Commonwealth v. Doe , 473 Mass. 76 ( 2015 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Hampshire.     September 9, 2015. - October 22, 2015.
    Present:     Gants, C.J., Spina, Cordy, Botsford, Duffly, Lenk,
    & Hines, JJ.
    Sex Offender. Global Positioning System Device. Practice,
    Criminal, Probation, Admission to sufficient facts to
    warrant finding, Continuance without a finding. Statute,
    Complaint received and sworn to in the Eastern Hampshire
    Division of the District Court Department on February 1, 2013.
    A motion to modify a condition of probation was heard by
    Christopher P. LoConto, J., and a question of law was reported
    by him to the Appeals Court.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    A pseudonym. A judge in the District Court allowed the
    defendant's motion to substitute this pseudonym for the
    defendant's true name, finding good cause to do so because
    "there are serious mental health considerations were the
    defendant's name to be made public." Because the Commonwealth
    did not appeal this order, we do not address the propriety of
    allowing a criminal defendant to be identified with a pseudonym.
    Tracy A. Miner (Frederic G. Bartmon & Christina Lynn with
    her) for the defendant.
    Cynthia M. Von Flatern, Assistant District Attorney, for
    the Commonwealth.
    William C. Newman & K. Hayne Barnwell, for American Civil
    Liberties Union of Massachusetts, amicus curiae, submitted a
    Ryan M. Schiff, Committee for Public Counsel Services, for
    Committee for Public Counsel Services, amicus curiae, submitted
    a brief.
    GANTS, C.J.   This case is the latest in a string of cases
    calling on us to decide the reach of G. L. c. 265, § 47, which
    provides in relevant part, "Any person who is placed on
    probation for any offense listed within the definition of 'sex
    offense,' . . . as defined in [G. L. c. 6, § 178C,] shall, as a
    requirement of any term of probation, wear a global positioning
    system device . . . at all times for the length of his probation
    for any such offense."   Most recently, in Commonwealth v. Hanson
    464 Mass. 807
    , 808 (2013), we determined that the
    Legislature did not intend this statute to apply to juveniles
    who were placed on probation after having been adjudicated
    delinquent.   Previously, in Commonwealth v. Raposo, 
    453 Mass. 739
    , 748 (2009), we concluded that § 47 does not apply to
    persons who are placed on pretrial probation.   In Raposo, we
    left "for a more appropriate case, and one in which the issue is
    briefed by the parties, whether [§ 47] applies to defendants
    whose cases are continued without a finding after a guilty plea
    or an admission to sufficient facts."   
    Id. at 740
    n.2.   This is
    that case.   We conclude that § 47 does not apply to cases that
    are continued without a finding, and that a judge is not
    required in such cases to order that a defendant wear a global
    positioning system device that will monitor his or her
    whereabouts (GPS monitoring) as a condition of probation. 2
    Background.   At approximately 1:00 A.M. on January 25,
    2012, the victim and the defendant were among a group of men and
    women who were socializing in an apartment in Amherst.     The
    victim had lost her cellular telephone earlier that evening and
    learned that the telephone had been located and was being held
    for her.   The victim wished to retrieve her telephone
    immediately, and the defendant, who had not met the victim until
    that evening, offered to drive her so that she could do so.
    Once they were outside, the defendant put his arm around the
    victim and told her she was beautiful.   The victim removed his
    hand from her shoulder, and told him that she had a boy friend.
    He told her, "Everybody cheats," and she replied, "Not me."      The
    defendant asked to hold her hand and she said, "No."     He then
    forced his hand into her left jacket pocket and placed his hand
    on her hand, but he withdrew his hand from her pocket when she
    turned away.   The defendant then put his hands around her waist
    and started to kiss her neck, but she pulled away.   After they
    We acknowledge the amicus briefs submitted by the
    Committee for Public Counsel Services and the American Civil
    Liberties Union of Massachusetts.
    entered his vehicle, he tugged at her scarf and started to lick
    her ear.   She pulled away again and told him to stop.    He then
    grabbed her left thigh, and she told him to stop and tried to
    pull his hand away.   He later placed his hand in the area of her
    vagina, over her jeans.   She pushed him away and told him to
    stop.   The defendant began driving, and as the vehicle
    approached the street of the person who had retrieved the
    victim's telephone, the defendant said, "Let's go to my
    apartment.   I have a nice bed.   You'll like it."   The victim
    told him again that she had a boy friend and wanted only to
    retrieve her telephone.   When they arrived at the destination,
    the victim left the vehicle and ran to the house of the person
    who was holding her telephone.    That person drove her home.
    During the police investigation of the incident, the
    defendant was interviewed and admitted to most of what the
    victim reported, but denied touching her vaginal area.     As
    described by the prosecutor during the plea colloquy, the
    defendant "basically told the police that . . . he was just
    trying to pick her up."
    The defendant was charged in a criminal complaint with
    indecent assault and battery on a person over the age of
    fourteen, in violation of G. L. c. 265, § 13H.    At the plea
    colloquy, the judge declared that the charge essentially was
    "the touching of the vagina," and asked the defendant if he
    admitted to that.   The defendant answered, "Yes," and the judge
    found sufficient facts to support a finding of guilt.    The judge
    continued the case without a finding for a term of five years.
    The judge imposed several special conditions of probation,
    including that the defendant attend counseling twice per month
    and stay away from the victim and her college campus.    The judge
    also ordered GPS monitoring of the defendant, stating that such
    monitoring was required under § 47 for a person placed on
    probation for this sex offense.
    Five days later, the defendant filed a motion to remove GPS
    monitoring as a condition of his probation, claiming that § 47
    does not impose mandatory GPS monitoring for persons who are on
    probation pursuant to a continuance without a finding.   The
    judge denied the motion but reported the following question of
    law to the Appeals Court pursuant to Mass. R. Crim. P. 34, as
    442 Mass. 1501
    (2004):   "Whether the provisions of
    [G. L. c. 265, § 47,] appl[y] to a defendant who was placed on a
    [c]ontinuance [w]ithout a [f]inding for a violation of [G. L.
    c. 265, § 13H]."
    The defendant filed a motion to stay GPS monitoring as a
    condition of probation while the appeal was pending.    The judge
    held an evidentiary hearing, where he heard testimony from the
    defendant's treating psychologist regarding the defendant's
    "severe anxiety disorder" and "autism spectrum disorder," and
    the "evident" harm to the defendant's psychological condition
    and to the psychologist's "ability to rehabilitate" the
    defendant    caused by the GPS monitoring.   The judge allowed the
    motion, finding that the defendant raised an issue that is
    worthy of presentation to an appellate court, and that the
    defendant presented no risk of flight or danger to the
    community.    The judge also found that GPS monitoring of this
    defendant "adds nothing to public safety," because the defendant
    is not a sexual predator or pedophile, and the defendant has no
    information regarding the victim's whereabouts.    He found that
    the defendant suffers from an anxiety disorder on the autism
    spectrum, and that his disorder "is in no way associated with
    risk to reoffend."    He also found that the defendant is actively
    participating in treatment for this disorder, and that GPS
    monitoring is adversely affecting that treatment.    We
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court on our own motion to
    answer the reported question.
    Discussion.   "The general and familiar rule is that a
    statute must be interpreted according to the intent of the
    Legislature ascertained from all its words construed by the
    ordinary and approved usage of the language, considered in
    connection with the cause of its enactment, the mischief or
    imperfection to be remedied and the main object to be
    accomplished, to the end that the purpose of its framers may be
    effectuated."   Commonwealth v. Millican, 
    449 Mass. 298
    , 300
    (2007), quoting Hanlon v. Rollins, 
    286 Mass. 444
    , 447 (1934).
    Because "we look first and foremost to the language of the
    statute as a whole," Matter of a Grand Jury Subpoena, 
    447 Mass. 88
    , 90 (2006), we set forth the full text of § 47:
    "Any person who is placed on probation for any offense
    listed within the definition of 'sex offense', a 'sex
    offense involving a child' or a 'sexually violent offense',
    as defined in [G. L. c. 6, § 178C], shall, as a requirement
    of any term of probation, wear a global positioning system
    [GPS] device, or any comparable device, administered by the
    commissioner of probation, at all times for the length of
    his probation for any such offense. The commissioner of
    probation, in addition to any other conditions, shall
    establish defined geographic exclusion zones including, but
    not limited to, the areas in and around the victim's
    residence, place of employment and school and other areas
    defined to minimize the probationer's contact with
    children, if applicable. If the probationer enters an
    excluded zone, as defined by the terms of his probation,
    the probationer's location data shall be immediately
    transmitted to the police department in the municipality
    wherein the violation occurred and the commissioner of
    probation, by telephone, electronic beeper, paging device
    or other appropriate means. If the commissioner or the
    probationer's probation officer has probable cause to
    believe that the probationer has violated this term of his
    probation, the commissioner or the probationer's probation
    officer shall arrest the probationer pursuant to [G. L.
    c. 279, § 3]. Otherwise, the commissioner shall cause a
    notice of surrender to be issued to such probationer.
    "The fees incurred by installing, maintaining and operating
    the [GPS] device, or comparable device, shall be paid by
    the probationer. If an offender establishes his inability
    to pay such fees, the court may waive them."
    The Commonwealth argues that the defendant was placed on
    probation for a "sex offense," as defined in G. L. c. 6, § 178C,
    and therefore, by the plain language of § 47, GPS monitoring
    must be a term of his probation.    It contends that the use of
    the words "probation" and "probationer" throughout the statute
    means that § 47 applies to all persons placed on probation after
    admitting to the commission of a sex offense, regardless of
    whether the disposition of the sex offense is a conviction or a
    continuance without a finding.    But in construing a statute, we
    look to "all," 
    Millican, 449 Mass. at 300
    , of its words; none
    "is to be regarded as superfluous."    
    Id., quoting Commonwealth
    v. Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket S.S. Auth., 
    352 Mass. 617
    , 618 (1967).   The final sentence of the statute refers
    to the probationer as "an offender," which denotes that the
    Legislature understood that every probationer for whom § 47
    applied would be "an offender."    See 
    Raposo, 453 Mass. at 746
    ("reasonable to infer that the Legislature was using the terms
    'probationer' and 'offender' interchangeably in the second
    paragraph of § 47").
    To ascertain what the Legislature meant by "an offender,"
    we look to the entirety of the statute enacted by the
    Legislature on September 21, 2006, St. 2006, c. 303, entitled,
    "An Act increasing the statute of limitations for sexual crimes
    against children" (act), which added § 47 to the General Laws in
    the eighth of ten sections.   The term "sex offender" is used
    eleven times in four of the ten sections.    See St. 2006, c. 303,
    §§ 1, 2, 4, 6.   These sections, among other things, required
    correctional authorities to transmit a sex offender's
    registration data to the Sex Offender Registry Board (board)
    within five days of receiving the sex offender after sentence,
    id. at §
    1; required a homeless sex offender to verify
    registration data with the board every forty-five days, 
    id. at §
    2; provided that level two and level three sex offenders who
    are convicted of failing to register as required by G. L. c. 6,
    § 178H, be subject to community parole supervision for life, 
    id. at §
    4; 3 and prohibited level three sex offenders from residing
    in nursing homes.   
    Id. at §
    The word "offender" is used alone in the act only three
    times:   once in § 8, which enacted G. L. c. 265, § 47, and twice
    in § 1, where the word was used in provisions that required
    agencies who had custody of a sex offender to inform the board
    immediately of a transfer "so that there may be contact with the
    offender throughout the classification process," and that
    required the board to classify each sex offender at least ten
    days "before the offender's earliest possible release date."    It
    is plain from § 1 of the act that, when the Legislature used the
    word "offender" alone, it meant "sex offender."   It is equally
    In Commonwealth v. Cole, 
    468 Mass. 294
    , 308 (2014), we
    declared community parole supervision for life to be
    unconstitutional because it "constitutes an impermissible
    delegation to the executive branch of the core judicial function
    of imposing sentences, and therefore violates the mandate of
    art. 30 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights."
    plain that, when the Legislature used the word "offender" in
    § 47 (§ 8 of the act), it also meant "sex offender," and
    intended the GPS monitoring mandated by § 47 to apply only to
    sex offenders who were placed on probation.    See Burno v.
    Commissioner of Correction, 
    399 Mass. 111
    , 120 (1987) (where two
    statutes are enacted together and are related in subject matter,
    "it is reasonable to conclude that the Legislature intended that
    one meaning should be assigned to identical language in both
    statutes").     See generally 2B N.J. Singer & J.D. Shambie Singer,
    Statutes and Statutory Construction §§ 51.1-51.3 (7th ed. 2012)
    (doctrine of in pari materia).
    The term "sex offender" is not defined in the act, but it
    is defined in G. L. c. 6, § 178C, to which § 47 refers for other
    definitions, as a person "who has been convicted of a sex
    offense or who has been adjudicated as a youthful offender or as
    a delinquent juvenile by reason of a sex offense." (emphasis
    added).   "An admission to sufficient facts followed by a
    continuance without a finding is not a 'conviction' under
    Massachusetts law."    Commonwealth v. Villalobos, 
    437 Mass. 797
    802 (2002). 4   Rather, where a judge continues a case without a
    Our recent holding in Tirado v. Board of Appeal on Motor
    Vehicle Liab. Policies & Bonds, 
    472 Mass. 333
    , 334 (2015), that
    a continuance without a finding is a conviction under the
    statute governing the licensure of commercial drivers, G. L.
    c. 90F, does not disturb this long-standing principle. Our
    conclusion in that case was limited to the interpretation of the
    finding, a guilty finding is not entered and the case is
    "continued without a finding to a specific date thereupon to be
    dismissed, such continuance conditioned upon compliance with
    specific terms and conditions or that the defendant be placed on
    probation."   G. L. c. 278, § 18.   See Commonwealth v. Mosher,
    455 Mass. 811
    , 822 (2010) ("A continuance without a finding
    closely resembles a sentence of straight probation, except that
    the former is not a 'conviction' under State law if the
    defendant successfully completes the period of probation or
    complies with the terms and conditions set by a judge").
    Although a judge may enter a guilty finding in a case continued
    without a finding after a defendant fails to comply with the
    terms of probation, a person charged with a sex offense and
    granted a continuance without a finding is not convicted of the
    sex offense unless and until there is such a guilty finding.
    id. Therefore, in
    the absence of a prior sex offense
    conviction, a defendant whose sex offense charge is continued
    without a finding does not fall within the definition of "sex
    word "conviction" in the particular statute at issue, G. L.
    c. 90F. 
    Id. at 335.
    That statute defines "conviction" far more
    broadly than its usual meaning under Massachusetts law to
    include "any determination that a person has violated or failed
    to comply with the law in a court of original jurisdiction."
    G. L. c. 90F, § 1. The Legislature adopted this broad
    definition of "conviction" in order to comply with the
    requirements of the Federal Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act
    and remain eligible for Federal highway funds. Tirado, supra at
    335, 340.
    offender" under G. L. c. 6, § 178C.   See Doe, Sex Offender
    Registry Bd. No. 89230 v. Sex Offender Registry Bd., 
    452 Mass. 764
    , 777 (2008).
    Because a defendant charged with a sex offense and granted
    a continuance without a finding is not a sex offender, he or she
    has no obligation to register with the board and is not subject
    to classification by it.   See G. L. c. 6, § 178C.   See also
    G. L. c. 6, §§ 178D, 178L.   In Commonwealth v. Cory, 
    454 Mass. 559
    , 570 (2009), we noted that GPS monitoring "burdens liberty
    in two ways:   by its permanent, physical attachment to the
    offender, and by its continuous surveillance of the offender's
    activities."   We added:
    "As 'continuing, intrusive, and humiliating' as a yearly
    registration requirement might be, a requirement
    permanently to attach a GPS device seems dramatically more
    intrusive and burdensome. There is no context other than
    punishment in which the State physically attaches an item
    to a person, without consent and also without consideration
    of individual circumstances, that must remain attached for
    a period of years and may not be tampered with or removed
    on penalty of imprisonment. Such an imposition is a
    serious, affirmative restraint." (Footnotes omitted.)
    Id., quoting Doe,
    Sex Offender Registry Bd. No. 8725 v. Sex
    Offender Registry Bd., 
    450 Mass. 780
    , 792 (2008).    See Hanson
    H., 464 Mass. at 815
    ("GPS monitoring is inherently
    stigmatizing, a modern-day 'scarlet letter'").   We think it
    unlikely that the Legislature intended to impose a restraint on
    liberty that is "dramatically more intrusive and burdensome"
    than sex offender registration on every defendant whose sex
    offense case is continued without a finding, where the
    Legislature did not choose to subject those same defendants to
    sex offender registration.
    The legislative history of the act supports our conclusion
    that the Legislature intended to mandate GPS monitoring under
    § 47 only for individuals convicted of sex offenses.     As we
    discussed previously in 
    Raposo, 453 Mass. at 746
    -748, and Hanson
    H., 464 Mass. at 812
    , § 47 originated in the House of
    Representatives.   The original bill extended the statute of
    limitations only for certain sex offenses, and included no
    provisions relating to GPS monitoring.   2006 House Doc. No.
    5131.   See 
    Raposo, supra
    at 746.   On July 26, 2006, the House of
    Representatives adopted a substitute bill that, among other
    provisions, provided that any individual "convicted of a sex
    offense" who was classified as a level two or level three sex
    offender under G. L. c. 6, § 178K, was required to wear a GPS
    device for the duration of any court-ordered term of "post-
    release supervision."   2006 House Doc. No. 5234, § 7.    See
    Raposo, supra
    at 747.   However, the bill suffered from numerous
    internal inconsistencies.    Among them, it imposed GPS monitoring
    on convicted individuals as a "condition[] of post-release
    supervision," a phrase that would include parolees, but the
    Commissioner of Probation (commissioner) was designated in the
    bill to administer the GPS monitoring, although the parole board
    was to determine whether the "convicted individual entered a
    geographic exclusion zone."    2006 House Doc. No. 5234, § 7.   On
    July 27, 2006, the Senate amended the bill and resolved these
    inconsistencies by splitting the GPS monitoring section into two
    sections:    one (§ 7 of the act) that mandated GPS monitoring for
    any person "under court ordered parole supervision or under
    community parole supervision for life" for any sex offense, and
    another (which later became § 8 of the act) that mandated GPS
    monitoring for any person placed on probation for any sex
    offense.    See 2006 Senate J. 2678-2679.   See also 
    Raposo, supra
    The Senate bill was enacted without substantive changes. 
    Id., citing St.
    2006, c. 303, §§ 7-8.
    "There is no evidence in the legislative history to
    indicate or suggest that the Senate intended by its amendments
    to expand the scope of the legislation beyond convicted
    individuals; the more reasonable conclusion to draw is the one
    implicit in the structure and language of the amendments
    themselves, namely, that the Senate was attempting to resolve
    the obvious jurisdictional confusion in the House version by
    clarifying that convicted sex offenders on probation would have
    their GPS devices monitored by the commissioner, and those on
    parole would have theirs monitored by the parole board."
    Raposo, 453 Mass. at 747-748
    .    Although the term "convicted of a
    sex offense" was not included in the Senate bill, § 7 of the
    act, governing parolees, was effectively limited to those
    convicted of a sex offense, because no person may be on parole
    or under community parole supervision for life 5 for a sex offense
    without having been convicted of a sex offense.   A person may be
    on probation without having been convicted of a crime, that is,
    pretrial probation or probation imposed pursuant to a
    continuance without a finding, but there is nothing in the
    legislative history that suggests that the Legislature intended
    to expand the set of probationers subject to GPS monitoring
    beyond those convicted of sex offenses.
    Moreover, if we had any doubt that the Legislature intended
    to apply the GPS monitoring requirement of § 47 only to
    defendants who are placed on probation upon conviction of a sex
    offense (and we do not), the rule of lenity requires us to give
    the defendant the benefit of that doubt. See    Commonwealth v.
    431 Mass. 44
    , 45-46 (2000), quoting Commonwealth v.
    413 Mass. 647
    , 652 (1992) ("If the statutory language
    'can plausibly be found to be ambiguous,' the rule of lenity
    requires the defendant be given 'the benefit of the
    ambiguity'").    See also Hanson 
    H., 464 Mass. at 813
    Conclusion.    For these reasons, we answer "no" to the
    reported question "[w]hether the provisions of [G. L. c. 265,
    See note 
    3, supra
    § 47,] appl[y] to a defendant who was placed on a [c]ontinuance
    [w]ithout a [f]inding for a violation of [G. L. c. 265, § 13H]." 6
    We therefore vacate the order imposing mandatory GPS supervision
    under G. L. c. 265, § 47, and remand the case to the District
    Court judge for further proceedings consistent with this
    So ordered.
    Because we conclude that the Legislature did not intend
    G. L. c. 265, § 47, to apply to persons charged with sex
    offenses whose cases are continued without a finding, we need
    not reach the defendant's arguments that the statute would be
    unconstitutional if it did apply to these cases. See
    Commonwealth v. Raposo, 
    453 Mass. 739
    , 743 (2009), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Paasche, 
    391 Mass. 18
    , 21 (1984) ("We do not
    decide constitutional questions unless they must necessarily be
    reached"); Fleet Nat'l Bank v. Commissioner of Revenue, 
    448 Mass. 441
    , 451 n.9 (2007), quoting 1010 Memorial Drive Tenants
    Corp. v. Fire Chief of Cambridge, 
    424 Mass. 661
    , 663 (1997)
    ("issues of statutory interpretation should be resolved prior to
    reaching any constitutional issue").