State of Louisiana v. Marcus Donte Reed , 200 So. 3d 291 ( 2016 )

  •                               Supreme Court of Louisiana
    FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE                                         NEWS RELEASE #045
    The Opinions handed down on the 7th day of September, 2016, are as follows:
    BY KNOLL, J.:
    2014-KA-1980      STATE OF LOUISIANA v. MARCUS DONTE REED (Parish of Caddo)
    Retired Judge Michael Kirby sitting ad hoc for Crichton, J.,
    For the reasons assigned herein, the defendant's conviction and
    death sentence are affirmed.     This judgment becomes final on
    direct review when either: (1) the defendant fails to petition
    timely the United States Supreme Court for certiorari; or (2)
    that Court denies his petition for certiorari; and either (a) the
    defendant, having filed for and been denied certiorari, fails to
    petition the United States Supreme Court timely, under its
    prevailing rules, for rehearing of denial of certiorari; or (b)
    that Court denies his petition for rehearing, the trial court
    shall, upon receiving notice from this Court under La.C.Cr.P.
    art. 923 of finality of direct appeal, and before signing the
    warrant of execution, as provided by La .Rev. Stat. 15:567(B),
    immediately notify the Louisiana Indigent Defense Assistance
    Board and provide the Board with reasonable time in which: (1) to
    enroll counsel to represent the defendant in any State post-
    conviction proceedings, if appropriate, pursuant to its authority
    under La. Rev. Stat. 15:178; and (2) to litigate expeditiously
    the claims raised in that application, if filed in the state
    HUGHES, J., concurs with the result.
    No. 2014-KA-1980
    KNOLL, J. 1
    This case is a direct criminal capital appeal of defendant’s conviction and
    death sentence for the horrific murders of three unarmed young brothers. On
    November 10, 2010, a Caddo Parish grand jury returned a three count indictment
    against defendant, Marcus Donte Reed, charging him with the August 16, 2010
    first-degree murders of Jeremiah Adams, Jarquis Adams, and Gene Adams in
    violation of La. Rev. Stat. 14:30. Following five days of jury selection, defendant’s
    guilt phase jury trial commenced on September 28, 2013. At the conclusion of the
    guilt phase on October 1, 2013, the jury returned a verdict of guilty as charged on
    all three counts. Following the penalty phase trial, the jury unanimously returned a
    verdict of death, finding the defendant knowingly created a risk of death or great
    bodily harm to more than one person. The trial court sentenced defendant to death
    in accordance with the jury verdict and denied defendant’s motion for new trial on
    January 21, 2014.
    This is a direct appeal under La. Const. art. V, §5(D) by the defendant,
    Marcus Donte Reed. Defendant appeals his conviction and sentence raising 50
    assignments of error. We will address the most significant of these assigned errors
    Retired Judge Michael Kirby sitting ad hoc for Crichton, J., recused.
    in this opinion, and the remaining assignments of error will be addressed in an
    unpublished appendix. We have conducted a thorough review of the record, the
    law, and the evidence and have found no reversible error. Accordingly, we affirm
    defendant’s first-degree murder convictions and the imposition of the death
    The victims in this case were three brothers. Jeremiah, the oldest of the
    three, was a handsome 20-year-old, third-semester engineering student at Southern
    University Shreveport. At 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighing 205 pounds, Jeremiah
    was an athlete. While he was in high school, he played football and basketball, and
    he ran track. He was a father figure to his two younger brothers, Jarquis and Gene,
    and was an active member of his church where he served as an assistant
    superintendent, a choir member, and the leader of a little youth group. The day
    before he died, Jeremiah attended a Sunday afternoon church picnic where he told
    his great aunt, Clara Adams Morgan, about his plans to assume responsibility for
    raising his younger brother, Gene, who loved horses and dreamed of being a
    veterinarian one day. At that time, Gene was living in Shreveport with Bernice
    Adams, the boys’ grandmother and the sister of Clara Morgan. Like the Adams
    brothers, sisters Clara Morgan and Bernice Adams enjoyed a close relationship,
    and each helped raise the boys since their births. Although Gene loved his
    grandmother dearly, he wanted to move out to the country with his great aunt to be
    with his two older brothers, Jeremiah and Jarquis. Jeremiah was determined to
    make this dream come true for his little brother. However, as shown by the record
    evidence, the defendant put an immediate end to all their dreams with his ambush-
    style killing of the three brothers. On Monday, August 16, 2010, the evening
    following Jeremiah’s heartfelt conversation with his Aunt Clara about Gene,
    officers with the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to investigate the
    reported homicide of four individuals at a residence in a rural, heavily wooded
    area of southwest Caddo Parish, outside Shreveport, Louisiana. There, officers
    discovered the bullet-riddled bodies of Jeremiah and his younger brothers, Jarquis,
    who was 18 years of age, and Gene, who had just turned 13 years of age about a
    month before. Their bodies were found lying in Jeremiah’s silver Chevrolet Malibu
    parked in the front yard of the home where defendant was residing. The windows
    were completely shot out. Soon thereafter officers discovered a semi-automatic
    rifle hidden under the front porch of the residence. 2
    At 10:28 p.m., officers were dispatched to the scene following a 9-1-1 call
    received from James Hendrix. During the guilt phase of defendant’s trial, James
    testified that, at the time of the homicides, he resided, along with his wife, his
    daughter, and his grandson, across the street from the residence where the brothers’
    bodies were found. Shortly after 10 p.m., James drove up to his driveway while he
    was talking on his mobile phone. After exiting his vehicle, he noticed his
    daughter’s boyfriend, Daniel Jackson, running up to the back of his van, “scared to
    death and crying.” According to James, Daniel “had blood on his hands and a little
    bit of blood on his clothing.” After asking Daniel some questions, James took
    Daniel inside and locked him in the bathroom of the home so that Daniel could
    clean himself and could hide. James then returned outside with his gun and called
    9-1-1. The 9-1-1 calls, which were admitted into evidence at the guilt phase, reflect
    James notified the authorities that Daniel had told him the defendant, Marcus
    Reed, had killed four people, had “tried to make [Daniel] help him get them in the
    car,” and had threatened to kill Daniel.
    Upon their arrival, officers questioned James and then went to the residence
    across the street from James’ home. The scene the officers observed was
    The report prepared by Carla White, who was accepted at trial as an expert in firearm
    identification, identifies this weapon as the “7.62X39mm Norinco rifle. model SKS. serial
    number 25024161.”
    terrifically gruesome. Officer Matthew Cowden testified that he received the
    dispatch at 10:28 p.m. and that he was one of the first officers to arrive at the crime
    scene. Immediately, he noticed a black male hanging partially out of the driver’s
    side rear door of a silver Chevrolet Malibu. He and two other officers held cover
    on the house until other responding units arrived. Detective Keith Fox, who led the
    investigation for the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office, testified that a stream of
    gasoline and blood was flowing from the saturated ground around the vehicle
    down the driveway. Detective Terry Richardson of the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s
    Office also testified that, as he walked down the driveway closer to the scene, he
    could smell “gasoline, automobile type fluids” and blood, and he observed “a large
    amount of blood that was actually running in a stream . . . from the car down the
    driveway towards the street.” Detective Richardson recalled that, as he walked
    closer, he observed
    a gray car with one male partially inside and out of the rear driver’s
    door, and his clothes are pulled down as if he had been dragged either
    in or out. There’s another smaller male deceased in the back seat that
    had very apparent gunshot wounds. By that time the trunk had already
    been open to the gray car, and there was a third victim in the trunk.
    The photographs admitted into evidence depicting the scene as officers observed it
    upon their arrival show the male hanging out of the driver’s side rear door had a
    bloodied white cloth covering his face, his genitals were exposed, his left shoe lay
    on the ground next to his body, the other shoe was on his right foot, his feet alone
    stretched inside the vehicle, and the rest of his body spread on the ground. At trial,
    Detective Richardson testified the officers identified this man hanging out of the
    driver’s side rear door as Jeremiah Adams. Detective Richardson testified Gene
    Adams was identified as the “smaller male deceased in the back seat.” According
    to Detective Richardson, Gene’s body “was still sitting somewhat upright, but he
    was slumped over with just a massive wound down the side of his neck and his
    face. Also there were fingers that were missing.” Indeed, one of Gene’s fingers
    was found in the rear dash next to the vehicle’s speakers and behind Gene’s head.
    Although Detective Fox described the yard in which the homicides took place as
    “very dark” at the time, Detective Richardson explicitly testified the silver
    Chevrolet Malibu in which the brothers’ bodies were found was parked near a light
    pole which provided enough light to see into the vehicle. Although he could not
    give an opinion as to whether he could have seen inside the vehicle through its side
    windows as the windows on the four doors “were all shot out,” Detective
    Richardson said he could see Gene’s body looking through the vehicle’s
    undamaged clear front and rear windows without the aid of additional light.
    Detective Richardson testified Jarquis Adams was identified as the third victim
    lying face down in the trunk.
    Dr. James Traylor conducted the autopsies of Jarquis and Gene. Dr. Traylor
    testified Jarquis suffered two perforating gunshot wounds: (1) one from a bullet
    that entered Jarquis’ upper right chest and exited his left upper back and (2) the
    other from a bullet that entered Jarquis’ left forehead and exited the back of his
    head in the right parietal region. According to Dr. Traylor, the pathology of
    Jarquis’ forehead wound was consistent with a scenario in which Jarquis was
    lying on the ground, motionless, while the person stood over him and shot him.
    Soot found on Jarquis’ skin indicated to Dr. Traylor that the muzzle of the gun was
    within six inches of Jarquis’ head when the bullet was fired. According to Dr.
    Traylor, young Gene suffered wounds from as few as two gunshots to as many as
    five gunshots. Specifically, Gene received a wound on the left side of his face and
    wounds to his chest and to the left side of his neck. Gene also suffered a traumatic
    amputation of his right index finger and wounds to his index finger and thumb on
    his left hand. Dr. Traylor testified that it is possible Gene received these hand
    injuries attempting to shield himself from oncoming bullets.
    Dr. Long Jin, who conducted the autopsy of Jeremiah, testified that Jeremiah
    suffered seven separate gunshot wounds, including: (1) a perforating wound that
    entered from the back of Jeremiah’s head behind his left ear and exited the right
    temporal bone of his skull, completely destroying his brain; (2) a penetrating
    wound to the right neck that entered from the back of Jeremiah’s neck, struck his
    right cheekbone, and lodged in the subcutaneous tissue of the right face; (3) a
    perforating gunshot wound to the right clavicle that exited the right lateral back;
    (4) a graze wound in his right flank; (5) a penetrating wound from a bullet that
    entered in Jeremiah’s right lower back and lodged in his right chest wall; (6) a
    graze wound in his right mid back; and (7) a graze wound in his right lower back.
    Jeremiah also suffered chemical burns from gasoline contact on the back side of
    his body, on the posterior aspect of his extremities, and on his left lower leg, which
    caused the skin in these areas to “slough off.”
    Notably, although Dr. Traylor testified that Jarquis had marijuana in his
    system, in addition to some other prescription drugs, Dr. Traylor and Dr. Jin
    confirmed that toxicology reports showed neither 13-year-old Gene nor 20-year-
    old Jeremiah had any intoxicating substances in his system. There was “nothing”
    in their blood.
    Lead investigator Detective Fox managed a fast-paced evolving situation
    immediately following the shootings, gathering evidence at the scene even as
    officers diligently scoured the rural, heavily wooded area around the crime scene
    for a potential fourth victim and attempted to identify and to capture the suspect
    responsible for the carnage. As Detective Fox testified, “It was perpetual motion
    trying to coordinate where to go first, who to send where.” Detective Richardson
    agreed that it was a dangerous scene and a situation in flux, as officers searched for
    a fourth individual and an assailant: “Didn’t know if someone may have been
    injured, ran into the woods somewhere.” Detective Richardson testified it was not
    until “some days later or at least a day later” that officers determined as part of the
    investigation that there was not a fourth victim. Meanwhile, members of the Caddo
    Parish Sherriff’s Office Crime Scene Unit, led by Sergeant Gary Baird,
    meticulously collected evidence in and around the property where the killings
    occurred, including a semi-automatic rifle hidden beneath the north corner of the
    porch of the residence and a tank top with suspected blood on it that was found
    inside of an old abandoned school bus parked in the woods on the same side of the
    house as the place where officers recovered the rifle. At trial, Audra Williams, who
    was accepted as an expert in the field of DNA analysis, explained the results of a
    comparison she performed between a known DNA sample from Jeremiah Adams
    and samples from blood stained portions of the tank top. After obtaining DNA
    profiles from these samples, Ms. Williams testified the DNA profile obtained from
    the testing areas on the tank top “was consistent with being a mixture [of DNA
    from at least two individuals]; one major contributor and at least one minor
    [contributor].” Ms. Williams determined that the probability that the major
    contributor of that DNA on the tank top had come from a randomly selected
    individual other than Jeremiah Adams was one in 533 quadrillion.
    Sergeant Baird testified his officers searched the area around the silver
    Malibu for evidence of ammunition and for weapons. Although a .45 caliber
    semiautomatic pistol was recovered in the tree line behind the residence, no spent
    handgun ammunition was found anywhere around the brothers’ vehicle or on the
    porch of the residence. 3 The only ballistics evidence officers recovered around the
    silver Chevrolet Malibu were several projectiles and shell casings from
    ammunition of the type commonly fired from a semi-automatic rifle of the kind
    found hidden under the porch of the Jackson residence. Indeed, Carla White, who
    Several weapons were recovered in the residence and around the property, including a
    “handgun revolver” that was found between the mattresses in the room defendant shared with his
    girlfriend and handgun found underneath the back seat of a black vehicle, belonging to the
    defendant and his girlfriend, that was parked in the driveway. There was no evidence these
    firearms were used in the shooting.
    was accepted as an expert in the field of firearms identification, testified she
    positively determined that some of the shell casings and projectiles were fired by
    the rifle found hidden under the porch, while other projectiles and shell casings she
    tested had the same class characteristics as other ammunition fired by the hidden
    semi-automatic rifle. 4 Notably, Ms. White also positively matched two bullets and
    one bullet jacket recovered during the victims’ autopsies to this hidden rifle. After
    executing a search warrant of the residence, officers found, soaking in the bathtub,
    a pair of yellow plaid shorts. Inside the pocket of these yellow plaid shorts, officers
    found a latex glove.
    Officers identified Marcus Reed as a suspect very quickly, as the first
    information law enforcement received about this incident from James Hendrix
    included the report that Marcus Reed was the perpetrator of the shooting. Although
    officers did not observe defendant on the scene at the time of their arrival, they
    quickly learned from numerous individuals that Marcus lived, at least
    intermittently, at the residence where the homicides occurred along with his
    girlfriend, Loshun Jackson, her two children, and her brother, Daniel. Based on
    information obtained the morning after the shooting from defendant’s cousin,
    Brian Wafer, officers were able to place defendant at the Jackson residence crime
    scene during the critical time when they believed the shooting occurred. Brian
    admitted receiving a call at 10:23 p.m. from defendant’s brother, David Reed,
    telling him to go pick up the defendant at the home of defendant’s girlfriend,
    Loshun Jackson. At trial, Brian testified he picked the defendant up on the corner
    near the Jackson residence and recalled seeing police cars toward the house. Brian
    testified at trial that when defendant entered his vehicle, defendant told him that
    “he’s trying to leave the streets alone and they keep drawing him back in.” Brian
    According to Ms. White, “When I say same class characteristics it means it has a lot of the
    same type of markings, but I cannot say that it is an identification or it is a match back to the gun
    . . . . It does not mean that it was fired from this gun and it does not mean that it was not fired
    from this gun. So it just means it has the same class characteristics as the barrel of this gun.”
    also reluctantly admitted telling police, the morning after the homicides, that
    defendant “acted like he was excited” when Brian picked him up on the corner
    near the crime scene at the Jackson residence that evening. As part of defendant’s
    arrest and booking, Detective Richardson secured the personal effects defendant
    was wearing on his person at the time of his arrest, including a pair of plaid boxer
    shorts with suspected blood stains on them. At trial, DNA analysis expert Audra
    Williams testified she performed a comparison between a known DNA sample
    from Jeremiah Adams and samples from the blood stained portions of defendant’s
    boxer shorts. After obtaining DNA profiles from these samples, Ms. Williams
    testified the DNA profile obtained from the testing areas on the boxer shorts “was
    consistent with being a mixture of DNA from at least two individuals; one major
    and at least one minor contributor.” Ms. Williams determined the probability that
    the major contributor of that DNA on defendant’s boxer shorts had come from a
    randomly selected individual other than Jeremiah Adams was one in 533
    During the guilt phase, defendant asserted a justifiable homicide defense,
    arguing Jarquis had burglarized the Jackson residence earlier in the day and
    planned to return that evening to take more things. In support of this theory,
    defendant called Kyle King, one of two witnesses presented in defendant’s guilt
    phase case-in-chief, who testified he and Jarquis went to the Jackson residence to
    buy marijuana from the defendant. After the two arrived, Jarquis exited Kyle’s
    vehicle and came back about five minutes later to confer with Kyle. Kyle then
    drove his vehicle all the way down the driveway to the house and turned it around
    so it was ready “to leave out.” They then entered the house together. While Jarquis
    “went into the back part of the house,” Kyle stayed in the living room and seized
    two amps and an Xbox 360 game system. Kyle testified that, after he and Jarquis
    left the home around 12:00 p.m. or 12:30 p.m., Jarquis told Kyle “he wanted to go
    back to the house to get some stuff he should have got the first time [they were]
    there.” After this incident, Kyle admitted he and Jarquis spent the rest of the
    afternoon at his aunt’s house “trying to get rid of the stolen stuff.” When he left his
    aunt’s house around 4:30 p.m., it was the last time he saw Jarquis.
    There was little factual dispute at trial on this score. Every one of the fact
    witnesses the State offered who spoke to the defendant before the killings or who
    was present at the Jackson residence that evening testified they learned prior to the
    homicides that someone had broken into the Jackson residence that day. Indeed,
    Daniel Jackson, who lived at the residence with the defendant, and Bridgette
    Garland, who spent that evening at the residence, both testified the thief or thieves
    had stolen marijuana from the Jackson residence, as well.
    Among the twenty-one witnesses the State presented during the guilt phase
    were two eyewitnesses, Daniel Jackson and Shannon Garland. 5 Daniel Jackson
    lived at the Jackson residence with his sister Loshun, the defendant, and Loshun’s
    two children. It was Daniel’s frantic report of the killings to James Hendrix that
    precipitated the 9-1-1 call that dispatched officers to the Jackson residence. At
    trial, Daniel recalled that, when the defendant initially learned about the theft from
    his home, defendant and Loshun confronted Daniel and accused Daniel of stealing
    the items. Eventually, they accepted that he did not steal the items. When asked
    whether defendant made any effort to try to find out who did steal the items,
    Daniel responded, “He made some calls to my cousin and my grandma [sic]
    house,” though Daniel was not exactly certain to whom defendant spoke or what he
    said. Daniel perceived that defendant was angry about the theft “[c]ause he was
    pacing around on the phone like – you could just tell he was hot about his stuff
    came [sic] up missing.” That evening, Daniel testified, the only individuals who
    This summation of the facts does not detail the testimony of every one of the State’s witnesses.
    Rather, we focus solely on those witnesses whose testimonies we believe were most critical to
    the jury’s determination that defendant was guilty of three counts of first-degree murder.
    remained at the Jackson residence were Loshun, the defendant, Daniel’s friend
    Shannon Garland, and Shannon’s wife, Bridgette Garland. Before the shooting, as
    it was getting dark, Daniel overheard the defendant call an unknown person and
    say, “You need to come home and get your package cause I’m fixing to go.”
    According to Daniel, this conversation was heated and, during its course,
    defendant asked the unknown person whether “he see anybody over here earlier
    that day.” Daniel testified that sometime thereafter he was outside working on the
    sound system in his car with Shannon. Loshun and Bridgette left in Shannon’s
    truck to go buy some beer and, as they pulled out of the driveway, Shannon
    realized he had forgotten to give them money for the beer so he ran down the
    driveway and tried to chase the truck. According to Daniel, Shannon had returned
    to his side and was helping him with the sound system in his trunk when a gray car
    pulled up into the driveway. Although it was dark, Daniel confirmed that the light
    pole in the yard provided enough light for him to see. Daniel testified that a man,
    who Daniel later learned to be Jarquis, “hopped out” of the front passenger side of
    the gray car and said, “Where Marc at?” According to Daniel, defendant said,
    “hey,” and then started shooting from the woods with a long rifle at the man.
    Daniel identified the semi-automatic rifle officers recovered hidden under the
    porch as the firearm defendant used, and he specifically recalled that defendant
    was wearing latex gloves—like the one found in the pocket of the yellow plaid
    shorts soaking in the Jackson residence bathtub—when he emerged from the
    woods shooting. Daniel testified he never saw Jarquis with a weapon, never saw
    Jarquis motion toward the defendant like he was going to attack him, and never
    saw Jarquis threaten the defendant with words. Although Daniel specifically
    remembered defendant shot Jarquis “[t]wice in all,” he could not determine how
    many times defendant fired the semi-automatic rifle into the gray vehicle. After the
    defendant shot Jarquis the first time,
    He walked up to the car and, from the passenger – passenger side back
    seat, shot into the window; walked around and shot into the other
    window. Walked around the car shooting.
    (Emphasis added). Daniel testified the defendant was aiming the rifle with each
    shot. According to Daniel, after circling the vehicle, the defendant came back
    around to the front of the vehicle where Jarquis was laying on his back motionless
    and shot Jarquis in the forehead. Thereafter, Daniel testified, defendant “pointed
    the gun at me and Shannon and wanted us to put – help him with the persons,
    putting them back in the car.” Daniel recalled that defendant declared “[they] better
    help him move it or [they] were going to be next.” Although he explicitly denied
    helping to move a body into the trunk, Daniel testified that he and Shannon then
    helped move the body of “[t]he one that was leaning out the…left side back seat”
    of the gray vehicle. (Emphasis added). According to Daniel, Jeremiah’s body was
    “so big,” even Daniel, Shannon, and the defendant together were unable to move it
    out of the vehicle. Significantly, Dr. Jin, who performed Jeremiah’s autopsy,
    corroborated this fact, testifying that Jeremiah was six feet, two inches tall and
    weighed 205 pounds at the time of his death. In the process of trying to move
    Jeremiah’s body, Daniel testified he got blood on his person, his clothes, and his
    On cross-examination, defense counsel elicited testimony from Daniel that
    he saw two bodies in the back seat, that he never saw anyone exit the driver’s side
    front seat, and that he did not see where the person in the front seat went. Daniel
    also denied helping to move Jarquis’ body into the trunk and testified he did not
    know who placed Jarquis’ body in the trunk. At times, Daniel’s testimony was
    internally inconsistent. On his first day of testimony, Daniel testified on direct
    examination that he did not see what defendant did with the rifle and that
    defendant “kept it with him when the shooting stopped.” On cross-examination the
    next day, Daniel testified that, when James Hendrix pulled into the driveway
    across the street, defendant “put the gun down and ran.” At this point, Daniel ran
    toward James, who made the initial 9-1-1 report. Defense counsel cross-examined
    Daniel vigorously on various inconsistencies between the statements Daniel
    initially gave to officers and his testimony before the court, including his original
    statement that he was inside his car listening to music when the shooting happened.
    Although Daniel acknowledged that he initially reported to police that four people
    had been in the car, Daniel explained that he could not tell how many people were
    in the gray vehicle when it pulled into the driveway. He also testified that he told
    James that four individuals had been killed because, when he did not see Shannon
    run away at the same time that he did, he thought the defendant had shot Shannon.
    Finally, defense counsel cross-examined Daniel thoroughly on Daniel’s initial
    failure to reveal to police that Shannon was present when the homicides occurred.
    Daniel admitted that he was untruthful with the officers that night because he was
    “scared”: “Three people got killed right in front of me.” Elsewhere in his
    testimony, Daniel explained he did not tell officers everything he knew that
    evening: “I was scared and I thinking [sic] that [defendant] was going to try to
    come and finish me and Shannon.”
    The trial testimony of the second eyewitness, Shannon Garland,
    corroborated Daniel’s testimony in all significant respects related to defendant’s
    actions before, during, and after the shooting. According to Shannon, when
    Bridgette and Loshun left together in Shannon’s truck to buy beer, Shannon chased
    the truck down the driveway to the road because he had left his can of tobacco in
    the truck. When Shannon reached the road, he noticed a car coming. Shannon
    testified this car pulled into the driveway, and he began walking up the driveway
    behind the vehicle. Shannon recalled that he watched as a man exited the front
    passenger side of the vehicle. Shannon testified that this man who did not look
    threatening or seem upset “just walked towards me and started talking, wanted to
    talk to me.” When asked whether he remembered if the man said anything,
    Shannon responded, “He never got it out . . . . That’s when Marcus shot him.”
    According to Shannon, the defendant emerged from the woods, shot the man, and
    said, “I got you.” Shannon identified the semi-automatic rifle officers recovered
    hidden under the front porch as the firearm defendant used in the shooting.
    Shannon also testified that defendant wore “some plaided, some colorful shorts” at
    the time of the shooting. When shown a picture of the yellow plaid shorts officers
    found soaking in the bathroom of the Jackson residence with a latex glove in its
    pocket, Shannon positively identified those shorts as the ones defendant wore that
    night. Shannon recalled, “When [the defendant] shot [the front passenger], [the
    front passenger] held his arms out and went to put his arms on my shoulder. And
    he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say nothing. It wouldn’t come out.”
    The defendant then “walked around the car shooting the car . . . . kind of like a
    video game.” Like Daniel, Shannon testified that defendant “started at the back of
    the car and he walked around it clockwise shooting it up.” (Emphasis added.)
    Shooting into the windows, defendant fired “[t]oo many [bullets] to count.” After
    making his way around the front driver’s side, defendant shot the front passenger,
    the initial victim, again while the victim lay on the ground. According to Shannon,
    defendant shot the front passenger three times: first, in the back, while Shannon
    was standing directly in front of the victim; second, in the chest, while the victim
    lay on the ground; and third, in the head, while the victim lay on the ground.
    Although he remembered that Daniel was “standing there on the steps”
    during the shooting, Shannon testified he was focused on the defendant and that he
    was not able to tell what Daniel was doing at the time because he was scared: “I
    didn’t know if he was going to shoot me or not.” According to Shannon, defendant
    then “had the gun in his hand and he told us – he pointed the gun over at us and
    said put the body in the trunk.” Unlike Daniel, who only testified to attempting and
    failing to move Jeremiah’s body which officers found hanging out of the driver’s
    side rear door, Shannon remembered complying with defendant’s order that he and
    Daniel move the body of the man who was shot first and last—that is, Jarquis’
    body—into the trunk, where officers later found it. According to Shannon,
    defendant then pulled the driver’s body out of the front driver’s seat and told
    Daniel and Shannon to “try to pick him up and put him in the trunk.” Consistent
    with the testimony provided by Daniel and by Dr. Jin, Shannon testified that he
    and Daniel tried to pick Jeremiah’s body up, but it was too heavy. Shannon
    specifically recalled the man’s pants “com[ing] down” as they tried to pull his
    body. Significantly, this description of Jeremiah’s body corresponds to the
    condition in which officers discovered the body when they arrived at the scene.
    Shannon testified that defendant then went up on the steps of the house and that
    Daniel, who was “[a]cting scared,” ran away when he saw Marcus ascended the
    steps: “He took off running and left me standing there.” When Shannon realized
    defendant had gone into the house and left him standing there alone, Shannon
    “seen a chance” and ran home. Shannon testified that when he arrived at his home,
    he locked himself in his bedroom: “I laid there and cried, scared. Didn’t know
    what to say, didn’t know what to do. Didn’t want to talk to nobody.” Although
    Shannon acknowledged he initially told police officers there were four to five
    individuals in the gray car when it pulled up to the Jackson residence, Shannon
    I was confused at the time. There was a lot going on. I didn’t
    remember exactly. I didn’t know everything at the time . . . . I was so
    scared. I mean I didn’t know what to say. I was so scared. I mean, I
    didn’t know everything at the time.
    During a vigorous cross-examination, Shannon testified he did not remember
    telling officers that “there were a bunch of people there” at the time of the shooting
    or that he did not make it up the driveway before the shooting began. Even when
    speaking with officers, Shannon maintained he remained frightened: “I didn’t
    know if – I didn’t know if Marcus was going to come back and get us or not at the
    time. I didn’t know what – if he was still out or if he was still walking free.”
    The only testimony offered that cast any doubt on the essential facts to
    which Daniel and Shannon testified came from a witness who admittedly did not
    see any of the events as they transpired. Clarence Powell, Loshun Jackson’s
    cousin, testified that, on the evening of the homicides, he was visiting his parents’
    home, located about 20 yards from the Jackson residence. Clarence testified he was
    moving back and forth between his parents’ porch and the kitchen of their home
    when he heard a confrontation and then, within a minute or two later, gunshots
    from two different guns, first from a handgun and then from a rifle. Because
    Clarence was reluctant to use profanity in front of the jury, defense counsel,
    Richard Goorley, read to the jury the statement Clarence made to officers the day
    after the shooting about the confrontation he allegedly heard:
    Q. Talking about the car drove up.
    A. Uh-huh.
    Q. And you said, I heard him say – that’s Marcus, right –
    A. Yes.
    Q. – I told you don’t come down here. Don’t fuck with me. Don’t
    fuck with me. And then somebody else, a voice I don’t recognize,
    Motherfucker, I told you, I told you, you ain’t shit. You ain’t shit. And
    then I heard a man say, Get the fuck away from here; I’m telling y’all
    I’m telling y’all just leave me alone.
    That was Marcus, right –
    A. Yes.
    Q. – said leave me alone. It was the other guy saying, You ain’t shit,
    A. Yes.
    Q. Mr. Reed turned to walk off. The guy says, Don’t turn your back
    on me, you bitch ass nigger. Marcus says, Man, I told you don’t come
    to my house. Don’t come to my house. I beg don’t come to my house.
    And then later you said, Mr. Reed said I told y’all, I’m telling
    y’all. And the guy, Don’t turn your back on me here, you punk ass
    nigger, you punk ass nigger.
    That was the other person talking to Mr. Reed, right?
    A. Right.
    Q. Don’t turn your back on me.
    A. Yes.
    Q. Then you heard someone say gun?
    A. Yes.
    Q. And then you heard two pistol shots and a bunch of rifle shots?
    A. I don’t know how many pistol shots. I just heard a pistol and a
    Although Clarence insisted he heard the reports of two different types of firearms,
    officers found no evidence—no spent shell casings from a semiautomatic handgun,
    no weapons in the Adams brothers’ vehicle, no revolver to which someone in the
    gray vehicle may have had access—that any firearm other than the semi-automatic
    rifle identified by Shannon and Daniel and hidden under the front porch of the
    Jackson residence was used in the shooting. Aside from the absence of physical
    evidence to support Clarence’s version of events, the jury had other reasons to
    doubt Clarence’s credibility. Indeed, concerning the confrontation Clarence
    allegedly heard, the State impeached Clarence with a later statement Clarence gave
    to police officers. Officers asked Clarence, “Do you hear any yelling, screaming,
    or just nothing but the sound of gunshots?” Clarence responded, “[A]ll I heard
    before the gunshots, people talking.” Moreover, although Clarence testified at trial
    that defendant was “[n]owhere near” the abandoned school bus in the woods in
    which officers later found the tank top stained with Jeremiah’s blood, the State
    impeached Clarence with his prior statement to officers that defendant “came out
    of the woods by the bus” wearing “bright yellow” shorts. The State also elicited
    testimony from Clarence that he worked out of state, that his mother still lived next
    door to the Jackson residence, and that he worried about her safety and the safety
    of his brother and his sister.
    The testimony of other witnesses who were present at the Jackson residence
    prior to the shootings also corroborated the version of events described by Daniel
    and Shannon. Shannon Garland’s then-wife, Bridgette Garland, was also present at
    the Jackson residence on the night of the homicides. At trial, Bridgette testified she
    remembered defendant saying that someone had taken an amplifier, an Xbox, and
    marijuana from the Jackson residence. Bridgette recalled defendant was making
    phone calls in an effort to try to determine who had stolen his things. Bridgette
    remembered overhearing a phone call in which defendant told a person whose
    nickname was “Radio” “to come back over, that he had a package for them to
    come pick up and get here before he ran out.” By “package,” Bridgette understood
    that defendant was referring to marijuana. Bridgette testified that, after this
    conversation ended, defendant spoke about the burglars and “said that whenever
    they come . . . he was going to kill them and whoever was with them; he didn’t
    care.” Bridgette recalled defendant went into the house and brought back onto the
    porch a “long black [gun] and it had like a round clip from the bottom.” Bridgette
    positively identified the rifle officers had found hidden under the porch as the gun
    defendant had with him. Bridgette also testified that defendant brought out white
    latex gloves from the house and that she watched defendant put these gloves on his
    hands. Bridgette further confirmed the glove found in the pocket of the yellow
    plaid shorts soaking in the bathroom of the Jackson residence was the same type of
    glove she saw defendant wearing that evening. After putting the gloves on his
    hands, defendant “walked around in the yard” and then later “hid in the woods”
    with the gun. Bridgette described defendant’s demeanor at this point as “angry.”
    Shortly thereafter, Bridgette left the house—on the pretext of purchasing more beer
    with defendant’s girlfriend, Loshun—because she was “scared” of the defendant:
    “His anger, he was hostile, and he was talking about killing people, so I wanted to
    get out of there.” By the time Loshun and Bridgette left the Jackson residence,
    defendant had come out of the woods but he no longer had the rifle with him.
    Bridgette testified that, after purchasing beer, her truck ran out of gas on the way
    back to the Jackson residence, and she and Loshun started walking on foot back
    toward the house. Bridgette recalled that, during this trek, she received a call on
    her cell phone from defendant who asked to speak to Loshun. Because her phone
    would only work on speaker phone at the time, Bridgette clearly overheard
    defendant tell Loshun that “he needed help getting all the bodies out of his yard.”
    Like Daniel and Shannon, after a vigorous cross-examination by defense counsel,
    Bridgette admitted that initially she was not completely truthful in her statements
    to officers or in her grand jury testimony because she was afraid for her life.
    Bridgette further testified defendant’s brother, David Reed, called about a week
    after the shooting, threatening he would “blow up [hers and Shannon’s] house” if
    she and Shannon testified against the defendant. Significantly, Bridgette’s
    statement received independent corroboration through the guilt phase testimony of
    Corporal Dexter White. Indeed, during Bridgette’s testimony, she related that,
    while she and Loshun walked home, a police officer saw them, stopped his vehicle,
    and offered them a ride home. The women accepted his offer and directed him to
    take them to Bridgette’s house. The deputy told them he could not take them all the
    way to their destination because “an incident happened and he had to get to it
    immediately.” Bridgette testified he dropped them off at “Pecan Road.” According
    to Bridgette, while she and Loshun were in the police vehicle, she heard over the
    police radio that there had been a shooting in the vicinity of the Jackson residence.
    At trial, Corporal White testified, that just prior to his arrival at the crime scene, he
    observed two women as they walked down the road. The women explained to him
    that their truck had broken down, and he dropped them off at “Pecan Farms”
    before he proceeded to the crime scene.
    After hearing this testimony along with the testimony of several other
    witnesses and considering all of the evidence, a unanimous jury found defendant
    guilty of the first-degree murders of Jeremiah, Jarquis, and Gene Adams and
    determined defendant should be sentenced to death as punishment for these crimes.
    Having carefully studied the entire record, we note the evidence of the
    homicide is not seriously in dispute. The dispositive issue turns purely on a
    credibility determination—was the defendant justified in killing the three brothers.
    The defendant rests primarily on the inconsistencies between the witnesses’
    statements to law enforcement officers and their testimonies at trial to support his
    argument of insufficient evidence to prove he was not justified in killing Jeremiah,
    Jarquis, and Gene Adams. As will be detailed below, we have carefully examined
    all of defendant’s assignments of error and find them meritless.
    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Assignment of Error 36
    Defendant argues the State presented insufficient evidence to support a
    conviction for first-degree murder and the imposition of a death sentence.
    Specifically, defendant contends (1) the State presented insufficient evidence to
    prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the homicides were not justified; (2) the
    State’s evidence was insufficient to support a verdict of first-degree murder; and
    (3) the unreliability of the State’s witnesses precludes a conviction for first-degree
    murder and the imposition of the death penalty.
    In reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence to support a conviction, an
    appellate court in Louisiana is controlled by the standard enunciated by the United
    States Supreme Court in Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    99 S. Ct. 2781
    61 L. Ed. 2d 560
    (1979). State v. Captville, 
    448 So. 2d 676
    , 678 (La. 1984). Applying
    the Jackson standard, the appellate court must determine the evidence, viewed in
    the light most favorable to the prosecution, was sufficient to convince a rational
    trier of fact that all of the elements of the crime had been proved beyond a
    reasonable doubt. 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 319
    , 99 S.Ct. at 2789; 
    Captville, 448 So. 2d at 678
    To obtain a conviction for first-degree murder in this case, the State was
    required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that defendant killed a human being
    when he had the specific intent to kill or to inflict great bodily harm upon more
    than one person. La. Rev. Stat. 14:30(A)(3). Specific intent may be inferred from
    the circumstances surrounding the offense and the conduct of the defendant. La.
    Rev. Stat. 14:10(1); State v. Butler, 
    322 So. 2d 189
    , 192-93 (La. 1975). Specific
    intent to kill may also be inferred from a defendant’s act of pointing a gun and
    firing at a person. State v. Williams, 
    383 So. 2d 369
    , 373 (La. 1980); State v.
    365 So. 2d 484
    , 492 (La. 1978).
    As to the issue of justifiable homicide, when the defendant asserts he acted
    in self-defense, the State bears the burden of establishing beyond a reasonable
    doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defense. State v. Taylor, 02-1834, p. 7
    (La. 5/25/04), 
    875 So. 2d 58
    , 63; State v. Brown, 
    414 So. 2d 726
    , 728 (La. 1982). A
    homicide is justifiable “[w]hen committed in self-defense by one who reasonably
    believes that he is in imminent danger of losing his life or receiving great bodily
    harm and that the killing is necessary to save himself from that danger.” La. Rev.
    Stat. 14:20(A)(1); State v. Guinn, 
    319 So. 2d 407
    , 408-09 (La. 1975). 6 However, an
    aggressor may not claim self-defense without showing he first withdrew from the
    conflict in good faith and in such a manner that his adversary knew or should have
    Because defendant only requested jury instructions under La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(A)(1), we do not
    address La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(A)(2) and (3) (the “stand your ground” defenses).
    known of his intention to withdraw and discontinue the conflict. See La. Rev. Stat.
    Although defendant admits there was “clearly” sufficient evidence that he
    shot Jeremiah, Jarquis, and Gene, defendant contends there was not sufficient
    evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the killings were not justified.
    We disagree. The eyewitness testimony of Daniel Jackson and Shannon Garland
    established defendant emerged from the darkness of the woods shooting at Jarquis,
    who was not carrying a weapon and who did not threaten or attack the defendant.
    Indeed, based on the eyewitness testimony, at most, Jarquis was able to inquire,
    “Where Marc at?” before the defendant began shooting at him. Both Daniel and
    Shannon testified defendant then proceeded clockwise around the vehicle, shooting
    out the windows in the process, as he savagely and without provocation killed 13-
    year-old Gene and oldest brother Jeremiah before completing his circuit by again
    shooting a motionless Jarquis in the head as he lay on the ground. Daniel’s
    testimony that defendant was wearing latex gloves while he shot the three
    victims—corroborated by Bridgette Garland’s testimony that she saw defendant
    put on latex gloves before walking off into the woods with the semi-automatic rifle
    he used to kill the brothers and by the officers’ recovery of a latex glove inside the
    pocket of the shorts multiple witnesses testified the defendant was wearing at the
    time of the homicides, found soaking in a bathtub in the residence where defendant
    lived—leads to the inevitable conclusion that defendant’s decision to kill Jarquis
    Adams and “whoever was with [him]” was premeditated and cold-blooded.
    Daniel’s and Bridgette’s testimony that defendant made phone calls during that
    afternoon in an attempt to identify the perpetrator of the burglary and Bridgette’s
    testimony defendant ended a phone call directing a person to come over to pick up
    a “package” and then expressed to Bridgette his desire to “kill them and whoever
    was with them” further buttress this conclusion, as does the evidence the State
    presented that defendant tried to conceal the murder weapon, hide the victims’
    bodies, and destroy additional evidence by washing his clothing before ultimately
    fleeing the bloodied killing scene.
    Defendant relies heavily on the testimonies of Kyle King and Clarence
    Powell to support his argument that Jarquis returned to the Jackson residence to
    steal more items and that defendant acted based on a reasonable belief that he was
    in imminent danger. The jury, however, evidently made a credibility determination
    and rejected defendant’s theory of justifiable homicide. Indeed, contrary to
    Clarence Powell’s testimony that he heard the report of a handgun followed by
    several rifle gunshots, no evidence was ever found to support the theory that
    someone in the Adams brothers’ vehicle fired a handgun at defendant that
    evening. Eyewitnesses denied seeing any weapons other than the semi-automatic
    rifle wielded by the defendant, and crime scene investigators did not find any
    handgun or handgun ammunition in or around the brothers’ vehicle. Even
    excluding the ample testimony of fact witnesses, we find the autopsy results—
    including (1) Dr. Traylor’s testimony concerning the defensive wounds to Gene’s
    hands and the pathology of the wound to Jarquis’ forehead which was consistent
    with the eyewitness testimony that defendant shot Jarquis in the head at close range
    as he lay on the ground motionless after already having been shot in the chest and
    (2) Dr. Jin’s testimony that three of Jeremiah’s wounds entered through the back of
    his body—preclude any reasonable inference defendant acted in self-defense when
    he killed the Adams brothers. Based upon the copious testimony and evidence
    presented by the State, a rational trier of fact could have soundly concluded that
    defendant did not have a reasonable fear for his life. This claim is meritless.
    Assignment of Error 37
    In a similar vein, defendant argues, even if the jury rejected the testimony of
    Clarence Powell and Kyle King and accepted the testimony of Daniel Jackson and
    Shannon Garland, the evidence presented at trial made out a case for manslaughter,
    not murder. We disagree. Under La. Rev. Stat. 14:31(A)(1), manslaughter is a
    homicide which would either be first or second degree murder but the offense is
    committed in sudden passion or heat of blood immediately caused by provocation
    sufficient to deprive an average person of his cool reflection and self-control. The
    elements of “sudden passion” and “heat of blood” are mitigating factors in the
    nature of a defense and, when such factors are established by a preponderance of
    the evidence, a verdict for murder is inappropriate. La. Rev. Stat. 14:31(A)(1);
    State v. Lombard, 
    486 So. 2d 106
    , 110-11 (La. 1986); State v. Tompkins, 
    403 So. 2d 644
    , 648 (La. 1981). Provocation and time for cooling off are questions for the jury
    to be determined under the standard of the average or ordinary person, one with
    ordinary self-control. See Reporter’s Comment to La. Rev. Stat. 14:31; State v.
    50 La. Ann. 420
    , 422, 
    23 So. 967
    Although Daniel and Shannon both testified about how quickly the shooting
    itself occurred, the testimony established that almost 10 hours elapsed between the
    burglary and the shooting. While the defendant had a significant amount of time to
    cool off prior to the homicides, the evidence established defendant spent this
    period of time attempting to identify the burglars and preparing to exact his
    revenge by ambush. Daniel Jackson’s eyewitness testimony that defendant was
    wearing latex gloves at the time of the shooting, Bridgette Garland’s testimony that
    she saw defendant don latex gloves before entering the woods with the semi-
    automatic rifle, and the recovery of a latex glove in the shorts witnesses say
    defendant wore that evening further support the jury’s conclusion that defendant
    acted not in the heat of “sudden passion,” but in cold blood. Although Clarence
    Powell’s testimony about what he allegedly heard could have suggested some kind
    of confrontation occurred prior to the shooting, the jury evidently chose to credit
    the eyewitness testimony of Daniel Jackson and Shannon Garland who testified,
    consistent with the physical evidence, that the victims were unarmed and that they
    did not exhibit any provocative or aggressive action toward defendant. A rational
    trier of fact could have soundly concluded defendant failed to establish the
    requisite mitigating factors by a preponderance of the evidence to prove
    manslaughter. This claim fails.
    Assignment of Error 38
    In his final assignment of error related to the sufficiency of the evidence,
    defendant argues the unreliability of the State’s witnesses precludes a conviction
    for first-degree murder and the imposition of the death penalty. First, defendant
    points to several inconsistencies in Shannon Garland’s and Daniel Jackson’s
    testimonies. Essentially, Shannon’s account of events diverges from Daniel’s
    account with respect to where in the yard he and Daniel were situated at the time
    of the shooting. Likewise, Daniel provides a different account as to where
    precisely he and Shannon stood at the time of the homicides. Significantly,
    however, both men provide substantially the same account of defendant’s actions
    at the time of the homicides. Indeed, both men recall defendant emerging from the
    darkness of the woods and shooting an unarmed, unthreatening Jarquis. Both men
    testified defendant then walked clockwise around the vehicle beginning with the
    back passenger side, shooting out the windows and killing the other two brothers in
    the vehicle. Consistent with the autopsy results, both witnesses reported that
    defendant shot a motionless Jarquis in the head as he lay on the ground, after
    defendant had already shot him in the chest. Given how quickly the shootings
    occurred and how intensely violent they were, it is of little surprise and of less
    significance that Daniel and Shannon had difficulty remembering the precise
    vantage point from which they witnessed this sudden, violent, and unprovoked
    Defendant also argues Shannon’s testimony could not be credited because
    Shannon testified defendant first shot Jarquis in the back as Jarquis stood directly
    in front of Shannon, yet autopsy results show Jarquis was shot in the upper right
    chest. Although Dr. Traylor testified Jarquis was not shot in the back, he also
    testified, based upon the angle at which the bullet entered the victim’s upper right
    chest, he could not exclude the possibility that Jarquis was shot as he turned to his
    right to face the muzzle end of the weapon. Given this testimony, we find the
    autopsy results do not necessarily contradict Shannon’s testimony.
    Defendant next contends no rational juror could credit the testimony of
    Shannon Garland, Daniel Jackson, and Bridgette Garland given inconsistencies
    between their trial testimony and various pre-trial statements they made to officers
    and to the grand jury. Defense counsel thoroughly and vigorously cross-examined
    these witnesses and fully explored for jurors the inconsistences in their prior
    statements and testimony. Specifically, concerning the possibility of a fourth
    victim, Shannon and Daniel both admitted they initially informed police that more
    than three people were in the vehicle. Shannon testified to being confused and
    scared during his questioning following the shooting. Multiple witnesses testified
    to Daniel’s hysterical demeanor after the homicides, with Detective Cowden, one
    of the first officers on the scene, describing Daniel as “very afraid, very scared . . .
    very disturbed, very upset.” Daniel testified his report that four individuals were
    killed was based on his fear defendant had killed Shannon, as well. Notably, all
    three of these witnesses testified to their fear of retribution from the defendant or
    from his family if they told officers everything they knew, with Bridgette
    specifically alleging she received a phone call from defendant’s brother who
    threatened he would “blow up [hers and Shannon’s] house” if she testified against
    the defendant. Notwithstanding the discrepancies clearly brought out through
    cross-examination, the inconsistences did little to discredit their testimony at trial
    about defendant’s motive, preparation, and execution of these three killings. When
    there is conflicting testimony as to factual matters, the resolution of which depends
    on witness credibility, a matter of weight of evidence rather than its sufficiency is
    presented. Tibbs v. Florida, 
    457 U.S. 31
    , 46, 
    102 S. Ct. 2211
    , 2220-21, 
    72 L. Ed. 2d 652
    (1982) (“This resolution of conflicting testimony in a manner contrary to the
    jury’s verdict is a hallmark of review based on evidentiary weight, not evidentiary
    sufficiency.”). In the absence of internal contradiction or irreconcilable conflict
    with the physical evidence, one witness’s testimony, if believed by the trier of fact,
    is sufficient to support a factual conclusion. State v. Higgins, 03-1980, p. 6 (La.
    898 So. 2d 1219
    , 1226. Credibility determinations are within the sound
    discretion of the trier of fact and will not be disturbed unless clearly contrary to the
    evidence. State v. Marshall, 04-3139, p. 9 (La. 11/29/06), 
    943 So. 2d 362
    , 369. In
    this case, there were inconsistencies among the testimonies of various witnesses
    regarding factual matters, so the issue was the weight of the evidence and not its
    sufficiency. As such, it was within the jury’s discretion to accept the State’s
    witnesses and find the defendant guilty of three counts of first-degree murder.
    Because the jury’s credibility determinations in this case were not clearly contrary
    to the evidence and, indeed, were amply supported by the evidence, we find no
    error in the jury’s decision to credit the testimony of these witnesses.
    Defendant further argues the testimony of Glen Merrell, another witness for
    the State, contradicted Shannon’s and Daniel’s accounts, rendering their
    eyewitness accounts unreliable. Glen testified that he was on the phone with
    defendant around the time of the shootings, that defendant asked him to “hang on
    for a minute,” and that Glen then heard “a bunch of gunshots.” Defendant argues
    this testimony undermines Shannon’s and Daniel’s testimonies because neither
    testified to seeing defendant on the phone as he came out of the woods. This
    contention is meritless. We fail to see how Glen’s waiting “for a minute” on the
    phone while the homicides occurred contradicted the eyewitnesses’ accounts of the
    Lastly, defendant maintains no rational juror could rely on the testimony of
    former inmate Terry Matthews, who testified during the guilt phase that, while at
    Caddo Correctional Center together, defendant confessed to Terry that “he laid and
    waited and ran out and ambushed” the Adams brothers. Defendant argues Terry’s
    account is incredible (1) because he was formerly terminated as a confidential
    informant for the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office for being a high risk, heavy drug
    user who was “spreading his information on the street,” (2) because the testimony
    of inmate Robert Washington contradicted Terry’s testimony, and (3) because he
    testified inconsistently concerning whether or not he spoke to, and obtained
    information from, his wife about defendant’s case. After reviewing Terry’s
    testimony, we believe a rational juror could have found his testimony to be
    credible. Indeed, the jury heard from Terry that he provided this information to
    officers days before his release on a conviction for “simple burglary or burglary”
    because he “[f]elt it was the right thing to do.” By the time of his testimony, Terry
    remained on probation but had been employed for two years, he traveled from out
    of state to provide his testimony, and he was a married father of two daughters
    with one child on the way. Although Robert Washington, who at the time of trial
    remained jailed at Caddo Correctional Center on convictions for forcible rape of a
    child and second degree kidnapping of that same child, testified that he was present
    at all times during which Terry claimed to have received this confession from
    defendant and that he never heard defendant discuss his capital case, it was within
    the jury’s discretion to determine what weight to assign to each witnesses’
    testimony. Finally, defendant strenuously argues Terry’s statement to officers was
    inconsistent with his trial testimony because, contrary to his original statement in
    which he mentioned speaking with his “wife” about the shooting, Terry denied
    speaking with anyone about defendant’s case. Defense counsel cross-examined
    Terry thoroughly on this point. Given the testimony Terry offered was fully
    consistent with the eyewitness testimony of Daniel Jackson and Shannon Garland,
    a rational juror could have found Terry’s testimony to be credible. Accordingly, we
    find this assignment meritless, as well.
    Jury Instructions
    Assignments of Error 8 through 11
    Defendant argues that the trial court failed to instruct the jury on the
    elements of justifiable homicide applicable to his case, La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(A)(2)
    and (3) and erroneously instructed jurors to consider the possibility of retreat
    contrary to La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(D). In defendant’s “Request and Order for Written
    Jury Charges and Instructions,” he requested the following instructions on
    justifiable homicide and retreat in pertinent part:
    A homicide is justifiable if committed in self-defense by one who
    reasonably believes that he is in imminent danger of losing his life or
    receiving great bodily harm and that the killing is necessary to save
    himself from that danger.
    The danger need not have been real, as long as the defendant
    reasonably believed that he was in actual danger.
    There are several factors that you should consider in determining
    whether Mr. Reed had a reasonable belief that the killing was
    necessary to save himself from that danger:
    (1) the possibility of avoiding the necessity of taking human life by
    making a safe retreat, provided however, that a person who is not
    engaged in any unlawful activity and is in a place where he has a
    right to be has no duty to retreat before using deadly force to save
    himself from the danger of losing his life or receiving great bodily
    harm. He may stand his ground and meet force with force . . . .
    These requested instructions on justifiable homicide reflect only the
    provision of La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(A)(1) and, along with the instruction on retreat,
    also mirror the instructions that were provided to the jury at the conclusion of the
    guilt phase of trial. As such, it appears defense counsel did not request the
    inclusion of the “stand your ground” provisions under La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(A)(2),
    (A)(3), or (D). Indeed, defense counsel requested the very instructions to which
    defendant now objects. Thus, there exists no error for this Court to review.
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 807; State v. Rayford, 
    348 So. 2d 990
    , 990 (La. 1977). Further,
    defense counsel voiced no objection to the court’s jury instructions during the guilt
    phase. Accordingly, these assignments of error were not preserved for appellate
    review. La.C.Cr.P. art. 841; State v. Wessinger, 98-1234, pp. 19-20 (La. 5/28/99),
    736 So. 2d 162
    , 180-81 (scope of review in capital cases is limited to alleged errors
    to which counsel contemporaneously objects).
    Assignment of Error 12
    Defendant also claims trial counsel rendered ineffective assistance by failing
    to request jury instructions on justifiable homicide under La. Rev. Stat.
    14:20(A)(2) and (3) and by requesting an instruction directing the jury to consider
    the possibility of retreat contrary to La. Rev. Stat. 14:20(D).
    Under the standard for ineffective assistance of counsel set out in Strickland
    v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687, 
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    , 2064, 
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    adopted by this Court in State v. Washington, 
    491 So. 2d 1337
    , 1338-39 (La. 1986),
    a reviewing court must reverse a conviction if the defendant establishes (1) that
    counsel’s performance fell below an objective standard of reasonableness under
    prevailing professional norms, and (2) counsel’s inadequate performance
    prejudiced defendant to the extent that the trial was rendered unfair and the verdict
    suspect. Generally, a claim for ineffective assistance of counsel is properly raised
    in an application for post-conviction relief. State v. Burkhalter, 
    428 So. 2d 449
    , 456
    (La. 1983). This enables the district judge to conduct a full evidentiary hearing on
    the matter. State v. Seiss, 
    428 So. 2d 444
    , 449 (La. 1983). Because the record in this
    case discloses the evidence needed to decide the issue of ineffective assistance of
    counsel and because defendant has raised the issue by assignment of error on
    appeal, we will address the issue now in the interest of judicial economy. See, e.g.,
    State v. Ratcliff, 
    416 So. 2d 528
    , 530-32 (La. 1982).
    Here, despite appellate counsel’s claim to the contrary, a review of the
    record does not reveal trial counsel rendered constitutionally deficient assistance.
    Defense counsel arguably made a professional error by failing to request
    instructions under La. Rev. Stat. 14:20 (A)(2), (A)(3), and (D), as the defense
    theorized at trial that Jarquis Adams returned to defendant’s residence with the
    intent to further burglarize defendant’s home and that defendant had a reasonable
    belief the use of deadly force was necessary to prevent a violent or forcible felony.
    Even assuming error on the part of trial counsel, given the evidence presented by
    the State thoroughly and overwhelmingly discredited defendant’s self-defense
    theory, defendant fails to show any resulting prejudice from trial counsel’s failure
    to request the jury instructions at issue. Thus, counsel’s errors in failing to request
    additional jury instructions on justifiable homicide and in requesting an instruction
    concerning the possibility of retreat do not undermine confidence in the verdict
    returned by the jury. Thus, it cannot be said defendant’s conviction and death
    sentence resulted from a breakdown in the adversarial process that renders the
    result unreliable. 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 687
    , 104 S.Ct. at 2064. Accordingly, this
    claim fails.
    Prosecutorial Misconduct
    Defendant argues that prosecutors’ conduct at various points throughout the
    guilt and the penalty phases of defendant’s capital trial, both individually and
    collectively, violated his constitutional rights to due process, a fair trial, and a
    reliable sentencing proceeding.
    Assignments of Error 19 through 21
    Three of the five assignments of error concerning this asserted prosecutorial
    misconduct involve statements prosecutors made during the guilt and the penalty
    phase closing arguments. As a general matter, closing arguments in criminal cases
    “shall be confined to evidence admitted, to the lack of evidence, to conclusions of
    fact that the state or defendant may draw therefrom, and to the law applicable to
    the case.” La.C.Cr.P. art. 774. Louisiana jurisprudence on prosecutorial
    misconduct allows prosecutors considerable latitude in choosing closing argument
    tactics. The trial judge has wide discretion in controlling the scope of closing
    argument. State v. Prestridge, 
    399 So. 2d 564
    , 580 (La. 1981). Even if the
    prosecutor exceeds these bounds, a reviewing court will not reverse a conviction
    due to an improper remark during closing argument unless the court is thoroughly
    convinced the argument influenced the jury and contributed to the verdict, “as
    much credit should be accorded the good sense and fairmindedness of jurors who
    have seen the evidence and heard the arguments, and have been instructed
    repeatedly by the trial judge that arguments of counsel are not evidence.” State v.
    Martin, 93-0285, p. 18 (La. 10/17/94), 
    645 So. 2d 190
    , 200; see State v. Jarman,
    445 So. 2d 1184
    , 1188 (La. 1984); State v. Dupre, 
    408 So. 2d 1229
    , 1234 (La.
    In his nineteenth assignment of error, defendant argues that “[i]n penalty
    phase rebuttal arguments the State repeatedly commented that defense attorney
    Richard Goorley had a ‘fanatically abusive’ interpretation of the law, was ‘obscene
    and insulting,’ was ‘threatening’ jurors, and calling them ‘killers’ and ‘not
    Christian.’” In particular, he points to portions of the State’s rebuttal in which the
    prosecutor made personal remarks towards defense counsel:
    So let’s take a deep breath and really analyze the law here,
    because unlike Mr. Goorley, I don’t think of you as killers and I don’t
    think of the law as vengeful . . . .
    So now that you have found this defendant guilty of [first-
    degree] murder under one of those circumstances, you are legally,
    legally, entitled to consider both punishments. It is only a fanatical
    abuse of that analysis that would lead Mr. Goorley to call you killers
    because you followed the law.
    And Mr. Goorley argues to you that if you don’t have mercy for
    Mr. Reed, you’re a killer, you’re a vengeful killer. Because he used
    the word vengeance at least five times in his closing remarks in
    attributing to you that emotion if you had the temerity to simply
    follow the law.
    Besides being obscene, those remarks are deeply insulting to
    you as citizens, tax paying, hard working citizens who did not choose
    to be here, who would rather be anywhere but here. But Mr. Goorley,
    dismissing that as a mere formality, suggests that you are killers and
    you have vengeance unless you have mercy for Mr. Reed.
    Because that’s the argument when you strip the bark off the
    tree; well, if you don’t have any mercy for him, there’s nothing I can
    do for you, because you’re lost, you’re a vengeful killer. Man, what an
    And then the Bible. You know, what I don’t understand is why
    we can’t leave God out of this. I mean, the law does not talk about the
    Bible. The law does not talk about God. The law talks about
    aggravating circumstances and mitigating circumstances and it talks
    about the circumstances of the offense and it talks about the character
    and the propensity of the victim and the character and propensity of
    the defendant. But nowhere does it talk about the Bible. Nowhere
    does it talk about God.
    But this is another insidious argument that Mr. Goorley would
    make; well, unless you believe in his interpretation of the Bible,
    you’re no good. You’re a vengeful killer. You’re not worthy of
    consideration. And remember what the man said. And Mr. Goorley
    referred to Him as that man. I refer to Him as Jesus Christ, the son of
    the living God. But be that as it may. When you do to these the least
    of my brethren, you do to me. And he said that.
    Does that mean that doesn’t apply to the Adams brothers?
    When you slaughter them, didn’t then you slaughter Him?
    And it’s so easy to get in to this and that’s why the argument is
    so insidious, because Goorley says, This is my view of the Bible and
    unless you agree with my view of it, there’s something wrong with
    you; you’re not merciful; you’re not Christian; you’re not any good;
    you’re a vengeful killer. Well, that’s nonsense.
    Because I also remember the same Christ saying, Whoa [sic] to
    you who would harm one of these, referring to children. It would be
    better that you had never been born. A millstone around your neck
    and dropped into the sea.
    So does that mean my version of the New Testament is better or
    worse? No. I think the thing that we can do here best is to leave God
    out of it. He didn’t make this happen and He’s not responsible. . . .
    Mr. Goorley appeals to your better nature, unlike Ms.
    Prudhomme and I who appeal to your baser nature. Geez. Well, where
    do I start with that? No, Ms. Prudhomme and I do not appeal to your
    baser nature and, no, Mr. Goorley doesn’t really appeal to your higher
    nature, because what he’s doing is threatening you. He’s a little
    smooth about it –
    – but what he’s doing is threatening you…
    And why – and how he’s threatening you is he says unless you
    do what I tell you, unless you believe in my New Testament, unless
    you show mercy to Reed, then you’re nothing but a killer. Now, you
    can call it anything you want, but I call it a threat. And he even said
    that would make you part of the killing. Now, if that’s not a threat, I
    don’t know what is.
    He wants to make you tremble at the thought of doing your
    lawful duty. . . .
    You know, Christ said to Mary Magdalene, when they wanted
    to stone her to death for being an adulteress, Does no one condemn
    you? Then I don’t condemn you. But the defense argument is I
    condemn you unless you do what I tell you to do.
    The State – and this is a quote – the State calls for vengeance,
    death, death, death, heartless and no mercy. No. No. No. The State
    asks you to carefully consider the evidence, to carefully consider the
    character and propensities of the defendant and the victims and the
    victims’ families, and to carefully consider the impact that the murder
    of these boys has had on the victims’ families. That is not heartless. It
    is not merciless. It is not vengeful. It is the law. And if Mr. Goorley
    thinks that that law is heartless and vengeful and merciless, then he
    can go to the legislature and get it changed. That’s how we do things
    in this society. We do not do that by threatening honest jurors.
    At the conclusion of the State’s rebuttal, defense counsel objected to the
    State’s improper remarks and moved for a mistrial. The district court overruled the
    defendant’s objection and denied his motion for mistrial, ruling:
    I did find that your statements provoked some of the comments by
    Mr. Cox. Threatened is a strong word, but you told the jury – and my
    notes reflect – to elect the death penalty would make them part of the
    killing, and we’ve had enough killing. Do you want to stoop to the
    level of being heartless and showing no mercy?
    Defense counsel noted his objection for the record. 7
    While the State should refrain from making personal attacks on defense
    strategy and counsel, State v. Brumfield, 96-2667, p. 9 (La. 10/20/98), 
    737 So. 2d 660
    , 666; see also State v. Duplessis, 
    457 So. 2d 604
    , 608 (La. 1984) (prosecutor’s
    comment that “a bus full of witnesses would not be enough for defense counsel
    because he was a ‘very skillful lawyer’” improper), in this case, it appears the State
    was not commenting on counsel’s character but rather responding to his
    argument, which suggested that to elect the death penalty would amount to an act
    of vengeance. Indeed, as evident from the State’s comments, defense counsel
    invited the commentary on the Bible with the following statement, among others:
    But the State calls for vengeance, vengeance, vengeance; death, death,
    death. That’s what they’re saying. I’m calling on what we learned
    when we were growing up every Sunday; what you do to the least of
    my brethren, you do to me.
    That being the case, it does not appear the State’s argument exceeded the proper
    scope of rebuttal. See La.C.Cr.P. art. 774 (“The state’s rebuttal shall be confined to
    answering the argument of the defendant.”). Even assuming the prosecutor
    exceeded the bounds of proper rebuttal argument, the trial court clearly acted
    within its discretion when it denied the mistrial motion. See La.C.Cr.P. art. 775;
    State v. Sanders, 93-0001, p. 21 (La. 11/30/94), 
    648 So. 2d 1272
    , 1288; State v.
    430 So. 2d 31
    , 44 (La. 1983) (Mistrial is a drastic remedy generally, and the
    determination “of whether prejudice has resulted lies in the sound discretion of the
    trial judge.”). This assignment of error lacks merit.
    Defendant broadly argues in his twentieth assignment of error that the State
    improperly commented on his presentation of mitigating evidence in the penalty
    Defendant re-urged this claim in his motion for new trial, which the trial court denied ruling
    that “Both sides responded to each other’s comments, but I don’t think any of the comments
    made justify a motion for new trial.”
    phase of his trial. Specifically, he points to statements prosecutors made in the
    closing and the rebuttal arguments of the penalty phase of his trial in which the
    State commented that defendant was “loathsome” and willing to sacrifice his
    family to preserve himself because he made the decision to allow his family to
    testify on his behalf in mitigation. Because defense counsel did not object to the
    prosecutor’s allegedly improper comments concerning defendant’s presentation of
    mitigating evidence, this aspect of defendant’s claim was not preserved for review.
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 841; Wessinger, 98-1234, pp. 
    19-20, 736 So. 2d at 180-81
    contemporaneous objection rule for the penalty phase as well as guilt phase of a
    capital trial). Even absent the procedural bar, this claim is meritless as prosecutors
    did not argue “that a particular factor should not be a mitigating circumstance” but
    instead sought “to disprove the existence of a mitigating factor.” State v. Hampton,
    98-0331, p. 22 (La. 4/23/99), 
    750 So. 2d 867
    , 886.
    On a similar note, defendant contends the State improperly commented on
    defendant’s failure to call Loshun Jackson’s children to testify as mitigation
    witnesses and on defendant’s emotionless state during the victim-impact
    testimony. Defense counsel objected to these improper remarks and requested a
    mistrial, which the trial court denied ruling “there’s no grounds for a mistrial
    because of those comments.” Defense counsel noted his objection for the record.
    In reference to defendant’s failure to show emotion, evidence that a capital
    defendant shows no remorse does not inject arbitrariness into the proceedings, as a
    lack of remorse is “relevant to the character and propensities of the defendant.”
    State v. Juniors, 03-2425, p. 63 (La. 6/29/05), 
    915 So. 2d 291
    , 336 (citing State v.
    467 So. 2d 503
    , 523 (La. 1985) (citing State v. Summit, 
    454 So. 2d 1100
    1108 (La. 1984) (rev’d on other grounds, Summit v. Blackburn, 
    795 F.2d 1237
    Cir. 1986)). As a comment directed to defendant’s character and propensities, the
    statement was permissible. Second, as to the remarks concerning defendant’s
    failure to call Loshun Jackson’s children as mitigation witnesses, the absence of
    witnesses constitutes permissible comments on the lack of evidence. See
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 774. Accordingly, given the broad latitude afforded to the
    prosecutor during closing arguments, it cannot be said these few comments
    sprinkled over a 20-page closing argument were so egregious as to warrant the
    drastic remedy of a mistrial. Martin, 93-0285, p. 
    18, 645 So. 2d at 200
    . These
    claims have no merit.
    In his twenty-first assignment of error, defendant complains that in guilt and
    penalty phase arguments, “the State repeatedly misstated testimony and created
    theories out of whole cloth in an effort to convince the jurors that Marcus Reed’s
    actions were not justified,” which influenced the jury. Specifically, defendant
    argues three instances the State misstated evidence, namely: (1) “Marcus Reed
    lured the victims to his house;” (2) “he did not claim self-defense to Clarence
    Powell;” and (3) “Mr. Reed poured gasoline on the victims in an attempted arson.”
    Because defense counsel did not object to any of these comments during the
    State’s opening and/or closing arguments at the guilt and the penalty phases, the
    defendant failed to preserve the issues for review. La.C.Cr.P. art. 841; Wessinger,
    98-1234, pp. 
    19-20, 736 So. 2d at 180-81
    . Even absent the procedural bar, given the
    staggering breadth of the evidence presented against defendant, we are not “firmly
    convinced that the jury was influenced by the remarks and that they contributed to
    the verdict.” State v. Taylor, 93-2201, p. 19 (La. 2/28/96), 
    669 So. 2d 364
    , 375.
    Thus, we detect no reversible error.
    Assignment of Error 22
    Next, defendant asserts the State deprived defendant of due process of law
    when it “improperly threatened to arrest or criminally charge three trial witnesses,”
    namely: (1) Brian Wafer; (2) Clarence Powell; and (3) Kyle King. As to Brian
    Wafer, who is defendant’s first cousin, during its direct examination, the State
    played a pertinent portion of Mr. Wafer’s recorded interview and allowed Mr.
    Wafer to review the transcript of the statement as he could not recall how he
    described defendant’s demeanor. Even then, Mr. Wafer testified he had no
    recollection of his statements. Prosecutor, Dale Cox, then addressed Mr. Wafer: “I
    want to read you something and then I’m going to ask you a couple of questions.
    Revised Statute 14:123, perjury—”Before the prosecutor could read any further,
    defense counsel objected. The court then excused both the jury and Brian Wafer.
    Outside of the presence of the jury, defense counsel requested a mistrial on the
    basis that the prosecutor began to read the perjury statute in front of the jury. After
    considering the defense’s motion for mistrial, the trial court denied the motion for
    mistrial and instructed the State not to read the statute but only to “remind [Mr.
    Wafer] he’s under oath”:
    [Y]ou can remind him he’s supposed to tell the truth; you can remind
    him if it’s determined that he’s not telling the truth what the
    consequences are and that he can be charged with a felony and the
    punishment is a sentence of hard labor.
    Defense counsel noted his objection for the record. The State then went on to
    remind Brian that he was under oath and that the penalty for perjury is five to 40
    years at hard labor.
    We find the trial court did not err in denying the motion for mistrial.
    Defendant fails to show the perjury charges would have been unwarranted. Thus,
    he does not demonstrate an improper influence on the witness. See generally State
    v. Muse, 
    363 So. 2d 462
    , 468-69 (La. 1978) (prosecutor may tell witness outside of
    the presence of jury that he will charge witness with perjury if testimony not in
    accord with previous statements); State v. Selmon, 
    343 So. 2d 720
    , 721 (La. 1977)
    (prosecutor may remind witness of consequences of perjury); State v. Spotville,
    308 So. 2d 763
    , 766 (La. 1975) (finding no error where prosecutor read perjury
    statute to witness in presence of jury where the witness’ testimony was not in
    accord with previous statements). Accordingly, the trial court did not abuse its
    wide discretion when it denied defense’s motion for a mistrial.
    With respect to Clarence Powell, the record reflects that on the morning of
    September 30, 2013, Clarence, who was under subpoena and instructed to appear
    for 9:00 a.m., was not present in court. The State requested a bench warrant
    without bond. After a break was taken, Clarence arrived at court. Outside of the
    witness’ presence, the State maintained its request for a bench warrant and for
    Clarence Powell’s arrest. The court denied the motion. Under La.C.Cr.P. art. 21,
    failure to comply with a subpoena is a direct contempt of court. Thus, it does not
    appear the prosecutor’s request for a bench warrant due to Clarence’s failure to
    appear in court at the instructed time constituted an act of misconduct. Moreover,
    the record reflects that Clarence Powell was not present in the courtroom when the
    prosecutor requested the bench warrant. Thus, the prosecutor’s statements could
    not have influenced the witness’ subsequent testimony.
    Lastly, defendant argues that, before Kyle King entered the courtroom to
    testify in defendant’s guilt phase case-in-chief, the State threatened to arrest him
    based upon his upcoming testimony about his participation in the burglary of
    defendant’s residence. The record reflects that out of the presence of the jury and
    of Kyle King, the State objected on the record:
    I think at the very least he needs to be advised of his Miranda rights
    before he gives testimony in this court, because I will give notice right
    now that if he admits to a crime, I’m going to indict him and he
    probably won’t leave this building, because I will secure an arrest
    warrant for him.
    In response, defense counsel argued:
    They’ve already questioned him. Apparently they gave him some sort
    of inclination [sic], testimony before in front of the Grand Jury, that
    they were not going to [pursue a charge]. Now the only time they’re
    going to bring it up is when the defense intends to use it.
    After reviewing Kyle’s statement to the police and grand jury testimony, the trial
    court noted for the record that “[t]he State has had plenty of time to charge him
    because of his admission of a crime before—under oath before the Grand Jury. So
    I don’t really see what difference it makes if he testifies again.” The prosecutor
    withdrew his objection, commenting, “I don’t think [Mr. King] needs any
    advisement of any kind. I agree with the Court. Let him come testify to whatever
    he will.” The court ordered that Kyle be brought back into the courtroom and that
    he be advised of his rights outside the presence of the jury. Kyle testified that he
    understood he could be charged with burglary if he testified at trial and that he did
    not wish to assert his Fifth Amendment rights and request a lawyer.
    As an initial matter, the trial court did not err in ordering Kyle King be
    advised of his right to invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege, as any testimony he
    gave concerning his participation in the burglary of defendant’s residence would be
    self-incriminating. 8 Moreover, because the State withdrew its objection before the
    trial court ruled, it is unclear how these arguments outside of the presence of the
    jury and the witness prejudiced the defendant. Further, defendant was not deprived
    of his right to present a defense as Kyle King waived his Fifth Amendment
    privilege and willingly testified to his participation in the burglary of defendant’s
    residence. Defendant fails to show the State’s actions constituted prosecutorial
    This assignment of error is meritless.
    Assignment of Error 23
    Finally, defendant complains that the State failed to correct the false or
    misleading testimony of two witnesses, Detective Keith Fox and Terry Matthews.
    Notably, a witness may invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege only when he has reasonable
    cause to apprehend danger of self-incrimination from a direct answer. State v. Brown, 
    514 So. 2d 99
    , 109 (La. 1987).
    As a general matter, if a prosecutor allows a State witness to give false
    testimony without correction, a reviewing court must reverse the conviction gained
    as a result of that perjured testimony, even though the testimony goes only to the
    credibility of the witness. Napue v. Illinois, 
    360 U.S. 264
    , 269, 
    79 S. Ct. 1173
    3 L. Ed. 2d 1217
    (1959); State v. Williams, 
    338 So. 2d 672
    , 677 (La. 1976).
    Even if the State does not solicit the false testimony, its failure to correct it “when
    it appears” violates due process guarantees. 
    Napue, 360 U.S. at 269
    , 79 S.Ct. at
    1177; State v. Ellender, 
    354 So. 2d 500
    , 503 (La. 1978). When such false testimony
    goes before the jury, the defendant must receive a new trial unless there is no
    reasonable likelihood that the alleged false testimony could have affected the
    outcome of the trial. Giglio v. United States, 
    405 U.S. 150
    , 154, 
    92 S. Ct. 763
    , 766,
    31 L. Ed. 2d 104
    (1972); State ex rel. Shilling v. Whitley, 92-3312 (La. 4/29/94), 
    637 So. 2d 459
    First, defendant claims Detective Keith Fox gave untruthful testimony as to
    the existence of a fourth individual in the victims’ vehicle. Defendant fails to point
    to any false testimony. Detective Fox testified on direct examination that when he
    arrived at the crime scene the night of August 16, 2010, his team had received
    information “that there may be a fourth victim.” He testified the investigatory
    team continued to search for a possible fourth victim the following day, but he
    noted the search did not lead to the discovery of a fourth victim. On cross-
    examination, as defense counsel attempted to elicit information from Detective Fox
    that he had received information of the fourth person “in the car,” Detective Fox
    clarified he “just had information that four people had been shot,” and “it was
    never specified that the fourth victim was in the car.” When defense counsel asked
    Detective Fox whether he spoke to Shannon Garland, the State made a hearsay
    objection, the trial court sustained the objection, and defense counsel ended his
    examination before Detective Fox could have the opportunity to explain himself
    As an initial matter, the record is devoid of any allegation the State acted in
    collusion with Detective Fox or that Detective Fox made contradictory statements.
    Moreover, because Shannon Garland was not interviewed until the following
    morning, during the early hours of the investigation, officers only had the initial
    statements made by Daniel Jackson who informed James Hendrix after fleeing the
    crime scene that four individuals had been shot. Thus, it does not appear Detective
    Fox had knowledge of whether the fourth potential victim had been observed
    inside of the vehicle at this point during the investigation. Furthermore, defense
    counsel thoroughly cross-examined both eyewitnesses, Daniel Jackson and
    Shannon Garland, concerning their prior statements made to police officers about
    the number of persons inside of the victims’ vehicle. Thus, the jury was fully
    aware of the substance of Daniel’s and Shannon’s initial reports as they related to
    the presence of a potential fourth person in the vehicle. This claim is meritless.
    Defendant also contends Terry Matthews testified on cross-examination that
    he did not speak with anyone about defendant’s case and, in particular, that he did
    not speak to his wife about the matter nor did she inform him of any information
    she learned from news reports concerning defendant’s case. In support of this
    argument that Terry Matthews testified falsely, defendant points to his recorded
    interview with Detective Keith Fox from 2011, in which Terry mentions telling his
    “wife” about defendant’s admissions to him and explains his “wife” responded,
    “yeah, over an X-box or something, they were kids.” Although it does appear
    Terry Matthews previously gave an inconsistent statement in reference to whether
    he spoke to his previous girlfriend, whom he referred to as his “wife,” about
    defendant’s case, defendant fails to show the prosecutor was aware Terry
    Matthews’ testimony was false. Cf. State v. Doleman, 02-0957, p. 18 (La. App. 4
    Cir. 12/4/02), 
    835 So. 2d 850
    , 862 (“The mere fact that witnesses testified
    differently at different proceedings [separated by six years] does not prove that
    they testified falsely. At best, such conflicting testimony indicates that they may
    have recalled things differently [with the passage of time]. Furthermore, it cannot
    be presumed that [the] prosecutor has knowledge that a witness’s answer is false
    simply because the witness may have testified somewhat differently at a prior
    proceeding.”). In the instant case, Terry gave his statement to Detective Fox in
    2011, and trial did not begin until September 28, 2013. Defendant had a copy of
    the recorded interview at trial and had an opportunity to cross-examine this witness
    to impeach his credibility. It was up to defense counsel to explore the discrepancies
    between Terry Matthews’ recorded interview and his trial testimony. Nevertheless,
    given the overwhelming evidence of defendant’s guilt based on eyewitness
    testimony and incriminating physical evidence and autopsy results, it does not
    appear the discrepancies in Mr. Matthews’ testimony affected the outcome of the
    verdict. This claim fails.
    Assignments of Error 1 through 4
    Defendant next claims the court improperly excluded testimony from a
    witness who was prepared to testify defendant warned the victims to stay away
    from his residence before the instant homicides occurred. Specifically, defendant’s
    neighbor, Clarence Powell, overheard defendant arguing with an individual on the
    telephone, yelling
    I don’t know what the hell y’all think y’all doing and I’m not the one
    to play with; don’t—don’t bring this stuff to my house, don’t bring it
    down here; I don’t mess around with nobody . . . . He said I don’t
    mess with nobody, I stick to my fucking self . . . .
    According to Clarence in his initial statement to police, he overheard defendant
    having this telephone conversation about 30 minutes before he heard a
    confrontation between defendant and an unknown voice in defendant’s yard.
    At trial, the State objected to the introduction of this testimony as
    inadmissible hearsay, and the court sustained the objection, ruling that
    [Mr. Powell] wasn’t present when the phone call was made; he was at
    his house 20 yards away. So – and it’s not reliable, it’s not
    trustworthy, and so its hearsay . . . Mr. Powell’s account of it is not
    reliable and trustworthy so as to make it an exception to the hearsay
    rule, because he was not present. He didn’t witness the declarant’s
    demeanor. He didn’t see it happen. So it’s not reliable.
    Defense counsel noted his objection for the record. According to defendant, the
    testimony was admissible as non-hearsay under the res gestae exclusion to the
    hearsay rule.
    Hearsay is a statement, other than one made by the declarant while testifying
    at the present trial, offered in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
    La.C.E. art. 801(C). Hearsay is inadmissible unless it falls within an exception.
    La.C.E. art. 802. La.C.E. art. 801(D)(4) excludes from hearsay things said and
    under the immediate pressure of the occurrence, through the
    instructive, impulsive and spontaneous words and acts of the
    participants, and not the words of the participants when narrating the
    events, and which are necessary incidents of the criminal act, or
    immediate concomitants of it, or form in conjunction with it one
    continuous transaction.
    The res gestae hearsay exclusion in Louisiana is broad and includes not only
    spontaneous utterances and declarations made before or after the commission of
    the crime, but also testimony of witnesses and police officers pertaining to what
    they heard or observed during or after the commission of the crime if a continuous
    chain of events is evident under the circumstances. See State v. Huizar, 
    414 So. 2d 741
    , 748 (La. 1982); State v. Kimble, 
    407 So. 2d 693
    , 698 (La. 1981).
    Under the res gestae exclusion, statements must be spontaneous words of the
    participants which are necessary incidents of the criminal act. Here, although Mr.
    Powell overheard defendant arguing with an unknown individual on the telephone
    shortly before the homicides occurred, he did not personally observe defendant
    speaking on the telephone, or witness the crimes for that matter. Therefore, Mr.
    Powell could not ascertain defendant’s emotional state to indicate whether he made
    the statements “under immediate pressure of the occurrence,” La.C.E. art.
    801(D)(4). Thus, under the circumstances, it is not evident that defendant’s
    statements on the telephone acted as a prelude to the criminal acts, and the
    exclusion is not applicable.
    Alternatively, defendant argues the court improperly excluded the testimony
    because the statement was not hearsay—that is, because it was not offered for the
    truth of the matter asserted but to show that the utterance occurred. In support,
    defendant points to this Court’s instructive explanation in State v. Everidge
    concerning what kind of statements constitute hearsay:
    In order to fall within the definition of hearsay, the statement must be
    offered to prove the truth of the statement’s contents. To illustrate this
    point, the victim stated, “Come over to my apartment tonight” or
    words to that effect. The statement was not offered to prove any
    assertion within the statement such as ownership of the apartment, but
    to establish the fact that the statement was made. We contrast this
    scenario to one where a witness states that declarant said, “John killed
    Jane.” The matter asserted is that John killed Jane.
    96-2665, p. 7 (La. 12/2/97), 
    702 So. 2d 680
    , 685. The State disputes defendant’s
    assertion that this statement is not hearsay. In support, the State cites the following
    language from the Second Circuit’s opinion in State v. Hicks:
    [T]he mere assertion that the hearsay rule does not apply, if the
    statement is offered only for the fact that it was stated and not as proof
    of the fact in the statement, is not a correct statement of the law. Any
    testimony could be admitted under this reasoning by the fiction that
    the testimony is elicited “for the mere fact it was stated” rather than
    for its truth. There must be some purpose in admitting the testimony
    other than to show the truth of the matter.
    607 So. 2d 937
    , 946-47 (La. App. 2 Cir. 1992). Notably, the hearsay objection in
    Hicks arose when defense counsel, on cross-examination, asked a police officer
    whether the owner of a bar remembered the victims being present at her bar. 
    607 45 So. 2d at 946
    . While the testimony defense attempted to elicit in Hicks was clearly
    offered for the truth of the matter asserted—that is, that the victims were or were
    not present at the bar on the evening in question—Clarence Powell’s statement was
    not offered for the truth of the statement but was offered to show defendant’s state
    of mind prior to the shooting. As we explained in State v. Brown,
    One of the traditional hearsay exceptions allows the introduction of
    extrajudicial declarations at trial to prove the state of mind of the
    declarant. State v. Sheppard, 
    371 So. 2d 1135
    (La.1979); State v.
    342 So. 2d 642
    (La.1977). Thus, whether the declaration is a
    direct assertion of the speaker’s state of mind (hearsay) or whether the
    declaration tends to indirectly establish the declarant’s state of mind
    (non-hearsay), Louisiana jurisprudence admits the declaration if the
    declarant’s state of mind is at issue or is relevant to prove a fact at
    issue. State v. Martin, [
    458 So. 2d 454
    , 461 (La. 1984)] (relevancy is a
    requirement for both the hearsay and non-hearsay extrajudicial
    562 So. 2d 868
    , 877-78 (La. 1990); see State v. Raymond, 
    245 So. 2d 335
    , 340 (La.
    1971) (the victim’s extrajudicial declaration of fear of or revulsion by defendant
    made several hours before the homicide was admitted as relevant, non-hearsay
    circumstantial evidence concerning the victim’s state of mind about defendant).
    Because we find defendant’s statement tended to indirectly establish defendant’s
    state of mind which was at issue in this case, the statement was a non-hearsay
    statement which should not have been excluded.
    Nevertheless, we find this error was harmless. Although the court excluded
    this testimony which, defendant asserts, could have supported his theory of self-
    defense at trial, the court permitted Mr. Powell to testify—over the State’s
    objection—to overhearing a confrontation with strikingly similar content between
    defendant and an unknown voice immediately prior to the shooting. Thus, it does
    not appear the court’s exclusion of this portion of Mr. Powell’s testimony
    compromised defendant’s right to present a defense. We are convinced that, given
    the overwhelming evidence of defendant’s guilt, the jury’s verdict in this case was
    surely unattributable to this error. La.C.Cr.P. art. 921; Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24, 
    87 S. Ct. 824
    , 828, 
    17 L. Ed. 2d 705
    (1967); Sullivan v. Louisiana, 
    508 U.S. 275
    , 279, 
    113 S. Ct. 2078
    , 2081, 
    124 L. Ed. 2d 182
    (1993); Sanders, 93-0001,
    17, 648 So. 2d at 1286
    Accordingly, these assignments of error fail.
    Assignment of Error 27
    Defendant also argues the trial court improperly excluded as hearsay
    testimony from Kyle King that the victim, Jarquis Adams, informed him of
    specific items to steal from defendant’s residence. Specifically, the defense elicited
    testimony that, after driving to defendant’s residence, Kyle remained in the vehicle
    while Jarquis went inside the home. Defense counsel elicited further testimony that
    Jarquis returned to Kyle’s vehicle after inspecting the Jackson residence, that he
    said something to Kyle, and that they then together proceeded to burglarize the
    home. The jury heard all of this testimony. Defendant, however, contends the trial
    court erred because it refused to allow Kyle to testify about what precisely Jarquis
    said immediately prior to the burglary—that is, that Jarquis indicated to Kyle,
    “There’s two amps and an Xbox in there, do you want to get them?” The State
    objected to the introduction of this testimony as inadmissible hearsay, and the court
    ruled that the statement was hearsay and further explained that Mr. King could
    only “testify about things that happened, what he observed, not what was said
    during the burglary.” The defense noted its objection for the record.
    Defendant contends the statements were res gestae. However, as discussed
    above, under the res gestae exclusion, statements must be spontaneous words of
    the participants which are necessary incidents of the criminal act. As an initial
    matter, although the burglary of his residence arguably speaks to defendant’s
    motive in the instant homicides, the burglary occurred almost 10 hours before the
    homicides. As such, it does not qualify as a statement which is “the necessary
    incident[]of the criminal act, or immediate concomitant[] of it, or [which] form[s]
    in conjunction with it one continuous transaction.” La.C.E. 801(D)(4). Moreover,
    this statement does not constitute “impulsive or spontaneous” words made “under
    the immediate pressure of the occurrence.” La.C.E. art. 801(D)(4). Instead, the
    statement—an explanation of what Jarquis saw inside defendant’s home—was
    primarily narrative in nature. See State v. Jacobs, 
    281 So. 2d 713
    , 715 (La. 1973)
    (declaration by the victim not considered res gestae when it is narrative rather than
    spontaneous); cf. State v. Hunter, 
    343 So. 2d 143
    , 144 (La. 1977) (victim’s
    spontaneous statement immediately after the crime, in the excitement of the
    occurrence, is generally considered res gestae). As such, the trial court properly
    found the res gestae exclusion inapplicable. Additionally, given that Kyle King
    provided ample testimony at trial as to Jarquis’ involvement in the burglary of
    defendant’s residence and his intent to return to defendant’s residence to steal
    additional items, it is difficult to discern any prejudice from the trial court’s
    exclusion of this statement. This claim fails.
    Assignments of Error 5 through 7
    Next, defendant claims the trial court erred in excluding portions of Robert
    Washington’s testimony which was offered to impeach Terry Matthews’ testimony
    concerning a series of incriminating statements defendant made to Mr. Matthews
    and in Mr. Matthews’ presence while incarcerated at Caddo Correctional Center.
    As defense counsel attempted to elicit information from Mr. Washington about the
    content of the conversations he had with Mr. Matthews and defendant as they
    walked to the van, the State objected to the entire line of questioning as improper
    extrinsic impeachment evidence and as to relevancy. The court held a bench
    conference and, subsequently on the record, informed Mr. Washington, “[Y]ou
    can’t say what anybody else said to you. That would be hearsay and it’s not
    admissible.” Defendant argues that Mr. Washington’s testimony did not constitute
    hearsay as it was to be introduced to impeach the testimony of Terry Matthews
    through contradiction under La.C.E. 607(D)(2) and that the court’s error in
    excluding the testimony denied defendant his right to present a defense.
    Because defense counsel did not object to the trial court’s ruling excluding
    Mr. Washington’s testimony, these claims were not preserved for review.
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 841; Wessinger, 98-1234, pp. 
    19-20, 736 So. 2d at 180-81
    review in capital cases is limited to alleged errors for which the complaining party
    lodged a contemporaneous objection). Even absent the procedural bar, however,
    defendant shows no reversible error. Because the testimony of Terry Matthews was
    corroborative of the eyewitness testimony of Daniel Jackson and Shannon Garland
    and given the overwhelming testimonial and physical evidence presented by the
    State to prove defendant’s guilt, defendant fails to show the exclusion of this
    evidence had a substantial and injurious effect on the jury’s verdict. La.C.Cr.P. art.
    Chapman, 386 U.S. at 24
    , 87 S.Ct. at 828; 
    Sullivan, 508 U.S. at 279
    , 113
    S.Ct. at 2081; Sanders, 93-0001, p. 
    17, 648 So. 2d at 1286
    Accordingly, these assignments of error fail.
    Inadmissible Other Crimes Evidence Admitted in the Guilt Phase
    Assignments of Error 28 through 31
    In his next argument, defendant claims that the State presented inadmissible
    other crimes evidence alleging that defendant was a well-known marijuana dealer
    in the neighborhood. On January 23, 2013, the court conducted a hearing on the
    admissibility of evidence concerning defendant’s drug activity. The State argued
    the drug activity was relevant to show intent, knowledge, absence of mistake, plan,
    and motive and claimed the purpose of the introduction of the evidence was not
    “just to show that Mr. Reed supposedly is a drug dealer or does drugs or has people
    in or around his home consuming drugs” but rather to show that victim Jarquis
    Adams knew defendant and previously participated in drug transactions with
    defendant at his residence. Further, the State maintained the drug activity was
    relevant to this case because defendant was a known drug dealer and because
    Jarquis allegedly stole drugs from defendant’s home the day the homicides
    On January 29, 2013, the court ultimately granted the State’s request and
    found the State offered sufficient evidence to prove that the homicides were
    committed in connection with drug activity. In particular, the court found:
    In connection with the drugs there was some testimony, of course,
    they, of the incident, the testimony about a quarter pound of weed
    coming up missing, I’m reading from the transcript, and that Mr.
    Reed, of course, felt that his home had been burglarized and possibly
    the weed had been taken from his home as well as other items to
    include an amp, Xbox and other items.
    As far as motive, I think was argued by Ms. Prudhomme, that motive
    was one of the items that was present in connection with the evidence
    of drugs is that he felt the drugs were taken from his home, and even
    there was some testimony about another individual who took him to
    get some drugs and other individuals sitting at his house on the date in
    question waiting to purchase drugs from Mr. Reed. I do believe that
    the State has satisfied its burden in connection with the drugs and that
    the drugs and the evidence of that activity or those acts can be
    Defense counsel then asked the court to clarify its ruling with respect to the
    admission of this evidence of drug activity:
    MR. GOORLEY: Your Honor, I have a question, if I may about the
    evidence as to the drugs. I understand the part of the ruling about
    anything may [sic] allege to be taken at that time which would have
    been the marijuana that was alleged to have been taken. I think what
    the State is attempting to introduce is evidence that there was drug
    activity going on there. Is the Court ruling that evidence is
    admissible? That’s what they were trying to get in.
    THE COURT: It’s my understanding they were trying to get in drug
    activity insofar as testimony about one of the individuals, whose name
    escapes me now, took Mr. Reed to pick up drugs while other
    individuals were even at his house, two individuals were at his house
    saying they were waiting to purchase drugs.
    MS. PRUDHOMME: That’s correct, Your Honor, that witness’s
    name would be [Glen Merrell].
    THE COURT: That’s the individual who actually took him, I believe.
    MS. PRUDHOMME: Shannon and Bridgett[e] Garland were waiting.
    THE COURT: Shannon and Bridgett[e] Garland were waiting to
    purchase drugs. Evidence of—and then, of course, testimony about
    quarter pound of drugs, weed, coming up missing—hold on. Let me
    finish so you understand then you might have a further question.
    Quarter pound of weed missing, I’m saying all of this activity goes to
    MR. GOORLEY: All the evidence about drug activity is admissible,
    is that what you’re ruling?
    THE COURT: Yes.
    The defense counsel noted his objection for the record and gave notice of his
    intent to seek supervisory review. On April 11, 2013, the court of appeal denied
    writs on the showing made. State v. Reed, 48,342 (La. App. 2 Cir. 4/11/13)
    (unpub’d). 9
    Generally, courts may not admit evidence of other crimes or bad acts to
    show the defendant is a man of bad character who acted in conformity with his bad
    character. La.C.E. art. 404(B)(1). However, the State may introduce evidence of
    other crimes or bad acts if it has established an independent relevant reason—i.e.,
    to show the defendant’s motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge,
    identity, absence of mistake, or accident—or if the evidence relates to conduct
    constituting an integral part of the act or transaction that is the subject of the
    present proceeding. State v. Prieur, 
    277 So. 2d 126
    , 130 (La. 1973). Currently,
    Prieur does not require a pre-trial evidentiary hearing on the question of the
    admissibility of other crimes evidence; it requires only that, before such evidence
    is introduced, the State makes the requisite showing outside of the presence of the
    jury. State v. Lukefahr, 
    363 So. 2d 661
    , 665 (La. 1978). La.C.E. arts. 401 and 402
    establish the broad principle that relevant evidence—evidence having any tendency
    Defendant subsequently raised the issue in his motion for new trial, in which Judge Dorroh
    found that the “404(B) ruling by Judge Lafitte was not erroneous,” nor was the ruling “restricted
    in any way.”
    to make the existence of any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the
    outcome more or less probable—is admissible unless provided otherwise. La.C.E.
    art. 403 allows the trial judge to exclude relevant evidence if, among other things,
    “its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair
    prejudice….” Article 403, thus, operates in the context of character and propensity
    evidence. Although such evidence is quite likely to be relevant, its use is carefully
    limited because of a substantial danger of unfair prejudice. See State v. Kahey, 
    436 So. 2d 475
    , 487 (La. 1983) (“Generally, evidence of other acts of misconduct is not
    admissible. The introduction of such evidence merely to prove that the defendant is
    a ‘bad man’ involves constitutional problems because of the danger that a
    defendant may be tried for a charge of which he has no notice, for which he is
    unprepared, and which unfairly prejudices him in the eyes of the jury.”).
    A trial court’s ruling on the admissibility of the additional other crimes
    evidence will not be disturbed absent an abuse of discretion. See State v.
    Henderson, 12-2422, pp. 3-4 (La.1/4/13), 
    107 So. 3d 566
    , 568; State v. Gordon, 13-
    0495, p. 23 (La. App. 4 Cir. 7/16/14), 
    146 So. 3d 758
    , 772.
    First, defendant argues the trial court erred when it ruled the evidence
    admissible because the alleged drug activity was not relevant to motive.
    Specifically, defendant claims the State failed to present evidence the homicides
    were a result of a “drug deal gone bad” and, instead, elicited testimony from
    “nearly every single lay witness” about his or her history of drug transactions with
    defendant, e.g., how long each had been purchasing marijuana from the defendant,
    how regularly each purchased from him, whether the sales were defendant’s only
    source of income, and whether he had a “regular job.” Contrary to defendant’s
    assertions, evidence of drug activity that occurred at defendant’s residence was
    admissible to show defendant’s motive in the instant homicides. Here, evidence
    that defendant was a known drug dealer in the neighborhood, whose marijuana
    supply had been stolen from his residence on the day of the homicides, clearly
    established his motive to identify the alleged burglar, Jarquis Adams, who
    previously purchased marijuana from him, and to kill him that same day.
    Next, defendant claims, “Mr. Reed’s past drug activity impacted the
    applicability of La. Rev. Stat. 14:20 to this case.” In particular, defendant argues
    the State failed to present evidence that defendant “was engaged in unlawful
    conduct” when the shooting occurred. Accordingly, defendant maintains the State
    failed to disprove the defense’s theory of justifiable homicide. However, with
    respect to Prieur, the State was not required to disprove the defendant’s theory of
    self-defense but was required to prove defendant was a known marijuana dealer in
    the neighborhood. Based on Bridgette Garland’s testimony concerning the
    telephone call she heard directing the person on the other end to come pick up a
    “package” which Bridgette understood to mean “marijuana,” the State argued that
    the promise of marijuana is what brought Jarquis back to the Jackson residence.
    Thus, it was an issue of fact as to whether or not defendant was engaged in drug
    activity, or at least the pretense of drug activity, at the time of the homicides. Even
    assuming defendant was not engaged in drug activity at the time the homicides
    occurred, evidence establishing defendant’s acquaintance with the victim because
    of his drug sales in the community was admissible to prove motive, opportunity,
    intent, knowledge, and absence of mistake.
    Finally, defendant argues the probative value of this evidence was
    substantially outweighed by the risk of unfair prejudice to the defendant, in
    violation of La.C.E. art. 403. He explains jurors “were inundated with testimony
    about how often Mr. Reed sold marijuana, how much, and to whom,” and argues
    the State “capitalized upon the prejudicial qualities of this evidence in closing
    statements, referring to Mr. Reed as a ‘drug dealer’ who ‘makes his living selling
    marijuana.’” In the instant case, it is apparent the evidence of Jarquis’ acquaintance
    with defendant, due to previous drug transactions that occurred at defendant’s
    residence, was offered to establish defendant had the intent and motive to commit
    the instant homicides. It was not offered to show defendant had a bad character.
    Specifically, the State presented evidence at trial that defendant’s residence was
    burglarized the same day the homicides occurred, and marijuana was stolen.
    Further testimony revealed defendant was successful in identifying the burglar and,
    according to Bridgette Garland, subsequently expressed his intent to kill that
    person upon arrival at his residence. Notably, the defense presented the testimony
    of Kyle King at trial who admitted to burglarizing defendant’s home along with
    victim Jarquis Adams on the day the homicides occurred. Based upon these
    circumstances, it does not appear the trial court abused its discretion in admitting
    the other crimes evidence. Therefore, evidence of regular drug activity that
    occurred at defendant’s residence was properly admissible to show intent, motive,
    opportunity, and absence of mistake, and the introduction of this evidence was not
    outweighed by any prejudicial effect. See 
    Prieur, 277 So. 2d at 128
    . Given the
    veritable mountain of evidence the State presented to prove defendant was guilty
    of the first-degree murders of Jeremiah, Jarquis, and Gene, we have no concerns
    the jury judged him guilty “on a ground different from proof specific to the offense
    charged.” See Old Chief v. United States, 
    519 U.S. 172
    , 180, 
    117 S. Ct. 644
    , 650,
    136 L. Ed. 2d 574
    These assignments of error fail.
    Inadmissible Other Crimes Evidence Admitted in the Penalty Phase
    Assignments of Error 32 through 35
    Defendant maintains that the trial court erred in allowing evidence of
    defendant’s prior conviction through the testimony of an arresting officer and
    evidence of defendant’s unadjudicated and non-violent attempt to bring contraband
    into the Caddo Parish Correctional Center.
    On May 17, 2011, the State filed a “Notice of Intent to Use Other Crimes
    Evidence at Sentencing Hearing,” in which it sought to introduce evidence of
    defendant’s 2007 prior felony conviction for illegal use of a weapon. At a hearing
    held on June 13, 2012, the trial court heard Detective Rod Demery’s testimony
    concerning the investigation of the crime, defendant’s subsequent confession, and
    police officer Owen McDonnell’s testimony as to fingerprint identification. In its
    ruling, the trial court found the “evidence meets all the criteria of the Supreme
    Court Jackson case in all respects. Accordingly, this evidence is admissible at the
    sentencing hearing of the district attorney’s case in chief.” The defense counsel
    noted his objection for the record.
    On September 4, 2013, the State filed a “Supplemental Notice of Intent to
    Use Other Crimes Evidence at Sentencing Hearing,” in which it sought to
    introduce evidence defendant made phone calls to family members while housed at
    the Caddo Correctional Center in an effort to introduce contraband into the jail.
    Before the penalty phase of trial, the trial court ruled that
    the tapes and the testimony of Detective Richardson are
    admissible and are relevant to the defendant’s character, but
    they will be admitted with the following limitations: The
    State—or qualifications, whatever you want to call them:
    The State may use the jail calls to establish Mr. Reed
    used another inmate’s SO number to place the calls to his
    family members. They can establish that one of the purposes of
    the calls was to—was for Mr. Reed to attempt to get friends
    and/or family members to bring unknown contraband into the
    jail, which is against the jail rules.
    Detective Richardson, subject to cross-examination, can
    voice his opinion based upon his years of experience in the field
    of police work as to what the contraband he believes Marcus
    Reed was attempting to get into the jail. And I want it made
    clear to the jury that Mr. Reed was not actually caught with
    contraband, but it was his attempt to do so that goes to his
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 905.2 provides, “The sentencing hearing shall focus on the
    circumstances of the offense, the character and propensities of the offender, and
    the victim, and the impact that the crime has had on the victim, family members,
    friends, and associates.” It is well-settled the State is entitled to introduce evidence
    of a capital defendant’s unrelated convictions at the penalty phase as reflective of
    his character and propensities. State v. Jackson, 
    608 So. 2d 949
    , 954 (La. 1992). A
    large amount of highly relevant evidence usually will not result in the injection of
    an arbitrary factor into the capital sentencing hearing, although arguably there may
    reach a point where the sheer magnitude and details of the evidence, while highly
    probative, impermissibly shifts the jury’s focus from its primary function of
    determining the appropriate sentence for this offense and this offender. State v.
    Comeaux, 93-2729, p. 11 (La. 7/1/97), 
    699 So. 2d 16
    , 22-23. Jackson specifically
    limited “the evidence supporting the conviction to the document certifying the fact
    of conviction and to the testimony of the victim or of any eyewitness to the crime.”
    Jackson, 608 So. 2d at 954
    . “This limitation . . . prohibit[s] witness testimony
    relevant to the original offense of which the defendant was charged in an unrelated
    matter and to which the defendant pleaded guilty to a lesser offense.” State v.
    Langley, 94-0999, p. 1 (La. 4/21/94) 
    639 So. 2d 211
    , 212.
    As to the admission in penalty phase hearings of unrelated and
    unadjudicated crimes evidence to prove the defendant’s character and propensities,
    in State v. Brooks, 
    541 So. 2d 801
    (La. 1989), this Court approved the State's
    introduction in its case-in-chief in the penalty phase of two unrelated
    and unadjudicated murders once the trial judge determined that: (1) the evidence of
    the defendant’s commission of the unrelated criminal conduct is clear and
    convincing; (2) the proffered evidence is otherwise competent and reliable;
    and (3) the unrelated conduct has relevance and substantial probative value as to
    the defendant’s character and propensities. 
    Brooks, 541 So. 2d at 814
    . In State v.
    Jackson, the Court granted pre-trial writs to establish limitations on admissibility
    of unrelated and unadjudicated criminal conduct in capital sentencing hearings.
    Jackson incorporated the three-pronged test from Brooks. 
    Jackson, 608 So. 2d at 955
    . Jackson also added the additional limitation that the evidence of the
    unadjudicated criminal conduct must involve violence against the person of the
    victim for which the period of limitation for instituting prosecution had not run at
    the time of the indictment of the accused for capital murder. 
    Id. In State
    Comeaux, 93-2729, p. 
    10, 699 So. 2d at 22
    , this Court revisited the issue and noted
    the thrust of Jackson was not to exclude any evidence that was significantly
    relevant to the defendant’s character and propensities, no matter what the amount
    of the evidence was, but rather to maintain the jury’s focus on their function of
    deciding the appropriate penalty by eliminating marginally relevant evidence that
    does not aid the jury in performing this function. This Court then set out to provide
    guidelines to help determine whether character and propensity evidence is
    admissible at the penalty phase. This Court held,
    Evidence that establishes the defendant in the recent past has engaged
    in criminal conduct involving violence to the person is highly
    probative of the defendant’s character and propensities. Such
    evidence generally would not inject an arbitrary factor into a capital
    sentencing hearing, especially when the conduct involves the same or
    similar crime committed in a similar manner. On the other hand, the
    type of evidence that tends to inject arbitrary factors into a capital
    sentencing hearing usually is evidence which is of only marginal
    relevance to the jury’s determination of the character and propensities
    of the defendant.
    Comeaux, 93-2729, p. 
    11, 699 So. 2d at 22
    (emphasis added).
    Defense counsel did not object to the State’s use of Detective Demery, who
    was neither a victim nor an eyewitness of this crime, to establish the fact of
    defendant’s prior conviction and the facts surrounding it. Accordingly, defendant
    did not preserve these issues for appeal. La.C.Cr.P. art. 841; Wessinger, 98-1234,
    19-20, 736 So. 2d at 180-81
    . Even absent the procedural bar, defendant’s claim
    fails. We note defendant alleges a violation of a jurisprudential rule, not a statutory
    rule. Despite the technical violation of Jackson, after reviewing the record, it does
    not appear the testimony and evidence presented by Detective Demery injected an
    arbitrary factor into the jury deliberations. Detective Demery’s testimony
    concerning defendant’s prior conviction was presented in a concise and efficient
    manner, with his entire testimony consuming only 13 pages of the penalty phase
    transcript. The jury was properly aware of defendant’s past conviction because
    such evidence is relevant to his character and propensities. The jury was presented
    with overwhelming evidence in this case that showed defendant shot three
    unarmed victims, including a 13-year-old boy, multiple times with a semi-
    automatic rifle. Although it was arguably error for Detective Demery to testify to
    defendant’s prior conviction for illegal use of a weapon, we find no prejudice is
    apparent in the method employed by the State to convey the appropriate
    information of defendant’s criminal record to the jury, and Detective Demery’s
    testimony does not undermine the confidence in the death penalty verdict. These
    claims fail.
    As to the introduction of evidence concerning the unadjudicated conspiracy
    to bring unknown contraband into a penal institution, the State presented the
    testimony of Detective Terry Richardson, who testified concerning his
    investigation into defendant’s participation in a scheme to bring contraband into
    Caddo Correctional Center. Although defense counsel urged several arguments for
    the exclusion of evidence concerning this unadjudicated act, defense counsel never
    argued Jackson required its exclusion because this conduct involved a nonviolent
    unadjudicated act and never urged this point as a basis for his 
    objection. 608 So. 2d at 955
    . It is well settled that a new basis for an objection may not be urged for the
    first time on appeal. La.C.Cr.P. art. 841(A) (“It is sufficient that a party, at the time
    the ruling or order of the court is made or sought, makes known to the court the
    action which he desires the court to take, or of his objections to the action of the
    court, and the grounds therefor.”) (emphasis added); State v. Butler, 12-2359, p. 5
    (La. 5/17/13), 
    117 So. 3d 87
    , 89; State v. Stoltz, 
    358 So. 2d 1249
    , 1250 (La. 1978).
    Because defense counsel never asserted this ground as the basis of his objection,
    defendant did not preserve this issue for review. Absent this procedural bar,
    however, we find this claim is meritless. Even assuming error ad arguendo,
    considering Det. Richardson’s testimony only spanned 22 pages of the over 160
    total pages of penalty phase transcript, given the appropriateness of the State’s
    introduction of defendant’s prior conviction for illegal use of a weapon as bearing
    on the character and propensities of defendant and, most importantly, given the
    overwhelming evidence that defendant brutally killed three unarmed young men,
    defendant fails to show here that introduction of this conspiracy evidence injected
    an arbitrary factor into the proceedings such that it impermissibly shifted the jury’s
    focus from its primary function of determining the appropriate sentence for this
    offense and this offender. Comeaux, 93-2729, p. 
    11, 699 So. 2d at 22
    -23. This
    claim is meritless.
    In sum, after a thorough review of the record, we do not find the trial court’s
    admission of Detective Demery’s testimony concerning defendant’s prior
    conviction for illegal use of a weapon and of Detective Richardson’s testimony
    concerning the contraband conspiracy injected an arbitrary factor in the jury’s
    sentencing decision. In light of the overwhelming and devastating evidence of
    defendant’s crimes and of the aggravating factor—that defendant killed each of the
    three victims when he had the specific intent to kill or to inflict great bodily harm
    upon more than one person—supporting the jury finding that defendant committed
    three counts of first-degree murder, defendant has not demonstrated reversible
    error here. Thus, Assignment of Error 35 is meritless, as well.
    Trial Judge’s Emotional Display during Penalty Phase Testimony
    Assignment of Error 18
    Defendant argues the trial court erroneously denied a mistrial after the trial
    judge began openly crying during the victim impact testimony of Clara Morgan,
    the great aunt of the victims. Defendant claims the “court’s actions constituted a
    non-verbal comment on the evidence, rendering Mr. Reed’s death sentence
    During the penalty phase of the trial, the State presented the victim impact
    testimony of the victims’ great aunt, Clara Morgan. At the conclusion of her
    testimony, the defense noted the trial judge’s emotional reaction for the record, and
    the trial transcript reads in pertinent part:
    MR. GOORLEY: Your Honor, I realize Ms. Clara Morgan’s
    testimony was heartfelt. I don’t think that anybody in the courtroom
    wasn’t affected by her testimony, and all our hearts went out to her
    and that caused emotion from everyone here, including me, including
    Mr. Reed, including Mr. Florence.
    But I have to protect the record, Your Honor—
    THE COURT: I understand.
    MR. GOORLEY: —and, therefore, I have to, for the record, state that
    right before we broke, that Your Honor was visibly impacted by that
    testimony and that you were—you were in tears, as Ms. Prudhomme
    was, and possibly other people were.
    But as the fact finder in this case—not the fact finder in the
    case, but the judge in this case, it is your duty to, let’s say, not
    comment on the evidence.
    And for the record we would just state that the Court’s
    emotional situation and tears was in fact a comment on her testimony.
    We want to make that part of the record clear for whatever purposes
    may come down the road.
    MR. COX: Well, is there a motion before the Court?
    Mr. GOORLEY: Yes, Your Honor. I would ask for a mistrial.
    MR. COX: We respectfully oppose the mistrial. We’ll stipulate that
    Your Honor is human and we’ll stipulate that any emotion that you
    may have shown in this matter was not a comment on the evidence.
    What the code refers to by a comment on the evidence is if the
    judge were to say or infer to the jury the credibility of a witness or
    truthfulness or untruthfulness of a witness. To even suggest that
    honest human emotion is a comment on the evidence just—it shows
    how jaded the defense is and how jaded they’ve become that, you
    know—anyway, I object.
    MR. GOORLEY: Your Honor, may I just comment on one thing?
    THE COURT: I don’t want to hear any more about it. Frankly I’m
    sick of the two of you, all of you, taking jabs at each other. And to
    quote Harmon Drew who said this in a trial that I had before him
    several years ago when he was still a district court judge, This is a
    heck of a way to make a living. It is.
    And that was very difficult. But my emotions weren’t different
    than many other people in the courtroom or the jury. I don’t believe
    my emotions really had any impact on the jury. I kept my head down.
    I was visibly moved by it, as I’m sure I’m going to be visibly moved
    by Mr. Reed’s family if they testify.
    This is hard and it’s—I’m an emotional person. I am. My
    emotions show on my face with what I do. They do. And that was
    very difficult, and I’ll say it on the record. But I don’t believe that it
    really impacts the jury to see any human being moved by that. It’s not
    a comment on the evidence; it’s not a comment on someone’s
    testimony; it’s not.
    So I think everybody shows their emotions in different ways,
    and I believe every judge that has to sit through this feels the same
    way when these impact witnesses take the stand.
    So I am going to deny your request for a mistrial at this time,
    and I’ll note your objection for the record.
    Significantly, prior to penalty phase closing arguments, the trial judge asked
    both the State and the defense “if either side believes an additional instruction is
    necessary concerning the emotions that took place yesterday.” Both parties
    declined her offer to provide the jury with an additional instruction.
    The defense raised this issue again in its omnibus motion for new trial. The
    trial court denied relief on the issue, noting “although the Court was emotional
    during the victim impact testimony presented by the State[,] the Court, defense
    counsel and the defendant were also very emotional when the defendant’s victim
    testimony was presented.”
    As a general matter, mistrial is a drastic remedy which should only be
    declared upon a clear showing of prejudice by the defendant. La.C.Cr.P. art. 775;
    Smith, 430 So. 2d at 44
    ; State v. Wilkerson, 
    403 So. 2d 652
    , 659 (La. 1982) (mere
    possibility of prejudice is not enough to warrant mistrial). In addition, a trial judge
    has broad discretion in determining whether conduct is so prejudicial as to deprive
    an accused of a fair trial. Sanders, 93-0001, pp. 
    20-21, 648 So. 2d at 1288-89
    ; State
    v. Wingo, 
    457 So. 2d 1159
    , 1166 (La. 1984).
    La.C.Cr.P. art. 772 prohibits comments on the evidence by the judge
    whether “recapitulating the evidence, repeating the testimony of any witness, or
    giving an opinion as to what has been proved, not proved, or refuted.” See State v.
    375 So. 2d 1379
    , 1381 (La. 1979) (reversible error if judge makes any
    comment expressing or implying his or her opinion with regard to a material
    issue); State v. Hodgeson, 
    305 So. 2d 421
    , 430 (La. 1974) (purpose of Art. 772 “is
    to insure that the jury is in fact the judge of the law and the facts on the question of
    guilt or innocence . . . .”). The prohibition extends to indirect, non-verbal conduct.
    State v. Wright, 
    445 So. 2d 1198
    , 1200 (La. 1984). Although La.C.Cr.P. art. 772
    precludes the judge from commenting in the presence of the jury upon the facts of
    the case, to constitute reversible error, improper comments must have influenced
    the jury and contributed to the verdict. State v. Johnson, 
    438 So. 2d 1091
    , 1102 (La.
    1983); State v. Gallow, 
    338 So. 2d 920
    , 922 (La. 1976). Moreover, a trial judge’s
    remarks constitute harmless error if those remarks do not imply an opinion as to
    the defendant’s guilt or innocence. State v. Joseph, 
    437 So. 2d 280
    , 282 (La. 1983).
    Further, courts have traditionally upheld denials of motions for mistral based on
    emotional outbursts when a defendant fails to show their influence upon the jury
    prejudiced his right to a fair trial. State v. Clark, 02-1463, p. 32 n.25 (La. 6/27/03),
    851 So. 2d 1055
    , 1079.
    Here, the record reveals that, out of the presence of the jury, the trial judge
    admitted she was “visibly moved” by the testimony. However, she acknowledged
    she kept her head down and her emotions “weren’t different than many other
    people in the courtroom or the jury.” It appears the trial court did not abuse its
    discretion when it found the emotional display did not impact the jury and did not
    constitute a comment on the evidence. Notably, at the conclusion of the family
    testimony presented by the defense in the penalty phase, out of the presence of the
    jury, the trial judge stated for the record that “both Mr. Florence and Mr. Goorley
    were emotional during that and their human feelings showed just like mine.” 10 The
    record reflects the judge, the prosecutors, the defense counsel, the jury, and the
    witnesses all exhibited emotional responses during the testimony of both the
    victims’ and the defendant’s family members. The record clearly demonstrates that
    this case was a tragic and violent experience for the family members both of the
    victims and of the defendant. Nevertheless, “we must credit the jurors with the
    good sense and fair-mindedness to see these outbursts for what they were, the
    natural and irrelevant expression of human emotion, and not let the outbursts
    influence their decision on defendant’s penalty.” Wessinger, 98-123, p. 
    24, 736 So. 2d at 183
    . A review of the record does not reveal the trial judge’s emotional
    response exhibited in the courtroom implied an opinion as to the penalty that
    should be imposed or had any actual influence on the jury. Defendant fails to show
    abuse of discretion which would warrant the substitution of this Court’s judgment
    for that of the trial judge who conducted the trial and who was in the best position
    to assess impact upon the jury. This claim is meritless.
    In the discharge of the duty imposed by the legislature to “review every
    sentence of death to determine if it is excessive,” La.C.Cr.P. art. 905.9, this Court
    will review the record in a capital case to determine: (1) whether the sentence was
    The attorneys did not respond to or dispute the judge’s statement.
    imposed under the influence of passion, prejudice or any other arbitrary factors; (2)
    whether the evidence supports the jury’s finding of a statutory aggravating
    circumstance; and (3) whether the sentence is disproportionate to the penalty
    imposed in similar cases, considering both the crime and the defendant. La.S.Ct.
    Rule 28, §1. In the present case, Rule 28 review demonstrates defendant’s death
    sentence is not excessive.
    The Uniform Capital Sentence Report reveals defendant is a black male born
    on April 4, 1977. He was 33 years of age at the time of the offense and is now 39
    years of age. He is divorced and has two children, who were 15 years of age and 10
    years of age in 2014 when the Uniform Capital Sentence Report was completed. In
    terms of education, defendant has completed the 11th grade. His employment
    history includes Libbey Glass, Albertson’s, and Building Supply. He also
    previously worked for the Shreveport Housing Authority, where he was an
    inspector. His most recent employment was in 2008 at Wal-Mart in the produce
    department. Immediately prior to incarceration, he applied for disability because of
    an injury to his arm he allegedly received as a child. Specifically, he reported he
    was unable to straighten one of his arms and the condition limited his employment
    options. He was previously convicted of misdemeanor simple battery in 1997,
    misdemeanor illegal carrying of weapons in 2002, and misdemeanor loud music in
    2002, and he pled guilty to illegal use of weapons in 2007.
    Passion, Prejudice, or Other Arbitrary Factors
    As discussed below, the record reveals no indicia of passion, prejudice, or
    First, defendant argues that race plays a “deleterious role in the
    administration of capital punishment in Caddo Parish” and in the determination of
    whether any given homicide was committed in self-defense. However, it appears
    defendant did not present this claim to the District Court where the necessary
    factual development could occur. The claim rests on speculation, unsupported
    allegations, and the fact that during the five year period in which defendant was
    prosecuted, Caddo Parish was responsible for 40 percent of death sentences in the
    state. Notably, in the instant case, defendant and the victims were African
    Americans as were four members of the jury.
    Second, defendant argues the prosecutor’s impermissible references to
    religion in penalty phase closing arguments introduced passion and prejudice in the
    present case. As an initial matter, it does not appear defendant presented this claim
    in the District Court by contemporaneous objection. La.C.Cr.P. art. 841;
    Wessinger,    98-1234,    pp.   
    19-20, 736 So. 2d at 180-81
      (reviving   the
    contemporaneous objection rule for the penalty phase as well as guilt phase of a
    capital trial). Nevertheless, as discussed above, we find this claim to be meritless.
    Pursuant to La. C.Cr.P. art. 774, arguments by counsel may not appeal to prejudice
    and must be limited to the evidence admitted, the lack of evidence, conclusions of
    fact drawn from the evidence by the state or defense, and the applicable law. Art.
    774 is applicable to capital sentencing procedure by virtue of La.C.Cr.P. art. 905.2
    which adopts, insofar as they are applicable, the general provisions of the Code of
    Criminal Procedure as the procedure to be followed during the sentencing phase of
    the bifurcated trial. However, while this court may look to Art. 774 to determine if
    argument was improper, in reviewing whether it is reversible error, it must
    determine whether the argument introduced passion, prejudice or any other
    arbitrary factor into the proceedings which contributed to the jury’s
    recommendation of the death penalty. State v. Lindsey, 
    404 So. 2d 466
    , 483 (La.
    1981). Furthermore, although courts have denounced references to religion, most
    have not held that such references warrant a reversal of the sentence. See e.g.,
    United States v. Cartagena-Carrasquillo, 
    70 F.3d 706
    , 713 (1st Cir. 1995) (“[A]
    reference to religion does not necessarily require reversal.”).
    As detailed more fully in our discussion of Assignments of Error 19 through
    21, a review of the record reveals the prosecutor only referenced religion on
    rebuttal in response to defense counsel’s references to the New Testament in his
    closing argument. In addition, the references in the instant case did not recommend
    that the jury rely on “religion” in making their decision. On the contrary,
    prosecutor directly requested the jury leave religion out of their decision making
    You know, what I don’t understand is why we can’t leave God out of
    this. I mean, the law does not talk about the Bible. The law does not
    talk about God. The law talks about aggravating circumstances and
    mitigating circumstances and it talks about the circumstances of the
    offense and it talks about the character and propensity of the
    defendant. But nowhere does it talk about the Bible. Nowhere does it
    talk about God.
    Cf. Jones v. Kemp, 
    706 F. Supp. 1534
    , 1558-60 (N.D. Ga. 1989) (death sentence set
    aside where capital sentencing jury allowed to consider Bible). Consequently, it
    cannot be concluded the prosecutor’s comments introduced passion, prejudice or
    any other arbitrary factor into the proceedings.
    The record does not reveal any potential indicia of passion, prejudice, or
    arbitrariness. Defendant, a 33-year-old black male, killed three unarmed
    individuals, including a 13-year-old boy, immediately upon their arrival to his
    home, and received a sentence of death from a unanimous jury consisting of two
    black females, two white females, two black males, and six white males, during the
    selection of which no Batson challenge was asserted. 11 Thus, defendant fails to
    prove his allegations of either racism or references to religion in closing arguments
    contributed to the verdict.
    Aggravating Circumstances
    As demonstrated by the jury’s verdict during the guilt phase of the trial, the
    Notably, the State asserted a reverse Batson challenge, which the trial court denied ruling that
    the State failed to make a prima facie showing “that the peremptory challenges exercised by
    [defendant] were on the basis of race.”
    State presented constitutionally sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable
    doubt that defendant killed each of the three victims when he had the specific
    intent to kill or to inflict great bodily harm upon more than one person, and that his
    actions were not justifiable in self-defense. La.C.Cr.P. art. 905.4(A)(4); see
    Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    99 S. Ct. 2781
    61 L. Ed. 2d 560
    (1979) As
    discussed above, the record amply supports this determination. The State’s
    evidence of defendant’s motive and premeditation in the killings, his continuous
    firing of the semi-automatic rifle inside of the victims’ vehicle, and his subsequent
    actions taken to distance himself from the shooting, overwhelmingly proved
    defendant had the specific intent to kill Jarquis Adams, and his two brothers,
    Jeremiah Adams and Gene Adams, when he acted with the specific intent to kill or
    inflict great bodily harm on more than one person. Hence, the jury’s sentencing
    decision in this case does not appear to be arbitrary or capricious. See State v. Roy,
    681 So. 2d 1230
    , 1242 (La. 1996). Consequently, defendant’s sentence of death is
    firmly grounded upon the jury’s finding beyond a reasonable doubt that defendant,
    as he committed each of these murders, did so while he “knowingly created a risk
    of death or great bodily harm to more than one person.” La.C.Cr.P. art.
    The federal Constitution does not require a proportionality review. Pulley v.
    465 U.S. 37
    104 S. Ct. 871
    79 L. Ed. 2d 29
    (1984). However, comparative
    proportionality review remains a relevant consideration in determining the issue of
    excessiveness in Louisiana. State v. Burrell, 
    561 So. 2d 692
    , 710 (La. 1990); State
    v. Wille, 
    559 So. 2d 1321
    , 1341 (La. 1990).
    According to the State, since 1976, 48 persons—excluding defendant—have
    been indicted for first-degree murder in Caddo Parish, of which 20 have been
    found to deserve a sentence of death by a jury. Of death sentences not reversed,
    eight involved intent to kill more than one person.
    A review of the capital verdicts from Caddo Parish does not suggest that
    Marcus Donte Reed received a disproportionately harsh sentence. As noted above,
    eight cases resulted in a death sentence when the defendant had the intent to kill
    more than one person. See State v. Tucker, 13-1631 (La. 9/1/15), 
    181 So. 3d 590
    (defendant shot his pregnant girlfriend three times, killing her and the unborn
    child); State v. Dorsey, 10-0216 (La. 9/7/11), 
    74 So. 3d 603
    (Dorsey tied a 79-year-
    old woman to a chair, ransacked her home, bludgeoned her 52-year-old son to
    death with sufficient force to cause his broken skull to lacerate his brain, set him
    on fire, and left the woman tied to a chair in her burning home); State v. Holmes,
    06-2988 (La. 12/2/08), 
    5 So. 3d 42
    (defendant and her boyfriend forced their way
    into the home of 70-year-old Julian Brandon and 68-year-old Alice Brandon, shot
    Julian, then stabbed and slashed him to death, and robbed Alice before shooting
    her in the head); State v. Edwards, 97-1797 (La. 7/2/99), 
    750 So. 2d 893
    and an accomplice shot and killed Victoria Kennedy and shot and beat Gerald
    Kennedy, who received multiple skull fractures but survived, while robbing them
    at their apartment); State v. Cooks, 97-0999 (La. 9/9/98), 
    720 So. 2d 637
    along with four others entered a home in Shreveport to steal marijuana from the
    occupants and a struggle ensued and Cooks shot and killed one victim and also
    directed the shooting of two other surviving victims); State v. Tyler, 97-0338 (La.
    723 So. 2d 939
    (Tyler shot and killed the manager of a fast food restaurant
    in the course of an armed robbery, and he also shot two other employees in the
    head, but they survived the injuries); State v. Davis, 92-1623 (La. 5/23/94), 
    637 So. 2d 1012
    (Davis committed two separate murders in the course of two armed
    robberies); State v. Code, 91-0998 (La. 11/29/93), 
    627 So. 2d 1373
    (a vicious serial
    killer was convicted of brutally killing four people, including one whom he nearly
    decapitated and another whom he made sit in the blood of her murdered daughter
    before being killed herself, and he was found to have killed four other people as
    Here, it is appropriate for the Court to look beyond the First Judicial District
    Court and conduct a statewide proportionality review. Cf. State v. Davis, 92-1623,
    pp. 34-35 (La. 5/23/94), 
    637 So. 2d 1012
    , 1030-31. Louisiana juries have not
    hesitated in imposing the death penalty in a variety of cases involving multiple
    deaths or when a defendant risks death or great harm to more than one person. See
    State v. Scott, 04-1312 (La. 1/19/06), 
    921 So. 2d 904
    (two female bank tellers shot
    during bank robbery; first-degree murder convictions affirmed, case remanded for
    hearing under Atkins v. Virginia, 
    536 U.S. 304
    122 S. Ct. 2242
    153 L. Ed. 2d 335
    (2002)); State v. Brown, 03-0897 (La. 4/12/05), 
    907 So. 2d 1
    (couple kidnapped
    from their home, both shot and then found burned in their torched vehicle); State v.
    Wessinger, 98-1234 (La. 5/28/99), 
    736 So. 2d 162
    (ex-employee returned to
    restaurant, shot three employees and killed two); State v. Robertson, 97-0177 (La.
    712 So. 2d 8
    (couple stabbed to death in their home during an aggravated
    burglary); State v. Baldwin, 96-1660 (La. 12/12/97), 
    705 So. 2d 1076
    shot and killed his estranged wife and the three men who were with her at the
    time); State v. Tart, 93-0772 (La. 2/9/96), 
    672 So. 2d 116
    (defendant killed an
    elderly couple with a hunting knife during the commission of an aggravated
    burglary and armed robbery or simple robbery of the couple’s jewelry store); State
    v. Taylor, 93-2201 (La. 2/28/96), 
    669 So. 2d 364
    (ex-employee returned to
    restaurant, killed one employee, and attempted to kill another); State v. Sanders,
    93-0001 (La. 11/30/94), 
    648 So. 2d 1272
    (husband killed estranged wife and new
    boyfriend); State v. Deboue, 
    552 So. 2d 355
    (La. 1989) (defendant killed two
    children in an apartment he and his brother intended to burglarize).
    Because this Court has overwhelmingly upheld death sentences in such
    cases and due to the horrific nature of defendant’s brutal and senseless killing of
    the three unarmed Adams brothers, we find the death sentence imposed in this case
    is not disproportionate.
    For the reasons assigned herein, the defendant’s conviction and death
    sentence are affirmed. This judgment becomes final on direct review when either:
    (1) the defendant fails to petition timely the United States Supreme Court for
    certiorari; or (2) that Court denies his petition for certiorari; and either (a) the
    defendant, having filed for and been denied certiorari, fails to petition the United
    States Supreme Court timely, under its prevailing rules, for rehearing of denial of
    certiorari; or (b) that Court denies his petition for rehearing, the trial court shall,
    upon receiving notice from this Court under La.C.Cr.P. art. 923 of finality of direct
    appeal, and before signing the warrant of execution, as provided by La. Rev. Stat.
    15:567(B), immediately notify the Louisiana Indigent Defense Assistance Board
    and provide the Board with reasonable time in which: (1) to enroll counsel to
    represent the defendant in any State post-conviction proceedings, if appropriate,
    pursuant to its authority under La. Rev. Stat. 15:178; and (2) to litigate
    expeditiously the claims raised in that application, if filed in the state courts.
    No. 2014-KA-1980
    Hughes, J., concurs in the result.