Voorhis v. Relle ( 2020 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
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    19-P-139                                           Appeals Court
    No. 19-P-139.
    Suffolk.       November 1, 2019. - February 10, 2020.
    Present:    Agnes, Sullivan, & Blake, JJ.
    Probate Court, Divorce. Divorce and Separation, Alimony,
    Findings, Modification of judgment. Contempt. Practice,
    Civil, Contempt.
    Complaint for divorce filed in the Middlesex Division of
    the Probate and Family Court Department on September 25, 2000.
    Complaints for modification, filed on September 6, 2016 and
    November 7, 2016, and a complaint for contempt, filed on October
    16, 2017, were heard by Patricia A. Gorman, J.
    Janice Bassil for the wife.
    Maureen McBrien for the husband.
    BLAKE, J.    In this divorce modification case, a judge of
    the Probate and Family Court was asked, but declined, to deviate
    from the durational limits imposed by the Alimony Reform Act of
    2011 (act), "in the interests of justice."   See St. 2011,
    c. 124, §§ 4, 5.   We conclude that the judge did not abuse her
    discretion as, here, the facts do not warrant deviation from the
    durational limits.    We therefore affirm the modification
    judgment, with one exception.
    1.    Background.   We summarize the judge's findings of fact,
    supplemented by undisputed facts in the record and reserving
    certain facts for later discussion.     See Pierce v. Pierce, 
    455 Mass. 286
    , 288 (2009).    The parties were married on February 20,
    1982, and had four children.1    They divorced on January 22, 2002.
    The judgment of divorce nisi incorporated the parties'
    separation agreement that provided, in pertinent part, that the
    husband pay $4,020 per month in alimony to the wife, plus
    thirty-five percent of any gross cash bonuses he received.     The
    wife was awarded physical custody of the parties' four children.
    The husband was required to pay $2,650 per month in child
    support.   The marital estate was valued at approximately $1
    million and was equally divided between the parties, as was the
    husband's pension.    At that time, the parties were debt free.
    In September 2006, the wife was arrested, and in December
    2007, she pleaded guilty to vehicular manslaughter and was
    sentenced to from eight to twelve years in prison; she served in
    excess of eight years and was released in October 2016.2     In a
    1 At the time of this trial, three of the children were
    emancipated. The youngest was a college freshman.
    modification judgment entered in September 2006, the husband was
    awarded custody of the unemancipated children and his child
    support obligation was terminated; the husband was also ordered
    to maintain a life insurance policy naming the wife as
    beneficiary for so long as he was required to pay her alimony.
    In a modification judgment entered in December 2007, his alimony
    obligation was reduced from $4,020 per month to $1,500 per month
    and his obligation to pay additional alimony from cash bonuses
    was terminated.   This modification judgment also provided that
    the husband would resume paying alimony in the amount of $4,020
    plus thirty-five percent of his gross cash bonuses "following
    the date [the wife] is released."
    2.   Modification and contempt proceedings.   On September 6,
    2016, approximately one month before the wife's release from
    prison, the husband filed a complaint for modification seeking a
    termination of his alimony and the life insurance obligations
    pursuant to G. L. c. 208, § 49 (b) (4).3   Here, the parties were
    married for 226 months.   By the terms of the act, the duration
    2 The wife is a defendant in a wrongful death case filed by
    the family of the man she killed. At the time of this trial,
    the wrongful death suit was still pending. The judge did not
    factor this lawsuit when considering the wife's financial
    3 The act provides that general term alimony shall continue
    for no longer than eighty percent of the number of months of the
    marriage, if the length of the marriage is twenty years or less,
    but more than fifteen years.
    of the husband's alimony obligation was to be eighty percent of
    226 months or 180 months.   Thus, as of January 22, 2017, the
    husband's alimony obligation should have ended.   Instead, he
    made payments for longer than the maximum durational limit.     On
    December 21, 2016, the judge denied, in part, the husband's
    motion for temporary orders.   She ordered him to continue to pay
    alimony to the wife, but ordered the husband to pay thirty-five
    percent of his gross cash bonuses into an escrow account.     At
    the time of trial, the husband had paid $63,000 into the escrow
    On March 20, 2017, the wife filed an amended answer and
    counterclaim, asking that the court deviate from the durational
    limits and order a continuation of the husband's alimony,
    including the thirty-five percent of cash bonuses, and life
    insurance obligations.   She also asked to be relieved from
    contributing to certain expenses of the children.   Following a
    trial, the judge issued, on March 30, 2018, a modification
    judgment that terminated the husband's alimony obligation,
    retroactive to the presumptive termination date of January 22,
    2017; terminated the husband's obligation to provide the wife
    life insurance; and relieved the wife of her obligation to pay
    for two of the children's cellular telephones and to pay twenty
    percent of the college expenses of the four children.   The judge
    denied the wife's counterclaim for modification where she sought
    alimony payments and an extension of those payment beyond the
    durational term limits.        On that same date, the judge issued a
    separate judgment on the wife's October 2017 complaint for
    contempt that found the husband not guilty of civil contempt.
    The wife appeals from both judgments.
    3.      Discussion.   a.   Durational limits on alimony.   Alimony
    is "the payment of support from a spouse, who has the ability to
    pay, to a spouse in need of support for a reasonable length of
    time."   G. L. c. 208, § 48.      "The purpose of alimony is to
    provide adequate support for a spouse who needs it."        Williams
    v. Massa, 
    431 Mass. 619
    , 634 (2000).        General term alimony, in
    particular, aims to support one spouse who has become
    "economically dependent" on the other.        G. L. c. 208, § 48.
    Connor v. Benedict, 
    481 Mass. 567
    , 572 (2019).        "A judge has
    broad discretion when awarding alimony under the statute."
    Zaleski v. Zaleski, 
    469 Mass. 230
    , 235 (2014).        Nonetheless, the
    "reasonable length of time" for which alimony payments may be
    ordered is constrained by the act, which sets presumptive
    durational limits on general term alimony.        See G. L. c. 208,
    § 49 (b).    The limits are premised on the length of the parties'
    marriage; the longer the marriage, the longer the maximum
    permissible duration of alimony.       In order to determine the
    duration of an award of general term alimony, therefore, a judge
    first must calculate the length of the parties' marriage.          See
    G. L. c. 208, § 49 (b) (1)-(4); Duff-Kareores v. Kareores, 
    474 Mass. 528
    , 535 & n.10 (2016).
    b.   Termination of alimony.   An existing alimony award that
    exceeds the durational limits established by the act can be
    modified upon a complaint for modification without requiring a
    showing of a material change of circumstances.    See St. 2011,
    c. 124, § 4 (b); Chin v. Merriot, 
    470 Mass. 527
    , 532-533, 536
    (2015) ("uncodified provisions of an act express the
    Legislature's view on some aspect of its operation").     A judge
    may order alimony to continue beyond the durational limits if
    written findings based on the evidence establish that deviation
    is "required in the interests of justice."    George v. George,
    476 Mass. 65
    , 70 (2016), quoting G. L. c. 208, § 49 (b).       "The
    recipient spouse bears the burden of proving by a preponderance
    of the evidence" that the deviation is required in the interests
    of justice.   
    George, supra
    .   "Further, a judge should evaluate
    the circumstances of the parties in the here and now, that is,
    as they exist at the time the deviation is sought, rather than
    the situation as it existed at the time of divorce."     
    Id. While "a
    'judge has broad discretion when awarding alimony under the
    [act],' the judge must consider all relevant, statutorily
    specified factors, such as those set forth in G. L. c. 208,
    §§ 49 (d) and 53 (a)" (footnote and citation omitted).     Duff-
    Kareores, 474 Mass. at 535-536
    .    The statutory factors to be
    considered in connection with deviation beyond the durational
    limits are set forth in G. L. c. 208, § 53 (e).4
    c.    The wife's financial situation.   At the time of trial,
    the wife was fifty-eight years of age and worked fulltime at
    Home Depot.    She earned $15.75 per hour and had the opportunity
    4   The factors are as follows:
    "(1) advanced age; chronic illness; or unusual health
    circumstances of either party;
    "(2) tax considerations applicable to the parties;
    "(3) whether the payor spouse is providing health insurance
    and the cost of health insurance for the recipient spouse;
    "(4) whether the payor spouse has been ordered to secure
    life insurance for the benefit of the recipient spouse and
    the cost of such insurance;
    "(5) sources and amounts of unearned income, including
    capital gains, interest and dividends, annuity and
    investment income from assets that were not allocated in
    the parties['] divorce;
    "(6) significant premarital cohabitation that included
    economic partnership or marital separation of significant
    duration, each of which the court may consider in
    determining the length of the marriage;
    "(7) a party's inability to provide for that party's own
    support by reason of physical or mental abuse by the payor;
    "(8) a party's inability to provide for that party's own
    support by reason of that party's deficiency of property,
    maintenance or employment opportunity; and
    "(9) upon written findings, any other factor that the court
    deems relevant and material."
    G. L. c. 208, § 53 (e).
    to work overtime.     Her average gross weekly earnings were $699
    or approximately $36,000 per year.    The wife paid for employer-
    provided health insurance.     She had additional income of
    approximately $4,000 per year from renting a parking space, and
    she received mandatory IRA distributions of $15,570 per year
    from an account that she inherited after the divorce.     The wife
    deferred receipt of distributions from the portion of the
    husband's pension awarded to her in the divorce.5
    Following the divorce, the wife's parents established the
    Alison J. Voorhis Trust (trust), payable to the wife as sole
    beneficiary upon the last to die of the wife's parents.       The
    wife's sisters were the trustees.    The trust provided that the
    trustee "shall distribute to the [wife] as much of the income
    and principal of the [wife's] trust as our Trustee determines is
    necessary or advisable for the health, maintenance and support
    of the [wife]."     The trust contained an IRA valued at $414,000
    and accounts at Vanguard and TD Bank.    The Vanguard account was
    valued at $1,248,270.87 and the TD Bank account was valued at
    $26,558.23.   Following the death of the wife's parents and after
    the wife's release from prison, the trustees paid a number of
    expenses on behalf of the wife, including:     rent, a security
    5 At the time of trial, the distributions would have been
    nearly $17,000 per year. If she waited until the year 2024, the
    distributions were estimated to be approximately $20,000 per
    deposit and broker fee, a computer and software, health
    insurance premiums, moving expenses, and legal fees totaling
    $96,123.91 for one year.   This amount included $27,000 that the
    trust loaned to the wife for State taxes.6   The trustees declined
    the wife's request for payment of a new mattress and the monthly
    probation fee associated with her criminal conviction.7
    The judge did not credit portions of the financial
    statement filed by the wife.   The wife listed the value of the
    trust at zero dollars and the totality of her assets at $40,131.
    The judge, however, found the wife had assets, including the
    value of the trust, of $1,314,460.   The wife called an expert
    witness, Susan Miller, who testified to financial projections
    that she ran based on the wife's financial statement.
    Notwithstanding that Miller testified that the wife would not
    run out of money until age seventy-eight, the judge did not
    credit her testimony, as she found that it was based on
    inaccurate financial information.    After finding certain claimed
    expenses anticipatory, the judge determined the wife's weekly
    expenses were $1,244.
    6 The wife also owed $167,000 for unpaid Federal taxes. She
    entered into a payment plan to pay $322 per month towards that
    7 The wife claims that it was error for the judge to
    consider the assets of the trust in her analysis; however,
    neither trustee testified and no evidence was presented to
    support her contention.
    Since the divorce, the wife has spent in excess of $100,000
    in legal fees in connection with the criminal case and a
    wrongful death suit filed by the family of the man she killed.
    d.   The husband's financial situation.   At the time of the
    trial, the husband was fifty-eight years of age and he had
    remarried.   He remained employed with the company that he worked
    for over the past twenty-nine years, earning a base salary of
    $273,000 per year.8   In addition to his base salary, the husband
    received bonuses based on his and the company's performance.     At
    the time of the trial, his most recent bonus was $180,000, and
    he deposited thirty-five percent or $63,000 into the escrow
    account, pursuant to the temporary order of the court.     At the
    time of the trial, the husband had assets of approximately
    $4,100,000, including $900,000 that he inherited in 2014.
    Following the divorce and the wife's incarceration, the husband
    paid $600,000 in college expenses for the three eldest children
    and anticipated paying an additional $260,000 for the youngest
    child's college expenses.
    e.   Findings of fact and rationale.   Here, it is clear from
    the judge's written findings that she properly considered the
    factors of G. L. c. 208, § 53, and made the necessary finding
    that deviation from the durational limits was not required "in
    8 The husband's income for 2016, totaling approximately
    $866,000, included stock that had vested in 2015.
    the interests of justice."   Among other things, the judge took
    into account the parties' ages, health, tax considerations,
    availability and cost of health and life insurance, the
    approximate nine-month premarital cohabitation,9 the wife's
    allegations of physical abuse during the marriage,10 and the
    wife's ability to support herself, including sources of unearned
    income.   She also considered that the husband had custody of the
    children since the wife's incarceration, and that the husband
    had paid all of the four children's expenses, without
    contribution from the wife, including college expenses.   The
    judge considered the wife's postdivorce struggle with alcohol,
    but found, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, that
    the wife had not proved that this was a chronic illness or
    unusual health circumstance that prevented her from working.
    Indeed, the judge found, with ample record support, that the
    wife was working full time, derived income from the rental of a
    parking space, and was the beneficiary of a trust.   The judge
    further properly relied on other relevant factors, including the
    9 The judge found that there was no evidence of an economic
    partnership during these approximate nine months and accordingly
    did not add additional time to the length of the parties'
    10The judge found that allegations of domestic violence
    were troubling, but that the wife did not produce credible
    evidence that these allegations prevented her from working.
    wife's inaccurate financial statement that misled the court as
    to her income and assets.
    The wife focuses her claim of error on the failure of the
    judge to consider the marital lifestyle and the wife's ability
    to maintain that lifestyle.   While these are appropriate
    considerations in many issues that arise in the nature, amount,
    and duration of alimony pursuant to G. L. c. 208, § 53 (a), they
    do not apply to cases involving deviation from the durational
    limits.   See G. L. c. 208, § 53 (e).   Marital lifestyle is not
    listed as a factor in § 53 (e).   Moreover, although the
    recipient's inability to provide for her own support is a factor
    to be considered in deviating from the durational limits, see
    G. L. c. 208, § 53 (e) (8), the inability to be self-supporting
    is not the same as the recipient's inability to maintain the
    marital lifestyle.   When considering a deviation from the
    durational limits of alimony, the analysis is in the "here and
    now," not the marital lifestyle at the time of the divorce.
    George, 476 Mass. at 70
    .    These are highly intensive factual
    inquiries to be made on a case-by-case basis.    Accordingly, we
    discern no abuse of discretion in the judge's decision to
    decline to deviate from the presumptive duration of alimony.
    f.    Retroactive modification.   The judge ordered the
    termination of the husband's alimony obligation retroactive to
    January 22, 2017, and ordered the wife to repay $56,608 in
    overpayments of alimony in a monthly amount of $500.   While
    there is no statutory requirement that such orders be given
    retroactive effect, a judge has the discretion to do so.
    Boulter-Hedley v. Boulter, 
    429 Mass. 808
    , 809-810 (1999).
    Indeed, in 
    Pierce, 455 Mass. at 305-306
    , the Supreme Judicial
    Court held that retroactive modification was within the judge's
    discretion, but that the judge must first make findings
    "reflecting her consideration of all the factors mandated by
    G. L. c. 208, § 34."   
    Id. at 306.
      Here, there are no findings
    nor a § 34 analysis to explain the retroactive modification
    requiring the wife to repay the husband $56,508 and to do so in
    a monthly amount of $500.   Accordingly, that portion of the
    modification judgment is vacated and the matter is remanded.
    See Smith v. Smith, 
    93 Mass. App. Ct. 361
    , 364-366 (2018).      On
    remand, the judge should consider the enforceability of the
    retroactive award, including the wife's ability to pay a sum
    certain in a specified time frame.   See Poras v. Pauling, 
    70 Mass. App. Ct. 535
    , 540 (2007), quoting Larson v. Larson, 
    28 Mass. App. Ct. 338
    , 340 (1990) ("defendant must be found to have
    the ability to pay at the time the contempt judgment enters").
    g.   Contempt.   Additionally, the wife contends that the
    husband should be held in contempt for failing to pay thirty-
    five percent of his cash bonuses as additional alimony as
    required by the separation agreement.    "To constitute civil
    contempt there must be a clear and undoubted disobedience of a
    clear and unequivocal command" (citation omitted).     Birchall,
    454 Mass. 837
    , 851 (2009).     The contempt must be
    proved by clear and convincing evidence, and the judge is to
    consider "the totality of the circumstances."      Wooters v.
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 839
    , 844 (2009).
    We review the judge's ruling that the husband was not
    guilty of contempt for abuse of discretion.    See L.F. v. L.J.,
    71 Mass. App. Ct. 813
    , 821 (2008).   Here, the wife failed to
    meet her burden.   The judge found that there was a clear and
    unequivocal order, but not an undoubted disobedience.      The judge
    credited the testimony of the husband, and relied on documents
    that described the mandatory deferments that vested pursuant to
    a schedule, in finding that the disputed sums were not cash
    bonuses subject to the additional alimony provision of the
    separation agreement.
    4.   Conclusion.   The contempt judgment is affirmed.      As to
    the modification judgment, the last two sentences of paragraph
    numbered one are vacated, and the matter is remanded for further
    findings consistent with this opinion.11    In all other respects
    the modification judgment is affirmed.
    So ordered.
    11We express no view whether further hearings are
    necessary; it is within the judge's discretion whether to
    conduct additional hearings on remand.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 19-P-139

Filed Date: 2/10/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/17/2021