Hon George W. Davis III v. Hon Thomas D. Wingate Judge, Franklin Circuit Court Div. II , 437 S.W.3d 720 ( 2014 )

  •                                                 RENDERED: AUGUST 14, 2014
    oisuprrtur C..ourt                 Tfirnfuritg
    HONORABLE GEORGE W. DAVIS, III                                       APPELLANT
    V.                   CASE NO. 2014-CA-000678-OA
    George W. Davis, III, appeals from the order of the Court of Appeals that
    denied his petition for a writ commanding the Judge of the Franklin Circuit
    Court to dismiss the underlying case for want of jurisdiction. The underlying
    case in Franklin Circuit Court is a declaratory judgment action filed by Marc I.
    Rosen in which he contests the constitutionality of House Bill (HB) 427 (2013
    Regular Session), a statute that prohibits judges who have chosen to retire as a
    Senior Status Special Judge from becoming a candidate for an elected office for
    five years after retirement.
    Davis argues Franklin Circuit Court lacks jurisdiction to decide Rosen's
    constitutional challenge because the General Assembly, through Kentucky
    Revised Statutes (KRS) 118.176, has created a statutory mechanism to
    determine the bona fides of a candidate and that statute vests exclusive
    jurisdiction in the candidate's county of residence. Rosen, a former Senior
    Status Judge and a resident of Boyd County, Kentucky, seeks to become a
    candidate for circuit judge in the 2014 election.
    We affirm the order of the Court of Appeals.
    Effective June 25, 2013, HB 427 amended various statutes governing
    elections. 1 It sought to prohibit "a judge acting as a Senior Status Special
    Judge" from "becom[ing] a candidate for any elected office during the five (5)
    year term prescribed in KRS 21.580[1" 2 To this end, the following language—or
    a slight variation thereof3—was inserted to amend the associated statutes:
    IAccording to the Legislative Research Commission's (LRC) information on
    HB 427, the following statutes were amended: KRS 118.105, 118.115, 118.125,
    118.305, 118.315, 118.325, 118.375, 118A.100, and 118A.080. However, we are
    unable to find any indication KRS 118.125 was amended by HB 427.
    2   Available at: http://wwwirc.lcy.gov/record/13RS/hb427.htm.
    3 Different in text, yet identical in purpose, the following language was inserted
    into KRS 118.105(7): "However, regardless of the number of days served by a judge
    acting as a Senior Status Special Judge, a judge who elected to retire as a Senior
    Status Special Judge in accordance with KRS 21.580 shall not become a candidate for
    any elected office during the five (5) year term prescribed in KRS 21.580(1)(a)1."
    A judge who elected to retire as a Senior Status Special Judge in
    accordance with KRS 21.580 shall not become a candidate or a
    nominee for any elected office during the five (5) year term
    prescribed in KRS 21.580 (1)(a)1., regardless of the number of days
    served by the judge acting as a Senior Status Special Judge. 4
    Before the filing deadline in late January of this year, Rosen submitted
    nominating papers with the Kentucky Secretary of State to become a candidate
    for the 32nd Judicial Circuit of Kentucky, First Division, in the 2014 election
    cycle. Rosen held the same Boyd Circuit judgeship for which he now seeks to
    become a candidate until January 31; 2009, when he elected to retire as a
    Senior Status Special Judge.
    After submitting his nominating papers, Rosen filed the underlying
    declaratory judgment action in Franklin Circuit Court, seeking a determination
    of the constitutionality of HB 427. 5 As the incumbent seeking re-election,
    Davis sought and was granted leave to intervene in Rosen's suit. Immediately,
    Davis moved to dismiss for want of jurisdiction, raising essentially the same
    question he now presents in this appeal. The Franklin Circuit Court denied
    Davis's motion to dismiss.
    A week after Rosen filed the underlying declaratory action in Franklin
    Circuit Court, a concerned voter in Boyd County filed an action challenging the
    bona fides of Rosen's candidacy under KRS 118.176(2). It is unnecessary for
    the resolution of this appeal to go into much detail discussing the proceedings
    in Boyd Circuit. In short, the Boyd Circuit found Rosen was disqualified from
    4   E.g., KRS 118.115(2).
    5 As an aside, Steve D. Hurt v. State Board of Elections, et al., Case No. 14-CI-
    00152, a case mirroring the facts and proceedings of the instant case, is now final. In
    that case, Franklin Circuit Judge Philip Shepherd found HB 427 unconstitutional.
    being a candidate because he had been a Senior Status Special Judge and the
    five-year term in KRS 21.580(1)(a)1 had not passed. The Boyd Circuit made no
    explicit determination concerning the constitutionality of HB 427 but perhaps
    implicitly upheld its constitutionality because it applied the terms of HB 427 to
    disqualify Rosen.
    Under Kentucky Rules of Civil Procedure (CR) 65.07, Rosen petitioned
    the Court of Appeals to set aside the Boyd Circuit order. The Court of Appeals
    granted Rosen's motion, specifically finding "it was incumbent upon [Boyd
    Circuit] to either address the constitutional question underpinning the
    controversy or to defer any ruling until the Franklin Circuit Court had resolved
    the constitutional question." 6
    Meanwhile, in Franklin Circuit, Davis renewed his motion to dismiss
    following Boyd Circuit's judgment. Again, the Franklin Circuit denied Davis's
    motion, noting that despite Rosen asserting the constitutionality of HB 427 as
    a defense in Boyd Circuit, the merits of the issue had not been previously
    litigated; and, accordingly, the Franklin Circuit found the constitutional
    question properly before it, irrespective of the bona fides challenge in Boyd
    Circuit. Davis promptly initiated the writ action in the Court of Appeals and
    moved the Franklin Circuit to stay the proceedings there in the interim.
    Franklin Circuit declined to grant Davis's motion for a stay but elected to
    postpone reviewing arguments or ruling on the issue until the conclusion of
    6  Rosen v. Hall, 2014-CA-000448-EL, p. 7-8 (Ky.App. June 4, 2014). This
    action is now pending before this Court on a CR 65.09 motion to vacate. Hall v.
    Rosen, 2014-SC-000312-MR.
    Davis's writ action in the Court of Appeals. As it currently stands, Rosen's
    initial declaratory action is fully briefed to the Franklin Circuit Court and
    awaits final decision.
    The Court of Appeals denied Davis's writ petition, clearly expressing that
    "[t]he declaratory judgment action filed by [] Rosen in Franklin Circuit Court
    was not a challenge to his bona fides; to the contrary, the Franklin Circuit
    Court action is a challenge to the statute that prevents him from being a
    bona fide candidate."
    The only issue before us in this appeal is whether the Franklin Circuit
    has jurisdiction to decide the constitutionality of HB 427 as raised in Rosen's
    declaratory judgment action. It is important to emphasize that the merits of
    the argument surrounding the constitutionality of HB 427 are not before us in
    the present appeal. Neither is the question of whether Rosen possesses the
    bona fides to be a candidate for the 32nd Judicial Circuit of Kentucky, First
    Because a writ is truly an extraordinary remedy, we allow writs to issue
    only in remarkable situations:
    A writ of prohibition may be granted upon a showing that (1) the
    lower court is proceeding or is about to proceed outside of its
    jurisdiction and there is no remedy through an application to an
    intermediate court; or (2) that the lower court is acting or is about
    to act erroneously, although within its jurisdiction, and there
    exists no adequate remedy by appeal or otherwise and great
    7   Davis v. Rosen, No. 2014-CA-000678-OA, p. 6-7 (Ky.App. June 10, 2014).
    injustice and irreparable injury will result if the petition is not
    granted. 8
    This case presents a writ of the first class because Davis argues the Franklin
    Circuit is proceeding outside of its jurisdiction by entertaining Rosen's
    declaratory action.
    Identifying the class of writ presented is the starting point to establish
    the standard for our review. As we have previously noted, "the proper standard
    [of review] actually depends on the class, or category, of writ case." 9 Rosen
    argues we should employ a bifurcated standard: clear error for the irreparable
    injury aspect and de novo for the jurisdiction question.'° We disagree.
    Contrary to Rosen's assertion, this class of writ action—the trial court acting
    allegedly outside its jurisdiction—does not require a showing of irreparable
    injury or the absence of an adequate remedy by appeal. Those prerequisites
    apply only in the second class of writ actions—actions in which the trial court
    is allegedly erroneous but within its jurisdiction.il As we noted in Hoskins v.
    8   Hoskins v. Maricle, 
    150 S.W.3d 1
    , 10 (Ky. 2004).
    9    Grange Mut. Ins. Co. v. Trude, 
    151 S.W.3d 803
    , 810 (Ky. 2004).
    In arguing for this standard, Rosen highlights a single sentence in the
    opinion of the Court of Appeals. The penultimate sentence in the opinion reads, "nor
    is there a showing that the Franklin Circuit Court is acting erroneously within its
    jurisdiction to petitioner's irreparable detriment as required by the seminal case of
    Hoskins v. Maricle[.]" Davis, No. 2014-CA-000678-OA at p. 8. Rather than resting any
    portion of its reasoning or holding on Franklin Circuit acting erroneously within its
    jurisdiction, the Court of Appeals appears simply to be reciting the accepted writ
    classes and eliminating all possibilities.
    11 The Court made this clear in Hoskins: "But if the petition alleged only that
    the trial court was acting erroneously within its jurisdiction, a writ would issue only
    if it was shown that there was no adequate remedy by appeal and great injustice and
    irreparable harm would otherwise occur." Hoskins, 150 S.W.3d at 9. This, of course,
    is not a novel position. At least as early as 1905, Kentucky law explicitly noted a lack
    of appellate remedy was not required when the trial court was allegedly acting without
    Maricle, our decision in Shumaker v. Paxton 12 apparently engendered this
    confusion. 13 In so noting, the Hoskins Court rejected Shumaker's thin
    reasoning and "depart[ed] from those cases holding that the existence of an
    adequate remedy by appeal precludes the issuance of a writ to prohibit a trial
    court from acting outside its jurisdiction." 14 Rosen's bifurcated approach is not
    Instead, "[d]e novo review will occur most often under the first class of
    writ cases, i.e., where the lower court is alleged to be acting outside its
    jurisdiction, because jurisdiction is generally only a question of law." 15 The
    error alleged by Davis does not involve the review of any findings of fact;
    accordingly, clear error is incorrect, and de novo is the appropriate standard.
    We feel it prudent to begin our review with a proper understanding of
    jurisdiction and what it means for a court to act outside its jurisdiction.
    Unfortunately, the term jurisdiction is often "more easily used than
    jurisdiction. See Hargis v. Parker, 
    85 S.W. 704
    , 706 (Ky. 1905) (finding availability of
    appellate remedy not dispositive when lower court acting without jurisdiction);
    Chamblee v. Rose, 
    249 S.W.2d 775
    , 776-77 (Ky. 1952) (compiling historic cases and
    emphasizing "[o]ur opinions have consistently distinguished between those cases:
    (1) where the inferior court lacks jurisdiction; and (2) where the court, having
    jurisdiction, is proceeding erroneously. It is in the latter class of cases that we have
    emphasized the need for a showing of great injustice and irreparable injury for which
    there is no adequate remedy by appeal or otherwise.").
    613 S.W.2d 130
     (Ky. 1981).
    13 See Hoskins, 150 S.W.3d at 9-10 (noting the Court in Shumaker "held for the
    first time since 1915 that a writ could not be issued to prohibit a lower court from
    proceeding outside its jurisdiction absent a showing that there was no adequate
    remedy by appeal.").
    14   Id. at 10.
    15   Trude, 151 S.W.3d at 810.
    understood." 16 In Kentucky, circuit courts are courts of "general
    jurisdiction," 17 which means that circuit courts "shall have original jurisdiction
    of all justiciable causes not vested in some other court." 18 Jurisdiction, when
    used here, refers to subject-matter jurisdiction: the authority not simply to
    hear "this case[,] but this kind of case." 19 Narrowing these broad concepts,
    "constitutional provisions and statutes [may] assign[] to the courts specific
    types of claims and causes of action[.]" 20 A court acts outside its jurisdiction,
    accordingly, only "where [it] has not been given, by constitutional provision or
    statute, the power to do anything at all." 21 In essence, this is Davis's
    argument: the General Assembly, through KRS 118.176, has vested specific
    courts with specific types of claims and, here, that specific court is Boyd
    We do not dispute the General Assembly's ability to designate specific
    claims appropriate for specific courts. For example, a number of statutes
    assign claims exclusively to Franklin Circuit; and we acknowledged as much in
    16 Duncan v. O'Nan, 
    451 S.W.2d 626
    , 631 (Ky. 1970) (quoting Commonwealth,
    Dept. of Highways v. Berryman, 
    363 S.W.2d 525
    , 526 (Ky. 1963)).
    17   KRS 23A.010(1).
    18   Ky. Const. § 112(5) (emphasis added).
    19 Daugherty v. Telek, 
    366 S.W.3d 463
    , 466 (Ky. 2012) (internal quotation
    marks omitted); Lee v. George, 
    369 S.W.3d 29
    , 33 (Ky. 2012) ("In the context of
    extraordinary writs, jurisdiction refers not to mere legal errors but to subject-matter
    jurisdiction, which goes to the court's core authority to even hear cases.") (internal
    citations and quotation marks omitted).
    20   Daugherty, 366 S.W.3d at 466.
    21   Id. at 467.
    Commonwealth ex rel Conway v. Thompson. 22 Typically, this designation is one
    of venue rather than jurisdiction; and jurisdiction should not be confused with
    venue. Of course, "the required observance of proper venue is deeply imbedded
    in Kentucky law[]"; 23 but jurisdiction "relat[es] to the power of courts to
    adjudicate" while venue "relat[es] to the proper place for the claim to be
    heard[.]" 24
    KRS 418.040 allows a claim for a declaration of rights to be brought in
    any court of record in the Commonwealth. As previously mentioned, circuit
    courts are such courts of record. 25 So, beyond cavil, the Franklin Circuit had
    jurisdiction over Rosen's declaratory action. Again, subject-matter jurisdiction
    relates to a court's ability to hear a particular kind of case, not this particular
    case. Theoretically, by statutory and constitutional design, Rosen was
    permitted to file his declaratory action in any circuit court in the
    Commonwealth. The remaining question is whether KRS 118.176 strips the
    Franklin Circuit of jurisdiction because, as Davis argues, Rosen's declaratory
    action is in actuality a challenge to a candidate's bona fides as described under
    KRS 118.176.
    22300 S.W.3d 152
    , 163 n.27 (Ky. 2009); see, e.g., KRS 45A.245(i) ("Any such
    action shall be brought in the Franklin Circuit Court and shall be tried by the court
    sitting without a jury.").
    23   Fritsch v. Caudill, 
    146 S.W.3d 926
    , 927 (Ky. 2004).
    24   Dollar Gen. Stores, Ltd. v. Smith, 
    237 S.W.3d 162
    , 166 (Ky. 2007).
    25 KRS 23A.010(3) ("The Circuit Court is a court of record and of continuous
    With its limiting language, KRS 118.176, on the other hand, is not nearly
    as broad as KRS 418.040. The relevant portion of KRS 118.176 reads:
    The bona fides of any candidate seeking nomination or election in
    a primary or in a special or regular election may be questioned by
    any qualified voter entitled to vote for the candidate or by an
    opposing candidate by summary proceedings consisting of a
    motion before the Circuit Court of the judicial circuit in which the
    candidate whose bona fides is questioned resides.
    In Noble v. Meagher, we held KRS 118.176 provided the "only proper procedure
    for challenging the qualifications of a [] candidate before the election[.]" 26 And
    that holding remains true today: KRS 118.176 is the only statutory method to
    challenge a candidate's bona fides in court before election. Unquestionably, an
    action challenging Rosen's bona fides under KRS 118.176 would not have been
    proper in Franklin Circuit. These facts, however, are not dispositive of the
    instant case because Rosen simply did not bring an action, in form or
    substance, challenging the bona fides of a candidate. Davis's reliance on Noble
    is misguided.
    The distinction here is admittedly fine; but it is an important distinction,
    nonetheless. Rosen is challenging the constitutionality of a statute delineating
    the requisite bona fides. But he is not challenging whether he possesses those
    bona fides. That determination currently pends in its rightful place, the Boyd
    Davis's assertion that this places form over substance is specious. The
    mere fact that if the statute is found unconstitutional, the obstacles to Rosen's
    686 S.W.2d 458
    , 460 (Ky. 1985).
    candidacy will be eliminated does not convert Rosen's declaratory action to a
    bona fides challenge under KRS 118.176. The constitutionality of HB 427 is
    not solely dispositive of Rosen's candidacy. It must still be shown that he
    complies with all requirements listed in Section 122 of the Kentucky
    Similarly misguided is Davis's argument that a ruling by the Franklin
    Circuit on the constitutionality of HB 427 would not be binding on the Boyd
    Circuit. 27 Frankly speaking, so long as the applicable law is followed, a
    litigant's choice to pursue a potentially hollow victory is not for us to consider
    here. We are not responsible for trying the case for the parties or ensuring the
    best litigation strategy. Instead, we are simply responsible for enforcing the
    law. The soundness of Rosen's decision to go to Franklin Circuit and get a
    declaratory judgment, perhaps risking disagreement or refusal to enforce by
    Boyd Circuit, is inconsequential to this writ appeal. 28 Equally puzzling is
    Davis's decision not to seek a transfer on improper venue or forum non
    conveniens grounds. 29
    27   We take no position on this point because it is not properly before this Court.
    28 As an aside, Rosen's assertion that if we were to adopt Davis's reading of
    KRS 118.176, it would be absurd for him to be forced to sue himself to challenge his
    bona fides is inaccurate. KRS 118.176 explicitly permits Rosen to file an action
    challenging his own bona fides. As a candidate seeking nomination to the ballot, we
    assume Rosen is a qualified voter. By its own terms, KRS 118.176 permits "any
    qualified voter entitled to vote for the candidate" to submit a motion challenging a
    candidate's bona fides. If Rosen was truly concerned about violating election law, as
    he argues to this Court, perhaps challenging his own bona fides was a proper course
    of action. Regardless, Rosen was not required to wait for a voter, other than himself,
    to file a claim challenging his bona fides at the eleventh hour.
    29 Davis's argument that our result today makes an absurdity of KRS 118.176
    by allowing proceedings in two circuit courts is unavailing. Primarily, this argument
    The important point is that Rosen's declaratory action was a permitted
    action. The Franklin Circuit has jurisdiction to hear Rosen's declaratory action
    regarding the constitutionality of HB 427. As we have stated before, the
    remedy for the unfortunate possibility of inconsistent results between judicial
    circuits lies with the General Assembly. 30
    In sum, Rosen's declaratory action is an appropriate action under both
    KRS 418.040 and KRS 118.176. Accordingly, the Court ORDERS:
    1)       The decision of the Court of Appeals to deny Davis's writ petition is
    AFFIRMED; and
    2)       This matter is REMANDED to the Franklin Circuit Court for
    further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    All sitting. Minton, C.J.; Abramson, Keller, Noble, and Venters, JJ.,
    concur. Scott, J., dissents by separate opinion in which Cunningham, J.,
    SCOTT, J., DISSENTING: I must respectfully dissent from the majority's
    opinion because, by allowing Petitioner Rosen's action for declaratory judgment
    to proceed in Franklin Circuit Court, the majority contravenes the legislative
    intent behind KRS 118.176, which requires that a candidate's qualifications for
    office must exclusively be determined by the court of the county in which the
    lacks merit because Davis, himself, could have prevented this so-called absurdity by
    simply petitioning the court for a transfer of venue. The record, however, indicates no
    such argument to the Franklin Circuit. It is difficult to uphold an argument calling a
    statute an absurdity when the ability to avoid said absurdity lies with the parties.
    30 Thompson, 300
     S.W.3d at 163 n.30.
    candidate resides. Moreover, the majority bases its decision on a questionable
    distinction between "constitutional" and bona fides claims, and it overlooks
    precedent from this Court holding that declaratory relief is unavailable when
    an exclusive statutory remedy has been established by the General Assembly.
    The practical effect of the majority's disregard of the exclusive statutory remedy
    established in KRS 118.176 will be to permit multiple lawsuits across
    jurisdictions, which will create conflicting court orders and lead to confusion in
    the lower courts—one judge against another on the same case with separate
    tracks of appeal! This is a bad way to run a railroad, much less a court
    As a starting point for my dissent, I note that the majority acknowledges
    that the legislature intended for a candidate's qualifications for office to be
    exclusively determined by the courts of the county in which the candidate
    resides. KRS 118.176. As applied here, KRS 118.176 should ensure that
    Petitioner Rosen's qualifications as a candidate for election in Boyd County
    would be exclusively determined by the Boyd Circuit Court, yet the majority
    reaches the conclusion that Rosen can bring a separate action seeking a
    declaratory judgment in favor of the legitimacy of his Boyd-County candidacy
    in Franklin Circuit Court. The majority bases this conclusion on the
    "admittedly fine" distinction that Rosen's declaratory Petition is not challenging
    his bona fides, but rather the constitutionality of the statute delineating his
    bona fides.
    My first concern with the distinction made by the majority is that I do
    not share the majority's confidence that the declaratory judgment action in
    Franklin Circuit Court presents a purely constitutional question completely
    severed from all questions of Rosen's bona fides. Rosen's Petition argues that
    an issue exists as to "whether the Senior Status commitment is for five (5)
    years or six hundred (600) days." Rosen also asserts that he has completed six
    hundred days of service. It is well-settled that our courts should "refrain from
    reaching constitutional issues when other, non-constitutional grounds can be
    relied upon." Baker v. Fletcher, 
    204 S.W.3d 589
    , 597-98 (Ky. 2006). Our
    doctrine of constitutional avoidance applies to declaratory judgments.    See 
    Thus, Rosen has invited the Franklin Circuit Court to address his bona fides
    pertaining to his days (or years) of service before it proceeds to his
    constitutional question. These are exactly the type of bona fides
    determinations the legislature intended for the courts of the potential
    candidate's county of residence to address pursuant to KRS 118.176.
    My second objection to the majority's opinion, and its distinction between
    constitutional and bona fides challenges, is that it disregards longstanding
    Kentucky precedent holding that declaratory relief is unavailable "where a
    special statute is clearly intended to provide an exclusive remedy." Iroquois
    Post No. 229 v. City of Louisville, 
    279 S.W.2d 13
    , 14 (Ky. 1955); see also
    Sullenger v. Sullenger's Adm'x, 
    152 S.W.2d 571
    , 574 (Ky. 1941) (explaining that
    a declaratory action is not a substitute for actions intended to be brought in a
    particular manner). Unlike the majority, I do not believe that Rosen should be
    allowed to escape the exclusive statutory remedy of KRS 118.176 by asserting a
    constitutional claim when the apparent purpose of his petition is to seek
    election in Boyd County.
    Our predecessor Court's opinion in Cox v. Howard suggests that we
    should look beyond the form of the claim asserted in a declaratory action to
    ascertain whether the underlying purpose of a petition falls within an area
    covered by an exclusive statutory remedy. 
    261 S.W.2d 673
     (Ky. 1953) : In
    Howard, the Court dismissed a party's petition for a declaration, which sought
    a recount of primary election ballots. 
     The Court noted that the procedures
    to be followed in an action for recount were statutorily prescribed in
    KRS 122.020 and KRS 122.060. Moreover, the Court stated, "[s]uch procedure
    cannot be changed or obviated by incorporating grounds for a recount .. .
    proceeding in a declaratory action." 
     The Howard Court dismissed the
    proceeding, noting that the purpose of the petition was to obtain a recount in a
    declaratory action, thus defeating the procedure prescribed by statute.      
    Similarly, the purpose of Rosen's petition is to obtain a ruling that he
    may seek election under the law—that he is a bona fide candidate.
    KRS 118.176(1). Indeed, Rosen's own petition admits that he seeks to have
    KRS 118.176 declared unconstitutional for the explicit purpose of allowing him
    to seek election to the office of circuit judge in Boyd County. Therefore,
    applying our precedent from Howard, I would find that the Franklin Circuit
    Court's jurisdiction to hear Rosen's Petition for declaratory relief was
    superseded by KRS 118.176's directive that challenges to a candidate's bona
    fides must be heard in the candidate's county of residence - the Boyd Circuit
    Court in this instance. Accordingly, I would reverse the Court of Appeals and
    grant a writ of prohibition to enjoin the Franklin Circuit Court from considering
    Rosen's petition for declaratory judgment.
    In so doing, I would avoid the needless inefficiencies, complexities, and
    conflicts that the majority's opinion is bound to produce. Under the dueling-
    jurisdictions approach advocated by the majority, it is not unlikely that the
    Franklin and Boyd circuit courts might issue competing injunctions. If the
    Franklin Circuit were to rule that KRS 118.176 is unconstitutional, it could
    issue an injunction ordering Rosen to be included on the election ballot.
    Suppose, too, that the Boyd Circuit ruled that Rosen could not be on the ballot
    because he lacked bona fides under KRS 118.176. The Boyd Circuit might
    then issue an injunction preventing Rosen from being placed on the election
    ballot. The Franklin Circuit's holding would not bind the Boyd Circuit Court.
    Thus, there appears to be no utility in the piecemeal approach to the case the
    majority's opinion countenances.
    In fact, the majority acknowledges that its holding creates the potential
    for competing, contradictory decisions by the circuit courts. Nonetheless, the
    majority opinion concludes by asserting that the "remedy for the unfortunate
    possibility of inconsistent results between judicial circuits lies with the General
    Assembly." But, I am left to ask, is that not what the General Assembly tried to
    accomplish by enacting KRS 118.176? It seems to me that the majority creates
    the problem it complains of by holding that the jurisdiction created by the
    legislature's exclusive remedy provision in KRS 118.176 is coextensive with the
    jurisdiction created by the declaratory judgment act.
    The majority's solution appears all the more unsatisfactory when
    compared to KRS 118.176's provisions aimed at ensuring that candidate
    eligibility challenges are quickly and efficiently adjudicated so as to provide
    minimal interference with the election process. To that end, KRS 118.176
    establishes a process whereby "[title bona fides of any candidate seeking
    nomination or election in a primary or in a special or regular election may be
    questioned ... by summary proceedings." KRS 118.176(2) (emphasis added).
    The statute also provides for an expedited appeal process, requiring that a
    motion to set aside the Circuit Court's order be filed within five days.
    KRS 118.176(4). KRS 418.040, the declaratory judgment statute, by contrast,
    contains no such allowance for summary proceedings or expedited appeals.
    Therefore, practically speaking, any appeal arising from the Franklin Circuit's
    decision is unlikely to conclude before the November 2014 election.
    In sum, it is apparent to me that KRS 118.176 provides for an expedited
    process that is more adequate for resolving questions of Rosen's bona fides,
    including the defense that the statute preventing his candidacy is
    constitutional, than the declaratory judgment process. However, the majority's
    opinion, by allowing Rosen's declaratory judgment action to proceed, sets a
    precedent whereby a potential candidate can bypass the procedures set forth in
    KRS 118.176 by alleging a constitutional claim. Because the end result of this
    decision will be unnecessary and complicated litigation, I must respectfully
    Cunningham, J., joins.
    ENTERED this 14th day of August, 2014.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2014 SC 000323

Citation Numbers: 437 S.W.3d 720

Filed Date: 8/19/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023