Commonwealth v. LaPlante , 482 Mass. 399 ( 2019 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
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    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Suffolk.    March 5, 2019. - June 6, 2019.
    Present:   Gants, C.J., Lenk, Gaziano, Lowy, Budd, Cypher,
    & Kafker, JJ.
    Homicide. Constitutional Law, Sentence, Cruel and unusual
    punishment, Parole. Due Process of Law, Sentence, Parole.
    Practice, Criminal, Sentence, Parole. Parole.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on January 12, 1988.
    Following review by this court, 
    416 Mass. 433
    (1993), a
    motion to vacate sentence, filed on June 12, 2015, was heard by
    Hélène Kazanjian, J.
    A request for leave to appeal was allowed by Lowy, J., in
    the Supreme Judicial Court for the county of Suffolk.
    Merritt Schnipper for the defendant.
    Crystal L. Lyons, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Benjamin H. Keehn & Afton M. Templin, Committee for Public
    Counsel Services, for Committee for Public Counsel Services &
    others, amici curiae, submitted a brief.
    LOWY, J.   At the age of seventeen, the defendant, Daniel J.
    LaPlante, murdered a thirty-three year old pregnant mother,
    Priscilla Gustafson, and her two young children, Abigail and
    William Gustafson.    The issue before us is whether the
    defendant's sentence of three consecutive terms of life
    imprisonment, with the possibility of parole after forty-five
    years, constitutes cruel or unusual punishment in violation of
    art. 26 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights.       Because we
    conclude that, on the specific facts of this case, the
    defendant's sentence is within constitutional bounds, we affirm.
    Background.     1.   Facts.   The facts we recite are drawn from
    the Superior Court judge's sentencing memorandum, which the
    parties have designated as their statement of agreed facts:1
    "[The defendant] carefully planned [two] intrusions
    into the Gustafson[s'] home; first breaking in on
    November 16, 1987, and stealing items. While he could
    have stopped there, he decided to return. He obtained
    a gun and lied to his brother's friend in order to get
    bullets. He practiced loading and unloading the guns.
    On December 1, 1987, [the defendant] broke into the
    Gustafson[s'] house for the second time, carrying the
    loaded weapon. When he heard Priscilla Gustafson and
    her [five year old] son William entering the house, he
    said that his first thought was to jump out the
    window. But he decided not to. He confronted them
    with the gun, brought them to the bedroom, put William
    in the closet and tied Priscilla to the bed. [The
    defendant] said that after he tied Priscilla to the
    1 Our opinion affirming the defendant's convictions on
    direct appeal also contains a statement of the facts underlying
    the defendant's crimes and the subsequent police investigation,
    which we do not repeat here. See Commonwealth v. LaPlante, 
    416 Mass. 433
    , 433-439 (1993).
    bed, his plan was to leave. But once again he decided
    not to. Instead, he made the decision to rape her.
    After raping her, he acknowledged that he could have
    left. Instead, he decided he would kill her. After
    he killed Priscilla, [the defendant] made the decision
    to take William into the bathroom and drown him. As
    he was leaving, he encountered [seven year old]
    Abigail. He lured her into the bathroom and made the
    decision to drown her as well. . . . After fleeing
    the scene, [the defendant] went home, ate and then
    attended his niece's birthday party as if nothing had
    2.   Sentencing and other posttrial proceedings.    In 1988,
    the defendant was convicted of three counts of murder in the
    first degree and sentenced to three consecutive terms of life
    imprisonment without the possibility of parole.   This court
    affirmed the convictions after plenary review.    Commonwealth v.
    416 Mass. 433
    , 444 (1993).
    In 2012, the United States Supreme Court held that the
    prohibition on "cruel and unusual punishments" contained in the
    Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution forbids
    mandatory sentences of life without parole for juvenile
    offenders.2   Miller v. Alabama, 
    567 U.S. 460
    , 465 (2012).   The
    following year, this court held that Miller was retroactive to
    cases on collateral review, and we determined that the
    protections of art. 26 extend beyond the Eighth Amendment
    protections outlined in Miller, such that art. 26 prohibits the
    2 Throughout this opinion, the term "juvenile" offender
    refers to an offender who was under the age of eighteen at the
    time of the offense.
    imposition of life sentences without the possibility for parole
    -- whether such imposition is mandatory or discretionary -- on
    juvenile offenders.   Diatchenko v. District Attorney for the
    Suffolk Dist., 
    466 Mass. 655
    , 658-659 (2013) (Diatchenko I),
    471 Mass. 12
    In a separate opinion issued the same day as Diatchenko I,
    we noted that, going forward, the contours of a new sentencing
    scheme for juvenile homicide offenders would be left to the
    sound discretion of the Legislature.   Commonwealth v. Brown, 
    466 Mass. 676
    , 691 n.11 (2013), S.C., 
    474 Mass. 576
    (2016).   We
    emphasized, however, that any constitutional sentencing scheme
    must "avoid imposing on juvenile defendants any term so lengthy
    that it could be seen as the functional equivalent of a sentence
    of life without parole."   
    Id. Under Diatchenko
    I, 466 Mass. at 673
    , the remedy for
    juvenile homicide offenders such as the defendant, who had been
    sentenced under statutory provisions since declared
    unconstitutional, was to leave their life sentences in full
    force and effect, but to hold that the statutory prohibition on
    parole eligibility did not apply to them.   Consequently, the
    defendant's three consecutive life sentences were restructured
    in accordance with applicable statutory provisions and parole
    regulations, with the result that he would become eligible for
    parole after serving forty-five years in prison.
    The defendant subsequently filed a motion to vacate his
    sentence.   While that motion was pending, this court decided
    Commonwealth v. Costa, 
    472 Mass. 139
    , 149 (2015), in which we
    held that juvenile defendants who were sentenced to consecutive
    terms of life imprisonment before our decision in Diatchenko I
    were entitled to a resentencing hearing at which,
    "in addition to the factors considered at any
    sentencing, the judge should consider (a) the Miller
    factors; (b) evidence regarding the defendant's
    psychological state at the time of the offense; and
    (c) evidence concerning the defendant's postsentencing
    conduct, whether favorable or unfavorable."3
    In light of Costa, the Commonwealth conceded that the defendant
    was entitled to a resentencing hearing, and the motion judge
    ordered that the defendant be resentenced.
    3   We enumerated the "Miller factors" as follows:
    "(1) the defendant's 'chronological age and its
    hallmark features -- among them, immaturity,
    impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and
    consequences'; (2) 'the family and home environment
    that surrounds' the defendant; (3) 'the circumstances
    of the homicide offense, including the extent of [the
    defendant's] participation in the conduct and the way
    familial and peer pressures may have affected him' or
    her; (4) whether the defendant 'might have been
    charged and convicted of a lesser offense if not for
    incompetencies associated with youth -- for example,
    [the defendant's] inability to deal with police
    officers or prosecutors (including on a plea
    agreement) or [the defendant's] incapacity to assist
    his [or her] own attorneys'; and (5) 'the possibility
    of rehabilitation.'"
    Commonwealth v. Costa, 
    472 Mass. 139
    , 147 (2015), quoting Miller
    v. Alabama, 
    567 U.S. 460
    , 477-478 (2012).
    Following a period for the parties to conduct discovery and
    to obtain expert evaluations, an evidentiary hearing was held,
    during which the Commonwealth offered the expert testimony of
    Dr. Fabian M. Saleh and a number of exhibits were entered in
    evidence.   Based on the evidence presented, after considering
    traditional sentencing factors as well as the additional factors
    set forth in Miller and Costa, the sentencing judge reinstated
    the sentence of three consecutive life terms with parole
    eligibility after forty-five years.
    The defendant filed a "gatekeeper" application with this
    court pursuant to G. L. c. 278, § 33E, for leave to appeal from
    the resentencing judge's ruling, as well as a motion for direct
    entry of the appeal.   The single justice directed entry of the
    appeal on the question "whether a juvenile homicide offender may
    be required to serve forty-five years in prison before his or
    her first opportunity to seek release based on rehabilitation."
    We limit our answer to this question to the specific facts of
    this case, where the juvenile offender's resentencing occurs
    when he is well into adulthood and follows a hearing at which
    evidence is presented regarding the offender's postsentencing
    conduct and prospects for rehabilitation.
    Discussion.    The defendant concedes that the Eighth
    Amendment does not bar the sentence that he received and that
    the evidence in this case supported the resentencing judge in
    exercising her discretion to impose the most severe punishment
    permitted under our State Constitution.   Therefore, the sole
    question before us is whether this defendant's sentence crosses
    the line drawn by art. 26, which prohibits the imposition of
    "cruel or unusual punishments."
    "Where a defendant claims that a judge has made an error of
    constitutional dimension, 'we accept the judge's subsidiary
    findings of fact absent clear error and leave to the judge the
    responsibility of determining the weight and credibility to be
    given . . . testimony presented at the motion hearing."
    Commonwealth v. Perez, 
    480 Mass. 562
    , 567-568 (2018) (Perez II),
    quoting Commonwealth v. Villagran, 
    477 Mass. 711
    , 713 (2017).
    However, we "review independently the application of
    constitutional principles to the facts found."   Perez 
    II, supra
    Villagran, supra
    The defendant invites this court to announce a bright-line
    rule, a ceiling that no legislator or sentencing court
    constitutionally may exceed in setting parole eligibility for a
    juvenile homicide offender.   We decline this invitation.   We
    also decline the Commonwealth's invitation to declare that where
    each life sentence carries an individually permissible parole
    eligibility period of fifteen years, the aggregate term to be
    served before initial parole eligibility is not subject to a
    proportionality analysis under art. 26.   Cf. Commonwealth v.
    477 Mass. 677
    , 679 (2017) (Perez I) (analyzing
    constitutionality under art. 26 of "aggregate time to be served
    prior to parole eligibility" of juvenile nonhomicide offender).
    Instead, the constitutionality of the defendant's sentence,
    including the aggregate term to be served before parole
    eligibility, is to be evaluated in light of the particular facts
    "To reach the level of cruel and unusual, the punishment
    must be so disproportionate to the crime that it 'shocks the
    conscience and offends fundamental notions of human dignity.'"
    Cepulonis v. Commonwealth, 
    384 Mass. 495
    , 497 (1981), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Jackson, 
    369 Mass. 904
    , 910 (1976).    We make
    this determination by applying the three-prong
    disproportionality test set forth in Cepulonis, supra at 497-
    498.   See Perez 
    I, 477 Mass. at 684
    (applying Cepulonis
    disproportionality test in context of juvenile defendant's
    challenge to constitutionality of his sentence).
    The three prongs include (1) an "inquiry into the 'nature
    of the offense and the offender in light of the degree of harm
    to society'"; (2) "a comparison between the sentence imposed
    here and punishments prescribed for the commission of more
    serious crimes in the Commonwealth"; and (3) "a comparison of
    the challenged penalty with the penalties prescribed for the
    same offense in other jurisdictions" (citation omitted).
    Cepulonis, 384 Mass. at 497-498
    .   The burden of proving
    disproportionality rests on the defendant.   
    Id. at 497.4
    Moreover, where, as here, the defendant, a juvenile
    homicide offender, was originally sentenced before Miller and
    Diatchenko I and has now been resentenced after the age of
    forty, the resentencing must comply with the procedures set
    forth by this court in Costa.   The Costa inquiry includes
    consideration of the Miller factors -- among them, the
    "possibility of rehabilitation" -- as well as an assessment of
    the defendant's postsentencing conduct, "whether favorable or
    Costa, 472 Mass. at 147
    , 149, quoting 
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 478
    4 As noted above, the defendant concedes that the facts of
    his case warrant the most severe punishment permitted under our
    Constitution. As a result, this case defies direct application
    of the second Cepulonis prong. The defendant simply does not
    suggest that there are "more serious crimes" to which this
    multiple homicide ought to be compared. And with respect to the
    third Cepulonis prong, the defendant cannot point to any case
    from outside this jurisdiction invalidating a forty-five year
    period before parole eligibility where the defendant committed
    three distinct and deliberate murders.
    5 A resentencing proceeding under Costa differs from a
    proceeding pursuant to a motion to revise or revoke a sentence
    under Mass. R. Crim. P. 29, 
    378 Mass. 899
    (1979). See 
    Costa, 472 Mass. at 148
    n.5. The consideration of these factors at a
    Costa hearing does not violate the separation of powers. 
    Id. at 149
    n.6. Rather, here, as in Costa, "[t]he decision whether to
    grant parole [will] remain within the parole board's
    Id. 10 These
    same factors -- the Miller factors and an assessment
    of the defendant's postsentencing conduct -- inform our analysis
    of the constitutionality of the resulting sentence under art.
    26.   "Disproportionality is not . . . an abstract inquiry."
    I, 477 Mass. at 684
    .6   Rather, we must conduct a
    proportionality analysis under art. 26 that takes into account
    all of the facts and circumstances that were before the
    resentencing judge at the Costa hearing.
    In so doing, we remain mindful of our determination that
    under art. 26, "the 'unique characteristics of juvenile
    offenders' should weigh more heavily in the proportionality
    calculus than the United States Supreme Court required under the
    Eighth Amendment."   Perez 
    I, 477 Mass. at 683
    , quoting
    I, 466 Mass. at 671
    .   That distinction formed the
    basis for our holding in Diatchenko I that, under art. 26, all
    juvenile homicide offenders "should be afforded a 'meaningful
    opportunity to obtain release based on demonstrated maturity and
    6For this reason, this case does not compel us to decide
    whether the defendant's sentence would have been constitutional
    if it had been imposed upon him at the age of eighteen, when he
    was originally sentenced. Cf. Diatchenko v. District Attorney
    for the Suffolk Dist., 
    466 Mass. 655
    , 670 (2013), S.C., 
    471 Mass. 12
    (2015) (holding that "because the brain of a juvenile
    is not fully developed, either structurally or functionally, by
    the age of eighteen, a judge cannot find with confidence that a
    particular offender, at that point in time, is irretrievably
    depraved" [emphasis added]).
    rehabilitation.'"   Diatchenko I, supra at 674, quoting Graham v.
    560 U.S. 48
    , 75 (2010).7
    Here, the defendant will have the opportunity to appear
    before the parole board after serving an aggregate term of
    forty-five years.   In Diatchenko I and Brown, we effectively
    held constitutional the statutory default period of fifteen
    years before parole eligibility for a juvenile offender
    convicted of a single count of murder in the first degree, while
    recognizing the discretion of the Legislature to adjust that
    period going forward to distinguish among "lesser" and "more
    severe" degrees of murder.     
    Brown, 466 Mass. at 689
    n.10, 690.
    See Diatchenko 
    I, 466 Mass. at 673
    -674.     Then, in Commonwealth
    v. Okoro, 
    471 Mass. 51
    , 62 (2015), we held constitutional that
    same fifteen-year period for juvenile offenders convicted of
    murder in the second degree.    It stands to reason, therefore,
    that the discretion to which we referred in Brown would permit
    7 On appeal before this court, the defendant argues that our
    analysis under art. 26 of the Massachusetts Declaration of
    Rights also should proceed "mindful of" the "shortened life
    expectancies" of juvenile offenders such as the defendant.
    However, no evidence regarding the defendant's life expectancy -
    - or the life expectancies of juvenile offenders in general --
    was presented to the resentencing court, and the defendant
    ultimately "does not contend" that our analysis in this case
    should "turn on" such factors.
    some period in excess of fifteen years before parole eligibility
    for a juvenile offender convicted of murder in the first degree.8
    Further, by remanding the case for resentencing in Costa,
    this court confirmed that in cases involving multiple counts of
    murder, sentencing judges retain the discretion to impose
    consecutive terms of life imprisonment.   We "emphatically did
    not hold that Costa was entitled to be resentenced to concurrent
    life terms to allow parole eligibility after fifteen years."
    I, 477 Mass. at 687
    The question remains whether a period of forty-five years
    of incarceration before parole eligibility is proportioned "to
    both the offender and the offense" in this case, Diatchenko 
    I, 466 Mass. at 669
    , quoting 
    Miller, 567 U.S. at 469
    , given all the
    evidence before the resentencing judge.   We do not dwell long on
    the facts of the defendant's offenses, which, as the defendant
    8 In fact, we have since held that even juvenile nonhomicide
    offenders may be sentenced to an aggregate period before parole
    eligibility that exceeds fifteen years, where "extraordinary
    circumstances" warrant such a sentence. See Commonwealth v.
    477 Mass. 677
    , 686 (2017) (Perez I).
    9 Moreover, here, unlike in Perez I, we do not begin from
    any presumption of disproportionality under art. 26. The
    presumption in Perez I applies specifically to nonhomicide
    offenders whose sentence would result in a period of
    incarceration before parole eligibility that exceeds that
    imposed on juveniles convicted of murder. Perez 
    I, 477 Mass. at 686
    . See Commonwealth v. Lutskov, 
    480 Mass. 575
    , 583 (2018).
    concedes, are so egregious as to warrant the most severe
    punishment permissible under our Constitution.
    With respect to the characteristics of the defendant, the
    resentencing judge concluded that "the evidence submitted at the
    hearing did not reflect that at the time of the murders he
    displayed the 'hallmark features' of a juvenile, that is,
    immaturity, impetuosity and failure to appreciate risks and
    consequences."   Rather, she found that the defendant "acted
    deliberately and intentionally" when committing these "three
    distinct and brutal murders" and that, in describing those
    murders to Saleh as an adult, he displayed "an extraordinary
    lack of empathy."
    The resentencing judge further found that the defendant's
    "family and home environment was . . . relatively unremarkable."
    As to his psychological state, she credited the testimony of
    Saleh that the defendant currently suffers from antisocial
    personality disorder, which Saleh described as a "severe form of
    a personality disorder with the hallmark[s] being the disregard
    for the rights of others . . . [and] the lack of remorse."
    Based on Saleh's testimony, the resentencing judge also found
    that the murders of the victims "were a result of Conduct
    Disorder, Child onset Type, rather than any adverse childhood
    experiences, learning disabilities or immaturity."   Ultimately,
    the resentencing judge concluded that although the defendant has
    "shown signs of improved behavior" in recent years, his
    "prognosis for rehabilitation in the future is 'guarded.'"
    Based on the record before us, we need go no further.    The
    defendant's sentence is proportional both to the crimes he
    committed and to his particular characteristics as an offender,
    giving due weight under art. 26 to the fact that he was a
    juvenile when he committed the crimes.
    Conclusion.   For these reasons, we conclude that the
    sentence imposed on the defendant by the resentencing judge does
    not violate art. 26 and therefore affirm her resentencing
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: SJC 12570

Citation Numbers: 123 N.E.3d 759, 482 Mass. 399

Filed Date: 6/6/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023