O'Donoghue v. Commonwealth , 93 Mass. App. Ct. 156 ( 2018 )

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    16-P-72                                              Appeals Court
    KEN O'DONOGHUE, trustee,1 & others2    vs.   COMMONWEALTH & others.3
    No. 16-P-72.
    Suffolk.      December 5, 2017. - April 17, 2018.
    Present:   Vuono, Sullivan, & Massing, JJ.
    Res Judicata. Judgment, Preclusive effect. Seashore.       Real
    Property, Littoral property. Words, "Beach."
    Civil action commenced in the Land Court Department on July
    22, 1998.
    The case was heard by Harry M. Grossman, J.
    1 Of the Rexhame Terrace Land Trust and of the R.B.
    Preservation Trust.
    2 William Mostyn, trustee of the Rexhame Terrace Beach
    Trust; Jane Walker, trustee of the Walker Family Trust; Freya
    Allen Shoffner, trustee of the Dawson/Shoffner Family 2001
    Revocable Trust; Seth Coon, Keilah Coon, and Elena Prentice,
    trustees of the Raleigh Road Family Trust of 2009; Karen Slawson
    and Susan Brown, trustees of the Slawson-Rexhame Realty Trust;
    William Mostyn; Sandra Mostyn; Timothy Burke; Sarah Burke; John
    Coon, III; Judith Coon; Charles Pesko; and Jacqueline Pesko.
    3 Clare Delaney, Leo Delaney, Brenda Johnson, Stephen
    Leonard, Agnes McCabe, Marianne McCabe, Carole McDermott, James
    McDermott, James McGowan, William McGowan, Elizabeth McManus,
    Kristin Perry, and the town of Marshfield.
    Brian Jay Rogal for the plaintiffs.
    Robert W. Galvin for town of Marshfield.
    Kendra Kinscherf, Assistant Attorney General, for the
    SULLIVAN, J.      The plaintiffs commenced this action against
    the Commonwealth in the Land Court to quiet title to certain
    "beach lots" in the Rexhame Terrace section of the town of
    Marshfield (town) and to remove a cloud on title that resulted
    from the decisions in Thomas v. Marshfield, 
    10 Pick. 364
    (Thomas I), and Thomas v. Marshfield, 
    13 Pick. 240
    (Thomas II).    The plaintiffs also sought damages for trespass
    against the individual defendants.    The town was allowed to
    intervene as a defendant.     In its answer the town asserted, as
    an affirmative defense, title to the beach lots set aside for
    use by all of the town's inhabitants as a common area, and
    further stated that the plaintiffs have only a right of
    "commonage" along with other inhabitants of the town.     The trial
    judge bifurcated the "public" portions of the case -- the claims
    among the plaintiffs, the Commonwealth, and the town -- and,
    following a trial, concluded that the plaintiffs had not met
    their burden of demonstrating title sufficient to quiet title or
    remove the cloud of title due to the decisions in Thomas I and
    Thomas II.     The judge further concluded that the town has
    superior title in most if not all portions of the beach lots.4
    The parties have filed cross appeals.     Substantially for the
    reasons stated by the judge in his careful, detailed, and well-
    reasoned decision, we affirm.
    1.   Background.   The judge made detailed factual findings,
    which for the most part are undisputed.     We repeat only those
    necessary to give context to our discussion, noting where
    material disputes arise.   The judge's factual findings will not
    be overturned unless clearly erroneous.     See Whiteveld v.
    12 Mass. App. Ct. 876
    , 876 (1981); Feldman v. Souza,
    27 Mass. App. 1142, 1143 (1989).
    Marshfield Neck is a narrow plot of land that lies south of
    the South River, north of the Green Harbor River, and is
    bordered to the east by Massachusetts Bay.    Rexhame Terrace is a
    subdivision created by Sarah Ames in the late 1800s from a
    portion of her large farm on Marshfield Neck.     As laid out on a
    revised 1891 subdivision plan, Rexhame Terrace is bordered by
    Circuit Avenue East to the east.5   A beach abutting Massachusetts
    Bay lies east of Circuit Avenue East.     The six "beach lots" at
    4 The judgment also addressed the public's rights over the
    Rexhame Terrace subdivision roads, but there has been no appeal
    from that portion of the judgment. Private claims, including
    trespass claims, were bifurcated and not decided as part of the
    judgment now before us.
    5 Circuit Avenue East is a "paper street" and does not exist
    on the ground today.
    issue lie between Circuit Avenue East and either the low or high
    water mark of Massachusetts Bay, on what is shown on the 1891
    plan as "Marshfield Beach."6    The beach lots are not shown on the
    subdivision plans.     The parties indicated at oral argument that
    the beach lots are essentially coastal uplands and are not
    buildable lots.
    The beach lots were created and first conveyed between 1910
    and 1913 by individual deeds from Sarah Ames's son, Ray Ames.
    The thrust of the issue before us is whether Ray Ames had title
    to any of the beach lots when he originally conveyed them to the
    plaintiffs' predecessors in title.     The resolution of this issue
    brings us back to the original settlers of the town in the mid-
    The parties agree that Joseph Beadle was the first settler
    of the property at issue.    The judge found that of the
    properties transferred to Beadle by the town and others in the
    mid-1600s, only one deed from the town bounded his property
    "east with the beach."    The parties' title experts agreed that
    at that time, bounding a lot "with" the beach did not pass title
    to the beach.     Other parcels transferred to Beadle included
    marshlands, which by definition are inundated with water,
    proving, according to the plaintiffs, that Beadle had acquired
    6 The beach at issue here is adjacent to the Rexhame Terrace
    subdivision and is sometimes referred to as Rexhame Beach.
    property bounded by the ocean.    Based on expert evidence that
    the judge credited, however, he found that the marshlands were
    on the landward side of the beach and subject to tidal
    inundation as part of a tidal estuary rather than the ebb and
    flow of the ocean tide.
    The Beadle farm passed through several families and became
    known in the 1700s as the Kent farm.   When John Kent died in
    1753, his will divided his estate among his nine living
    children, and it was at this time that the property began to be
    described in deeds in terms such as bound by "the edge of the
    upland by the [s]ea," "on the edge of the bank about high water
    mark," and "the edge of the bank by the [s]ea."    Between 1759
    and 1770, Anthony Thomas purchased portions of the Kent farm.
    In 1787, his estate divided the farm among his three sons.
    Briggs Thomas (Thomas) received the portion of the farm that is
    at issue in this case, along with "all the [p]rivilege of the
    beach adjoining [s]aid [l]and."    By deed recorded July 7, 1858,
    Thomas's farm was conveyed to Sarah A. Ames, Thomas's
    granddaughter, and was described as being bound "[e]asterly by
    the beach or [s]ea."   Sarah Ames subsequently granted by will to
    her seven children, including Ray Ames, portions of Rexhame
    Terrace "to the sea."7    The plaintiffs' titles derive from deeds
    from Ray Ames, alone, between 1910 and 1916.
    In addition, although the town released its interest in a
    portion of "the beach" to Ray Ames in 1916, the judge concluded,
    based on the description of the land in the release, expert
    evidence that he credited, and the fact that Ray Ames, on the
    day following the release, transferred to a third party property
    just north of the property at issue here, that the town's
    release did not concern the land at issue.8
    The plaintiffs argued that the land grants to Joseph Beadle
    originally went to the high water mark, and that as a result of
    the Colonial Ordinance, ownership of the tidal flats vested in
    Beadle and ultimately passed to the plaintiffs.    The judge
    found, however, that the grant to Beadle of what became known as
    the Rexhame Terrace property was bound by "the beach," as that
    term was understood in the town in colonial times.    The judge
    explained that notwithstanding the usual meaning of "beach" as
    the land between the high and low water marks, "in colonial and
    historical Marshfield [the term] included some 'upland' area
    7 The plaintiffs contend that the beach passed from Sarah
    Ames to Ray Ames individually because the will devised only lots
    on Rexhame Terrace to all of the children, and Rexhame Terrace,
    they contend, did not extend to the sea. The rest of the farm -
    - which, the plaintiffs contend, included the beach -- was
    devised to Ray Ames.
    8   The plaintiffs do not contest this finding on appeal.
    above the high water mark" on which livestock grazed.9    The judge
    credited expert evidence that the Rexhame Beach area had three
    geographical components:   "(a) an area of beach below the mean
    high water area (Coastal Beach)[;] (b) an elevated dune area
    landward of the beach (Coastal Dune)[;] and (c) landward of the
    dune area, portions of land with wetland characteristics."     All
    three, according to the expert, form a "barrier beach."    Based
    on other expert evidence he credited, the judge found that
    "[v]irtually all of the vegetation" edible by livestock grew on
    the landward side of the high water mark on the coastal dune.
    The judge carefully reviewed the language of the ancient deeds
    and the town's grant of commonage rights on the beach in 1645
    and determined that the term "beach" clearly included uplands.
    The judge concluded that the plaintiffs, therefore, had no title
    to the beach lots and that title to the beach lots remained in
    the town.
    The judge's decision was reinforced by consideration of the
    Supreme Judicial Court's decisions in Thomas I and Thomas II,
    which, he determined, preclude the plaintiffs from claiming
    title to the beach lots through the Biddle-Thomas-Ames chain of
    9 In October of 1645, the town granted a right of
    "commonage," i.e., the right to allow cattle, horses, and sheep
    to graze, to the residents of Marshfield Neck on the "beach"
    from the South River's mouth to the Green Harbor River's mouth.
    This was six months after the town had granted to Beadle "all
    the meadow about the reed ponds lying between this . . . and the
    title.     The Thomas litigation was prompted by legislation
    enacted in 1827 (act) which empowered the town to construct a
    sea wall to preserve and secure "the whole of Marshfield Beach"
    and further prohibited "neat cattle, horses, or sheep," that is,
    livestock, from grazing on the beach.     See St. 1826, c. 81,
    §§ 1, 2.    The act also provided a mechanism to compensate those
    having legal title in the beach for harm caused by the statute.
    St. 1826, c. 81, § 7.     See Thomas I, 10 Pick. at 365-366.
    Thomas sought damages pursuant to the act.     The judge in this
    case concluded that the Rexhame Terrace subdivision is located
    in approximately the same location as the "unfenced pasture" of
    Thomas, who is the plaintiffs' and the Ameses' predecessor in
    Thomas I, issued during the Supreme Judicial Court's
    October, 1830, term, was preceded by Thomas's action in the
    court of common pleas, which was decided during that court's
    April, 1830, term.     A transcript of that decision was admitted
    in evidence at the trial here.    It reflects that Thomas alleged
    in the first count of his complaint that he held the fee in the
    beach from the North River to his "fatting pasture."     The
    plaintiffs concede that Thomas's asserted title would include
    the beach lots at issue.     The court of common pleas jury,
    however, rejected Thomas's claim of title.    Specifically, "the
    10   The plaintiffs do not contest this finding on appeal.
    Jury [found] as to the first issue that the complainant had no
    such title to or in the beach mentioned in his complaint or any
    part thereof."     The decision noted that Thomas also asserted
    rights of commonage over the entire beach; the jury rejected
    those claims as well.
    On appeal, Thomas did not challenge the jury verdict
    regarding his title claim.      See Thomas I, 10 Pick. at 366-367.11
    As to the issues presented in Thomas I,12 the Supreme Judicial
    Court concluded that the town's 1645 grant of express commonage
    rights over the beach to a certain neighborhood failed because
    either (i) the grant was indefinite in that the "neighborhood"
    limits were not defined, or (ii) the grant was of a life estate
    only.     Ibid.   Thus, the court concluded Thomas had no express
    commonage rights.      In Thomas II, 13 Pick. at 249-250, the
    Supreme Judicial Court rejected Thomas's claim that by allowing
    his livestock to graze all over the beach, he had acquired title
    to or an easement in any part of the beach by prescription.         The
    11In both Thomas I and Thomas II, the court's and
    reporter's notes stated that Thomas did not claim the fee to any
    portion of the beach. See 10 Pick. at 366; 13 Pick. at 244,
    12In Thomas I, Thomas sought damages under the act,
    claiming a right of commonage for his "neat cattle, horses, and
    sheep," either by prescription or by an express grant from the
    town of Marshfield. 10 Pick. at 366. The court addressed only
    the express grant issue, ibid., leaving the prescription
    argument for later proceedings, which ultimately culminated in
    Thomas II.
    court concluded that where Thomas admitted he had no fee in the
    beach, his use of a beach kept open to the public and used by
    others in a similar way could not give rise to a prescriptive
    easement.   Ibid.
    2.   Discussion.   a.   Issue preclusion.   The plaintiffs
    contend that the judge erred as a matter of law when he
    concluded that the decision of the court of common pleas,
    rendered final by Thomas I and Thomas II, had preclusive effect
    on the plaintiffs' claim to own the fee in the beach lots.       The
    plaintiffs insist Thomas's title to the beach was not at issue
    in those cases and that title was not "actually litigated" for
    purposes of issue preclusion.
    "[I]ssue preclusion 'prevents relitigation of an issue
    determined in an earlier action where the same issue arises in a
    later action, based on a different claim, between the same
    parties or their privies.'"     Petrillo v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals
    of Cohasset, 
    65 Mass. App. Ct. 453
    , 457 (2006), quoting from
    Heacock v. Heacock, 
    402 Mass. 21
    , 23 n.2 (1988).    "Before
    precluding the party from relitigating an issue, 'a court must
    determine that (1) there was a final judgment on the merits in
    the prior adjudication; (2) the party against whom preclusion is
    asserted was a party (or in privity with a party) to the prior
    adjudication; and (3) the issue in the prior adjudication was
    identical to the issue in the current adjudication.'"     Petrillo,
    65 Mass. App. Ct. at 457-458, quoting from Tuper v. North Adams
    Ambulance Serv., Inc., 
    428 Mass. 132
    , 134 (1998).
    "Additionally, the issue decided in the prior adjudication must
    have been essential to the earlier judgment[, and i]ssue
    preclusion can be used only to prevent relitigation of issues
    actually litigated in the prior action."    Petrillo, 65 Mass.
    App. Ct. at 458, quoting from Kobrin v. Board of Registration in
    444 Mass. 837
    , 844 (2005).
    Contrary to the plaintiffs' contention, the issue of
    Thomas's title to the beach was clearly raised and expressly
    decided in the court of common pleas.13    The jury in that action
    specifically concluded that Thomas did not own the fee in any
    portion of the beach, and Thomas did not pursue an appeal of
    that decision.   In pursuing the appeals in Thomas I and Thomas
    II, he accepted that portion of the decision that concluded that
    he did not hold the fee in any portion of the beach.    As to the
    issue of title, therefore, the judgment of the court of common
    pleas, as affirmed on appeal, has preclusive effect.    See
    13The plaintiffs acknowledge that in the court of common
    pleas, Thomas asserted title to the beach lots, but they argue
    that he sought damages only for his loss of commonage rights in
    other parts of the beach. The record shows that Thomas asserted
    both title and commonage rights and asserted that he was totally
    deprived of all of his rights and "furthermore he will be
    subject to the necessity of [and] expense of erecting and
    maintaining nearly one mile of [f]ence to prevent his cattle"
    from grazing on the beach. He requested that a jury estimate
    the damages sustained by him due to the act.
    Guiffrida v. Zoning Bd. of Appeals of Falmouth, 
    68 Mass. App. Ct. 396
    , 401 (2007) (parties and their privies are barred by
    unappealed adverse judgment).    See also Restatement (Second) of
    Judgments § 43(1)(b) (1982) (judgment that determines interest
    in real property "[h]as preclusive effects upon a person who
    succeeds to the interest of a party to the same extent as upon
    the party himself").
    Importantly, the act prohibited commonage on the full
    length of Marshfield Beach.     While insisting that Thomas owned a
    portion of the beach, the plaintiffs ask us to nonetheless infer
    that Thomas simply chose to pursue only his commonage and
    prescriptive rights and never pursued any rights arising from
    his title to a portion of the beach.     Thomas's focus on his
    commonage and prescriptive rights in Thomas I and Thomas II
    makes sense where, having lost on the title issue in the court
    of common pleas, he conceded that he did not own any portion of
    the beach.   We cannot, as the plaintiffs suggest, infer from
    that course of action that he had title to the beach but simply
    chose to forgo seeking damages for the harm to his title.
    Indeed, we are hard-pressed to understand how Thomas's pursuit
    of damages for his loss of commonage rights, rather than damages
    due to the impairment of his title, aids the plaintiffs' current
    claim to title to the beach.
    b.     Definition of "the beach."   Even if it were open to the
    plaintiffs to argue they have title to the beach lots via the
    chain of title dating back to Joseph Beadle through Ray Ames and
    his successors, they fare no better.     The plaintiffs argue that
    the judge erred in finding that land conveyed by the town to
    Beadle and other early settlers, described in part as bound by
    the beach, is not bound by the ocean.     "The Colonial Ordinance
    of 1641-1647 established that a person holding land adjacent to
    the sea shall hold title to the land out to the low water mark
    or 100 rods (1,650 feet), whichever is less."      Pazolt v.
    Director of the Div. of Marine Fisheries, 
    417 Mass. 565
    , 570
    (1994).14    The plaintiffs contend that 310 Code Mass. Regs.
    § 10.27 (1997), defines a coastal beach as land subject to ebb
    and flow of the tide and, therefore, bounding a lot by the beach
    is the equivalent of bounding it by the high water line.       They
    argue, also, that the transfer of marshes, which by definition
    are inundated with water, necessarily means the property
    directly abutted the ocean.
    14"The 'presumption of law is, that title to the flats
    follows that of the upland on which they lie, and proof of title
    to the upland established a title to the flats.' Porter v.
    7 Gray 441
    , 445 (1856). '[A]n owner may separate his
    upland from his flats, by alienating the one, without the other.
    But such a conveyance is to be proved, not presumed, and
    therefore ordinarily proof of the title in the upland thus
    bounded carries with it evidence of title in the flats.'
    Valentine v. Piper, 
    22 Pick. 85
    , 94 (1839)." Pazolt, 
    417 Mass. at 570-571
    Our cases have recognized that although the primary
    definition of beach is the area between high water mark and low
    water mark, "[t]he term has a flexible meaning depending upon
    the setting in which it is employed."    Anderson v. DeVries, 
    326 Mass. 127
    , 133 (1950).   See Lund v. Cox, 
    281 Mass. 484
    , 491
    (1933); Hewitt v. Perry, 
    309 Mass. 100
    , 104 (1941).      Relying on
    the town's grant of commonage or grazing rights on the beach in
    1645, expert evidence that cattle do not graze below the high
    water mark, and the fact a "highway" was laid out on "the beach"
    in 1692, the judge concluded that the term "beach" in the early
    deeds clearly included uplands and did not consist solely of the
    land between high and low water marks.   The plaintiffs' reliance
    on inflexible, current definitions of "beach" do nothing to
    diminish the judge's reasoned analysis of the early colonial
    deeds.   That deeds beginning in the mid-1700s, nearly 100 years
    later, began to describe the property as bound by the sea or
    high water mark does not alter the original deeds and conveys no
    new rights.   One cannot convey what one does not own.    See
    Bongaards v. Millen, 
    440 Mass. 10
    , 15 (2003).
    The judge carefully considered whether the transfer of
    marshland meant that the early settlers obtained property
    bounded by the ocean or sea.   The judge's conclusion that the
    marshes were on the landward side of the beach is consistent
    with their description as lying between certain land "and the
    beach."   Moreover, the judge credited the plaintiffs' expert's
    testimony that there was no marsh on the beach side facing the
    ocean; marshlands were on the inland side of the tidal estuary
    of the Green Harbor River.    The judge concluded from historical
    maps and expert evidence that "the beach" included land above
    the high water between the marshes and the sea.    Considering the
    totality of the evidence, we cannot say the judge erred in
    concluding that the early settlers of what became the Rexhame
    Terrace property did not receive title to the beach, including
    the uplands, claimed by the plaintiffs.15
    c.   Superior title.   The judge found that the town has
    superior title to the beach "including the tidal flats together
    with all or a portion of the upland beach lots which abut the
    seashore," but concluded that he had insufficient evidence to
    definitively determine the boundaries of the town's property.
    The judge did conclude, however, that the town owns a
    "sufficient portion of the upland area so as to vest title to it
    in Rexhame Beach including the tidal flats to the low water
    mark."    The plaintiffs essentially argue that the town cannot
    have superior title if it has not proven exactly what it owns.
    15Because we conclude that the fee in the beach lots did
    not pass to the original grantees or to Sarah Ames, we need not
    resolve the plaintiffs' argument that the fee passed through her
    will to Ray Ames alone. The judge concluded that even if Sarah
    Ames had title to the beach lots, Ray Ames inherited only a one-
    seventh interest in them.
    Any flaws in the town's title, however, do not aid the
    plaintiffs in their efforts to quiet title to the beach lots or
    remove the cloud created by Thomas I and Thomas II.     Separate
    and apart from the strength of the town's title, the judge
    determined, and we agree, that the plaintiffs did not receive
    title to the beach lots because their predecessors in title
    never had title to give.
    The plaintiffs point out that the town's assertion of title
    to the beach is a "recent claim," that the town collected taxes
    from the beach lot owners for many years, and that the town
    contended in Thomas I and Thomas II that the Commonwealth owned
    the beach.   The plaintiffs make no legal argument with proper
    citation to authority, however, that the town is thereby
    prohibited from asserting its title now.     See Baird v.
    Massachusetts Bay Transp. Authy., 
    32 Mass. App. Ct. 495
    , 495-499
    (1992) (argument does not meet requirements of Mass.R.A.P.
    16[a][4], as amended, 
    367 Mass. 921
     [1975], when "unsupported by
    citation or articulated reasoning").
    d.   Cross appeals.     Finally, in their cross appeals, the
    Commonwealth and the town argue that the judge erroneously
    shifted the burden of proof to them to establish the western
    boundary of the "beach" or, as the judge put it, the land
    formerly designated as commonage existing between the Thomas
    farm and the seashore.     Having asserted title to the beach as an
    affirmative defense in their answers, we discern no error in the
    judge's conclusion that the town and the Commonwealth had the
    burden of proving the boundary of its property.   See Hughes v.
    229 Mass. 467
    , 470 (1918); Demoulas v. Demoulas Super
    Mkts., Inc., 
    424 Mass. 501
    , 548-549 (1997).
    Judgment affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 16-P-72

Citation Numbers: 99 N.E.3d 843, 93 Mass. App. Ct. 156

Filed Date: 4/17/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023