Robbie M. Nason v. Timothy Pruchnic , 2019 ME 38 ( 2019 )

  • MAINE	SUPREME	JUDICIAL	COURT	                                       Reporter	of	Decisions
    2019 ME 38
    Docket:	   Pen-18-10
    Argued:	   October	11,	2018
    Decided:	  March	12,	2019
    JABAR,	J.
    [¶1]	 	 Timothy	 Pruchnic,	 M.D.,	 and	 Eastern	 Maine	 Medical	 Center
    (collectively,	 excepted	 where	 indicated	 otherwise,	 Pruchnic)	 appeal	 from	 a
    judgment	 entered	 after	 a	 jury	 trial	 in	 the	 Superior	 Court	 (Penobscot	 County,
    A.	Murray,	J.)	in	favor	of	Robbie	M.	Nason	on	his	claim	for	medical	malpractice
    against	Pruchnic.		We	affirm	the	judgment.
    [¶2]		 The	following	facts,	including	all	justifiable	inferences,	are	drawn
    from	the	trial	record	as	viewed	in	the	light	most	favorable	to	the	jury	verdict.
    See	Hansen	v.	Sunday	River	Skiway	Corp.,	
    1999 ME 45
    ,	¶	5,	
    726 A.2d 220
    [¶3]		In	July	2013,	Nason	fractured	the	scaphoid	bone	of	his	right	wrist
    while	working.		Nason	was	referred	to	Pruchnic,	a	hand	surgeon	employed	at
    Eastern	Maine	Medical	Center,	who	determined	that	surgical	intervention	was
    required	for	proper	healing.		Pruchnic	performed	a	surgical	implantation	of	a
    compression	screw	in	Nason’s	scaphoid	bone	in	September	2013.
    [¶4]	 	 Throughout	 the	 next	 few	 months,	 Pruchnic	 completed	 several
    imaging	studies	on	Nason’s	wrist,	but	failed	to	discover	any	potential	problems.
    Believing	 Nason’s	 wrist	 to	 be	 healing	 properly,	 Pruchnic	 had	 Nason	 begin
    physical	therapy,	where	he	experienced	pain	and	a	distinct	clicking	feeling	in
    his	wrist.		Eventually,	Pruchnic	realized	that	the	screw	he	had	placed	in	Nason’s
    wrist	 was	 protruding	 from	 the	 scaphoid	 bone	 and	 into	 the	 surrounding
    [¶5]	 	 Due	 to	 Nason’s	 extended	 absence	 from	 work,	 his	 workers’
    compensation	agent	scheduled	him	to	be	examined	by	another	surgeon.		Upon
    examining	 Nason,	 the	 surgeon	 immediately	 recognized	 that	 the	 screw	 was
    protruding	from	Nason’s	scaphoid	bone	and	performed	surgery	to	remove	the
    screw,	during	which	the	surgeon	observed	extensive	damage	to	the	cartilage	of
    Nason’s	right	wrist.		The	surgeon	performed	a	second	surgery	in	an	attempt	to
    clean	up	as	much	damage	as	possible.		Despite	these	efforts,	Nason	continued
    to	experience	pain	in	his	right	wrist,	and	several	injections	proved	ineffective.
    Ultimately,	 the	 surgeon	 completed	 a	 third	 surgery	 on	 Nason,	 removing	 his
    scaphoid	bone	along	with	two	other	bones.
    [¶6]	 	 Nason	 brought	 an	 action	 against	 Pruchnic	 and	 Eastern	 Maine
    Medical	Center,	alleging	negligence	in	Pruchnic’s	attempted	surgical	repair	of
    his	 scaphoid	 bone,	 leaving	 him	 with	 permanent	 pain	 and	 impairment	 of	 his
    wrist.		The	jury	unanimously	found	Pruchnic	and	Eastern	Maine	Medical	Center
    negligent	 and	 awarded	 damages	 of	 $2,000,000.1	 	 Pruchnic	 moved	 for	 a	 new
    trial,	or	in	the	alternative,	remittitur,	on	the	ground	that	the	jury	verdict	was
    excessive.		The	Superior	Court	denied	Pruchnic’s	motion.		This	appeal	followed.
    [¶7]	 	 Pruchnic	 argues	 that	 he	 was	 entitled	 to	 a	 new	 trial,	 or	 in	 the
    alternative,	remittitur,	on	the	ground	that	the	jury	awarded	excessive	damages.
    Pruchnic	 also	 argues	 that	 the	 trial	 court	 erred	 by	 giving	 a	 jury	 instruction
    pursuant	to	Lovely	v.	Allstate	Ins.	Co.,	
    658 A.2d 1091
    	(Me.	1995),	admitting	only
    redacted	 portions	 of	 radiology	 reports,	 and	 instructing	 the	 jury	 to	 disregard
    mentions	of	workers’	compensation.
    1	 	 The	 trial	 court	 instructed	 the	 jury,	 by	 agreement,	 that	 Pruchnic’s	 employer,	 Eastern	 Maine
    Medical	Center,	was	liable	for	any	negligence	that	it	found	on	the	part	of	Pruchnic.
    A.	    Excessive	Damages
    [¶8]	 	 The	 assessment	 of	 damages	 “is	 the	 responsibility	 of	 the	 jury	 and
    generally	its	judgment	must	stand.		However,	the	trial	court	may	intervene	to
    set	aside	an	excessive	verdict	if	the	moving	party	is	able	to	demonstrate	that
    the	jury	acted	under	some	bias,	prejudice,	or	improper	influence,	or	has	made
    some	 mistake	 of	 fact	 or	 law.”	 	 Seabury-Peterson	 v.	 Jhamb,	 
    2011 ME 35
    ,	 ¶	18,
    15 A.3d 746
    	 (alteration	 and	 citation	 omitted)	 (quotation	 marks	 omitted).
    Because	the	trial	court	has	the	opportunity	to	observe	the	trial,	“it	is	in	a	far
    better	position	than	an	appellate	court	to	determine	whether	the	damages	are
    rationally	 supported	 by	 the	 evidence	 and	 whether	 the	 jury	 had	 an	 improper
    motive	for	awarding	excessive	damages.”		Id.	¶	19.		Accordingly,	we	review	a
    trial	 court’s	 refusal	 to	 grant	 a	 new	 trial	 or	 remittitur	 based	 on	 an	 allegedly
    excessive	jury	verdict	for	a	clear	and	manifest	abuse	of	discretion.		See	Marston
    v.	Newavom,	
    629 A.2d 587
    ,	593	(Me.	1993).
    [¶9]		In	reviewing	a	claim	that	a	jury	verdict	is	excessive,	the	trial	court
    first	 “examines	 the	 evidence	 in	 the	 light	 most	 favorable	 to	 the	 verdict”	 to
    determine	 if	 the	 verdict	 bears	 a	 rational	 relationship	 to	 the	 evidence.
    2011 ME 35
    ,	¶	19,	
    15 A.3d 746
    .		A	rational	relationship	exists
    if	 there	 is	 any	 competent	 evidence	 in	 the	 record	 to	 support	 the	 verdict.	 	 See
    Bourette	 v.	 Dresser	 Indus.,	 Inc.,	 
    481 A.2d 170
    ,	 174	 (Me.	 1984).	 	 If	 no	 rational
    relationship	exists	between	the	evidence	in	the	record	and	the	damages	award,
    then	 the	 trial	 court	 must	 evaluate	 the	 jury’s	 basis	 for	 awarding	 the	 allegedly
    excessive	damages.		See	Seabury-Peterson,	
    2011 ME 35
    ,	¶	19,	
    15 A.3d 746
    .		If	an
    excessive	award	stems	from	an	improper	basis,	“such	as	passion	or	prejudice,
    a	new	trial	is	the	appropriate	remedy.”		
    		However,	when	the	excessive	award
    stems	 from	 a	 good	 faith	 mistake,	 remittitur	 to	 the	 maximum	 amount	 that
    rationally	could	be	found	by	a	jury	is	the	appropriate	remedy.		
    [¶10]		Contrary	to	Pruchnic’s	contentions,	there	is	competent	evidence	in
    the	record	to	support	the	trial	court’s	determination	that	there	was	a	rational
    relationship	 between	 that	 evidence	 and	 the	 jury’s	 damage	 award.	 	 Due	 to
    Pruchnic’s	negligence,	three	bones	were	removed	from	Nason’s	wrist,	leaving
    him	 permanently	 and	 significantly	 impaired.	 	 This	 impairment	 has	 caused
    demonstrated	 changes	 in	 Nason’s	 daily	 life	 and	 activities.	 	 Nason	 has	 further
    experienced	emotional	distress	based	on	a	fear	of	unemployability	should	he
    lose	his	job	and	a	reduced	self-worth	due	to	his	inability	to	engage	in	activities
    as	he	did	before	the	surgery	performed	by	Pruchnic.		Moreover,	because	of	the
    impairment,	Nason	was	required	to	take	a	new	position	at	work,	resulting	in
    the	loss	of	significant	overtime	wages.
    [¶11]		Because	the	court	could	reasonably	determine	that	the	evidence
    bears	a	rational	relationship	to	the	jury’s	award	of	$2,000,000,	it	was	not	a	clear
    and	manifest	abuse	of	discretion	for	the	court	to	deny	Pruchnic’s	motion	for	a
    new	 trial,	 or	 in	 the	 alternative,	 remittitur.2	 	 We	 may	 not	 intervene	 merely
    because	of	the	amount	of	the	award	or	because	another	jury	may	have	awarded
    less.	 	 See	 Wallace	 v.	 Coca-Cola	 Bottling	 Plants,	 Inc.,	 
    269 A.2d 117
    ,	 122
    (Me.	1970).		This	is	particularly	true	where,	as	here,	the	jury	was	given	a	general
    verdict	form,	making	it	impossible	to	specifically	determine	the	components	of
    damages	 assessed	 by	 the	 jury	 that	 led	 to	 the	 overall	 verdict.	 	 See	 Withers	 v.
    1999 ME 117
    ,	 ¶	 8,	 
    734 A.2d 189
    	 (“Where	 damages	 cannot	 be
    specifically	 calculated	 from	 the	 record	 and	 are	 based	 on	 the	 subjective
    judgment	of	the	fact	finder,	the	issue	is	properly	one	for	a	jury.”).
    B.	    The	Lovely	Jury	Instruction
    [¶12]		Pruchnic	next	contends	that	it	was	error	for	the	trial	court	to	give
    a	 jury	 instruction	 pursuant	 to	 Lovely	 v.	 Allstate	 Ins.	 Co.,	 
    658 A.2d 1091
    2		As	an	additional	argument	for	a	new	trial,	Pruchnic	contends	that	the	trial	court’s	exclusion	of
    references	to	Nason’s	smoking	in	his	medical	records	was	error.		Pruchnic	argues	that	had	the	jury
    been	 apprised	 of	 Nason’s	 smoking,	 the	 jury	 would	 not	 have	 awarded	 such	 significant	 damages
    because	smoking	shortens	a	person’s	life	expectancy	and	reduces	the	person’s	ability	to	heal	from
    trauma.		However,	Pruchnic	failed	to	designate	an	expert	to	testify	on	the	issue,	and	despite	objecting
    to	the	court’s	redaction	of	the	medical	records,	failed	to	provide	an	argument	as	to	why	the	evidence
    was	relevant	and	admissible	or	an	offer	of	proof	to	preserve	his	objection.		See	M.R.	Evid.	103(a)(2);
    State	v.	Williams,	
    462 A.2d 491
    ,	492	(Me.	1983).		Thus,	we	find	no	abuse	 of	discretion	in	the	trial
    court’s	exclusion	of	this	evidence	or	denial	of	a	new	trial	based	on	its	exclusion.
    (Me.	1995),	 because	 the	 evidence	 adduced	 at	 trial	 did	 not	 warrant	 such	 an
    instruction.		A	trial	court	must	give	the	jury	instructions	that	are	generated	by
    the	 evidence	 presented	 in	 the	 case.	 	 See	 Bratton	 v.	 McDonough,	 
    2014 ME 64
    ¶	20,	
    91 A.3d 1050
    .		We	will	not	disturb	a	judgment	on	the	ground	that	a	jury
    instruction	 was	 given	 in	 error	 unless,	 viewing	 the	 jury	 instructions	 in	 their
    entirety,	 the	 “instructions	 fail	 to	 inform	 the	 jury	 correctly	 and	 fairly	 in	 all
    necessary	 respects	 of	 the	 governing	 law.”	 	 Niedojadlo	 v.	 Cent.	 Me.	 Moving
    &	Storage	Co.,	
    1998 ME 199
    ,	¶	8,	
    715 A.2d 934
    .		When,	as	here,	an	objection	to
    the	 trial	 court’s	 jury	 instructions	 is	 properly	 preserved,	 “we	 will	 vacate	 the
    [trial]	court’s	judgment	only	if	the	erroneous	instruction	resulted	in	prejudice.”
    Caruso	v.	Jackson	Lab.,	
    2014 ME 101
    ,	¶	12,	
    98 A.3d 221
    [¶13]	 	 In	 Lovely,	 we	 explained	 that	 the	 “single	 injury	 rule	 places	 any
    hardship	 resulting	 from	 the	 difficulty	 of	 apportionment	 on	 the	 proven
    wrongdoer	 and	 not	 on	 the	 innocent	 plaintiff.”	 	 
    658 A.2d at 1093
    ;	 see	 also
    Palleschi	 v.	 Palleschi,	 
    1998 ME 3
    ,	 ¶	 3,	 
    704 A.2d 383
    	 (“Our	 decision	 in	 Lovely
    .	.	.	makes	 clear	 the	 policy	 choice	 that,	 as	 between	 an	 innocent	 victim	 and	 a
    tortfeasor,	 the	 law	 burdens	 the	 wrongdoer	 with	 the	 difficulties	 of
    apportionment.”).		“The	issue	of	apportionment	will	be	present	whenever	the
    defendant,	 in	 response	 to	 the	 damage	 claimed,	 produces	 evidence	 of	 a
    preexisting	 or	 subsequent	 injury	 which	 the	 defendant	 asserts	 is	 the	 cause	 of
    some	 portion	of	the	 plaintiff’s	problems.”		Lovely,	
    658 A.2d at 1094
    	 (Lipez,	J.,
    [¶14]	 	 The	 evidence	 presented	 to	 the	 jury,	 including	 that	 presented	 by
    Pruchnic,	raised	the	issue	of	apportionment	such	that	a	Lovely	instruction	was
    appropriate.		In	his	opening	statement,	Pruchnic	pointed	out	that	“there	were
    other	 abnormalities	 in	 [Nason’s]	 wrist	 which	 have	 nothing	 to	 do	 with	 the
    screw.”	 	 Pruchnic’s	 expert	 testified	 that	 the	 extent	 of	 injury	 to	 Nason’s	 wrist
    could	be	due	to	wear	and	tear	from	an	active	life,	degenerative	changes,	and	the
    potential	trauma	from	having	multiple	surgeries.		On	cross-examination	of	the
    surgeon	 who	 removed	 the	 screw	 from	 Nason’s	 wrist,	 Pruchnic	 developed
    testimony	 that	 the	 damage	 to	 Nason’s	 wrist	 could	 have	 been	 due	 to	 early
    arthritis	 or	 trauma	 from	 the	 surgery.	 	 Finally,	 during	 closing	 arguments
    Pruchnic	 stated	 that	 “there’s	 other	 things	 going	 on	 in	 Mr.	 Nason’s	 hand	 in
    different	 areas	 of	 the	 wrist,”	 and	 that	 there	 was	 “evidence	 of	 cysts	 and	 a
    degenerative	process	even	before	the	screw	[was]	placed.”		The	evidence	and
    arguments	 presented	 by	 Pruchnic	 raised	 the	 issue	 of	 a	 preexisting	 or
    subsequent	injury	causing	at	least	some	portion	of	Nason’s	problems.		See	
    Thus,	it	was	not	error	for	the	court	to	instruct	the	jury	pursuant	to	Lovely.
    C.	    Radiology	Reports
    [¶15]	 	 Pruchnic	 also	 argues	 that	 he	 was	 prejudiced	 by	 the	 trial	 court’s
    redaction	 of	 several	 radiology	 reports	 in	 which	 the	 radiologists	 offered
    opinions	as	to	potential	causes	of	Nason’s	wrist	problems	based	on	their	review
    of	Nason’s	imaging	studies.		Pruchnic	asserts	that	the	records	were	admissible
    in	their	entirety	pursuant	to	16	M.R.S.	§	357	(2018),	or,	alternatively,	as	facts
    forming	 the	 basis	 of	 an	 expert’s	 opinion	 and	 statements	 made	 for	 medical
    diagnosis	and	treatment.		See	M.R.	Evid.	703,	803(4).
    [¶16]		Section	357,	in	its	relevant	part,	states	that
    [r]ecords	 kept	 by	 hospitals	 and	 other	 medical	 facilities	 licensed
    under	the	laws	of	this	State	.	.	.	shall	be	admissible[]	as	evidence	in
    the	courts	of	this	State	so	far	as	such	records	relate	to	the	treatment
    and	medical	history	of	such	cases	and	the	court	shall	admit	copies
    of	such	records,	if	certified	by	the	persons	in	custody	thereof	to	be
    true	 and	 complete,	 but	 nothing	 therein	 contained	 shall	 be
    admissible	 as	 evidence	 which	 has	 reference	 to	 the	 question	 of
    16	M.R.S.	§	357.
    [¶17]	 	 Section	 357	 “provides	 a	 method	 of	 authenticating	 the	 hospital
    records	and	provides	an	exception	to	Rule	802	of	the	Maine	Rules	of	Evidence,
    which,	as	a	general	matter,	bars	the	admission	of	hearsay	evidence.”		State	v.
    2019 ME 33
    ,	 ¶	 12,	 ---	 A.3d	 ---.	 	 However,	 this	 does	 not	 “override	 the
    application	 of	 other	 Maine	 Rules	 of	 Evidence	 not	 pertaining	 to	 hearsay.”	 	 
    ¶	13;	see	also	State	v.	Caron,	
    2011 ME 9
    ,	¶	15,	
    10 A.3d 739
    	(“Medical	records
    may,	and	often	must,	be	admitted	in	redacted	form.	.	.	.”);	Cyr	v	Hurd,	
    554 A.2d 345
    ,	346-47	(Me.	1989).		Rather,	“for	the	proper	admission	of	a	hospital	record
    pursuant	to	section	357,	the	party	offering	the	record	must	(A)	establish	that
    the	 report	 is	 relevant	 to	 the	 matter	 before	 the	 court;	 (B)	 satisfy	 the
    requirements	of	section	357;	and	(C)	establish	that	the	Maine	Rules	of	Evidence
    do	not	otherwise	require	the	exclusion	of	the	medical	record.”		Jones,	
    2019 ME 33
    ,	¶	14,	---A.3d	---	(internal	citations	omitted).
    [¶18]		Here,	there	is	no	doubt	that	the	documents	at	issue	were	medical
    records	and	were	properly	authenticated.		Therefore,	the	section	357	exception
    to	the	hearsay	rules	applied	to	any	parts	of	the	documents	that	were	related	to
    treatment	and	medical	history.3		See	id.	¶	15.
    [¶19]		Even	though	the	radiologists	reports	were	medical	records	within
    the	purview	of	section	357,	the	court	excluded	the	reports	as	the	opinions	of
    nondesignated	 experts.	 	 See	 M.R.	 Evid.	 702;	 State	 v.	 Marden,	 
    673 A.2d 1304
    1311	n.5	(Me.	1996)	(stating	that	“opinion	testimony	that	.	.	.	is	not	within	the
    common	 knowledge	 of	 an	 ordinary	 person	 .	 .	 .	 may	 not	 be	 given	 by	 a	 lay
    3		Because,	in	accordance	with	section	357,	the	medical	records	are	not	subject	to	the	general	rule
    that	excludes	hearsay,	we	do	not	reach	Pruchnic’s	other	arguments	as	to	whether	the	records	could
    be	admissible	pursuant	to	an	exception	to	the	hearsay	rule.
    witness”).		The	portions	of	the	records	that	Pruchnic	sought	to	admit	were	the
    statements	of	nontreating	and	nontestifying	radiologists	offering	their	expert
    opinions	as	to	potential	causes	of	visual	findings.		 Because	Pruchnic	failed	to
    designate	 the	 radiologists	 as	 experts,	 the	 court	 acted	 correctly	 in	 excluding,
    without	reference	to	section	357,	those	portions	of	the	records	containing	the
    undesignated	expert	witnesses’	opinions.		See	Mitchell	v.	Kieliszek,	
    2006 ME 70
    ¶	 19,	 
    900 A.2d 719
    	 (“We	 have	 consistently	 held	 that	 it	 is	 an	 appropriate
    exercise	 of	 the	 trial	 court’s	 discretion	 to	 exclude	 expert	 testimony	 when	 the
    party	seeking	to	elicit	the	opinion	failed	to	designate	the	witness	as	an	expert
    .	.	.	.”);	M.R.	Civ.	P.	16A(a),	(b).
    D.	    Worker’s	Compensation
    [¶20]		Lastly,	Pruchnic	argues	that	the	trial	court	erred	by	instructing	the
    jury	to	disregard	all	references	to	workers’	compensation	after	allowing	those
    references	to	be	made	throughout	the	trial.		This,	Pruchnic	argues,	confused	the
    jury	and	allowed	Nason	a	double	recovery.
    [¶21]	 	 Pruchnic	 did	 not	 object	 to	 the	 testimony	 regarding	 workers’
    compensation,	 nor	 did	 he	 object	 to	 the	 jury	 instruction	 given	 by	 the	 court.
    “When	the	claimed	error	has	not	been	preserved,	we	review	the	instruction	for
    obvious	error.”		Morey	v.	Stratton,	
    2000 ME 147
    ,	¶	10,	
    756 A.2d 496
    .		An	error
    is	 obvious	 only	 when	 it	 “constitutes	 such	 a	 serious	 injustice	 that	 reversal	 is
    necessary	 because	 we	 could	 not	 in	 good	 conscience	 let	 the	 judgment	 stand.”
    Coyne	v.	Peace,	
    2004 ME 150
    ,	¶	14,	
    863 A.2d 885
    [¶22]		The	collateral	source	doctrine	typically	precludes	the	admission	of
    evidence	 of	 workers’	 compensation	 because	 “a	 plaintiff	 who	 has	 received
    compensation	 for	 [his]	 damages	 from	 sources	 independent	 of	 the	 tortfeasor
    remains	 entitled	 to	 a	 full	 recovery	 [from	 the	 tortfeasor].”	 	 Grover	 v.	 Boise
    Cascade	 Corp.,	 
    2004 ME 119
    ,	 ¶	 24,	 
    860 A.2d 851
    	 (quotation	 marks	 omitted).
    However,	such	evidence	“may	be	admissible	for	purposes	other	than	mitigation
    of	damages	that	are	recoverable	from	the	tortfeasor.”		
    		Where	evidence	of	a
    collateral	source	comes	to	the	attention	of	the	jury,	“[a]	curative	instruction	is
    often	sufficient	to	avert	the	danger	of	prejudice	.	.	.	.”		Theriault	v.	Swan,	
    558 A.2d 369
    ,	371	(Me.	1989).
    [¶23]		Here,	the	only	references	to	workers’	compensation	were	elicited
    to	explain	why	Nason	left	Pruchnic’s	care.		The	court,	in	response,	instructed
    the	 jury	 that	 it	 must	 “completely	 disregard”	 references	 to	 workers’
    compensation,	and	that	it	“may	not	consider	what	benefits	were	received,	what
    they	 amounted	 to,	 or	 what	 rights	 existed	 based	 upon	 the	 payment	 of	 those
    benefits.”		We	must	assume	that	the	jury	followed	the	court’s	instruction,	which
    was	 straight-forward	 and—contrary	 to	 Pruchnic’s	 assertion—not	 confusing.
    See	id.;	State	v.	Franzen,	
    461 A.2d 1068
    ,	1073	(Me.	1983)	(“We	cannot	presume
    that	the	jury	was	too	ignorant	to	comprehend	the	law	given	to	them	in	[the]
    case	and	to	apply	the	same	to	the	facts	.	.	.	.”).		Therefore,	we	find	no	obvious
    error	in	the	court’s	workers’	compensation	jury	instruction.
    The	entry	is:
    Judgment	affirmed.
    Ernest	J.	Babcock,	Esq.	(orally),	Adria	Y.	LaRose,	Esq.,	and	Janna	Gau,	Esq.,	Eaton
    Peabody,	Bangor,	for	appellants	Timothy	Pruchnic	and	Eastern	Maine	Medical
    Jodi	L.	Nofsinger,	 Esq.	(orally),	and	Taylor	A.	Asen,	Esq.,	 Berman	&	Simmons,
    P.A.,	Lewiston,	for	appellee	Robbie	M.	Nason
    Penobscot	County	Superior	Court	docket	number	CV-2015-137