Commonwealth v. Coppinger , 86 Mass. App. Ct. 234 ( 2014 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    13-P-287                                                Appeals Court
    No. 13-P-287.
    Plymouth.        May 2, 2014. - September 4, 2014.
    Present:    Trainor, Fecteau, & Carhart, JJ.
    Open and Gross Lewdness and Lascivious Behavior. Constitutional
    Law, Vagueness of statute. Evidence, Intent. Intent.
    Practice, Criminal, Instructions to jury, Request for jury
    instructions. Words, "Exposure."
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on June 3, 2011.
    The cases were tried before Robert C. Cosgrove, J.
    Brian A. Kelley for the defendant.
    Gail M. McKenna, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    CARHART, J.        After a jury trial, the defendant was found
    guilty of open and gross lewdness, in violation of G. L. c. 272,
    § 16, and of accosting a person of the opposite sex, in
    violation of G. L. c. 272, § 53.       Appealing from his conviction
    of open and gross lewdness, he argues that the trial judge erred
    in denying his motion to dismiss, alleging that the statute
    prohibiting open and gross lewdness is unconstitutionally vague.
    The defendant also argues that the trial judge erred in denying
    his motion for a required finding of not guilty and in
    instructing the jury on a definition of the word "exposure."      We
    Background.    The following facts are not in dispute.   On
    April 5, 2011, the defendant entered a Target store in Kingston.
    On that occasion, he chose to wear white "see-through"
    compression shorts.    On his way into the store, the defendant
    asked an employee whether it was "okay" to wear his shorts
    inside.   Several Target employees testified to seeing the
    defendant's buttocks and the "flesh color of his skin" through
    the shorts.   One witness testified that she could "clearly" see
    that the defendant was not wearing underwear.    Another witness
    described seeing the outline of the defendant's "semi-erect"
    penis.    On redirect, the witness stated that she saw a semi-
    erect penis through the shorts.    The witness also testified that
    she saw the defendant's testicles through the shorts.    Various
    witnesses described their shock.    A store employee notified the
    police.    The police responded as the defendant was pulling on a
    pair of jeans over his compression shorts outside of the store.
    The defendant was arrested and charged.
    Prior to trial, the defendant filed a motion to dismiss,
    alleging that the statute prohibiting open and gross lewdness
    was unconstitutionally vague.    That motion was denied.        At the
    close of the evidence, the defendant moved for a required
    finding of not guilty.    That motion was also denied.     The
    defendant requested that the trial judge instruct the jury that
    "expose" means "an act of exposing or the state of being
    exposed" and "to lay bare or uncover."      The judge instructed the
    jury as follows:
    "[W]hat does it mean to expose one's genitals or
    buttocks[?] The word expose is not a technical legal term
    but is to be understood in its common meaning. The
    Merriam-Webster dictionary defines exposed in part as 'to
    cause to be visible or open to view,' or 'to display.'
    Whether the defendant exposed his genitals or buttocks is a
    question of fact to be resolved by you, the jury."
    The defendant objected to the instruction.
    Discussion.    1.    Motion to dismiss.    On appeal, the
    defendant argues that the trial judge erred in denying his
    motion to dismiss because G. L. c. 272, § 16, is
    unconstitutionally vague.    We disagree.     Statutes "must be
    sufficiently specific so as to give fair notice as to what
    conduct is forbidden."    Commonwealth v. Adams, 
    389 Mass. 265
    270 (1983).   A statute lacks the required specificity where "men
    of common intelligence must necessarily guess at its meaning."
    Commonwealth v. Crawford, 
    430 Mass. 683
    , 689 (2000), quoting
    from Commonwealth v. Sefranka, 
    382 Mass. 108
    , 110 (1980).
    Unspecific statutory language "may nonetheless be sufficiently
    definite because of 'judicial construction, common law meaning,
    or the statutory history of particular terms' . . . and such a
    statute may be rendered 'constitutionally definite by giving it
    a reasonable construction.'"    Commonwealth v. Quinn, 
    439 Mass. 492
    , 499-500 (2003), quoting from Commonwealth v. Gallant, 
    373 Mass. 577
    , 581 (1977), and Commonwealth v. Sefranka, supra at
    General Laws c. 272, § 16, criminalizes "open and gross
    lewdness and lascivious behavior."     The Supreme Judicial Court
    has clearly and specifically set forth the meaning of those
    "In order to satisfy the constitutional standard of
    specificity, we construe G. L. c. 272, § 16, to prohibit
    the intentional exposure of genitalia, buttocks, or female
    breasts to one or more persons. The Commonwealth must
    prove beyond a reasonable doubt: (1) the defendant exposed
    his or her . . . genitals, buttocks, or female breasts to
    one or more persons; (2) the defendant did so
    intentionally; (3) the defendant did so 'openly,' that is,
    either he or she intended public exposure, or he or she
    recklessly disregarded a substantial risk of public
    exposure, to others who might be offended by such conduct;
    (4) the defendant's act was done in such a way as to
    produce alarm or shock; and (5) one or more persons were in
    fact alarmed or shocked by the defendant's exposing himself
    or herself."
    Commonwealth v. Quinn, supra at 501.
    Notwithstanding this enunciation of the elements, the
    defendant argues that the statute is unconstitutionally vague as
    applied to him,1 because it fails to define the term "exposure"
    and provide him with notice that his conduct was criminal.     In
    reviewing the statute as challenged, we view the evidence "in
    the light most favorable to the Commonwealth."    Commonwealth v.
    62 Mass. App. Ct. 622
    , 627 (2004).    In that light, there
    is no question whatsoever that the defendant displayed his
    genitals and buttocks through his compression shorts.     There is
    also no question that exposing one's genitals or buttocks, in
    conjunction with the other elements of the crime, violates the
    statute.   See Commonwealth v. Quinn, supra at 497-499.
    Accordingly, the crux of our inquiry is whether exposure
    requires a naked display or whether it is possible to expose a
    body part through a covering.   We turn to "common understanding
    and practices" to assist our analysis.     Commonwealth v. Jarrett,
    359 Mass. 491
    , 496-497 (1971) ("[I]f the language which is
    challenged conveys sufficiently definite warning as to the
    proscribed conduct when measured by common understanding and
    practices, it is constitutionally adequate").    See Commonwealth
    v. King, 
    374 Mass. 5
    , 12 (1977) (turning to "common
    understanding for definition" of "lewd, wanton, and lascivious
    speech" and "prostitution"); Commonwealth v. Arthur, 
    420 Mass. 535
    , 540 (1995) (considering whether pubic hair fell within the
    The statute is not unconstitutionally vague on its face.
    See Commonwealth v. Ora, 
    451 Mass. 125
    , 126 (2008).
    "commonly understood meaning" of "genitalia"); Commonwealth v.
    467 Mass. 371
    , 378 (2014) (turning to common
    understanding to define "partial nudity").
    We consider the hypothetical scenario of a person wearing
    shorts made from cellophane instead of the material that the
    defendant wore.    We think that such conduct certainly falls
    within a common understanding of exposure, as the person's
    genitals and buttocks would be completely visible, regardless of
    the covering.2    We see no meaningful difference between wearing
    cellophane shorts and the defendant's choice to wear shorts that
    were sufficiently revealing to a degree that the public could
    see the "flesh color of his skin," his buttocks, and his
    genitals.   While we are sensitive to the fine line between an
    individual's freedom of expression and the criminal nature of
    the conduct prohibited by the statute, the defendant's conduct
    in this case went far beyond the reasonable bounds of
    permissible expression.    See Commonwealth v. Ora, 
    451 Mass. 125
    126 (2008) (G. L. c. 272, § 16, is not facially
    unconstitutional, even though it restricts "expressive conduct,"
    because our case law limits the statute's reach to conduct
    "imposed upon an unsuspecting or unwilling audience").
    Indeed, defense counsel conceded, at oral argument, that
    wearing shorts made from "Saran Wrap" would constitute exposure.
    We also consider that the Supreme Judicial Court recently
    opined that exposure is "generally defined as 'an act of
    exposing,' 'a condition or instance of being laid bare or
    exposed to view,'" or "to lay open to view; lay bare; make
    known."    Commonwealth v. Robertson, supra at 377, quoting from
    Webster's Third New International Dictionary 802 (2002), and
    American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 626 (4th
    ed. 2006).    The defendant in this case certainly "opened," or
    "exposed," his genitals and buttocks "to view" and made them
    "known."    We think that displaying something such that it is
    clearly visible, even while wearing shorts of the sort worn by
    the defendant, fits within these definitions of "exposure."
    In concluding that the defendant's conduct fell within a
    common understanding of exposure and that the statute was not
    vague as applied to the defendant, we note that the vagueness
    doctrine recognizes "the practical difficulties in drawing
    criminal statutes both general enough to take into account a
    variety of human conduct and sufficiently specific to provide
    fair warning that certain kinds of conduct are prohibited."
    Commonwealth v. 
    Gallant, 373 Mass. at 580
    , quoting from Colten
    v. Kentucky, 
    407 U.S. 104
    , 110 (1972).    See Commonwealth v.
    Jarrett, 359 Mass. at 496
    ("[M]ere difficulty in determining
    whether certain marginal offences are within the meaning of the
    language under attack as vague does not automatically render it
    unconstitutional for indefiniteness"); Commonwealth v. Miozza,
    67 Mass. App. Ct. 567
    , 570 (2006), quoting from Commonwealth v.
    37 Mass. App. Ct. 290
    , 301-302 (1994), S.C., 
    420 Mass. 508
    (1995) ("[A] statute is not vague merely because 'it
    requires a person to conform his conduct to an imprecise but
    comprehensible normative standard'").   Compare Commonwealth v.
    Quinn, 439 Mass. at 501
    (holding that the defendant could not be
    prosecuted under G. L. c. 272, § 16, "for exposing his buttocks"
    because all prior cases at that time involved genitalia, which
    is commonly understood to include reproductive organs, not the
    Although our case law does not directly address exposure
    through a covering,3 the defendant nonetheless had fair warning
    that his conduct was prohibited because a common understanding
    of exposure certainly includes his conduct in the Target store.
    We believe that a person of "common intelligence" would not have
    difficulty imagining that the statute proscribes displaying
    one's genitals and buttocks through sheer material.
    In Commonwealth v. Kelley, we considered whether a
    defendant who was caught "masturbating in a pair of women's
    underpants near a window in the master bedroom" indecently
    exposed himself under G. L. c. 272, § 53. Commonwealth v.
    25 Mass. App. Ct. 180
    , 181-182 (1987). See Commonwealth
    v. Fitta, 
    391 Mass. 394
    , 396 (1984) (stating that G. L. c. 272,
    § 16, and G. L. c. 272, § 53, which criminalizes "indecent
    exposure," are similar). We held that there was insufficient
    evidence to convict because the defendant's conduct was not
    "public." We did not address whether the defendant had
    "exposed" himself while wearing underwear.
    Accordingly, we conclude that a person indeed exposes himself or
    herself where his or her genitals, buttocks, or female breasts
    are clearly visible to the public, regardless of whether the
    person is naked or wearing a see-through covering.4   Thus, the
    trial judge did not err in denying the motion to dismiss.
    2.   Motion for a required finding.   The defendant also
    argues that the trial judge erred in denying his motion for a
    required finding of not guilty because the judge did not apply
    the rule of lenity in defining "exposure" and because there was
    insufficient evidence that the defendant intentionally or
    recklessly exposed himself to the public.5   In reviewing a
    denial, we ask, "whether, after viewing the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the Commonwealth, any rational trier of
    fact could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond
    a reasonable doubt."   Commonwealth v. Arce, 
    467 Mass. 329
    , 333
    We acknowledge that there may be a fine line regarding the
    acceptable opacity of clothing. We limit our holding to the
    facts in this case, where the defendant's genitals and buttocks
    were clearly visible.
    At the close of the Commonwealth's case, the defendant
    moved for a required finding of not guilty on both counts: open
    and gross lewdness, G. L. c. 272, § 16, and accosting a person
    of the opposite sex, G. L. c. 272, § 53. While he moved
    generically on the count charging accosting a member of the
    opposite sex, the main focus of his argument was that the
    provisions of G. L. c. 272, § 16, are unconstitutionally vague.
    On appeal, he does not press his argument as to the count
    charging a violation of G. L. c. 272, § 53, nor did he do so at
    oral argument. In light of our decision herein, however, we are
    persuaded that the Commonwealth presented sufficient evidence to
    support convictions on both counts.
    (2014), quoting from Commonwealth v. Latimore, 
    378 Mass. 671
    677 (1979).
    Under the rule of lenity, we interpret ambiguous statutory
    language in a criminal defendant's favor.     See Commonwealth v.
    447 Mass. 577
    , 584-585 (2006).     "However, the rule of
    lenity 'is a guide for resolving ambiguity, rather than a rigid
    requirement that we interpret each statute in the manner most
    favorable to defendants.'"     
    Id. at 585,
    quoting from
    Commonwealth v. Roucoulet, 
    413 Mass. 647
    , 652-653 (1992).     Just
    as we concluded that G. L. c. 272, § 16, is not void for
    vagueness, we also conclude that the statute is not ambiguous.
    Contrary to the defendant's argument, exposure is a word with a
    commonly understood meaning.    See Commonwealth v. Carrion, 
    431 Mass. 44
    , 47 (2000) (rejecting a defendant's vagueness and
    ambiguity arguments where the phrase, "any escape from custody
    of the department," was "within common understanding").
    Moreover, even if we were to adopt the defendant's most
    favorable suggested definition of exposure, "to lay bare or
    uncover," a rational trier of fact could have returned a guilty
    verdict.   Based on the testimony presented at trial, a rational
    juror could have found that the defendant was "bared" or
    "uncovered," in that he wore "see-through" shorts that displayed
    his skin tone, genitals, and buttocks instead of the pants he
    later used to cover himself when the police arrived.      We again
    consider the hypothetical scenario regarding cellophane and
    suggest that a rational juror could find that a person wearing
    cellophane shorts was "bare" or "uncovered," just as a rational
    juror could have made such a finding here.     We also conclude
    that a rational juror could have found that the defendant acted
    intentionally or recklessly given that, among other behavior
    indicating intent, the defendant asked permission to wear his
    shorts in the store and immediately covered himself with pants
    when the police arrived.    The denial of the motion was not
    3.   Jury instructions.    Finally, the defendant argues that
    the trial judge erred in providing a jury instruction that did
    not include the defendant's suggested definition of exposure.
    We review the instruction, to which the defendant objected, for
    prejudicial error.    See Commonwealth v. Szlachta, 
    463 Mass. 37
    45 (2012).   In doing so, we are mindful that a trial judge has
    discretion in giving jury instructions.     See Commonwealth v.
    449 Mass. 1
    , 78 (2007).    Specifically, a trial judge
    may use a dictionary in instructing jurors on statutorily
    undefined terms.     See Commonwealth v. Walker, 
    442 Mass. 185
    194-195 (2004) (trial judge did not err in using Webster's
    Dictionary to define "poison"); Commonwealth v. LeBlanc, 
    73 Mass. App. Ct. 624
    , 629 (2009), S.C., 
    456 Mass. 135
    (trial judge did not err in using a dictionary definition where
    the definition embodied the word's "usual and accepted
    meanings").   Here, although the trial judge did not use the
    exact definition suggested by the defendant, the judge provided
    an acceptable dictionary definition couched in important
    language that "[t]he word expose is not a technical legal term"
    and the term should "be understood in its common meaning."     See
    Commonwealth v. 
    Robinson, supra
    (we consider the charge as a
    whole).   We see no error.
    The defendant also argues that the trial judge erred in
    giving the instruction because he did not apply the doctrine of
    lenity in defining "exposure."   We, again, note that exposure is
    not ambiguous and that the doctrine of lenity does not apply.
    We conclude that there was no prejudicial error.
    Judgments affirmed.