Jeanne Varner v. Jarrod Varner ( 2023 )

  •                           STATE OF LOUISIANA
    NO. 2022 CU 1166
    Judgment Rendered:       FEB 2 4 2M
    Appealed from the
    21" Judicial District Court
    In and for the Parish of Livingston
    State of Louisiana
    Docket No. 153152
    The Honorable Jeffrey C. Cashe, Judge Presiding
    Wyman E. Bankston                           Counsel for Plaintiff/Appellant,
    Livingston, LA                              Jeanne Varner
    Sherman Q. Mack                             Counsel for Defendant/Appellee,
    C. Glenn Westmoreland                       Jarrod Varner
    Albany, LA
    Rebecca Lee                                 Counsel for the Minor Children
    Hammond, LA
    Laura Slocum                                Counsel for the Department of
    Livingston, LA                              Children and Family Services
    2.,/ / 57,crl(                      x-
    MILLER, J.
    This matter is before us on appeal by Jeanne Varner from a judgment of the
    trial court maintaining an ex parte custody order in favor of Jarrod Varner.           For the
    reasons that follow, the appeal is dismissed.
    In this protracted custody matter,             Jeanne and Jarrod Varner shared joint
    custody     of their   two   minor    children,       with neither party designated as the
    domiciliary parent, pursuant to a stipulated judgment dated February 2, 2021.              On
    April 1,    2022, Mr. Varner filed a motion for emergency ex parte relief seeking
    immediate emergency temporary custody of the minor children pursuant to La.
    C. C. P. art. 3945( C),   and a permanent modification of custody forthwith.'        The trial
    court signed an ex parte order awarding Mr. Varner temporary custody of the
    children and granting Mrs.          Varner supervised visitation with the children on
    Saturdays. The trial court further ordered Mrs. Varner to show cause on April 13,
    2022, why Mr. Varner should not be awarded immediate temporary custody and
    why the current custody plan should not be modified to award Mr. Varner sole
    custody of the children subject to supervised visitation by Mrs. Varner.             The rule
    was reset twice and ultimately heard by the trial court on May 26, 2022.2
    Following the hearing, the trial court sustained the ex parte order.          On June
    221 2022, the court signed a " Judgment Maintaining Ex Parte Custody Order,"
    which,     by its terms,   awarded Mr.      Varner ex parte custody and awarded Mrs.
    Prior to the instant motion, it appears from the record that Mr. Varner had also filed
    motions for ex parte custody" on September 14, 2020 and April 28, 2021.
    2According to minute entries, the parties appeared on April 13, 2022 and April 27, 2022,
    and following " a status with the Court" the matter was reset.
    Varner temporary supervised visitation pending the trial date of July 7, 2022.3
    Mrs. Varner now appeals.
    Following the lodging of this appeal, this Court, ex proprio motu, issued a
    rule to show cause why this appeal should or should not be dismissed where the
    judgment appealed maintained an ex parte custody order determining only
    preliminary matters until a pending trial date of July 7, 2022, and thus appeared to
    be a nonappealable interlocutory ruling.
    In response to the show cause order, Mrs. Varner avers that the observations
    made by the trial court were determinative of the merits,                  in part, because the
    evidence adduced and testimony offered is the same evidence and testimony that
    would be offered at trial.         Mr. Varner contends that the June 22, 2022 judgment
    maintains an ex parte order of custody pending the custody trial, which has not yet
    taken place,     and is an interlocutory ruling in that it does not determine the
    substantive merits of the case.          Mr. Varner thus requests that the instant appeal be
    dismissed, citing Suazo v. Suazo, 2010- 0111 ( La. App.              1St Cir. 6111110), 
    39 So. 3d 830
    , 833 (    The trial court' s judgment granting temporary physical custody is an
    interlocutory judgment because it does not determine substantive merits of the
    case.   La. C. C. P. art. 1841.     Provisional custody orders are not appealable.).
    However, the judgment before us maintains an ex parte award of temporary
    custody pursuant to La.           C. C. P.   art.   3945.   Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure
    article 3945,    entitled "   Incidental order of temporary child custody; injunctive
    relief; exceptions" provides, in part, as follows:
    B. An ex parte order of temporary custody of a minor child shall not
    be granted unless:
    1) it clearly appears from specific facts shown by a verified petition
    or by supporting affidavit that immediate and irreparable injury will
    Although the judgment indicates the matter was heard on May 25, 2022, the minute
    entry and transcript show the matter was heard on May 26, 2022.
    result to the child before the adverse party or his attorney can be heard
    in opposition.
    C. An ex parte order of temporary custody shall:
    1)   Expire by operation of law within thirty days of signing of the
    order; however, the order may be extended for good cause shown at
    any time before its expiration for one period not exceeding fifteen
    D. The rule to show cause why the respondent should not be awarded
    the custody, joint custody, or visitation of the child shall be assigned
    for hearing not more than thirty days after signing of the ex parte
    order of temporary custody.
    E. Any ex parte order not in compliance with the provisions of this
    Article is not enforceable, and is null and void.
    An ex parte order of temporary custody pursuant to La. C. C. P.                  art. 3945
    expires by operation of law within thirty days of the signing of the order and may
    be extended for good cause shown before its expiration for one period not
    exceeding fifteen days.      La. G. C. P. art. 3945( 0)( 1).   The remedy for a party who
    objects to the ex parte order is the La. C. C. P. art. 3945( D) adversarial hearing, after
    which an appealable final judgment will be entered.               Monica Hof Wallace, A
    Primer on Child Custody in Louisiana, 
    65 Loy. L. Rev. 1
    ,   26 ( 2019).       With
    reference to the adversarial hearing,       Section ( D) provides that the rule to show
    cause why the respondent should not be awarded the custody, joint custody, or
    visitation "   shall be assigned for hearing not more than thirty days after the signing
    of the ex parte order of temporary custody."             Further, La. C. C. P.   art.    3945( E)
    provides that "[   a] ny ex parte order not in compliance with the provisions of this
    Article is not enforceable, and is null and void."
    In the instant case, the April 1,       2022, ex parte order awarding temporary
    custody to Mr. Varner expired by operation of law, at the latest ( assuming a timely
    extension was granted by the trial court), within forty- five days of its signing.           See
    La. C. C. P. art. 3945( C)( 1).    Thus, where the judgment had expired by operation of
    law, it was not enforceable at the time of the May 26, 2022 hearing date.
    Furthermore,    it was made clear by the trial court that the June 22,     2022
    Judgment Maintaining Ex Parte Custody Order," which resulted from the show
    cause hearing, was not that judgment provided for in La. C. C. P. art. 3945( D),       but
    instead, was an extension of the original ex parte order signed on April 1, 2022. At
    the commencement of the hearing, the trial court stated, " This is not the custody
    trial.    This is just the ex parte trial."   Again, at the conclusion of the hearing, the
    trial court noted. "     We are coming back to court in about a month and a half ...    So
    this is not going to be a long term schedule."
    A judgment maintaining ex parte custody beyond forty- five days is not
    provided for in La. C. C. P.        art.   3945, and is thus not in compliance with its
    provisions.      As such, it is null and void and not enforceable.     See La. C.C. P. art.
    3945( E).      Because the judgment before us on appeal is null and void, the appeal is
    dismissed.      See Brennan' s, Inc. v. Colbert, 2013- 0943 (   La. App. 0' Cir. 9125113),
    125 So. 3d 537
    ,    541, on rehh' (Nov. 15, 2013), writ denied, 2013- 2917 ( La.
    141 So. 3d 285
     (        an appeal cannot lie from an absolutely null judgment).
    Considering our resolution of the appeal herein, we hereby recall the previous
    show cause order issued in this matter.
    For the above and foregoing reasons, this appeal of the June 22,           2022
    judgment maintaining an ex parte custody judgment is dismissed.              Costs of this
    appeal are assessed one- half to the appellant, Jeanne Varner, and one- half to the
    appellee, Jarrod Varner.

Document Info

Docket Number: 2022CU1166

Filed Date: 2/24/2023

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/24/2023