Nancy J Gardner v. Potestivo & Associates Pc ( 2016 )

  •                        STATE OF MICHIGAN
    NANCY J. GARDNER,                           UNPUBLISHED
    December 20, 2016
    v                                           No. 328185
    St. Clair Circuit Court
    POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES P.C., FEDERAL        LC No. 15-000435-PZ
    v                                           No. 329752
    St. Clair Circuit Court
    Agent Nancy on behalf of NANCY J. GARDNER
    and Agent Don on behalf of DONALD M.
    v                                           No. 330964
    St. Clair Circuit Court
    CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER FOR THE             LC No. 15-002607-CZ
    In Docket No. 328185, plaintiff, Nancy Gardner, appeals as of right an order entered by
    St. Clair Circuit Court Judge Daniel J. Kelly, granting summary disposition of plaintiff’s
    declaratory judgment action in favor of defendants, Potestivo & Associates P.C., Federal
    National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), Quicken Loans, Inc. (“Quicken”), Flagstar
    Bank, FSB, and Sheriff Tim Donnellon, and discharging and releasing a claim of lien executed
    by plaintiff against real property located at 7221 State Road, Burtchville, Michigan.
    In Docket No. 329752, plaintiff appeals as of right an order entered by St. Clair Circuit
    Court Judge Michael L. West, granting summary disposition of plaintiff’s foreclosure action in
    favor of defendants, the United States of America, Flagstar Bank, Quicken, Fannie Mae,
    Potestivo & Associates, P.C., the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department, and the State of
    In Docket No. 330964, plaintiffs, “Agent Nancy on behalf of Nancy J. Gardner” and
    “Agent Don on behalf of Donald M. Gardner,” appeal as of right another order entered by Judge
    Kelly dismissing a quitclaim deed action filed against defendants, the Chief Executive Officer
    for the United States of America and the Chief Executive Officer for Fannie Mae. The court
    dismissed the action because “Agent Nancy” and “Agent Don” are not legally recognized entities
    and neither had the capacity to bring an action before the court.
    We affirm in all three appeals.
    The current cases represent three of many legal actions, brought in both state and federal
    court, related to the real property located at 7221 State Road, Burtchville, Michigan (“the
    property”). The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals summarized the historical facts leading up to the
    instant cases as follows:
    On May 18, 2007, Gardner executed a note in the amount of $215,200.00
    to obtain a loan from Flagstar to purchase real property commonly known as 7221
    State Road, Burtchville, Michigan 48059. As security for the loan, Gardner
    executed a mortgage on the property. On May 22, 2007, the mortgage was
    recorded with the St. Clair County Register of Deeds, in Liber 3723 Page 10.
    Both the note and mortgage were in favor of Flagstar, as lender, with Mortgage
    Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) acting solely as the nominee for
    Flagstar and its successors and assigns. The mortgage provided that MERS is the
    mortgagee under the mortgage. On March 4, 2013, the mortgage was assigned
    from MERS, as nominee for Flagstar and its successors and assigns, to Quicken.
    The assignment was recorded with the St. Clair County Register of Deeds.
    Gardner defaulted on the note for nonpayment. On February 11, 2013,
    Potestivo, a debt collector acting on behalf of Quicken, served a pre-foreclosure
    notice on Gardner notifying her that default was made for nonpayment and that
    the amount due under the note was $207,350.35. On March 6, Gardner responded,
    requesting a meeting with Potestivo to attempt to work out a modification of the
    mortgage loan. On March 12, Potestivo replied, informing Gardner that it was the
    designee for Quicken with regard to her loan pursuant to section
    600.3205(a)(1)(c) of the Michigan Compiled Laws. Potestivo advised that to
    initiate a modification, Gardner would need to complete and return certain
    financial paperwork along with any supporting documentation within seven days.
    Potestivo also advised that the ninety-day hold on foreclosure proceedings would
    expire on May 13, 2013. Gardner responded on March 16. Instead of providing
    the documentation Potestivo requested, Gardner requested documentation of
    Potestivo’s legal right to negotiate with her and to enter into a modification
    agreement under the terms of the mortgage. On March 25, Potestivo replied,
    stating that its response was in connection with Gardner’s request that Quicken
    review the loan for a possible modification and again requesting that Gardner
    complete and return certain financial paperwork along with supporting
    documentation within seven days. The letter again advised that the ninety-day
    hold on foreclosure proceedings would expire on May 13, 2013. On April 8,
    Potestivo again wrote to Gardner, noting the receipt of her March 16 letter,
    explaining that it was the designee for Quicken, and advising that it must receive
    Gardner’s documentation by April 12, 2013. On May 23, Potestivo again wrote
    to Gardner, responding to her request for information about the mortgage loan.
    Potestivo reiterated that it was the designee for Quicken and informed Gardner
    that on March 4, 2013, the mortgage was assigned from MERS as nominee for
    Flagstar to Quicken. Potestivo enclosed copies of the note, mortgage, assignment,
    and correspondence from its office. The letter also informed Gardner that
    Quicken was entitled to enforce the mortgage as the mortgagee of record, that the
    outstanding balance of the loan was $210,270.10, and that a foreclosure sale was
    scheduled for May 30, 2013. The foreclosure notice was posted on the door of
    the property and published four times in the Port Huron Times Herald on April
    19, April 25, May 3, and May 10, 2013. A sheriff’s sale was held on May 30,
    2013. Quicken was the highest bidder and received the sheriff’s deed to the
    property. Gardner had six months to redeem the property, and the redemption
    period expired on November 30, 2013.
    A day before the sheriff’s sale, on May 29, 2013, Gardner filed a lawsuit
    in St. Clair County circuit court against Flagstar, Quicken, and Potestivo. Gardner
    framed her complaint in three counts. Count I sought a declaratory judgment of
    no debt owed the defendants because they “failed to satisfy their burden of
    showing they are entitled to enforce the debt.” In Count I, Gardner alleged
    multiple challenges to the foreclosure sale: (1) that the defendants failed to
    comply with Article 3 of the UCC; (2) that they lacked “standing” to foreclose on
    her mortgage because the defendants failed to endorse the note and were not a
    holder in due course; (3) that she was entitled to a copy of the original note before
    Quicken could foreclose; and (4) that Flagstar violated section 6 of the Real
    Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 12 U.S.C. § 2605, because it sold the
    note shortly after it was originated. Count II alleged that the mortgage was an
    unenforceable contract of adhesion. Count III sought injunctive relief barring the
    defendants from proceeding with the foreclosure. On June 19, Quicken and
    Potestivo timely removed the case to federal district court because Gardner
    alleged that Flagstar violated the REPSA, 12 U.S.C. § 2605. Flagstar consented
    to the removal. Quicken and Potestivo moved to dismiss pursuant to Rule
    12(b)(6). Flagstar concurred in the motion. On August 27, 2013, the district
    court granted the defendants’ motion and dismissed Gardner’s case for failure to
    state a claim upon which relief can be granted pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b)(6).
    Gardner timely appealed. [Gardner v Quicken Loans, Inc, unpublished opinion of
    the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, issued June 2, 2014 (Docket No. 13-2257)
    (citation omitted).]
    On June 2, 2014, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the federal district court’s order
    granting the motion to dismiss. On June 12, 2014, Quicken transferred the property to Fannie
    Mae by quitclaim deed for “the full consideration of One Dollar ($1.00).”
    The instant appeals arise from cases filed in the St. Clair Circuit Court after the Sixth
    Circuit’s decision.
    II. DOCKET NO. 328185
    Plaintiff first argues that Judge Kelly erred by granting summary disposition to
    defendants on the basis of a lack of standing in her declaratory judgment action. We disagree.
    “This Court reviews de novo a circuit court’s summary disposition ruling.” Dalley v
    Dykema Gossett, PLLC, 
    287 Mich. App. 296
    , 304; 788 NW2d 679 (2010). Whether a party has
    standing to assert a claim also poses a question of law that we review de novo. Heltzel v Heltzel,
    248 Mich. App. 1
    , 28; 638 NW2d 123 (2001). Likewise, questions of law related to declaratory
    judgment actions are reviewed de novo, but a decision regarding declaratory relief is reviewed
    for an abuse of discretion. Barrow v Detroit Election Comm, 
    305 Mich. App. 649
    , 662; 854
    NW2d 489 (2014). “[A]n abuse of discretion occurs only when the trial court’s decision is
    outside the range of reasonable and principled outcomes.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    A motion for summary disposition asserting as its basis the doctrine of standing invokes a
    prudential doctrine that “focuses on whether a litigant ‘is a proper party to request adjudication
    of a particular issue and not whether the issue itself is justiciable.’ ” Pontiac Police & Fire
    Retiree Prefunded Group Health & Ins Trust Bd of Trustees v Pontiac No 2, 
    309 Mich. App. 611
    620-621; 873 NW2d 783 (2015) (citations omitted). “A motion based on such a defense would
    be within MCR 2.116(C)(8) or MCR 2.116(C)(10), depending on the pleadings or other
    circumstances of the particular case.” 
    Id. (citation omitted).
    Here, defendants brought motions
    pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(8), and Judge Kelly cited MCR 2.116(C)(8) in his opinion.
    However, Judge Kelly’s opinion was in part based upon an analysis of documentary
    evidence beyond the pleadings. Therefore, we treat the motions as having also been brought, and
    granted, pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(10), and we too examine the pleadings and documents on
    which the parties and the court relied. Kefgen v Davidson, 
    241 Mich. App. 611
    , 616; 617 NW2d
    351 (2000).
    A motion for summary disposition pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(10) “tests the factual
    sufficiency of the complaint.” Joseph v Auto Club Ins Ass’n, 
    491 Mich. 200
    , 206; 815 NW2d 412
    (2012). “In evaluating a motion for summary disposition brought under this subsection, a trial
    court considers affidavits, pleadings, depositions, admissions, and other evidence submitted by
    the parties, MCR 2.116(G)(5), in the light most favorable to the party opposing the motion.”
    Maiden v Rozwood, 
    461 Mich. 109
    , 120; 597 NW2d 817 (1999). Summary disposition is proper
    under MCR 2.116(C)(10) where there is no “genuine issue regarding any material fact.” 
    Id. MCR 2.605
    governs actions seeking a declaratory judgment. “In a case of actual
    controversy within its jurisdiction, a Michigan court of record may declare the rights and other
    legal relations of an interested party seeking a declaratory judgment, whether or not other relief
    is or could be sought or granted.” MCR 2.605(A)(1). A judgment for declaratory relief is not
    precluded where there exists another adequate remedy. MCR 2.605(C). A declaratory judgment
    is a procedural remedy that constitutes a binding and conclusive adjudication of the rights and
    status of the litigants. Associated Builders & Contractors v Dep't of Consumer & Indus Servs
    472 Mich. 117
    , 124; 693 NW2d 374 (2005), overruled in part on other grounds in Lansing
    Sch Ed Ass’n v Lansing Bd of Ed, 
    487 Mich. 349
    , 371 n 18; 792 NW2d 686 (2010). MCR 2.605
    incorporates traditional restrictions on justiciability, such as standing, ripeness, and mootness.
    Id. at 125.
    In Bryan v JPMorgan Chase Bank, 
    304 Mich. App. 708
    , 713; 848 NW2d 482 (2014), this
    Court explained:
    Pursuant to MCL 600.3240, after a sheriff’s sale is completed, a
    mortgagor may redeem the property by paying the requisite amount within the
    prescribed time limit. . . . “Unless the premises described in such deed shall be
    redeemed within the time limited for such redemption as hereinafter provided,
    such deed shall thereupon become operative, and shall vest in the grantee therein
    named, his heirs or assigns, all the right, title, and interest which the mortgagor
    had at the time of the execution of the mortgage, or at any time thereafter . . . .”
    MCL 600.3236. If a mortgagor fails to avail him or herself of the right of
    redemption, all the mortgagor’s rights in and to the property are extinguished.
    [Citation omitted.]
    In Bryan, the plaintiff sued the defendant bank, which was both the lender of the loan that
    secured the mortgage and the purchaser of the property following the sheriff’s sale, to quiet title
    and for unjust enrichment, deceptive or unfair practices, and wrongful foreclosure, alleging that
    the defendant was not the owner of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage or the servicing
    agent as required by Michigan law because the defendant failed to record its interest in the
    property before the sheriff’s sale. 
    Id. at 710-711.
    The plaintiff argued that the sheriff’s sale was
    void ab initio. 
    Id. at 711.
    The plaintiff filed her complaint after the expiration of the redemption
    period, but the plaintiff argued that she had standing to sue because of fraud or irregularity in the
    foreclosure process due to the defendant’s failure to record its mortgage interest before the sale.
    Id. The Bryan
    Court held that summary disposition for the defendant was proper because the
    plaintiff lacked standing to bring her claims. 
    Id. at 715.
    Moreover, the plaintiff failed to
    demonstrate how any irregularity in the recording of the mortgage prejudiced her position to
    preserve an interest in the property. 
    Id. at 717-718.
    As Judge Kelly found, this case is analogous to Bryan. There is no genuine issue of
    material fact that plaintiff did not redeem the property within the statutory redemption period and
    the redemption period expired before she filed this declaratory judgment action. Thus, pursuant
    to Bryan, plaintiff never had standing to bring her claims. Once the redemption period ended,
    the sheriff’s deed vested in Quicken, and Quicken was assigned all the “right and title” of
    plaintiff that existed at the time she executed the mortgage. Hanson v Huetter, 
    339 Mich. 130
    133-134; 62 NW2d 663 (1954); see also MCL 600.3236. Fannie Mae later acquired that right
    and title by quitclaim deed. Because plaintiff lacked standing to raise any questions about the
    property in the declaratory judgment action (i.e., the relationship between defendants, the
    identity of the noteholder, and whether she was entitled to a financial remedy from defendants),
    summary disposition of plaintiff’s claim was proper pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(10).1
    Plaintiff makes numerous unpreserved claims on appeal, including allegations that: (1)
    she did not sign the note, “Agent Nancy” signed it, (2) the default notice mailed to her was
    unsigned, and (3) default was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt at a trial by jury. “This
    Court will generally decline to address unpreserved issues unless a miscarriage of justice will
    result from a failure to pass on them, . . . the question is one of law and all the facts necessary for
    its resolution have been presented, or [it is] necessary for a proper determination of the case.”
    Autodie, LLC v City of Grand Rapids, 
    305 Mich. App. 423
    , 431; 852 NW2d 650 (2014) (quotation
    marks and citation omitted). No miscarriage of justice will result from the failure to address
    plaintiff’s claims because, again, there is no genuine issue of material fact that plaintiff lacked
    standing to bring them after the expiration of the redemption period.
    Plaintiff also raises the additional unpreserved claim that the transfer between Quicken
    and Fannie Mae for one dollar was constructive fraud and argues that fraud constitutes grounds
    for relief from judgment under MCR 2.612(C)(1). Indeed, after the redemption period, a court
    may equitably extend a mortgagor’s ability to file suit asserting rights or interest in the property
    On appeal, defendants focus on the alternative basis for Judge Kelly’s dismissal that plaintiff
    failed to satisfy the pleading requirements under the court rules. Given the lack of supporting
    facts required by MCR 2.111(B)(1) and plaintiff’s failure to amend her complaint, Judge Kelly
    did not err by concluding that summary disposition was also warranted on this basis under MCR
    2.116(C)(8). Although defendants assert that summary disposition may also be affirmed on the
    alternative grounds of collateral estoppel and res judicata, their arguments are unpreserved and
    we decline to review them. Ligon v Detroit, 
    276 Mich. App. 120
    , 129; 739 NW2d 900 (2007)
    (noting that an appellate court may decline to review an issue that was not raised in or decided by
    the trial court).
    only upon a strong showing of fraud or irregularity. Sweet Air Investment, Inc v Kenney, 
    275 Mich. App. 492
    , 497; 739 NW2d 656 (2007); Schulthies v Barron, 
    16 Mich. App. 246
    , 247-248;
    167 NW2d 784 (1969). “[D]efects or irregularities in a foreclosure proceeding result in a
    foreclosure that is voidable, not void ab initio.” Kim v JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA, 
    493 Mich. 98
    , 115; 825 NW2d 329 (2012). Thus, parties seeking to set aside a foreclosure sale must show
    not only fraud or irregularity in the foreclosure process, they also “must show that they were
    prejudiced” by the alleged fraud or irregularity. 
    Id. “To demonstrate
    such prejudice, they must
    show that they would have been in a better position to preserve their interest in the property
    absent” the fraud or irregularity. 
    Id. at 115-116.
    The allegedly fraudulent transfer plaintiff cites occurred well after the sheriff’s sale and
    after expiration of the redemption period. Constructive fraud requires a misrepresentation to
    induce detrimental reliance, Gen Electric Credit Corp v Wolverine Ins Co, 
    420 Mich. 176
    , 188-
    190; 362 NW2d 595 (1984), but plaintiff does not allege that defendants made a representation
    of any kind to her regarding this deed transfer. She also makes no argument establishing that she
    would have been in a better position to preserve her interest absent this transfer or the alleged
    fraud. Therefore, even if plaintiff had properly preserved her claim, she has failed to
    demonstrate the requisite prejudice to set aside the foreclosure sale.
    Plaintiff also argues on appeal that Judge Kelly lacked authority to discharge the lien
    because only the declaratory judgment action was before him and nobody raised the issue of the
    claim of lien. Again, we disagree. MCR 2.605(F) provides that “[f]urther necessary or proper
    relief based on a declaratory judgment may be granted, after reasonable notice and hearing,
    against a party whose rights have been determined by the declaratory judgment.” Shuler v Mich
    Physicians Mut Liability Co, 
    260 Mich. App. 492
    , 520; 679 NW2d 106 (2004). “[T]he language
    of MCR 2.605 is permissive rather than mandatory; thus, it rests with the sound discretion of the
    court whether to grant declaratory relief.” PT Today, Inc v Comm’r of the Office of Fin & Ins
    270 Mich. App. 110
    , 141; 715 NW2d 398 (2006). “Actions for declaratory relief are
    intended to minimize avoidable losses and the unnecessary accrual of damages.” Durant v
    456 Mich. 175
    , 208-209; 566 NW2d 272 (1997).
    Once the trial court ruled that plaintiff lacked any standing related to the property, it had
    discretion under MCR 2.605(F) to grant further necessary relief to minimize further losses or
    damages. Specifically, because plaintiff’s rights in the property were extinguished, she was not
    entitled to reimbursement for investments in the property. Discharge of the claim of lien related
    to those investments therefore avoided further damages to defendants by the cloud on the title to
    the property. Plaintiff had notice of the discharge of the claim of lien, and a chance to object to
    the discharge in a written pleading and at a hearing. Thus, Judge Kelly did not abuse his
    discretion by discharging the claim of lien pursuant to MCR 2.605(F).
    III. DOCKET NO. 329752
    In Docket No. 329752, plaintiff again asserts that Judge Kelly erred by discharging the
    claim of lien and, therefore, the discharge was not a proper basis for Judge West’s dismissal of
    the foreclosure of the claim of lien action. As we concluded earlier, Judge Kelly did not abuse
    his discretion by discharging the claim of lien. In the foreclosure action, defendants filed a
    motion for summary disposition pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(8) and (10). Judge West decided
    this case under MCR 2.116(C)(10) looking beyond the pleadings, specifically at Judge Kelly’s
    order discharging the claim of lien. 
    Kefgen, 241 Mich. App. at 616
    . As a result of the discharge,
    there was no genuine issue of material fact remaining regarding the claim of lien and defendants
    were entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Judge West did not err by granting defendants’
    motion for summary disposition.2
    Plaintiff claims that summary disposition violated her constitutional rights to a jury trial,
    Const 1963, art 1, § 14, prohibitions against involuntary servitude, US Const, Am XIII, and
    Const 1963, art 1, § 9. But “[s]ummary disposition does not violate a party’s right to a jury trial
    because that right extends only to cases in which there are genuine issues of fact for the jury.
    Lowrey v LMPS & LMPJ, Inc, 
    313 Mich. App. 500
    , 507; 885 NW2d 638 (2015). Moreover,
    pursuant to the mortgage, plaintiff had an obligation to maintain the property to prevent
    deterioration. To the extent that plaintiff claims that she performed services, such as the removal
    of trees, painting, and lawn care, plaintiff had alternatives to personally performing these
    services, such as hiring contractors. Thus, even if the alternatives were distasteful or less
    attractive than the services, she cannot establish involuntary servitude. Blair v Checker Cab Co,
    219 Mich. App. 667
    , 673; 558 NW2d 439 (1996). Because plaintiff cannot establish plain error
    with regard to these constitutional claims, reversal is not required.
    Plaintiff also objects to Judge Kelly’s refusal to recognize her as “Agent Nancy” at the
    June 29, 2015 hearing in the declaratory judgment action. The following exchange occurred at
    that hearing:
    Plaintiff.    For the record, Agent Nancy respectfully objects to the
    Trial court. I don’t recognize you as an agent of yourself. I recognize you
    as a person that has come before this Court and has submitted to the Court’s
    jurisdiction. You may proceed in that fashion.
    Plaintiff. Okay. Agent Nancy objects to - -
    Trial court. Again, you’re not an Agent.
    Plaintiff. Nancy.
    Trial court. You’re Mrs. Gardner.
    Plaintiff claims that Judge Kelly violated her right to the freedom of speech, US Const, Am I,
    and Const 1963, art 1, § 5, and her religious beliefs, Const 1963, art 1, § 4. She explains that
    In addition, plaintiff’s lack of standing was a valid alternative basis for dismissing the
    foreclosure action under MCR 2.116(C)(10). Defendants again assert that summary disposition
    was appropriate on the grounds of collateral estoppel and res judicata, but their arguments are
    unpreserved and we decline to review them. 
    Ligon, 276 Mich. App. at 129
    Agent Nancy is an agent of the Almighty God acting on behalf of “property you refer to as
    Nancy J. Gardner.”
    An “agent” is “ ‘a person having express or implied authority to represent or act on behalf
    of another person, who is called his principal.’ ” Stephenson v Golden, 
    279 Mich. 710
    , 734; 
    276 N.W. 849
    (1937), quoting Bowstead, Agency (4th ed), p 1. According to this definition, plaintiff
    could not serve as an agent for herself, only “another person.” And even if plaintiff could serve
    as an agent for herself, she could not appear in court in that capacity unless she was a licensed
    attorney. See MCL 600.916 (unauthorized practice of law); Cobb v Judge of Superior Court of
    Grand Rapids, 
    43 Mich. 289
    5 N.W. 309
    (1880) (a party to an action in a court of record cannot
    appear therein by an “agent” not licensed as an attorney). Therefore, Judge Kelly did not err by
    instructing plaintiff to refer to herself as “Mrs. Gardner” instead of Agent Nancy. Moreover,
    even if plaintiff could establish a violation of her constitutional rights from this instruction, she
    cannot establish that the violation was prejudicial. She does not argue that she was denied the
    opportunity to make any arguments. Rather, following this interchange, plaintiff reiterated the
    contents of her complaint and addressed defendants’ arguments. Regardless of her constitutional
    claim, the claim of lien had already been discharged, plaintiff lacked standing to make claims
    against the property, and summary disposition was proper.
    IV. DOCKET NO. 330964
    In Docket No. 330964, plaintiffs argue that Judge Kelly erred by dismissing their
    quitclaim deed action because they lacked the capacity to sue as “Agent Nancy” and “Agent
    Don.” In his order, Judge Kelly did not cite a court rule as the basis for his decision. Defendants
    filed a motion for summary disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(7), (8), and (10), not MCR
    2.116(C)(5) (capacity to sue). It would therefore appear from this context that Judge Kelly
    granted summary disposition pursuant to MCR 2.116(I)(1) (“If the pleadings show that a party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law, or if the affidavits or other proofs show that there is no
    genuine issue of material fact, the court shall render judgment without delay.”). 
    Kefgen, 241 Mich. App. at 616
    MCR 2.201(C) pertains to the capacity to sue and provides:
    (C) Capacity to Sue or be Sued.
    (1) A natural person may sue or be sued in his or her own name.
    (2) A person conducting a business under a name subject to certification
    under the assumed name statute may be sued in that name in an action arising out
    of the conduct of that business.
    (3) A partnership, partnership association, or unincorporated voluntary
    association having a distinguishing name may sue or be sued in its partnership or
    association name, in the names of any of its members designated as such, or both.
    (4) A domestic or a foreign corporation may sue or be sued in its corporate
    name, unless a statute provides otherwise.
    (5) Actions to which the state or a governmental unit (including but not
    limited to a public, municipal, quasi-municipal, or governmental corporation, an
    unincorporated board, a public body, or a political subdivision) is a party may be
    brought by or against the state or governmental unit in its own name, or in the
    name of an officer authorized to sue or be sued on its behalf. An officer of the
    state or governmental unit must be sued in the officer’s official capacity to
    enforce the performance of an official duty. An officer who sues or is sued in his
    or her official capacity may be described as a party by official title and not by
    name, but the court may require the name to be added.
    Likewise, MCL 600.2051(1) provides, “Any natural person may sue or be sued in his own
    name.”3 There is no evidence in the record that “Agent Nancy” or “Agent Don” are Nancy J.
    Gardner’s and Donald Gardner’s own names. Relying on the court rule’s use of the word “may,”
    plaintiffs argue that the capacities in MCR 2.201(C) do not amount to an exclusive list and others
    have the capacity to sue. The word “may” does, in fact, signify a permissive provision. Walters
    v Nadell, 
    481 Mich. 377
    , 383; 751 NW2d 431 (2008). But the word “may” permits the listed
    persons or entities, including a natural person in his or her own name, to be sued. Nothing in the
    plain language of the court rule suggests that this is a non-exclusive list. On the contrary, “[t]his
    Court recognizes the maxim expressio unius est exclusio alterius; that the express mention in a
    statute of one thing implies the exclusion of other similar things.” Bradley v Saranac
    Community Schools Bd of Ed, 
    455 Mich. 285
    , 298; 565 NW2d 650 (1997). Because the court
    rule does not include a provision for plaintiffs to sue or be sued under the circumstances they
    allege—persons acting as uncertified agents on behalf of themselves—they cannot establish the
    capacity to sue under MCR 2.201(C).4
    Referencing the Bible and their service to God, plaintiffs also claim some capacity to sue
    as “personal representatives” under MCR 2.201(B), which provides, in relevant part:
    (B) Real Party in Interest. An action must be prosecuted in the name of
    the real party in interest, subject to the following provisions:
    Black’s Law Dictionary (9th ed) defines the term “natural person” as “[a] human being.”
    Plaintiffs argue that an agent falls within the definition of “person” in the Elliot-Larsen Civil
    Rights Act, MCL 37.2101 et seq., and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), MCL 440.1101 et
    seq., but even if those definitions apply to MCR 2.201(C), “Agent Nancy” and “Agent Don” are
    not plaintiffs’ own names. Notably, plaintiff relied on the UCC in the prior Sixth Circuit appeal
    and that court concluded that the UCC does not apply to mortgage foreclosures. Gardner, unpub
    opn at 365.
    Plaintiffs cite the definition of “agency” in MCR 7.102(1) (“ ‘agency’ means any
    governmental entity other than a ‘trial court,’ the decisions of which are subject to appellate
    review in the circuit court”) and argues that “Agent Nancy” and “Agent Don” are government
    entities belonging to the United States of America. But again, the record does not establish that
    “Agent Nancy” and “Agent Don” are plaintiffs’ own names under MCR 2.201(C).
    (1) A personal representative, guardian, conservator, trustee of an express
    trust, a party with whom or in whose name a contract has been made for the
    benefit of another, or a person authorized by statute may sue in his or her own
    name without joining the party for whose benefit the action is brought.
    But again, there is no evidence in the record that “Agent Nancy” or “Agent Don” were legally
    appointed as a personal representative, or to act in some other representative capacity, for Nancy
    J. Gardner and Donald Gardner. See, e.g., MCL 700.1403, MCL 700.3307, and MCL 700.3614.
    Accordingly, plaintiffs have not demonstrated that they had the capacity to sue in a
    representative capacity. See Warren v Howlett, 
    148 Mich. App. 417
    ; 383 NW2d 636 (1986) (the
    plaintiff lacked the capacity to sue on behalf of the decedent’s estate because he was not
    appointed as personal representative until nine days after filing suit).
    Plaintiffs claim that they could sue as “Agent Nancy” and “Agent Don” because “Agent
    Nancy” signed the mortgage and note. Plaintiffs’ claim is inconsistent with the record. The
    copies of the mortgage and note in the lower court records were signed by “Nancy J. Gardner.”
    Therefore, neither “Agent Nancy” nor “Agent Don” have any interest in the controversy by
    virtue of those documents.
    Plaintiffs claim that Judge Kelly erred by reasoning that only attorneys could represent
    parties. But MCL 600.916 prohibits the unauthorized practice of law. By holding themselves
    out as agents representing Nancy J. Gardner and Donald Gardner and filing legal documents as
    such, rather than parties appearing in propria persona, plaintiffs effectively represented
    themselves as attorneys without license and authority.
    In their reply brief on appeal, plaintiffs object to Fannie Mae’s attorney’s involvement as
    a third-party intervener. Plaintiffs’ argument is inconsistent with the record on appeal. Nicholas
    Tatro filed an appearance as an attorney for Fannie Mae consistent with MCR 7.204(G).
    In sum, Judge Kelly properly dismissed plaintiffs’ action for lack of capacity to sue under
    MCR 2.116(I)(1). In addition, just as in Docket Nos. 328185 and 329752, plaintiffs’ lack of
    standing was a valid alternative basis for dismissing the action under MCR 2.116(C)(10).
    In all three cases, defendants argue that this Court should impose sanctions for a
    vexatious appeal. Defendants’ requests are not properly before this Court, because they were not
    made in a motion filed under MCR 7.211(C)(8). See MCR 7.216(C)(1); Bonkowski v Allstate
    Ins Co, 
    281 Mich. App. 154
    , 181; 761 NW2d 784 (2008). Pursuant to MCR 7.211(C)(8),
    defendants may file a motion requesting damages or other disciplinary action “at any time within
    21 days after the date of the order or opinion that disposes of the matter that is asserted to have
    been vexatious.” Therefore, defendants’ request is denied without prejudice.
    /s/ Deborah A. Servitto
    /s/ Cynthia Diane Stephens
    /s/ Amy Ronayne Krause