Waleed Youhanna v. Auto Club Insurance Association ( 2019 )

  •          If this opinion indicates that it is “FOR PUBLICATION,” it is subject to
    revision until final publication in the Michigan Appeals Reports.
    WALEED YOUHANNA,                                               UNPUBLISHED
    April 30, 2019
    Intervening Plaintiffs,
    v                                                              No. 342436
    Wayne Circuit Court
    AUTO CLUB INSURANCE ASSOCIATION,                               LC No. 16-000282-NF
    v                                                              No. 342736
    Wayne Circuit Court
    AUTO CLUB INSURANCE ASSOCIATION,                               LC No. 16-004895-NF
    Before: MARKEY, P.J., and FORT HOOD and GADOLA, JJ.
    In these consolidated appeals, defendant Hudson Insurance Company (Hudson) appeals
    as of right the trial court’s stipulated order of dismissal, challenging a previous order granting
    defendant Amerisure Insurance Company’s (Amerisure) motion for summary disposition. We
    I. FACTS
    This is an action to determine the priority of insurers under Michigan’s no-fault act, MCL
    500.3101 et seq. The underlying facts are essentially undisputed. In 2015, plaintiff Waleed
    Youhanna purchased a commercial tractor-trailer and registered the truck in his name and the
    name of his business, Wally Transportation, Inc. (Wally). Wally purchased from Hudson a
    policy of no-fault insurance known as a “bobtail” policy. “Bobtailing” is trucking vernacular for
    driving a tractor without an attached trailer. Hunt v Drielick, 
    496 Mich. 366
    , 373; 852 NW2d 562
    (2014). The purpose of a “bobtail” policy generally is to provide insurance coverage when the
    tractor is being operated without a trailer. 
    Id. at 376.
    On September 1, 2015, Wally leased the tractor-trailer to Safe Transport, LLC (Safe
    Transport), and thereafter plaintiff drove the tractor-trailer to deliver loads for Safe Transport.
    Safe Transport had purchased a policy of no-fault insurance issued by Amerisure. The
    Amerisure policy listed four tractor-trailers as “covered autos” under the policy, but did not
    include the tractor-trailer leased to Safe Transport by Wally. On September 14, 2015, plaintiff
    agreed to transport a load in the tractor-trailer for Safe Transport from Livonia to Louisiana.
    Early the next morning, while driving the tractor-trailer through Tennessee, plaintiff was injured
    in an accident that occurred when another tractor-trailer hit the back of his vehicle.
    Plaintiff initiated this action against defendant Auto Club Insurance Association (Auto
    Club), from whom plaintiff had purchased a policy of no-fault insurance covering his personal
    vehicle, seeking payment of personal protection insurance (PIP) benefits for his injuries arising
    from the collision. Plaintiff’s medical providers, intervening-plaintiffs Mendelson Orthopedics,
    PC and Omega Rehab Services, LLC, intervened in the action before the trial court. Plaintiff
    thereafter amended his complaint, adding Hudson, and later adding Amerisure, as defendants.
    Meanwhile, another medical provider, plaintiff Silver Pine Imaging, LLC, initiated an action
    against Auto Club, Hudson, and Amerisure, seeking reimbursement for medical costs incurred in
    treating plaintiff. The two actions were consolidated before the trial court.
    The three insurers moved for summary disposition. Auto Club moved for summary
    disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(10), arguing that it was not first in priority because it insured
    plaintiff regarding plaintiff’s personal automobile only. Amerisure moved for summary
    disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(8) and (10), arguing that is was not obligated to pay PIP
    benefits to plaintiff because the vehicle in question was not covered under its policy with Safe
    Transport. Hudson also moved for summary disposition, contending that under MCL
    500.3114(3), plaintiff, as an employee of Safe Transport, was entitled to PIP benefits from
    Amerisure as the insurer of the furnished vehicle. The trial court granted summary disposition to
    Auto Club and Amerisure.1           The trial court thereafter denied Hudson’s motion for
    reconsideration of its order granting Amerisure summary disposition. Hudson now appeals to
    this Court.
    Hudson contends that the trial court erred in granting Amerisure2 summary disposition.
    Hudson argues that the trial court incorrectly determined that plaintiff’s tractor-trailer was not
    covered by the Amerisure policy at the time of plaintiff’s accident, and that Amerisure therefore
    was not liable for payment of plaintiff’s PIP benefits. We disagree.
    We review de novo the trial court’s decision to grant or deny summary disposition.
    Dawoud v State Farm Mut Auto Ins Co, 
    317 Mich. App. 517
    , 520; 895 NW2d 188 (2016). A
    motion for summary disposition pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(8) tests the legal sufficiency of the
    complaint; we accept all well-pleaded factual allegations as true and construe them in a light
    At the hearing on the motions, the trial court stated on the record that it was denying Hudson’s
    motion for summary disposition, but our review of the record has not revealed an order to this
    We reject Amerisure’s suggestion that this Court lacks jurisdiction to hear these appeals
    because Hudson did not file a cross-claim against it in the trial court and is therefore not an
    “aggrieved party” under MCR 7.203(A). See Tevis v Amex Assurance Co, 
    283 Mich. App. 76
    , 79-
    80; 770 NW2d 16 (2009), in which this Court held that, in a priority dispute between two
    defendant insurers, the insurer held liable by the trial court to pay PIP benefits had suffered a
    particularized injury that affected its pecuniary interest, and it therefore was an aggrieved party
    under MCR 7.203(A) with respect to that ruling.
    most favorable to the nonmoving party. Maiden v Rozwood, 
    461 Mich. 109
    , 119-120; 597 NW2d
    817 (1999). A motion for summary disposition under this section is properly granted when,
    considering only the pleadings, the alleged claims are clearly unenforceable as a matter of law
    and no factual development could justify recovery. 
    Id. at 120.
    When reviewing an order
    granting summary disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(10), we consider all documentary evidence
    submitted by the parties in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. 
    Id. Summary disposition
    pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(10) is warranted when there is no genuine issue as to any
    material fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. 
    Id. The question
    of the priority of insurers under the no-fault act is one of statutory
    interpretation that we review de novo. See Titan Ins Co v American Country Ins Co, 312 Mich
    App 291, 296; 876 NW2d 853 (2015). The construction and interpretation of an insurance
    policy is a question of law that we also review de novo. 
    Hunt, 496 Mich. at 372
    The purpose of the Michigan no-fault act, MCL 500.3101 et seq., is to ensure
    compensation of persons injured in motor vehicle accidents. Allstate Ins Co v State Farm Mut
    Auto Ins Co, 
    321 Mich. App. 543
    , 552; 909 NW2d 495 (2017). The sections of the act governing
    priority, MCL 500.3114 and MCL 500.3115, determine the party against whom a person injured
    in a motor vehicle accident may claim benefits. Covenant Med Ctr, Inc v State Farm Mut Auto
    Ins Co, 
    500 Mich. 191
    , 215; 895 NW2d 490 (2017). To determine the priority of insurers liable
    for PIP benefits under the no-fault act in this case, we look to MCL 500.3114, which provides, in
    relevant part:
    (1) Except as provided in subsections (2), (3), and (5), a personal
    protection insurance policy described in section 3101(1) [MCL 500.3101(1)]
    applies to accidental bodily injury to the person named in the policy, the person’s
    spouse, and a relative of either domiciled in the same household, if the injury
    arises from a motor vehicle accident. . . .
    * * *
    (3) An employee . . . who suffers accidental bodily injury while an
    occupant of a motor vehicle owned or registered by the employer, shall receive
    personal protection insurance benefits to which the employee is entitled from the
    insurer of the furnished vehicle.
    MCL 500.3101(2)(k)(i), as in effect at the time of plaintiff’s injuries, defined an “owner”
    of a vehicle to include “[a] person renting a motor vehicle or having the use of a motor vehicle,
    under a lease or otherwise, for a period that is greater than 30 days.” Because plaintiff was an
    employee3 injured while an occupant of a motor vehicle “owned” by Safe Transport by virtue of
    its lease with Wally, MCL 500.3114(3) applies to dictate that plaintiff “shall receive personal
    protection insurance benefits to which [he] is entitled from the insurer of the furnished vehicle.”
    Besic v Citizens Ins Co, 
    290 Mich. App. 19
    , 32; 800 NW2d 93 (2010), quoting MCL 500.3114(3).
    The question, then, is who is the insurer of the furnished vehicle in this case. Hudson
    argues that because Amerisure issued a policy of no-fault insurance to Safe Transport, Amerisure
    is the insurer of the vehicle from whom plaintiff is entitled to receive PIP benefits under MCL
    500.3114(3) as an employee suffering accidental bodily injury while an occupant of a vehicle
    owned by Safe Transport. The parties do not dispute, however, that the Amerisure policy issued
    to Safe Transport explicitly covers just four vehicles, none of which is the vehicle Safe Transport
    leased from Wally in which Youhanna was injured.
    When ascertaining the scope of coverage provided by an insurance policy, traditional
    principles of contract interpretation apply, and we determine and give effect to the intent of the
    parties. Auto-Owners Ins Co v Churchman, 
    440 Mich. 560
    , 566; 489 NW2d 431 (1992). We
    read the policy as a whole and construe the language in accordance with the plain and ordinary
    meaning of the language to avoid technical or strained construction. Radenbaugh v Farm
    Bureau Gen Ins Co, 
    240 Mich. App. 134
    , 138; 610 NW2d 272 (2000). Contractual language is
    ambiguous if it is reasonably susceptible of more than one interpretation. Barton-Spencer v
    Farm Bureau Life Ins Co of Mich, 
    500 Mich. 32
    , 40; 892 NW2d 794 (2017). If the contract is
    ambiguous, we construe the policy against the insurer in favor of coverage. 
    Radenbaugh, 240 Mich. App. at 139
    Hudson argues that the “after acquired vehicle” provision of the Amerisure policy
    provides for coverage in this instance. That section of the Amerisure policy provides, in relevant
    B. Owned Autos You Acquire After The Policy Begins
    * * *
    2. But, if Symbol 46 is entered next to a coverage in Item Two of the
    Declarations, an “auto” you acquire will be a covered “auto” for that coverage
    only if:
    a. We already cover all “autos” that you own for that coverage or it
    replaces an “auto” you previously owned that had that coverage; and
    b. You tell us within 30 days after you acquire it that you want us to cover
    it for that coverage.
    The parties do not dispute that the priority language of MCL 500.3114 extends to a plaintiff
    who works as a self-employed independent contractor as described in Besic v Citizens Ins Co,
    290 Mich. App. 19
    , 32; 800 NW2d 93 (2010).
    Hudson argues that plaintiff’s tractor-trailer falls under this provision because Safe
    Transport insured all the automobiles it owned through Amerisure, Safe Transport acquired
    ownership of plaintiff’s tractor-trailer through a lease with Wally Transportation, and plaintiff’s
    injury occurred within 30 days of Safe Transport acquiring plaintiff’s tractor-trailer. The parties
    do not dispute that Safe Transport never notified Amerisure that it wanted to add plaintiff’s
    tractor-trailer as a covered vehicle under the Amerisure policy. But Hudson contends that the
    after acquired vehicle provision of the policy provided a 30-day grace period in which plaintiff’s
    tractor-trailer was automatically covered.
    Hudson’s argument relies on this Court’s holding in Hobby v Farmers Ins Exchange, 
    212 Mich. App. 100
    ; 537 NW2d 229 (1995). There, this Court held that the insurance policy in that
    case provided automatic insurance coverage for a replacement vehicle during a 30-day “grace
    period” following the acquisition of the replacement vehicle, despite the insurer not having been
    notified. The language of the policy in that case stated that coverage was provided for the
    replacement of the insured’s vehicle “which is acquired by you after the effective date of this
    policy, when it replaces the vehicle described in the Declarations. We must be told about it
    within 30 days after the date of acquisition.” 
    Id. at 101.
    This Court held that the insurer was
    obligated under the policy to provide PIP benefits, stating:
    This is a classic description of the operation of a grace period during which
    insurance is continued in force until it expires by the terms of the contract, i.e.,
    thirty-one days after acquisition of a replacement vehicle unless notice has been
    given. Where notice is not given within the thirty-day contractual period, as in
    this case, the insurance is canceled on the thirty-first day by the terms of the
    contract, but that does not void coverage agreed upon by the parties for the first
    thirty days after acquisition. When an insured is involved in an accident, the
    rights created under the insurance policy become fixed on the date of the accident,
    and the parties may not retroactively cancel the coverage. 
    Id. at 104.
    However, this Court observed that the insurer in Hobby “contracted to provide insurance
    coverage with or without notice for thirty days, so its risk is not in any way increased or altered
    by this holding,” and that the policy language in that case did not “provide that the automatic
    insurance agreement is void or does not apply if notice is not furnished.” 
    Id. at 103.
    In doing so,
    this Court distinguished the language of the policy in Hobby from the language of the policy in
    Auto-Owners Ins Co v Winter, 
    188 Mich. App. 230
    ; 469 NW2d 314 (1991). In Winter, the
    defendant was involved in an accident in a newly acquired vehicle. The insurance policy in that
    case provided for coverage for newly acquired vehicles, but also provided that the policy did not
    apply “unless the named insured or spouse notifies the Company within 30 days following the
    acquisition of an additional automobile. . .” 
    Id. at 232.
    In this case, the Amerisure policy specifies that an automobile that was acquired after the
    policy went into effect will be covered under that policy “only if” two conditions are met, one
    condition being that Safe Transport notify Amerisure to add the newly acquired vehicle to the
    policy. Unlike the situation in Hobby, which involved a replacement vehicle, the tractor-trailer
    at issue in this case was, like the vehicle involved in Winter, an after-acquired vehicle.4 The
    policy language in this case is also distinct from the policy language in Hobby and comparable to
    the policy language of Winter, with the policy in Winter stating that coverage does not take effect
    “unless” notice is given the insurer, and the policy here stating that it takes effect “only if” notice
    is given. The effect of these provisions is the same—coverage will not occur in the absence of
    notice. We therefore conclude that, as in Winter, and unlike Hobby, the policy language in this
    case did not create a grace period that affords coverage despite the failure of Safe Transport to
    advise Amerisure of its intention to add the vehicle to the existing policy.
    We also reject Hudson’s argument that the after acquired vehicle provision of the
    Amerisure policy is ambiguous because it is equally susceptible of meaning either that coverage
    was automatically extended for the newly acquired vehicle during the 30-day notice period, or
    that coverage was not provided unless Safe Transport notified Amerisure within 30 days to add
    the vehicle to the policy. Again, a contractual term is ambiguous only if it is equally susceptible
    of more than one meaning. 
    Barton-Spencer, 500 Mich. at 40
    . Here, the Amerisure policy
    provides that an automobile that is acquired after the policy becomes effective may be covered
    under that insurance policy “only if” certain conditions are met. Because we perceive only one
    meaning of this language, we decline to find it ambiguous.
    /s/ Jane E. Markey
    /s/ Karen M. Fort Hood
    /s/ Michael F. Gadola
    One can readily understand why an insurer would insist upon notice before agreeing to increase
    its risk by covering an additional, after-acquired, vehicle, though the language of the Amerisure
    policy at issue here appears to require notice for both replacement and after-acquired additional

Document Info

Docket Number: 342436

Filed Date: 4/30/2019

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 5/1/2019