Thou v. Russo , 86 Mass. App. Ct. 514 ( 2014 )

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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
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    13-P-1610                                            Appeals Court
    MONYRETH THOU, administrator,1   vs.   JOSEPH RUSSO.
    No. 13-P-1610.
    Middlesex.       June 3, 2014. - October 23, 2014.
    Present:   Cypher, Brown, & Agnes, JJ.
    Medical Malpractice, Tribunal, Bond, Standard of care.
    Negligence, Medical malpractice, Doctor. Doctor.
    Civil action commenced in the Superior Court Department on
    April 17, 2012.
    A motion to dismiss was heard by Maureen B. Hogan, J.
    John N. Lewis for the plaintiff.
    Gisela M. DaSilva for the defendant.
    CYPHER, J.    The plaintiff, administrator of the estate of
    Sophal Chan Chin (decedent), appeals from a Superior Court
    judgment dismissing his malpractice action against the defendant
    doctor, Joseph Russo, following an adverse decision of a medical
    malpractice tribunal and the plaintiff's failure to post a bond.
    Of the estate of Sophal Chan Chin.
    See G. L. c. 231, § 60B.    We agree with the plaintiff that his
    offer of proof was sufficient.
    Background.2   The decedent died from cardiac arrest after
    liposuction and abdominoplasty3 procedures performed at Milton
    Hospital (hospital) by Russo on May 17, 2011.    As detailed by
    Russo in his operation report, after the decedent was brought
    into the operating room, a general anesthesia was induced.     In
    performing the liposuction procedure, Russo utilized a tumescent
    solution4 containing xylocaine (lidocaine) and epinephrine
    delivered through "several small stab incisions" into the areas
    to be suctioned.    Approximately one liter of tumescent solution
    was infused into each side of her waist.    In treating the medial
    thigh and knee areas, approximately 600 milliliters of tumescent
    solution were infused.     When the upper arms were treated,
    approximately 300 to 400 milliliters of tumescent solution were
    We take the facts from the plaintiff's offer of proof;
    they are assumed to be true for purposes of our review. Cooper
    v. Cooper-Ciccarelli, 
    77 Mass. App. Ct. 86
    , 87 n.2 (2010).
    Here, abdominoplasty was the surgical alteration of a
    preexisting scar and of tissues to improve the contour of the
    The tumescent technique for liposuction utilizes a dilute
    anesthetic solution of lidocaine and epinephrine which produces
    swelling and firmness of the targeted fatty areas to facilitate
    suctioning of the fat. Lidocaine provides local anesthesia, and
    epinephrine constricts small blood vessels to prevent absorption
    of lidocaine into the bloodstream and to prolong the anesthesia.
    See generally Klein, The Tumescent Technique: Anesthesia
    infused into each upper arm.   Russo recorded that the total
    infusion was 3,800 milliliters (or 3.8 liters).     No tumescent
    solution use was reported for the abdominoplasty.
    The two procedures took place between 1:30 P.M. and
    approximately 6:00 P.M.   Russo reported that, as the abdominal
    wound was about one-half closed, at about 6:03 P.M., the
    anesthesiologist reported a sudden drop in the decedent's blood
    pressure.   Code emergency procedures immediately were instituted
    and performed over the next one and one-half hours.     The
    decedent briefly was stabilized to a normal blood pressure and
    was transferred to the intensive care unit.    After about one
    hour, she suffered cardiac arrest, was unable to be
    resuscitated, and was declared dead at 9:50 P.M.5
    The plaintiff filed a complaint in the Superior Court on
    April 17, 2012, alleging that the decedent's death was caused by
    Russo's negligence.   Russo requested a medical malpractice
    tribunal pursuant to G. L. c. 231, § 60B.     Following the
    submission of an offer of proof by the plaintiff, and a hearing,
    the tribunal issued a report stating that "there is not
    sufficient evidence to raise a legitimate question as to
    liability appropriate for judicial inquiry."     When the plaintiff
    The intensive care unit physician recorded the cause of
    death as "severe pul[monary] edema" and "cardiac arrest." The
    medical examiner's certificate stated the cause of death as
    "complications of abdominoplasty and liposuction."
    failed to post the required bond, judgment entered dismissing
    the plaintiff's complaint.     He timely appealed.
    Discussion.     The plaintiff's claim of malpractice
    essentially is that Russo failed to conform to the requisite
    standards of care in his administration of the anesthetic
    solution which allegedly was given in toxic doses, causing the
    decedent's death.6    The plaintiff's offer of proof consists of a
    memorandum of facts and law; an opinion letter of a medical
    expert, Dr. Robert M. Stark,7 his curriculum vitae, and the
    published articles on which he relied; the decedent's Milton
    Hospital records; the medical examiner's records; and Russo's
    office records.
    We test the sufficiency of an offer of proof by viewing the
    evidence "in a light most favorable to the plaintiff," Blake v.
    412 Mass. 481
    , 484 (1992), to determine principally
    whether Russo's "performance did not conform to good medical
    practice," and whether damage resulted.     Santos v. Kim, 429
    The plaintiff's brief alleges that two members of the
    tribunal were biased based on their personal or professional
    relationships with defense counsel. The allegation was not made
    below and we do not consider it. See Blood v. Lea, 
    403 Mass. 430
    , 435-436 (1988).
    Dr. Stark, board certified in cardiology and internal
    medicine, and familiar with authorities and published literature
    in liposuction practice, appears well qualified and was not
    seriously challenged by Russo. See Letch v. Daniels, 
    401 Mass. 65
    , 68 (1987) (expert need not be specialist in medical area
    concerned, but should have education, training, experience, and
    familiarity with subject matter of testimony).
    5 Mass. 130
    , 133 (1999) (citation omitted).   An offer of proof is
    sufficient if "anywhere in the evidence, from whatever source
    derived, any combination of circumstances could be found from
    which a reasonable inference could be drawn in favor of the
    plaintiff."   St. Germain v. Pfeifer, 
    418 Mass. 511
    , 516 (1994)
    (citation omitted).   See Little v. Rosenthal, 
    376 Mass. 573
    , 578
    (1978) (tribunal's task similar to trial judge's function in
    ruling on defendant's motion for directed verdict).
    The principal thrust of Dr. Stark's opinion is that Russo
    deviated from the standard of care by ordering the infusion of a
    toxic dose of tumescent solution, which caused the decedent's
    cardiac arrest.   Dr. Stark noted that, before the procedures
    began, by "the end of one hour, this [intravenous (I.V.)]
    infusion provided the [decedent] a dose of 1 mg epinephrine and
    400 mg of lidocaine. . . .   During the ensuing liposuction
    procedure, Dr. Russo administered a total of 3.85 liters of
    'tumescent solution' that . . . delivered an additional dose of
    3.8 mg of epinephrine and 1,340 mg of lidocaine to the
    [decedent's] subcutaneous tissue."   Given these facts, Dr. Stark
    "[I]t is my opinion to a reasonable degree of medical
    certainty that Dr. Russo failed to exercise that degree of
    skill and care of the average qualified practitioner of
    medicine in general and as a surgeon of any specialty by:
    (1) prescribing and ordering the perioperative I.V.
    infusion of a toxic dose of tumescent anesthetic solution;
    (2) failing to prevent the I.V. administration of a toxic
    dose of anesthetic solution by reviewing his orders before
    performing the procedure; and (3) failing to realize that
    his patient had received the tumescent anesthetic I.V.,
    thereby compromising further resuscitative efforts by the
    administration of additional lidocaine and epinephrine as
    part of the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocol.
    It is my further opinion to a reasonable degree of medical
    certainty that it was the toxic dose of epinephrine
    contained in the I.V. and potentiated by the co-
    administration of lidocaine which caused [the decedent's]
    death and that, notwithstanding Dr. Russo undertaking a
    combination of liposuction and an abdominoplasty under
    general anesthesia which carries the highest risk of
    morbidity according to the literature, . . . but for his
    ordering, allowing and not realizing that she had received
    an I.V. infusion of the anesthetic solution, [the decedent]
    would have survived the procedure."
    Citing opinions of authorities in published papers that
    "liposuction by local anesthesia is safer than liposuction by
    general anesthesia,"8 and that "there have been no deaths
    associated with tumescent liposuction totally by local
    anesthesia without parenteral narcotic analgesia or general
    anesthesia,"9 Dr. Stark stated that, based on his "own education,
    training and experience as a cardiologist, it is my opinion to a
    reasonable degree of medical certainty, that there was no
    clinical indication or reason to administer perioperative fluids
    containing epinephrine and lidocaine to [the decedent]."10       Dr.
    Klein, The Tumescent Technique:   Anesthesia (2010).
    Klein, The Two Standards of Care for Tumescent Liposuction
    Dr. Stark also noted, "In situations of extreme
    bradycardia or hypotension where epinephrine is required, the
    dose ranges from 0.2 to 10 micrograms per minute, or 120 to 600
    Stark concluded that the "ventricular ectopy and fibrillation
    that [the decedent] developed in the [operating room] were, in
    my opinion to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, the
    result of an epinephrine overdose."
    In response, Russo claims that he ordered the tumescent
    solution only to be administered subcutaneously, and not
    intravenously.   Referring to his preoperative orders, he asserts
    that he ordered standard lactated "Ringer's" solution,11 which
    does not contain epinephrine or lidocaine, to be administered
    intravenously; he points to hospital anesthesia records showing
    that Ringer's solution was administered intravenously between
    1:30 P.M. and 5:00 P.M.   However, Dr. Stark points to a hospital
    "provider order summary" that shows that a secondary intravenous
    infusion (IV) was ordered, specified as follows:
    "Start: 05/17/11 0753
    "Stop: 05/17/11 0852
    "Lactated Ringers   Volume: 1000 ML
    "Lidocaine 2 20ML   Dose: 400MG
    "Epinephrine        Dose: 1 MG
    "Rate: 1021 MLS/HR
    "Infusion Site: IV"
    micrograms per hour. [The decedent] was given over 1,000
    micrograms of I.V. epinephrine in the first hour followed by
    3,800 micrograms of epinephrine delivered to her subcutaneous
    Ringer's solution, also known as Ringer lactate,
    resembles "blood serum in its salt constituents" and is "used as
    a fluid and electrolyte replenisher by intravenous infusion."
    Stedman's Medical Dictionary 1787 (28th ed. 2006).
    The electronic medication administration record also lists
    an order for 1,000 milliliters of "lactated Ringer's,"
    specifying the same amounts of lidocaine and epinephrine as the
    hospital anesthesia record, and adding "label cmts:   tumescent
    anesthesia" scheduled for intravenous route.
    Dr. Stark also found that Russo failed to note in his
    operation report the use of Marcaine (bupivacaine), "a local
    anesthetic twice as powerful as lidocaine and more cardiotoxic."
    The use of Marcaine also had not been recorded with the other
    medications in the decedent's chart.   Dr. Stark, however,
    discovered an entry in a nurse's note that forty-five
    milliliters of "25 Marcaine & epi[nephrine]" had been
    administered, apparently during the ACLS protocol.    He noted
    that Marcaine was administered "directly into the area where the
    surgical incision was made to perform the abdominoplasty."12     Dr.
    Stark opined to a reasonable degree of medical certainty that
    lidocaine and Marcaine "by themselves can cause ventricular
    tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation," and that "severe and
    Dr. Stark stated he could not "definitively assess the
    harm that may have been contributed by these excessive doses [of
    Marcaine, epinephrine, and additional lidocaine delivered
    subcutaneously] because [the decedent] was under general
    anesthesia when they were given." His inability to assess that
    harm does not negate his ultimate conclusion that these
    excessive doses compounded the toxicity that contributed to her
    intractable arrhythmia can occur with the accidental IV
    injection [of lidocaine]."
    Finally, Dr. Stark stated that the "hospital record is
    incomplete and inconsistent as [to] the amount of I.V. fluids
    given, but at the time [the decedent] was pronounced dead, she
    had gained 10.4 kg (22+ lbs) due to I.V. fluids (measured during
    the autopsy)."   He stated that pulmonary edema was unavoidable,
    and that the toxicology report was unreliable because the
    analgesic medications and epinephrine had been "massively
    diluted" by the IV fluids.13
    Specifically, Dr. Stark's letter tracks the breach of
    Russo's duty to conform to good medical practice with Dr.
    Stark's statements regarding the administration of a toxic dose
    of tumescent solution, the use of general anesthesia, and the
    use of Marcaine.   Dr. Stark links these actions by Russo to the
    decedent's death, satisfying the requirement of causation.
    Because the plaintiff's offer of proof regarding his claim
    against Russo contained evidence that, "if substantiated, would
    reasonably support an inference . . . that [Russo's] performance
    did not conform to good medical practice, and that injury to the
    [decedent] resulted therefrom," the tribunal erred in holding
    A postmortem analysis of the decedent's blood, taken at
    6:42 P.M. did not detect the presence of lidocaine. A second
    postmortem analysis of a sample taken at 9:00 P.M. detected a
    nontoxic level of lidocaine.
    otherwise.    St. Germain v. 
    Pfeifer, 418 Mass. at 518
    .   Thus, the
    plaintiff was not required to post a bond to prevent dismissal
    of his claim against Russo.
    The judgment of the Superior Court is vacated.     The matter
    is remanded to the Superior Court where the determination of the
    tribunal is to be substituted by a determination that the
    plaintiff's offer of proof was sufficient to raise a legitimate
    question appropriate for judicial inquiry.14
    So ordered.
    The plaintiff's request for appellate attorney's fees is

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 13-P-1610

Citation Numbers: 86 Mass. App. Ct. 514

Filed Date: 10/23/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023