State of Louisiana v. Melvin Miguel , 263 So. 3d 873 ( 2019 )

  •                          Supreme Court of Louisiana
    FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE                                         NEWS RELEASE #005
    The Opinions handed down on the 30th day of January, 2019, are as follows:
    2018-KK-0711      STATE OF LOUISIANA v. MELVIN MIGUEL (Parish of Orleans)
    Finding that the totality of the circumstances present here gave
    the detective probable cause to believe the prescription bottle
    contained contraband, we find the plain view exception to the
    warrant requirement applies. Accordingly, we reverse the court of
    appeal, reinstate the district court’s ruling that denied
    defendant’s motion to suppress the evidence, and remand to the
    district court for further proceedings.
    JOHNSON, C.J., dissents and assigns reasons.
    GENOVESE, J., dissents for the reasons assigned by the court of
    appeal and for the reasons assigned by Chief Justice Johnson.
    No. 2018-KK-0711
    Defendant was the driver of a vehicle that was stopped because it had a
    cracked windshield. Defendant was driving with a suspended driver’s license and a
    fraudulent license plate. In addition, defendant admitted he had been smoking
    marijuana. Before asking defendant to exit his vehicle, a detective scanned the
    interior and noticed an orange prescription bottle, with the name on the label
    peeled off, sitting in the broken driver’s side door handle. Defendant and his
    passengers disclaimed ownership of the bottle.
    Defendant exited the vehicle, was handcuffed and Mirandized, and placed
    inside a police vehicle. The detective then retrieved the pill bottle, opened it, and
    discovered five Hydrocodone pills. Defendant was arrested and charged with
    possession of a controlled dangerous substance, La.R.S. 40:967. He was also cited
    for several traffic violations.
    Defendant moved to suppress the evidence on several grounds, including
    that the pill bottle was not immediately apparent as contraband to justify a
    warrantless search and seizure. The district court denied the motion to suppress
    after conducting a hearing and reviewing the detective’s body camera video. The
    court of appeal found the district court erred in denying defendant’s motion to
    suppress. State v. Miguel, 18-0233 (La. App. 4 Cir. 4/26/18) (on reh’g) (unpub’d).
    Relying on State v. Meichel, 
    290 So. 2d 878
    (La. 1974), the majority found the
    plain view exception did not apply because the incriminating character of the bottle
    was not immediately apparent. The court of appeal erred.
    The plain view doctrine renders a warrantless search reasonable: (1) if the
    police officer is lawfully in the place from which he views the object; (2) where the
    object’s incriminating character is immediately apparent; and (3) the officer has a
    lawful right of access to the object. State v. Gray, 13-1326, p. 2 (La. 6/28/13), 
    122 So. 3d 531
    , 533 (citing Horton v. California, 
    496 U.S. 128
    110 S. Ct. 2301
    110 L. Ed. 2d 112
    (1990)). The only controversy in the present case is whether the
    prescription bottle’s incriminating character was immediately apparent.
    The “immediately apparent” aspect of the plain view exception is better
    stated as probable cause to believe the item in question is or contains contraband,
    as clarified in Texas v. Brown, 
    460 U.S. 730
    103 S. Ct. 1535
    75 L. Ed. 2d 502
    (1983). In Brown, the United States Supreme Court stated, “Decisions by this
    Court since [Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 
    403 U.S. 443
    91 S. Ct. 2022
    29 L. Ed. 2d 564
    (1971)] indicate that the use of the phrase ‘immediately apparent’ was very
    likely an unhappy choice of words, since it can be taken to imply that an unduly
    high degree of certainty as to the incriminatory character of evidence is necessary
    for an application of the ‘plain view’ doctrine.” 
    Id., 460 U.S.
    741, 103 S. Ct. at
    . In the present case, the court of appeal similarly required an unduly high
    degree of certainty—beyond probable cause—as to the incriminatory character of
    the evidence.
    Regarding probable cause in the context of the plain view exception, the
    United States Supreme Court stated in Brown:
    [P]robable cause is a flexible, common-sense standard. It merely
    requires that the facts available to the officer would “warrant a man of
    reasonable caution in the belief,” Carroll v. United States, 
    267 U.S. 132
    , 162, 
    45 S. Ct. 280
    , 288, 
    69 L. Ed. 543
    (1925), that certain items
    may be contraband or stolen property or useful as evidence of a crime;
    it does not demand any showing that such a belief be correct or more
    likely true than false. A “practical, nontechnical” probability that
    incriminating evidence is involved is all that is required. Brinegar v.
    United States, 
    338 U.S. 160
    , 176, 
    69 S. Ct. 1302
    , 1311, 
    93 L. Ed. 1879
          (1949). Moreover, our observation in United States v. Cortez, 
    449 U.S. 411
    , 418, 
    101 S. Ct. 690
    , 695, 
    66 L. Ed. 2d 621
    (1981), regarding
    “particularized suspicion,” is equally applicable to the probable cause
    “The process does not deal with hard certainties, but with
    probabilities. Long before the law of probabilities was
    articulated as such, practical people formulated certain
    common-sense conclusions about human behavior; jurors
    as factfinders are permitted to do the same—and so are
    law enforcement officers. Finally, the evidence thus
    collected must be seen and weighed not in terms of
    library analysis by scholars, but as understood by those
    versed in the field of law enforcement.”
    Brown, 460 U.S. at 742
    , 103 S.Ct. at 1543.
    During oral argument, defendant contended that the fact that the name was
    torn from the label alone was insufficient to give the detective probable cause to
    believe the bottle contained contraband. That circumstance did not appear in
    isolation, however. The officer was also aware that defendant was driving with a
    suspended driver’s license, the vehicle had a fraudulent license plate, defendant
    and his passengers disclaimed ownership of the bottle, and defendant admitted he
    recently smoked marijuana (while claiming he consumed it all and thus implying
    none would be found in the vehicle). These circumstances, in conjunction with the
    suspiciously torn label, when weighed by an experienced law enforcement officer,
    provided probable cause to believe the prescription bottle contained contraband.
    Defendant cites State v. Meichel, 
    290 So. 2d 878
    (La. 1974) as being directly
    applicable and requiring suppression of the evidence. In Meichel, a town marshal
    approached the defendant’s vehicle as he was having car trouble. According to the
    marshal, he observed a pill bottle on the passenger’s seat. The bottle of pills in
    question was labeled as being habit forming and that dispensing without a
    prescription was prohibited. Two sheriff’s deputies subsequently arrived and
    searched the trunk, where they found marijuana. The state argued that the plain
    view seizure of the pills established probable cause for a search of the automobile,
    but this court disagreed:
    In the instant case the testimony of the officer making the seizure is
    clearly to the effect that he did not know the nature of the pills until
    after he had picked up the bottle and examined it. He did not know at
    the time he saw the pills that there was a probability that they were
    contraband and probably evidence. This seizure does not fall within
    the plain view exception to the warrant requirement. As such the
    seizure violated defendant’s constitutional rights and was illegal.
    Meichel, 290 So. 2d at 880
    . In Meichel, however, there were not the additional
    circumstances, present here, to justify the seizure and subsequent search of the pill
    Finding that the totality of the circumstances present here gave the detective
    probable cause to believe the prescription bottle contained contraband, we find the
    plain view exception to the warrant requirement applies. Accordingly, we reverse
    the court of appeal, reinstate the district court’s ruling that denied defendant’s
    motion to suppress the evidence, and remand to the district court for further
    No. 2018-KK-0711
    JOHNSON, Chief Justice, dissents and assigns reasons.
    Because I find the state failed to prove the seizure and search of the
    prescription pill bottle was justified under an exception to the warrant requirement,
    I find the evidence should have been suppressed.
    Detective Terrell’s search and seizure of the pill bottle did not fall within the
    plain view exception to the warrant requirement because Det. Terrell did not have
    probable cause to believe it contained contraband. In State v. Meichel, 
    290 So. 2d 878
    , 880 (La. 1974), this court explained that “a policeman does not have the right
    to seize any object in his view in order to examine it and determine if it is or would
    be evidence in a criminal prosecution. An object in open plain view may be seized
    only where it is readily apparent that the object is contraband or evidence.” Det.
    Terrell’s testimony that he observed an orange prescription bottle without a legible
    name is not sufficient to constitute probable cause to search that container for
    contraband. The majority attempts to distinguish Meichel by finding there were
    “additional circumstances” in this case which provided probable cause for Det.
    Terrell to believe the prescription bottle contained contraband. I cannot agree. In my
    view, the fact that defendant’s license was suspended, that he did not have a valid
    license plate, or that he admitted to smoking marijuana earlier are unrelated to
    whether Det. Terrell believed the pill bottle contained contraband. As pointed out by
    the court of appeal in this case, Det. Terrell did not testify to any facts or
    circumstances that he observed that provided probable cause for him to believe there
    was evidence of contraband in the vehicle. State v. Miguel, 18-0233 at *3 (La. App.
    4 Cir. 4/26/18). The court of appeal additionally reviewed Det. Terrell’s body
    camera footage, which supported its finding that the district court abused its
    discretion in determining Det. Terrell had probable cause for his seizure and search
    of the pill bottle. 
    Id. For these
    reasons, I must respectfully dissent.