Carey v. Commissioner of Correction , 479 Mass. 367 ( 2018 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Suffolk.    January 8, 2018. - April 19, 2018.
    Present:     Gants, C.J., Lowy, Budd, Cypher, & Kafker, JJ.
    Commissioner of Correction. Regulation. Administrative Law,
    Agency's interpretation of regulation, Administrative
    Procedure Act. State Administrative Procedure Act.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    January 2, 2014.
    The case was heard by Joseph F. Leighton, Jr., J., on
    motions for summary judgment.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Leonard M. Singer for the plaintiffs.
    William D. Saltzman for the defendant.
    1  Gatewood West and Brenda Frazier. David Nathanson, Andrew
    W. Cowan, and Adriana Contartese, who were plaintiffs in the
    action in the Superior Court, have not participated in this
    appeal. See note 3, infra.
    BUDD, J.   In 2013, the Department of Correction
    (department) announced that visitors to correctional facilities
    would be subject to search by drug-detecting dogs.      The
    plaintiffs, who are visitors to correctional facilities who are
    not attorneys, allege that this canine search policy (policy)
    violated the department's existing regulations and that the
    department failed to follow requirements of the Administrative
    Procedure Act (APA), G. L. c. 30A, §§ 1 et seq., in implementing
    this new policy.   The defendant Commissioner of Correction
    (commissioner) contends that the policy is consistent with the
    department's existing regulations and is exempt from the APA.
    We conclude that although the policy is not inconsistent
    with the department's existing regulations, it is not exempt
    from the APA.   Given the policy's substantial impact on
    institutional security, however, entry of judgment shall be
    stayed for 180 days to permit the department to take action
    consistent with this opinion, during which time the department
    may continue to enforce the policy.
    1.   Background.   In early 2013, the department announced
    that it would begin subjecting prison visitors to search by
    drug-detecting dogs.2   The plaintiffs commenced this action to
    2 In early 2013, the Department of Correction (department)
    announced its intention to implement canine searches via a video
    recording that played in correctional facility lobbies. The
    department posted a similar video on the Internet Web site
    prevent the department from implementing the new policy.   The
    plaintiffs sought a judgment declaring that the policy was not
    authorized by the department's existing regulations, as well as
    a preliminary injunction to enjoin the department from
    implementing the policy without its being promulgated pursuant
    to the APA.3   A judge in the Superior Court denied the
    plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction, concluding that
    the wording of the regulation governing visits by members of the
    general public was broad enough to allow for canine searches.
    YouTube. In March, 2013, the department posted a fact sheet
    regarding the new policy on its own Web site, stating in part:
    "In response to an increase in drug and other contraband-related
    incidents involving visitors, the [department] will soon employ
    the use of dogs, trained to detect the presence of drugs, to
    address this problem." The department also distributed and
    posted documents regarding the policy, stating in pertinent
    part: "To further its ability to detect and prevent [drug
    smuggling] activity, the [department] will implement the use of
    non-aggressive, highly trained narcotic detection dogs in
    certain prison facilities for visitor and staff searches
    beginning the first full week in November."
    3 The complaint alleged a violation of the regulation
    governing attorney visits, see 103 Code Mass. Regs. § 486.07(4)
    (2015), and sought a judgment declaring that the policy was not
    authorized. The judge in the Superior Court who granted summary
    judgment permanently enjoined the department from enforcing the
    policy with regard to attorney visitors, on the ground that the
    regulation governing attorney visits did not allow for
    additional search procedures. The Commissioner of Correction
    (commissioner) did not appeal from that portion of the judgment.
    Those plaintiffs who were attorneys have not participated in
    this appeal.
    The policy was thereafter implemented.     The dogs performing
    the searches are not aggressive and remain leashed at all times.4
    They "alert" to the presence of a banned substance by sitting;
    they do not snarl, lunge, or bite.    There are alternative
    procedures for those visitors who are allergic to, or afraid of,
    A second Superior Court judge granted summary judgment for
    the commissioner, entering a judgment declaring that the
    commissioner had the authority to establish the policy without
    having to comply with the procedural requirements of the APA
    because the policy is "sufficiently similar to the searches
    specifically enumerated in the regulatory language."     The
    instant appeal followed.   We transferred the case to this court
    on our own motion.
    2.   Discussion.   Because this matter comes before us
    following a grant of summary judgment, we look to the summary
    judgment record and review de novo.      Miller v. Cotter, 
    448 Mass. 671
    , 676 (2007).
    a.   The viability of the policy.    The plaintiffs argue that
    the policy is prohibited by the department's existing
    regulations.   We disagree.
    4 As of January, 2014, there were four department dogs, all
    golden or Labrador retrievers: Sophie, Bailey, Greta, and Rudy.
    Each dog has a handler, one of whom serves as canine commander
    and oversees the dogs' training program.
    By statute, the commissioner is required to "make and
    promulgate necessary rules and regulations incident to the
    exercise of his powers and the performance of his duties
    including but not limited to rules and regulations regarding
    . . . visiting privileges."    G. L. c. 124, § 1 (q).    The
    governing regulation states:
    "Each superintendent shall establish a search procedure
    that is effective in preventing the smuggling of articles
    into the visiting area of the institution. The search
    procedure may include as a prerequisite to admission that
    visitors successfully pass through a metal detector and/or
    scanner, and/or a personal search, and that any articles
    they are carrying be thoroughly searched. . . ."
    103 Code Mass. Regs. § 483.14(2) (2004).
    A plaintiff challenging an agency interpretation has a
    "formidable burden."   Ten Local Citizen Group v. New England
    Wind, LLC, 
    457 Mass. 222
    , 228 (2010), quoting Northbridge v.
    394 Mass. 70
    , 74 (1985).    Unless an agency's
    interpretation of its own regulation is "arbitrary,
    unreasonable, or inconsistent with the plain terms of the rule,"
    such interpretation is entitled to deference.    Manor v.
    Superintendent, Mass. Correctional Inst., Cedar Junction, 
    416 Mass. 820
    , 824 (1994), quoting Finkelstein v. Board of
    Registration in Optometry, 
    370 Mass. 476
    , 478 (1976).
    Here, the plaintiffs allege not that the policy is
    arbitrary or unreasonable, but that it is inconsistent with the
    existing regulation because, they claim, the policy only permits
    searches that are similar to metal detectors and personal
    searches.   We see nothing in the language of the general
    regulation that precludes a canine search.   On the contrary, by
    using "shall," the regulation mandates that the search procedure
    be effective in preventing smuggling of contraband into
    correctional facilities.5   See Galenski v. Erving, 
    471 Mass. 305
    309 (2015).   Further, as to the specifics of any such procedure,
    the regulation uses broad, permissive language (i.e., "search
    procedure may include" [emphasis added]).6   103 Code Mass. Regs.
    5 The plaintiffs argue that the policy is also inconsistent
    with the regulation because the commissioner instituted it,
    whereas the regulation states that the "superintendent [of each
    correctional facility] shall establish a search procedure." 103
    Code Mass. Regs. § 483.14(2) (2004). This argument is
    unpersuasive. By statute the ultimate authority over the
    operation of all correctional facilities lies with the
    commissioner. G. L. c. 124, § 1 (q).
    6 We disagree with the plaintiffs' contention that the
    doctrine of ejusdem generis limits the department to searches
    similar to those enumerated. Ejusdem generis is a canon of
    statutory construction that applies to lists "[w]here general
    words follow specific words in a statutory enumeration"
    (citation omitted). Banushi v. Dorfman, 
    438 Mass. 242
    , 244
    (2002). It limits the "general terms which follow specific ones
    to matters similar to those specified." Commonwealth v.
    453 Mass. 535
    , 542 (2009), quoting Powers v. Freetown–
    Lakeville Regional Sch. Dist. Comm., 
    392 Mass. 656
    , 660 n.8
    (1984). Ejusdem generis does not apply here because rather than
    beginning with specific terms, this list begins with a general
    term, "a search procedure that is effective," then provides
    nonexclusive examples. 103 Code Mass. Regs. § 483.14(2). Cf.
    United States v. Turkette, 
    452 U.S. 576
    , 581-582 (1981)
    (declining to apply ejusdem generis where statute did not
    conform to structure of list of specific terms preceding
    disputed general term); Trustees of Andover Theological Seminary
    v. Visitors of the Theological Inst. in Phillips Academy in
    § 483.14(2).   See Wiedmann v. Bradford Group, Inc., 
    444 Mass. 698
    , 709-710 (2005) (use of "may" is permissive, not mandatory).
    Notwithstanding the possibility of a false positive,7 there is no
    dispute that canine searches are effective in detecting
    contraband that metal detectors and personal searches may not
    detect.   Giving due deference to the department's interpretation
    of its regulation, we conclude that the existing regulation
    permits canine searches.
    b.   The APA.   Apart from the question whether the canine
    search policy is permissible under the department's current
    regulations is the question whether the department was required
    to follow the procedures set forth in the APA for promulgating
    or amending regulations.   The APA details procedures that State
    agencies, including the department, must follow when adopting
    new regulations (as defined in the statute).   Its purpose is to
    "establish a set of minimum standards of fair procedure below
    which no agency should be allowed to fall" and to create
    253 Mass. 256
    , 270 (1925) (declining to apply ejusdem
    generis where general words preceded disputed list).
    7 The plaintiffs direct our attention to case law
    recognizing that dogs sometimes "alert falsely" either to
    remnants of drugs or in order to please their handlers. See
    Commonwealth v. Ramos, 
    72 Mass. App. Ct. 773
    , 776 (2008). The
    plaintiffs do not allege, however, that canine searches are
    uniformity in agency proceedings.8   Curran & Sacks, The
    Massachusetts Administrative Procedure Act, 
    37 B.U. L. Rev. 70
    76-77 (1957).   See Reid v. Acting Comm'r of Dep't of Community
    362 Mass. 136
    , 144 (1972); Palmer v. Rent Control Bd.
    of Brookline, 
    7 Mass. App. Ct. 110
    , 115 (1979).
    Among other requirements, prior to promulgating a
    regulation (as defined by the APA), a State agency must "give
    notice and afford interested persons an opportunity to present
    data, views, or arguments."   G. L. c. 30A, § 3.   The notice and
    comment period provides an "opportunity for 'input' and debate
    by the persons affected, and deliberate resolution of issues."
    Massachusetts Gen. Hosp. v. Rate Setting Comm'n, 
    371 Mass. 705
    707 (1977).
    The commissioner contends that the policy is not subject to
    the APA because it does not fall within the APA's definition of
    a regulation.   Although we accord substantial deference to an
    agency's interpretation of its own regulations, Northbridge, 394
    Mass. at 74, we do not defer to its interpretation of the APA.
    Under the APA, a regulation "includes the whole or any part
    of every rule, regulation, standard or other requirement of
    general application and future effect, including the amendment
    8 The purpose of the Massachusetts Administrative Procedure
    Act (APA) is similar to that of the comparable Federal statute.
    Milligan v. Board of Registration in Pharmacy, 
    348 Mass. 491
    500 (1965).
    or repeal thereof, adopted by an agency to implement or
    interpret the law enforced or administered by it."    G. L.
    c. 30A, § 1 (5).    Given the purpose of the APA, we interpret its
    definition of regulation broadly.    See Commonwealth v. Trumble,
    396 Mass. 81
    , 88 (1985), citing Curran & Sacks, supra at 77.
    Nevertheless, the definition excludes "regulations concerning
    only the internal management . . . of the . . . agency, and not
    substantially affecting the rights of or the procedures
    available to the public or that portion of the public affected
    by the agency's activities."    G. L. c. 30A, § 1 (5) (b).    Upon
    review, we conclude that the policy is not exempt from APA
    requirements as it is not one that concerns internal management
    alone, and, at a minimum, it substantially affects the
    procedures available to visitors to correctional facilities.
    Simply put, the introduction of the new policy
    substantially affected the procedures available to the public
    because, prior to the implementation of the policy, visitors to
    correctional facilities were not subject to dog sniff searches,
    but now they are.    This change could have a potentially
    significant impact on the visiting public's experience,
    including increased wait times, increased anxiety due to a fear
    of dogs or of false positives, and concerns in connection with
    allergies.   Compare Trumble, 
    396 Mass. at 89
     (policy not subject
    to APA where it concerned how State police should conduct
    roadblocks already taking place).     The fact that the department
    publicized the new policy by way of a coordinated multimedia
    campaign well before the policy's planned implementation date is
    a strong indicator that the department was well aware that
    implementing canine searches would be of substantial concern to
    those affected.9
    Given the department's efforts to publicize the policy, the
    commissioner cannot credibly argue that the policy concerns only
    internal management issues.     Rules or regulations that concern
    "only the internal management" of an agency are those that
    concern the organizational structure of that agency, or those
    that are directed toward agency employees, instructing them on
    how they should perform their duties.     See Trumble, 
    396 Mass. at 89
     (State police document detailing how State troopers should
    conduct roadblocks considered to be for internal management
    purposes and not subject to APA).     Clearly the department
    intended to, and did, broadcast information about the new policy
    to the public.     Indeed, it was the publication of the
    9 In addition to the video recording that the department
    showed in correctional facility lobbies and uploaded to the
    Internet, the fact sheet that the department featured on its Web
    site, and the notice that the department posted in its
    facilities announcing the policy to the public, the commissioner
    wrote a letter about the policy to governmental officials and
    distributed written explanations to department staff and
    department's planned implementation of the policy that prompted
    the instant action.
    The commissioner argues additionally that the department's
    policy is "intend[ed] to fill in the details or clear up an
    ambiguity" of the regulation governing searches of visitors,
    rather than to initiate a material change, and that thus the
    policy is not subject to the APA.   Arthurs v. Board of
    Registration in Med., 
    383 Mass. 299
    , 313 n.26 (1981), quoting
    Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., 
    371 Mass. at 707
     ("Agencies 'intending
    to fill in the details or clear up an ambiguity of an
    established policy' may issue interpretation or informational
    pronouncements without going through the procedures required for
    the promulgation of a regulation").     We are not persuaded.    An
    agency's interpretation of its own regulations may trigger the
    APA if that interpretation leads to a rule or policy that meets
    the APA's definition of a regulation.    See, e.g., Electronic
    Privacy Info. Ctr. v. United States Dep't of Homeland Sec., 
    653 F.3d 1
    , 7 (D.C. Cir. 2011) ("the purpose of the APA would be
    disserved if an agency with a broad statutory command . . .
    could avoid notice-and-comment rulemaking simply by . . .
    invoking its power to interpret that statute and regulation in
    binding the public to a strict and specific set of
    For the foregoing reasons we conclude that, at a minimum,
    the policy "substantially affect[s] . . . the procedures
    available to the public or that portion of the public affected
    by the agency's activities" such that the policy is subject to
    the APA.11   G. L. c. 30A, § 1 (5) (b).   See Electronic Privacy
    Info. Ctr., 
    653 F.3d at 6
     (use of advanced imaging technology
    rather than magnetometers at airports was subject to Federal APA
    as it "substantively affect[ed] the public to a degree
    sufficient to implicate the policy interests animating notice-
    and-comment rulemaking").
    3.   Conclusion.   The case is remanded to the Superior Court
    for entry of a judgment declaring that the department was
    required to, but did not, meet the requirements of the APA when
    it adopted this regulation, but that such a regulation, if
    10The Federal APA has a similar definition of regulation
    and similar exceptions thereto. See 
    5 U.S.C. §§ 551
    (4), 553(b).
    The Federal jurisprudence interpreting these provisions is
    similar, but not identical, to our jurisprudence. Compare
    Massachusetts Gen. Hosp. v. Rate Setting Comm'n, 
    371 Mass. 705
    711-712 (1977), and Commonwealth v. Trumble, 
    396 Mass. 81
    , 88-90
    (1985), with Electronic Privacy Info. Ctr. v. United States
    Dep't of Homeland Sec., 
    653 F.3d 1
    , 5-7 (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    11Because we conclude that the policy substantially affects
    the procedures available to the visiting public, we need not
    reach the question whether it also substantially affects the
    rights of the visiting public.
    properly adopted in conformance with the APA, would not conflict
    with existing department regulations.    Entry of the judgment
    shall be stayed for 180 days to permit the department to take
    such action as it may deem appropriate in light of this opinion,
    including, if it wishes, adopting the regulation anew in
    conformance with the APA.    In light of the security concerns and
    risks involved, the department may continue to enforce the
    regulation in the interim.    See Electronic Privacy Info. Ctr.,
    653 F.3d at 11
    So ordered.