McCarthy v. The Governor , 471 Mass. 1008 ( 2015 )

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    MICHAEL J. McCARTHY & another1    vs.   THE GOVERNOR & another.2
    April 7, 2015.
    Governor. Council. Constitutional Law, Governor. Secretary of
    the Commonwealth. Judge. Jurisdiction, Equitable.
    The plaintiffs, Michael J. McCarthy and Mary-Ellen Manning,
    filed a complaint in the county court in July, 2013, against the
    Governor and the Secretary of the Commonwealth, seeking to
    establish that McCarthy had been nominated, confirmed, and
    appointed to a Massachusetts judgeship in 2012, and that he is
    therefore entitled to a commission for that office.3 The
    plaintiffs alleged, in part, that when the Governor "nominates"
    a candidate for judicial office, the nominee automatically is
    "appointed" without further gubernatorial action when a majority
    of the Executive Council's members records its advice and
    consent to the nomination. The plaintiffs alleged that that is
    what happened here. They further alleged that the Governor,
    once a nominee has been confirmed by the Council, is required to
    sign a commission, and that the Secretary of the Commonwealth is
    Mary-Ellen Manning, a former member of the Executive
    Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    Michael J. Albano, a current member of the Executive
    Council, was also named as a plaintiff in the complaint. He is
    not a party to this appeal.
    obligated to issue the commission, but that the Governor and the
    Secretary failed to perform these duties in McCarthy's
    situation. The plaintiffs sought relief in the nature of
    mandamus, declaratory relief, and, in the alternative, equitable
    A single justice of this court allowed the Governor's and
    the Secretary's motion to dismiss. The plaintiffs appeal. We
    affirm the judgment of the single justice.
    Background. On August 23, 2012, the Governor nominated
    McCarthy for the position of Associate Justice in the Southern
    Berkshire Division of the District Court Department. The
    Executive Council held a hearing on McCarthy's nomination on
    September 19, 2012, and the Council's members voted on it at
    their next weekly meeting, on September 26, 2012. Three
    councillors voted in favor of the nomination, three councillors
    voted against the nomination, and one councillor, plaintiff
    Mary-Ellen Manning, abstained.4 The nomination thus failed to
    garner the necessary votes for confirmation. Although the
    Council met again on October 10 and 17, 2012, it took no further
    action concerning the McCarthy nomination at those meetings.
    However, on October 17, Manning, who had initially abstained
    from voting, delivered a letter to the Governor stating that she
    now "advise[d] in favor of and consent[ed] to the appointment
    of" McCarthy, and that the "Council Register will so reflect."
    Neither the Governor nor the Secretary took any further steps
    concerning McCarthy's August 23, 2012, nomination in response to
    Manning's letter.
    On January 3, 2013, the Governor resubmitted McCarthy's
    nomination to the Council, for the same judicial position. The
    Council considered this second nomination at its meeting on
    February 13, 2013. Again the nomination failed to garner the
    votes needed for confirmation. The Governor, accordingly,
    thereafter sent a letter to the Council stating that he
    considered the matter closed. On February 21, 2013, however,
    notwithstanding the adverse vote on his second nomination,
    McCarthy appeared before two commissioners authorized to
    administer oaths and purported to take the oath of office as an
    Associate Justice of the Southern Berkshire District Court.
    McCarthy apparently took the position, as he now claims in this
    action, that his first nomination had resulted in his successful
    The Governor presided over the September 26, 2012,
    meeting. The Lieutenant Governor was not in attendance.
    appointment to the judgeship. For that he relies on Manning's
    letter to the Governor on October 17, 2012, outside of the
    formal hearing and voting process, which he claims was a valid
    vote in his favor and the final vote needed for his
    The Governor has never signed, and the Secretary has never
    issued, a commission to McCarthy.
    Discussion. The Governor is charged under the
    Massachusetts Constitution with the "obligation to nominate and
    appoint all judicial officers, subject to the advice and consent
    of the Executive Council." Opinion of the Justices, 
    461 Mass. 1205
    , 1207 (2012).5 The Constitution contemplates that the
    Governor both "nominate" and "appoint" each candidate for
    judicial office. The nomination is separate and distinct from
    the appointment. Among other things, an appointment can occur
    only after the advice and consent of the Executive Council. See
    Opinion of the Justices, 
    210 Mass. 609
    , 611 (1912). See also
    Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 155 (1803). The
    nomination comes first chronologically in the sequence, followed
    by the advice and consent of the Council, and then the
    appointment by the Governor.
    It is wholly within the Governor's power and discretion to
    decide whom to nominate. See Opinion of the Justices, 461 Mass.
    at 1212. As we have said, however, the Governor's power to
    appoint is subject to the advice and consent of the Council. An
    appointment may occur only if the Council "shall approve of it,
    and take affirmative action which fairly may be called advising
    it." Id., quoting Opinion of the Justices, 
    190 Mass. 616
    , 620
    (1906). That said, even if the Council consents to a
    nomination, the decision whether to appoint remains the
    Governor's prerogative. He must take some affirmative act "on
    the advice and consent of the [Council] to his own nomination,"
    Marbury v. Madison, supra at 157, in order to effectuate the
    appointment. See Juggins v. Executive Council, 
    257 Mass. 386
    Specifically, Part II, c. 2, § 1, art. 9, of the
    Constitution of the Commonwealth provides:
    "All judicial officers . . .   shall be nominated and
    appointed by the governor, by and   with the advice and
    consent of the council; and every   such nomination shall be
    made by the governor, and made at   least seven days prior to
    such appointment."
    389 (1926) ("Whether the Governor takes advice or not, his
    conclusion must rest finally upon his own judgment").
    The Governor's appointment of an individual to judicial
    office becomes effective "when the last act to be done by the
    [Governor is] performed." Marbury v. Madison, supra. See 1 Op.
    Attorney Gen. 140, 141 (1894). At a minimum, this requires that
    the Governor communicate unequivocally his determination,
    informed by the Council's advice and consent, to exercise the
    power of appointment. Rep. A.G., Pub. Doc. 12, at 96 (1972)
    ("Appointment occurs, of course, when the Council has given its
    advice and consent to the nomination and the judicial commission
    has been issued" [emphasis added]). The appointment, like the
    nomination, is highly discretionary, and it is for the Governor
    and the Governor alone to decide. There is nothing ministerial
    about the Governor's decisions to nominate and appoint.
    Contrast Rep. A.G., Pub. Doc. 12, at 107 (1984) (describing
    Secretary's role in judicial appointment process; stating that
    Secretary "functions in a . . . ministerial manner with respect
    to gubernatorial appointments"). As stated in Opinion of the
    Justices, 190 Mass. at 619-620, when the Governor has the power
    to act, "[t]he act, first of all, and afterwards for all time,
    is the act of the Governor."
    There is nothing in the record before us to suggest that
    the Governor took action to appoint McCarthy to the vacant
    judgeship at any time. To the contrary, the evidence is that
    the Governor did not proceed with an appointment in any fashion
    after the vote of the Council on McCarthy's first nomination on
    September 26, 2012, or after Manning's letter on October 17.
    Instead, he resubmitted the nomination to the Council.
    Likewise, after the Council's vote on the second nomination, the
    Governor indicated that he considered the matter closed. Thus,
    even if we were to assume for the sake of discussion, as the
    plaintiffs argue, that the votes of the councillors at the
    September 26 meeting, supplemented with Manning's purported vote
    by letter to the Governor on October 17, combined to constitute
    the requisite "advice and consent" and the required number of
    votes in favor of McCarthy's nomination, we conclude
    nevertheless that McCarthy did not validly obtain a judgeship.6,7
    Michael J. McCarthy's unilateral act of reciting the oath
    of office before persons qualified to administer oaths (see G.
    L. c. 30, § 11) did not transform the situation and somehow
    create a valid "appointment" where there was none. Where the
    Governor does not make an appointment, no valid commission can
    Moreover, the Constitution "discloses the intent [of the
    framers] that the Council shall act in a formal manner upon
    matters coming before it." Scullin v. Cities Serv. Oil Co., 
    304 Mass. 75
    , 78-79 (1939). See Answer of the Justices, 
    461 Mass. 1201
    , 1203-1204 (2012) ("The Massachusetts Constitution requires
    the Council to perform its duties with appropriate formality").
    The requisite level of formality for confirmation of a
    nomination was missing here. At the meeting on September 26,
    2012, at which the Council voted on McCarthy's first nomination,
    the formal vote -- three in favor, three opposed, and one
    abstention -- was insufficient to confirm his nomination.
    Manning's subsequent attempt to cast a vote, by her letter to
    the Governor three weeks later, on October 17, 2012, occurred
    outside the Council's formal meeting and voting process.
    Indeed, there appears to have been no formal action of any kind
    by the Council -- no further meeting, discussion, or vote -- on
    McCarthy's first nomination after the September 26 meeting and
    vote. Although the Governor and Council may promulgate rules of
    procedure to govern the hearing and voting process, see Pineo v.
    Executive Council, 
    412 Mass. 31
    , 37 (1992), no such rules have
    been brought to our attention, let alone a rule that would
    authorize a post hoc change in the duly recorded votes to occur
    by a letter to the Governor outside the formal process. In the
    absence of a valid rule authorizing such a procedure, we cannot
    conclude that Manning's purported vote was proper.
    The single justice was correct to dismiss the complaint.
    Regardless of his reason, the Governor took no action to
    effectuate a judicial appointment. Neither an action for
    mandamus nor an action seeking declaratory relief will lie
    against the Governor. Milton v. Commonwealth, 
    416 Mass. 471
    475 (1993). Further, the court's equitable powers may not be
    used to provide relief that is contrary to statutory or
    constitutional requirements. Haverty v. Commissioner of
    440 Mass. 1
    , 8 (2003), quoting Immigration &
    Naturalization Serv. v. Pangilinan, 
    486 U.S. 875
    , 883 (1988)
    ("Courts of equity can no more disregard statutory and
    constitutional requirements and constitutional provisions than
    issue and the purported taking of the oath is an empty gesture.
    Rep. A.G., Pub. Doc. 12, at 109 & n.6 (1984).
    The Governor and the Secretary have suggested that this
    appeal is moot because the Governor later nominated and (with
    the Council's advice and consent) appointed another individual
    to the judgeship sought by McCarthy. We do not agree that the
    appeal is moot.
    can courts of law"). Although, in appropriate circumstances,
    mandamus and declaratory relief are available against the
    Secretary, this case does not present such circumstances. The
    Secretary cannot be compelled to act where he had no legal duty
    to do so. See G. L. c. 30, § 12 (Secretary is empowered to
    issue commission only to "[a] person appointed to an office by
    the governor"). Where the Governor did not act to appoint
    McCarthy after the Council's proceedings, the Secretary could
    not issue a valid commission to McCarthy.
    Conclusion. The single justice correctly declined to grant
    the requested declaratory relief, relief in the nature of
    mandamus, and equitable relief, and properly dismissed the
    plaintiffs' complaint.
    Judgment affirmed.
    Raipher D. Pellegrino for the plaintiffs.
    Jo Ann Shotwell Kaplan, Assistant Attorney General, for the
    Michael C. Walsh, pro se, amicus curiae, submitted a brief.

Document Info

Docket Number: SJC 11625

Citation Numbers: 471 Mass. 1008

Filed Date: 4/7/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023