Commonwealth v. Jessup , 471 Mass. 121 ( 2015 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Hampden.    December 5, 2014. - April 8, 2015.
    Present:     Gants, C.J., Cordy, Botsford, Lenk, & Hines, JJ.
    Homicide. Firearms. Felony-Murder Rule. Constitutional Law,
    Imprisonment, Freedom of speech and press. Wanton or
    Reckless Conduct. Robbery. Practice, Criminal, Capital
    case, Motion to suppress, Instructions to jury, Assistance
    of counsel.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on July 30, 2010.
    A pretrial motion to suppress evidence was heard by
    Constance M. Sweeney, J., and the cases were tried before
    Richard J. Carey, J.
    Elaine Pourinski for the defendant.
    Deborah D. Ahlstrom, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    HINES, J.     In the early morning hours of May 30, 2010,
    Jonathan Santiago was shot and killed as he sat in his vehicle
    parked near a Springfield sports bar.      The defendant was
    indicted for the shooting, and a jury convicted him of murder in
    the first degree on the theory of felony-murder (with attempted
    armed robbery as the underlying felony), unlawful possession of
    a firearm, and unlawful possession of a loaded firearm.1,2
    Represented by new counsel on appeal, he argues (1) error in the
    denial of his motion to suppress a letter he wrote to another
    detainee while he was detained awaiting trial; (2) that a
    substantial likelihood of a miscarriage of justice arose from
    the trial judge's failure to instruct on involuntary
    manslaughter; and (3) that his trial counsel was ineffective in
    not requesting an instruction on involuntary manslaughter based
    on wanton or reckless conduct.   We affirm the order denying the
    defendant's motion to suppress as well as the defendant's
    convictions, and discern no basis to exercise our authority
    pursuant to G. L. c. 278, § 33E.
    Background.   Based on the evidence adduced by the
    Commonwealth at trial, the jury could have found the following
    facts.   On May 29, 2010, the victim met up with his friends,
    The defendant also was convicted of armed assault with
    intent to rob, which was dismissed as duplicative of the
    predicate felony underlying the felony-murder conviction, and of
    unlawful possession of ammunition, which was dismissed as a
    lesser included offense of unlawful possession of a loaded
    The defendant was tried together with Jason Jamal Stovall,
    who was charged with the same offenses as the defendant, but as
    an aider and abettor or joint venturer, see Commonwealth v.
    454 Mass. 449
    , 466-467 (2009). The jury found Stovall
    not guilty on all charges against him.
    Andrew Cooke, Marquis Chase, Kasheef Sheppard, Timothy
    Henderson, and Alan Bamber, outside a sports bar in Springfield
    where Virgil Vargas was celebrating her twenty-first birthday.3
    Vargas previously had attended high school in Springfield with
    the victim, the defendant, and James Jamal Stovall, who was
    tried with the defendant.    Stovall was her friend.   She spoke
    with Stovall and the defendant outside the bar about fifteen to
    twenty minutes before the shooting.4    According to Vargas, both
    men wore black hooded sweatshirts, and hats.5    The defendant's
    braided hair was visible under his hat.    At the time of the
    shooting, which Vargas estimated had occurred at approximately
    12:35 A.M., she had returned inside the bar.
    The victim, who was wearing a "long, big chain," was parked
    in a lot across the street from the bar.    He waited by the trunk
    Virgil Vargas had promoted the party on social media
    Others saw the defendant and Stovall in the area outside
    the bar before the shooting. Andrew Cooke, who previously had
    worked at a restaurant with Stovall and "knew of" the defendant,
    testified that he saw the defendant and that the defendant was
    wearing a black "pilot's" jacket and a black baseball cap. He
    did not "get a good look" at Stovall. Marquis Chase also saw
    the defendant and Stovall before the shooting. Chase testified
    that the defendant was wearing a black sweatshirt and hat and
    had braided hair, and that Stovall was wearing a black
    sweatshirt. Another person present testified that he saw the
    defendant and Stovall before the shooting and that both were
    wearing hooded sweatshirts and one wore a hat.
    In her invitations to her party, Vargas had asked people
    to wear black clothing.
    of his automobile while some of his friends were deciding
    whether to stay or leave.    When the group decided to leave,
    Cooke approached the victim, who was then seated in the driver's
    seat of his automobile, to inform him.
    The testimony varied about what happened next.    Cooke
    testified that when he reached the victim's automobile, he
    leaned over to speak with the victim through the front driver's
    side window, which was partially opened.   As Cooke was doing so,
    he heard a sound and turned back toward it.    He saw a light-
    skinned African-American male,6 with braids, a hat, and a
    "pilot's" jacket approach from behind with a gun.     The person
    put the gun into the rear driver's side window, and stated,
    "Give me some money," or "Give me what you have."7    Cooke
    testified that he heard a gunshot, saw the victim's automobile
    back up and then move forward, and then heard the automobile
    crash into a fire hydrant.    Cooke did not see anyone else at or
    approaching the victim's automobile.8̓9
    Cooke testified that he only saw part of the shooter's
    face, namely, the shooter's chin.
    After the shooting and while at the scene, Cooke told one
    officer that the shooter had pointed the gun at the victim and
    ordered the victim to get out of the automobile and then pointed
    the firearm at him (Cooke).
    During his cross-examination, Cooke acknowledged that he
    told a police officer that there might have been someone on the
    other side of the automobile.
    Chase testified that just before the shooting, Cooke was
    speaking to the victim through the driver's side window.      Chase
    heard someone say, "Open the door or I'll kill you."      He went to
    see what was going on and saw a black male with braids10 behind
    Cooke with his arm inside the rear driver's side window of the
    victim's automobile (but did not see a gun).     Chase testified
    that he observed another person, who also was a black male,
    standing by the passenger's side mirror of the victim's
    automobile.     Chase heard a gunshot and then observed the
    victim's automobile travel in reverse, eventually crashing into
    a fire hydrant.     Chase testified that after the shooting, the
    two men who had approached the vehicle took off running across
    the street.11
    Another individual who was present, Kashawn Harris,
    testified that he knew Stovall from high school and was familiar
    with the defendant.     After Harris learned that his friends were
    going to leave and not attend the party, he went back to his
    automobile.     He heard yelling and turned around.   Harris saw a
    light-skinned black male in dark clothing on the driver's side
    At trial, Cooke made an in-court identification of the
    defendant as the shooter.
    Chase testified that he did see some of this man's face.
    When Chase first spoke with police, he did not mention
    Cooke's presence or that anyone was in the area of the
    passenger's side door.
    of the victim's automobile reaching into the automobile and
    another person in dark clothing running up on the other side of
    the automobile.   He saw the person on the passenger's side of
    the automobile touch the roof and a door.   From the direction of
    the victim's automobile, he heard a shot, and he then saw the
    victim's automobile move and crash into a fire hydrant.    Harris
    could not recall whether the victim's automobile moved before
    the shot was fired, but the two occurrences were close in time.
    He testified that after the shooting, the two people he had seen
    by the victim's automobile took off running across the street.
    After the shooting, the victim's friends rushed over to his
    automobile, and Chase and Henderson entered the vehicle and
    tried to revive him.   The scene was chaotic with people running
    and screaming.
    Police and medical response personnel arrived at the scene
    within minutes.   The victim died as the result of a gunshot
    wound to his back and chest.   The medical examiner who conducted
    the autopsy testified that the victim had an entrance wound in
    the middle of the left side of his back.    The bullet traveled
    through his left lung, which collapsed; went through his aorta,
    a major blood vessel; and exited through his upper right chest.
    The track of the wound was left to right, and back to front.
    Although the victim suffered other injuries to his face, the
    gunshot wound caused his death.   The medical examiner also
    opined that the gunshot wound was not one which would have
    resulted from a gun being fired from within two inches of the
    victim, so that the wound could not be characterized as a
    contact or close contact wound.
    Police searched the area.     One officer found a discharged
    nine millimeter cartridge casing which he opined likely would
    have been fired from a semiautomatic weapon.   No weapon was ever
    The victim's automobile subsequently was processed for the
    presence of fingerprints.   Fingerprints taken from the front and
    rear passenger's side windows matched those of Stovall.
    Fingerprints removed from other areas inside and outside the
    automobile matched those of Henderson and Chase.    There were no
    fingerprints matching the defendant's.
    Police took statements from various people who were present
    at the time of the shooting.    They brought several people to the
    police station to view (separately) photographs of possible
    One officer, based on a description that Chase had given of
    the shooter, generated about 900 photographs of possible
    suspects through a computer search.   The officer asked Chase to
    view the suspects on the computer, which displayed about twelve
    photographs per screen.   After viewing approximately 300
    photographs, Chase selected the defendant's photograph,
    identifying him as the shooter.    At this point, the police
    learned the defendant's name.
    Cooke told Springfield police Sergeant Kevin Devine that
    the shooter was a light-skinned black male between five feet,
    four inches and five feet, seven inches; wore a black baseball
    cap with a "B" on it; wore a dark-colored coat; and had braids
    to the back of his neck.    Cooke testified that he also told
    police that the shooter had a moustache and some markings on his
    face.    Cooke was not able to positively identify the defendant
    from any photographs shown to him on a computer screen, but
    later from a photographic array of eight individuals he selected
    three photographs depicting individuals who bore a resemblance
    to the shooter, one of which was a photograph of the defendant.
    Cooke stated that if he were to see the shooter in person, he
    would be able to make a positive identification.
    On May 31, Cooke returned to look at a photographic array,12
    but was not able to make an identification.    Again, he pointed
    to one photograph (of the defendant), stating that the person
    resembled the shooter.
    In the early afternoon of June 1, Cooke, Bamber, Sheppard,
    and Chase went to a park to go swimming.    While there, they saw
    the defendant and his girl friend.    Cooke "stopped dead in his
    This photographic array contained the same subjects as
    the earlier one referenced, but displayed a profile view of
    those subjects.
    tracks" when he saw the defendant.   Someone asked, "Is that
    him?" to which Cooke replied that it was.13   Cooke's friends then
    attacked the defendant, who eventually was able to escape.
    Later, Cooke contacted Sergeant Devine and went to the police
    station; there, looking at a different photograph array
    containing eight photographs, Cooke positively identified a
    photograph of the defendant as the person who had shot the
    Police had Chase return to the police station to view a
    photographic array containing eight photographs.   Chase selected
    the defendant's photograph from the array and stated that the
    person depicted therein was one of the two men at the victim's
    automobile at the time of the shooting.   From a different
    photographic array, Chase also identified one of the two men as
    Police also had Harris view photographic arrays on June 1.
    From an array, Harris selected the defendant's photograph as
    depicting the person on the driver's side of the victim's
    automobile and, from another array, selected Stovall's
    photograph as being one of the two men who fled from the
    victim's automobile after the shooting.   At trial, Harris
    testified that, at the time of the shooting, he had not seen the
    Cooke testified that it was his cousin Chase who had
    asked this question, but Chase denied it at trial.
    faces of the men who had approached the victim, but had assumed
    from the clothing worn by the men who had been by the victim's
    automobile that the men were the defendant and Stovall.
    After the encounter with the victim's friends, the
    defendant and his girl friend fled Massachusetts.   They were
    apprehended in Virginia on June 2, the next day, and detained at
    the Southside regional jail (jail) in Emporia, Virginia, pending
    extradition to Massachusetts.   While awaiting extradition, the
    defendant sent his girl friend, who also was being detained at
    the same facility, a letter that was the subject of the motion
    to suppress.   The Commonwealth introduced a redacted portion of
    this letter at trial as admissions of the defendant as well as
    consciousness of guilt evidence.   In the letter, the defendant
    "I hated being broke. I mean the lights got cut off,
    there was no cable, . . . gas, . . . et cetera. I wanted
    to do so much with so little and it didn't help, you kept
    reminding me that I wasn't shit and I didn't have shit. I
    . . . felt worthless and it hurt, so it caused me to not
    think clearly and to go out and do some dumb shit.
    "But I got good news, I'm not going to do life, first
    the bullet didn't kill him, the accident did, and second,
    they don't have any evidence just those stupid school kids
    saying I did it, but you know how that is that. All I know
    is that I was driving with you all day and left and went
    home, so I don't know what them kids are talking about.
    "I'm going to beat this case so stick by me please and
    then we can move if you want and start a new life, I swear.
    I don't know about you, but I was kind of glad this shit
    happened because we went on a road trip together. I was so
    excited to go to ATL with you.      I couldn't wait to start
    Neither the defendant nor Stovall testified.       The defendant
    presented a case of misidentification.     His former attorney
    testified that while interviewing Sheppard on May 20, 2011,
    Sheppard stated that he had spoken with Chase, Bamber, and Cooke
    before they were interviewed at the police station on the
    morning of the shooting and that none of them had seen who shot
    the victim.     The defendant's trial counsel argued that the
    identifications made by Harris, Cooke, and Chase were not
    credible.     Defense counsel also underscored the absence of
    physical evidence connecting the defendant to the crime and
    argued that the defendant had to flee the Commonwealth for his
    own safety.
    Discussion.      1.   Motion to suppress.   Prior to trial, the
    defendant filed a motion to suppress two letters, one that he
    sent to, and one he received from, his girl friend, while both
    the defendant and his girl friend were being held pending
    extradition to Massachusetts.     The Virginia authorities seized
    the letters under the jail's policy prohibiting inmate-to-inmate
    correspondence without prior approval.     The defendant argued
    that the letters were seized in violation of the First Amendment
    to the United States Constitution, as applied to the States
    through the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution.   After conducting an evidentiary hearing, a judge
    denied the motion.
    One witness, Lieutenant Richard Miles, an employee of the
    jail, testified at the evidentiary hearing on the motion.    We
    recite the facts found or implicitly credited by the motion
    judge, supplemented by additional undisputed facts where they do
    not detract from the judge's ultimate findings.   See
    Commonwealth v. Isaiah I., 
    448 Mass. 334
    , 337 (2007), S.C., 
    450 Mass. 818
    On June 2, three days after the murder and the next day
    after the encounter with the victim's friends, the defendant was
    arrested in Virginia.   His girl friend was with him at the time
    and, shortly thereafter, also was arrested on an outstanding
    warrant.   At the jail, the defendant and his girl friend were
    held in separate units based on their gender.   Male and female
    inmates were not permitted to communicate with each other.     The
    jail's written policy precluded inmate-to-inmate correspondence
    by mail without prior approval.14   Inmates were notified of this
    policy, among others, when they were admitted to jail.   The
    policies and procedures of the jail were established to ensure
    safety and security.
    Specifically, the policy provided: "Inmate to inmate
    correspondence within the facility will only be approved when a
    prior family relationship is verified."
    On June 17, 2010, Miles collected outgoing mail that had
    been placed in a window in the common room of the housing unit
    in which the defendant and seven other male inmates were being
    detained.   One item of mail, an envelope addressed to, and with
    the same return address of, the defendant's girl friend (the
    return address and sending address were that of the jail)15
    raised a "red flag."    Miles confiscated the letter because, as
    indicated by the envelope's return address, "it was mail from a
    female [who obviously did not reside] in a housing unit that was
    The jail's policy permitted an inmate's mail to be read by
    jail personnel only if the mail was first deemed to be
    contraband.    Miles considered the letter contraband and opened
    it to identify the sender, as it appeared to have a female
    sender and only a male inmate in the unit would have authored
    it.   He called out the defendant's name, but the defendant did
    not respond.   Another inmate went to the defendant's cell and
    informed the defendant that his mail had been confiscated.
    Miles returned to the defendant the envelope in which the
    letter had been contained, but Miles kept the letter itself.       He
    then verified that the defendant's girl friend was housed at the
    jail, that she and the defendant were "codefendants," and that
    The envelope was addressed to "Cherily Nixon, 244 Uriah
    Branchway, Emporia, VA 23847," and had the return address of
    "Cherily Nixon, 244 Uriah Branchway, Emporia, VA 23847."
    neither the defendant nor the defendant's girl friend had
    obtained permission to correspond.   Miles read the letter16 and
    then returned to the defendant's cell to retrieve the envelope.
    Miles also confiscated a second letter from the defendant's cell
    (that letter was sent to the defendant from his girl friend).17
    Miles forwarded the letters to his supervisor.
    The defendant maintains on appeal that his letter to his
    girl friend18 should have been suppressed because it was
    confiscated in violation of his right to free speech under the
    First Amendment.   In reviewing a decision on a motion to
    suppress, "we accept the judge's subsidiary findings of fact
    absent clear error 'but conduct an independent review of [the
    judge's] ultimate findings and conclusions of law.'"
    Commonwealth v. Scott, 
    440 Mass. 642
    , 646 (2004), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Jimenez, 
    438 Mass. 213
    , 218 (2002).
    Courts "must take cognizance of the valid constitutional
    claims of prison inmates."   Turner v. Safley, 
    482 U.S. 78
    , 84
    The relevant portions of this letter appear earlier in
    this decision.
    Lieutenant Richard Miles testified that, pursuant to a
    policy of the Southside regional jail, the discovery of
    contraband authorizes a cell search.
    Only some of the contents of the letter that the
    defendant had written to his girl friend were admitted in
    evidence over his objection at trial. The prosecutor did not
    seek to admit the letter that the defendant's girl friend had
    written to him.
    (1987).     Because prisoners retain their constitutional rights,
    "[w]hen a prison regulation or practice offends a fundamental
    constitutional guarantee, . . . courts will discharge their duty
    to protect constitutional rights."     
     quoting Procunier v.
    416 U.S. 396
    , 405-406 (1974) (Martinez).         Regulations,
    policies, or practices that restrict the written correspondence
    or mail of prisoners no doubt implicate the First Amendment's
    guarantee of freedom of speech.     See, e.g., Martinez, 
    supra at 406, 408
    At the same time, "[p]rison [officials] are responsible for
    maintaining internal order and discipline, for securing their
    institutions against unauthorized access or escape, and for
    rehabilitating, to the extent that human nature and inadequate
    resources allow, the inmates placed in their custody."
    416 U.S. at 404
    .    "The Herculean obstacles to
    effective discharge of these duties are too apparent to warrant
       Running a prison requires "expertise,
    comprehensive planning, and the commitment of resources, all of
    which are peculiarly within the province of the legislative and
    executive branches of government."     
    Id. at 405
    .   As such,
    "courts are ill equipped to deal with the increasingly urgent
    problems of prison administration and reform."       
    Consequently, "[w]here a [S]tate penal system is involved . . .
    courts have . . . additional reason to accord deference to the
    appropriate prison authorities."   Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 85
    , citing
    In Martinez, 
    416 U.S. at 398, 416
    , the United States
    Supreme Court first addressed the issue of prisoner mail when it
    considered the constitutionality of a California Department of
    Corrections regulation that censored inmate mail deemed to
    magnify grievances or contain other inflammatory statements.     In
    determining whether "censorship of prisoner mail is justified,"
    id. at 413
    , the Supreme Court set forth a two-part test:
    "First, the regulation or practice in question must
    further an important or substantial governmental interest
    unrelated to the suppression of evidence. Prison officials
    . . . must show that a regulation authorizing mail
    censorship furthers one or more of the substantial
    government interests of security, order, and
    rehabilitation. Second, the limitation of First Amendment
    freedoms must be no greater than is necessary or essential
    to the protection of the particular governmental interest
    Subsequently, in Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 81
    , the Supreme Court
    considered a Missouri regulation that forbade communication
    between inmates at different institutions.   The Supreme Court
    took care to distinguish its earlier holding in Martinez, noting
    that the Martinez case "turned on the fact that the challenged
    regulation caused a 'consequential restriction on the First and
    Fourteenth Amendment rights of those who are not prisoners'"
    (emphasis in original).   Turner, 
    supra at 85
    , quoting Martinez,
    416 U.S. at 409
    .   The Supreme Court upheld the challenged
    regulation and in so doing set forth a standard to be applied
    different from that stated in Martinez.    Turner, 
    supra at 89, 93
    .   Recognizing that courts must balance First Amendment rights
    of prisoners against legitimate penological governmental
    interests, the Supreme Court expressly adopted a deferential
    standard of scrutiny for the review of regulations and policies
    in the prison context that infringe on free speech rights under
    the First Amendment.19   
    Id. at 89
    .   Specifically, the Supreme
    Court directs that, "when a prison regulation impinges on
    inmates' constitutional rights, the regulation is valid if it is
    reasonably related to legitimate penological interests."     
    Under Turner, the reasonableness inquiry focuses on several
    factors, none of which suggests a violation of the defendant's
    First Amendment rights in this case.
    "The first Turner factor is multifold [and involves
    determining] whether the governmental objective underlying the
    regulations at issue is legitimate and neutral, and that the
    regulations are rationally related to that objective."
    Thornburgh v. Abbott, 
    490 U.S. 401
    , 414 (1989) (Abbott).     The
    second factor requires determining whether alternative means
    We have adopted this standard. See Massachusetts
    Prisoners Ass'n Political Action Comm. v. Acting Governor, 
    435 Mass. 811
    , 819 (2002), quoting Turner v. Safley, 
    482 U.S. 78
    , 89
    exist for exercising the challenged right.       Id. at 417.   The
    third factor considers the "impact the accommodation of the
    asserted constitutional right will have on others (guards and
    inmates) in the prison."    Id. at 418.    Last, Turner stated that
    "the existence of obvious, easy alternatives may be evidence
    that the regulation is not reasonable, but is an 'exaggerated
    response' to prison concerns. . . .       [I]f an inmate claimant can
    point to an alternative that fully accommodates the prisoner's
    rights at de minimis cost to valid penological interests, a
    court may consider that as evidence that the regulation does not
    satisfy the reasonable relationship standard."       Id., quoting
    482 U.S. at 90-91
    As an initial matter, the defendant argues that the letter
    itself was not contraband because it did not contain any
    physical items such as drugs or weapons.      The term contraband,
    however, is not so narrowly construed and includes, in
    accordance with its ordinary meaning and usage, any item not
    approved for retention.    See, e.g., 103 Code Mass. Regs. 403.06
    (2001) (defining contraband as "any item[s] not approved for
    retention by an inmate at an institution").      See also Webster's
    Third New International Dictionary 494 (1993) (defining
    "contraband" as "goods or merchandise the importation,
    exportation, or sometimes possession of which is forbidden").
    Here, the letter was addressed to a female inmate and thus was
    sent in violation of the jail's policy prohibiting inmate-to-
    inmate correspondence without prior approval.   The letter was a
    prohibited item.   Miles properly considered it contraband.
    We turn now to application of the reasonableness test,
    commencing with an analysis of the first Turner factor.     The
    policy's prohibition on inmate-to-inmate correspondence in the
    absence of a family relationship and where approval to
    correspond had not been first obtained is reasonably related to
    legitimate penological interests.   Here, the policy was
    established to ensure safety and security within the prison.
    The policy recognizes that inmate-to-inmate correspondence has
    the potential to be significantly disruptive, as such
    correspondence may involve planned escapes, acts of violence, or
    other schemes in the cases of pretrial detainees, including
    witness intimidation or tampering with evidence before trial.
    See Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 91-92
    ; Nasir v. Morgan, 
    350 F.3d 366
    372 (3d Cir. 2003).   These concerns justify implementation of
    the challenged policy.   See Abbott, 
    490 U.S. at 404-405, 415
    quoting Pell v. Procunier, 
    417 U.S. 817
    , 823 (1974) (regulations
    authorizing warden to reject inmate's subscription publication
    were aimed at protecting prison security, "a purpose [Supreme]
    Court has said is 'central to all other corrections goals'");
    supra at 81, 91
     (prohibition on correspondence between
    inmates of different facilities is logically connected to
    legitimate security concerns); Martinez, 
    416 U.S. at 412-413
    ("the legitimate governmental interest in the order and security
    of penal institutions justifies the imposition of certain
    restraints on inmate correspondence"); Farrell v. Peters, 
    951 F.2d 862
    , 863 (7th Cir. 1992) (prison officials may exercise
    discretion over delivery of correspondence between inmates in
    different correctional facilities based on safety and security
    Turning to neutrality, the Supreme Court has "found it
    important to inquire whether prison regulations restricting
    inmates' First Amendment rights operated in a neutral fashion,
    without regard to the content of the expression."   Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 90
    .   Here, the prohibition on inmate-to-inmate
    correspondence applies to all inmate-to-inmate correspondence,
    without regard to the content of the correspondence.   We thus
    conclude that the neutrality requirement is satisfied.20    See 
    Concerning the last part of the first Turner factor, the
    challenged policy is rationally connected to the legitimate
    safety concerns enunciated above.   Of significance, the policy
    differentiates between inmates who are family members and
    The defendant contests neutral application of the policy
    because his girl friend was able to send a letter to him. The
    defendant points to no other instances where the policy was not
    enforced. Under the circumstances and on this record, the fact
    that the defendant's girl friend was able to send a letter to
    the defendant appears to be an isolated occurrence in which one
    parcel of mail inadvertently was not discovered and confiscated.
    inmates who are not.   Recognizing that there may be legitimate
    reasons for fellow inmates who are family members to
    communicate, the policy focuses "a limited class of other people
    with whom prison officials have particular cause to be
    concerned," Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 92
    , namely other inmates who are
    not family members.    Because of the legitimate safety concerns
    enunciated above, and the dangers inherent in inmates of the
    same facility being able to freely converse, the challenged
    policy of limiting such correspondence to family members and
    requiring prior approval reasonably relates to maintaining order
    and security in the jail.   While family members who are fellow
    inmates also may have ulterior motives behind their
    communications, the risk reasonably could be considered less
    likely than that concerning those inmates sharing no family
    background and is minimized by an approval process.
    As to the second Turner factor, the defendant did not have
    an alternative means to exercise the challenged right because
    the defendant and his girl friend were not family members.    We
    note, however, that in the defendant's case, the limitation on
    communication at the time was to be temporary, as he was
    awaiting extradition to Massachusetts.   The policy, as applied
    to him, did not effect a permanent limitation on his right to
    correspond with his girl friend.
    Next, concerning the impact of accommodating the asserted
    right if the policy is invalidated, we conclude that such
    accommodation would likely have a significant potential negative
    impact on jail personnel and other inmates.   Internal
    correspondence to nonfamily members no doubt would increase, and
    with no confiscation and review of the content, there would be
    no way of knowing if concerted criminal activity were afoot,
    thus compromising security.   Jail officials would not be able to
    prevent, deter, and discover threats, escape plans, or planned
    acts of violence.   The safety of noncorresponding inmates would
    be at risk.
    Last, the defendant contends that, as an alternative to
    enforcing the policy, Miles could have just reminded him about
    the policy and returned the letter to him.    Such action,
    however, would obviate the need for the policy in the first
    instance and, again, would fail to uncover whether in fact any
    type of coordinated criminal activity was occurring.     We are
    satisfied, therefore, that the policy is not an "exaggerated
    response" to the problem posed by inmate-to-inmate written
    correspondence.   See Turner, 
    482 U.S. at 90-91
    .   We conclude
    that an inmate does not have a First Amendment right to
    unmonitored written correspondence with another inmate at the
    same detention facility and that the policy did not violate
    First Amendment guarantees.
    We address one additional argument made by the defendant.
    Relying on Abbott, 
    490 U.S. at 411-412
    , in which the Supreme
    Court noted that outgoing mail by its very nature does not "pose
    a serious threat to prison order and security," or a "danger to
    the community inside the prison" (emphasis in original), the
    defendant argues that his outgoing mail should be afforded
    greater constitutional protection than incoming mail.   No doubt,
    some Federal courts, relying on Martinez, 
    416 U.S. at 413
    , have
    applied a different standard to the outgoing mail of prisoners
    as opposed to their incoming mail.    See, e.g., Koutnik v. Brown,
    456 F.3d 777
    , 784 (7th Cir. 2006), cert. denied, 
    552 U.S. 809
    (2007) (inmates' outgoing mail scrutinized under Martinez
    standard); Nasir, 
    350 F.3d at 371
     (noting that many Federal
    courts apply Martinez standard to outgoing mail and Turner
    standard to incoming mail).    Other Federal courts, however, have
    rejected such a distinction.   See, e.g., Gassler v. Wood, 
    14 F.3d 406
    , 410 n.6 (8th Cir. 1994) (rejecting distinction drawn
    by type of mail); Brewer v. Wilkinson, 
    3 F.3d 816
    , 824 & n.10
    (5th Cir. 1993), cert. denied, 
    510 U.S. 1123
     (1994) (reasoning
    that Abbott suggests that Turner standard could apply to
    outgoing mail because in Turner, Court explained that when
    determining "whether the existence of other alternatives
    evidenced the unreasonableness of a prison regulation or
    practice, a court was not to employ a 'least restrictive means
    test'" set forth in Martinez).    The latter approach, rejecting
    any distinction between outgoing and incoming mail, recognizes
    that outgoing mail may pose just as many dangers as incoming
    mail, including escape plans, illegal activities, and threats.
    See Smith v. Delo, 
    995 F.2d 827
    , 831 (8th Cir. 1993), cert.
    510 U.S. 1052
     (1994).    We need not offer our own
    resolution of the conflict, if any exists, of what standard of
    review to apply to outgoing mail as opposed to incoming mail,
    because the mail at issue in this case was addressed to a fellow
    inmate, thus rendering the mail not only outgoing mail, but also
    incoming mail.   We point out that the Martinez decision did not
    address inmate-to-inmate correspondence.    We note also, for
    comprehensiveness, that Abbott expressly overruled Martinez to
    the extent that it might support the drawing of a "categorical
    distinction between incoming correspondence from prisoners . . .
    and incoming correspondence from nonprisoners."     Abbott, supra
    at 413-414.
    For the reasons stated, we discern no error in the denial
    of the motion to suppress.
    2.   Other errors.   a.   Jury instructions.   The defendant
    argues error in the absence of an instruction on involuntary
    manslaughter based on reckless and wanton conduct.    Because the
    defendant did not specifically request this instruction at
    trial, or object to the charge on the ground of its absence, we
    review whether there was error, and if so, whether it created a
    substantial likelihood of a miscarriage of justice.      See
    Commonwealth v. Tolan, 
    453 Mass. 634
    , 648 (2009).
    "An instruction on [involuntary] manslaughter is required
    where any view of the evidence will permit a finding of
    manslaughter and not murder."   Commonwealth v. Sires, 
    413 Mass. 292
    , 301 (1992).   "In deciding whether a manslaughter
    instruction is supported by the evidence, all reasonable
    inferences must be resolved in favor of the defendant."
    Commonwealth v. Vanderpool, 
    367 Mass. 743
    , 746 (1975).         As
    relevant here, "[i]nvoluntary manslaughter is an unlawful
    homicide unintentionally caused by an act which constitutes such
    a disregard of probable harmful consequences to another as to
    amount to wanton or reckless conduct."21   
    Id. at 747
    .    However,
    "[w]here the felony-murder rule applies, generally the defendant
    is not entitled to an instruction on manslaughter."
    Commonwealth v. Evans, 
    390 Mass. 144
    , 151 (1983).
    The defendant's claim that he was entitled to an
    instruction on involuntary manslaughter flows in part from his
    contention that the shooting could have been accidental.        In
    Involuntary manslaughter may be based on one other
    theory, namely, an unintentional killing resulting from "a
    battery not amounting to a felony which the defendant knew or
    should have known endangered human life." Commonwealth v.
    424 Mass. 92
    , 105 (1997), quoting Commonwealth v. Pierce,
    419 Mass. 28
    , 33 (1994).
    that regard, he points out that several witnesses, Harris,
    Cooke, and Bamber, testified that the victim's automobile moved
    before the gun discharged.   Thus, the defendant contends, the
    movement of the victim's automobile could have startled him or
    caused his hand to jerk in such a way that the gun "went off."
    This assertion of an accidental shooting is nothing more than a
    recasting of the argument made below that correctly was rejected
    by the trial judge.   See Evans, 
    390 Mass. at 151-152
    defendant who kills a victim in the commission or attempted
    commission of a robbery, while the defendant is armed with a
    gun, is guilty of murder by application of the felony-murder
    rule. . . .   The fact that, according to the defendant, the gun
    was discharged accidently, is of no consequence").
    The defendant also contends that an involuntary
    manslaughter instruction based on wanton or reckless conduct was
    warranted because there was evidence that he was not engaged in
    the predicate felony, namely, attempted armed robbery.
    Specifically, the defendant asserts that the jury could have
    concluded, based on an alternative view of the evidence, that
    the defendant did not intend to rob the victim.   He points to
    Chase's testimony that before the shooting, he heard the
    defendant say, "Open the door or I'll kill you," and Bamber, who
    heard someone state, "Unlock the door before I shoot."   This
    testimony, he asserts, contradicted the only evidence of an
    attempted robbery, which the defendant states was Cooke's
    testimony that the defendant said something to the effect of,
    "Give me what you have."    Certainly, the jury were free to
    reject Cooke's testimony.   The defendant's argument, however,
    ignores other evidence of his intent to rob, namely, his letter
    in jail to his girl friend in which he complained that he "hated
    being broke," that she reminded him that he "wasn't shit and
    . . . didn't have shit," and that these circumstances caused him
    "to not think clearly and to go out and do some dumb shit."
    Defense counsel argued in his closing that the letter should not
    be construed as inculpatory, but the defendant did not testify.
    Nor was evidence presented to refute the reasonable inference of
    a financial motive for attempted robbery that the jury could
    have drawn from the letter's content.    Thus, contrary to the
    defendant's contentions, no view of the evidence supported an
    involuntary manslaughter instruction on the theory that an
    attempted armed robbery had not occurred.
    Assuming, however, the absence of evidence of an intent to
    rob the victim, the defendant does not explain how his conduct
    otherwise qualified as wanton or reckless.    It was undisputed
    that whoever killed the victim had a gun because, irrespective
    of what any witnesses saw, the unchallenged evidence of the
    medical examiner established that the victim had been shot and
    died as a result of a gunshot wound.    There was no error in the
    judge not instructing, sua sponte, on involuntary manslaughter
    based on wanton or reckless conduct.
    b.    Ineffective assistance of trial counsel.    The defendant
    argues that his trial counsel was constitutionally ineffective
    because she did not request a jury instruction on involuntary
    manslaughter based on wanton or reckless conduct.    Where we have
    reviewed and rejected the defendant's contention that an
    involuntary manslaughter instruction based on wanton or reckless
    conduct was warranted, this claim cannot serve as the basis for
    a claim of ineffective assistance of trial counsel.    See
    Commonwealth v. Silva, 
    455 Mass. 503
    , 528 (2009).
    3.    Relief pursuant to G. L. c. 278, § 33E.    We have
    examined the record pursuant to our duty under G. L. c. 278,
    § 33E, and discern no basis on which to grant the defendant
    Judgments affirmed.