Adoption of Virgil , 93 Mass. App. Ct. 298 ( 2018 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    17-P-776                                             Appeals Court
    No. 17-P-776.
    Essex.      January 9, 2018. - May 30, 2018.
    Present:    Trainor, Massing, & Singh, JJ.
    Adoption, Care and protection, Dispensing with parent's consent,
    Visitation rights. Minor, Adoption. Parent and Child,
    Adoption, Dispensing with parent's consent to adoption.
    Evidence, Medical record.
    Petition filed in the Essex County Division of the Juvenile
    Court Department on December 1, 2014.
    The case was heard by José A. Sánchez, J.
    Lynn M. Isaman for the mother.
    Richard A. Salcedo for Department of Children and Families.
    Rachel T. Rose for the child.
    TRAINOR, J.      The mother appeals from a decree of the
    Juvenile Court finding the child to be in need of care and
    protection, terminating her parental rights to the child, and
    1   A pseudonym.
    declining to order posttermination and postadoption visitation.2
    The mother argues that the judge erroneously found a nexus
    between the mother's substance abuse, poverty, and homelessness,
    and her ability to provide minimally adequate care of the child.
    The mother additionally argues that the judge erroneously
    admitted and relied upon her substance abuse treatment records
    in reaching his findings.   We affirm.
    Background.   We summarize the relevant facts and procedural
    history as set forth in the judge's decision and as supported by
    the record.   The child, Virgil, was born in February, 2010.     The
    Department of Children and Families (department) first became
    involved with the mother and Virgil in August of 2014 when
    Virgil's pediatrician filed a G. L. c. 119, § 51A, report (51A
    report) alleging the mother's neglect of Virgil.    The report
    specifically alleged that the mother was unable to attend to
    Virgil's hygiene due to her severe depression.3    Within the same
    month, another 51A report was filed alleging "deplorable
    conditions" in the mother's apartment.   That report alleged that
    there were flies everywhere, trash on the floor and on the
    2 The father's parental rights were also terminated; he is
    not involved in this appeal.
    3 The pediatrician stated that Virgil was being treated for
    a severely infected penis caused by poor hygiene.
    kitchen stove, and a strong odor of cat urine.    Both 51A reports
    were supported by the department.
    During an investigation conducted by the department,
    Virgil's doctor's office reported that the mother was
    inconsistent with Virgil's medical care, missing more than
    twenty scheduled appointments for Virgil.     In September, 2014,
    the mother was charged with larceny pursuant to a single scheme
    of an amount over $250.   In October, 2014, the mother was
    evicted from her apartment.   Using funds provided by Compass for
    Kids, the mother moved to a new apartment.     During that same
    month, the mother was arrested for open warrants pertaining to
    previous motor vehicle and larceny charges.    The department was
    notified after the mother was unable to make arrangements for
    Virgil at the time of her arrest.   After the mother posted bail,
    an emergency response worker from the department accompanied the
    mother to her new apartment to determine its suitability.    The
    emergency response worker observed old food on the counters,
    dirty dishes piled in the sink, overflowing trash, black trash
    bags piled around the apartment, and clothes strewn throughout.
    On November 28, 2014, a department social worker made an
    unannounced visit to the mother's apartment.    Upon arriving, the
    social worker heard the mother screaming and yelling obscenities
    at Virgil.   Once inside the apartment, the social worker
    observed that the apartment was "filthy," filled with trash,
    piles of clothes, and broken items.   The department removed
    Virgil from the mother's care that same day due to the mother's
    mental health issues and the apartment's condition.
    On December 1, 2014, the department filed a petition with
    the Juvenile Court, pursuant to G. L. c. 119, § 24, asserting
    that Virgil was in need of care and protection.   The department
    was granted emergency temporary custody.   The mother thereafter
    signed a service plan with the department but ultimately was
    unable to complete any of the service plan tasks.    Starting in
    June of 2015, the mother failed to attend any of the scheduled
    visits with Virgil.    On August 18, 2015, the department filed
    its notice of intent to seek termination of the mother's
    parental rights to Virgil.
    In September, 2015, the mother was referred to Habit Opco,
    a drug abuse treatment facility, after she had been admitted to
    Lawrence General Hospital for a drug overdose.    Upon admission
    to Habit Opco, the mother tested positive for opiates, cocaine,
    and buprenorphine.    The Habit Opco drug abuse treatment records
    indicate that the mother informed counsellors that she started
    using opiates five years prior to her admission and heroin four
    months prior, and that she was currently using two bags of
    heroin daily.   From March of 2015 to March of 2016, the mother
    was in and out of several shelters, was arrested for
    trespassing, and was reprimanded by, as well as asked to leave,
    various shelters for aggressive behavior.   On March 16, 2016,
    the mother entered a drug treatment program at Women's View,
    where it was noted that she had a significant risk of relapse.
    On April 8, 2016, in the middle of trial, the mother was
    arrested and charged with breaking and entering.     A few days
    after her arrest she was allowed to reenter a shelter, where she
    tested positive for benzodiazepines.
    On or about December 4, 2015, and March 30, 2016, the
    department filed motions for disclosure of the mother's
    substance abuse treatment records from Habit Opco and Women's
    View, respectively; both motions were allowed.     After a seven-
    day trial,4 the judge found the mother unfit and the child in
    need of care and protection, terminated the mother's parental
    rights, and declined to order posttermination and postadoption
    Discussion.   1.   Termination of parental rights.   In order
    to terminate a parent's rights, the department must first prove
    and the judge must find, based upon the record evidence, that
    the parent is currently unfit to further the best interests and
    welfare of the child, and, as a result, the child is in need of
    care and protection.    See Custody of a Minor, 
    389 Mass. 755
    , 766
    (1983); Adoption of Ramona, 
    61 Mass. App. Ct. 260
    , 262-263
    4 Trial was conducted on March 18, 30, and 31; April 13 and
    28; and May 11 and 19, 2016.
    (2004).    A determination of parental unfitness must be supported
    by clear and convincing evidence, and the subsidiary findings
    upon which such unfitness determination is based must be "proved
    by a fair preponderance of the evidence."5   Adoption of Helen,
    429 Mass. 856
    , 859 (1999).    The judge must not only find that
    the parent is currently unfit, but must also find that the
    current parental unfitness is not a temporary condition.     See
    Adoption of Jacques, 
    82 Mass. App. Ct. 601
    , 610 (2012).     The
    determination of parental unfitness is not focused on whether
    the parent is a good one, but rather "whether the parent is so
    bad as to place the child at serious risk of peril from abuse,
    neglect, or other activity harmful to the child."     Adoption of
    65 Mass. App. Ct. 580
    , 584 (2006), quoting from Care &
    Protection of Bruce, 
    44 Mass. App. Ct. 758
    , 761 (1998).
    "Parental unfitness means . . . more than ineptitude, handicap,
    character flaw, conviction of a crime, unusual life style or
    inability to do as good a job as the child's foster
    parent. . . .   '[P]arental unfitness' means 'grievous
    shortcomings or handicaps' that put the child's welfare much at
    hazard."   Adoption of Leland, supra, quoting from Adoption of
    5 A judge's subsidiary findings will not be disturbed on
    appeal unless clearly erroneous. See Custody of Eleanor, 
    414 Mass. 795
    , 799 (1993); Adoption of Elena, 
    446 Mass. 24
    , 30-31
    (2006). The unfitness determination is reviewed for clear and
    convincing evidence. Custody of Eleanor, 
    supra at 800
    42 Mass. App. Ct. 25
    , 28 (1997).   A judge, however,
    need not wait for disaster to happen but may rely upon past
    patterns of parental neglect or misconduct in determining
    current or future fitness.   See Custody of a Minor (No. 1), 
    377 Mass. 876
    , 882-883 (1979); Care & Protection of Stephen, 
    401 Mass. 144
    , 152 (1987); Adoption of George, 
    27 Mass. App. Ct. 265
    , 268 (1989); Adoption of Jenna, 
    33 Mass. App. Ct. 739
    , 744
    Next, in this bifurcated analysis, if a judge finds that
    the parent is currently unfit and that such unfitness is not a
    temporary condition, termination of parental rights requires the
    additional finding that such termination is in the child's best
    interests.6   "After ascertaining unfitness, the judge must
    determine whether the parent's unfitness is such that would it
    be in the child's best interests to end all legal relations
    between the parent and child."   Adoption of Nancy, 
    443 Mass. 512
    , 515 (2005).   In making that determination, "the court shall
    consider the ability, capacity, fitness and readiness of the
    child's parents . . . to assume parental responsibility," as
    6 Upon a finding of unfitness, the child may be committed to
    the custody of the department and the parent may retain all
    other noncustodial parental rights. See Adoption of Carlos, 
    413 Mass. 339
    , 350 (1992). Termination of parental rights may or
    may not be in the child's best interests. See 
    id. at 350-351
    well as the plan proposed by the department.    G. L. c. 210,
    § 3(c), as amended by St. 1999, c. 3, § 17.
    "A judge, when deciding whether to dispense with consent to
    adoption [i.e., termination of parental rights], must focus on
    the present circumstances of the parent and the child, taking
    into account recent positive gains (if any), and, in appropriate
    cases, the likelihood of future improvement, in a parent's
    ability to care for the child.    Predictions must be supported by
    credible evidence, meaning they must be more than hypothetical.
    A judge may not decline to dispense with consent based on a
    faint hope that the family will succeed if reunited.    Evidence
    of future fitness must be more substantial in proceedings to
    dispense with consent to adoption than in a care and protection
    case.   An estimate about the future rests on a more solid basis
    for justifying a temporary remedy ([such as] keeping the child
    under care and protection) than for an irrevocable one such as
    dispensing with consent to adoption" (emphasis supplied).
    Adoption of Inez, 
    428 Mass. 717
    , 723 (1999) (quotations and
    citation omitted).    "In determining whether that extreme step
    [of terminating parental rights] should be taken, consideration
    of the future is a necessity."    Adoption of Carlos, 
    413 Mass. 339
    , 350 (1992).     See Adoption of Jacques, 82 Mass. App. Ct. at
    610.    "Consideration of future fitness, however, should never be
    made at the expense of the child, whose interest is paramount."
    Adoption of Inez, supra.
    Here, the mother argues that the judge erroneously
    determined her to be unfit and subsequently terminated her
    parental rights based upon her homelessness and her inability to
    gain employment, and that the judge should not have considered
    her frequent change of housing because such ensuing instability
    did not occur while she was living with Virgil.   While
    homelessness, poverty, and financial instability alone are not
    sufficient to terminate a person's parental rights, they are
    proper considerations in an unfitness determination.    See Care &
    Protection of Three Minors, 
    392 Mass. 704
    , 713 & n.12 (1984);
    Petitions of the Dept. of Soc. Servs. to Dispense with Consent
    to Adoption, 
    399 Mass. 279
    , 289 (1987) (failure to maintain
    stable living arrangement or to maintain financial stability are
    proper considerations in unfitness determination).     Moreover,
    contrary to the mother's argument, it is proper for a judge to
    consider a parent's living arrangements at the time of trial
    despite the fact that the child was not living with her at that
    time.   Furthermore, in addition to the mother's housing and
    financial struggles, the judge also thoroughly considered the
    mother's ongoing substance abuse issues, her emotional and
    mental instability, her inability to attend to Virgil's hygiene
    (which affected his health and well-being), her past patterns of
    parental neglect and misconduct, her failure to engage in
    remedial services, and her criminal activity.    The record
    reveals that the judge gave close and careful consideration to
    all the evidence presented before making his findings, none of
    which we find to be clearly erroneous.
    2.    Drug abuse treatment records.   Relying on 42 U.S.C.
    § 290dd-2 (2012),7 the mother next argues that the judge
    improperly admitted and relied upon inadmissible evidence
    contained in her drug abuse treatment records.    We disagree.
    The general purpose of 42 U.S.C. § 290dd-2 is to protect
    the confidentiality of drug abuse treatment records.      See Whyte
    v. Connecticut Mut. Life Ins. Co., 
    818 F.2d 1005
    , 1010 (1st Cir.
    1987).    However, both the statute and the applicable regulations
    recognize situations in which release is necessary.   8   Such a
    7 Title 42 U.S.C. § 290dd-2(a) provides that certain
    substance abuse treatment records are "confidential and [can] be
    disclosed only for the purposes and under the circumstances
    expressly authorized." A disclosure is permitted "[i]f
    authorized by an appropriate order of a court of competent
    jurisdiction granted after application showing good cause
    therefor . . . . In assessing good cause the court shall weigh
    the public interest and the need for disclosure against the
    injury to the patient, to the physician-patient relationship,
    and to the treatment services. . . ." 42 U.S.C. 290dd-2(b).
    8   Title 
    42 C.F.R. § 2.63
     (1987) provides in relevant part:
    "(a) A court order under these regulations may authorize
    the disclosure of confidential communications made by a
    patient to a . . . program in the course of diagnosis,
    treatment, or referral for treatment only if:
    situation exists "[i]f authorized by an appropriate order of a
    court of competent jurisdiction granted after application
    showing good cause therefor."   42 U.S.C. § 290dd-2(b)(2)(C).
    Good cause exists only if:   "(1) [o]ther ways of obtaining the
    information are not available or would not be effective; and (2)
    [t]he public interest and need for the disclosure outweigh the
    potential injury to the patient, the physician-patient
    relationship and the treatment services."   
    42 C.F.R. § 2.64
    The mother does not appear to be challenging whether there
    was good cause to disclose her drug abuse treatment records.
    While we have not yet explicitly held that disclosure of a
    parent's drug abuse treatment records in a care and protection
    case meets the requirement of "good cause," we have long held
    that "where a child's well-being is placed in issue, 'it is not
    the rights of the parents that are chiefly to be considered.
    The first and paramount duty is to consult the welfare of the
    "(1) The disclosure is necessary to protect against an
    existing threat to life or of serious bodily injury,
    including circumstances which constitute suspected child
    abuse and neglect and verbal threats against third parties;
    (2) The disclosure is necessary in connection with
    investigation or prosecution of an extremely serious crime,
    such as one which directly threatens loss of life or
    serious bodily injury, including homicide, rape,
    kidnapping, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, or
    child abuse and neglect." (Emphases added.)
    child.'"     Custody of a Minor, 
    375 Mass. 733
    , 749 (1978), quoting
    from Purinton v. Jamrock, 
    195 Mass. 187
    , 199 (1907).     The United
    States Supreme Court has addressed this issue and concluded that
    "[t]he dependent child's needs are paramount, and only with
    hesitancy would we relegate those needs, in the scale of
    comparative values, to a position secondary to what the mother
    claims as her rights."     Wyman v. James, 
    400 U.S. 309
    , 318
    (1971).    Other jurisdictions have specifically addressed this
    We see no reason not to extend such logic to the disclosure
    of a parent's drug treatment records in a care and protection
    case.    A child's interests in these proceedings outweigh any
    potential injury that the parent might face from disclosure of
    9 See Doe v. Daviess County Div. of Children & Family
    669 N.E.2d 192
    , 195 (Ind. Ct. App. 1996) ("In child
    neglect proceedings, the mother's right to the nondisclosure of
    the records relating to her alcoholism, as well as testimony of
    her counselor, must give way before the duty of the court to
    prevent harm and to safeguard the physical, mental, and
    emotional well-being of the child"); Matter of Baby X, 
    97 Mich. App. 111
    , 120 (1980) ("[I]n neglect proceedings confidentiality
    must give way to the best interests of the child. Where
    treatment records are found to be 'necessary and material' . . .
    to the state's proof of neglect, a court of competent
    jurisdiction may authorize disclosure"); Matter of Doe Children,
    93 Misc. 2d 479
    , 481 (N.Y. Fam. Ct. 1978) ("[T]he interest of
    these young children in living in secure surroundings outweighs
    any possible injury to the patient, or to the physician-patient
    relationship"); Matter of Maximo M., 
    186 Misc. 2d 266
    , 269 (N.Y.
    Fam. Ct. 2000) ("Good cause for disclosure has been found under
    the Federal statutory standards in the context of a child
    protective proceeding"). See also In re Marvin M., 
    48 Conn. App. 563
    , 568-570 (1998).
    his or her drug treatment records.     Any interest a parent may
    have in the confidentiality of treatment records must give way
    to the interests of a child in being protected from physical,
    mental, or emotional harm, as well as the interests of the
    Commonwealth, as parens patriae, in protecting the child's
    welfare.     Here, because of the mother's significant history of
    drug abuse, her participation, or lack thereof, in her various
    treatment programs was highly relevant to the judge's
    determination of her current and future fitness as well as the
    child's best interests. See Adoption of Lisette, 93 Mass. App.
    Ct.      ,     (2018).
    In addition to a showing of good cause, 
    42 C.F.R. § 2.64
    (1987) requires that an order of disclosure limit the
    "disclosure to those parts of the patient's record which are
    essential to fulfill the objective of the order."    Here, the
    judge stated in his orders allowing the department's motions
    that "[t]he safety and best interests of the child in this
    matter constitutes good cause, within the meaning of 42 U.S.C.
    § 290dd-2(b)(2)(C) to order disclosure of these records" and
    that the "records are subject to limited confidentiality under
    G. L. c. 111E, § 18 and 42 U.S.C. § 290dd et seq."     We see no
    Finally, the mother argues that she did not receive
    adequate notice to respond to the department's motions seeking
    disclosure of her drug abuse treatment records, as required by
    42 C.F.R. § 2.64
     (1987), because the department's motions were
    filed and allowed on the same day.10    We disagree.   While it
    would have been better practice to have given her more advance
    notice and opportunity to be heard, under the circumstances of
    this case she was not prejudiced.    The mother was present in
    open court at the time the department filed the motions.     She
    had ample time to file appropriate motions, including a request
    for an in-camera hearing before the records were disclosed.11
    10   Title 
    42 C.F.R. § 2.64
     provides, in pertinent part:
    "(b) Notice. The patient and the person holding the
    records from whom disclosure is sought must be provided:
    "(1) Adequate notice in a manner which does not disclose
    patient identifying information to other persons; and
    "(2) An opportunity to file a written response to the
    application, or to appear in person, for the limited
    purpose of providing evidence on the statutory and
    regulatory criteria for the issuance of the court order as
    described in § 2.64(d).
    "(c) Review of evidence: Conduct of hearing. Any oral
    argument, review of evidence, or hearing on the application
    must be held in the judge's chambers or in some manner
    which ensures that patient identifying information is not
    disclosed to anyone other than a party to the proceeding,
    the patient, or the person holding the record, unless the
    patient requests an open hearing in a manner which meets
    the written consent requirements of the regulations in this
    part. The proceeding may include an examination by the
    judge of the patient records referred to in the
    11The department's motion seeking disclosure of Habit
    Opco's records was filed on December 4, 2015. The judge allowed
    She failed to make any such request and later waived any
    possible objection by testifying about the contents of the
    records at trial.12   We would be hard pressed to conclude that,
    under these circumstances, the mother was not provided with
    adequate notice and an opportunity to be heard.
    3.   Posttermination and postadoption visitation.     The
    mother also argues that the judge erred in declining to order
    posttermination and postadoption visitation between the mother
    and Virgil.   "The decision whether to grant posttermination
    visitation is within the judge's sound discretion."      Adoption of
    83 Mass. App. Ct. 719
    , 727-728 (2013).    However, such
    discretion is not unfettered; posttermination visitation "must
    the department's motion that same day. The subpoena for these
    records did not issue until February 11, 2016. The records were
    admitted in evidence on March 30, 2016, three months after the
    department filed its motion. The department's motion seeking
    disclosure of Women's View's records was filed on March 30,
    2016. The judge allowed the department's motion that same day,
    and the subpoena issued on April 1, 2016. The records were
    admitted in evidence on April 28, 2016, almost one month after
    the department filed its motion.
    We note that "[a court] order does not compel disclosure.
    A subpoena or a similar legal mandate must be issued in order to
    compel disclosure. This mandate may be entered at the same time
    as and accompany an authorizing court order entered under the
    regulations in this part." 
    42 C.F.R. § 2.61
    (a) (1987).
    12Disclosure of treatment records is authorized if "[t]he
    disclosure is in connection with litigation or an administrative
    proceeding in which the patient offers testimony or other
    evidence pertaining to the content of the confidential
    42 C.F.R. § 2.63
    be grounded in the over-all best interests of the child, based
    on emotional bonding and other circumstances of the actual
    personal relationship of the child and the biological parent,
    not in the rights of the biological parent [or] the legal
    consequences of their natural relation."   Adoption of Terrence,
    57 Mass. App. Ct. 832
    , 839 (2003), quoting from Adoption of
    431 Mass. 550
    , 562 (2000).   Although a psychologist
    recommended that supervised visits should continue if the mother
    can "maintain her emotional stability," the judge found that an
    order of visitation was not in Virgil's best interests.      The
    judge based his decision on the mother's failure to maintain
    consistent visits with Virgil, her inability to address her
    ongoing mental instability and drug addiction, and her inability
    to obtain stable housing.   The judge also took into
    consideration how the mother's instability has affected Virgil's
    emotional well-being.   The record shows that the judge carefully
    considered the best interests of Virgil in declining to order
    posttermination and postadoption visitation.   The judge did not
    abuse his discretion.
    Decree affirmed.