it must fall within the litigation exception.
    The text of this provision reads:
    (1)      Permitted disclosures. A covered entity may disclose
    protected health information in the course of any judicial or
    administrative proceeding:
    the course of any judicial . . . proceeding: In response to a subpoena, discovery
    request, or other lawful process that is not accompanied by an order of a court or
    administrative tribunal, if: The covered entity receives satisfactory assurance . . . from
    the party seeking the information that reasonable efforts have been made by such
    party to secure a qualified protective order . . . .").
    51   65 Fed. Reg. 82,462, 82,530.
    (i)    In response to an order of a court or administrative
    tribunal, provided that the covered entity discloses
    only the protected health information expressly
    authorized by such order; or
    (ii)   In response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other
    lawful process, that is not accompanied by an order of
    a court or administrative tribunal, if:
    (A)    The covered entity receives satisfactory
    assurance, as described in paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of
    this section, from the party seeking the
    information that reasonable efforts have been
    made by such party to ensure that the
    individual who is the subject of the protected
    health information that has been requested has
    been given notice of the request; or
    (B)    The covered entity receives satisfactory
    assurance, as described in paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of
    this section, from the party seeking the
    information that reasonable efforts have been
    made by such party to secure a qualified
    protective order that meets the requirements of
    paragraph (e)(1)(v) of this section. 52
    Where our analysis differs from that of the courts cited above comes in
    our definition of the emphasized language "or other lawful process." Both
    Arons and Holman defined this phrase broadly enough to encompass an
    ex parte interview and held that compliance with this second prong—providing
    "satisfactory assurance" that the subject of the protected health information
    was notified of the request or that a qualified protective order had been
    sought—was adequate to meet HIPAA's superimposed procedural prerequisites.
    We do not define lawful process so broadly.
    52   45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i)-(ii) (emphasis added).
    We typically define words according to their ordinary meanings when
    interpreting statutes, but that general rule yields when a word or phrase has a
    technical meaning within the law. 53 And the latter is the case here. Black's
    Law Dictionary defines process as "[t]he proceedings in any action or
    prosecution," or a "summons or writ, esp. to appear or respond in court." 54
    process as defined above is also termed Thisentrycoludbghe
    legal process.
    We find the second definition of process to be applicable here because its
    definition must be informed by the items that precede it. Defining lawful
    process as "a summons or writ, esp. to appear or respond in court" is in
    keeping with the general tenor of that section that also includes subpoenas and
    discovery requests. The common-sense definition of lawful process—any action
    that is not in violation of law—is too far-reaching when considering the balance
    of the provision. Applying this definition of lawful process, we are constrained
    to conclude that ex parte interviews do not fall within this strict definition of
    lawful process. Even though we have concluded that ex parte interviews are
    conducted within the course of a judicial proceeding, they are still decidedly
    informal and entirely voluntary, unbefitting of the designation of lawful process
    ascribed to formal discovery tools. Therefore, we hold that protected health
    53 St. Luke Hosp., Inc. v. Straub, 
    354 S.W.3d 529
    , 535 (Ky. 2011) (quoting
    Baker v. White, 
    65 S.W.2d 1022
    , 1024 (Ky. 1933) ("[I]n the interpretation and
    construction of statutes, words and phrases employed by the lawmaking body must be
    given their plain and ordinary meaning according to popular usage, unless they have
    acquired a technical sense, in which event, they will be given such accepted technical
    54   BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 1222 (7th ed.)
    information may only be disclosed under HIPAA's litigation exception if the
    exception's first prong is satisfied by order of the trial court.
    This interpretation of the litigation exception is also consistent with our
    reliance on trial courts as gatekeepers of discovery 55—even informal discovery,
    when appropriate. Under our construction of the litigation exception, for the
    ex parte disclosure of protected health information to comport with HIPAA, a
    party must first seek authorization from the trial court. If we were to adopt the
    application of the litigation exception as contemplated in Arons, disclosure of
    protected health information would be permitted under HIPAA, yet, still within
    the discretion of treating physicians upon counsel's provision of "satisfactory
    assurance" that: "reasonable efforts" have been made to notify the subject of
    the protected health information of the request; or a qualifying protective order
    has been sought. 56 Notice need not have been achieved nor a qualified
    protective order obtained to satisfy the second prong of the litigation exception
    as construed by Arons—"sufficient assurance" of "reasonable efforts" to provide
    notice or merely seeking a qualified protective order would suffice. Indeed,
    Castro argues he has met this low standard by obtaining the order at issue,
    even though by its own terms the order withholds authorization for the
    disclosure of protected health information and does not meet the required
    55 Primm v. Isaac, 
    127 S.W.3d 630
    , 634 (Ky. 2004) ("Generally, control of
    discovery is a matter of judicial discretion.").
    56 45 C.F.R. § 165.512(e)(1)(ii)(A)-(B); 
    Arons, 880 N.E.2d at 842
    ("As a practical
    matter, this means that the attorney who wishes to contact an adverse party's treating
    physician must first obtain a valid HIPAA authorization or a court of administrative
    order; or must issue a subpoena, discovery request or other lawful process with
    satisfactory assurances relating to either notification or a qualified protective order.").
    protective standards outlined in 45 C.F.R. § 165.512(e)(1)(v). To interpret the
    litigation exception as allowing disclosure of protected health information
    under the second prong in contravention of an order declining to authorize
    disclosure under the first prong undercuts the discretion vested in trial courts.
    We conclude HIPAA does not prohibit ex parte interviews, but its
    strictures do regulate disclosure of protected health information during their
    course. We further hold HIPAA's procedural prerequisites to disclosure of
    protected health information may only be satisfied by order of a court or
    administrative tribunal 57 because ex parte interviews do not come within the
    meaning of lawful process as used in 45 C.F.R. § 165.512(e)(1)(ii).
    But our analysis does not end here. HIPAA's privacy rule contains a
    preemption clause whereby any "contrary" provision of state law is preempted
    absent the application of an enumerated exception. 58 State law is "contrary" to
    HIPAA "only if it would be impossible for a covered entity to comply with both
    the state requirement and the Rule, or the former is an obstacle to
    accomplishing the full purposes and objectives of HIPAA's 'administrative
    simplification' provisions." 59 But if a "contrary" law requires a more stringent
    standard of privacy, HIPAA's preemption provisions are inapplicable and state
    law controls. So we must undertake an analysis of Kentucky law to determine
    what law controls the instant dispute.
    57   See 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i).
    58 45 C.F.R. § 160.203 (pertaining to the preemptive effect of HIPAA's
    Arons, 880 N.E.2d at 841-42
    (citing 45 C.F.R. § 160.202).
    B. Kentucky Law Places no Restrictions on Voluntary Ex Parte Interviews
    with Nonexpert Treating Physicians.
    There is a dearth of Kentucky law dealing with litigants' ability to confer
    ex parte with nonparty fact witnesses. And the cases that do broach this topic
    do so upon the allegation that an ex parte contact was rendered impermissible
    only by way of some express rule. 60 But what we can glean from those cases is
    that their analysis begins—without fail—with the presumption that ex parte
    contacts with willing fact witnesses are permissible absent express limitation.
    Although these contacts are not mentioned in our civil rules pertaining to
    discovery, 61 those rules are not meant to be exhaustive and do not express any
    intent to foreclose the "time honored" 62 tool of informal discovery that is the
    ex parte interview. 63 Also, to disallow parties equal access to an effective and
    inexpensive method of establishing operative facts would conflict with the
    60 See, e.g., Shoney's, Inc. v. Lewis, 
    875 S.W.2d 514
    (Ky. 1994) (finding ex parte
    contacts between plaintiff's counsel and defendant's managerial employees to be
    impermissible only because of the application of Supreme Court Rule (SCR) 3.130-4.2
    prohibiting counsel to contact a party represented by counsel unless authorized to do
    so); Hilliard v. Commonwealth, 
    158 S.W.3d 758
    (Ky. 2005) (holding use of subpoena
    power to compel a witness's appearance for an ex parte interview impermissible as on
    abuse of subpoena power, not because the ex parte contact itself was impermissible);
    see also Radford v. Lovelace, 
    212 S.W.3d 72
    , 82 (Ky. 2006) overruled on other grounds
    by Cardine v. Commonwealth, 
    283 S.W.3d 641
    (Ky. 2009) ("It is important for us to
    remember that both sides have the right to interview witnesses before trial.")
    (quotation marks omitted).
    61   See CR 26-37.05.
    Angela T. Burnette 8v D'Andrea J. Morning, HIPAA and Ex parte Interviews—
    The Beginning of the End?, J. HEALTH & LIFE SCI. L. 73, 77 (April 2008).
    63 See Domako v. Rowe, 
    475 N.W.2d 30
    , 36 (Mich. 1991) ("The omission of
    [ex parte] interviews from the court rules does not mean that they are prohibited,
    because the rules are not meant to be exhaustive. Their absence from the court rules
    does indicate that they are not mandated and that the physician cannot be forced to
    comply, but there is nothing in the court rules precluding an interview if the physician
    chooses to cooperate.") (citation omitted).
    purpose our civil rules were meant to serve. 64 So we begin our analysis of
    Kentucky law as it pertains to ex parte communications with treating
    physicians by. accepting the same premise impliedly accepted in our precedent
    and by the parties in the present case: voluntary ex parte contacts with fact
    witnesses, are a permissible form of informal discovery absent some limitation
    found outside our discovery rules.
    Caldwell argues such a limitation prohibiting ex parte communications
    with treating physicians may be derived from multiple sources of Kentucky law.
    She first alleges the existence of a physician-patient privilege operates to limit
    the viability of ex parte communications with treating physicians, or,
    alternatively, that these situations should be treated as if a privilege does exist.
    Next, she claims that the American Medical Association's Code of Medical
    Ethics, adopted by the Kentucky State Board of Medical Licensure under its
    statutory authority, carries the force of law in prohibiting nonconsented
    disclosure of confidential information. Lastly, she argues that Kentucky case
    law prohibits defendants from contacting ex parte nonparty treating
    64 Naive v. Jones, 
    353 S.W.2d 365
    , 367 (Ky. 1961) ("The civil rules prescribe a
    practical pattern for the conduct of litigation and the effective administration of
    justice.") (emphasis added); Doe v. Eli Lilly & Co., Inc., 
    99 F.R.D. 126
    , 128 (D.D.C.
    1983) ("As a general proposition, however, no party to litigation has anything
    resembling a proprietary right to any witness's evidence."); see also Langdon v.
    745 P.2d 1371
    , 1375 n.8 (Alaska 1987) (I'D) disallow a viable, efficient,
    cost effective method of ascertaining the truth because of the mere possibility of
    abuse, smacks too much of throwing out the baby with the bath water.").
    1. Kentucky Does not Recognize a Physician-Patient Privilege, and We
    Decline to Act as Though One Does Apply Here.
    Caldwell's first argument—that her communications with her physician
    are privileged and thereby protected from ex parte disclosure under Kentucky
    law—is disingenuous at best. This argument runs headlong into decades of
    precedent and ignores the unambiguous text of our rules of evidence pertaining
    to privilege. 65
    For better or worse, our jurisprudence has been unwavering in its
    rejection of the patient-physician privilege. 66 We see no reason to engage in a
    lengthy analysis of this settled issue of law. All privileges, unless otherwise
    created by statute, 67 are explicitly stated in our rules of evidence. The
    physician-patient privilege is conspicuously absent from those provisions. 68
    69 We cannot         Andourcmlawiteognzsuchaprivl.
    articulate it more clearly than the late Justice Keller did in his concurrence in
    Stidham v. Clark, so we will not attempt to: "[No testimonial privilege exists in
    65   KRE 501-11.
    66 See, e.g., Stidham v. Clark, 
    74 S.W.3d 719
    , 729 (Ky. 2002) (Keller, J.,
    concurring); H.H. Waegner & Co. v. Moock, 
    197 S.W.2d 254
    , 256 (Ky. 1946); Boyd v.
    150 S.W.2d 648
    , 650 (Ky. 1941); Louisville & N.R. Co. v. Crockett's Adm'x,
    24 S.W.2d 580
    , 583 (Ky. 1930).
    67 Commonwealth, Cabinet for Health and Family 
    Servs., 316 S.W.3d at 284
    ("Kentucky evidentiary rules recognize the ability of the legislature to control their
    contents, presumably including privileges, limited only by section 116 of the Kentucky
    68   See KRE 501-11.
    Boyd, 150 S.W.2d at 450
    ("At common law neither the physician nor the
    patient could claim the privilege of refusing to disclose confidential communications
    between them in the course of the physician's attendance upon or treatment of the
    patient in a professional capacity.").
    Kentucky for communications made between a patient and physician for the
    purpose of medical treatment." 70
    Having found no privilege to exist, Caldwell argues, in the alternative,
    that we should nonetheless treat her communications with her physicians as
    though they are privileged. We readily accept that the communications
    between a patient and her physician are sensitive in nature. That said, our
    court system has operated relatively smoothly since its inception without the
    privilege Caldwell seeks. We have heretofore not identified a cognizable right to
    a privilege in medical communications and again decline to do so today.
    It is high time litigants abandon this tired argument. Our disinclination
    to recognize a physician-patient privilege or to apply the faux privilege that
    Caldwell argues for in the alternative is well documented. Any change that will
    see a physician-patient privilege recognized in Kentucky will come by way, of a
    change to our rules of evidence or through the legislature's authority to create
    privileges recognized in Stidham.
    2. The American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics Does not
    Carry the Force of Law to Render Ex Parte Contacts with Physicians
    Caldwell next argues that the confidentiality provisions contained in the
    American Medical Association's Code of Medical Ethics guarantees her right to
    confidentiality because the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure adopted the
    Code of conduct under authority granted by statute and also possesses
    statutory authority to levy punishment for ethical violations.
    Stidham, 74 S.W.3d at 729
    (Keller, J. concurring).
    The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure is granted statutory authority
    to "promulgate a code of conduct governing the practice of medicine and
    osteopathy, which shall be based upon generally recognized principles of
    professional conduct." 71 The Board is also statutorily afforded the concomitant
    authority to discipline practitioners within its purview for ethical violations. 72
    To satisfy its statutory grant of authority, the Board adopted the
    AMA Code of Medical Ethics. The provision of the Code relevant to the instant
    proceedings reads:
    Confidentiality. The information disclosed to a physician during
    the course of the relationship between physician and patient is
    confidential to the greatest possible degree. The patient should feel
    free to make a full disclosure of information to the physician in
    order that the physician may most effectively provide needed
    services. The patient should be able to make this disclosure with
    the knowledge that the physician will respect the confidential
    nature of the communication. The physician should not reveal
    confidential communications or information without the expresS
    consent of the patient, unless required to do so by law. 73
    This provision clearly creates a professional duty that requires healthcare
    providers to maintain the confidentiality of patient information. But Caldwell
    overstates the weight of the Code of Medical Ethics. It is true that the Code
    was promulgated under statutory authority and that violations of the Code are
    71   Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) 311.565(1)(j).
    72   KRS 311.595(9), (16).
    73 American Medical Association, Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, CODE
    OF MEDICAL ETHICS § 5.05 (1994). Castro and Amicus Curiae Kentucky Defense
    Counsel, Inc., note that the quoted provision, the one relied on by Caldwell, is an
    outdated version of this section. This is correct; but the updated version is
    substantially the same as the one relied upon by Caldwell, and the amendment does
    not affect out analysis. See American Medical Association, Council on Ethical and
    Judicial Affairs, CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS § 5.05 (2007).
    punished by the Board under statutory authority. But that tangential
    statutory basis is insufficient to give the Code the force of law and create an
    all-encompassing right to confidentiality by patients.
    Indeed, other ethical codes policing the medical community—even one
    adopted jointly with the Kentucky Bar Association—have been held to lack the
    weight of law. 74 "The Code professes to be an ethical guide, not an authority
    binding the courts." 75 We are not alone in our conclusion that ethical
    standards levied within the medical community are not binding on courts. 76
    Furthe,counsel'abityosekanxprtein vwithapysicanboud
    by the Code does not prevent the physician from abiding by his professional
    duty of confidentiality.
    A physician's ethical duty of confidentiality, even if promulgated by a
    professional body under statutory authority, does not carry the weight of law to
    limit a litigant's ability to engage in ex parte interviews with physicians.
    Admittedly, the ethical duty may restrain the physician's willingness to agree to
    such an interview; but it in no way prohibits a party to litigation from
    requesting one.
    74   Davenport v. Ephraim McDowell Mem. Hosp., 
    769 S.W.2d 56
    , 62 (Ky.App.
    Id. 75 Bryant
    v. Hilst, 
    136 F.R.D. 487
    , 492 (D. Kan. 1991) ("The court finds the code
    of ethics inapplicable to the issues before the court. First, it is not binding law.");
    Bryson v. Tillinghast, 
    749 P.2d 110
    , 114 (Okla. 1988) ("[E]thical standards are
    aspirational in nature and not enforceable by law.").
    3. Kentucky Case Law Does not Preclude Litigants from Interviewing
    Ex Parte Treating Physicians.
    For her last argument, Caldwell cites Geary v. Schroering 77 as the
    preeminent Kentucky case barring ex parte contact with treating physicians.
    As with her previous state-law arguments, Caldwell again overstates the scope
    of the law she cites.
    In Geary, the trial court ordered the personal-injury plaintiff to sign a
    blank medical authorization allowing the "unrestricted release" of all her
    medical information to the defendant. 78 The Court of Appeals, in a writ
    proceeding, likened the blank authorization to an ex parte subpoena. 79 Such
    ex parte subpoenas, the Court of Appeals noted, were forbidden by Munroe v.
    Kentucky Bar Association. 80
    The Court of Appeals went on in Geary to extol the virtues of our civil
    rules by explaining that the medical records sought by the defendant may be
    discovered through traditional discovery methods, such as formal subpoenas
    and depositions. 81 The court further stressed the importance of "adversarial
    safeguards" in the discovery process. 82
    The tenor of the opinion of the Court of Appeals in Geary appears to
    support Caldwell's position, but Geary's analysis diverges from the instant
    979 S.W.2d 134
    (Ky.App. 1998).
    Id. at 135.
    Id. at 136.
    927 S.W.2d 839
    (Ky. 1996).
    81 979 S.W.2d at 136
    Id. 28 issue
    by contemplating ex parte subpoenas. The case at hand contains no
    suggestion of the use of ex parte subpoenas, nor can it rightfully be said that a
    litigant requesting an ex parte interview (or an order permitting the defendant
    to make such a request) is akin to an ex parte subpoena. By their very nature,
    informal ex parte interviews are voluntary and, thus, unlike the ex parte use of
    subpoena power.
    Caldwell also takes issue with the trial court and the Court of Appeals
    citing Davenport v. Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital, Inc., 83 as support for
    the contested order because its holding was premised upon an earlier version
    of CR 26.02. In Davenport, the trial court entered an order permitting a
    medical-malpractice defendant to request an ex parte meeting with the
    plaintiff's treating physicians, whom the plaintiff had enlisted as expert
    witnesses ahead of trial.8 4 On appeal, the Court of Appeals concluded the trial
    court's order was proper, seizing on the language in the then-existing version of
    CR 26.02(4)(a)(ii) that permitted discovery from expert witnesses "by other
    means" not enumerated by the civil rules at the discretion of the trial court. 85
    We agree that discussion of Davenport is misplaced. The 2004 amend-
    ment to CR 26.02 removed the "by other means" language relied upon by the
    Court of Appeals in holding the trial court's order valid. For this reason,
    769 S.W.2d 56
    (Ky.App. 1988).
    Id. at 62.
    Id. 29 Davenport's
    analysis of ex parte communications with expert witnesses is
    But simply because the language that authorized the court's order in
    Davenport has been removed, that does not shift Davenport into a tacit
    abolition of litigants' ability to seek ex parte meetings with the opposing party's
    physicians. One crucial fact renders Davenport inapplicable as an indictment
    against ex parte contacts with physicians: it concerns physicians retained as
    expert witnesses. Once retained as experts, CR 26.02(4)—both the version
    extant in Davenport and the iteration currently in force—lists exclusively the
    manner in which discovery may be obtained. 86 So removal of the language
    permitting authorization of discovery "by other means" vitiates ex parte
    interviews with physicians retained as expert witnesses, but no such language
    limits discovery from nonexpert fact witnesses to the formal methods
    authorized in our Civil Rules.
    The case that we find most applicable to the present controversy evaded
    citation by both the trial court and the Court of Appeals. In Roberts v.
    Estep, 87—the only case touching on this issue to be decided by this Court—we
    held that no Kentucky law prohibits a defendant from contacting ex parte the
    plaintiff's treating physicians. 88 Caldwell attempts to undercut the strength of
    this holding noting Roberts was a workers' compensation case and
    86 CR 26.02(4) ("Discovery of facts known and opinions held by experts . . . may
    be obtained only as follows . . . .").
    845 S.W.2d 544
    (Ky. 1993).
    Id. at 547.
    KRS 342.020 requires waiver of any privilege or confidentiality when filing
    claim. 89 Caldwell correctly states the law but not its impact on the Court's
    Roberts does not cite to KRS 342.020 and waiver, compulsory or
    otherwise. The Court concluded that the defendant's ex parte contact with
    plaintiff was not rendered impermissible by Kentucky law; it did not conclude
    that waiver under KRS 342.020(8) authorized the defendant's contact. Had the
    Court in Roberts based its decision on KRS 342.020, we think it would have
    said so. We will not read into the Court's analysis law that is not patent in its
    In support of her argument against the trial court's order, Caldwell cites
    statutory and case law from various jurisdictions that prohibit ex parte
    contacts with treating physicians. While we respect the decisions of our sister
    states, we nonetheless find their citation unpersuasive. Most notably this is
    because most of the cited decisions were based on state laws that have no
    counterpart in Kentucky law—namely the physician-patient privilege and
    statutes explicitly prohibiting ex parte interviews with treating physicians.
    That other states found it prudent to adopt a physician-patient privilege or to
    prohibit by statutory enactment the type of contacts Caldwell currently
    challenges does little to alter our analysis of Kentucky law.
    Upon conclusion of our analysis of Kentucky law, and having addressed
    each of Caldwell's state-law arguments, we have unearthed no law that limits a
    89   KRS 342.020(8).
    litigant's ability to conduct informal ex parte interviews when the fact witness
    to be interviewed is a treating physician.% They are like any other fact witness
    in the eyes of the law, and litigants may request voluntary ex parte interviews
    with nonexpert treating physicians as they please. But Kentucky law does not
    create an entitlement or right to conduct ex parte interviews with treating
    So Kentucky law cannot be "contrary" to HIPAA as pertaining to ex parte
    interviews with treating physicians because our law speaks to their viability. 91
    request an ex parte interview with the plaintiffs treating physician. But the
    physician's ability to disclose the plaintiffs protected health information in an
    ex parte correspondence is regulated by HIPAA, so disclosure may only be
    permitted by order of the trial court satisfying 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i). Like
    with all other discovery matters, trial courts will remain the gatekeepers and
    may grant or deny a party's request for a HIPAA-compliant order authorizing
    ex parte disclosure of protected health information at their discretion. 92
    90 This holding, of course, does not vitiate any professional duties of
    confidentiality by which physicians may be bound. That those duties do not carry the
    weight of law does not render them inapplicable or unenforceable in the proper venue.
    91 See 
    Arons, 880 N.E.2d at 842
    ("[W]here there is a State provision and no
    comparable or analogous federal provision, or the converse is the case, there is no
    possibility of preemption because in the absence of anything to compare there cannot
    be a contrary requirement . . . .") (citing Standards for Privacy of Individually
    Identifiable Health Information, 64 Fed.Reg. 59,918, 59,995) (Nov. 3, 1999) (quotation
    marks and alterations omitted).
    92 See 
    Holman, 785 N.W.2d at 108-09
    ("HIPAA does not require a trial court to
    grant a motion for a protective order. Therefore, a trial court retains its discretion .. .
    to issue protective orders and to impose conditions on ex parte interviews.").
    C. The Challenged Order Does not Satisfy HIPAA's Procedural Require-
    ments for the Disclosure of Protected Health Information; but Because
    the Order Expressly Withholds the Necessary Authorization, a Writ
    Need not Issue.
    Having determined the law applicable to ex parte interviews with treating
    physicians, we must now apply that law to the facts at hand. After little more
    than a cursory review of the challenged trial court order, it becomes manifest
    that the order does not satisfy the requirements of HIPAA to permit disclosure
    of protected health information during ex parte interviews.
    As addressed above, for disclosure of protected health information to
    comply with HIPAA, a litigant must first obtain an order authorizing disclosure
    under 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i). The instant order does not meet this
    requirement. In fact, the order acknowledged the need for authorization to
    permit disclosure of Caldwell's protected health information by her physicians
    yet declined to authorize disclosure.
    The present order has done nothing more than maintain the status quo.
    It has effectively, and correctly, stated the status of the law currently: defense
    counsel may seek an ex parte interview with Caldwell's treating physicians, but
    those physicians may not disclose her protected health information without
    facing HIPAA sanctions. Indeed, the order states as much—"the treating
    physician may be unable . . . to speak with counsel absent specific
    authorization from the [c]ourt permitting him to do so. The [c]ourt is vested
    with the discretion to provide such authorization. However, the [c]ourt is not
    inclined to do so in the instant case . . . ."
    We decline to exercise our discretion to issue a writ in this instance even
    though any ex parte disclosure of protected health information would surely
    violate HIPAA. This injury is too speculative to merit such an extraordinary
    remedy. The order leaves the treating physicians' participation in the ex parte
    interview and the disclosure of Caldwell's medical information—if they do
    choose to undertake the interview—to the doctors' discretion. The harm is not
    immediate enough to require an extraordinary remedy to rectify Caldwell's
    potential grievance.
    Further, the trial court's order does nothing to displace the duty of
    privacy placed on healthcare providers by HIPAA's privacy regulations. The
    order does not supplant or alter the duty placed on the physicians possessing
    Caldwell's protected health information. The order's authorization of the
    ex parte contacts that Castro sought was also unnecessary based on our
    analysis; Castro's counsel did not need the court's blessing to seek an ex parte
    meeting with Caldwell's physicians. The meetings, even without the challenged
    order, would be, of course, at the discretion of the physician, just as they are
    under the order.
    Given these circumstances, we find the trial court's order to be an
    accurate statement of the law as it is presently situated and that any potential
    HIPAA violation is too speculative to merit extraordinary relief in the form of a
    writ. So we affirm the decision of the Court of Appeals denying Caldwell's
    petition for a writ.
    Based on the foregoing, we conclude nothing in Kentucky law prohibits
    defendants from seeking ex parte contacts with nonexpert physicians that
    treated the plaintiff as if they are ordinary fact witnesses. We similarly
    conclude that HIPAA does not prohibit ex parte interviews with treating
    physicians as a tool of informal discovery. That HIPAA does not operate to bar
    these contacts does not relieve treating physicians of the constraints of HIPAA's
    privacy regulations. HIPAA controls disclosure of protected health information.
    Trial courts may satisfy HIPAA and authorize disclosure of the plaintiff's
    protected health information in an ex parte interview by entering an order that
    complies with 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i).
    We conclude that the order challenged in the instant proceeding did not
    comply with 45 C.F.R. § 164.512(e)(1)(i), and any disclosures made during
    ex parte interviews authorized by the order would be in violation of HIPAA. But
    the order is explicit in its failure to authorize disclosure and its grant of
    permission allowing Castro's counsel to seek ex parte interviews with Caldwell's
    physicians was not necessary to authorize this practice. So we find the
    challenged order to be nothing more than an accurate recitation of the law
    pertaining to ex parte interviews with the opposing party's treating physicians
    and does not merit an extraordinary writ of prohibition.
    All sitting. All concur. Keller, J., concurs by separate opinion in which
    Barber and Noble, JJ., join.
    KELLER, J., CONCURRING: I concur with the result of the majority
    opinion but write separately because I believe that it is time for Kentucky to
    adopt a general physician-patient privilege. As the majority states, "We have
    heretofore not identified a cognizable right to a privilege in medical
    communications and again decline to do so today." That statement is only
    partially correct. KRE 507 recognizes that communications between a
    psychotherapist and patient are privileged. A psychotherapist is defined, in
    part, as "[a] person licensed by the state of Kentucky, or by the laws of another
    state, to practice medicine . . . while engaged in the diagnosis or treatment of a
    mental condition." KRE 507(2)(A) (emphasis added). Thus, Kentucky does
    recognize that medical communications are privileged as long as they occur
    within the mental health setting. It is understood that sensitive and highly
    personal information is exchanged between a patient and his or her
    psychotherapist. Likewise, a patient being treated by a physician for purely
    physical ailments must reveal sensitive health information in order to facilitate
    treatment. I can discern no logical reason for the exclusion of medical
    communications regarding physical health from privilege when
    communications regarding mental health are privileged.
    I note that the other privileges in Article V of the KRE, with the exception
    of the spousal privilege, prohibit disclosure, not just testimony. Therefore, a
    general physician-patient privilege should, if similar to the psychotherapist-
    patient privilege, also prevent disclosure of privileged communications unless a
    patient places her medical condition into controversy and the information is
    obtained in conformity with the rules of procedure.
    Barber and Noble, JJ., join.
    Eric M. Lamb
    Lamb 85 Lamb, PSC
    Erwin A. Sherman
    Sherman and Osborne
    Judge Arch Cox McKay Chauvin
    Jefferson Circuit Court, Division 8
    Donald Kenneth Brown, Jr.
    Casey Alan Krill
    Mark Edward Hammond
    Robert Clayton Veldman
    O'Bryan, Brown 86 Toner, PLLC
    H. Philip Grossman
    Grossman 86 Moore, PLLC
    Paul A. Casi, II
    Jeffrey Wayne Adamson
    Paul A. Casi, II, P.S.C.
    Kevin Crosby Burke
    Bradley A. Case
    Dinsmore 86 Shohl, LLP