Commonwealth v. Silvia ( 2020 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    19-P-386                                                Appeals Court
    No. 19-P-386.
    Bristol.     January 3, 2020. - March 10, 2020.
    Present:   Hanlon, Blake, & Hand, JJ.
    Mayhem. Joint Enterprise. Evidence, Intent, Joint
    venturer. Practice, Criminal, Motion to suppress.         Search
    and Seizure, Affidavit, Probable cause.
    Indictments found and returned in the Superior Court
    Department on May 18, 2012.
    A pretrial motion to suppress evidence was heard by D.
    Lloyd Macdonald, J., and the cases were tried before E. Susan
    Garsh, J.
    Dana Alan Curhan for the defendant.
    Mary E. Lee, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    BLAKE, J.    Following a jury trial in the Superior Court,
    the defendant, Donna Silvia, was convicted of mayhem, assault
    and battery by means of a dangerous weapon causing serious
    bodily injury, 1 and intimidation of a witness. 2   Prior to trial,
    the defendant moved to suppress statements that she made to the
    police and evidence obtained from the search of a video
    surveillance system.   The motions were denied.     Later, however,
    in response to the defendant's motion for reconsideration, the
    Commonwealth agreed to the suppression of the defendant's
    statements that were made during her interview at the police
    station, after her involuntary transport to the station without
    probable cause.    See Commonwealth v. Melo, 
    472 Mass. 278
    , 297-
    298 (2015).   On appeal, the defendant contends that the evidence
    was insufficient to prove that she engaged in a joint venture to
    commit mayhem and that it was error to deny her motion to
    suppress the evidence obtained from the surveillance system. 3     We
    Background.    In light of the defendant's challenge to the
    sufficiency of the evidence, we review the evidence under the
    familiar Latimore standard.   Commonwealth v. Latimore, 
    378 Mass. 1
     The judge dismissed the conviction for assault and battery
    by means of a dangerous weapon as duplicative of the mayhem
    2 The Commonwealth prosecuted the case on the theory that
    the defendant was a joint venturer with another person, John
    Soares. Soares was tried separately and convicted.
    3 The defendant's brief makes no argument with respect to
    the conviction of intimidation of a witness.
    671, 676-677 (1979).   The defendant owned Columbia Towing 4 in
    Fall River.   The defendant ran the company; she made all of the
    business decisions and handled all of the money.    The victim had
    worked for Columbia Towing, driving a tow truck and repairing
    vehicles, since 2005 or 2006.   During that time, he lived in an
    apartment owned by the defendant.    The victim considered the
    defendant and her husband to be "like family."    In March 2012,
    the defendant's relationship with the victim took an abrupt turn
    for the worse when the defendant, who for several years had been
    concerned that money had gone missing from the towing company,
    accused the victim of stealing $50,000.
    Matters rapidly came to a head.    On March 27, 2012, the
    defendant watched as her husband and James Connors, a part-time
    employee of Columbia Towing, beat the victim.    During the
    beating, which took place at Columbia Towing, the defendant
    questioned the victim about the missing money and demanded that
    he admit to stealing the money. 5   The victim denied that he had
    stolen the money.   Before the victim left, the defendant took
    the victim's cell phone, truck keys, and bike.
    4 We use the term "Columbia Towing" to refer to the company
    and its physical facilities.
    5 The victim described the beating as getting the "living
    crap beat out of [him]" and being continually "wailed on." The
    victim suffered bruises and injuries to, among other places, his
    When the victim returned to work the next day, the
    defendant continued to demand a written confession from him.      At
    around midday, she told the victim to write a confession; he
    wrote a statement denying that he had stolen the money but
    suggesting how it could have been stolen.    After the defendant
    read the statement, she demanded that the victim write another
    letter confessing to stealing the money.    At that point, John
    Soares, a customer of Columbia Towing, entered the building. 6
    The victim knew Soares, as he was often at the business and
    performed some plumbing work there and at other properties owned
    by the defendant.   The victim had never had any prior problems
    with Soares.   When Soares entered the building, he was carrying
    a bag of tools.   Soares first went to the defendant's office and
    met with the defendant, her husband, and Connors. 7
    Columbia Towing was equipped with a surveillance system
    that included cameras, monitors, and a digital video recorder
    (DVR).   After Soares arrived, the defendant's husband and
    Connors moved the surveillance cameras in the garage so that
    they faced the ceiling.
    6 Soares was described as very muscular, weighing between
    270 and 280 pounds, and at least six feet, three inches tall.
    7 The side door to Columbia Towing opened into a hallway, on
    the immediate right was a bathroom, on the left was an entrance
    to the garage, five feet ahead was the office. There was a
    bench in the hallway.
    While the defendant was meeting in her office with Soares,
    the victim sat on the bench in the hall, as instructed by the
    defendant.    Soares, who held the bag that he had brought with
    him, then told the victim to accompany him to the garage.    The
    two entered the garage.    Video surveillance recordings from
    cameras outside the garage showed the defendant, her husband,
    and Connors leaving the building as Soares led the victim to the
    garage.   In the garage, Soares asked the victim if he had stolen
    the defendant's money; the victim again denied doing so.    Soares
    responded, "You know why they call me the sandman? . . . Because
    people go to sleep."    Soares removed a set of cutting shears,
    some wipes, and a propane blow torch from his bag.    Soares told
    the victim to put a towel in his mouth and place his hands on a
    tool bench.   He then instructed the victim to close his eyes.
    After the victim complied with all of Soares's directives, the
    victim felt his right pinkie finger being cut and heard a snip.
    The victim opened his eyes and found that his finger was
    dangling off his hand by a piece of skin.    Soares briefly left
    the garage.   The victim remained where he was; he was in shock
    and could not believe what had happened.
    At some point the defendant had come back into the building
    and gone to her office.    She passed a window that looked into
    the garage.   Soares met the defendant in her office.   The video
    recording, as reflected in the still photographs, shows the
    defendant looking through her belongings and handing something
    to Soares.    When Soares returned to the garage, he had a knife
    in his hand, which the victim had not seen before.     Soares used
    the knife to make the final cut that severed the victim's
    finger, then he left the garage with something in his hand.      The
    victim wrapped his hand with the towel that had been in his
    After Soares left the garage, he walked into the
    defendant's office and placed the severed finger on the counter
    in front of the defendant.    Soares then returned to the garage,
    cleaned the shears with the wipes that he had brought with him,
    and burned the wipes with the blow torch from his bag.
    The defendant entered the garage; in a stern voice, she
    repeatedly told the victim "to tell the truth."     The victim
    eventually replied, "Fine.    Whatever.   I did it."   The defendant
    then told the victim to say that he lost his finger in an
    accident someplace other than at Columbia Towing.      At some point
    after the defendant entered the garage, Soares took his bag and
    left.    Neither Soares nor the defendant requested any medical
    assistance for the victim and neither preserved the finger for
    possible reattachment. 8
    8   The victim's finger was never located.
    After the defendant left the garage, she returned to her
    office.   Because the victim was cold, he went to the office and
    asked the defendant for his keys so that he could retrieve a
    jacket from his truck.    The defendant gave him the keys.   After
    the victim retrieved his jacket, he returned to the office,
    where the defendant, her husband, and Connors were eating
    Chinese food.   Connors then asked the victim to step into the
    bathroom; after they entered the bathroom, the victim heard the
    police yelling his name.
    When the victim came out of the bathroom, the police
    noticed that the victim had facial injuries and that his right
    hand was wrapped in a blood-soaked rag.    After some prodding by
    the police, the victim removed the rag and the police saw that
    the victim's right pinkie finger had been cut off with a very
    smooth and clean cut.    They described the victim as shocked,
    nervous, scared, and defeated.
    The defendant focused her comments to the police -- not on
    the victim's condition -- but on the missing money.    She told
    the police that the victim had stolen money from her business
    and they had worked out a payment plan; she did not want to
    press charges, she just wanted the money back.    She did not
    mention the victim's finger.
    After the victim was transported to a hospital, the police
    "froze" the scene at Columbia Towing to conduct an
    investigation.     They noticed that the cameras inside the garage
    were pointed to the ceiling and the video monitoring system
    appeared to be missing some of its recording components.     One of
    the police officers at the scene saw electrical components and a
    black rectangular box that appeared to be a DVR inside a red
    Ford Expedition (SUV) parked across the street from Columbia
    Towing.   Because the police believed that these items were the
    equipment missing from Columbia Towing, they secured and towed
    the SUV from the scene.     The DVR contained surveillance video
    recordings from Columbia Towing; the recordings were admitted in
    evidence, along with still photographs from those recordings. 9
    The surveillance system did not capture what occurred in the
    Discussion.    1.   Sufficiency of evidence.   The defendant
    contends that the evidence was insufficient to prove that she
    knowingly participated in a joint venture with Soares to commit
    mayhem.   The elements of mayhem are set forth in G. L. c. 265,
    § 14, which states:      "Whoever, with malicious intent to maim or
    disfigure . . . cuts off or disables a limb or member, of
    another person, and whoever is privy to such intent, or is
    9 The defendant challenges the admission of the video
    surveillance evidence as discussed, infra. However, sufficiency
    is determined in light of the evidence admitted at trial,
    regardless of the propriety of that admission. Commonwealth v.
    76 Mass. App. Ct. 87
    , 98 (2010).
    present and aids in the commission of such crime," is guilty of
    mayhem.   The Commonwealth proceeded under a theory of joint
    venture liability and therefore was required to prove "that the
    defendant knowingly participated in the commission of the crime
    charged, alone or with others, with the intent required for that
    offense."    Commonwealth v. Zanetti, 
    454 Mass. 449
    , 466 (2009).
    Mere presence at the scene of the crime is insufficient to prove
    a defendant's knowing participation, even if "supplemented by
    evidence that the defendant 'knew about [the crime] in
    advance.'"    Commonwealth v. Gonzalez, 
    475 Mass. 396
    , 414 (2016),
    quoting Zanetti, supra at 470 (Appendix).   "Rather, there must
    be some additional proof that the defendant 'consciously . . .
    act[ed] together [with the principals] before or during the
    crime with the intent of making the crime
    succeed.'"    Gonzalez, supra, quoting Zanetti, supra.   The intent
    element may be established "by direct or inferential proof that
    the assault was intentional, unjustified, and made with the
    reasonable appreciation on the assailant's part that a disabling
    or disfiguring injury would result."    Commonwealth v. McPherson,
    74 Mass. App. Ct. 125
    , 128 (2009), quoting Commonwealth
    v. Lazarovich, 
    28 Mass. App. Ct. 147
    , 154 (1989).
    The defendant's shared intent to commit mayhem is rooted in
    the relationship between the victim, Soares, and the defendant.
    The three were not strangers.   The defendant had authority over
    both the victim and Soares.   She was the victim's employer and
    landlord, and she was Soares's employer. 10   The defendant's
    recruitment of Soares to increase the pressure on the victim to
    confirm her suspicion that the victim had stolen her money was
    in keeping with her past conduct:   the day before Soares cut off
    the victim's finger, the defendant had watched as her husband
    and another employee tried to beat a confession out of the
    victim.   When that gambit proved unsuccessful, she called on
    Soares, an imposing figure, to resolve the missing money issue.
    Soares entered the garage with a bag containing the tools that
    were ultimately used to commit the crime and destroy evidence of
    the crime.   The preplanned, calculated use of a weapon, without
    warning, on a defenseless person supports an inference of intent
    to maim or disfigure.   See McPherson, 74 Mass. App. Ct. at 128
    (hitting unsuspecting victim in head with baseball bat sufficed
    to prove intent to maim or disfigure).   The defendant's
    deliberate choice to absent herself during the assault, despite
    being present at the beating the previous night, supports the
    inference that she knew exactly what Soares planned to do.
    Moreover, the crime occurred at the defendant's business,
    and she and others caused the surveillance system to be altered
    just prior to the assault; it is fair to infer their purpose was
    10The victim and Soares knew each other based on their
    respective business relationships with the defendant.
    to avoid capturing the attack.   The defendant told Soares about
    the missing money and allowed him to amputate the victim's
    finger in furtherance of her mission to secure a confession.     It
    is evident that Soares knew his purpose was to extract a
    confession from the victim by all available means, and Soares's
    knowledge that the defendant blamed the victim for the missing
    money is evidence that the defendant "knowingly participated in
    the commission of the [crime] charged, [along with Soares], with
    the intent required for that offense."   Zanetti, 454 Mass. at
    466.   Likewise, it is fair to infer from the evidence that when
    Soares was unable to amputate the finger fully, the defendant
    gave him the knife that he used to make the final cut; and that
    after the finger was severed, Soares delivered the victim's
    finger to the defendant in her office, thus demonstrating her
    active participation in the mayhem.   As a result, the
    Commonwealth proved that the defendant collaborated with Soares
    not only before, but during and after the amputation.    "[T]here
    is no need to prove an anticipatory compact between the parties
    to establish joint venture . . . if, at the climactic moment[,]
    the parties consciously acted together in carrying out the
    criminal endeavor."   Commonwealth v. McCray, 
    93 Mass. App. Ct. 835
    , 843 (2018), quoting Commonwealth v. Sexton, 
    425 Mass. 146
    152 (1997).   Contrast Commonwealth v. Hogan, 
    379 Mass. 190
    , 192-
    193 (1979) (evidence was insufficient to prove joint venture for
    mayhem where defendant waited in car while others entered
    victim's home to attack him).
    Following the assault, the defendant tried to cover up the
    crime by insisting that the victim create a story to explain
    that the amputation was an accident and did not happen at
    Columbia Towing.   This constitutes evidence of the defendant's
    consciousness of guilt, further proving the defendant acted in
    concert with Soares.   See Commonwealth v. Javier, 
    481 Mass. 268
    283-284 (2019).    See also Commonwealth v. Vick, 
    454 Mass. 418
    423-424 (2009), quoting Commonwealth v. Stuckich, 
    450 Mass. 449
    453 (2008) ("Consciousness of guilt instructions are permissible
    when there is an 'inference of guilt that may be drawn from
    evidence of . . . concealment, or similar acts,' such as . . .
    destruction or concealment of evidence, or bribing or
    threatening a witness").
    The defendant relies on Gonzalez, 
    475 Mass. 396
    , to support
    her claim of insufficient evidence.   In Gonzalez, the issue was
    whether the defendant knew of and shared the coventurers' intent
    to kill.   See 
    id. at 396-397
    .   In concluding that the evidence
    of the defendant's intent was insufficient, the court focused on
    the lack of proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the defendant's
    presence at the crime, aid to the other defendants in committing
    the crime, and communication with the other defendants around
    the time that the crime was committed.   See 
    id. at 407-413
    By contrast, here, the evidence was that the defendant took
    the victim's keys and phone the night before the assault, which
    ensured that he would have to return to Columbia Towing.     She
    was present when Soares arrived, and she met with Soares in her
    office immediately before the assault.   In addition, the jury
    could reasonably infer that the defendant told Soares that the
    victim had stolen money from her, that the defendant gave Soares
    the knife that he used to finish severing the finger, and that
    Soares showed the defendant the severed finger.   Moreover, the
    evidence showed that shortly after Soares had finished severing
    the victim's finger, the defendant continued to try to extract a
    confession from the victim and told the victim to say that the
    finger was amputated during an accident that did not happen at
    Columbia Towing.   We are satisfied that the evidence was
    2.   Motion to suppress.   The defendant claims it was error
    to deny her motion to suppress the evidence obtained from the
    DVR because the search warrant affidavit failed to establish
    probable cause and contained statements of the defendant that
    were suppressed.   When considering the sufficiency of a warrant
    application, our review "begins and ends with the 'four corners
    of the affidavit.'"   Commonwealth v. Cavitt, 
    460 Mass. 617
    , 626
    (2011), quoting Commonwealth v. O'Day, 
    440 Mass. 296
    , 297
    (2003).   "In determining whether an affidavit justifies a
    finding of probable cause, the affidavit is considered as a
    whole and in a commonsense and realistic fashion . . .
    ."   Cavitt, supra.   The affidavit should not be "parsed,
    severed, and subjected to hypercritical analysis."     Commonwealth
    v. Donahue, 
    430 Mass. 710
    , 712 (2000), quoting Commonwealth
    v. Blake, 
    413 Mass. 823
    , 827 (1992).   "We evaluate whether the
    affidavit underlying the warrant application satisfies the
    probable cause standard required by art. 14 [of the
    Massachusetts Declaration of Rights] de novo."    Commonwealth
    v. Robertson, 
    480 Mass. 383
    , 386 (2018).
    As a preliminary matter, at oral argument the defendant
    conceded that, while her statements had been suppressed, those
    of her husband were not.   Further, the defendant does not have
    "target standing" to challenge the statements made by her
    husband.   See Commonwealth v. Santiago, 
    470 Mass. 574
    , 577-578
    (2015) ("target standing permits a criminal defendant . . . to
    assert that a violation of the [Constitutional] rights of a
    third party entitled [the defendant] to have evidence suppressed
    at his trial" [quotations and citation omitted]).    Although the
    Supreme Judicial Court has cautioned that distinctly egregious
    conduct by the police might warrant the reliance in a
    suppression hearing on a violation of a third party's
    constitutional rights, id. at 578, the defendant here does not
    allege that such conduct occurred, nor did it occur.    Thus, the
    defendant's husband's statements to the police were properly
    considered by the motion judge.   Because the affidavit contained
    statements of the defendant that were subsequently suppressed,
    we consider whether the affidavit was supported by probable
    cause after the defendant's statements are excised from the
    affidavit.    See Commonwealth v. Westerman, 
    414 Mass. 688
    , 691-
    692 (1993).
    The affidavit set forth the following information.     On
    March 28, 2012, at about 4:30 P.M., the police discovered the
    victim, bleeding, and with his finger amputated, at Columbia
    Towing.   The police obtained information that the victim was
    assaulted and maimed that day.    The defendant's husband told the
    police that the victim recently had taken responsibility for
    stealing over $50,000 from Columbia Towing.     The defendant's
    husband also told the police that Columbia Towing was equipped
    with a video surveillance system, and that the surveillance
    system was present when Columbia Towing opened that day.     On the
    day of the assault, the police saw a monitor and cameras at the
    scene, but they did not see a recording device for the
    surveillance system.   Additionally, they saw a DVR in a nearby
    SUV, which was not owned by the defendant. 11   Each of these
    11The motion judge found that the defendant did not have
    standing to challenge the search and seizure of the SUV, but did
    have standing to challenge the search of the DVR. The
    warrantless seizure of the SUV also was found proper under the
    assertions had a source independent from the statements made by
    the defendant and, together, were sufficient to establish
    probable cause that the DVR contained evidence of a crime.
    See Commonwealth v. Keown, 
    478 Mass. 232
    , 238 (2017), cert.
    138 S. Ct. 1028
     (2018).   For that reason, none of the
    defendant's statements that were suppressed were necessary to
    establish probable cause.   There was no error in denying the
    motion to suppress.
    Judgments affirmed.
    automobile exception. See Commonwealth v. Motta, 
    424 Mass. 117
    124 (1997). The defendant does not challenge any of these
    findings on appeal.