Commonwealth v. Tejeda , 473 Mass. 269 ( 2015 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Suffolk.       September 10, 2015. - December 2, 2015.
    Present:   Gants, C.J., Spina, Cordy, Botsford, Duffly, Lenk, &
    Hines, JJ.
    Homicide. Felony-Murder Rule. Joint Enterprise. Robbery.
    Home Invasion. Practice, Criminal, Required finding,
    Motion for a required finding.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on April 27, 2012.
    The cases were tried before Janet L. Sanders, J., and a
    motion for a required finding of not guilty was heard by her.
    The Supreme Judicial Court granted an application for
    direct appellate review.
    Dana Alan Curhan (Robert S. Sinsheimer with him) for the
    Vincent J. DeMore, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    GANTS, C.J.     The primary issue in this appeal is whether a
    defendant who joins with others to commit an armed robbery may
    be found guilty of murder on the theory of felony-murder for the
    killing of his accomplice by someone resisting the armed
    robbery.   We conclude that he may not.
    Background.    We recite the facts in the light most
    favorable to the Commonwealth, reserving certain details for our
    analysis of the issues raised on appeal.     On January 14, 2012,
    the defendant and two friends, Christopher Pichardo and Stephane
    Etienne, met with Frederick Reynoso, who was to sell them one-
    half pound of marijuana for $2,200.   Together, they traveled in
    a vehicle the defendant had borrowed from his girl friend to a
    residence in the Dorchester section of Boston, where the
    transaction was to take place.   Pichardo, Etienne, and Reynoso
    entered the home through a basement door; the defendant remained
    outside in the parked vehicle.   Reynoso's cousin, Jonathan
    Santiago, was waiting for them in the basement.     Once inside,
    Santiago weighed the marijuana, placed it into eight one-ounce
    bags, and handed the bags to Pichardo.     Pichardo told Santiago
    that Etienne would pay him for the marijuana.    Etienne dropped
    his cellular telephone to distract Santiago, and Pichardo then
    pulled out a .40 caliber semiautomatic handgun from his
    waistband and told Santiago, "You know what time it is."
    Reynoso responded by pulling out his own .32 caliber revolver,
    and a gun battle between Pichardo and Reynoso followed in which
    shots were fired from both weapons.   A bullet struck Pichardo on
    the right side of his chest.
    Etienne and Pichardo attempted to leave the basement, but
    Pichardo collapsed while still inside.   Etienne took Pichardo's
    firearm and cellular telephone, as well as the marijuana, and
    ran to the defendant's vehicle, which was parked around the
    corner.   Etienne and the defendant then returned to the basement
    and attempted to carry Pichardo back to the vehicle, but they
    were unable to lift his body.   They ran back to the vehicle and
    left the scene.   The defendant telephoned 911 from Pichardo's
    cellular telephone shortly thereafter to inform the police that
    Pichardo had been shot.   Pichardo was taken from the scene by
    ambulance and was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at
    Boston Medical Center.
    The police executed a search warrant on the Dorchester
    residence and recovered a home surveillance system that had
    captured a video recording of the exterior of the house, which
    showed the arrival of the defendant, Pichardo, Etienne, and
    Reynoso, and the aftermath of the shooting.   The police later
    also executed a search warrant on the defendant's girl friend's
    vehicle and found approximately thirty bags of marijuana in the
    A Superior Court jury convicted the defendant of murder in
    the second degree on the theory of felony-murder, with armed
    robbery as the underlying felony.1   The jury also convicted the
    defendant of the armed robbery of Santiago, in violation of
    G. L. c. 265, § 17; home invasion, in violation of G. L. c. 265,
    § 18C; and possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, in
    violation of G. L. c. 94C, § 32C (a).2
    The defendant, having earlier moved for a required finding
    of not guilty at the close of the evidence, moved after trial
    for judgment notwithstanding the verdict on all his convictions.
    The judge allowed the motion for a required finding of not
    guilty on the felony-murder conviction, but denied the motion as
    to the remaining convictions, and later issued a carefully
    researched and reasoned memorandum of decision and order
    explaining her ruling.   The Commonwealth appealed the judgment
    notwithstanding the verdict as to the felony-murder conviction;
    the defendant cross-appealed as to the surviving convictions.3
    The indictment alleged murder in the second degree, even
    though armed robbery is punishable by life in prison, G. L.
    c. 265, § 17, and, as the underlying felony, would support a
    conviction of felony-murder in the first degree. The judge
    ruled that the Commonwealth's decision to charge the defendant
    with murder in the second degree did not preclude armed robbery
    as the underlying felony. The defendant does not challenge this
    ruling on appeal.
    The defendant was found not guilty of the armed robbery of
    Frederick Reynoso, and of carrying a firearm without a license.
    Although the defendant's cross appeal encompasses all
    three of the surviving convictions, the defendant does not
    challenge in his brief his conviction of possession of marijuana
    We allowed the parties' joint application for direct appellate
    Discussion.    1.   Felony-murder.   Under our common law of
    joint venture, a defendant is guilty of armed robbery if he or
    she knowingly participated in the commission of the crime with
    the required intent, and either was armed himself or herself or
    knew that an accomplice was armed.    See Commonwealth v. Benitez,
    464 Mass. 686
    , 689 & n.4 (2013).     See generally Commonwealth v.
    454 Mass. 449
    , 466-468 (2009).    If, during the course
    of that robbery, for instance, an accomplice were to shoot at a
    police officer who arrived on the scene but not kill the
    officer, the defendant could not be found guilty of the crime of
    assault with intent to murder a police officer unless the
    defendant knowingly participated with the accomplice in the
    shooting with the intent to kill, even if the assault were the
    natural and probable consequence of the armed robbery.     See
    Commonwealth v. Hanright, 
    466 Mass. 303
    , 308-309 (2013), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Richards, 
    363 Mass. 299
    , 306 (1973) ("We 'firmly
    rejected' the argument that a joint venturer should be liable
    for 'any crime committed by any of his partners which follows
    naturally and probably from the carrying out of the
    enterprise'").   However, if that same accomplice had shot and
    with intent to distribute.   Therefore, we do not address that
    killed the police officer during the course of the robbery, our
    common law recognizes an exception to the ordinary rule of joint
    venture criminal liability:   the defendant could be found guilty
    of the police officer's murder on the theory of felony-murder,
    even if the defendant did not knowingly participate in the
    shooting or intend to harm the police officer.4   See Hanright,
    supra at 308-309; Commonwealth v. Watkins, 
    375 Mass. 472
    , 486
    (1978), quoting Commonwealth v. Devereaux, 
    256 Mass. 387
    , 392
    (1926) ("it is no defence for the associates engaged with others
    in the commission of a robbery, that they did not intend to take
    life in its perpetration, or that they forbade their companions
    to kill").
    The felony-murder exception to the ordinary rule of joint
    venture liability incorporates two implicit premises.   The first
    is constructive malice:   the substitution of "the intent to
    commit the underlying felony for the malice aforethought
    required for murder."   See Commonwealth v. Gunter, 
    427 Mass. 4
           Felony-murder liability also extends to accidental deaths
    occurring during the course of an underlying felony so long as
    the death was a natural and probable consequence of the unlawful
    activity. For example, if the police officer in the
    hypothetical scenario above were to suffer a fatal heart attack
    from the stress of being confronted by armed robbers, the joint
    venturers could be found guilty of felony-murder. See
    Commonwealth v. Lucien, 
    440 Mass. 658
    , 668 (2004) ("If [the
    victim] had died of fright while the defendant was robbing him,
    the defendant would be responsible for murder"); Commonwealth v.
    390 Mass. 144
    , 151-52 (1983) (felony-murder applies where
    victim was killed by accidental discharge of gun).
    259, 271 (1998), S.C., 
    456 Mass. 1017
    (2010) and 
    459 Mass. 480
    (2011), quoting Commonwealth v. Matchett, 
    386 Mass. 492
    , 502
    (1982).   The second is vicarious criminal liability for every
    act resulting in death committed by a joint venturer in
    furtherance of the joint venture, that is, the act of one is
    treated as the act of all.   See Commonwealth v. Lucien, 
    440 Mass. 658
    , 668 (2004); Commonwealth v. Lussier, 
    333 Mass. 83
    93-94 (1955).   These two legal constructions have defined
    felony-murder since it was first articulated in English common
    law in the Eighteenth Century.   See Rex v. Plummer, 84 Eng. Rep.
    1103, 1105 (K.B. 1701) ("if divers persons be engaged in an
    unlawful act, and one of them kills another, it shall be murder
    in all the rest" provided that "[t]he killing must be in
    pursuance of that unlawful act, and not collateral to it"); 4 W.
    Blackstone, Commentaries *200 (" if two or more come together to
    do an unlawful act against the king's peace, of which the
    probable consequence might be bloodshed; . . . and one of them
    kills a man; it is murder in them all, because of the unlawful
    act, . . . or evil intended beforehand").   See generally Binder,
    The Origins of American Felony Murder Rules, 57 Stan. L. Rev.
    59, 88-98 (2004).
    In Commonwealth v. Campbell, 
    7 Allen 541
    , 543 (1863), the
    Commonwealth sought to expand the scope of felony-murder by
    claiming that a defendant should be vicariously responsible for
    the act of someone who was not a joint venturer during the
    commission of the underlying felony.      In Campbell, the defendant
    had participated in a draft riot during the Civil War where a
    person was shot and killed, but the evidence was unclear whether
    the fatal shot had been fired by one of the rioters "with whom
    the prisoner was acting in concert," or by a soldier inside the
    armory who was resisting the attack by the rioters.      
    Id. The Commonwealth
    sought a jury instruction that the defendant may be
    found guilty of homicide regardless of who fired the shot.       
    Id. We rejected
    the Commonwealth's argument, declaring, "[n]o person
    can be held guilty of homicide unless the act is either actually
    or constructively his, and it cannot be his act in either sense
    unless committed by his own hand or by some one acting in
    concert with him or in furtherance of a common object or
    Id. at 544.
      We explained:
    "The real distinction is between acts which a man does
    either actually or constructively, by himself or his agents
    or confederates, and those which were done by others acting
    not in concert with him or to effect a common object, but
    without his knowledge or assent, either express or implied.
    For the former the law holds him strictly responsible, and
    for all their necessary and natural consequences, which he
    is rightfully deemed to have contemplated and intended.
    For the latter he is not liable, because they are not done
    by himself or by those with whom he is associated, and no
    design to commit them or intent to bring about the results
    which flow from them can be reasonably imputed to him."
    Id. at 546.5
    A century later, this court reaffirmed the principle that
    vicarious liability in felony-murder is limited to the acts
    resulting in death committed by a joint venturer.   Commonwealth
    v. Balliro, 
    349 Mass. 505
    , 515 (1965), S.C., 
    370 Mass. 585
    (1976).   In Balliro, the defendants broke and entered a home in
    the night with the intent to commit an assault with a dangerous
    weapon, but the police were waiting for them inside, and a
    gunfight resulted in which a mother and her son were killed.
    Id. at 508-510.
      Over the defendants' objection, the judge
    instructed the jury that, if the defendants "entered and shot
    first," the death of the two victims was "imputable to these
    defendants and they are guilty of murder."   
    Id. at 511.
    judge denied the defendants' request for an instruction that
    they could not be found guilty unless it were proved that the
    The principle that a defendant is responsible for the acts
    of a joint venturer that are committed in furtherance of the
    joint venture has an evidentiary counterpart in our law of
    vicarious admissions, which admits in evidence the statements of
    a joint venturer that are made during the course of and in
    furtherance of the joint venture, and treats them as if they
    were statements made or adopted by the defendant. See
    Commonwealth v. Bright, 
    463 Mass. 421
    , 426 (2012). See
    generally Mass. G. Evid. § 801(d)(2)(E) (2015). The
    justification for admitting what would otherwise be hearsay is
    that each joint venturer is an agent of the others in seeking to
    accomplish the goals of the joint venture, see 
    Bright, supra
    and there is a "community of activities and interests" within
    the agency relationship that "justifies exposing one coventurer
    to the risk of being incriminated by the utterances of another."
    Commonwealth v. White, 
    370 Mass. 703
    , 712 (1976).
    bullets that caused the deaths of the victims were fired by one
    of the defendants, and not by the police.     
    Id. at 511-512.
    noted that our Campbell opinion "appear[ed] to have become the
    leading case on the subject and has generally been followed in
    other jurisdictions."    
    Id. at 513,
    citing People v. Washington,
    62 Cal. 2d 777
    (1965); Butler v. People, 
    125 Ill. 641
    Commonwealth v. Moore, 
    121 Ky. 97
    (1905); People v. Wood, 
    8 N.Y.2d 48
    (1960); State v. Oxendine, 
    187 N.C. 658
    (1924).       After
    carefully examining the relevant case law, we reaffirmed the
    rule in Campbell, "which has been the law of this Commonwealth
    for more than one hundred years," and declared that a defendant
    cannot be found guilty of felony-murder "for the death of any
    person killed by someone resisting the commission of the
    Id. at 515.
      We therefore concluded that the judge
    erred in his instructions to the jury and in declining to give
    the defendants' requested instructions.     
    Id. Now, more
    than fifty years after our Balliro opinion, the
    Commonwealth again asks us to expand the scope of felony-murder
    by expanding the scope of vicarious liability to make every
    joint venturer criminally responsible for every act that results
    in death that is proximately caused by the underlying felony.
    Under the Commonwealth's "proximate cause theory," a joint
    venturer would be vicariously liable for an act resulting in
    death even if it were committed by a person who was resisting
    the underlying felony or attempting to apprehend the persons
    committing it, provided that resistance or an attempt to
    apprehend would be reasonably foreseeable by a person initiating
    the underlying felony, which it always would be.   The
    Commonwealth concedes, correctly, that the majority of other
    States follow what has become known as the "agency theory" of
    felony-murder under which the act causing death must be
    committed in furtherance of the joint venture by the defendant
    or someone acting in concert with him or her.6   See W.R. LaFave,
    Criminal Law § 14.5(d), at 793-794 (5th ed. 2010) (citing cases
    and noting that "it is now generally accepted that there is no
    felony-murder liability when one of the felons is shot and
    killed by the victim, a police officer, or a bystander"
    [footnotes omitted]).   The Commonwealth asks that we join the
    minority of jurisdictions that impose felony-murder according to
    the "proximate cause theory."   See, e.g., State v. Wright, 
    379 So. 2d 96
    , 96 (Fla. 1979); People v. Lowery, 
    178 Ill. 2d 462
    465 (1997); State v. Oimen, 
    184 Wis. 2d 423
    , 434-436 (1994).7
    We note that, in contrast to Massachusetts, many States
    set out the substantive definition of felony-murder by statute,
    requiring, at least in part, a statutory analysis not applicable
    in Massachusetts. See, e.g., Comer v. State, 
    977 A.2d 334
    , 337-
    342 (Del. 2009); People v. Hernandez, 
    82 N.Y.2d 309
    , 315-317
    (1993); State v. Oimen, 
    184 Wis. 2d 423
    , 435, 436 (1994).
    The Commonwealth also notes that, in Santiago v.
    428 Mass. 39
    , 43-44 & n.5 (1998) (Santiago II), we
    expressed "grave doubt as to the continuing validity of the
    As noted earlier, the common law of felony-murder is
    already an exception to our law of joint venture in that it
    deems the intent to commit the underlying felony as a substitute
    for the intent generally required for murder, and makes every
    joint venturer vicariously liable for the acts of his or her
    accomplices that result in death and that are committed in
    furtherance of the joint venture.   Indeed, for these reasons the
    common law of felony-murder is an exception to two basic
    principles of our criminal jurisprudence.   See 
    Hanright, 466 Mass. at 309
    ("the felony-murder rule operates according to a
    unique set of principles").   First, generally we require proof
    of a defendant's intent to commit the crime charged, and do not
    conclusively presume such intent from the intent to commit
    principle set forth in [Commonwealth v.] Campbell," 
    7 Allen 541
    (1863), that a defendant may not be found guilty of murder
    unless the defendant or a joint venturer committed the killing.
    In Commonwealth v. Santiago, 
    425 Mass. 491
    , 503 (1997), S.C.,
    427 Mass. 298
    (1998) and 
    428 Mass. 39
    , cert. denied, 
    525 U.S. 1003
    (1998) (Santiago I), we held that "where the defendant
    chooses to engage in a gun battle with another with the intent
    to kill or do grievous bodily harm and a third party is killed,
    the defendant may be held liable for the homicide even if it was
    the defendant's opponent who fired the fatal shot." In Santiago
    I, however, the juvenile was adjudicated delinquent of murder in
    the first degree on the theory of deliberate premeditation, not
    on the theory of felony-murder. See 
    id. at 502,
    505. The court
    in Santiago II specifically emphasized that "Santiago I does not
    contemplate holding the juvenile liable for his opponent's acts
    on a joint venture theory," but rather states that "the juvenile
    may be found delinquent for his own act, namely, engaging in the
    shootout that caused the victim's death" (emphasis in original).
    II, supra, at 44
    n.4. The "grave doubt" expressed by
    the Court in Santiago II must be considered in this context.
    another crime.     See, e.g., 
    id. at 308-309
    ("The intent to commit
    armed robbery, although sufficient to support liability for
    felony-murder on a theory of joint venture, is insufficient to
    support liability for" additional offenses against other
    surviving police officers who attempted to apprehend
    Richards, 363 Mass. at 302
    , 307-308 (defendant who
    was waiting near getaway car in armed robbery may be found
    guilty of assault with intent to murder police officer committed
    by accomplice only if defendant had specific intent to kill
    police officer).
    Second, generally "[o]ne is punished for his own
    blameworthy conduct, not that of others."     
    Richards, supra
    306, quoting Commonwealth v. Stasiun, 
    349 Mass. 38
    , 48 (1965).
    Only where a dangerous felony results in death do we adopt a
    principle that we otherwise have "firmly rejected" -- that a
    person who knowingly participates in one crime as part of a
    joint venture is "ipso facto also guilty" of all other crimes
    committed by an accomplice in furtherance of the joint venture.
    Richards, supra
    .    See 
    Hanright, 466 Mass. at 307-310
    , quoting 2
    W.R. LaFave, Substantive Criminal Law § 13.3(b), at 362-363 (2d
    ed. 2003) ("we remain committed to the view that . . . A's guilt
    as an accomplice to one crime should not per se be a basis for
    holding A accountable for a related crime merely because the
    latter offense was carried out by A's principal").     Contrast
    Pinkerton v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 640
    , 646-647 (1946)
    (conspirator is criminally responsible for all substantive
    offenses committed by coconspirators in furtherance of
    Adoption of the Commonwealth's proximate cause theory would
    essentially cause our law of felony-murder to depart even
    further from the second basic principle:    it would extend
    vicarious accomplice liability to acts that were not committed
    by accomplices, and that were committed not to further the joint
    venture but to thwart it.    We need not decide here whether our
    common law of felony-murder should continue to be an exception
    to our basic principles of criminal jurisprudence, or whether we
    should join those who have abolished or redefined felony-
    murder.8,9   But we would need persuasive reasons to justify an
    We have criticized the felony-murder rule in the past for
    divorcing moral culpability from criminal liability and for the
    harsh consequences it imposes for unintended or accidental
    killings. Commonwealth v. Matchett, 
    386 Mass. 492
    , 503 n.12,
    506-507 (1982) (noting that common-law felony-murder rule is of
    "questionable origin" and detailing limitations placed on
    doctrine by other jurisdictions).
    Great Britain, the nation where the common law of felony-
    murder was born, has abolished felony-murder by statute,
    providing that "[w]here a person kills another in the course or
    furtherance of some other offence, the killing shall not amount
    to murder unless done with . . . malice aforethought . . . ."
    Homicide Act of 1957, 5 & 6 Eliz. 2, c. 11, § 1. So have Hawaii
    and Kentucky. See 7A Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 707-701 commentary;
    Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 507.020 1974 commentary. Michigan has
    abolished felony-murder under its common law. People v. Aaron,
    409 Mich. 672
    , 727-729 (1980). Other States have not abolished
    expansion of what is already an unusual doctrine.   The reasons
    offered by the Commonwealth are not persuasive.
    First, the Commonwealth contends that the proximate cause
    theory should be applied to the common law of felony-murder
    because it comports with the scope of liability in civil cases
    and reflects the causation standard that would apply in a civil
    case brought by the decedent against the joint venturers.10   The
    purpose of civil liability, however, is to fairly compensate a
    plaintiff for injuries caused by the wrongful or negligent
    the doctrine but have significantly departed from the
    traditional formulation. See, e.g., State v. Doucette, 
    143 Vt. 573
    , 582 (1983) (holding that felony-murder requires proof of
    malice, but that malice can be inferred "from evidence presented
    that the defendant intentionally set in motion a chain of events
    likely to cause death or great bodily injury, or acted with
    extreme indifference to the value of human life"); Del. Code
    Ann. tit. 11, §§ 635, 636 (2007) (requiring defendant to act
    with recklessness, for murder in the first degree, or criminal
    negligence, for murder in the second degree); N.Y. Penal Law
    §§ 125.25(3), 125.27 (McKinney 2009) (setting forth affirmative
    defense where joint venturer rather than defendant commits act
    causing death). The Model Penal Code also has abandoned the
    traditional doctrine of felony-murder, requiring the homicide to
    be purposeful, knowing, or reckless in order to constitute
    murder, but providing for a rebuttable presumption of
    recklessness where the homicide occurred during the commission
    of certain felonies. Model Penal Code §§ 1.12(5), 210.2(1)(b)
    (1985). See also 
    Matchett, 386 Mass. at 503
    We note that causation may also be an issue under the
    agency theory of felony-murder. To return to an earlier
    hypothetical scenario, if a police officer suffered a heart
    attack attributable to the stress of confronting armed robbers
    and died after receiving negligent medical care, the question
    whether there was a sufficient causal relationship between the
    joint venturers' act and the resulting death would arise under
    both the agency and proximate cause theories.
    conduct of another.    In light of that purpose, it is reasonable
    that, where a person is killed during the course of an armed
    robbery by someone seeking to resist it, the burden of loss
    should be imposed on those who committed the armed robbery and
    thereby set in motion the chain of events that proximately
    caused the death.     In contrast, the purpose of criminal
    liability is to punish persons found culpable for their wrongful
    conduct, and that punishment is most severe when a person is
    found guilty of murder.     Given the "fundamentally different
    purposes of criminal law and tort law," Commonwealth v. Godin,
    374 Mass. 120
    , 127 (1977), cert. denied, 
    436 U.S. 917
    and the extreme penalties and infamy associated with a
    conviction of murder, it is not reasonable to expand the scope
    of felony-murder to punish a defendant for conduct that neither
    the defendant nor an accomplice committed or intended.       See
    Campbell v. State, 
    293 Md. 438
    , 450-451 (1982) ("Tort law is
    primarily concerned with who shall bear the burden of loss,
    while criminal law is concerned with the imposition of
    punishment"); State v. Canola, 
    73 N.J. 206
    , 226 (1977) ("Tort
    concepts of foreseeability and proximate cause have shallow
    relevance to culpability for murder in the first degree").
    Second, the Commonwealth argues that, "[b]y holding
    defendants responsible for deaths caused when they engage in
    activities which are 'inherently dangerous to human life,'
    Commonwealth v. Moran, 
    387 Mass. 644
    , 651 (1982), we deter
    individuals from creating scenarios which may result in death."
    We doubt that persons contemplating a dangerous felony would be
    significantly deterred by the possibility that, if a person were
    to be killed by someone seeking to thwart or apprehend them,
    they might be found guilty of felony-murder.   If they thought
    that they likely faced the risk of death from someone seeking to
    resist or arrest them, that risk would be the more potent
    deterrent.   See 
    Washington, 62 Cal. 2d at 781
    ("An additional
    penalty for a homicide committed by the victim would deter
    robbery haphazardly at best").
    Third, the Commonwealth contends that someone should be
    found guilty of murder for a violent death and, without the
    proximate cause theory of felony-murder, there is the risk that
    no one will be punished for the death of a bystander mistakenly
    shot by an armed robbery victim or by a police officer, because
    the victim and the police officer may have been justified in
    their use of force against the robbers.   It is true that, in
    these circumstances, it is likely that no one will be found
    guilty of murder.11   But that does not mean that the joint
    We acknowledge the possibility that, in circumstances
    where a defendant committing an underlying felony engages in
    conduct so dangerous that "a reasonably prudent person would
    have known that, according to common experience, there was a
    plain and strong likelihood that death would follow," the
    Commonwealth might obtain a murder conviction based on the third
    venturers will escape punishment.   Armed robbery is a life
    felony under Massachusetts law, see G. L. c. 265, § 17, and the
    death is likely to be treated as an aggravating factor by a
    judge imposing sentence on the armed robbery conviction.
    Moreover, a tragic death does not always justify a murder
    conviction; the law recognizes that a person is guilty of
    manslaughter, not murder, punishable by up to twenty years in
    prison rather than a life sentence, where the killing is
    committed intentionally under mitigating circumstances or
    unintentionally but recklessly.   See G. L. c. 265, § 13.     See
    also Model Jury Instructions on Homicide 64-79 (2013).     In
    circumstances where a defendant committing an underlying felony
    engaged in reckless conduct that "created a high degree of
    likelihood that substantial harm will result to another person,"
    the Commonwealth might obtain an involuntary manslaughter
    Id. at 74.
    More than fifty years ago, in 
    Balliro, 349 Mass. at 515
    , we
    were presented with the same question that we are presented with
    "The basic question is whether a felon can be held
    criminally liable for the death of any person killed by
    someone resisting the commission of the felony."
    prong of malice.   See Commonwealth v. Woodward, 
    427 Mass. 659
    669 n.14 (1998).
    For the reasons stated, our answer is the same as it was in
    Balliro:    "We hold that he cannot be."   
    Id. We therefore
    the judge's allowance of a judgment of acquittal notwithstanding
    the verdict regarding the conviction of felony-murder in the
    second degree.12
    2.     Sufficiency of the evidence of armed robbery and home
    invasion.    The defendant also challenges the sufficiency of the
    evidence supporting his convictions of armed robbery and home
    invasion, claiming that no reasonable jury could find beyond a
    reasonable doubt that he knew that Pichardo and Etienne intended
    to rob the sellers of the marijuana or that either was armed.
    See Commonwealth v. Britt, 
    465 Mass. 87
    , 100 (2013) (where
    We recognize that the current model jury instructions
    regarding felony-murder promulgated by this court do not provide
    adequate guidance to a jury in the circumstances presented in
    this case. The trial judge in this case appropriately provided
    the jury with, in essence, the current model jury instruction on
    felony-murder, which instructs the jury that the Commonwealth
    must prove the defendant committed a felony, that the felony was
    inherently dangerous or committed with conscious disregard to
    human life, and that "the killing occurred during the commission
    or attempted commission of the underlying felony . . . [and] in
    connection with the felony and at substantially the same time
    and place." Model Jury Instructions on Homicide 54-56 (2013).
    Such an instruction would allow a jury to convict a defendant
    where, as here, a joint venturer is killed during the commission
    of a felony by a victim or other person resisting the felony,
    and therefore does not accurately state the law of felony-murder
    in the Commonwealth where there is an issue whether the victim
    was killed by a joint venturer or by a person seeking to resist
    or arrest. We shall revise the model jury instructions to
    address this issue. Until the revised instructions are
    published, we direct judges to depart from the model jury
    instruction regarding felony-murder to reflect the law as stated
    in this opinion.
    element of offense is that perpetrator is armed, Commonwealth
    must prove that defendant knew that at least one joint venturer
    was armed); 
    Zanetti, 454 Mass. at 466-467
    (2009) (Commonwealth
    required to prove that defendant knowingly participated in crime
    charged with intent required for that offense).    Rather, the
    defendant argues, the evidence was sufficient only to show that
    the defendant knew that he was driving Pichardo and Etienne to
    purchase marijuana.
    When reviewing the denial of a motion for a required
    finding of not guilty, we must determine "whether the evidence
    offered by the Commonwealth, together with reasonable inferences
    therefrom, when viewed in its light most favorable to the
    Commonwealth, was sufficient to persuade a rational jury beyond
    a reasonable doubt of the existence of every element of the
    crime charged."     Commonwealth v. Lao, 
    443 Mass. 770
    , 779 (2005)
    450 Mass. 215
    (2007), and 
    460 Mass. 12
    (2011), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Campbell, 
    378 Mass. 680
    , 686 (1979), S.C.,
    Commonwealth v. Doherty, 
    411 Mass. 95
    (1991), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 1094
    (1992).     Here, Alvin Bernardez, who described himself
    as Pichardo's "best friend" and "at one point" a friend of the
    defendant, testified that the defendant informed Bernardez of
    the circumstances surrounding Pichardo's death during a
    telephone call initiated by the defendant on the day after the
    killing and a subsequent in-person conversation.     Bernardez
    testified that the defendant said that the defendant, Pichardo,
    and "another kid named Stephan" went to Dorchester "to catch a
    lick," and "it went wrong and [Pichardo] was shot."     Bernardez
    explained that "catch a lick" was a slang term for a robbery.
    See Commonwealth v. Dyous, 
    436 Mass. 719
    , 721, 729 (2002)
    (witness allowed to testify that he understood defendant's use
    of term "wet them up" to describe desire to kill).     Bernardez
    testified that the defendant told him that "[t]hey went to rob
    someone for a couple of O's," which Bernardez later explained
    meant ounces of "weed."     The defendant told Bernardez that
    "Stephan" set up the robbery, Pichardo was the "robber," and the
    defendant was the driver.     Further, the defendant, in a
    videotaped interview with police, stated that he knew that
    Pichardo "ripped people off" to supplement his income from work,
    and that he had seen Pichardo with a few guns, although he
    denied seeing Pichardo with a gun on the day of the shooting.
    From this evidence, a reasonable jury could infer that the
    defendant knew that the plan to purchase marijuana from Reynoso
    was, in fact, a ruse to steal the marijuana and that he would be
    driving Pichardo and Etienne to and from the robbery.    A
    reasonable jury could also infer that the defendant knew that
    Pichardo was armed, because he had earlier seen him with guns
    and knew that Pichardo's role was to be the "robber" who might
    need to use force to overcome any resistance by the drug
    sellers.   This evidence, viewed in the light most favorable to
    the prosecution, was sufficient for the jury to conclude beyond
    a reasonable doubt that the defendant knowingly participated in
    the armed robbery and home invasion with the intent required for
    these offenses, and knew that Pichardo would be armed.   See
    Commonwealth v. Chay Giang, 
    402 Mass. 604
    , 608-610 (1988)
    (knowing participation could be inferred from surrounding
    circumstances where defendant served as getaway driver).    The
    defendant claims that his conversations with Bernardez only
    reflected what he knew after the shooting, not what he
    understood at the time of the offenses, but a jury reasonably
    could have rejected this interpretation based on Bernardez's
    description of the conversation, including Bernardez's assertion
    that the defendant "knew what the ride was for."
    Conclusion.    The judge's order allowing the defendant's
    motion for a required finding of not guilty on the indictment
    charging felony-murder in the second degree is affirmed, as is
    the judge's order denying the defendant's motion for a required
    finding of not guilty on the remaining convictions.
    So ordered.