Arsenault v. Bhattacharya , 89 Mass. App. Ct. 804 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    15-P-197                                              Appeals Court
    No. 15-P-197.
    Essex.      April 13, 2016. - August 3, 2016.
    Present:   Vuono, Meade, & Carhart, JJ.
    Medical Malpractice. Notice, Timeliness.       Practice, Civil,
    Motion to dismiss.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    October 21, 2013.
    A motion to dismiss was heard by Robert A. Cornetta, J.,
    and a motion for reconsideration was considered by him.
    David Newton for the plaintiff.
    Andrew F. Newton for the defendant.
    CARHART, J.      In this case, we must decide whether dismissal
    without prejudice was the appropriate remedy for a failure by
    the plaintiff, Patricia Arsenault, to provide notice to the
    defendant, Subroto Bhattacharya, of her intention to sue, as
    required by G. L. c. 231, § 60L.      See St. 2012, c. 224, § 221
    ("An Act improving the quality of health care and reducing costs
    through increased transparency, efficiency and innovation").
    The statute is silent as to remedies for a failure to comply
    with its terms, and there are no decisions interpreting it.          See
    Ashley v. New York State Office of Children & Family Servs., 
    33 F. Supp. 3d 76
    , 78 n.1 (D. Mass. 2014).       For the reasons that
    follow, we conclude that "less Draconian consequences than
    dismissal" were available and should have been considered by the
    judge.     Paquette v. Department of Envtl. Protection, 55 Mass.
    App. Ct. 844, 849 (2002).     Consequently, we reverse the judgment
    and remand the matter to Superior Court.
    Background.     1.   Section 60L.   We begin with a brief
    overview of G. L. c. 231, § 60L, set forth in full in the
    margin.1    Pursuant to § 60L(a), a plaintiff must give written
    General Laws c. 231, § 60L, inserted by St. 2012, c. 224,
    § 221, provides:
    "(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person
    shall not commence an action against a provider of health care
    as defined in the seventh paragraph of section 60B unless the
    person has given the health care provider 182 days written
    notice before the action is commenced.
    "(b) The notice of intent to file a claim required under
    subsection (a) shall be mailed to the last known professional
    business address or residential address of the health care
    provider who is the subject of the claim.
    "(c) The 182-day notice period in subsection (a) shall be
    shortened to 90 days if:
    "(1) the claimant had previously filed the 182-day notice
    required against another health care provider involved in
    the claim; or
    "(2) the claimant has filed a complaint and commenced an
    action alleging medical malpractice against any health care
    provider involved in the claim.
    "(d) The 182 day notice of intent required in subsection
    (a) shall not be required if the claimant did not identify and
    could not reasonably have identified a health care provider to
    which notice shall be sent as a potential party to the action
    before filing the complaint;
    "(e) The notice given to a health care provider under this
    section shall contain, but shall not be limited to, a statement
    "(1) the factual basis for the claim;
    "(2) the applicable standard of care alleged by the
    "(3) the manner in which it is claimed that the applicable
    standard of care was breached by the health care provider;
    "(4) the alleged action that should have been taken to
    achieve compliance with the alleged standard of care;
    "(5) the manner in which it is alleged the breach of the
    standard of care was the proximate cause of the injury
    claimed in the notice; and
    "(6) the names of all health care providers that the
    claimant intends to notify under this section in relation
    to a claim.
    "(f) Not later than 56 days after giving notice under this
    section, the claimant shall allow the health care provider
    receiving the notice access to all of the medical records
    related to the claim that are in the claimant's control and
    shall furnish a release for any medical records related to the
    claim that are not in the claimant's control, but of which the
    claimant has knowledge. This subsection shall not restrict a
    patient's right of access to the patient's medical records under
    any other law.
    "(g) Within 150 days after receipt of notice under this
    section, the health care provider or authorized representative
    against whom the claim is made shall furnish to the claimant or
    the claimant's authorized representative a written response that
    contains a statement including the following:
    "(1) the factual basis for the defense, if any, to the
    "(2) the standard of care that the health care provider
    claims to be applicable to the action;
    "(3) the manner in which it is claimed by the health care
    provider that there was or was not compliance with the
    applicable standard of care; and
    "(4) the manner in which the health care provider contends
    that the alleged negligence of the health care provider was
    or was not a proximate cause of the claimant's alleged
    injury or alleged damage.
    "(h) If the claimant does not receive the written response
    required under subsection (g) within the required 150-day time
    period, the claimant may commence an action alleging medical
    malpractice upon the expiration of the 150-day time period. If
    a provider fails to respond within 150 days and that fact is
    made known to the court in the plaintiffs' complaint or by any
    other means then interest on any judgment against that provider
    shall accrue and be calculated from the date that the notice was
    filed rather than the date that the suit is filed. At any time
    before the expiration of the 150-day period, the claimant and
    the provider may agree to an extension of the 150-day period.
    "(i) If at any time during the applicable notice period
    under this section a health care provider receiving notice under
    this section informs the claimant in writing that the health
    care provider does not intend to settle the claim within the
    applicable notice period, the claimant may commence an action
    alleging medical malpractice against the health care provider,
    so long as the claim is not barred by the statutes of
    limitations or repose.
    "(j) A lawsuit   against a health care provider filed within
    [six] months of the   statute of limitations expiring as to any
    claimant, or within   [one] year of the statute of repose expiring
    as to any claimant,   shall be exempt from compliance with this
    notice to a health care provider of an intent to file suit 182
    days before commencing an action alleging medical malpractice.
    Notice is not required if the plaintiff "did not identify and
    could not reasonably have identified a health care provider to
    which notice shall be sent as a potential party to the action
    before filing the complaint," G. L. c. 231, § 60L(d), or if the
    plaintiff files suit "within [six] months of the statute of
    limitations expiring . . . or within [one] year of the statute
    of repose expiring as to any claimant."    G. L. c. 231, § 60L(j).
    Nothing in § 60L prohibits "the filing of suit at any time in
    order to seek court orders to preserve and permit inspection of
    tangible evidence."   G. L. c. 231, § 60L(k).   Section 60L, which
    applies to actions filed pursuant to G. L. c. 231, § 60B,2 became
    effective on November 4, 2012.
    2.   The complaint.   Taking the allegations in the
    plaintiff's complaint as true and drawing all reasonable
    inferences in her favor, see Ryan v. Holie Donut, Inc., 82 Mass.
    "(k) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the filing of
    suit at any time in order to seek court orders to preserve and
    permit inspection of tangible evidence."
    General Laws c. 231, § 60B, first par., inserted by St.
    1975, c. 362, § 5, established a tribunal to which plaintiffs
    alleging medical malpractice must submit their complaints,
    whereupon the tribunal "shall determine if the evidence
    presented if properly substantiated is sufficient to raise a
    legitimate question of liability appropriate for judicial
    inquiry or whether the plaintiff's case is merely an unfortunate
    medical result."
    App. Ct. 633, 635 (2012), the defendant was the plaintiff's
    primary care physician when he began treating her in January,
    2008, for carpal tunnel and cervical spondylosis with
    radiculopathy.3   In August, 2008, the defendant administered a
    cortisone injection to the plaintiff's left wrist.   In March and
    October 2009, the defendant injected both of the plaintiff's
    wrists with cortisone, and on January 21, 2010, he administered
    a final cortisone shot to the plaintiff's right wrist.
    On February 1, 2010, the plaintiff met with a surgeon
    because of a substantial tearing and popping feeling in her
    right wrist.   One week later she underwent surgery on her right
    wrist.   The plaintiff had further surgery on her right wrist in
    May and June, 2010, and August, 2011, and had surgery on her
    left wrist in June, 2010.   On April 5, 2012, she underwent an
    independent medical examination by another doctor who found that
    she had "developed extensor tendon ruptures as a result of her
    cortisone injections."4
    In her complaint filed in Superior Court on October 21,
    2013, the plaintiff alleges that the defendant knew or should
    have known that giving her multiple cortisone shots would
    increase the risk of rupture to her wrists, especially in light
    The complaint does not define cervical spondylosis or
    That examination was done in connection with the
    plaintiff's workers' compensation claim.
    of a letter dated August 1, 2012, that he prepared in connection
    with the plaintiff's workers' compensation claim.     That letter
    states that "[b]ecause of previous cortisone shots there is a
    significant risk of tendon rupture of the left side still."      The
    plaintiff alleges that the defendant deviated from the
    appropriate standard of medical care when he negligently gave
    her the cortisone shots, which caused a double rupture of her
    right wrist and resulted in her being totally and permanently
    3.   Procedural posture.   After return of service was
    docketed on January 28, 2014, the defendant moved pursuant to
    Mass.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6), 
    365 Mass. 755
    (1974), to dismiss on the
    basis that the action was barred by the statute of limitations
    and by the plaintiff's failure to provide notice pursuant to
    § 60L.   After a hearing, the motion judge, a District Court
    judge sitting by designation in the Superior Court, found that
    the plaintiff's cause of action accrued on April 5, 2012, and
    that the complaint was filed "within the 3 year statute of
    limitations but before the 6 months notice required and 7 years
    statute of repose and dates of [§ 60L]."      The judge allowed the
    defendant's motion without prejudice and judgment entered on
    June 26, 2014.   The plaintiff appealed.5,6    Rather than refiling,
    Although dismissal without prejudice is not an
    adjudication on the merits, see Ogens v. Northern Industrial
    the plaintiff moved for reconsideration on July 21, 2014,
    stating that she satisfied § 60L by sending a letter of intent
    to defendant's counsel on or about March 4, 2014.   The motion
    for reconsideration was denied.
    Chem. Co., 
    304 Mass. 401
    , 402-403 (1939), and the better
    practice would have been for the plaintiff to refile the
    complaint, the judgment in this case is appealable. See 
    ibid. (reviewing appeal of
    decree that dismissed bill without
    prejudice); Department of Rev. v. Mason M., 
    439 Mass. 665
    , 674
    (2003) (reviewing appeal of complaint that was dismissed without
    prejudice). The judgment is not interlocutory in nature because
    it dismissed the complaint in its entirety, see Gibbs Ford, Inc.
    v. United Truck Leasing Corp., 
    399 Mass. 8
    , 9 (1987), and the
    statute of limitations on the plaintiff's claim expired on April
    5, 2015. See G. L. c. 260, § 4; Russia Cement Co. v. Le Page
    174 Mass. 349
    , 354 (1899) (judgment of dismissal, "if not
    reversed or modified, will end the litigation in which it [was]
    entered"). The plaintiff therefore has "the right to invoke the
    action of the higher court." 
    Ibid. See G. L.
    c. 231, § 113,
    inserted by St. 1973, c. 1114, § 202 ("A party aggrieved by a
    final judgment of the superior court . . . may appeal therefrom
    to the appeals court").
    While the docket reflects that the defendant filed a
    notice of appeal on the same day that judgment entered and does
    not reflect the filing of a notice of appeal by the plaintiff,
    the plaintiff's notice of appeal appears in the record and is
    dated June 23, 2014. Given that a notice of appeal by the
    defendant is not in the record, we assume that the docket entry
    reflects clerical error, and we resolve the issue in favor of
    preserving the plaintiff's appellate rights. See Standard
    Register Co. v. Bolton-Emerson, Inc., 
    35 Mass. App. Ct. 570
    , 574
    (1993); Eyster v. Pechenik, 
    71 Mass. App. Ct. 773
    , 782 (2008).
    Since the plaintiff's motion for reconsideration was served on
    the defendant on July 16, 2014, more than ten days after entry
    of the judgment, it is treated as one under Mass.R.Civ.P. 60(b),
    365 Mass. 828
    (1974), see Gifford v. Westwood Lodge Corp., 
    24 Mass. App. Ct. 920
    , 922 (1987), and, as such, a new notice of
    appeal was not required. See Selby Assocs. v. Boston Redev.
    27 Mass. App. Ct. 1188
    , 1189-1190 (1989); Curly Customs,
    Inc. v. Pioneer Financial, 
    62 Mass. App. Ct. 92
    , 96-97 (2004).
    Discussion.    A motion to dismiss under Mass.R.Civ.P.
    12(b)(6) "is concerned with the sufficiency of the pleadings."
    Bayless v. TTS Trio Corp., 
    474 Mass. 215
    , 223 (2016).     "To
    survive a motion to dismiss, the facts alleged and the
    reasonable inferences drawn therefrom must 'plausibly suggest
    . . . an entitlement to relief.'"     Coghlin Elec. Contractors,
    Inc. v. Gilbane Bldg. Co., 
    472 Mass. 549
    , 554 (2015), quoting
    from Flagg v. AliMed, Inc., 
    466 Mass. 23
    , 26-27 (2013).     "A
    court may grant the radical relief of dismissal only if the
    plaintiff can set forth no set of facts which would entitle her
    to relief."   Coraccio v. Lowell Five Cents Sav. Bank, 
    415 Mass. 145
    , 147 (1993).   "Dismissals on the basis of pleadings, before
    facts have been found, are discouraged."     Fabrizio v. Quincy, 
    9 Mass. App. Ct. 733
    , 734 (1980).     We review de novo the judge's
    allowance of the motion to dismiss.    See 
    Ryan, 82 Mass. App. Ct. at 635
    The defendant argues that dismissal of the complaint was
    proper because, like the demand letter required by G. L. c. 93A,
    § 9(3), notice pursuant to § 60L(a) is a prerequisite to the
    plaintiff's medical malpractice suit.     A complaint for medical
    malpractice must allege that "a doctor-patient relationship
    existed . . . , that [the defendant's] performance did not
    conform to good medical practice, and that injury to the
    plaintiff resulted therefrom."    St. Germain v. Pfeifer, 418
    10 Mass. 511
    , 519 (1994).   Here, all of those allegations appear in
    the complaint.   Because "the Legislature has given no explicit
    guidance on the point" whether the notice provision in § 60L(a)
    is an element of a medical malpractice claim, Austin v. Boston
    Univ. Hosp., 
    372 Mass. 654
    , 657 (1977), "we [must] interpret the
    provision 'in the context of the over-all objective the
    Legislature sought to accomplish.'"   Sellers's Case, 
    452 Mass. 804
    , 810 (2008), quoting from National Lumber Co. v. LeFrancois
    Constr. Corp., 
    430 Mass. 663
    , 667 (2000).
    Section 60L is applicable to actions filed under G. L.
    c. 231, § 60B.   Like § 60L, § 60B was enacted "[a]s a means to
    the end of keeping medical malpractice insurance premiums in
    check . . . [and] discourag[ing] frivolous medical malpractice
    claims."   LaFond v. Casey, 
    43 Mass. App. Ct. 233
    , 235 (1997).
    Section 60B "impos[es] liability for legal costs and expenses on
    an unsuccessful litigant," 
    Austin, supra
    , in the form of a bond
    the plaintiff must post in a judicial proceeding, within thirty
    days of an adverse decision by the medical malpractice tribunal,
    or "the action shall be dismissed."   G. L. c. 231, § 60B, sixth
    par., inserted by St. 1975, c. 362, § 5.    Section 60B therefore
    "contains an element of substance, and not merely procedure."
    Austin, supra
    Similarly, c. 93A "create[d] new substantive rights and
    provide[d] new procedural devices for the enforcement of those
    rights."   Slaney v. Westwood Auto, Inc., 
    366 Mass. 688
    , 693
    (1975).    One procedural device is the requirement of a letter
    notifying a prospective defendant of the plaintiff's allegations
    and of the relief sought.    See G. L. c. 93A, § 9(3).   "The
    purposes of the letter are twofold: (1) 'to encourage
    negotiation and settlement by notifying prospective defendants
    of claims arising from allegedly unlawful conduct' and (2) 'to
    operate as a control on the amount of damages which the
    complainant can ultimately recover,'" because c. 93A allows for
    awards of attorney's fees and damages that may be doubled or
    trebled if a defendant fails to make "a reasonable tender of
    settlement" in response to the letter.    Spring v. Geriatric
    Authy. of Holyoke, 
    394 Mass. 274
    , 288 (1985), quoting from
    Slaney, supra at 704.
    By contrast, and as the defendant recognizes, § 60L does
    not "create new substantive rights."     Slaney, supra at 693.
    Section 60L(h) -- the only part of the statute that sets forth
    any kind of penalty -- deals with "a matter of procedure or
    practice in no way affecting the substantive rights of the
    parties," because it governs the accrual date for the purposes
    of calculating prejudgment interest.     D'Amico v. Cariglia, 
    330 Mass. 246
    , 249 (1953).    Thus, while the Legislature used the
    words "shall not commence" in § 60L(a), and "[t]he word 'shall'
    is ordinarily interpreted as having a mandatory or imperative
    obligation," Hashimi v. Kalil, 
    388 Mass. 607
    , 609 (1983), we are
    persuaded by the Legislature's omission of § 60B's "mandatory
    dismissal language," Croteau v. Swansea Lounge, Inc., 
    402 Mass. 419
    , 422 (1988), from a statute governing actions under § 60B,
    that the Legislature did not intend notice under § 60L(a) to be
    a "special element[] which must be alleged."       Slaney, supra at
    704.       As such, the complaint should not have been dismissed.7
    id. at 705
    ("a demurrer cannot be upheld where the
    plaintiff's bill sets out any cause of suit").
    We recognize that § 60L sets forth specific exemptions from
    the notice requirement that do not apply to the plaintiff, and
    that "where there is an express exception in a statute, it
    comprises the only limit on the operation of the statute and no
    others will be implied."       Thurdin v. SEI Boston, LLC, 
    452 Mass. 436
    , 444 (2008).       "However, 'time and again, we have stated that
    we should not accept the literal meaning of the words of a
    statute without regard for that statute's purpose and history.'"
    Germain, 418 Mass. at 521
    , quoting from Sterilite Corp. v.
    Continental Cas. Co., 
    397 Mass. 837
    , 839 (1986).       Here, where,
    in contrast to § 60B, the Legislature decided not to impose a
    Even assuming that notice under § 60L is an element, if
    not a "special element," of a medical malpractice claim, "[a]
    motion to dismiss under rule 12(b)(6) does not necessarily lie
    where the complaint merely fails to plead an element of a cause
    of action." Schinkel v. Maxi-Holding, Inc., 
    30 Mass. App. Ct. 41
    , 51 (1991).
    penalty for noncompliance with § 60L, we think it clear that the
    "Legislature did not intend that the procedures of [§ 60L]
    should unreasonably obstruct the prosecution of meritorious
    malpractice claims or that they should eliminate any substantive
    right of injured persons to sue for damages."8    Hanley v.
    8 Mass. App. Ct. 270
    , 274 (1979).    In any event, where
    "the particular questions of procedure with respect to . . .
    [§ 60L are] without definite precedent," Goldstein v. Barron,
    382 Mass. 181
    , 186 (1980), "the plaintiff has to be given the
    benefit of the doubt under rule 12(b)(6) standards."     Kipp v.
    7 Mass. App. Ct. 206
    , 210 (1979).
    The plaintiff filed her complaint less than one year after
    § 60L became effective, and one and one-half years before the
    statute of limitations on her claim expired.     Service was
    completed within three months.   As stated in her motion for
    reconsideration, the plaintiff sent notice to defendant's
    counsel pursuant to § 60L(a) on March 4, 2014 (also over one
    year before the statute of limitations expired).     In addition,
    the plaintiff alleges in her complaint that more than one year
    before she filed her complaint, the defendant opined in a letter
    he wrote for her workers' compensation claim that a cause of her
    disability was the previous cortisone shots, which directly
    We offer no opinion on the merits of the plaintiff's
    implicates his treatment.    On these facts, the defendant, as
    intended by § 60L, had ample "'opportunity to review the facts
    and the law involved to see if the requested relief should be
    granted or denied' and to enable [him] to make 'a reasonable
    tender of settlement'" before the statute of limitations on the
    plaintiff's claim expired.   York v. Sullivan, 
    369 Mass. 157
    , 162
    (1975), quoting from 
    Slaney, 366 Mass. at 704-705
    "[W]e think it desirable . . . that our courts adjudicate
    substantive controversies on the merits where practicable."
    Paquette, 55 Mass. App. Ct. at 849
    .   "It is not novel to allow
    amendments to pleadings for the purpose of presenting facts
    which have intervened since the commencement of a proceeding,"
    such as the plaintiff's sending of notice as required by § 60L.
    Schertzer v. Somerville, 
    345 Mass. 747
    , 750 (1963).   See G. L.
    c. 231, § 51, as appearing in St. 1988, c. 141, § 1 ("In all
    civil proceedings, the court may at any time[] . . . allow . . .
    amendment in matter of form or substance in any process,
    pleading or proceeding, which may enable the plaintiff to
    sustain the action for the cause or for recovery for the injury
    for which the action was intended to be brought"); Attorney Gen.
    v. Henry, 
    262 Mass. 127
    , 129-130 (1928) (G. L. c. 231, § 51,
    "has been broadly interpreted . . . so as to accomplish as to
    form and technical procedure whatever the justice of the case
    requires, unless prevented by positive rules of law").     Because
    "[s]ubstance and reality, not form and theory, must prevail" in
    this Commonwealth, Lambley v. Kameny, 
    43 Mass. App. Ct. 277
    , 285
    (1997), and because the purposes of § 60L were fulfilled in this
    case, "[w]e see no reason why in justice an amendment [to the
    complaint] should not be allowed [and that as so amended the
    complaint satisfy the intent of § 60L's notice requirement in
    order] to enable the plaintiff to prosecute the action."    Green
    v. Horton, 
    326 Mass. 503
    , 507 (1950).   See Rafferty v. Sancta
    Maria Hosp., 
    5 Mass. App. Ct. 624
    , 627 (1977) ("That the action
    before such an amendment was flawed does not necessarily
    preclude a curative amendment").
    Conclusion.   The orders allowing the defendant's motion to
    dismiss and denying the plaintiff's motion for reconsideration
    are vacated.   The judgment is reversed and the matter is
    remanded to the Superior Court in order to allow the plaintiff
    to amend the complaint to address the notice requirement of G.
    L. c. 231, § 60L, and as so amended that complaint shall be
    deemed as having satisfied § 60L's notice requirement and as
    being timely filed.
    So ordered.