Evans v. Mayer Tree Service, Inc. , 89 Mass. App. Ct. 137 ( 2016 )

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    14-P-1642                                              Appeals Court
    GEORGE EVANS     vs.    MAYER TREE SERVICE, INC., & others.1
    No. 14-P-1642.
    Worcester.         September 9, 2015. - March 3, 2016.
    Present:   Meade, Wolohojian, & Milkey, JJ.
    Practice, Civil, Summary judgment, Relief from judgment.
    Commissioner of the Department of Conservation &
    Recreation. Trespass. Real Property, Trespass, Removal of
    timber. Nuisance. Consumer Protection Act, Insurance,
    Unfair act or practice. Insurance, Unfair act or practice.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    January 31, 2011.
    The case was heard by Daniel M. Wrenn, J., on motions for
    summary judgment, and a motion for relief from judgment was also
    heard by him.
    E. Douglas Sederholm for the plaintiff.
    Denise M. Tremblay for Mayer Tree Service, Inc.
    James T. Scomby for Marquis Tree Services, Inc.
    Elizabeth W. Morse for Farm Family Casualty Insurance
    Marquis Tree Services, Inc., and Farm Family Casualty
    Insurance Company.
    MILKEY, J.   In August of 2008, an invasive, wood-boring
    insect known as the Asian longhorned beetle (ALH beetle) was
    discovered in the Worcester area.   The ALH beetle infests
    particular types of hardwood trees (host trees) that die as a
    result.   Federal and State officials mobilized quickly to
    address the problem.   Under the plans that they jointly
    developed and implemented, host trees that showed tell-tale
    signs of infestation were to be destroyed, together with those
    additional host trees that were deemed to be at high risk of
    infestation.   The actual tree removal work was to be done by
    State contractors (and their subcontractors).
    The plaintiff, George Evans, owns property at 14 Randolph
    Road in Worcester, where he lives with his wife.   There were
    numerous host trees at his property, including Norway maples.
    It is uncontested that in February of 2009, defendant Marquis
    Tree Services, Inc. (Marquis),2 entered Evans's property and
    destroyed at least twenty-one Norway maples there at the
    specific direction of a Federal field inspector who mistakenly
    believed that Evans had given written permission to have all
    host trees on his property destroyed.
    The principal question before us is whether, under the
    particular circumstances presented, Marquis can be liable
    Marquis, the entity that cut Evans's trees, was a
    subcontractor of defendant Mayer Tree Service, Inc.
    pursuant to G. L. c. 242, § 7, for destroying Evans's trees
    "without license" to do so.   On cross motions for summary
    judgment, a Superior Court judge ruled in the defendants' favor
    in a detailed and thoughtful decision.   Because we conclude that
    material facts remain in dispute that preclude entry of judgment
    as a matter of law, we vacate the judgment.
    Background.    1.   The Legislative response to the ALH
    beetle.   According to documents in the record, the ALH beetle
    has the potential to devastate forestry and related industries
    if it is not contained.   By emergency statute enacted on January
    13, 2009, the Legislature declared the ALH beetle to be a public
    nuisance, and it provided the Department of Conservation and
    Recreation (DCR) broad authority to address the problem.      See
    St. 2008, c. 493, § 1, amending G. L. c. 132, § 11.   This
    included authority to "enter upon any land . . . for the purpose
    of determining the existence, over-all area and degree of
    infestation or infection caused by the public nuisances named in
    section eleven [including ALH beetles, and] suppressing and
    controlling said public nuisances."   G. L. c. 132, § 8, as
    amended through St. 1956, c. 657, § 2.   The statute also gave
    DCR general authority to "make use of and require the use of all
    lawful means of suppressing such public nuisances."   G. L.
    c. 132, § 11.3
    2.   DCR general orders.   On August 8, 2008, that is, even
    before the Legislature declared the ALH beetle to be a public
    nuisance, DCR issued a general order addressing its plans to
    eradicate the ALH beetle from Massachusetts.   That order applied
    to a specifically designated area of central Massachusetts
    referred to as "the Affected Area."    In addition to strictly
    regulating the transport of firewood and certain other materials
    from host trees inside the Affected Area, the order stated that
    "DCR may authorize, under separate agreements, DCR's duly
    authorized agents or designees . . . to enter upon the
    Affected Area and undertake activities necessary for
    suppressing, controlling and eradicating [the ALH beetle],
    including removing or causing to be removed, and the
    destruction thereof, all Regulated Articles,[4] within the
    Affected Area that are, may be or have the potential to be
    infested or infected by [the ALH beetle]."
    The order went on to state that "[w]hile DCR seeks to implement
    this Order to ensure eradication of [the ALH beetle], DCR plans
    In the nuisance abatement context, the Legislature
    sometimes has spelled out what procedural protections apply
    before private property is destroyed. For example, the
    statutory program designed to fight Dutch Elm disease specifies
    that officials are to issue individual tree removal orders that
    property owners can appeal or face the consequences. See G. L.
    c. 132, §§ 26F, 26G. With regard to the ALH beetle, the
    Legislature did not specify how ALH beetle eradication efforts
    should be implemented but, instead, left all program design
    issues to DCR.
    "Regulated articles" was defined by reference to host
    trees to include "material living, dead, cut or fallen."
    to do so in a reasonable manner, to the extent possible, to
    minimize impacts to private property."   Amended orders were
    issued from time to time in order to expand the geographical
    scope of the Affected Area.5
    3.   Tree marking and removal protocols.   Working in
    partnership with the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    (APHIS) within the United States Department of Agriculture
    (USDA), DCR developed protocols through which the agencies would
    pursue their eradication goals.   The first step in the process
    was to survey trees in areas known or suspected to be infested
    to look for outward signs of infestation, such as "an exit hole
    or an egg-laying site on [the tree] or an actual live beetle."
    Trees that revealed such signs were marked with red paint.      Host
    trees that did not show signs of infestation were marked with
    blue paint.   Thus, host trees marked with red paint
    (hereinafter, red-marked trees) were known to be infested, while
    host trees marked with blue paint (hereinafter, blue-marked
    trees) were not.   Blue-marked trees were at risk of becoming
    infested, especially to the extent they were in proximity to
    where infestation had been found.6
    There was a separate Federal order released, but that
    order dealt only with quarantine issues.
    A blue-marked tree already might be infested but not show
    outward signs of infestation. For this reason, we will avoid
    referring to blue-marked trees as "uninfested trees." In
    From the beginning of the ALH beetle eradication program,
    red-marked trees were slated for destruction, specifically,
    through their being cut down and then chipped into small pieces.
    The fate of individual blue-marked trees depended on the
    particular degree of risk they posed.    It appears that some
    blue-marked trees could be treated with chemicals while others
    presented such unacceptably high risks that they would have to
    be destroyed.7   As discussed below, a DCR official provided
    deposition testimony that all host trees would have to be
    removed in a particular area of dense infestation.
    4.   Individual tree removal orders.   In consultation with
    APHIS, DCR developed standard forms that would be sent to
    individual property owners in the event that trees "on or near
    the[ir] premises" were found to be infested.    One form, labeled
    a "tree removal" order, notified the owner that "[t]he . . .
    trees that have been previously marked with red paint
    (indicating an infested tree) on the above-referenced Premises
    are to be cut, removed and destroyed."    With regard to blue-
    addition, we will avoid referring to them as "host trees" (a
    shorthand used by many of the underlying documents) because both
    red-marked trees and blue-marked trees are host trees.
    Thus, for example, the "cooperative agreement" that APHIS
    and DCR signed on December 22, 2008, notes that blue-marked
    trees are to be chemically treated "to protect [them] from
    infestation," while also stating -- without further specificity
    -- that "certain high risk" blue-marked trees would have to be
    marked trees, the individual orders stated that such trees "may
    need to be removed and destroyed [and that] [i]f such a
    determination is made by USDA or DCR, notice will be provided in
    advance that such additional hardwood trees are subject to this
    The individual tree removal orders also warned property
    owners that "[f]ailure to permit authorized contractors to
    perform the removal actions at the Premises, and any failure to
    otherwise comply with this Order, will result in the DCR seeking
    enforcement of this Order in Superior Court."    By statute,
    "[w]hoever knowingly resists or obstructs the [DCR]
    commissioner, any local superintendent or employee or
    authorized agent of any of them, while any of those persons
    is engaged in suppressing or eradicating the Asian
    longhorned beetle . . . shall be subject to a civil penalty
    of not more than $25,000 for each violation."
    G. L. c. 132, § 12, as amended through St. 2008, c. 493, § 2.
    5.   Permission forms.   When DCR mailed individual tree
    removal orders to property owners, it enclosed a separate
    "acknowledgement and permission" form for property owners to
    sign.    Property owners signing that form would thereby be
    acknowledging that they had received the tree removal order and
    that they were granting permission to have trees "previously
    marked with red paint" destroyed.8   The form specifically
    Under an alternative version of that document in the
    record, property owners were asked to permit the destruction of
    "the hardwood trees that are the subject of the Removal Order,"
    informed property owners that blue-marked trees "are not
    required to be cut and removed at this time."    However, property
    owners also were told they could opt to have their blue-marked
    trees cut, without cost to them.    Thus, property owners were
    presented with three options:   (1) they could give permission to
    have only red-marked trees on their property cut, (2) they could
    give permission to have both red-marked and blue-marked trees
    there cut, or (3) they could decline to sign the form
    (signifying that they had not given permission for the removal
    of any trees).
    In the event that a property owner refused to sign the
    permission form, DCR escalated its efforts to persuade the owner
    to do so, and if necessary, DCR referred the matter to the
    Attorney General for enforcement.   At least on the record before
    us, there were only two occasions where DCR had to refer the
    matter to the Attorney General (both involving red-marked
    trees).   In both cases, DCR ultimately was able to obtain the
    owner's permission without the need for a court order.
    6.    Mapping of property owner consent.   The relevant
    officials used various geographic information system maps to
    without attention to whether the trees were marked in red or
    blue. Internal government records from December of 2008
    indicate a perceived need to modify the language of the standard
    permission form so that property owners could expressly grant
    permission to have blue-marked trees removed. This indicates
    that the alternative version was an earlier one.
    track the extent to which property owners had permitted the
    removal of host trees from their property.     The properties for
    which owners had given permission to have only red-marked trees
    cut were shown in red (or pink), those who had given permission
    to have all marked host trees cut were shown in blue, and those
    who had not given permission were marked in white.
    7.   The contracts.   DCR solicited bids for private
    contractors to do the actual tree removal work.9    Through that
    process, DCR awarded a bid to defendant Mayer Tree Service, Inc.
    (Mayer), who in turn awarded a subcontract to Marquis with DCR's
    approval.   It is uncontested that the bid specifications were
    incorporated into Mayer's contractual obligations with DCR, as
    set forth in the "notice to proceed."    It is also uncontested
    that Marquis agreed to abide by those contractual obligations in
    its subcontract with Mayer.
    The bid specifications to which Mayer and Marquis agreed
    required Mayer to "ensure that it performs its work in such a
    manner to ensure no damage to private and personal property
    contiguous to tree cutting activities, including those public
    and private trees designated to remain."     Under the bid
    The contracts were funded by USDA, but DCR was the only
    government party to the contract. The defendants seek to rely
    on DCR's statutory authority to destroy host trees, and they
    have not invoked or briefed any independent authority that USDA
    might have had in this regard.
    specifications, Mayer was prohibited from entering private
    property if it was not "in receipt" of written permission.10
    Where a private party had given such written permission for
    Mayer to enter, Mayer agreed to hold that property owner
    harmless for any contractual breaches by it and for any
    negligent acts by it or its officers, employees, agents, or
    subcontractors.    Mayer was also required to carry significant
    amounts of comprehensive general liability insurance coverage
    for potential third-party personal injury and property damage
    8.   The cutting of Evans's trees.   Various tree surveys
    were conducted of Evans's property in 2008, including through
    the use of United States Forestry Service employees known as
    "smoke jumpers" who climbed the trees.    A total of thirty-six
    host trees were discovered there, including twenty-five Norway
    maples, nine Japanese maples, an American elm, and a white ash.
    At least prior to February 9, 2009 (the first date that Evans
    alleges trees were cut on his property), no infested trees had
    been found there, and therefore none of Evans's trees had been
    marked in red.    Ten of the thirty-six host trees, all Norway
    The relevant provision stated that "[t]he Contractor
    shall not enter any private property unless [it] is in receipt
    of a Permission Slip from the property owner substantially in
    the same form as Exhibit C prior to the Contractor during [sic]
    any tree removals." Neither the defendants nor DCR produced a
    copy of the permission form referenced as "Exhibit C," and that
    form is therefore not before us.
    maples, were marked with blue paint as a result of the 2008
    inspections.   No explanation appears in the record as to why the
    other host trees were not marked in blue at that time.
    It is undisputed that Evans never signed a written
    permission form permitting the cutting of any trees on his
    property.   Nevertheless, Crystal Franciosi, the USDA inspector
    who was overseeing tree removal that day, mistakenly believed
    that Evans had granted permission to cut all host trees there.11
    Franciosi directed Marquis to enter Evans's property on February
    10 and 11, 2009, and to destroy twenty-one Norway maples there.12
    Ten days after his trees were cut, Evans received a removal
    notice and order in the mail, together with the permission
    form.13   These documents apprised Evans that he had the option of
    Because Evans had not signed a permission form, his
    property should have been shown in white on the map that tracked
    property owner permission. APHIS investigators appear to have
    concluded that Evans's property was accurately shown in white on
    the map, despite Franciosi's initial claims that it was marked
    in blue. In any event, at least for present purposes, it
    matters not whether Franciosi erroneously read a correctly
    marked map, or correctly read an erroneous one.
    On February 9, 2009, Marquis was cutting host trees on
    property owned by the Nazarene Church that abuts Evans's land.
    Evans claims that four of the Norway maples that were destroyed
    that day were actually on his land. However, there is nothing
    in the summary judgment record (save Evans's unsubstantiated
    assertions) that four trees cut on February 9, 2009, were on his
    side of the property boundary, nor have the defendants admitted
    this fact.
    Curiously, the order that Evans received was dated
    December 10, 2008, even though the postmark on the envelope
    not having blue-marked trees removed at this time, and that such
    trees would be removed only if he so desired.
    9.    APHIS investigation.   After Evans complained about the
    destruction of his trees, Christine Markham, the director for
    APHIS's national ALH beetle eradication program, looked into the
    matter.    Her review confirmed that Evans had never granted
    written permission to have his trees destroyed.    She also
    personally apologized to him both privately and publicly.      In
    her words, the apology was for "the mistake made by USDA in the
    removal of his host trees."14
    10.   Total host removal area.   In the course of discovery,
    Evans deposed Kenneth Gooch, a DCR official.    According to
    Gooch's testimony, government officials had decided that in a
    two and one-half square mile area that included Evans's
    property, actual infestation was so widespread that all host
    trees in that area would have to be removed, regardless of
    whether they showed current signs of infestation, and regardless
    of whether property owners were willing to give their
    permission.   For convenience, we will refer to such an area by
    indicates that it was mailed on February 20, 2009. The
    defendants have not asserted that the order was received by
    Evans before his trees were cut.
    In addition to Markham's review, APHIS also conducted a
    formal investigation, which culminated in a report dated March
    23, 2009. That report's conclusions are consistent with those
    reached by Markham.
    the same name used by the motion judge, the "total host removal
    11.    The summary judgment record.   On July 30, 2012, Evans
    served on the defendants a motion for partial summary judgment
    as to liability, supported by his verified complaint and a
    separate affidavit.    With discovery not having been completed,
    the defendants obtained a stay of their obligation to respond to
    Evans's motion.   After discovery had been completed, the
    defendants served their own summary judgment motions, with Mayer
    filing the lead motion.    Although Evans's motion was first in
    time, the defendants did not treat their own motions as cross
    motions to the one Evans had already served, despite Evans's
    protests.   Instead, they began the process of creating a second
    summary judgment record, while separately responding to Evans's
    In their own statement of undisputed material facts, the
    defendants averred, based on Gooch's deposition testimony, that
    State and Federal officials had established a total host removal
    area and that Evans's property fell within it.    Evans disputed
    both points in his written response to the defendants' statement
    of material facts, which he served on the defendants.     He also
    Pursuant to Superior Court Rule 9A(b)(5)(v), there should
    be a single consolidated statement of material facts even where
    there are cross motions for summary judgment.
    attached a second affidavit and various other documents in
    support of his responses.   Notwithstanding this, because of a
    pointed dispute that the attorneys had over "service in
    electronic form by email," see Superior Court Rule 9A(b)(5)(i),
    the defendants did not include Evans's response to the statement
    of material facts (including his additional supporting
    materials) in the summary judgment package that they filed
    pursuant to Superior Court Rule 9A (rule 9A).16   As a result,
    nothing in the rule 9A package alerted the motion judge to the
    fact that Evans was purporting to contest the existence and
    location of any total host removal area.
    12.   Summary judgment ruling.   In his summary judgment
    decision, the judge ruled that based on the "undisputed facts
    Counsel for Mayer took the position that she had no duty
    to include Evans's response in the rule 9A package, because
    Evans's counsel refused to provide her with an electronic
    version of his documents (based on his view that rule 9A did not
    require him to do so under the particular circumstances
    presented). After the dispute between the lawyers about how
    rule 9A should be interpreted became particularly unseemly,
    counsel for Mayer went ahead and filed her rule 9A package
    without either including Evans's response or noting its absence.
    She did simultaneously file a separate "emergency" motion
    seeking an order compelling Evans to serve an electronic version
    of his new summary judgment documents, and in that manner sought
    to raise the merits of the rule 9A dispute for judicial
    resolution. However, after that motion was summarily denied (on
    the basis that there was no "emergency"), Mayer's counsel
    dropped her efforts to have the rule 9A dispute resolved and let
    the existing rule 9A package stand. When the motion for summary
    judgment eventually went forward, Evans's counsel apparently
    failed to notice that the documents he had served on the
    defendants by hard copy had never been put before the judge.
    . . . Marquis had license to remove the trees in question from
    the Property, and thus, the Defendants are not liable as a
    matter of law under the trespass to trees statute [G. L. c. 242,
    § 7]."   According to the judge, "[i]t is irrelevant that the DCR
    sought to obtain permission from property owners, [because] it
    was not legally required to do so[;] [i]t is clear that the DCR
    had the authority to enter onto the Property and remove the
    trees in question, regardless of whether Evans gave permission."
    The judge also accepted as undisputed that Evans's property was
    located in a total host removal area, and he relied on this fact
    in part in his ruling, commenting that this helped show that DCR
    had "specifically sanctioned the removal of the trees in
    13.    Rule 60(b) motion.   After judgment had entered, Evans
    hired new counsel who filed a motion seeking relief from
    judgment pursuant to Mass.R.Civ.P. 60(b), 
    365 Mass. 828
    That motion asserted inter alia that Mayer's lawyer had
    committed a fraud on the court by not including Evans's response
    in the rule 9A package.   It also asserted that the failure by
    Evans's former counsel to raise the issue sooner constituted
    "excusable neglect."   The same judge who allowed the defendants'
    motions for summary judgment denied the rule 60(b) motion.     He
    ruled that Evans could not reopen the proceedings and add the
    additional materials to the summary judgment record, because he
    had not met the standards applicable to rule 60(b) motions.17          He
    added that, in any event, Evans's claims failed as a matter of
    law regardless of whether his property fell within any total
    host removal area.        In the judge's words,
    "even if Evans'[s] trees were not technically in the 'Total
    Host Removal Area,' it does not change the fact that -- as
    Evans concedes -- Evans'[s] trees were 'host' trees and
    that Marquis cut Evans'[s] trees after receiving
    instructions to do so from a USDA representative . . .
    facts [that,] alone, are sufficient to show that Marquis
    . . . had a 'license' i.e., permission, to cut the trees
    Evans filed timely appeals of both the judgment and the denial
    of his rule 60(b) motion.
    Discussion.     1.     Marquis's liability.   Evans principally
    sought damages against Mayer and Marquis pursuant to G. L. c.
    242, § 7.18   That section reads in full as follows:
    "A person who without license willfully cuts down, carries
    away, girdles or otherwise destroys trees, timber, wood or
    underwood on the land of another shall be liable to the
    owner in tort for three times the amount of the damages
    assessed therefor; but if it is found that the defendant
    Although the judge concluded that Evans should have
    served an electronic version of his response to Mayer's
    statement of material facts, the judge did not rely on the
    provision in rule 9A(b)(5)(ii) that states that "[f]or purposes
    of summary judgment, the moving party's statement of a material
    fact shall be deemed to have been admitted unless controverted
    as set forth in this paragraph." Instead, he focused on whether
    the record should be expanded to include Evans's additional
    materials and whether this would have made any difference.
    Evans also filed claims against Mayer, Marquis, and their
    insurer, defendant Farm Family Casualty Insurance Company, based
    on the failure by all of them to remedy the damage to Evans's
    had good reason to believe that the land on which the
    trespass was committed was his own or that he was otherwise
    lawfully authorized to do the acts complained of, he shall
    be liable for single damages only."
    Before we turn to the statute's application to this case, a few
    general observations about its workings are in order.       The
    statute provides a tort remedy through which property owners can
    seek damages from "person[s]" who cut down or otherwise
    destroyed their trees "without license."       So long as the act of
    cutting was intentional and the act was without license,
    liability exists -- albeit for single damages only -- even where
    the person cutting the trees had "good reason to believe" he was
    "lawfully authorized" to do so.    See Moskow v. Smith, 
    318 Mass. 76
    , 77-78 (1945).     Thus, liability is not based on fault.      A
    tree cutter faces no liability under the statute only where he
    had actual "license" to cut the trees, which the statute equates
    with being "lawfully authorized" to do so.
    The statute dates at least as far back as a Province Law of
    1698.     See Province Laws 1698, c. 7, § 2.   As originally
    enacted, it appears aimed at the problem of people stealing wood
    from other owners or from the public commons.19      However, the
    Owners deprived of their wood were entitled to recover
    "twenty shillings for every tree of one foot over, and ten
    shillings for every tree under that bigness, and for other wood
    or underwood treble the value thereof." Province Laws 1698,
    c. 7, § 2. The applicable damages and the availability of other
    sanctions changed from time to time until 1836, when the statute
    statute's language is not limited to that context.      Thus, the
    language does not speak of the stealing of trees but instead
    applies broadly to anyone who without license "cuts down,
    carries away, girdles or otherwise destroys trees" owned by
    others.   We therefore have recognized that the statute applies
    where someone cut down trees not to appropriate their wood, but
    solely to improve his view.      Glavin v. Eckman, 
    71 Mass. App. Ct. 313
    , 316-317 (2008).   We also have recognized that the damages
    available under the statute are not capped at the timber value
    of the wood.   Id. at 317-318.
    In the case before us, the trees were cut incident to a
    nuisance eradication program.     Because property may not be used
    to maintain a public nuisance, States may destroy private
    property without compensation if necessary to abate such a
    nuisance.   Mugler v. Kansas, 
    123 U.S. 623
    , 668-669 (1887).20       It
    essentially took its current form (subject only to very minor
    changes since). See R.S. (1836), c. 105, §§ 10, 11.
    This principle has long been applied to the destruction
    of infested or infected trees that may spread a pestilence to
    other trees. See Miller v. Schoene, 
    276 U.S. 272
    , 279-280
    (1928). Of course, even when governments have been broadly
    authorized to eradicate nuisances, there may be constitutional
    limitations on their unfettered destruction of private property.
    For example, one court has held that as a matter of due process,
    a State agency that was broadly authorized to eradicate a pest
    that attacked citrus trees (the burrowing nematode) must first
    give grove owners a predeprivation hearing (even though the
    statute provided an after-the-fact compensation scheme with
    regard to uninfested trees that were destroyed in the process).
    follows that a contractor who had been duly authorized to
    destroy privately owned trees as part of a statutory nuisance
    eradication program would have "license" to do so, and therefore
    could not be liable pursuant to G. L. c. 242, § 7.21   Compare
    Blair v. Forehand, 
    100 Mass. 136
    , 144-145 (1868) (owners of
    unlicensed and uncollared dogs had no action for trespass or
    trover against town constable who acted within his express
    statutory authority in killing the dogs).
    It is uncontested that Marquis destroyed Evans's trees at
    the specific instruction of the government official who was
    overseeing field operations that implemented a program broadly
    authorized by the Legislature to eradicate the ALH beetles.
    Concluding in effect that this necessarily meant that Marquis
    was acting with "license," the judge ruled that Evans's action
    failed as a matter of law.   The flaw in this reasoning is that
    it does not account for the possibility that the agency
    instructions pursuant to which Marquis cut the trees were
    invalid and the trees were simply cut by mistake.   See Tower v.
    State Plant Board v. Smith, 
    110 So. 2d 401
    , 407-409 (Fla. 1959).
    Evans has not raised any constitutional claims.
    For purposes of its summary judgment motion, Marquis
    focused on its argument that it had license to cut the trees
    because it was acting pursuant to delegated governmental
    authority. It did not press its alternative theory that Evans's
    being present at the site during the cutting without voicing an
    objection amounted to license. A factual dispute over this
    alternative theory remains.
    18 Pick. 262
    , 263 (1836) (because Legislature had
    authorized summary killing of unlicensed, uncollared dogs, tort
    action would not lie against defendant-neighbor except where
    collared dogs were killed by mistake).
    As Evans points out, DCR created a program under which it
    would provide property owners specific notice of its planned
    eradication actions.    Whether and when privately owned trees
    were actually destroyed then turned on the landowner's providing
    written permission.22   Although DCR reserved the right to seek a
    court order in the event that a property owner refused consent,
    no host trees otherwise were to be destroyed absent that
    consent.   The question is whether, in creating its protocols,
    DCR thereby limited its broad authority to cut trees without a
    property owner's permission.     In our view, that question should
    not be answered based on the current summary judgment record.
    The protocols that DCR developed were not the product of
    formally promulgated regulations carrying the force of law.      See
    generally Global NAPs, Inc. v. Awiszus, 
    457 Mass. 489
    , 496
    (2010).    As a general matter, unpromulgated guidelines setting
    forth internal agency procedures are not considered binding on
    an agency.    
     at 496 n.11.   See Golchin v. Liberty Mutual Ins.
    DCR explained that designing the program in this manner
    expedited the eradication process by avoiding legal disputes
    between DCR and property owners. The fact that protecting
    property owner rights simultaneously may have furthered the
    agency's eradication efforts is of no legal moment.
    460 Mass. 222
    , 231 (2011) ("Where the commissioner does not
    consider bulletins to be binding regulations, we are not
    inclined to hold otherwise").   However, the case law also
    recognizes that in certain contexts, agency pronouncements can
    be binding on the agency even where they have not formally been
    promulgated as regulations.   See Macioci v. Commissioner of
    386 Mass. 752
    , 763 (1982) (Commissioner of Revenue had
    duty to conform to guidelines issued to public).    The cases have
    distinguished between guidelines that "concern[] only internal
    management of State agencies" and those designed to "affect the
    rights of or procedures available to the public."   Amato v.
    District Attorney for the Cape & Islands Dist., 
    80 Mass. App. Ct. 230
    , 238 n.15 (2011), citing G. L. c. 30A, § 1(5)
    (Administrative Procedure Act codifying this distinction).     See
    Global NAPs, Inc., 
     at 496 n.11.   Where an agency has
    published guidelines on how it is going to proceed and has
    implicitly invited affected members of the public to rely on
    them, such guidelines can be deemed to constrain the agency's
    The summary judgment record before us is not well developed
    on whether DCR's policy of obtaining property owners' written
    consent should be treated as the sort of pronouncement that
    constrains agency action.   For example, there is little in the
    record indicating the extent to which that policy was published
    to affected members of the public.   At the same time, there are
    some indications in the record, such as Markham's public
    acknowledgement that Evans's trees were cut by "mistake," that
    suggest that the agencies may have intended that members of the
    public rely on the policy.   Another factor lending potential
    support to Evans's position is that the contractual arrangements
    under which Mayer and Marquis nominally were operating
    prohibited them from entering private property without an
    owner's written permission and otherwise included provisions
    designed to protect property owner rights.23    In our view,
    determining whether DCR's authority to instruct Marquis to cut
    down Evans's trees was curtailed by its policies regarding
    written permission needs further factual development.
    We recognize that Marquis's actions were specifically
    directed by Franciosi, a Federal employee.     This may well
    provide Marquis "good reason to believe" that it had authority
    to cut Evans's trees (thus shielding Marquis from treble
    We acknowledge that -- regardless of the nominal terms of
    the contracts under which Marquis was operating -- it appears
    undisputed that treecutters such as Marquis would not refuse to
    enter private property unless they had written permission in
    hand, but instead simply would follow the directives of the
    government field inspectors. However, the existence of such an
    unexplained discrepancy, if anything, provides further support
    for not trying to resolve this case on the current summary
    judgment record.
    damages).24   However, Franciosi's mistaken instructions could not
    provide actual "license" to cut the trees if such instructions
    were legally invalid.25
    In reaching our conclusion, we have assumed, without
    deciding, that the judge did not abuse his discretion in denying
    the Mass.R.Civ.P. 60(b) motion.26   Thus, we have not relied on
    those additional factual materials that Evans sought to include
    in the summary judgment record, and we have assumed arguendo
    that Evans's trees fell within a total host removal area.     That
    Evans's trees may have been slated for eventual destruction
    obviously has significant potential ramifications for the amount
    Neither side has briefed this issue, and we decline to
    reach it. We express no opinion on whether this issue can be
    resolved as a matter of law or instead requires submittal to a
    Burroughs v. Rane, 
    241 Mass. 1
     (1922), is not to the
    contrary. That case held that the State forester who -- acting
    pursuant to statutory authority -- had relied on "needy" persons
    to conduct a gypsy moth eradication program could not be liable
    in tort for tree damage caused by a fire that may have been
    started negligently. Id. at 4-6. The case does not address the
    potential liability of those who actually started the fire.
    Although we have no occasion to reach the merits of the
    rule 9A dispute that underlies the rule 60(b) motion, we do note
    that counsel on both sides did not clothe themselves in glory
    with regard to how those issues played out, and that their joint
    conduct unnecessarily placed the motion judge in an extremely
    difficult position.
    of damages to which Evans might be entitled.27    The defendants
    might have prevailed on summary judgment if they had shown that
    Evans in no event could have kept his trees for an appreciable
    period of time had they not been cut by mistake.     However, on
    the current record, we cannot reasonably say that Evans has no
    hope of demonstrating that.     After all, the defendants have not
    presented a single other example of where any host tree was cut
    without an owner's permission, or even any example of where DCR
    ever sought a judicial order to take down a blue-marked tree
    against an owner's wishes.     We further note that Marquis did not
    destroy Evans's nine Japanese maples, American elm, and white
    ash, and from all that appears before us, those host trees
    remain today.   We leave the import of whether Evans's trees fell
    within a total host removal area to further proceedings.
    2.   Mayer's liability.    It is uncontested that Marquis, not
    Mayer, actually cut Evans's trees.     However, it is also
    uncontested that when Marquis cut the trees, it was working as
    Mayer's subcontractor, and Evans has alleged that Mayer bears
    liability pursuant to G. L. c. 242, § 7, as Marquis's principal.
    See Corsetti v. Stone Co., 
    396 Mass. 1
    , 10-11 (1985) (contractor
    is subject to liability for torts of its subcontractor where it
    retains "sufficient control" over subcontractor's work).     On
    In other words, Evans's assumption that a finding of
    liability necessarily would mean that he is entitled to the full
    replacement value of his lost trees is flawed.
    appeal, Mayer makes a passing argument that even if Marquis
    faces liability pursuant to the statute, Mayer itself does not
    because it did not in fact direct Marquis to destroy these
    particular trees (even though it had a contractual right to
    control Marquis's actions).    That argument was not developed
    below, and the judge had no occasion to address it.    Especially
    in light of the current state of the briefing, we decline to
    reach Mayer's argument that it could not derivatively be liable
    as a matter of law.28
    3.   Liability of the insurer.   In count five of his
    complaint, Evans alleges that defendant Farm Family Casualty
    Insurance Company (Farm Family), which insured both Marquis and
    Mayer, faces its own liability pursuant to G. L. c. 93A, § 9(3),
    and G. L. c. 176D, § 3(9)(f).    This count is based on the claim
    that Farm Family failed to make a reasonable offer of settlement
    after the liability of its insured parties had become reasonably
    clear.    See Van Dyke v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., 
    388 Mass. 671
    , 677-678 (1983).    Although we have concluded that at
    least Marquis faces potential liability pursuant to G. L.
    c. 242, § 7, that exposure has up until now not been reasonably
    clear, and it remains in significant doubt today.     See Clegg v.
    For similar reasons, we decline to address the viability
    of counts three and four of Evans's complaint, in which he
    alleges that Marquis and Mayer somehow face liability under
    G. L. c. 93A.
    424 Mass. 413
    , 421 (1997) (reasonably clear liability
    "encompasses both fault and damages").   As a result, count five
    as pleaded is, at a minimum, premature.29
    4.   Disposition.   The judgment dismissing Evans's complaint
    is vacated.   In view of that disposition, the appeal from the
    order denying Evan's Mass.R.Civ.P. 60(b) motion has become moot,
    and we dismiss it as such.   The case is remanded to the Superior
    Court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.30
    So ordered.
    Farm Family argues that a different judge erred in
    denying its motion to dismiss challenging the adequacy of its
    c. 93A demand letter. Given that we conclude that Evans to date
    has had no basis for asserting that Farm Family faced c. 176D
    liability, we need not reach the formal adequacy of such a
    Although we have ruled in Farm Family's favor with regard
    to count five, the question of whether Farm Family would be
    entitled to separate and final judgment is not before us. See
    Mass.R.Civ.P. 54(b), 
    365 Mass. 820