J.S.H. v. J.S. ( 2017 )

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    15-P-1607                                            Appeals Court
    J.S.H.   vs.   J.S.
    No. 15-P-1607.
    Middlesex.       December 14, 2016. - March 1, 2017.
    Present:    Meade, Henry, & Lemire, JJ.
    Civil Harassment. Harassment Prevention.       Protective Order.
    Fraud. Practice, Civil, Fraud.
    Complaint for protection from harassment filed in the
    Concord Division of the District Court Department on March 14,
    A motion to expunge a harassment prevention order issued
    pursuant to G. L. c. 258E was heard by David E Frank, J.
    Dana Alan Curhan for the defendant.
    J. Daniel Silverman for the plaintiff.
    LEMIRE, J.   The defendant appeals from the denial of a
    motion to expunge a G. L. c. 258E harassment prevention order.
    The defendant claims that the c. 258E order was improperly
    issued and obtained through fraud on the court.     We hold that,
    as in the context of G. L. c. 209A, expungement of a c. 258E
    order is available only in the rare and limited circumstance
    where it was obtained through fraud on the court, and that the
    judge did not err in concluding the defendant failed to satisfy
    that standard.
    Background.    The c. 258E order arose from a dispute between
    the plaintiff, the founding president and executive director of
    a religious-based nonprofit organization that runs a support
    group for women exposed to domestic violence, and the defendant,
    the husband of one of the women the plaintiff was counseling.
    On March 14, 2014, the plaintiff filed against the defendant a
    complaint for protection from harassment pursuant to c. 258E,
    which included a supporting affidavit.1    In her affidavit, the
    The plaintiff's affidavit stated the following:
    “On or about Feb. 27, 2014, the Defendant wrote a
    letter to a member of the board of . . . []The Domestic
    Violence organization in which I serve as President[]
    discrediting . . . [it] and asking their help. [The
    defendant's] wife attends [the organization's] support
    group for Domestic Violence. [The defendant] in some round
    about way discovered her participation. Also included in
    the letter were [the reverend of the church] (this church
    provides financial support to [the organization]) and to
    [another reverend, who is], the pastor of a church, teacher
    at seminary and Board Member. I was leading a support
    group when I learned of the letter. I immediately called
    [the] Police to request a police presence in the parking
    lot. Nothing happened until the next week when I started
    getting harassing emails once or twice a day. The emails
    attack me and the . . . [o]rganization, and have gotten
    more severe as time has progressed. During our next
    support group meeting I was afraid and asked two men to
    watch the parking lot for [the defendant]. I gave them
    make [and] model of his car along with license plate
    plaintiff claimed that the defendant had sent to a board member
    of the organization a letter dated February 27, 2014,
    discrediting the organization, and had sent her multiple
    harassing electronic mail messages (e-mails) attacking her and
    her organization's work.    She also claimed that the defendant
    had been in the parking lot of the church where the support
    group meeting was taking place.    The plaintiff did not submit
    the February 27, 2014, letter or any of the e-mails with the
    affidavit.   Following an ex parte hearing on the same day, a
    judge granted the c. 258E order with an expiration date of March
    25, 2014.    On the day the c. 258E order was to expire, a
    contested hearing was held at which the plaintiff sought to
    extend the order.    During the hearing, the plaintiff submitted
    the February 27, 2014, letter and two e-mails that the defendant
    had written and sent to the organization.    Following the
    hearing, the judge declined to extend the order, and it was
    Nearly a year later on February 17, 2015, the defendant
    filed a motion to expunge all records of the c. 258E order.       The
    number. They came in to let me know [the defendant] was
    driving through the parking lot. The escalation makes me
    afraid as well as the individual Actions.“
    In the context of c. 209A and c. 258E orders, trial courts
    have used “vacated“ and “terminated“ interchangeably. As of
    September of 2011, trial court forms for c. 209A and c. 258E
    orders use “terminated.“ See Guidelines for Judicial Practice:
    Abuse Prevention Proceedings § 1:00, at 8-9 (Sept. 2011).
    defendant claimed that the plaintiff committed a fraud on the
    court in her affidavit submitted in support of the ex parte
    order when she stated that the defendant's emails were harassing
    and were sent directly to her.    Following a hearing on the
    motion, a second judge denied the motion to expunge.      The
    defendant timely appealed.
    Discussion.     1.   Statutory framework.   We begin by briefly
    analyzing the statutory structure of harassment prevention
    orders.    In 2010, pursuant to St. 2010, c. 23, “[c.] 258E was
    enacted . . . to allow individuals to obtain civil restraining
    orders.“   O'Brien v. Borowski, 
    461 Mass. 415
    , 419 (2012).      The
    law was intended to protect victims of “harassment,“ as that
    term is defined by § 1, who could not legally seek protective
    orders under G. L. c. 209A due to the lack of familial or
    romantic relationship with the perpetrator.     Ibid.   Because of
    its origin and purpose, much of the language in c. 258E is
    analogous to the language found in c. 209A.     In fact, the
    Supreme Judicial Court has repeatedly cited case law
    interpreting c. 209A orders when analyzing analogous issues in
    the context of c. 258E orders.    See id. at 417-418 (applying
    case law interpreting c. 209A orders in holding c. 258E orders
    should be appealed directly to Appeals Court); Seney v. Morhy,
    467 Mass. 58
    , 62 (2014) (applying case law interpreting c. 209A
    orders in analyzing whether appeal of expired c. 258E order is
    moot).   This court also has cited the Guidelines for Judicial
    Practice:   Abuse Prevention Proceedings (Guidelines), which
    addresses c. 209A, as an authoritative source for proceedings
    and orders pursuant to c. 258E.    See F.A.P. v. J.E.S., 
    87 Mass. App. Ct. 595
    , 601 n.14 (2015) (“[W]e see no reason why the
    Guidelines . . . should not apply equally in [c. 258E]
    harassment order proceedings, absent some issue particular to
    harassment orders [under c. 258E]“).     See also Mass. G. Evid.
    note to § 1106, at 376 (2016) (evidentiary standards applicable
    in c. 209A proceedings also applicable in c. 258E proceedings).
    Chapters 209A and 258E are particularly similar in their
    treatment of records following the issuance of an order, as well
    as after an order is vacated.     Under both statues, once a judge
    issues an order, the order and supporting papers are transmitted
    to the appropriate law enforcement agency.3    G. L. c. 209A, § 7,
    third par.; G. L. c. 258E, § 9, third par.     The records of
    c. 209A orders are also transmitted to the commissioner of
    probation (commissioner) to be recorded in the Statewide
    domestic violence record keeping system (DVRS), created by
    According to Guideline 4:07 of the Guidelines (Sept.
    2011), addressing service of c. 209A orders issued ex parte and
    their supporting papers, the phrase “appropriate law enforcement
    agency“ means the “police department of the municipality wherein
    the defendant can be found.“ Vaccaro v. Vaccaro, 
    425 Mass. 153
    156 (1997).
    St. 1992, c. 188, § 7.4    G. L. c. 209A, § 7, third par.    See
    Vaccaro v. Vaccaro, 
    425 Mass. 153
    , 156-157 (1997).     Similarly,
    records of c. 258E orders are also transmitted to the
    commissioner to be recorded in a Statewide registry.     G. L.
    c. 258E, § 9, second par.5    Under both statues, once an order is
    vacated, the court sends written notification to the appropriate
    law enforcement agency directing it to destroy its records of
    the vacated order.   G. L. c. 209A, § 7, third par; G. L.
    c. 258E, § 9, third par.     However, there is no explicit
    statutory authority regarding the expungement of records of
    c. 209A or c. 258E orders from any Statewide registry maintained
    by the commissioner.   See Vaccaro, supra.
    “The DVRS is a registry of sorts, established by the
    commissioner . . . pursuant to a statutory directive originally
    enacted in 1992, [see St. 1992, c. 188, § 7,] and includes,
    among others, records of the issuance of and any violations of
    criminal or civil restraining or protective orders. . . .
    Records in the DVRS are available only to law enforcement and
    'judges considering petitions or complaints' for restraining and
    protective orders.“ Commonwealth v. Dossantos, 
    472 Mass. 74
    77-78 (2015).
    General Laws c. 258E, § 9, second par., inserted by
    St. 2010, c. 23, provides: “Whenever the court orders that the
    defendant refrain from harassing the plaintiff or have no
    contact with the plaintiff . . . , the clerk or clerk-magistrate
    shall transmit: . . . to . . . the commissioner . . .
    information for filing in the court activity record information
    system or the statewide domestic violence recordkeeping system
    as provided in . . . chapter 188 of the acts of 1992 or in a
    recordkeeping system created by the commissioner . . . to record
    the issuance of, or violation of, prevention orders issued
    pursuant to this chapter . . . . The commissioner . . . may
    develop and implement a statewide harassment prevention order
    recordkeeping system.“
    2.   Standard for expungement.     In the case before us, the
    plaintiff's request to extend the c. 258E order was denied.      On
    the c. 258E order, the judge marked the box stating that the
    “Order has been terminated“ and directing law enforcement to
    “destroy all records of such Order.“     However, the defendant's
    subsequent motion to expunge all records of the c. 258E order,
    the allowance of which would have resulted in their deletion
    from the Statewide registry maintained by the commissioner, was
    denied by another judge.     In order to determine whether the
    judge erred in denying the motion to expunge, we must first
    determine under what circumstances expungement of the record of
    a c. 258E order is proper.
    In the context of c. 209A orders, the Supreme Judicial
    Court held in Vaccaro, supra, that there is no statute that
    permits an order's record to be removed or expunged from the
    Statewide system, even if the order has been vacated.     That
    court explained:
    “The system is designed to promote the goal of preventing
    abuse as prescribed by a variety of statutes by providing a
    judge (and other authorized agencies) with complete
    information about a defendant. Such information 'can be
    essential to providing protection for the plaintiff.' See
    Guidelines, commentary to Guideline 2:10. Because all
    restraining and protective orders are listed, both active
    and inactive, a judge may be better able to identify
    situations in which the plaintiff 'may face a particularly
    heightened degree of danger.' Id. at commentary to
    Guideline 3:05. The power of expungement cannot be a
    necessary or inevitable implication of the statutory
    mandate to record such orders and make them available to
    judges or other authorized agencies. On the contrary, such
    a power would be inconsistent with the manifest purpose of
    G. L. c. 209A and other abuse prevention statutes.“
    (Footnote omitted.)
    Id. at 157-158.
    Subsequently, in Commissioner of Probation v. Adams, 
    65 Mass. App. Ct. 725
    , 737 (2006), this court carved out a narrow
    exception in holding that a judge has an inherent authority to
    expunge the records of a c. 209A order “in the rare and limited
    circumstance that the judge has found through clear and
    convincing evidence that the order was obtained through fraud on
    the court.“   This court reiterated that the practice of
    retaining a record of issued c. 209A orders in the DVRS is
    justified in order “to promote the good of preventing abuse
    . . . by providing a judge (and other authorized agencies) with
    complete information about a defendant.“    Ibid., quoting from
    Vaccaro, 425 Mass. at 156.   However, that interest is not served
    if the order was obtained through fraud because “allowing the
    court to be manipulated by fraud poses a danger to its
    authority.“   Adams, supra at 730.   Instead, “judges have the
    authority to fashion remedies that will protect the integrity of
    the courts, and that will discourage the public from attempting
    to use the courts to perpetuate fraudulent schemes.“     Id. at
    731.   Furthermore, in instances of fraud, “the judge's inherent
    power to fashion an appropriate remedy is not vitiated by the
    statute's omission regarding expungement.“      Id. at 734.
    In Adams this court also illustrated the high standard the
    defendant must meet in order to show a fraud on the court has
    occurred.   “A 'fraud on the court' occurs where it can be
    demonstrated, clearly and convincingly, that a party has
    sentiently set in motion some unconscionable scheme calculated
    to interfere with the judicial system's ability impartially to
    adjudicate a matter by improperly influencing the trier or
    unfairly hampering the presentation of the opposing party's
    claim or defense.“     Id. at 729-730.   This court in Adams
    identified such fraud to include a party presenting to the court
    forged letters, fabricated e-mails, and a “calculated pattern“
    of false statements.     Id. at 730, and cases cited.   See
    MacDonald v. MacDonald, 
    407 Mass. 196
    , 202 (1990) (examples of
    fraud on the court include bribery of judges or the jury,
    employment of counsel to influence the court, and counsel's
    involvement in the perpetration of the fraud).      Cf. Wojcicki v.
    447 Mass. 200
    , 210-211 (2006) (holding that false
    testimony, alone, does not support finding of fraud on court
    without evidence of more “egregious conduct involving a
    corruption of the judicial process itself“); M.C.D. v. D.E.D.,
    90 Mass. App. Ct. 337
    , 341-342 (2016) (distinguishing
    “deliberate scheme . . . typically involving others in the court
    system, combined with a larger pattern of harassment,“ which
    constitutes fraud on court, from mere “false allegation,“ which
    does not).
    For the reasons cited in Adams, supra at 728-731, 735-737,
    we reach the same conclusion with respect to the standard for
    expungement of the records of c. 258E orders.   That is, a judge
    has the inherent authority to expunge the record of a c. 258E
    order only “in the rare and limited circumstance that the judge
    has found through clear and convincing evidence that the order
    was obtained through fraud on the court.“    Id. at 737.
    Here, we discern no error in the judge's determination that
    the defendant failed to make such a showing.    In his motion to
    expunge, the defendant alleged the plaintiff committed a fraud
    on the court when she stated in her affidavit that the defendant
    had sent “harassing“ e-mails to her, “attack[ing her]“ and
    “mak[ing her] afraid.“   The defendant claimed that those
    statements falsely implied that he had sent harassing e-mails
    directly to the plaintiff.   The defendant argues that, contrary
    to what the plaintiff claimed, he never sent any e-mails to the
    plaintiff directly and the content of the e-mails he had sent to
    other members of the organization could in no way be seen as
    threatening or harassing to the plaintiff.
    While we acknowledge that the e-mails submitted by the
    plaintiff at the extension hearing were not addressed to the
    plaintiff directly but to other members of the organization and
    subsequently forwarded to her, we can discern no error in the
    judge's finding that the plaintiff's earlier statements did not
    constitute fraud.   There is nothing in the record to establish
    that the defendant's e-mails, which the plaintiff received and
    submitted to the court, were fabricated or otherwise false or
    that the plaintiff's affidavit or testimony was motivated by any
    deceptive scheme.   See id. at 730.   Furthermore, the fact that
    the plaintiff described the e-mails as “harassing“ and attacking
    her and the organization, while the defendant claimed they were
    not, is merely expected, conflicting testimony interpreting the
    content of the e-mails.    See Vaccaro, 425 Mass. at 154.
    Accordingly, applying the reasoning from Adams, and the
    relevant cases cited therein, “we are satisfied that something
    considerably more systemic or egregious than what is shown here
    is required to constitute fraud on the court to outweigh the
    public interest in the commissioner's statutory mandate to
    maintain [c. 258E] records for use by the courts and other
    authorized agencies.“     M.C.D., supra at 344.
    The defendant's alternative argument that the records
    should be expunged because there was insufficient legal or
    factual basis for the c. 258E order to have issued is without
    merit.   Although the judge declined to extend the order at the
    contested hearing, that outcome does not entitle the defendant
    to expungement.   See Adams, 65 Mass. App. Ct. at 737.     As
    explained herein, expungement shall be ordered only upon a clear
    and convincing showing of fraud on the court.      See ibid.
    Accordingly, we discern no error in the judge's denial of
    the defendant's motion to expunge.   The order denying the motion
    to expunge the civil record of the harassment prevention order
    is affirmed.
    So ordered.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 15-P-1607

Filed Date: 3/1/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/1/2017