Commonwealth v. Hallinan ( 2023 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
    revision and are superseded by the advance sheets and bound
    volumes of the Official Reports. If you find a typographical
    error or other formal error, please notify the Reporter of
    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    Essex.    December 7, 2022. - April 26, 2023.
    Present:    Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Lowy, Cypher, Kafker, Wendlandt,
    & Georges, JJ.
    Motor Vehicle, Operating under the influence. Supreme Judicial
    Court, Superintendence of inferior courts. Practice,
    Criminal, Admission to sufficient facts to warrant finding,
    Sentence. Evidence, Breathalyzer test, Scientific test.
    Constitutional Law, Conduct of government agents.
    Complaint received and sworn to in the Salem Division of
    the District Court Department on October 9, 2013.
    A motion to withdraw an admission to sufficient facts,
    filed on July 6, 2021, was heard by Robert A. Brennan, J.
    The Supreme Judicial Court granted an application for
    direct appellate review.
    Murat Erkan (Joseph D. Bernard also present) for the
    David F. O'Sullivan, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    Ira L. Gant, Nathan Tamulis, Patricia Muse, & Ben
    Leatherman, Committee for Public Counsel Services, & Joshua M.
    Daniels, for Committee for Public Counsel Services & another,
    amici curiae, submitted a brief.
    Amy Spector, Assistant Attorney General, for Registry of
    Motor Vehicles, amicus curiae, submitted a brief.
    GAZIANO, J.     In this case we are asked to exercise our
    extraordinary superintendence powers under G. L. c. 211, § 3, in
    light of government misconduct involving the State police office
    of alcohol testing (OAT) and its use of the Draeger
    Alcotest 9510 breathalyzer device.    In November 2013, the
    defendant, Lindsay A. Hallinan, admitted to facts sufficient to
    support a finding of guilty to operating a motor vehicle while
    under the influence of intoxicating liquor (OUI), second
    offense, after her attorney advised that her case was unwinnable
    due to an Alcotest 9510 breath test result showing a blood
    alcohol content (BAC) of 0.23 percent.    The matter was continued
    without a finding for two years, the defendant was placed on
    probation with conditions for alcohol treatment and random
    testing, and her driver's license was suspended for two years.
    The defendant subsequently moved to withdraw her admission to
    sufficient facts.   The motion was denied because she was unable
    to show a nexus between the allegations of governmental
    misconduct involving the Alcotest 9510 device and her own case;
    she was not a member of the consolidated class of defendants who
    were challenging the reliability of the Alcotest 9510 device,
    nor did she request discovery in her own case.    The defendant
    appealed, and we granted her application for direct appellate
    The extensive nature of OAT's misconduct, and the inability
    of the defendants in the consolidated cases challenging the
    reliability of the Alcotest 9510 device, see Commonwealth vs.
    Ananias, Dist. Ct., No. 1248CR1075 (Ananias litigation), to
    receive a fair Daubert-Lanigan hearing, see Daubert v. Merrell
    Dow Pharms., Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
     (1993); Commonwealth v. Lanigan,
    419 Mass. 15
    , 25-26 (1994), have resulted in the violation of
    the right to due process for approximately 27,000 defendants.
    Accordingly, defendants who pleaded guilty or who were convicted
    after trial, and the evidence against whom included breath test
    results from the Alcotest 9510 device from June 1, 2011, through
    April 18, 2019, are entitled to a conclusive presumption of
    egregious government misconduct.   They may proceed in motions to
    withdraw their guilty pleas, and motions for new trials, without
    having to establish egregious government misconduct in each
    case, see Commonwealth v. Scott, 
    467 Mass. 336
    , 346 (2014);
    Ferrara v. United States, 
    456 F.3d 278
    , 290 (1st Cir. 2006), and
    their breath test results are excluded from use at any
    subsequent trial.
    Accordingly, in this case, the judge erred in denying the
    defendant's motion to withdraw her admission to sufficient
    facts,1 and her motion should have been allowed.2
    1.   Background.   On the evening of October 5, 2013, police
    were operating a sobriety checkpoint on Route 1A in Beverly.
    State police Trooper Thomas Canning, who was greeting drivers at
    the checkpoint, observed that "[the defendant's] eyes were red
    and glassy, he could smell the odor of an intoxicating liquor
    coming from the vehicle, and her speech was slurred."    Canning
    directed the defendant to a parking lot for further evaluation
    by State police Trooper Carolyn Mansi.   Mansi observed that the
    defendant "seemed dazed," did not appear to notice the trooper,
    and admitted to consuming three drinks at a local sports bar.
    At Mansi's request, the defendant performed a series of field
    sobriety tests; she was unable to complete any of them
    successfully.   The defendant then consented to a breath test,
    which was administered using a Draeger Alcotest 9510
    1 Because an admission to sufficient facts to warrant a
    finding of guilty "exposes a defendant to some of the same
    collateral consequences as a guilty plea, we treat the admission
    the same as a guilty plea" for purposes of this discussion, and
    in this opinion we refer to the two interchangeably. See
    Bridgeman v. District Attorney for the Suffolk Dist., 
    476 Mass. 298
    , 319 n.18 (2016).
    2 We acknowledge the amicus brief submitted by the Committee
    for Public Counsel Services and Massachusetts Association of
    Criminal Defense Lawyers and the amicus letter submitted by the
    Registry of Motor Vehicles.
    breathalyzer.    The result of the test was a 0.23 percent BAC,
    well above the legal limit of .08 percent.    See G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1).
    In November 2013, the defendant admitted to sufficient
    facts on a single count of OUI, second offense.3    The judge
    ordered that the matter be continued without a finding for two
    years, on conditions that the defendant enroll in the fourteen-
    day second offender program, abstain from alcohol for six
    months, submit to an evaluation pursuant to G. L. c. 90, § 24Q,
    attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings at least once a week,
    and submit to random alcohol testing.    The judge also imposed a
    two-year loss of her driver's license.    See G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (c) (2).
    The defendant subsequently moved to withdraw her plea on
    the ground that her admission to sufficient facts was not
    knowing and voluntary, because of issues with the Alcotest 9510
    device and the government misconduct that came to light in the
    Ananias litigation.    See Commonwealth vs. Ananias, Dist. Ct.,
    No. 1248CR1075 (Feb. 16, 2017) (Ananias I); Commonwealth vs.
    Ananias, Dist. Ct. No. 1248CR1075 (Jan. 9, 2019) (Ananias II).
    In support of her motion, the defendant submitted an affidavit
    averring that her decision to resolve the case largely was due
    3   The defendant had been convicted of OUI in New York in
    to her attorney's advice, based on his assessment that the
    breath test results made the case unwinnable.    After a
    nonevidentiary hearing, the same judge who presided over the
    Ananias litigation denied the defendant's motion.    The defendant
    appealed to the Appeals Court, and we thereafter allowed her
    petition for direct appellate review.
    2.   Discussion.   Before us, the defendant seeks to withdraw
    her guilty plea as a result of newly discovered evidence -- the
    findings after multiple evidentiary hearings in the Ananias
    litigation -- concerning State police management and handling of
    the Alcotest 9510 device that was used to test her blood alcohol
    level after the stop; this new evidence suggests egregious
    misconduct by OAT.   In light of this newly discovered evidence,
    the defendant argues that her admission to sufficient facts was
    induced involuntarily by OAT's misconduct.   See G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1).
    Before turning to the defendant's arguments, some
    background understanding of OAT's purpose, structure, and
    organization is necessary.4
    4 The facts concerning the structure and operation of OAT,
    set forth in the judge's decision on the defendant's motion to
    withdraw, are based on his findings in two memoranda of decision
    in the Ananias litigation as well as the joint stipulations of
    facts in that case, and the proceedings at the hearing on the
    defendant's motion to withdraw. After remand by this court in
    Commonwealth v. Camblin, 
    471 Mass. 639
    , 640 (2015), for
    a.   Structure and regulation of OAT.   The State police
    crime laboratory (crime lab) is a forensic sciences organization
    that provides scientific analysis and testimony in support of
    police departments and prosecutors' offices across the
    Commonwealth.   OAT, which oversees the breath testing program
    for the Commonwealth, is a unit within the crime lab.    At the
    time of the events underlying this litigation, OAT had one
    supervising scientist, Melissa O'Meara, who supervised three
    other scientists.
    To convict a defendant of OUI, the Commonwealth must prove
    that (1) the defendant operated a motor vehicle, (2) on a public
    way or place to which the public had a right of access, and
    (3) while under the influence of alcohol.   See Commonwealth v.
    459 Mass. 775
    , 778, cert. denied, 
    565 U.S. 967
    (2011); Commonwealth v. O'Connor, 
    420 Mass. 630
    , 631 (1995);
    G. L. c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1).   To establish OUI, the
    Commonwealth may proceed on a theory of impairment (impaired
    ability to operate) or on a theory of a per se violation
    (operating with a BAC of 0.08 percent or greater).   See
    Commonwealth v. Hebb, 
    477 Mass. 409
    , 412 (2017); Zeininger,
    evidentiary hearings and fact finding, this judge was appointed
    to preside over the consolidated Ananias litigation. The
    judge's findings in the Ananias litigation, following extensive
    evidentiary hearings involving approximately 600 defendants, are
    set forth in full in Ananias I and Ananias II.
    supra; Commonwealth v. Rumery, 
    78 Mass. App. Ct. 685
    , 686
    OAT scientists assist prosecutors when they are proceeding
    against defendants on the theory of a per se violation.     The
    scientists provide a report setting forth the results of a
    chemical test of an individual's BAC; although this measurement
    can be obtained through a breathalyzer test or through a blood
    test, see G. L. c. 90, § 24 (1) (e), in practice, the
    breathalyzer test is the most commonly used one.     General Laws
    c. 90, § 24K, provides that, for a breath test to be considered
    valid, it must have been performed by a "certified operator,"
    using a certified "infrared breath-testing device."     The statute
    also mandates that the Secretary of Public Safety (secretary)
    "promulgate rules and regulations regarding satisfactory
    methods, techniques and criteria for the conduct of such tests,
    and shall establish a Statewide training and certification
    program for all operators of such devices and a periodic
    certification for such breath testing devices."    See G. L.
    c. 90, § 24K.
    In accordance with this mandate, the Executive Office of
    Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) has promulgated regulations
    directing that OAT perform annual certifications of all breath
    testing instruments used in the Commonwealth.     See 501 Code
    Mass. Regs. § 2.06 (2016).   These regulations also provide that
    OAT is responsible for establishing and maintaining a list of
    approved breath test devices; certifying the functionality of
    all breath testing equipment used in the Commonwealth on an
    annual basis; approving and distributing all calibration
    standards used with breath test instruments; establishing
    standards for training and certification for breath testing; and
    creating and maintaining a breath test operator's manual.     See
    501 Code Mass. Regs. §§ 2.04-2.05 (2016).
    In accordance with these regulations, OAT creates and
    maintains records of the authorization and testing process used
    in readying breath test instruments for use in the Commonwealth.
    OAT first formally adopted a written certification protocol for
    testing and calibrating its instruments in September 2014, under
    the direction of O'Meara.5   Before the establishment of this
    protocol, OAT had had no formal, written policies to standardize
    testing and calibration procedures to be followed by its
    scientists.   Instead, in performing specific tasks related to
    the proper functioning and certification of the breath test
    instruments, OAT scientists had employed a variety of
    "certification worksheets" with checkboxes.   These worksheets
    5 Melissa O'Meara became the supervising scientist at OAT in
    June 2011. In that role, she was responsible for the day-to-day
    operation of the State police crime laboratory (crime lab), as
    well as for establishing policies and procedures for breath test
    administration and training in accordance with the promulgated
    consisted of a list of steps to be completed and acknowledged to
    certify that an instrument was functioning properly.
    Before September 2014, if an instrument did not perform
    adequately on the first certification attempt, it was OAT's
    practice to set aside the instrument, place the partially
    completed worksheet6 in the instrument's assigned folder, and
    conduct a second attempt at certification after a period of
    rest.    If the second attempt also failed, the instrument would
    be sent to the manufacturer for repairs.    Eventually, this
    process also was guided by the State police quality assurance
    manual, which contained procedures, instructions, and
    requirements for calibration and certification of all crime lab
    equipment, including the Alcotest 9510 breathalyzer.
    OAT maintained records detailing when machines had to be
    sent to the manufacturer for repair, so that it could keep track
    of when the repaired machine was returned; occasionally, a
    description of the work that had been completed by the
    manufacturer was indicated.    Thus, two types of repair records -
    - internal documentation by OAT and the manufacturer's
    documentation delineating the repairs -- were stored at OAT.       In
    2011, when the Alcotest 9510 device was introduced for use in
    the Commonwealth, OAT generated authorization reports, which
    6 These incomplete worksheets were known as "failed
    indicated that the particular instrument was authorized for use.
    Those reports generally were maintained in the folder for the
    corresponding instrument.
    b.   OAT's discovery practices.   At all times relevant here,
    OAT frequently received discovery requests from both prosecutors
    and defense attorneys.7   Prosecutors seeking test results for use
    at trial obtained records from OAT by filling out a request
    form.    This form, created by OAT, contained four check boxes to
    indicate the information the prosecutor was seeking; there was
    no area for the individual to request additional types of
    It was OAT's practice to supply only documents specifically
    requested on this form.     If a prosecutor requested documents
    7 The crime lab maintains a written policy, first
    promulgated on July 24, 2015, regarding discovery requests. At
    all times relevant here, the policy indicated that all requests,
    whether through court orders, public records requests, or from
    prosecutors' offices, were to be received, reviewed, and
    fulfilled by the crime lab's case management unit (CMU). The
    CMU employed five full-time staff members who provided
    comprehensive records relating to firearms, deoxyribonucleic
    acid, trace evidence, and other laboratory functions. The one
    exception to the policy was that OAT handled its own discovery
    responses, without any assistance from the CMU.
    8 The possible categories of documents that could be
    requested were the "90-24 Record" (breath test data for
    defendant); "Periodic Test Record" (test data from standard
    calibration tests initiated prior to defendant's breath test);
    "Calibration and Verification Records" (OAT testing data); and
    "Certification Summary" (containing OAT certification,
    expiration date, and certifying chemist).
    that fell outside one of the categories indicated on the form,
    OAT would require the prosecutor to obtain a court order before
    responsive documents were produced.   Efforts to respond to these
    more complex requests were coordinated by O'Meara.   It was not
    OAT's practice to request input from the crime lab's legal
    counsel when responding to discovery requests.
    Once OAT collected what it deemed to be responsive
    documents, it would mail the package to the appropriate court
    clerk.   The documents sent typically included records relating
    to the certification and periodic testing of a particular
    breathalyzer machine, along with a supporting affidavit by the
    keeper of records.   This affidavit obviated the need for OAT
    personnel to appear to testify in OUI trials; instead, the
    records and affidavits were introduced at trial without
    scientific testimony.9   See Zeininger, 
    459 Mass. at 786
    certification records are outside the orbit of the 'common
    nucleus' of the various definitions of 'testimonial' set forth
    in Crawford[ v. Washington, 
    541 U.S. 36
    ,] 51-52 [2004]").
    9 OAT employees, however, routinely appeared as witnesses in
    specific, more complex cases involving issues of blood serum
    analysis and retrograde extrapolation (a mathematical
    calculation used to estimate a person's BAC at a particular
    point in time by working backward from the time the BAC was
    tested and factoring in rates of absorption and excretion).
    See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Colturi, 
    448 Mass. 809
    , 811 (2007);
    Commonwealth v. Douglas, 
    75 Mass. App. Ct. 643
    , 646 (2009).
    These cases are rare and represent only a small fraction of
    prosecutions involving breath testing.
    c.     Prior litigation on admissibility of breath test
    results.   The defendant's challenge here is based on extensive
    proceedings in earlier litigation in other, related cases,
    including the Ananias litigation.    To evaluate her arguments,
    familiarity with some of those proceedings is necessary.
    Until June 2015, breath test results had been admissible by
    statute, and in practice were admitted without question, in the
    prosecution of OUI cases.    See Zeininger, 
    459 Mass. at 786-787
    General Laws c. 90, § 24 (1) (e), provides that, in any OUI
    "evidence of the percentage, by weight, of alcohol in the
    defendant's blood at the time of the alleged offense, as
    shown by . . . a chemical test or analysis of his breath,
    shall be admissible and deemed relevant to the
    determination of the question of whether such defendant was
    at such time under the influence of intoxicating liquor."
    In 2013, a group of defendants involved in then-pending OUI
    prosecutions sought to exclude breath test evidence derived from
    a different breathalyzer, the Alcotest 7110 MK III-C, made by
    the same manufacturer as the Alcotest 9510 device, on the ground
    that the source code used in the device's computer programs, in
    conjunction with other deficiencies, rendered its results
    unreliable.    See Commonwealth v. Camblin, 
    471 Mass. 639
    , 640
    (2015).    We concluded that the defendants were entitled to seek
    a Daubert-Lanigan hearing to challenge the reliability of the
    newest breathalyzer technology, because "breath test evidence,
    at its core, is scientific evidence," 
     and "where 'evidence
    produced by a scientific theory or process' is at issue, the
    judge plays an important gatekeeper role to evaluate and decide
    on its reliability as a threshold matter of admissibility."      
    Id. at 648
    , citing Lanigan, 
    419 Mass. at 25-26
    i.   First Ananias decision.   After the Camblin matter was
    remanded to the District Court for such a hearing, the Chief
    Justice of that court issued an order of special assignment
    consolidating 535 cases in which defendants who had been charged
    with OUI similarly had challenged the scientific reliability of
    the Alcotest 9510,10 the device that had been in use throughout
    the Commonwealth at that time.   In November 2015, the Chief
    Justice of the Boston Municipal Court likewise consolidated
    sixty-four cases raising the same issue.    Thousands of other OUI
    cases were stayed pending the outcome of that consolidated
    litigation.   The parties then sought review in the county court
    to challenge the orders of consolidation and a number of rulings
    on discovery issues.
    In June 2016, a single justice ordered that both sets of
    consolidated cases be consolidated.   The Chief Justice of the
    10As stated, the Camblin defendants challenged the
    technology used in the Alcotest 7110 MK III-C breathalyzer. See
    471 Mass. at 640
    . In Ananias I, the court expanded the
    scope of the reliability challenge permitted in Camblin to
    include the newest device, the Alcotest 9510, which began
    replacing the Alcotest 7110 in June 2011. See Ananias I, 
    Trial Court then assigned the consolidated case to a specific
    District Court judge pursuant to G. L. c. 211B, § 9.   In
    preparation for Daubert-Lanigan hearings in their individual
    cases, many of the defendants had filed discovery motions.      In
    response, multiple judges had ordered OAT to produce
    documentation.   The newly assigned judge issued a comprehensive
    discovery order requiring the Commonwealth to produce, among
    other items, "[d]ocumentation of the [instrument] certification
    process, which provides instructions to the OAT employee
    performing the certification," as well as all certification
    worksheets for Alcotest 9510 devices since 2011.
    The crime lab's attorney conveyed the substance of the
    court's order to O'Meara, who coordinated the production of
    responsive documents.   The attorney did not participate in the
    actual review, collection, or production of the documents.
    Ultimately, OAT produced a digital versatile disc (DVD)
    containing more than 2,000 certification worksheets and a few
    failed, incomplete worksheets.   The crime lab attorney submitted
    the DVD to the court and represented that it contained "all of
    the worksheets for certification[,] as the [court] ordered all
    be turned over."   Unbeknownst to the prosecutors and defense
    attorneys, at that time, OAT had not produced all of the
    certification worksheets that had been ordered.
    A Daubert-Lanigan hearing commenced on January 18, 2017.
    Over ten days, the judge heard expert testimony concerning the
    reliability of the Alcotest 9510 device.   On February 16, 2017,
    in Ananias I, the judge denied in part, and allowed in part, the
    defendants' motions to exclude their breath test results.    The
    judge found that, despite its ability to produce scientifically
    reliable results, the annual certification methodology used by
    OAT to certify the Alcotest 9510 device, from its initial
    deployment in June 2011, through September 2014, "did not
    produce scientifically reliable BAC results," because of the
    absence of written protocols to be used in calibrating and
    certifying the operation of the device.    More specifically, the
    judge found that the procedures used in preparing the devices
    for deployment in the field were shared only informally through
    "word of mouth around the lab."   Consequently, the judge
    concluded, OAT's methodology produced presumptively unreliable
    breath test results from June 2011,11 through September 15, 2014.
    Notwithstanding this finding, the Commonwealth was
    permitted to demonstrate, on a case-by-case basis, that a
    11Ananias I originally stated that the Alcotest 9510 device
    was first used in June 2012, and therefore, the presumption for
    tests began in June 2012. A subsequent order was issued to
    correct the findings of fact to reflect that the Alcotest 9510
    device was in use beginning in June 2011. The parties have
    agreed that, consistent with the court's reasoning, the
    presumption applies to tests performed starting in June 2011.
    particular Alcotest 9510 device had been calibrated and
    certified using scientifically reliable methodology and, thus,
    that a particular BAC result was scientifically reliable.
    Results obtained after the promulgation of written protocols by
    OAT on September 15, 2014, were determined to be presumptively
    reliable and admissible in criminal prosecutions.    Accordingly,
    the defendants' motion to exclude results obtained using the
    Alcotest 9510 from devices that had been calibrated and
    certified after September 15, 2014, was denied, but the
    defendants' motion with respect to results produced by any
    Alcotest 9510 device that had been calibrated and certified
    between June 1, 2011, and September 14, 2014, was allowed.
    ii.   Second Ananias decision.    Following Ananias I,
    District Court and Boston Municipal Court judges conducted
    numerous hearings on motions in limine where the Commonwealth
    sought to admit BAC results obtained using Alcotest 9510 devices
    that had been calibrated and certified between June 1, 2011, and
    September 14, 2014, despite the finding of presumptive
    unreliability.    At these hearings, prosecutors began to call OAT
    scientists as witnesses in OUI cases that involved results from
    these machines.   On August 2, 2017, during a hearing in the
    District Court on one such case, where an OAT employee had
    testified, the judge determined that OAT had failed to disclose
    exculpatory "failed certification" worksheets demonstrating that
    the particular Alcotest 9510 device at issue had failed certain
    certification tests.    Contemporaneously, the Ananias litigation
    defendants received a response to a Freedom of Information Act
    request; the response contained a significantly larger number of
    the same type of documents that were ordered to be produced in
    the Ananias litigation prior to the Ananias I decision,
    indicating that OAT had failed to produce hundreds of similar
    failed worksheets that were considered to be exculpatory.
    On August 19, 2017, the Ananias litigation defendants filed
    a motion to compel and to impose sanctions.     The Commonwealth
    responded that OAT personnel had not made the Commonwealth aware
    of these documents, despite prosecutors' best efforts to obtain
    all required discovery.    On August 31, 2017, the secretary
    directed EOPSS, the administrative body that oversees OAT, to
    investigate OAT's discovery practices.
    iii.   EOPSS report.    In an extensive report following a
    six-week investigation, EOPSS identified a history of
    intentional withholding of exculpatory evidence by OAT, blatant
    disregard of court orders, and other misconduct, all underscored
    by "a longstanding and insular institutional culture that was
    reflexively guarded."     The discovery practices that led to the
    withholding of exculpatory evidence predated the Ananias
    In one example, the EOPSS report described a case decided
    prior to the Ananias litigation, in which OAT failed to produce
    any of its internal repair records.   A District Court judge
    allowed a discovery motion that requested "[a]ny and all
    maintenance records including but not limited to calibration,
    repairs and certification of the breath testing device
    concerning the test administered to the . . . [d]efendant."     As
    stated, it was OAT policy to produce only the manufacturer's
    repair records, which included the invoice, the manufacturer's
    repair authorization form, and, occasionally, a description of
    the repair that had been completed.   Relying on this policy, OAT
    did not produce its internally generated repair records, in
    violation of the discovery order.
    In March 2013, in another case preceding the Ananias
    litigation, a District Court judge allowed a discovery motion
    that requested "[a]ll information, data and documents that
    contain information about testing and repair of the breath test
    device utilized by the . . . [p]olice [d]epartment to test the
    defendant."   OAT did not produce the authorization report
    relating to the device that had been used, even though the
    record was present in the file for that device.
    The EOPPS investigation found that the failure to disclose
    documents, specifically in the context of the Ananias
    litigation, arose from a lack of communication between OAT and
    the assistant district attorneys who were assigned to the
    Ananias litigation.   The prosecutors were unfamiliar with
    general OAT discovery policies and, in particular, were unaware
    that it was OAT policy not to produce failed worksheets when an
    instrument failed certification.    Indeed, the EOPPS report
    highlighted that OAT scientists responding to discovery requests
    were instructed not to provide failed worksheets.    If a
    scientist included such a worksheet in the discovery package,
    O'Meara would insist that the failed worksheet be removed,
    because she considered it to be nonresponsive.12    These failures
    left prosecutors in the Ananias I litigation representing to the
    judge, and to defense counsel, that the Commonwealth had
    complied with its discovery obligations, when in fact it had
    not.    Accordingly, the prosecutors were unable adequately to
    carry out their obligation to identify and produce exculpatory
    As a result of the EOPSS investigation, in October 2017,
    the secretary directed the State police to undertake a number of
    When O'Meara was interviewed in conjunction with the
    EOPSS investigation, she explained that she considered failed
    certification worksheets to be "data not reported" and,
    therefore, under OAT policy, not subject to discovery. She also
    commented that, in her view, because no motorist had been
    subjected to breath testing with an instrument that was put in
    the field without having been calibrated successfully, the
    failed calibration attempts had no probative value, and thus
    appropriately were excluded from consideration in the
    certification analysis.
    remedial measures.   The State police were required to expand the
    responsibilities of the case management unit (CMU), which
    followed established protocols that specifically delineated how
    to respond to discovery requests, to include OAT.    The secretary
    also required OAT to eliminate its long-standing policy of
    requiring court orders before complying with "nonstandard"
    discovery requests and, instead, instructed OAT to comply with
    all discovery requests from prosecutors' offices.    OAT also was
    required to enhance and expand its then newly released
    electronic discovery (eDiscovery) portal, to obtain
    accreditation by the ANSI-ASQ13 National Accreditation Board
    (ANAB) within twelve months, and to conduct enhanced training
    for OAT employees, focusing on the identification of, and their
    duties regarding, exculpatory information.
    iv.   Joint stipulation.   Over the course of the next year,
    prosecutors turned over tens of thousands of documents that had
    not previously been provided to the consolidated defendants.     On
    August 14, 2018, following extensive negotiations, the parties
    submitted a joint stipulation and a recommended resolution to
    the defendants' motion for sanctions.     The stipulation included
    factual findings from the EOPSS report.
    13American National Standards Institute – American Society
    for Quality.
    Among other things, the parties stipulated that (1) in
    Ananias I, the judge had ordered OAT to produce copies of all of
    the annual certification and calibration worksheets used to
    conduct the annual calibration of the Alcotest 9510 devices;
    (2) OAT produced 1,976 worksheets and represented that these
    were all the worksheets the judge had ordered produced; (3) of
    the 1,976 worksheets, only eleven were incomplete worksheets
    indicating a failed calibration; (4) OAT intentionally withheld
    an additional 432 worksheets that reported failures in the
    annual calibration process; (5) OAT did not inform the
    prosecutors, the defense attorneys, or the judge that it was
    withholding the 432 worksheets; and (6) the withheld failed
    worksheets were exculpatory.
    The parties also agreed on specific remedial measures.     OAT
    committed to applying for national accreditation with ANAB and
    to expanding its existing eDiscovery portal to provide all users
    equal access to breathalyzer-related records and documents.    In
    addition, the parties agreed that the period for which
    Alcotest 9510 test results were deemed to be presumptively
    excluded would be enlarged through a date to be set by the
    judge; the Commonwealth would not seek to establish the
    reliability of OAT's calibration and certification on a case-by-
    case basis in cases pending trial;14 and the Commonwealth would
    pay for notices to be sent to the approximately 27,000
    defendants who had received an adverse disposition in a case in
    which the defendant submitted to an Alcotest 9510 test between
    June 1, 2011, and August 31, 2017.   The joint stipulation of
    facts and the recommended resolution were submitted to the judge
    for approval.
    After a three-day hearing, in January 2019, the judge
    accepted the joint stipulation of facts and the recommended
    resolution, made additional findings of fact, and issued a
    decision on the date that the presumptive exclusion of
    Alcotest 9510 test results would terminate.   Ananias II, supra.
    The judge found that OAT's misconduct resulted in a deprivation
    of the consolidated defendants' due process rights because they
    had been unable to obtain a full, fair, and complete Daubert-
    Lanigan hearing.   The judge concluded that EOPSS's findings
    regarding OAT's approach to producing exculpatory information
    had had a devastating impact on public trust and confidence in
    the fairness of the criminal justice system and the integrity of
    the process.
    14The parties agreed that the Commonwealth could seek to do
    so on a case-by-case basis for cases involving motor vehicle
    homicide by OUI, G. L. c. 90, § 24G; OUI causing serious bodily
    injury, G. L. c. 90, § 24L; manslaughter by motor vehicle, G. L.
    c. 265, § 13 1/2; and OUI as a fifth or greater offense, G. L.
    c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1).
    As a result of OAT's misconduct, the judge fashioned a
    remedy to restore confidence that OAT's methodology produces
    scientifically reliable breathalyzer results, and that OAT is
    fully disclosing those instances where, for a variety of
    reasons, it is unable to certify the reliability of a
    breathalyzer result.     The judge ordered that the period of
    presumptive exclusion of Alcotest 9510 test results be extended
    until the Commonwealth could demonstrate compliance with seven
    remedial measures.
    The remedial measures required the Commonwealth to show
    that OAT not only had filed an application for accreditation
    with ANAB, but also that the application was substantially
    likely to succeed.   In addition, the application and the ANAB
    accreditation requirements manual had to be uploaded to the
    eDiscovery portal so that it publicly was accessible.     The
    Commonwealth also had to demonstrate that OAT had promulgated
    discovery protocols consistent with those employed by the CMU,
    including policies defining exculpatory evidence and an
    explanation of OAT's obligations with respect to such evidence;
    in the alternative, the Commonwealth had to show that the CMU
    would be responsible for processing OAT's discovery requests.
    OAT's discovery protocol had to be made accessible publicly on
    the eDiscovery portal.    Further, the Commonwealth had to show
    that all OAT employees had received training on the meaning of
    exculpatory information and their attendant obligations, and all
    written materials used in this training had to be placed on the
    eDiscovery portal.
    In July 2019, the judge issued a final order finding that,
    by April 18, 2019, the Commonwealth had satisfied all these
    remedial measures.   Consequently, the period of presumptive
    exclusion of the results of breath tests extended from June 1,
    2011, through April 18, 2019.
    With OAT's history of misconduct in mind, we turn to the
    defendant's claims in this case.
    d.   Motion to withdraw.    The defendant maintains that the
    judge erred in denying her motion to withdraw her admission to
    sufficient facts on the ground that her admission was not
    knowing and voluntary because of the later-discovered issues
    with the Alcotest 9510 device and the government misconduct that
    came to light during the Ananias litigation.     In particular, she
    points to statements in her affidavit averring that her decision
    to accept the plea arrangement was based largely on her
    attorney's assessment that the breath test results made her case
    unwinnable.   She maintains that her motion should have been
    allowed because OAT's misconduct was egregious and induced her
    admission to sufficient facts.     Accordingly, her plea was not
    knowing and intelligent, and violated her right to due process.
    "Due process requires that a guilty plea be accepted only
    where 'the contemporaneous record contains an affirmative
    showing that the defendant's plea was intelligently and
    voluntarily made.'"   Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 345
    , quoting
    Commonwealth v. Furr, 
    454 Mass. 101
    , 106 (2009).     "A guilty plea
    is voluntary so long as it is tendered free from coercion,
    duress, or improper inducements."    Commonwealth v. Wentworth,
    482 Mass. 664
    , 679 (2019), citing Scott, 
    i.    Standard of review.   A motion for a new trial under
    Mass. R. Crim. P. 30 (b), as appearing in 
    435 Mass. 1501
    "is the appropriate vehicle to attack the validity of a guilty
    plea or an admission to sufficient facts" (citation omitted).
    Bridgeman v. District Attorney for the Suffolk Dist., 
    476 Mass. 298
    , 316 (2017) (Bridgeman II).     A judge may grant a motion for
    a new trial any time it appears that justice may not have been
    done.   See Commonwealth v. Moore, 
    408 Mass. 117
    , 125 (1990).      We
    review the denial of a motion for a new trial for abuse of
    discretion or significant error of law.     See Commonwealth v.
    451 Mass. 332
    , 334 (2008), quoting Commonwealth v.
    427 Mass. 816
    , 817 (1998).
    ii.   Voluntariness of admission to sufficient facts.     In
    467 Mass. at 346
    , in light of the so-called drug lab
    scandals, we adopted a two-pronged test to determine when
    government misconduct is so egregious that it renders a guilty
    plea involuntary, and thus in violation of a defendant's rights
    to due process.   See Ferrara, 
    456 F.3d at 290
    .   To prevail on a
    claim that government misconduct induced a defendant to admit to
    sufficient facts, "the defendant must show both that
    'egregiously impermissible conduct . . . by government
    agents . . . antedated the entry of his [or her] plea' and that
    'the misconduct influenced his [or her] decision to plead guilty
    or, put another way, that it was material to that choice.'"
    Scott, supra, quoting Ferrara, 
       Establishing egregious
    government misconduct, in turn, requires the defendant to show
    that (1) the egregious government misconduct preceded the entry
    of his or her guilty plea; (2) the egregious misconduct was
    undertaken by government agents; and (3) the misconduct occurred
    in the defendant's case.   See Scott, 
    supra at 347-351
    The defendant contends that OAT's failure to establish
    written calibration protocols for the Alcotest 9510
    breathalyzer, and OAT's intentional withholding of exculpatory
    evidence beginning at least as early as the deployment of the
    Alcotest 9510 device in June 2011, are sufficient to demonstrate
    egregious government misconduct by OAT in her case.
    A.   Egregiously impermissible conduct.   Our decisions
    addressing the misconduct in State police drug laboratories
    involving State police chemists Annie Dookhan and Sonja Farak
    contain extensive discussion of what constitutes egregious
    government misconduct.   See Committee for Pub. Counsel Servs. v.
    Attorney Gen., 
    480 Mass. 700
    , 701-702 (2018) (egregious
    misconduct where State police chemist consumed drugs submitted
    to government laboratory for testing and drug standards used in
    testing and manipulated evidence to conceal actions, and
    assistant attorneys general were aware of those actions but
    undertook cover-up); Bridgeman II, 
    476 Mass. at 302
    impermissible conduct where State police chemist intentionally
    reported positive results without testing submitted evidence,
    intentionally contaminated drug samples, falsified machine
    reports, and committed breach of laboratory protocols).      In
    addition, "threats, blatant misrepresentations, or untoward
    blandishments by government agents" may constitute conduct that
    could be categorized as egregious.   See Wilkins v. United
    754 F.3d 24
    , 28 (1st Cir. 2014), quoting Ferrara, 
    456 F.3d at 290
    The scathing EOPSS report highlights OAT's disturbing
    pattern of intentionally withholding exculpatory evidence year
    after year, dating back at least as early as June 2011.      The
    report characterizes OAT's discovery practices as
    "dysfunctional," guided by "serious errors of judgment," and
    "enabled by a longstanding and insular institutional culture
    that was reflexively guarded."   OAT leadership "frequently
    failed to seek out or take advantage of available legal
    resources."   As a result, thousands of documents were not
    produced to defendants in the Ananias litigation and in other
    cases, despite plainly being responsive to discovery orders and
    requests.   These defendants thus did not have the benefit of
    using exculpatory authorization reports, the quality assurance
    manual, failed certification worksheets, and internal repair
    records to challenge the validity of the breath test instrument
    used in their individual cases.    The broad scope and nature of
    these violations of court orders undermined the criminal justice
    system in the Commonwealth, compromised thousands of
    prosecutions for OUI offenses, and potentially resulted in
    inaccurate convictions.    As the specially assigned District
    Court judge observed in his order denying the defendant's
    motion, the conclusion that OAT's behavior was egregiously
    impermissible is "inescapable."
    The Commonwealth rightly does not dispute that OAT
    employees are government agents for purposes of a Scott-Ferrara
    analysis.   Notably, as well, OAT assists prosecutors and forms
    part of the prosecution team in OUI cases, given that proof of
    compliance with calibration and certification protocols is an
    essential aspect of any OUI prosecution involving a breathalyzer
    machine.    "[P]rior to the admission of a breathalyzer result,
    the Commonwealth must prove the existence of, and compliance
    with, the requirements of a periodic testing program [for
    breathalyzer machines]."    Commonwealth v. Barbeau, 
    411 Mass. 782
    , 786 (1992).
    At the time of the defendant's trial, O'Meara and the three
    other scientists employed at OAT were responsible for responding
    to discovery requests and maintaining records relative to the
    functioning of the breath test instruments.    Defense counsel
    obtained from OAT the standard breath test report form that
    contained certification and calibration information for the
    specific device used to test the defendant's BAC, which had been
    completed by OAT staff.    See Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 349-350
    quoting Martin, 
    427 Mass. at 824
     (characterizing State police
    chemist who "ha[d] participated in the investigation [and]
    evaluation of the case and ha[d] reported to the prosecutor's
    office concerning the case" as agent of Commonwealth).    OAT's
    misconduct therefore is attributable to the Commonwealth.        We
    also note that, prosecutors have a duty to "inquire concerning
    the existence of scientific tests, at least those conducted by
    the Commonwealth's own crime laboratory."     Martin, supra at 823-
    "[I]n applying the Ferrara analysis to a defendant seeking
    to vacate a guilty plea under Mass. R. Crim. P. 30 (b), on the
    ground that government misconduct rendered the plea involuntary,
    the defendant is required to show a nexus between the government
    misconduct and the defendant's own case."     Scott, 
    467 Mass. 31
    at 351.   In this case, the motion judge held that, given the
    absence of a specific discovery request by the defendant prior
    to trial, the defendant was unable to establish the necessary
    nexus required by Scott.    Accordingly, the judge determined that
    it was not within his authority to adopt a conclusive
    presumption of egregious misconduct for all cases involving
    Alcotest 9510 breathalyzer results (outside the Ananias
    litigation defendants).    Pointing to the approximately 27,000
    defendants who have been affected by OAT's misconduct, which
    "has cast a shadow over the entire criminal justice system," the
    defendant urges us to adopt a global remedy in this case,
    because we "cannot expect defendants to bear the burden" of the
    Commonwealth's systemic failures.   See Bridgeman v. District
    Attorney for the Suffolk Dist., 
    471 Mass. 465
    , 476, 487 (2015)
    (Bridgeman I), quoting Scott, 
     at 354 n.11.
    Pursuant to G. L. c. 211, § 3, we have the extraordinary
    power to superintend "the administration of all courts of
    inferior jurisdiction."    "Allegations of systemic abuses
    affecting the proper administration of justice are particularly
    appropriate for review pursuant to G. L. c. 211, § 3."       Brantley
    v. Hampden Div. of the Probate & Family Court Dep't, 
    457 Mass. 172
    , 183 (2010).
    In Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 351-352
    , we concluded that it would
    have been impossible for the defendant to show the requisite
    nexus between the government misconduct and the defendant's
    conviction, because the State police chemist who had falsified
    drug test results was unable to identify the cases in which she
    had fabricated results or committed a breach of protocols and
    those in which she had followed proper procedures.    We therefore
    fashioned a global remedy for those defendants who had been
    affected by the chemist's misconduct; we determined that
    defendants who had been convicted of a drug offense and who
    proffered a drug certificate signed by the chemist were entitled
    to a conclusive presumption that egregious government misconduct
    had occurred.   
    Id. at 352
    .   This special evidentiary rule of a
    conclusive presumption was "sui generis," "a remedy dictated by
    the particular circumstances surrounding" the chemist's
    misconduct, that was "intended to apply only to [the] narrow
    class of cases in which a defendant seeks to withdraw his or her
    guilty plea after having learned of" this specific misconduct.
    Id. at 353-354
    Although we recognize that OAT has complied with numerous
    remedial measures that were ordered after the discovery of the
    extent of the misconduct involving the Alcotest 9510 device, and
    some that were adopted voluntarily, these combined measures do
    not go far enough to restore defendants' rights.     The inability
    of the Ananias litigation defendants to receive a fair and
    accurate Daubert-Lanigan hearing, and the years-long practice of
    intentional withholding of exculpatory evidence, "is a lapse of
    systemic magnitude in the criminal justice system" that can be
    cured only by a global remedy.   See Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 352
    OAT's cavalier and supercilious attitude toward its discovery
    obligations led to the repeated concealment of evidence that its
    testing process was flawed.   This was compounded by its failure
    to work with available legal counsel and the experts in the CMU
    who handled all other discovery requests to the crime lab and
    who could have assisted in the identification and production of
    this type of exculpatory evidence.   Indeed, the reach of OAT's
    missteps is vast.
    The Commonwealth notified approximately 27,000 defendants
    whose OUI convictions were implicated by OAT's misconduct.
    Requiring tens of thousands of defendants to bear the cost of
    proving that OAT's conduct was egregiously impermissible would
    be antithetical to our responsibility to ensure the efficient
    administration of justice.    See Commonwealth v. Camacho, 
    483 Mass. 645
    , 650 (2019), quoting Bridgeman I, 471 Mass. at 476
    (absent global remedy, "defendants wrongly would bear the burden
    of a systemic lapse that . . . is entirely attributable to the
    government").   We must "account for the due process rights of
    defendants, the integrity of the criminal justice system, the
    efficient administration of justice in responding to such
    potentially broad-ranging misconduct, and the myriad public
    interests at stake."   See Committee for Pub. Counsel Servs., 
    480 Mass. at 723
    , quoting Bridgeman I, 
    supra at 487
    .    Accordingly,
    in cases in which a defendant seeks to vacate a guilty plea as a
    result of the revelation of OAT's misconduct, and the
    defendant's breath test took place between June 1, 2011, and
    April 18, 2019, the defendant is entitled to a conclusive
    presumption that egregious government misconduct occurred.
    At the same time, we do not go as far as some of the amici
    suggest and order the dismissal with prejudice of all OUI cases
    within the relevant time period.    See Committee for Pub. Counsel
    480 Mass. at 729
     (vacating convictions and dismissing
    cases tainted by drug lab scandal that met certain criteria).
    To begin, OUI prosecutions inherently are different from
    prosecutions for drug offenses.    Convictions of possession or
    distribution of drugs rise and fall on proving that the
    substance involved was, in fact, the illegal substance charged.
    "In a case charging a narcotics offense, the Commonwealth must
    prove beyond a reasonable doubt 'that a substance is a
    particular drug' because such proof is an element of the crime
    charged."   Commonwealth v. Vasquez, 
    456 Mass. 350
    , 361 (2010),
    quoting Commonwealth v. McGilvery, 
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 508
    , 511
    (2009), and cases cited.   Without the certification that the
    substance at issue was the alleged illegal substance, at least
    as to possession, there is no case for the prosecution to
    pursue.   See G. L. c. 94C, § 32A (a) ("Any person who knowingly
    or intentionally manufactures, distributes, dispenses or
    possesses with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense a
    controlled substance . . . shall be punished . . .").    That, in
    rare instances, proof that a suspected illegal substance sold by
    a defendant was an illegal drug can be established in other
    ways, such as the testimony and observation of an experienced
    user of the drug, see Commonwealth v. MacDonald, 
    459 Mass. 148
    153-154 (2011), does not change this calculus.
    Comparatively, the Commonwealth has a number of different
    avenues by which to pursue an OUI prosecution beyond
    establishing the level of alcohol in a defendant's blood.
    "Whoever . . . operates a motor vehicle with a percentage, by
    weight, of alcohol in their blood of eight one-hundredths or
    greater, or while under the influence of intoxicating
    liquor . . . shall be punished . . . ."   G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1).   Accordingly, OUI can be shown, for example,
    by field sobriety tests, police observations, blood tests, and
    statements by a defendant.   See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Wood, 
    261 Mass. 458
    , 459 (1927) (circumstantial evidence sufficient for
    OUI conviction); Commonwealth v. Belliveau, 
    76 Mass. App. Ct. 830
    , 835 (2010), quoting Commonwealth v. Petersen, 
    67 Mass. App. Ct. 49
    , 52 (2006) ("Proof of operating under the influence on a
    public way may 'rest entirely on circumstantial evidence'").
    Thus, even where an unreliable breath test result is suppressed,
    the Commonwealth may have other ways in which to pursue a
    We are satisfied that a conclusive presumption that all
    three elements needed to establish the first prong of the Scott-
    Ferrara test have been met "will relieve the trial courts of the
    administrative burden" of making findings in potentially tens of
    thousands of motions for a new trial, see Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 353
    , that egregious government misconduct indeed occurred.
    It also will assist in "restor[ing] the public's faith in the
    integrity of the courts," without forcing defendants to bear the
    cost of the government's misconduct.    See Bridgeman II, 
    476 Mass. at 337
     (Hines, J., dissenting).
    Because we conclude that the defendant is entitled to a
    presumption that the first prong of the Scott-Ferrara test --
    the existence of egregious government misconduct that antedated
    her plea -- has been established, see Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 346
    we turn to consideration of the second prong of that test.
    B.    Reasonable probability defendant would not have pleaded
    guilty.   The second prong of the Scott-Ferrara test requires a
    defendant to demonstrate a reasonable probability that he or she
    would not have pleaded guilty had he or she known of OAT's
    misconduct.   See Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 354-355
    , citing United
    States v. Fisher, 
    711 F.3d 460
    , 469 (4th Cir. 2013), and
    456 F.3d at 290, 294
    .   Establishing such a reasonable
    probability requires examining the totality of the
    circumstances, guided by a number of specific factors.       These
    factors include
    "(1) whether evidence of the government misconduct could
    have detracted from the factual basis used to support the
    guilty plea, (2) whether the evidence could have been used
    to impeach a witness whose credibility may have been
    outcome-determinative, (3) whether the evidence is
    cumulative of other evidence already in the defendant's
    possession, (4) whether the evidence would have influenced
    counsel's recommendation as to whether to accept a
    particular plea offer, and (5) whether the value of the
    evidence was outweighed by the benefits of entering into
    the plea agreement."
    Scott, supra at 355, citing Ferrara, 
    supra at 294
    .     The motion
    judge decided that the defendant had made the requisite showing,
    because she had established a reasonable probability that she
    would not have tendered her admission to sufficient facts if she
    had known that the breathalyzer results would be excluded.
    The defendant's breath test resulted in a reported BAC of
    0.23 percent.   Aside from the breath test result, the judge
    found that proof of the defendant's impairment was based on a
    fairly brief interaction between the defendant and the troopers
    and her statement that she had had three drinks.     Otherwise put,
    the breathalyzer result was the "crown jewel" -- the most
    inculpatory piece of evidence against the defendant.    In
    conjunction with the defendant's motion to withdraw, her
    attorney submitted an affidavit averring that, given the
    breathalyzer result, he "did not believe it would be cost
    effective or reasonable to take this case to trial."   Had he
    known, however, that the breathalyzer test was not admissible,
    he would have advised the defendant to proceed to trial, as, in
    his experience, juries tend to acquit in similar cases where
    there is no breathalyzer result and no accident.   The defendant
    also submitted an affidavit stating that she had relied on her
    attorney's advice in making the admission, and she would have
    followed his advice to proceed to trial.
    The motion judge found, and we agree, that the disposition
    that the defendant received was not so favorable that the
    benefits of the plea outweighed the value of the evidence.      The
    Commonwealth did not offer her a charge concession as part of
    the plea, and the judge ordered a two-year loss of the
    defendant's driver's license, as well as conditions of probation
    mandating attendance at AA meetings once per week, enrollment in
    a fourteen-day second offender program, submission to an
    evaluation pursuant to G. L. c. 90, § 24Q, and random alcohol
    testing.   While the continuance without a finding was of some
    benefit to the defendant (who averred that it was not essential
    for her to continue in her line of work), we discern no error in
    the judge's determination that the defendant satisfied the
    second prong of the Scott-Ferrara test.
    Accordingly, the denial of the defendant's motion to
    withdraw her admission to sufficient facts must be reversed.15
    iii.   Exposure to harsher sentence.   The defendant argues
    that, should she prevail in her motion for a new trial and
    thereafter be convicted of the same offense, she should not be
    subject to a harsher sentence than that which originally was
    imposed.    If we were to hold otherwise, she argues, it would
    chill OAT defendants' exercise of their postconviction rights.
    "[T]his court will not review [a] matter until the entire
    case is ripe for review due to the burdensome nature of
    'piecemeal appellate review.'"    Bridgeman I, 471 Mass. at 474,
    quoting Campana v. Directors of the Mass. Hous. Fin. Agency, 
    399 Mass. 492
    , 499 n.16 (1987).   Yet, as stated, approximately
    27,000 defendants have been affected by OAT's misconduct.     Thus,
    it is within our broad powers of superintendence under G. L.
    c. 211, § 3, to review the defendant's claim.
    Although this issue is not ripe, we nonetheless may review
    it "given the significance of this case in light of the
    thousands of defendants who have been affected by [the Ananias
    litigation]."   See Bridgeman I, 471 Mass. at 474.   It is the
    Commonwealth's position that, notwithstanding the egregious
    15 Because of the result we reach, we need not address the
    defendant's arguments with respect to judicial estoppel and
    government misconduct, we should not depart from our general
    rule that "when a defendant withdraws his [or her guilty] plea
    after sentencing, he [or she] may receive a harsher sentence
    than was originally imposed."     See Commonwealth v. DeMarco, 
    387 Mass. 481
    , 486 (1982).
    In Bridgeman I, 471 Mass. at 477, we concluded that
    defendants who sought a new trial because of a particular police
    chemist's misconduct could not be charged with a greater offense
    than the one of which the defendant originally had been
    convicted.   In addition, if convicted at a new trial, the
    defendant could not receive a harsher sentence than the one
    originally imposed.    We decided that anything less would be
    "giving the Commonwealth a second bite at the proverbial apple
    in its efforts to convict the [defendants]."     Id.
    So too here.      Our "goal is to fashion a remedy that will,
    as much as possible, place [the defendant] in the position that
    [she] would have been in if the government had not violated
    [her] constitutional right to [d]ue [p]rocess."     See Ferrara v.
    United States, 
    372 F. Supp. 2d 108
    , 111 (D. Mass. 2005).     Before
    OAT's misconduct came to light, the Commonwealth and the
    defendant entered into a plea agreement that they both viewed as
    mutually advantageous and fair.     Absent the breath test results,
    the motion judge found that the defendant would not have entered
    into the plea.   Allowing the imposition of a harsher sentence
    after a new trial would vitiate her due process rights to pursue
    a remedy for OAT's extensive and egregious misconduct.   Thus, if
    the defendant is tried and convicted, her sentence must be
    capped at what it was under her original plea arrangement.
    In this case, however, capping any subsequent sentence at
    the defendant's initial sentence poses a unique challenge.     As a
    result of her admission, the defendant's case was continued
    without a finding for two years, she was required to complete
    the fourteen-day second offender program, to submit to an
    evaluation as set forth in G. L. c. 90, § 24Q, to attend AA
    meetings at least once a week, and to submit to random alcohol
    testing.   Her driver's license also was suspended for two years.
    In his decision denying the defendant's motion to withdraw her
    admission to sufficient facts, the judge characterized the plea
    judge's decision to continue the defendant's case without a
    finding as "relatively unusual" for an OUI, second offense.     The
    Commonwealth contends that the continuance without a finding for
    a second offense, less than ten years after the defendant's
    first conviction of OUI, constituted an illegal disposition.
    An illegal sentence is one that is "in some way contrary to
    the applicable statute."   See Commonwealth v. Selavka, 
    469 Mass. 502
    , 505 (2014), quoting Goetzendanner v. Superintendent, Mass.
    Correctional Inst., Norfolk, 
    71 Mass. App. Ct. 533
    , 537 (2008).
    General Laws c. 90, § 24 (1) (a) (1), which governs sentencing
    for a conviction of OUI, second offense, provides:
    "If the defendant has been previously convicted . . . by a
    court of the Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction because
    of a like violation preceding the date of the commission of
    the offense for which [the defendant] has been
    convicted, . . . the defendant shall be punished . . . by
    imprisonment for not less than sixty days . . . [and] the
    sentence imposed . . . shall not be reduced to less than
    thirty days" (emphasis added).
    The thirty-day minimum sentence may be served in an approved
    facility dedicated to alcohol treatment rehabilitation "to the
    extent such resources are available."      G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1).   The provision also contains an exception
    providing that "a prosecution [for OUI] shall not be . . .
    continued without a finding except for dispositions under [G. L.
    c. 90, § 24D]" (emphasis added).16   Id.    General Laws c. 90,
    § 24D, permits certain defendants to "be placed on probation for
    not more than two years."   Those defendants, however, are
    individuals who have never been convicted of a prior OUI offense
    in any jurisdiction, or who have been convicted of a single like
    offense ten or more years previously.      See G. L. c. 90, § 24D.
    The defendant does not fall into either of these two groups.
    16The sentencing guidelines also note that a conviction of
    OUI, second offense, in violation of G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1), carries a mandatory minimum sentence of thirty
    days of confinement. See Massachusetts Sentencing Commission,
    Advisory Sentencing Guidelines 59, 63 (Nov. 2017).
    Here, prior to her conviction of OUI for events at the
    sobriety checkpoint in Beverly in 2013, the defendant was
    convicted of a like violation of OUI in New York on May 5, 2006,
    clearly less than ten years previously.     Thus, continuing the
    defendant's case without a finding, without imposing the
    mandatory minimum period of confinement of thirty days, was
    contrary to the sentencing provisions in G. L. c. 90,
    §§ 24 (1) (a) (1), 24D.   A "'sentencing judge currently may not
    impose a sentence that departs from the prescribed mandatory
    minimum' sentence or minimum term."    Commonwealth v. Rossetti,
    489 Mass. 589
    , 594 n.7 (2022), quoting Commonwealth v.
    475 Mass. 692
    , 693 (2016).     Thus, because her
    original sentence was illegal, if the defendant is tried and
    convicted at any new trial, her new sentence would not be
    limited to the initial disposition.
    The Commonwealth concedes that a defendant who successfully
    moves for a new trial, and thereafter is convicted, should be
    credited for so much of his or her period of license suspension
    as already has been served.    Imposing an additional period of
    license suspension for the same criminal conviction implicates
    double jeopardy concerns.     See Commonwealth v. Rollins, 
    470 Mass. 66
    , 70 (2014), citing Marshall v. Commonwealth, 
    463 Mass. 529
    , 534 (2012).   For similar reasons, a defendant who has
    served a period of incarceration, is convicted again following a
    new trial, and is sentenced to a longer period of incarceration
    must receive credit for the time already served following the
    original trial, and therefore may be required only to serve the
    period of the new sentence that exceeds the original.     Not
    crediting the prior time served clearly would implicate double
    jeopardy concerns.   In addition, a defendant's compliance with
    any previously mandated treatment programs or conditions, such
    as the fourteen-day second offender program, see G. L. c. 90,
    § 24 (1) (a) (1), evaluation pursuant to G. L. c. 90, § 24Q, or
    regular attendance at AA meetings, should be taken into account
    when fashioning a new sentence.
    We recognize that, in this case, the defendant may have
    been unaware of the illegality of her sentence, which apparently
    was not recognized by her attorney, the prosecutor, or the
    motion judge, who commented only that the sentence was
    "relatively unusual."     Moreover, the defendant successfully
    completed her sentence approximately eight years ago.     We
    recognize as well that G. L. c. 90, § 24, has been amended
    numerous times with respect to penalties and mandatory minimums,
    and indeed, three amendments became effective since the
    defendant's conviction.    See St. 2013, c. 38, § 80, eff. Mar. 1,
    2014; St. 2018, c. 69, §§ 32-33, eff. April 13, 2018; St. 2020,
    c. 227, § 35, eff. July 1, 2021.    Accordingly, in light of the
    egregious government misconduct that gave rise to the
    defendant's motion to withdraw years after she completed serving
    her sentence, on remand, she should be afforded the opportunity
    to withdraw her motion.   See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Rodriguez,
    461 Mass. 256
    , 261 (2012) ("Where there is a plea agreement, the
    judge is . . . bound to allow a defendant to withdraw his plea
    where the judge imposes a sentence more severe than the
    prosecutor's recommendation"); Commonwealth v. Najjar, 
    96 Mass. App. Ct. 569
    , 573 (2019) (allowing defendant to withdraw plea
    where "plea judge at the colloquy [failed] to inform the
    defendant of the mandatory minimum sentence on the charges to
    which the defendant was pleading guilty").
    3.    Proceedings in future cases.   In sum, defendants who
    pleaded guilty to an OUI offense, where a breath test had been
    conducted using an Alcotest 9510 breathalyzer from June 1, 2011,
    through April 18, 2019, are entitled to a conclusive presumption
    that the first prong of the Scott-Ferrara test is satisfied, and
    the existence of egregious government misconduct that antedated
    the defendant's plea has been established.   See Scott, 
    467 Mass. at 346
    .   By extension, any breath test conducted using an
    Alcotest 9510 device during that time period must be excluded in
    any pending or future prosecutions.
    Where a defendant successfully moves for a new trial due to
    OAT's misconduct, and thereafter is convicted, so long as the
    defendant's original sentence was legal, the new sentence will
    be capped at no more than the original sentence.   If the
    defendant's original sentence was illegal, the new sentence will
    not be limited to the initial disposition.
    4.   Conclusion.   This matter is remanded to the District
    Court, where the defendant shall be allowed to withdraw her
    motion to withdraw her admission to sufficient facts.   If the
    defendant chooses not to withdraw her motion, the decision
    denying her motion to withdraw her admission shall be reversed,
    and the case shall proceed consistent with this opinion.
    So ordered.