Commonwealth v. Castro ( 2021 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    20-P-206                                                 Appeals Court
    No. 20-P-206.
    Suffolk.       January 5, 2021. – April 27, 2021.
    Present:     Meade, Milkey, & Neyman, JJ.
    Consent. Privacy. Evidence, Photograph, Authentication,
    Intent. Practice, Criminal, Required finding.
    Constitutional Law, Vagueness of statute.
    Complaint received and sworn to in the Chelsea Division of
    the District Court Department on March 7, 2018.
    The case was tried before D. Dunbar Livingston, J.
    Rachel T. Rose for the defendant.
    Kathryn Sherman, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    NEYMAN, J.        Following a trial in the District Court, a jury
    convicted the defendant, Cesar Castro, of photographing an
    unsuspecting nude or partially nude person in violation of G. L.
    c. 272, § 105 (b).      On appeal, the defendant challenges the
    sufficiency of the evidence, the admission of certain exhibits
    on authentication grounds, and the constitutionality of the
    first paragraph of § 105 (b).     We affirm.
    Background.   We summarize the facts the jury could have
    found, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    Commonwealth.   See Commonwealth v. Latimore, 
    378 Mass. 671
    , 677
    (1979).   In or around 2012 or 2013, the defendant and the victim
    entered into a relationship.    "At first it was just a
    friendship, but then . . . [they] became romantically involved."
    Although their "romantic relationship ended in 2015," on "bad
    terms," they still communicated on occasion through text
    In October 2017, the victim went on vacation in Mexico to
    celebrate her birthday with her new boyfriend.    On October 12,
    during her return flight to Boston, she received notification of
    Instagram messages1 from the defendant on her cell phone.    The
    victim recognized the Instagram account as the defendant's
    because she had "follow[ed]" the account; the account name,
    "letitflyceez," had always belonged to the defendant; the
    profile photograph in the "icon" on the account was a photograph
    of the defendant; and she had seen the defendant "post personal
    things on this account before."    Upon arrival in Boston, the
    1 "Instagram, which can be downloaded as a cell phone
    application, is a social media platform that enables users to
    share photographic content and send messages to other users."
    Commonwealth v. McMann, 
    97 Mass. App. Ct. 558
    , 558 n.1 (2020).
    victim opened the Instagram direct messages and saw "a thread of
    messages that he had sent."   The first Instagram message
    included a "screenshot" of text messages that the defendant had
    sent to the victim's cell phone to wish her a happy birthday.2
    The second Instagram message from the defendant said, "Wow,
    can't even say nothing back."   The following message from the
    defendant contained "a photo, directly from the . . .
    [defendant's] Instagram account."   The photograph showed the
    victim partially unclothed while lying in bed in the defendant's
    apartment, and apparently sleeping.3   The words, "Maybe you'll
    reply now," were displayed across the photograph.
    After seeing the photograph, the victim "[f]reaked out,
    started crying, [and] started calling [her] best friend to ask
    her for advice."   She felt "threatened" and "scared."   The
    victim did not know the date on which the defendant took the
    photograph of her.   She had never seen the photograph, was not
    aware that the defendant had taken the photograph, did not know
    that the photograph existed prior to receiving the message, did
    2 The defendant had sent the text message to the victim on
    her birthday. A telephone number was located at the top of the
    screenshot of the text messages attached to the Instagram
    message. The victim recognized that number as the defendant's
    cell phone number on which she had communicated with him on
    prior occasions.
    3 The photograph, which was admitted in evidence as an
    exhibit, showed the victim's naked buttocks. The victim
    testified that she was sleeping when the photograph was taken.
    not consent to the taking of the photograph, did not want the
    photograph to be taken, and had "never taken a nude picture."
    After viewing the photograph, the victim asked the
    defendant, via text message, "What're your intentions with that
    photo[?]"    The defendant did not respond.    The victim then
    contacted the police.
    Discussion.   1.   Sufficiency of evidence.   The defendant
    argues that the Commonwealth presented insufficient evidence to
    sustain a conviction for photographing an unsuspecting nude or
    partially nude person.     We apply the familiar test to determine
    "whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the [Commonwealth], any rational trier of fact could have
    found the essential elements of the crime beyond a reasonable
    doubt" (emphasis and citation omitted).      Latimore, 
    378 Mass. at 677
    .    "If, from the evidence, conflicting inferences are
    possible, it is for the jury to determine where the truth lies,
    for the weight and credibility of the evidence is wholly within
    their province."     Commonwealth v. Lao, 
    443 Mass. 770
    , 779
    (2005).     See Commonwealth v. Nelson, 
    370 Mass. 192
    , 203 (1976)
    (evidence need not require jury to draw inference; sufficient
    that evidence permits inference to be drawn).        See also E.B.
    Cypher, Criminal Practice and Procedure § 37.10 (4th ed. 2014).
    To establish a violation of the first paragraph of G. L.
    c. 272, § 105 (b),4 the Commonwealth must prove that the
    defendant (1) willfully photographed, videotaped, or
    electronically surveilled; (2) another person who was nude or
    partially nude; (3) with intent to secretly conduct or hide his
    activity; (4) when the other person was in a place and
    circumstance where she or he would have a reasonable expectation
    of privacy in not being so photographed; and (5) without the
    other person's knowledge or consent.5   See Commonwealth v.
    467 Mass. 371
    , 375-376 (2014).   The defendant does
    not dispute the sufficiency of the evidence as to the first two
    elements -- that he willfully photographed the victim, or that
    she was partially nude at that time.6   Rather, he argues that the
    4 The second and third paragraphs of § 105 (b), inserted by
    St. 2014, c. 43, § 2, are not at issue in this appeal. See
    generally Commonwealth v. Wassilie, 
    482 Mass. 562
    , 565 (2019).
    5 The first paragraph of G. L. c. 272, § 105 (b), provides,
    in relevant part:
    "Whoever willfully photographs, videotapes or
    electronically surveils another person who is nude or
    partially nude, with the intent to secretly conduct or hide
    such activity, when the other person in such place and
    circumstance would have a reasonable expectation of privacy
    in not being so photographed, videotaped or electronically
    surveilled, and without that person's knowledge and
    consent, shall be punished . . . ."
    6 General Laws c. 272, § 105 (a), defines "partially nude"
    as "the exposure of the human genitals, buttocks, pubic area or
    female breast below a point immediately above the top of the
    evidence was insufficient to prove the final three elements
    delineated above -- that he took the photograph without the
    victim's knowledge or consent, that the victim had a reasonable
    expectation of privacy when the photograph was taken, and that
    he took the photograph with the intent to secretly conduct or
    hide his activity.7   We discuss the proof of each element in
    We need not dwell at length on the defendant's assertion
    that the Commonwealth failed to prove that he took the
    photograph without the victim's knowledge or consent.     Apart
    from conclusory assertions that there was no such evidence, and
    that the victim "did not testify that she had told [the
    defendant] never to take such a photo," the defendant devotes no
    analysis of this issue in his brief.   See Tinsley v. Framingham,
    485 Mass 760, 766 n.13 (2020), citing Mass. R. A. P. 16 (a) (9),
    as appearing in 
    481 Mass. 1628
     (2019) (argument made "in passing
    . . . does not present any adequate appellate argument on the
    point"); Commonwealth v. Norman, 
    87 Mass. App. Ct. 344
    , 347 n.6
    areola." Here, there is no dispute that the photograph
    displayed the victim in a state of partial nudity.
    7 At trial, the defendant did not object to the admission of
    the photograph as an exhibit. Rather, the defendant only
    objected at trial to the admission of the screenshots of the
    text message "thread." We address, infra, the separate and
    distinct claim that the Instagram messages and their contents
    were inadmissible on authentication grounds.
    (2015) (single unsupported sentence in defendant's brief "does
    not rise to appellate argument that we need consider");
    Commonwealth v. Ciaramitaro, 
    26 Mass. App. Ct. 110
    , 114 n.5
    (1988) (same).
    Furthermore, and contrary to the defendant's claim, the
    victim testified that she was not aware that the defendant had
    taken the partially nude photograph, did not want the photograph
    to be taken, had never taken nude photographs, was "sleeping" in
    the photograph, and did not know of the existence of the
    photograph prior to receiving the Instagram message.    This
    testimony alone was sufficient, under the Latimore standard, to
    prove that the defendant acted without the victim's knowledge or
    consent.    The victim's reaction of shock and fear upon viewing
    the photograph further speaks to her lack of knowledge or
    consent.8   See Commonwealth v. Shore, 
    65 Mass. App. Ct. 430
    , 433
    8 It is of course possible that the victim's reaction of
    surprise and horror at seeing the photograph stemmed from a
    reason other than a lack of knowledge. However, a rational
    juror -- viewing evidence of the victim's reaction in
    conjunction with her direct testimony that she did not consent
    to the photograph, did not know that the defendant took the
    photograph, and never took nude photographs -- could have
    reasonably inferred that her reaction was indicative of her lack
    of knowledge and consent. This was a classic jury question.
    See Lao, 443 Mass. at 779. See also Commonwealth v. Giang, 
    402 Mass. 604
    , 609 (1988), quoting Commonwealth v. Drew, 
    4 Mass. App. Ct. 30
    , 32 (1976) ("Whether an inference is warranted or is
    impermissibly remote must be determined, not by hard and fast
    rules of law, but by experience and common sense"); Commonwealth
    v. Casale, 
    381 Mass. 167
    , 173 (1980) ("inferences drawn by the
    (2006) ("we do not require an explicit verbal or physical rebuff
    to prove lack of consent.    Instead, we analyze lack of consent
    based on the totality of the circumstances").    See also
    Commonwealth v. Arana, 
    453 Mass. 214
    , 225 (2009) ("Evidence of a
    victim's state of mind or behavior following a crime has long
    been admissible if relevant to a contested issue in a case").
    The defendant next argues that the Commonwealth failed to
    prove that the victim was "in such place and circumstance" where
    she "would have a reasonable expectation of privacy in not being
    so photographed."   G. L. c. 272, § 105 (b).    The defendant
    maintains that in view of the then-intimate relationship between
    the defendant and the victim, and the absence of evidence of any
    specific ban on nude photography in their relationship, the
    victim did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the
    bedroom of her boyfriend's apartment.    To the contrary, he
    contends, "the bedroom is exactly where nude photos are most
    likely to be taken."     In effect, the defendant argues that,
    barring evidence of an explicit prohibition on such activity, if
    one can see something in his or her bedroom, one can photograph,
    videotape, or memorialize it.    The argument is unavailing.
    The defendant's argument misperceives the requirements of
    the statutory element.    As the Supreme Judicial Court has
    jury need only be reasonable and possible and need not be
    necessary or inescapable").
    explained, § 105 (b) requires that the person being photographed
    be "present in a place, private or not, where in the particular
    circumstances she would have a reasonable expectation of privacy
    in not being wilfully and secretly photographed while in that
    state" (emphasis added).   Robertson, 467 Mass. at 380.    Thus,
    the language of § 105 (b) does not speak to a generalized
    expectation of privacy, but to the reasonable expectation of
    privacy in not being "secretly" photographed, while nude or
    partially nude, in that "place and circumstance."   Here, the
    victim was sleeping in her boyfriend's bedroom, a private place,
    and had a reasonable expectation of privacy in not having her
    partially naked body so photographed.   See id. at 379-380.
    Simply because the victim was sleeping partially nude did not
    mean that she agreed to allow her body to be preserved in a
    photographic image, with the concurrent risk that the preserved
    image might be shared, displayed, or used for any other purpose
    in perpetuity.   A person does not forever forfeit all privacy
    rights, without limitation, by engaging in intimate or personal
    contact with another.   Cf. Commonwealth v. Nascimento, 
    91 Mass. App. Ct. 665
    , 667 (2017) ("A person does not lose all reasonable
    expectation of privacy in his or her covered 'sexual or intimate
    parts' simply by being in public").
    The defendant next argues that there was insufficient
    evidence that he took the photograph "with the intent to
    secretly conduct or hide such activity."    The defendant claims
    that taking candid photographs of a significant other for
    personal or sentimental reasons is not uncommon; that at the
    time he took the photograph he could have been acting
    spontaneously; and that there was no evidence for a juror to
    infer the requisite specific intent.    We disagree.
    To be clear, the Commonwealth was obligated to prove the
    defendant's specific intent at the time of the actus reus --
    here, the taking of the photograph.    Although the sending of the
    photograph accompanied by the statement, "Maybe you'll reply
    now," was reprehensible, the defendant was not charged with
    unlawful dissemination of the image under G. L. c. 272, § 105
    (c),9 and cannot be punished for that act in this case.   That
    notwithstanding, the Commonwealth introduced ample
    circumstantial evidence to meet its burden.    See Commonwealth v.
    381 Mass. 167
    , 173 (1980) ("A person's knowledge or
    intent is a matter of fact, which is often not susceptible of
    proof by direct evidence, so resort is frequently made to proof
    by inference from all the facts and circumstances developed at
    the trial").
    9 General Laws c. 272, § 105 (c), provides, in relevant
    part, "Whoever willfully disseminates the visual image of
    another person, with knowledge that such visual image was
    unlawfully obtained in violation of the first and second
    paragraphs of subsection (b) and without consent of the person
    so depicted, shall be punished . . . ."
    Specifically, the defendant chose to take the photograph of
    the partially nude victim while she was sleeping and without her
    consent.   This fact, viewed in conjunction with the other
    evidence delineated supra, could have been viewed by a rational
    juror as evidence that he intended to secretly conduct the
    photographing activity.     Furthermore, as detailed supra, the
    victim did not know that the defendant had taken the nude
    photograph, did not want the photograph to be taken, and had
    never taken nude photographs.    In addition, the defendant
    withheld the existence of the secretly taken photograph from the
    victim until he sent it through the Instagram message.     The
    combination of this evidence was sufficient to satisfy the
    statutory intent element.
    In addition to the foregoing evidence, the defendant's
    written statement, "Maybe you'll reply now," viewed in
    connection with the totality of the evidence, could have been
    considered as evidence of his earlier intent to secretly conduct
    or hide his photographing activity.     Although the written
    statement and its dissemination along with the photograph was
    not the actus reus at issue here, it is black letter law that
    evidence of acts committed subsequent to a charged offense "may
    be admitted in the judge's discretion to establish . . . intent
    . . . or state of mind at the time of the crime," so long as it
    is not too remote in time.    Commonwealth v. Cardarelli, 433
    12 Mass. 427
    , 434 (2001).     See Commonwealth v. Rubin, 
    165 Mass. 453
    , 456 (1896) (Holmes, J.) (discussion of rule that subsequent
    conduct may be some evidence of party's original intent).       Here,
    a rational juror could have viewed the written statement as a
    threat, and in conjunction with the totality of evidence at
    trial, as an implied admission by the defendant that he had
    secretly taken the photograph and withheld its existence in
    order to later leverage, coerce, threaten, harass, or intimidate
    the victim.   See Commonwealth v. Fernandes, 
    427 Mass. 90
    , 94 n.2
    2.    Authentication.    The defendant contends that the judge
    abused his discretion in admitting the photograph within the
    Instagram message without sufficient authentication.     This
    argument suffers from two initial shortcomings:     (1) the
    defendant did not object at trial to the admission of the
    photograph in evidence, see note 7, supra; and (2) the defendant
    was convicted for secretly photographing the victim, and not for
    disseminating the image.    Thus, the jury's assessment did not
    hinge on whether the Commonwealth proved that the defendant sent
    the photograph to the victim, but on whether the Commonwealth
    proved that the defendant took the photograph with the requisite
    intent.   Insofar as the issue now proffered on appeal was not
    raised at trial, our review is limited to whether any alleged
    error created a substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice.
    See Commonwealth v. Dirgo, 
    474 Mass. 1012
    , 1016 (2016).
    Regardless of the standard of review, we discern no error, as
    the Commonwealth presented substantial evidence to establish by
    a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant both took the
    photograph and sent the Instagram messages.
    The defendant argues, inter alia, that it is "far from
    impossible" that someone other than he might have had access to
    a screenshot of him wishing his former girlfriend a happy
    birthday as well as her partially nude picture taken years
    earlier.    While that may be so, "far from impossible" is not the
    legal standard at issue.    Rather, "[w]ith regard to the
    authentication of evidence, the judge has a gatekeeper role,
    which requires the judge to assess the evidence and determine
    whether the jury or judge, acting as the fact finder, could find
    that the item in question is what its proponent claims it to be.
    See Mass. G. Evid. § 104(b) (2019)."    Commonwealth v. Meola, 95
    Mass. App. Ct 303, 308 (2019).    "[T]here is no requirement that
    there be direct evidence to support a determination that a
    digital communication was sent by [a] defendant."    Id. at 310-
    311.    "Rather, a judge making this threshold determination may
    consider circumstantial evidence and look to 'confirming
    circumstances' sufficient for a reasonable jury to find by a
    preponderance of the evidence that the defendant [took and sent
    the photograph]."    Id. at 311, quoting Commonwealth v. Purdy,
    459 Mass. 442
    , 450 (2011).    See Mass. G. Evid. § 901(b)(11)
    In the present case, the photograph shows the victim
    sleeping partially naked in a bed, and the victim testified that
    the photograph showed her sleeping in the defendant's bed.       In
    addition, the Commonwealth introduced abundant evidence in the
    form of confirming circumstances as contemplated by our case
    law.   First, the victim testified that the unique name on the
    Instagram account, "letitflyceez," belonged to the defendant;
    that he always had the same Instagram account; that she had seen
    photographs of the defendant on this account on prior occasions;
    and that she had seen him post personal things on this account.
    Second, the defendant's photograph was in the "icon" of this
    Instagram account.    Third, the victim recognized the text
    messages contained within the Instagram account as messages sent
    from the defendant's cell phone number to the victim's cell
    phone number.    Indeed, she recognized the defendant's number
    because it was her means of communicating with him, she had
    previously paid the bill for the defendant's cell phone account,
    and they had communicated "on this number before" about matters
    that only the victim and the defendant "knew" or "would know in
    particular."    See Purdy, 
    459 Mass. at 451
    Fourth, the messages from the defendant accurately
    referenced the victim's birthday, and were part of the text
    message thread that she had received on her own cell phone.10
    Fifth, the victim testified that she slept in the nude or
    partially nude, on occasion, in the defendant's bedroom, and the
    photograph depicted the victim sleeping, partially nude, in the
    defendant's bedroom.    Furthermore, she slept in a state of
    nudity or partial nudity only when she and the defendant were
    alone.    Thus, it would be unlikely that another person would
    have taken the photograph.
    Finally, the text messages showed escalating conduct by the
    author, culminating in the victim's receipt of the photograph
    containing the implied threat.    Consistent with this chain of
    events, the evidence showed that, prior to receiving the
    photograph, the victim's relationship with the defendant had
    ended on "bad terms," she had not replied to his text message
    containing birthday wishes, and had not responded to his follow-
    up text message.    In short, the proponent of the evidence --
    here the Commonwealth -- presented myriad confirming
    circumstances "beyond simply the fact that the message was sent
    from an account in the name of the alleged author."    Meola, 95
    Mass. App. Ct. at 314-315.    See Commonwealth v. Oppenheim, 
    86 Mass. App. Ct. 359
    , 368 (2014) (no error in admission of
    10The victim described the "first screenshot," showing the
    text messages from the defendant, as part of a text conversation
    that she had with the defendant because "it was literally what I
    had in my phone a couple of days prior in text messages."
    computer instant message conversations between defendant and
    witness in light of confirming circumstances beyond sender's
    self-identification that tended to corroborate authenticity of
    message from apparent author).    Contrast Commonwealth v. McMann,
    97 Mass. App. Ct. 558
    , 562 (2020) (Commonwealth did not prove
    beyond reasonable doubt that defendant was person who wrote or
    sent message to victim "either through evidence that the message
    itself contained characteristics showing that the defendant
    wrote it, or through evidence establishing how secure Instagram
    accounts are and how the Instagram cell phone application
    works").   Accordingly, the admission of the photograph,
    Instagram messages, and the content therein was not error and
    did not create a substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice.11
    3.    Constitutional challenge.   The defendant contends, for
    the first time on appeal, that G. L. c. 272, § 105 (b), is
    11The defendant also argues that the judge erred in failing
    to instruct the jury that before considering the content of the
    digital messages, they must find that the defendant sent such
    messages. At trial, the defendant did not raise this issue,
    request such an instruction, or object to any instructions in
    the final charge. Even assuming error, we discern no
    substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice here in view of the
    judge's clear and accurate instructions regarding the elements
    of the offense and burden of proof. See Commonwealth v. Gilman,
    89 Mass. App. Ct. 752
    , 759 n.8 (2016) (where judge did not
    instruct jury to find that defendant authored Facebook chat
    messages and "the defendant neither requested such an
    instruction nor objected to the instructions administered,"
    there was no substantial risk of miscarriage of justice "[i]n
    light of the abundance of evidence that the defendant authored
    the messages attributed to him").
    unconstitutionally vague and overbroad.     "We generally decline
    to consider constitutional issues for the first time on appeal
    in order to avoid an unnecessary constitutional decision"
    (quotation and citation omitted).     Commonwealth v. Guzman, 
    469 Mass. 492
    , 500 (2014).     Here, the defendant proffers a facial
    challenge to the statute that should have been raised in a
    pretrial motion to dismiss.    See Commonwealth v. Chou, 
    433 Mass. 229
    , 238 (2001).   Although our appellate courts have, on
    occasion, exercised "discretion to consider important questions
    of public concern raised for the first time on appeal," we
    hesitate to do so when "the record accompanying them is lacking,
    as is the case here, in providing a basis for their intelligent
    resolution."   Gagnon, petitioner, 
    416 Mass. 775
    , 780 (1994).
    Compare Commonwealth v. Yasin, 
    483 Mass. 343
    , 349-350 (2019).
    Here, the issue was not raised in the trial court, and was
    neither an extension of arguments raised at trial nor connected
    to the defense at trial.    That notwithstanding, even reviewing
    the unpreserved facial vagueness and overbreadth challenges for
    a substantial risk of a miscarriage of justice, as the defendant
    urges, the claim is unavailing.     See Chou, 433 Mass. at 238;
    Commonwealth v. Golding, 
    86 Mass. App. Ct. 55
    , 59 n.7 (2014).
    On the facts of this case, we discern no such risk in view of
    the statute's specific intent requirement, and the added
    elements specifying the need to prove that the photographing
    activity was conducted without the subject's knowledge or
    consent, and conducted where the subject was in a place and
    circumstance where he or she would have a reasonable expectation
    of privacy in not being so photographed.   These elements are
    "sufficiently specific so as to give fair notice as to what
    conduct is forbidden."   Commonwealth v. Wassilie, 
    482 Mass. 562
    576 (2019), quoting Commonwealth v. Adams, 
    389 Mass. 265
    , 270
    (1983).   See Commonwealth v. Provost, 
    418 Mass. 416
    , 422 (1994)
    (where "statute is readily subject to a narrowing construction,
    the doctrine of overbreadth may not be employed" [quotation and
    citation omitted]).   See also Wassilie, supra (concluding that
    third paragraph of § 105 [b] is not unconstitutionally vague).
    Judgment affirmed.