Downey v. Chutehall Construction Co., Ltd. , 88 Mass. App. Ct. 795 ( 2016 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    14-P-1062                                            Appeals Court
    No. 14-P-1062.
    Suffolk.     September 14, 2015. - January 6, 2016.
    Present:    Cypher, Green, & Hanlon, JJ.
    Consumer Protection Act, Unfair or deceptive act, Waiver. State
    Building Code. Waiver. Practice, Civil, Consumer
    protection case, Summary judgment, Instructions to jury,
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    July 2, 2010.
    Motions for summary judgment were heard by Judith
    Fabricant, J., and the case was tried before Thomas A. Connors,
    Alicia L. Downey for the plaintiffs.
    John D. Fitzpatrick for the defendant.
    HANLON, J.     After a trial, the jury returned a verdict for
    the defendant, Chutehall Construction Co., Ltd. (Chutehall).
    Mairead Downey.
    The plaintiffs, Christopher and Mairead Downey, appeal from the
    resulting judgment.   Their appeal presents a narrow issue --
    whether a contractor's potential liability for a violation of
    the relevant building code, which, pursuant to G. L. c. 142A,
    § 17(10), constitutes a per se G. L. c. 93A violation, is waived
    when a homeowner requests that the work be done in a manner that
    results in the code violation.2   We agree with the Downeys that,
    at least in the circumstances of this case, an oral waiver of
    building code requirements by the homeowner does not preclude
    the contractor's liability for a building code violation -- and
    the resultant c. 93A violation -- particularly where a violation
    carries potential public safety consequences.
    Background.   The jury could have found the following facts.
    The Downeys hired Chutehall in 2005 to replace the roof and a
    roof deck on their townhouse in the Beacon Hill section of
    Boston.   It is undisputed that the building code permits no more
    than two layers of roofing on the building.     See 780 Code Mass.
    General Laws c. 142A, § 17, inserted by St. 1991, c. 453,
    provides, in relevant part:
    "The following acts are prohibited by contractors or
    subcontractors: . . .
    "(10) violation of the building laws of the commonwealth or
    of any political subdivision thereof; . . .
    "Violations of any of the provisions of this chapter shall
    constitute an unfair or deceptive act under the provisions
    of chapter ninety-three A."
    Regs. § 1512.3 (1997).   The original proposal that Chutehall
    submitted to the Downeys, as well as the final bill, included a
    line item for stripping off the existing roof system.    In fact,
    however, Chutehall did not strip the roof, but instead installed
    a new rubber membrane over the existing roof.    Sharply disputed
    at trial was whether Christopher Downey represented to Chutehall
    that there was only one layer of roofing at the time of the
    work; refused to permit Chutehall to strip the existing layers
    from the roof; refused to permit Chutehall to do test cuts in
    the roof to determine the number of existing layers; and
    specifically instructed Chutehall to install a new rubber
    membrane over the existing roof.3
    A few years after Chutehall put on the roof, the Downeys
    sought to install heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
    (HVAC) equipment.   The HVAC contractor cut a hole through the
    roof and discovered four layers of roofing materials and
    evidence of leaking (that is, wet insulation).    The Downeys then
    hired a new roofing contractor to strip the roofing materials,
    put on a new roof, and reinstall the deck.
    Given the verdict and the jury's answers to special
    questions, it is likely that the jury accepted Chutehall's
    version of the facts.
    Thereafter, the Downeys filed this action against Chutehall
    seeking to recover the costs of replacing the roof and the deck.4
    The only claim at issue is the G. L. c. 93A claim, premised on
    Chutehall's violation of the provision of the building code
    prohibiting the installation of a new roof over two or more
    layers of roofing, which, as noted earlier, in turn constitutes
    a violation of G. L. c. 142A, § 17(10).   In a decision denying
    the parties' cross motions for summary judgment, the motion
    judge, relying on comments made in Reddish v. Bowen, 66 Mass.
    App. Ct. 621, 625 n.10 (2006), ruled that a jury could conclude
    that Chutehall's violation of the code was not knowing or
    intentional if they found that Chutehall had relied on
    statements from Christopher Downey that there was only one layer
    of roofing on the roof.5
    After the Downeys filed suit against Chutehall, Chutehall
    brought third-party claims against The Follett Company, Inc.
    (Follett), which had been engaged by the Downeys to inspect the
    leaking roof. Follett also put on the new roof and reinstalled
    the deck. Separate and final judgment entered in favor of
    Follett, and the judgment was affirmed on appeal. 86 Mass. App.
    Ct. 660 (2014).
    Chutehall, citing Deerskin Trading Post, Inc. v. Spencer
    Press, Inc., 
    398 Mass. 118
    , 126 (1986) (Deerskin), argues that
    the Downeys waived review of this issue because they failed to
    take an interlocutory appeal from the order denying their motion
    for summary judgment. While Deerskin stands for the proposition
    that the denial of a motion for summary judgment cannot be
    reviewed after a case has gone to trial, it does not follow that
    the issue raised in the motion is waived. Rather, the issue, if
    it is sufficiently preserved at trial, is more appropriately
    reviewed "on the record as it exists after an evidentiary trial
    At trial, the Downeys filed a motion in limine, seeking to
    exclude evidence of Christopher Downey's alleged representations
    concerning the roof as well as his instructions to Chutehall not
    to strip the roof, on the ground that a consumer's oral waiver
    of building code requirements cannot be a defense to liability.
    The trial judge denied the motion, referring to the earlier
    ruling on summary judgment as the law of the case.6   In addition,
    over the Downeys' objections, the judge instructed the jurors
    that they could proceed to determine damages only if they found
    that the building code was violated and that the violation was
    not done at the insistence of the Downeys.7   That question also
    was included on the verdict slip.8,9
    than on the record in existence at the time the motion for
    summary judgment was denied." 
    Ibid. Indeed, any attempt
    by the
    Downeys to appeal from the order denying their motion for
    summary judgment would have been dismissed as interlocutory.
    See, e.g., Rollins Envtl. Servs., Inc. v. Superior Ct., 
    368 Mass. 174
    , 178-180 (1975).
    The trial judge did not rule on the summary judgment
    "Now, jurors, I want to tell you the following. In this
    case, Chutehall is contending that, whether or not there was a
    violation of the Building Code, it took the action it took
    under the contract in specific reliance on something it was
    told by the Downeys. The Downeys dispute that fact.
    This is part of the fact finding of what you have to do in
    this case. So you're going to have to make a determination
    whether or not there was a violation of the Building
    Code . . . . You're then going to be given a separate question
    about whether or not that conduct came in response and a
    reliance on something they were asked to do, specifically, by
    the Downeys and you're going to be asked whether or not -- to
    In response to special questions, the jury found that
    installation of a new roof over three preexisting layers
    violated the building code, but that the violation was the
    result of directions given by the Downeys.   Accordingly, they
    did not assess damages.   The Downeys' complaint was dismissed
    (as was Chutehall's counterclaim).
    Discussion.   The Downeys argue that the trial judge,
    misinterpreting this court's comments in Reddish, erred when he
    instructed the jury that a contractor may assert as a defense to
    G. L. c. 93A liability under G. L. c. 142A, § 17, a consumer's
    waiver of "safety-related provisions of the building code."      In
    Reddish, a contractor "disregard[ed] . . . a six-foot side lot
    setback requirement contained in a local zoning by-law" by
    installing an in-ground swimming pool, not only in violation of
    the setback requirement, but, also, with "a portion of the
    determine, whether by preponderance of the evidence, you
    determine that that factually did occur. It's a matter in
    dispute in this case."
    "If you determine there was a violation of the Building
    Code but that it only happened because the Downeys expressly
    told Chutehall to do the job in that particular way, if 10 of
    your number agree that that's the way that it occurred, then you
    would check 'Yes.' If 10 of your number agree that that's not
    been proven, then you would check 'No.'"
    Despite Chutehall's assertion that "it is unclear from the
    record presented whether or if an objection to the challenged
    instruction was preserved after the [jurors were] charged," from
    the limited record before us, it appears that the issue was
    sufficiently preserved.
    concrete apron encompassing the . . . pool imping[ing] upon the
    Reddish [next door neighbor's] 
    property." 66 Mass. App. Ct. at 622
    .   The violation of the setback requirement was the result of
    misinformation provided to the contractor by the homeowner as to
    the location of the property line and instructions by the
    homeowner to place the pool at that location.         
    Id. at 623-624.
    Also in Reddish, there was a written agreement between the
    homeowner and the contractor that "contained a disclaimer
    requiring [the homeowner] to verify the siting of the pool and
    relieving [the contractor] from liability with respect to the
    pool's location, whether on the [homeowner's] property or that
    of a third party."    
    Id. at 623.
       The trial judge concluded that
    the express disclaimers, signed by the homeowner, "barred
    recovery . . . on all but the G. L. c. 93A claim."        
    Id. at 625.
    As to that claim, the judge concluded, and we agreed, that the
    "improper location of the pool amounted to a violation of a
    'building law' within the meaning of G. L. c. 142A, § 17(10),
    and thus constituted an unfair or deceptive act under G. L.
    c. 93A by operation of § 17."       
    Id. at 629.
    However, because the parties in Reddish failed to raise the
    issue, we declined to consider whether the contractual
    provisions and waivers of liability could operate as a defense
    to the homeowner's c. 93A claim against the contractor and
    "whether, even in a consumer context, there may be instances
    where an informed, consensual, and clear allocation of risk and
    responsibility could preclude recovery by the consumer under
    c. 93A for an unintentional statutory violation by a contractor,
    incurred at the consumer's request and in reliance upon the
    consumer's representations."   
    Id. at 626
    This case presents that issue, that is, whether the jurors
    properly were instructed that, if Chutehall violated the
    building code "only . . . because the Downeys expressly told
    Chutehall to do the job in that particular way," then the
    Downeys' waiver is a complete defense to liability under c. 93A.
    As we said in Reddish, supra at 626-627, "[o]f primary concern
    here is the scope of G. L. c. 142A, § 17(10), which prohibits a
    home improvement contractor from 'violat[ing] the building laws
    of the commonwealth or of any political subdivision thereof,'
    conduct that also 'shall constitute an unfair or deceptive act
    under the provisions of chapter ninety-three A.'   G. L. c. 142A,
    § 17.   Generally speaking, by explicitly delineating certain
    conduct on the part of contractors that shall also amount to a
    consumer protection violation, G. L. c. 142A, § 17, reflects an
    intent by the Legislature 'to facilitate a homeowner's c. 93A
    remedies.'   Simas v. House of Cabinets, Inc., 
    53 Mass. App. Ct. 131
    , 137 (2001)."   General Laws c. 142A, § 17(10), inserted by
    St. 1991, c. 453, explicitly "prohibit[s]" a contractor from
    violating "the building laws of the commonwealth or of any
    political subdivision thereof," and as noted, it is undisputed
    that installing a fourth layer of roofing, as Chutehall did, was
    a violation of the relevant building code.
    However, "[a] statutory right or remedy may be waived when
    the waiver would not frustrate the public policies of the
    statute. . . .   A statutory right may not be disclaimed if the
    waiver could 'do violence to the public policy underlying the
    legislative enactment.'"    Canal Elec. Co. v. Westinghouse Elec.
    406 Mass. 369
    , 377-378 (1990), quoting from Spence v.
    382 Mass. 398
    , 413 (1981).    See Garrity v. Conservation
    Commn. of Hingham, 
    462 Mass. 779
    , 785-786 (2012) (permitting
    waiver of conservation commission deadline does not interfere
    with purposes of Wetlands Protection Act).    Accordingly, we must
    determine whether, in these circumstances, a waiver of a
    consumer's rights under c. 142A, § 17(10), specifically the
    right to seek relief pursuant to c. 93A, would undermine the
    public policy underlying c. 142A, § 17.
    We note first that "ordinarily [we] would not effectuate a
    consumer's waiver of rights under c. 93A."    Canal Elec. 
    Co., 406 Mass. at 378
    .    In fact, "[t]here is no language in G. L. c. 142A
    that restricts . . . [a] homeowner's rights under G. L. c. 93A.
    If anything, the statute reflects an intention to facilitate a
    homeowner's c. 93A remedies."    
    Simas, 53 Mass. App. Ct. at 137
    Also, § 2 of G. L. c. 142A, inserted by St. 1991, c. 453, which
    stipulates the required contents of an "agreement to perform
    residential contracting services in excess of one thousand
    dollars," includes a command that such an agreement be in
    writing and contain certain provisions, including the start and
    finish dates of the work to be done; "a detailed description of
    the work to be done and the materials to be used"; and "an
    enumeration of such other matters upon which the owner and the
    contractor may lawfully agree."   Furthermore, § 2(9) of G. L.
    c. 142A specifically provides that "no such agreement may waive
    any rights conveyed to the owner under the provisions of this
    chapter" (emphasis supplied).
    Finally, the purpose of the building code as in effect
    during the relevant time period, with which all contractors must
    comply pursuant to c. 142A, § 17(10), "is to insure public
    safety, health and welfare insofar as they are affected by
    building construction, through structural strength, . . . and,
    in general, to secure safety to life and property from all
    hazards incident to the design, construction, reconstruction,
    alteration, repair, demolition, removal, use or occupancy of
    buildings, structures or premises."   780 Code Mass. Regs.
    § 101.4 (1997).   To permit a waiver by a homeowner of his or her
    right to compel a contractor to comply with the contractor's
    obligations under the building code would permit, even
    encourage, contractors, and perhaps consumers, to waive
    provisions of the building code on an ad hoc basis, in the hope
    of saving money in the short-run, but endangering future
    homeowners, first responders, and the public in general.
    On balance, we are persuaded that, at least on the facts of
    this case, where Chutehall's violation of the building code is
    clear, where the written agreements specify that the "existing
    roof system" would be "strip[ped] off and dispose[d] of," and
    where there are possible consequences for the safety of the
    homeowner and others, a consumer's oral waiver of a building
    code requirement cannot defeat the contractor's liability for
    the violation under G. L. c. 142A, § 17(10), and G. L. c. 93A.
    Here, the trial judge instructed the jurors that, in
    addition to determining whether there was a violation under the
    specified subsections of the building code, they must also find
    whether that violation "came in response and a reliance on
    something [Chutehall was] asked to do, specifically, by the
    Downeys."   Later, in response to a question by the deliberating
    jury, the judge instructed that the jurors must answer "an
    additional question, . . . 'Was the conduct which violated the
    Code the result of directions of the [Downeys] for
    [Chutehall]?'"   In the circumstances of this case, the
    instructions and special question submitted to the jury were
    erroneous concerning the defense to liability.
    "Having determined error, the next step in our analysis is
    to determine whether the [Downeys have] made a plausible showing
    that the trier of fact might have reached a different result."
    Campbell v. Cape & Islands Healthcare Servs., Inc., 81 Mass.
    App. Ct. 252, 258-259 (2012) (quotation marks and citation
    omitted).   The jury found, by special verdict, that Chutehall's
    violation of the building code was "the result of directions of
    the [Downeys]."   In response to a question from the jury, they
    were further instructed that, if they found that the violation
    was the result of Downeys' directions, they need not proceed
    further and need not assess damages.    Given the error in the
    instruction and special verdict question, there is no doubt that
    the jury would have reached a different result -- indeed, they
    would have been compelled to do so upon their finding of the
    building code violation.   As a result, reversal is required.10
    In addition, because the jury found that Chutehall violated the
    building code and we have concluded that Chutehall was not
    entitled to a waiver defense in the circumstances of this case,
    judgment on the c. 93A count premised on the c. 142A, § 17(10),
    violation must enter for the Downeys.
    Accordingly, the judgment for Chutehall on the Downeys'
    c. 93A count is reversed, and judgment shall enter for the
    Given our view on the impropriety of the jury
    instructions, we do not address any other arguments raised.
    Downeys on that count.   The matter is remanded for further
    proceedings concerning damages on that count.11,12
    So ordered.
    On remand, the judge properly may consider the jury's
    findings when considering damages.
    Having determined that the Downeys were entitled to
    relief pursuant to G. L. c. 93A, they are entitled to appellate
    attorney's fees, which they have requested in their brief.
    Accordingly, within ten days of the rescript the Downeys shall
    submit their request for appellate fees; Chutehall shall have
    ten days thereafter to respond.