Janet Howe v. MMG Insurance Company , 95 A.3d 79 ( 2014 )

  • MAINE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT                                       Reporter of Decisions
    2014 ME 78
    Docket:   Yor-13-529
    Argued:   May 15, 2014
    Decided:  June 17, 2014
    JANET HOWE et al.
    MEAD, J.
    [¶1] Janet Howe and Rajesh Mandekar (collectively Howe) appeal from a
    judgment entered by the Superior Court (York County, O’Neil, J.) declaring that
    MMG Insurance Company (MMG) has no duty to defend in a suit filed against
    them by the River Knoll Farms Condominium Association (Association). MMG
    argues, and the trial court agreed, that a policy issued to Howe by MMG does not
    provide coverage because the Association’s suit seeks only equitable relief. Howe
    asserts that the suit also seeks money damages, which would potentially be covered
    by the MMG policy. Because we conclude that the facts that might be proved at
    trial potentially fall within the coverage provided by Howe’s policy, MMG has a
    duty to defend Howe. Accordingly, we vacate the judgment.
    [¶2] Howe owns one of four condominiums in the River Knoll Farms
    Condominium in Kittery. In April 2013, the Association sued Howe, alleging, in
    the counts at issue here, (1) nuisance, (2) negligence, and (3) a violation of
    7 M.R.S. § 3952 (2013) (Keeping a Dangerous Dog). All three counts arose
    primarily from the conduct of Howe’s dog.
    [¶3] MMG, which had issued a homeowner’s policy to Howe, declined to
    defend her in the litigation on the ground that the Association’s complaint alleged
    that Howe’s dog was a nuisance, not that it caused any “bodily injury” or “property
    damage,” and therefore the complaint sought only equitable relief not covered by
    the policy. In July 2013 Howe filed a complaint against MMG in the Superior
    Court, seeking a declaratory judgment requiring MMG to defend her as required by
    the policy.     After MMG answered with a general denial, Howe moved for a
    judgment on the pleadings pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 12(c).1 Following a hearing,
    the court entered a judgment for MMG, finding that (1) the nuisance count of the
    Association’s complaint sought only injunctive relief not covered by Howe’s
    policy; (2) the negligence count made no claim that Howe’s dog caused bodily
    Maine Rule of Civil Procedure 12(c) provides, in part, “After the pleadings are closed but within
    such time as not to delay the trial, any party may move for judgment on the pleadings.”
    injury or property damage, and therefore failed to allege the elements of the tort;
    and (3) no private right of action is provided by 7 M.R.S. § 3952.
    [¶4] This appeal followed.
    [¶5] We review a Rule 12(c) judgment on the pleadings de novo. Mitchell
    v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    2011 ME 133
    , ¶ 8, 
    36 A.3d 876
    . The MMG policy is likewise
    interpreted de novo, and “any ambiguity in the policy regarding [MMG’s] duty to
    defend is resolved against [MMG].” 
    Id. ¶¶ 8,
    [¶6] An insurer’s duty to defend is broad. We recently reiterated that the
    duty “is triggered if the complaint tendered contains any allegations that, if proved,
    could fall within the coverage afforded by the policy. . . . [I]f the complaint—read
    in conjunction with the policy—reveals a mere potential that the facts may come
    within the coverage, then the duty to defend exists.” Cox v. Commonwealth Land
    Title Ins. Co., 
    2013 ME 8
    , ¶ 9, 
    59 A.3d 1280
    (emphasis in original) (citation
    omitted). Furthermore, “where the events giving rise to the complaint may be
    shown at trial to fall within the policy’s coverage, an insurer must provide the
    policyholder with a defense. An insurer may have a duty to defend even against a
    complaint that could not survive a motion to dismiss.” Mitchell, 
    2011 ME 133
    ¶ 10, 
    36 A.3d 876
    (emphasis added) (citation and quotation marks omitted).
    [¶7] The complaint here generally alleges that Howe is “the owner[] of a
    dog that is vicious, threatening, and has bitten people. At all relevant times [she]
    had control over the dog . . . .” Count I specifically asserts that Howe’s actions
    “regarding . . . [her] vicious dog . . . constitute a nuisance. The property and other
    rights of the members of the Association have been substantially affected and
    interfered with.” Howe asserts in her brief that it might be shown at trial that the
    dog “had scratched, bitten, and otherwise damaged” Association property, thus
    establishing a claim for property damage. Count I requests injunctive relief, but
    also requests “damages, interest, penalties, costs, and [attorney] fees.”
    [¶8] The negligence claim (Count III) likewise centers on the conduct of
    Howe’s dog. The complaint’s general allegations include an assertion that the dog
    “is vicious, threatening, and has bitten people,” and that Howe “failed to control
    the dog.” The allegation that the dog has “bitten people”—possibly fellow unit
    owners, because the statutory count (Count V) alleges that “unit owners have been
    assaulted” by the dog—outlines a claim of bodily injury for which Howe might be
    answerable to the Association, depending on the facts developed as the case
    proceeds. See 33 M.R.S. § 1603-102(4) (2013) (providing that the Association is
    empowered to bring litigation “on behalf of itself or 2 or more unit owners on
    matters affecting the condominium”). Like the nuisance claim, the negligence
    count seeks as relief “damages, plus reasonable [attorney] fees, costs and interest.”
    [¶9] We do not express any opinion as to whether the Association’s claims
    will ultimately succeed, or even whether they will survive until trial as this case
    proceeds through discovery and possible dispositive motions. We do note, as we
    have before, that “Maine is a notice pleading state,” Johnston v. Me. Energy
    Recovery Co., Ltd. P’ship, 
    2010 ME 52
    , ¶ 16, 
    997 A.2d 741
    , and that the “notice
    pleading standard . . . [is] forgiving,” meaning that a complaint need only “give
    fair notice of the cause of action by providing a short and plain statement of the
    claim showing that the pleader is entitled to relief,” and then make a demand for
    that relief. Burns v. Architectural Doors & Windows, 
    2011 ME 61
    , ¶¶ 16, 21,
    19 A.3d 823
    (citations and quotation marks omitted); M.R. Civ. P. 8(a). The
    “complaint need not identify the particular legal theories that will be relied upon,
    but it must describe the essence of the claim and allege facts sufficient to
    demonstrate that the complaining party has been injured in a way that entitles him
    or her to relief.”   Burns, 
    2011 ME 61
    , ¶ 17, 
    19 A.3d 823
    (quotation marks
    [¶10]   Accordingly, even if a complaint’s claims are initially stated in
    general terms, see 
    id. ¶ 21,
    so long as the complaint, read broadly in conjunction
    with the policy, “reveals a mere potential that the facts may come within the
    coverage, then the duty to defend exists.” Cox, 
    2013 ME 8
    , ¶ 9, 
    59 A.3d 1280
    Here, reviewing the complaint in light of the liberal notice-pleading standard, facts
    could be developed at a trial on the Association’s complaint, as currently drafted,
    that would support claims potentially falling within the coverage of the policy.
    Accordingly, MMG has a duty to defend Howe against them.
    The entry is:
    Judgment vacated.        Remanded for       further
    proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    On the briefs and at oral argument:
    Patrick S. Bedard, Esq., Bedard & Bobrow, P.C., Eliot, for
    appellants Janet Howe et al
    Matthew T. Mehalic, Esq., Norman, Hanson & DeTroy, LLC,
    Portland, for appellee MMG Insurance Company
    York County Superior Court docket number CV-2013-169