Commonwealth v. Spring ( 2019 )

  • NOTICE: All slip opinions and orders are subject to formal
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    Decisions, Supreme Judicial Court, John Adams Courthouse, 1
    Pemberton Square, Suite 2500, Boston, MA, 02108-1750; (617) 557-
    18-P-331                                               Appeals Court
    No. 18-P-331.
    Worcester.      March 8, 2019. - December 5, 2019.
    Present:   Hanlon, Agnes, & Sullivan, JJ.
    Firearms. Evidence, Firearm, Result of illegal search, Result
    of illegal interrogation. Search and Seizure, Fruits of
    illegal search, Plain view. Practice, Criminal, Motion to
    Complaints received and sworn to in the East Brookfield
    Division of the District Court Department on January 4 and
    February 23, 2016.
    A motion to suppress was heard by Maura K. McCarthy, J.;
    and the case was tried before Mark A. Goldstein, J.
    Darla J. Mondou for the defendant.
    Susan M. Oftring, Assistant District Attorney, for the
    HANLON, J.   After a jury trial in the District Court, the
    defendant, Jason Spring, was convicted of carrying a firearm
    without a license and possession of ammunition without a firearm
    identification card (FID).    He appeals, arguing that his motion
    to suppress should have been allowed and, for that reason, he is
    entitled to a new trial.   We agree that the motion should have
    been allowed, and his admission that he did not have a license
    to carry the firearm or an FID card suppressed, but we conclude
    that the error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.     We
    therefore affirm.
    Background.     We supplement the judge's findings on the
    motion to suppress with uncontested facts from the testimony at
    the hearing.   On January 1, 2016, Rutland Police Sergeant
    Nicholas A. Monaco noticed a black Jeep parked in a private dirt
    parking lot at approximately 2:10 A.M.    Monaco observed a T-
    shirt hanging in the driver's side window, and that the car's
    windows were fogged.   The defendant was asleep in the car; when
    awakened, he identified himself as "Jason Spring from Holden,"
    but when the officer asked for his driver's license, the
    defendant responded that he did not have his wallet.     Monaco
    asked who was the owner of the car, and the defendant responded
    that "the car might have belonged to a guy he worked with."
    Monaco told the defendant to get out of the car, handcuffed him,
    and placed him in the rear of Monaco's police cruiser.     Monaco
    then conducted a Registry of Motor Vehicles inquiry and
    discovered that the defendant's driver's license had been
    revoked and the car was unregistered.    Monaco also learned the
    defendant had an outstanding default warrant from the District
    As a result of this information, Monaco decided that the
    defendant's car would be towed.   Another officer arrived, and
    the officers conducted an inventory search of the car pursuant
    to police department policy.   The inventory search produced a
    large capacity rifle (a Bushmaster semiautomatic), three
    magazines, ammunition, a single Prednisone pill, and a glass
    pipe with marijuana residue.
    Monaco testified that the case containing the rifle, the
    magazines, and the ammunition was not in plain view but covered
    by clothes.   When he found it, he returned to his cruiser and
    searched the relevant computer database for any record that the
    defendant possessed a license to carry a firearm or an FID; he
    discovered that the defendant had neither.
    Afterwards, Monaco asked the defendant if he had either a
    license to carry the firearm or an FID.   The defendant responded
    that he did not.   Monaco acknowledged that, when he asked the
    question, he had not advised the defendant of his Miranda
    warnings.   Monaco then transported the defendant to the Rutland
    Police Department where he was booked and read his Miranda
    rights for the first time.
    As noted, prior to trial, the defendant moved to suppress
    "the stop, search, seizure and questioning as a result of an
    unauthorized and illegal stop and search of a vehicle."    After
    the hearing, the judge issued written findings of fact and
    rulings of law and denied the defendant's motion.   Thereafter,
    the defendant was tried before six-person jury, with a different
    judge presiding, and he was convicted of carrying a firearm
    without a license and possession of ammunition without an FID
    card.   The defendant appeals, seeking a new trial and claiming
    that the motion judge erred in denying his motion to suppress
    his "statements made in response to interrogation while
    handcuffed and secured in a locked cruiser without being
    provided Miranda warnings."
    Discussion.    "In reviewing a ruling on a motion to
    suppress, we accept the judge's subsidiary findings of fact
    absent clear error 'but conduct an independent review of [her]
    ultimate findings and conclusions of law.'"   Commonwealth v.
    479 Mass. 612
    , 616 (2018), quoting Commonwealth v.
    440 Mass. 642
    , 646 (2004).   The defendant's motion to
    suppress argued only that he was subject to an illegal stop and
    search and that, as a result, the evidence seized "as well as
    any statements made by him prior to Miranda" should be
    suppressed.   At the end of the hearing, the defendant argued
    again that the arrest and search were improper, although he did
    note that no Miranda warnings were given until he was at the
    police station.   Likely for that reason, the motion judge made
    findings of fact and rulings of law about the search and the
    arrest but did not make any specific findings or rulings
    regarding the defendant's statements.
    The issue for us, then, is whether, on these facts, the
    defendant was subjected to custodial interrogation improperly,
    without being provided with Miranda warnings.   "To determine
    whether a defendant was subjected to custodial interrogation,
    'the court considers several factors:   (1) the place of the
    interrogation; (2) whether the officers have conveyed to the
    person being questioned any belief or opinion that that person
    is a suspect; (3) the nature of the interrogation, including
    whether the interview was aggressive or, instead, informal and
    influenced in its contours by the person being interviewed; and
    [previously] (4) whether, at the time the incriminating
    statement was made, the person was free to end the interview by
    leaving the locus of the interrogation or by asking the
    interrogator to leave, as evidenced by whether the interview
    terminated with an arrest.'"   
    Cawthron, 479 Mass. at 617-618
    quoting Commonwealth v. Groome, 
    435 Mass. 201
    , 211-212 (2001).
    This fourth factor was recently revised by the Supreme
    Judicial Court in Commonwealth v. Matta, 
    483 Mass. 357
    , 363
    (2019), where the court concluded,
    "In short, because, in most situations, a reasonable person
    would not believe that he or she was free to leave during a
    police encounter, using that standard does not produce the
    information necessary to determine whether a seizure has
    occurred. Rather, the inquiry must be whether, in the
    circumstances, a reasonable person would believe that an
    officer would compel him or her to stay.
    "Although this is a different question from what we
    heretofore have asked, the analysis takes the same
    circumstances into consideration. Whether an encounter
    between a law enforcement official and a member of the
    public constitutes a noncoercive inquiry or a
    constitutional seizure depends upon the facts of the
    particular case."
    As a result, it is still the case that, "[r]arely is any single
    factor conclusive."   
    Cawthron, 479 Mass. at 618
    , quoting
    Commonwealth v. Bryant, 
    390 Mass. 729
    , 737 (1984).
    As to location, "we consider the circumstances from the
    point of view of the defendant" (quotation and citation
    Cawthron, 479 Mass. at 618
    .   Here, the defendant was
    questioned while he was handcuffed in the back of a police
    cruiser, shortly after 2 A.M., on private property.    The
    circumstances of the inquiry clearly favor the defendant's
    argument here.
    Next, in Cawthron, the court stated that, "[i]f the
    detectives had conveyed to the defendants that they were
    suspects, that might support a determination that the defendants
    were in custody before they made the incriminating statements."
    Cawthron, 479 Mass. at 619
    .   Here, the defendant was detained
    because he could not produce identification or prove ownership
    of the car.   While he was handcuffed and seated in the back of
    Monaco's cruiser, Monaco questioned him about whether he had the
    necessary documentation for the gun and ammunition seized from
    the back of the car.   In fact, the question was independent from
    the reason the defendant had been detained initially.    Compare
    id.; Commonwealth v. Shine, 
    398 Mass. 641
    , 648-649 (1986)
    (notwithstanding interrogating officer's uncommunicated intent
    to arrest defendant, where officer asked only "natural
    preliminary questions designed to determine the defendant's
    identity and what he knew about the crime," court concluded
    defendant was not subject to custodial interrogation).
    However, Monaco's question was not a "vague and unformed
    suspicion of some illicit activity."     
    Cawthron, 479 Mass. at 619
    .   While possessing a firearm or ammunition is not
    necessarily illegal, here, Monaco had already learned that the
    defendant lacked proper documents for both the gun and the
    ammunition, making the line of questioning clearly relevant to
    specific illicit activity.    
    Id. In addition,
    the defendant,
    already handcuffed and in the back of Monaco's cruiser, was
    aware that he did not possess proper documents.     We therefore
    conclude that a person in the defendant's position would
    reasonably conclude that Monaco's questions conveyed his
    suspicion that the defendant had committed a crime.
    On the issue of the tone of the exchange, the motion judge
    found only that the defendant was "cooperative."   The record is
    otherwise silent on this third prong.
    Finally, the critical question is "whether, in the
    circumstances, a reasonable person would believe that an officer
    would compel him or her to stay."    
    Matta, 483 Mass. at 363
    .    In
    Commonwealth v. Gordon, 
    47 Mass. App. Ct. 825
    , 827 (1999), this
    court held that, while the experience of being handcuffed and
    placed in a police cruiser did not necessarily convert a Terry
    stop1 based on reasonable suspicion into an arrest, there, "the
    combined indicia of handcuffs and restraint in the back of a
    police cruiser attain[ed] the level of custody associated with
    formal arrest. . . .    Miranda warnings therefore should have
    preceded any interrogation."
    So too here, the defendant was asked whether he had an FID
    card or license to carry while handcuffed in the rear of a
    police cruiser.    Afterwards, he was in fact arrested.   In that
    circumstance, the defendant reasonably would have believed that
    the officer would compel him to stay, if he chose to leave.      See
    Commonwealth v. Damelio, 
    83 Mass. App. Ct. 32
    , 35 (2012)
    ("whether the defendant [is] free to leave is based on a
    reasonable person standard, and not on the subjective state of
    1   See Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    mind of the officers").    As a result, we conclude that, before
    posing the question, Monaco should have informed the defendant
    of his Miranda rights; because he did not, the statement should
    have been suppressed.
    The issue then becomes whether the erroneous admission of
    the defendant's statement that he did not have an FID card or a
    license to carry was "harmless beyond a reasonable doubt."
    Commonwealth v. Tyree, 
    455 Mass. 676
    , 700 (2010), quoting
    Chapman v. California, 
    386 U.S. 18
    , 24 (1967).    After careful
    review, we are satisfied that "[a]lthough the statement[] . . .
    should have been suppressed, [its] admission in evidence was
    harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.   See 
    Chapman[, supra
    ].      To
    determine whether erroneously admitted evidence was harmless, we
    consider factors such as 'the importance of the evidence in the
    prosecution's case; the relationship between the evidence and
    the premise of the defense; who introduced the issue at trial;
    the frequency of the reference; whether the erroneously admitted
    evidence was merely cumulative of properly admitted evidence;
    the availability or effect of curative instructions; and the
    weight or quantum of evidence of guilt.'"    Commonwealth v.
    474 Mass. 355
    , 365-366 (2016), quoting Tyree, supra at
    Here, at the time that the defendant admitted to Monaco
    that he did not have a license to carry or an FID card, the
    officer already had discovered the gun and the ammunition that
    formed the basis for the convictions.   After careful review, we
    conclude that this independent discovery, prior to the
    defendant's confession, renders the inadmissible admission
    evidence harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.   See Commonwealth
    v. Greenwood, 
    78 Mass. App. Ct. 611
    , 623 (2011), quoting
    Commonwealth v. Dagraca, 
    447 Mass. 546
    , 555 (2006) (court's task
    is to determine whether properly admitted evidence was
    sufficiently "powerful as to neutralize the erroneously
    admitted" evidence).   Monaco testified at trial, without
    objection, that before questioning the defendant on the issue,
    Monaco had learned, by searching the firearms database for the
    defendant's name, that the defendant did not possess the
    requisite license or FID card.   Most importantly, it was the
    defendant's burden at trial to produce evidence that he had the
    proper license and FID card, and he failed to do so.     See
    Commonwealth v. Weaver, 
    474 Mass. 787
    , 815 (2016) ("lack of
    license is not an element of unlicensed possession, but rather
    an affirmative defense").   In fact, the defendant testified at
    trial that he had neither a license to carry nor an FID card.2
    2 The defendant does not argue that he would not have
    testified at trial but for the erroneous denial of his motion to
    Given the defendant's inability to produce the proper
    license and FID card, his testimony at trial that he did not
    have them, and Monaco's independent source for the information,
    we are satisfied that the defendant's admission to Monaco was
    cumulative of the properly admitted evidence and thus harmless
    beyond a reasonable doubt.    See 
    Greenwood, 78 Mass. App. Ct. at 623
    Judgments affirmed.

Document Info

Docket Number: AC 18-P-331

Filed Date: 12/5/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/6/2019