Commissioner of Administration and Finance v. Commonwealth Employment Relations Board , 477 Mass. 92 ( 2017 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Suffolk.     January 5, 2017. - May 12, 2017.
    Present:    Gants, C.J., Lenk, Hines, Gaziano, Lowy, & Budd, JJ.
    Commonwealth Employment Relations Board. Labor, Unfair labor
    practice, Duty to bargain. Commonwealth, Financial
    matters, Collective bargaining.
    Appeal from a decision of the Division of Labor Relations.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Robert L. Quinan, Jr., Assistant Attorney General, for the
    T. Jane Gabriel for the defendant.
    Alan H. Shapiro (John M. Becker also present) for the
    Mathew D. Jones, for Massachusetts Teachers Association,
    amicus curiae, submitted a brief.
    LOWY, J.     In June, 2010, near the height of the global
    economic downturn that became known as the Great Recession, the
    Coalition of Public Safety, intervener.
    Secretary of the Executive Office of Administration and Finance
    (Secretary) submitted to the Legislature a request for an
    appropriation to fund collective bargaining agreements between
    the Commonwealth and two public employee unions reached more
    than thirteen months earlier.     In the letter containing the
    request, the Secretary informed the Legislature that several
    similar requests for salary increases had been rejected by the
    Legislature; that attempts to renegotiate the agreements with
    the unions had failed; and that approval of the request would
    require renegotiating several other collective bargaining
    agreements that the Legislature had already approved.
    The unions both filed a charge of prohibited practice with
    the Department of Labor Relations (department), arguing, in
    essence, that the letter was a violation of the Commonwealth's
    purported duty to support an appropriation's request pursuant to
    G. L. c. 150E, § 7 (b), and also that the letter constituted a
    failure to bargain in good faith, in violation of G. L. c. 150E,
    § 10 (a) (5).     In January, 2014, a hearing officer with the
    department agreed with the unions and found that the
    Commonwealth had violated its § 7 (b) duty and had committed a
    prohibited practice under § 10 (a) (5) by failing to bargain in
    good faith.     The Commonwealth Employment Relations Board (board)2
    Formerly the Labor Relations Commission. See G. L. c. 23,
    § 9O, as appearing in St. 2007, c. 145, § 5. References to the
    affirmed, the Commonwealth appealed from the decision, and we
    transferred the case to this court on our own motion.
    We reverse the board's decision and conclude that the
    Secretary's inclusion of information about the anticipated
    fiscal effects of a legislative decision to fund the collective
    bargaining agreements in his request for an appropriation did
    not violate § 7 (b) or constitute a prohibited practice.
    Background.    The facts of this case are not in dispute.    In
    April, 2009, the Commonwealth, represented by the Executive
    Office of Administration and Finance, and the Coalition of
    Public Safety (COPS) entered into collective bargaining
    agreements for the periods of July 1, 2009, through June 30,
    2010, and July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2013 (2010-2013
    agreement).   The 2010-2013 agreement called for annual salary
    increases of one per cent, three per cent, and three per cent,
    respectively, over the three years it covered.   The Commonwealth
    had also entered into a collective bargaining agreement with the
    Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union (MCOFU) that
    covered the same period as the COPS 2010-2013 agreement and that
    also contained cost items that required appropriation.
    In June, 2009, then Governor Deval Patrick submitted a
    revised appropriation recommendation to both houses of the
    Commonwealth Employment Relations Board (board) include the
    former Labor Relations Commission.
    General Court for fiscal year 2010 (July 1, 2009, to June 30,
    2010).   In his accompanying message, the Governor estimated that
    there would be about $1.5 billion less in revenue compared with
    earlier projections because "Massachusetts continue[d] to
    experience the effects of a global economic downturn unseen
    since the Great Depression."
    In June, 2010, the Secretary3 submitted the cost items for
    both of the 2010-2013 agreements to the Legislature for funding
    pursuant to his obligation under § 7 (b).     In the letter that
    accompanied the request, the Secretary, addressing the
    respective chairs of the committees on ways and means of the
    Senate and House of Representatives, wrote:
    "In addition to previous requests, I am fulfilling my
    statutory obligation to ask your consideration of the
    attached additional collective bargaining items in Section
    2 of H.2, the Governor's fiscal year 2011 budget proposal.
    These items fund the collective bargaining agreements
    negotiated some time ago with [MCOFU] (Unit 4) and [COPS]
    (Unit 5). We are submitting them now because their costs
    first occur in fiscal year 2011.
    "These items provide for collective bargaining salary
    increases similar to contracts that were not funded during
    calendar year 2009. We have worked with the MCOFU and COPS
    leadership to reach agreement on contracts similar to those
    signed by other unions for this fiscal year and have failed
    to reach an agreement. Funding of these items will trigger
    The positions of the Secretary of Administration and
    Finance (Secretary) and the Commissioner of Administration were
    effectively merged in 2012. See G. L. c. 7, § 4, as amended
    through St. 2012, c. 165, § 33. The parties do not dispute that
    it is now the Secretary who is responsible for submitting budget
    requests pursuant to G. L. c. 150E, § 7 (b), and that the former
    Secretary acted in that capacity.
    a reopener in collective bargaining agreements that the
    Legislature recently did fund only because they contained
    delays in the salary increases."
    The Legislature did not appropriate funds in fiscal year
    2011 for the cost items contained in the 2010-2013 agreements.
    Since that time COPS and the Commonwealth have entered into two
    successor agreements -- one of which covered the 2010-2013
    period -- that were fully funded by the Legislature.   The
    successor agreement covering the 2010-2013 period, however,
    resulted in the delay of each of the wage increases by one year.
    About one week after the Secretary's June, 2010, request
    letter, COPS filed a charge of prohibited practice with the
    department, alleging that the Commonwealth failed to bargain in
    good faith, as required by § 10 (a) (5), because the Secretary's
    letter did not support the 2010-2013 agreement.4   A complaint was
    issued following the department's investigation.   The parties
    waived a hearing and submitted the case to the hearing officer
    on a stipulated record.
    In January, 2014, the hearing officer found that the
    Commonwealth had violated the law because it had refused "to
    take all necessary and appropriate steps to support the
    collective bargaining agreement."   The hearing officer ordered
    The Massachusetts Correction Officers Federated Union
    (MCOFU) filed a similar charge three months later, and the cases
    were consolidated. MCOFU subsequently withdrew its complaint on
    the ground that the issue had become moot.
    the Commonwealth to "[s]ubmit to the Legislature a request for
    an appropriation to fund the cost items and take all appropriate
    steps to support the [2010-2013 agreement]."
    The Commonwealth appealed to the board, which affirmed the
    decision of the hearing officer.5   The Commonwealth appealed from
    the board's decision to the Appeals Court, G. L. c. 150E, § 11
    (i), and we transferred the case to this court on our own
    Standard of review.   This court reviews the board's
    decisions in accordance with the standards laid out in G. L.
    c. 30A, § 14 (7), which provides that a final administrative
    agency decision will be set aside if, among other grounds, it is
    "[u]nsupported by substantial evidence," G. L. c. 30A,
    § 14 (7) (e), or "[a]rbitrary or capricious, an abuse of
    discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law," G. L.
    c. 30A, § 14 (7) (g).   See G. L. c. 150E, § 11 (i).   See also
    Somerville v. Commonwealth Employment Relations Bd., 
    470 Mass. 563
    , 567-568 (2015).
    Discussion.   A crucial point in the board's decision is the
    connection between the Commonwealth's statutory duty to request
    appropriations for cost items in executed collective bargaining
    Because the board incorporated the facts set forth by the
    hearing officer, fully affirmed the officer's analysis, and
    agreed with all of his conclusions, we refer to the two
    decisions collectively as the board's.
    agreements under § 7 (b) and its obligation to bargain in good
    faith under § 10 (a) (5).   The board concluded that by failing
    to affirmatively support the agreement, as required by § 7 (b),
    the Commonwealth had committed a breach of its duty to bargain
    in good faith, as required by § 10 (a) (5).
    We are not persuaded that the two provisions operate in the
    manner suggested by the board.   In our view, there are three
    flaws in the board's decision.   First, the board erred in
    determining that § 7 (b) requires an employer not only to submit
    but also affirmatively to support a § 7 (b) appropriation
    request; second, its conclusion that the Commonwealth failed to
    bargain in good faith in violation of § 10 (a) (5) is
    unsupported by substantial evidence; and third, the board
    erroneously conflated the employer's obligations under the two
    statutory provisions.
    a.   Employer's duty under § 7 (b).     General Laws c. 150E,
    § 7 (b), provides in relevant part:
    "The employer . . . shall submit to the appropriate
    legislative body within thirty days after the date on which
    the agreement is executed by the parties, a request for an
    appropriation necessary to fund the cost items contained
    therein . . . . If the appropriate legislative body duly
    rejects the request for an appropriation necessary to fund
    the cost items, such cost items shall be returned to the
    parties for further bargaining."
    We have previously discussed what constitutes a violation
    of § 7 (b) and its statutory predecessor.    We have held that an
    employer fails to comply with the statute when the employer
    refuses even to submit a request for appropriations to the
    appropriate legislative body, Boston Teachers Union, Local 66 v.
    School Comm. of Boston, 
    370 Mass. 455
    , 474-475 (1976) (mayor
    required to transmit school committee's request for
    appropriations to city council, notwithstanding mayor's special
    veto power);6 Mendes v. Taunton, 
    366 Mass. 109
    , 118-119 (1974)
    (successor mayor must submit request to city council even though
    predecessor negotiated collective bargaining agreement), or when
    the employer submits a request that makes full funding of the
    agreement contingent on voters passing an override to cover a
    budget shortfall, Local 1652, Int'l Assoc. of Firefighters v.
    442 Mass. 463
    , 464 (2004) (Framingham) (officials
    did not fulfil obligation under § 7 [b] where budget submitted
    to town meeting made full funding of collective bargaining
    agreement contingent on voters passing property tax override).
    We have also held that although successor officials must submit
    In Boston Teachers Union, Local 66 v. School Comm. of
    370 Mass. 455
    , 474-475 (1976), we stated that "[t]he
    mayor, of course, may recommend disapproval of the request." It
    is important to note that in that case it was the school
    committee that negotiated with the unions and not the mayor, and
    thus if the mayor recommended his disapproval it could not have
    been argued that the negotiations took place in bad faith based
    on the mayor's subsequent conduct. See Alliance, AFSCME/SEIU,
    AFL-CIO v. Secretary of Admin., 
    413 Mass. 377
    , 380, 382-383
    (1992) (Alliance) (successor governor may recommend
    disapproval); Labor Relations Comm'n v. Selectmen of Dracut, 
    374 Mass. 619
    , 626 (1978) (same for successor selectmen).
    the request, they may not be compelled to publicly support a
    collective bargaining agreement negotiated by their
    predecessors, because the successor officials' "constituents are
    entitled to the unfettered exercise of their judgment on matters
    of policy."   Labor Relations Comm'n v. Selectmen of Dracut, 
    374 Mass. 619
    , 625 (1978).
    Contrary to a number of board decisions cited by the board
    and COPS, we have never required officials affirmatively to
    support a § 7 (b) request.   Contrast Town of Belmont, 22 M.L.C.
    1636, 1639 (1996); Town of Rockland, 16 M.L.C. 1001, 1005
    (1989); City of Chelsea, 13 M.L.C. 1144, 1149-1150 (1986);
    Worcester Sch. Comm., 5 M.L.C. 1080, 1083 (1978).   Based on our
    review, these cases trace back to Turners Falls Fire Dist.,
    4 M.L.C. 1658, 1662 (1977), where the board stated:   "It is
    well-settled law that an employer's refusal to take affirmative
    steps to support the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
    before the legislative body constitutes a violation of its duty
    to bargain in good faith."   The board cites only to Mendes v.
    366 Mass. 109
    (1974), for that proposition of law.        The
    Mendes decision, however, merely requires that an official, even
    a successor official, must submit a request to the appropriate
    legislative body.   
    Id. at 118-119.
    We cited several of these board cases with approval in
    Framingham.   See 
    Framingham, 442 Mass. at 469-470
    & n.6.    See
    id. at 479-480
    (Sosman, J., dissenting).   Those cases were
    cited, however, to illustrate that the obligation to seek
    funding is "unconditional" in the sense that requests for
    funding may not be conditioned on the occurrence of another
    event under the language of § 7 (b).   
    Id. at 469.
      To the extent
    that these cited decisions of the board (and any dicta in
    Framingham) suggest that a lack of affirmative support
    inevitably constitutes a violation of § 7 (b), they rest on an
    error of law, and we do not follow them.
    Accordingly, when an employer submits a § 7 (b) request to
    the appropriate legislative body for an appropriation to fully
    fund cost items in a collective bargaining agreement and the
    request includes pertinent information concerning fiscal and
    public policy matters, it does not violate its statutory
    obligation under § 7 (b).   See Alliance, AFSCME/SEIU, AFL-CIO v.
    Secretary of Admin., 
    413 Mass. 377
    , 380 (1992).7
    Alliance, 413 Mass. at 379
    , during the final days of
    Governor Michael Dukakis's administration, the Secretary signed
    a collective bargaining agreement with a number of unions. The
    § 7 (b) request obligation fell to the successor administration
    of Governor William Weld. 
    Id. at 380.
    At the time of the
    § 7 (b) request, Governor Weld also sent a written message to
    the Legislature urging it to reject the appropriation request
    because of the financial circumstances of the Commonwealth. 
    Id. In that
    case, neither party raised the issue whether Governor
    Weld's message violated § 7 (b), and the court, without itself
    remarking on the issue, had no trouble determining that the
    Governor's actions in sending the message were appropriate. 
    Id. at 382-383.
    Here, the employer submitted the § 7 (b) request to the
    Legislature and did not condition funding the request on the
    occurrence of another event.        Thus, there was no violation of
    § 7 (b), and the board's conclusion to the contrary was an error
    of law.
    b.     Good faith in collective bargaining.   Under the public
    employee collective bargaining statute,8 G. L. c. 150E, both the
    employer and the exclusive representative of the employee
    organizations must "negotiate in good faith." G. L. c. 150E,
    § 6.9        Refusing to "bargain collectively in good faith" is a
    prohibited practice.        G. L. c. 150E, § 10 (a) (5).10   The duty to
    bargain in good faith is the duty to meet and negotiate in good
    faith.        See School Comm. of Newton v. Labor Relations Comm'n,
    The Commonwealth is a public employer, and the unions are
    employee organizations within the meaning of G. L. c. 150E, § 1.
    General Laws c. 150E, § 6, provides in relevant part:
    "The employer and the exclusive representative shall
    . . . negotiate in good faith with respect to wages, hours,
    standards or productivity and performance, and any other
    terms and conditions of employment . . . ."
    General Laws c. 150E, § 10 (a) (5), provides in relevant
    "(a) It shall be a prohibited practice for a public
    employer or its designated representative to:
    ". . .
    "(5) Refuse to bargain collectively in good faith with
    the exclusive representative as required in [§ 6] . . . ."
    388 Mass. 557
    , 572 (1983).   "'Good faith' implies an open and
    fair mind as well as a sincere effort to reach a common ground."
    Id. A comprehensive
    analysis of the precise contours of what
    constitutes good faith during negotiations would fill volumes,
    but a few examples may be helpful.    Appellate courts in the
    Commonwealth have held that a public employer violates the
    obligation to bargain in good faith when the employer refuses to
    bargain at all, 
    id. at 574-575,
    or when it reaches an agreement
    with a union but then makes its execution contingent on approval
    by a supervisory entity, Springfield Hous. Auth. v. Labor
    Relations Comm'n, 
    16 Mass. App. Ct. 653
    , 654, 658-659 (1983)
    (bad faith where housing authority ratified agreement with
    condition that it be approved by agency of Executive Office of
    Communities and Development, which had supervisory functions
    over housing authorities).
    What emerges from the case law is that for a public
    employer to comply with the obligation to bargain and negotiate
    in good faith it must have an open and fair mind during the
    negotiating and bargaining process.   A contrary conclusion would
    run afoul of the plain language of G. L. c. 150E, §§ 6 and
    10 (a) (5).   See Hashimi v. Kalil, 
    388 Mass. 607
    , 609 (1983)
    ("In construing a statute, words are to be accorded their
    ordinary meaning and approved usage").
    Here, the board concluded that the Commonwealth failed to
    bargain in good faith in 2009 because it included statements
    regarding the fiscal consequences of approving the submitted
    appropriation in its § 7 (b) request submitted in June, 2010.
    This conclusion was unsupported by substantial evidence.
    There was no evidence presented to the board alleging bad
    faith on the part of the Commonwealth at the time the agreement
    was reached.    The only purported evidence of bad faith was the
    letter from the Secretary containing pertinent information
    concerning the fiscal implications of funding the 2010-2013
    agreement, sent thirteen months after negotiations concluded and
    while the Commonwealth continued to find itself in the throes of
    a nearly unprecedented economic crisis.
    The temporal gap is indisputable, and there was no evidence
    presented suggesting that the Secretary's characterization of
    the economic consequences of funding the agreement was
    inaccurate.    In these circumstances, it cannot reasonably be
    said that the employer did not have an "open and fair mind" when
    it concluded its agreement with the unions, simply based on the
    Secretary's letter.
    c.   Connection between § 7 (b) and § 10 (a) (5).    Our
    review of the board's decision in the case, as well as its prior
    decisions, suggests that the board has viewed the employer's
    obligation to submit an appropriations request under § 7 (b) as
    directly linked to its obligation to bargain in good faith under
    § 10 (a) (5).
    In essence, the board appears to have used its
    interpretation of § 7 (b) to impose an ongoing obligation on the
    employer that covers the period of time between the conclusion
    of negotiations and the submission of the § 7 (b) request.
    Under this view, the employer's failure to affirmatively support
    an agreement shows that it did not have an "open and fair mind"
    when negotiating a collective bargaining agreement because the
    "affirmative support" obligation reaches back to the moment in
    time when the bargain is struck and thus could be said to be
    dispositive of the employer's state of mind during negotiations.
    See, e.g., Turners Falls Fire Dist., 4 M.L.C. at 1662.
    That logic fails.     The plain language of § 7 (b) and
    § 10 (a) (5) focuses on two distinct moments in time.      Section
    10 (a) (5) focuses on the state of mind of the employer during
    the negotiations, up until the negotiations are concluded.
    Indeed, § 10 (a) (5) contemplates that negotiations may not even
    result in an agreement and imposes no obligation to reach an
    agreement.   Section 7 (b), however, contemplates action
    occurring after a collective bargaining agreement has been
    finalized and executed:
    "The employer . . . shall submit to the appropriate
    legislative body within thirty days after the date on which
    the agreement is executed by the parties, a request for an
    appropriation necessary to fund the cost items contained
    therein . . . ."11
    Because of the distinct and different points of temporal
    focus found in the respective statutes' plain language, it
    cannot be said that a violation of § 7 (b) (e.g., submitting a
    contingent request), in and of itself, constitutes a failure to
    negotiate in good faith under § 10 (a) (5).
    That is not to say, however, that the form, contents, or
    legality of a § 7 (b) request may not be probative of whether
    the employer negotiated in good faith.   Under certain
    circumstances, a § 7 (b) request may indicate that the employer
    engaged in bad faith negotiations.   For example, a particularly
    negative letter requesting an appropriation but recommending
    rejection sent shortly after negotiations concluded would be
    probative of a lack of good faith during negotiations.   Such
    circumstances might constitute evidence that the employer had
    entered into the agreement with the intention of repudiating it
    before the legislative body.   Those circumstances are not
    present here, however.
    Conclusion.   We reverse the board's decision finding that
    the Commonwealth violated G. L. c. 150E, § 7 (b), and committed
    Although submission of the § 7 (b) request occurred
    outside the thirty-day window mentioned in the quoted statute,
    neither party suggests the timing has any bearing on the case.
    a prohibited practice in violation of G. L. c. 150E,
    § 10 (a) (5).   The board's order is vacated.
    So ordered.