Hill-Junious v. UTP Realty, LLC ( 2023 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
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    NORVELLA HILL-JUNIOUS, individually and as administratrix,1      vs.
    Norfolk.    April 3, 2023. – August 16, 2023.
    Present:     Budd, C.J., Gaziano, Lowy, Kafker, Wendlandt,
    & Georges, JJ.
    Wrongful Death. Consortium. Negligence, Wrongful death,
    Causing loss of consortium, One owning or controlling real
    estate, Duty to prevent harm, Foreseeability of harm.
    Practice, Civil, Wrongful death, Summary judgment.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    February 12, 2019.
    The case was heard by Paul D. Wilson, J., on a motion for
    summary judgment.
    The Supreme Judicial Court on its own initiative
    transferred the case from the Appeals Court.
    Matthew C. Hanson for the plaintiff.
    Robert P. Powers for the defendant.
    Christopher Maffucci, for Massachusetts Association of
    Realtors, amicus curiae, submitted a brief.
    Frank J. Bailey, Selena Fitanides, & John C. La Liberte,
    for PioneerLegal, LLC, amicus curiae, submitted a brief.
    1   Of the estate of Drake Scott, Jr.
    GEORGES, J.   In the early morning hours of February 17,
    2016, Drake Scott, Jr., was shot and killed outside the exit
    door of City Limits Saloon (City Limits or nightclub), a
    nightclub leasing space in a commercial property in Randolph.
    Scott's mother, plaintiff Norvella Hill-Junious, filed this
    negligence action in the Superior Court against the current
    owner of the property, defendant UTP Realty, LLC (UTP),2 seeking
    damages for wrongful death and loss of consortium.   This appeal
    concerns whether summary judgment was appropriately granted in
    favor of UTP.
    The plaintiff contends that the granting of summary
    judgment to UTP was inappropriate because there was a dispute of
    material fact whether UTP knew or should have known about prior
    acts of violence at the nightclub, so as to create a duty to
    protect the decedent from the risk of violence on the property,
    2 The plaintiff named the prior owner of the property, TJB,
    LLC, as a defendant in her original complaint, but she
    subsequently filed an amended complaint naming only UTP and the
    owner of the nightclub, City Limits, Incorporated, as
    City Limits, Incorporated, was defaulted on May 27, 2020,
    for failing to respond to a final request to answer
    interrogatories. See Mass. R. Civ. P. 33 (a) (4), as appearing
    436 Mass. 1401
     (2002). On March 21, 2022, judgment entered
    in favor of the plaintiff against City Limits, Incorporated, in
    the amount of $810,013.35. See Mass. R. Civ. P. 55 (b) (2), as
    463 Mass. 1401
     (2012). City Limits, Incorporated, did
    not file a notice of appeal.
    specifically, the premeditated killing by a third party.      In
    support of this assertion, the plaintiff relies on her expert
    witness's proffer that it would be unreasonable for a commercial
    landlord like UTP to purchase a property with a nightclub on it
    without first inquiring about past violent acts on the property.
    We conclude that, viewing the record in the light most
    favorable to the nonmoving party, the execution-style shooting
    of the decedent was not reasonably foreseeable to UTP in its
    capacity as property owner and landlord, and there was thus no
    duty on the part of UTP to protect the decedent against this
    criminal act by a third party.   Accordingly, we affirm the
    summary judgment in favor of UTP.3
    1.   Background.   We summarize the uncontroverted facts in
    the summary judgment record, along with evidence viewed in the
    light most favorable to the nonmoving party -- in this case, the
    plaintiff -- reserving some facts for later discussion.     See
    Williams v. Board of Appeals of Norwell, 
    490 Mass. 684
    , 685
    This case concerns a commercial property located at 324-326
    North Main Street in Randolph (property) that leases commercial
    space to various local businesses.   In January 2013, the
    property was owned by TJB, LLC (TJB).   At that time, Uyen Phan
    3 We acknowledge the amicus briefs submitted by the
    Massachusetts Association of Realtors and PioneerLegal, LLC.
    opened a nail salon on the first floor of the property.     Another
    tenant, City Limits, operated a nightclub out of the basement
    floor of the property.   City Limits had its own building
    entrance, which opened onto a right-of-way serving abutters to
    the property as well as an adjacent parking lot.
    The record indicates that a number of violent disturbances
    and criminal incidents occurred at the property in the period
    after Phan's nail salon began leasing space from TJB, many with
    connections to City Limits.     In 2013, there was a fight in the
    property's parking lot and an assault inside City Limits.    In
    2014, there were reports of multiple fights occurring on the
    property, a drug-related arrest outside City Limits, windows
    broken by a baseball bat-wielding patron of City Limits, and a
    shooting of three individuals outside City Limits.     In May 2015,
    gun shots were reported by a patron of the nightclub, and police
    found shell casings in the parking lot.     In December of that
    year, another incident occurred, during which a patron of the
    nightclub was hit on the head with a bottle.
    In September 2015, Phan formed UTP for the purpose of
    buying the property from TJB.     In November 2015, approximately
    three months prior to the decedent's death, TJB sold the
    property to UTP, and at the time of the sale assigned City
    Limits's lease to UTP, in addition to all other rights and
    agreements attached to the property.4
    On the evening of February 16, 2016, City Limits held an
    "open mic" live music event in which the decedent participated.
    The shooter, Gregory Wright, saw the decedent at the nightclub
    and formed a plan to shoot him in retaliation for the death of
    Wright's brother; Wright believed the decedent was involved in
    his brother's death.    At least two members of the security staff
    at the nightclub were working at the nightclub that night.      The
    nightclub's procedure was to search everyone entering the
    nightclub when security staff was working, and one security
    staff member remained at the entrance to the nightclub
    throughout the night.   Security staff members who were present
    that night reported that Wright had approached them and asked
    whether the door to the nightclub was "the only exit."    The
    4 Under the terms of its lease, City Limits was solely
    responsible for its operations and contractually obligated to
    "carry on and conduct its business upon the Premises [of the
    property] in compliance with all local, [S]tate, and [F]ederal
    laws." The lease provided that the common areas of the property
    were "at all times . . . subject to the exclusive control and
    management of the Landlord," who must maintain them in a "clean
    manner, in broom-swept condition free from trash and personal
    effects." Also, under the terms of the lease, City Limits was
    required to carry comprehensive general liability insurance with
    a minimum limit of $1 million for injury or death that named the
    landlord as an additional insured party. Finally, the lease
    contained a provision indemnifying UTP "of and from all . . .
    actions, claims, . . . [and] liabilities . . . of any nature."
    The lease, however, did not place any obligation on UTP to
    provide security for City Limits or its patrons.
    security staff member who answered thought the question was
    After midnight, while patrons were leaving City Limits as
    it closed, the decedent left the nightclub and stopped to speak
    to a few people outside its door.   At that point, Wright, who
    had left the nightclub and was present outside the front
    entrance, shot and killed him.6   Police responded to the gunshots
    within seconds, as they were already in the area.   After a short
    foot chase, police captured Wright, and he was later convicted
    of murder in the first degree in connection with the incident.
    Phan was not present at the property on the night of the murder.
    She did not know the decedent or Wright, or anything about their
    relationship to or knowledge of each other.
    5 Shortly after midnight, an unidentified woman approached
    Michael Tuitt, an off-duty Randolph police officer who was at
    the nightclub, and told him that she had overheard a man in a
    group near the restrooms state, "[T]he kid who killed my family
    member is here and . . . he is going to get dealt with after the
    club." Tuitt alerted the head of the security staff at City
    Limits about the woman's comment and notified police.
    Separately, at about midnight, a former member of the security
    staff recommended that the police be contacted when the
    nightclub owner asked whether he heard anything about "problems
    about to occur in the parking lot."
    6 The parties agree that the murder occurred outside City
    Limits "at the edge of a right of way adjacent to 326 North Main
    Street used in common with other abutters." A police report
    described the decedent's body as lying on the pavement
    "approximately seven feet outside of the front door of" City
    Following the shooting, the licensing board of Randolph
    (board) held a hearing, during which the board received evidence
    of police reports concerning City Limits and heard testimony
    from police officers.    On April 12, 2016, the board issued a
    decision in which it made factual findings and concluded that
    the hours during which City Limits could sell alcohol should be
    reduced.    In its findings, the board detailed the nightclub's
    "pattern of operation that caused the [police] to have concerns
    about its management."     These concerns involved not only
    numerous police calls regarding the nightclub, but also its
    "failure to notify the [police]" about criminal activity.      The
    board's decision detailed a number of the incidents that had
    occurred at the nightclub, as well as its disregard of attempts
    that the police had made to suggest tactics that the nightclub
    could use to mitigate outbreaks of violence.      In particular,
    prior to the shooting, police officers had counselled City
    Limits against the use of "open mic" nights, opining that such
    events were likely to give rise to violence at the nightclub.
    In February 2019, the plaintiff, as administrator of her
    son's estate, brought this action for wrongful death and loss of
    consortium against UTP.7      The plaintiff alleged that given the
    history of criminal incidents at the property, UTP knew or
    7   See note 2, supra.
    should have known of the potential dangers and threat of
    violence caused by the nightclub's tenancy; UTP therefore had a
    duty to undertake reasonable security measures to deter against
    such foreseeable violence.   UTP's breach of this duty, the
    plaintiff alleged, resulted in the decedent's death.
    During her deposition, Phan denied having any knowledge, at
    the time that she was considering purchasing the property, of
    the violent incidents or criminal activity that had occurred on
    the property.8   At the close of discovery, UTP moved for summary
    judgment, arguing that the decedent's murder was not reasonably
    foreseeable, and therefore, no duty of care existed between UTP
    and the decedent.   UTP also argued that, even if it had
    implemented security measures on the property, no such
    reasonable measures would have prevented the decedent's death.
    The plaintiff opposed UTP's motion, reiterating her
    argument that because Phan knew or should have known of the
    prior criminal incidents at City Limits, the decedent's murder
    was a reasonably foreseeable risk that gave rise to a duty on
    the part of UTP.    The plaintiff also contended that although the
    decedent's murder was premeditated, the question whether
    8 Phan acknowledged speaking with police in March 2016, when
    police executed a search warrant for two units of the property
    in connection with suspected human trafficking activity.
    However, she denied having knowledge of any of the alleged human
    trafficking activity prior to that conversation with police.
    additional security measures would have prevented the decedent's
    death was a question of fact for a jury.
    A partially agreed-to statement of material facts was
    submitted in connection with the motion for summary judgment, as
    well as jointly submitted exhibits.   These exhibits included
    Phan's deposition, the board's decision, and the report of
    Russell Kolins, a security expert proffered by the plaintiff.
    Kolins opined that security at City Limits was deficient in
    several respects and that UTP had "failed to fulfill its duties
    as a commercial property landlord," by failing to provide
    adequate lighting and security for the property's common areas
    and by failing to conduct a risk assessment of the property,
    which would have uncovered the ways in which City Limits
    "deviated from accepted security standards."   After a hearing on
    the motion, the judge issued a decision allowing UTP's motion
    for summary judgment.
    In his decision, the judge concluded that UTP did not have
    a duty to protect the decedent from the shooting because such an
    event was not foreseeable.   The judge observed that there was no
    affirmative evidence in the record that Phan knew or should have
    known of the prior criminal activities at City Limits and noted
    that the plaintiff did not cite any precedent in support of her
    claim that a commercial landowner has a duty to inquire about
    any history of past criminal activity on its property.     The
    judge did not reach UTP's alternative argument that no
    reasonable security measures would have prevented the shooting.
    A final judgment entered dismissing the complaint as to UTP, and
    the plaintiff appealed.    We transferred the case to this court
    on our own motion.
    2.    Discussion.   "We review a grant of summary judgment de
    novo."    Medina v. Hochberg, 
    465 Mass. 102
    , 105 (2013).   "Summary
    judgment is appropriate when, 'viewing the evidence in the light
    most favorable to the nonmoving party, all material facts have
    been established and the moving party is entitled to a judgment
    as a matter of law.'"     
     quoting Augat, Inc. v. Liberty Mut.
    Ins. Co., 
    410 Mass. 117
    , 120 (1991).     To be successful, a moving
    party "may satisfy [its] burden of demonstrating the absence of
    a triable issue either by submitting evidence that negates an
    essential element of the opposing party's case or by
    demonstrating that the opposing party has no reasonable
    expectation of proving an essential element of [her] case at
    trial."   Petrell v. Shaw, 
    453 Mass. 377
    , 381 (2009), citing
    Flesner v. Technical Communications Corp., 
    410 Mass. 805
    , 809
    (1991).   Once the moving party has met this burden, the opposing
    party is "required to respond by 'set[ting] forth specific facts
    showing that there is a genuine issue for trial.'"
    Kourouvacilis v. General Motors Corp., 
    410 Mass. 706
    , 716
    (1991), quoting Mass. R. Civ. P. 56 (e), 
    365 Mass. 824
    "A viable negligence claim requires a showing that a
    defendant owes a duty of reasonable care to the plaintiff, the
    defendant committed a breach of that duty, the plaintiff
    suffered damage, and a causal relationship existed between the
    breach of duty and the damage."   Heath-Latson v. Styller, 
    487 Mass. 581
    , 584 (2021).   "[T]he existence of a duty is a question
    of law, and is thus an appropriate subject of summary judgment."
    Jupix v. Kask, 
    447 Mass. 141
    , 146 (2006).
    We have observed that "the existence of a duty of care
    depends upon the foreseeability of a risk of harm that the
    defendant has an ability to prevent."   Heath-Latson, 487 Mass.
    at 584, citing Lev v. Beverly Enters.-Mass., 
    457 Mass. 234
    , 243
    (2010).   In the case of a commercial landowner, this includes "a
    duty to take reasonable precautions to protect persons lawfully
    in common areas of rental property against reasonably
    foreseeable risks."   Whittaker v. Saraceno, 
    418 Mass. 196
    , 198
    (1994), citing Restatement (Second) of Torts § 360 (1965).
    Generally, this duty does not extend "to taking 'affirmative
    steps to protect against dangerous or unlawful acts of third
    persons.'"   Heath-Latson, supra, quoting Luoni v. Berube, 
    431 Mass. 729
    , 731 (2000).   "A landlord is not free, however, to
    ignore reasonably foreseeable risks of harm to tenants, and
    others lawfully on the premises, that could result from unlawful
    intrusions into common areas of the leased premises."
    supra at 197
    .   Thus, in appropriate circumstances, a
    landlord "may be liable for ignoring criminal activities that
    occur on premises and were known or should have been known to
    [the landlord]."    Griffiths v. Campbell, 
    425 Mass. 31
    , 34
    (1997).   "[T]he cases in which we have imposed liability are
    those in which a person legally on the premises is attacked, and
    the owner or landlord knew of or should have known of both the
    previous attacks and the potential for a recurrence based on a
    failure to take measures to make the premises safer."    
    Id. at 35
    "Notions about what should be foreseen . . . are very much
    interwoven with our feelings about fair and just limits to legal
    responsibility."    Whittaker, 
    418 Mass. at 198
    , quoting 4 F.
    Harper, F. James, Jr., & O. Gray, Torts § 20.5, at 136-137 (2d
    ed. 1986).   As a result, "[a]ll the circumstances are examined
    in defining the scope of a duty of care based on the reasonable
    foreseeability of harm."   Whittaker, 
    supra at 199
    , citing Flood
    v. Southland Corp., 
    416 Mass. 62
    , 72 (1993).    "The previous
    occurrence of similar criminal acts on or near a defendant's
    premises is a circumstance to consider, but the foreseeability
    question is not conclusively answered" by evidence of such acts.
    "The word 'foreseeable' has been used to define both the
    limits of a duty of care and the limits of proximate cause."
    418 Mass. at 198
    , citing 4 F. Harper, F. James, Jr.,
    & O. Gray, Torts § 20.5, at 139.    "As a practical matter, in
    deciding the foreseeability question, it seems not important
    whether one defines a duty as limited to guarding against
    reasonably foreseeable risks of harm or whether one defines the
    necessary causal connection between a breach of duty and some
    harm as one in which the harm was a reasonably foreseeable
    consequence of the breach of duty."    Whittaker, 
     at 198-
    199.   See Belizaire v. Furr, 
    88 Mass. App. Ct. 299
    , 304-305
    On review of the summary judgment record, we conclude that
    the execution-style murder that occurred here was not a
    reasonably foreseeable risk that UTP had the ability to prevent,
    and therefore, UTP had no duty to protect the decedent against
    this sudden, unanticipated act of violence.    To begin, there was
    no evidence "that the defendant was affiliated in any way with,
    or knowledgeable about, the [perpetrator] or any dispute that
    the [perpetrator] may have had with the [decedent]."    Belizaire,
    88 Mass. App. Ct. at 305.    Rather, the record suggests that the
    shooting was not related in any way to Phan, UTP, the property,
    or City Limits, and that it only occurred there because the
    perpetrator happened upon the decedent there that evening.
    Of course, UTP's duty is not circumscribed by what it knew;
    the duty also encompasses what it should have known.    The
    plaintiff relies heavily on the evidence of prior acts of
    violence at the property to argue that the harm that occurred
    here was reasonably foreseeable.   However, even if UTP should
    have known of the prior acts of violence identified by the
    plaintiff, that would not be conclusive on the question of duty.
    418 Mass. at 199
    .   See Mullins v. Pine Manor College,
    389 Mass. 47
    , 56 (1983), citing Samson v. Saginaw Professional
    Bldg., Inc., 
    393 Mich. 393
    , 406–407 (1975) ("Prior criminal acts
    are simply one factor among others that establish the
    foreseeability of the act of [a] third party").    We must also
    consider whether the harm that the plaintiff claims was
    foreseeable is one "that the defendant has an ability to
    prevent."   Heath-Latson, 487 Mass. at 584.   Here, the record
    cannot reasonably support a conclusion that security measures,
    including those suggested by the plaintiff's expert, such as
    additional exterior lighting and an additional security presence
    near the nightclub's exit, would have prevented the shooting
    that occurred.9   See Petrell, 
    453 Mass. at 381
    .   To the contrary,
    the record indicates that despite the presence of security staff
    at the nightclub and, specifically, on duty at the entrance
    9 Given our conclusion on this point, the plaintiff's
    proffer of expert evidence -- to the effect that UTP failed to
    act as a reasonably prudent commercial landlord by failing to
    inquire upon purchase about the risk profile of the property and
    to implement the suggested security measures -- does not suffice
    to create a genuine issue of material fact.
    where the shooting took place, Wright brazenly devised and
    executed his plan to shoot the decedent, even going so far as to
    ask security staff whether the door to the nightclub was "the
    only exit" in the hours before shooting the decedent.      And no
    rational basis exists to conclude that lighting could have
    prevented the killing.
    It is a well-established principle that a landlord "is not
    a guarantor of the safety of persons in a [property's] common
    area."   Whittaker, 
    418 Mass. at 197
    .    "The possibility of
    criminal conduct occurring is present in almost every aspect of
    daily life.   In that sense the possibility of a violent attack
    is always able to be foreseen."     
    Id. at 200
    .   The law, however,
    does not "place the burden of all harm caused by random violent
    criminal conduct on the owner of the property where the harmful
    act occurred, without proof that the landowner knew or had
    reason to know of a threat to the safety of persons lawfully on
    the premises against which the landowner could have taken
    reasonable preventive steps."     
       See Luisi v. Foodmaster
    Supermkts., Inc., 
    50 Mass. App. Ct. 575
    , 579 (2000) (affirming
    summary judgment for commercial property owner as to allegations
    of inadequate security where "no reasonable preventive measures
    taken by the defendants could have prevented the sudden and
    unprovoked attack on the plaintiff").     Such proof is lacking in
    the summary judgment record here.
    3.   Conclusion.   Based on the foregoing, we conclude that
    the targeted, execution-style shooting that occurred here was
    not reasonably foreseeable to UTP; therefore, UTP had no legal
    duty to prevent it.    Accordingly, we affirm the summary judgment
    entered in favor of UTP.
    So ordered.