People of Michigan v. Shae Lynn Mullins , 322 Mich. App. 151 ( 2017 )

  •                           STATE OF MICHIGAN
    PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN,                                     FOR PUBLICATION
    November 30, 2017
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                                   9:00 a.m.
    v                                                                    No. 334098
    Berrien Circuit Court
    SHAE LYNN MULLINS,                                                   LC No. 2015-000156-FH
    Before: SWARTZLE, P.J., and SAWYER and MARKEY, JJ.
    Defendant Shae Lynn Mullins convinced her daughter (PD) to tell a school teacher that
    PD’s father had sexually abused the girl. Defendant did so with the expectation that she would
    get sole or primary custody of PD. The plan quickly unraveled, and defendant was charged and
    ultimately convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and making a false report of
    felony child abuse.
    On appeal, defendant argues that she is not criminally liable for making a false report
    because she did not make the report herself, but instead the report was made by PD to a school
    teacher, who then reported the matter to the school principal, who in turn reported the matter to
    Child Protective Services (CPS). Because defendant used PD and the school officials as
    “innocent agents,” we conclude that defendant can still be held criminally liable as a principal for
    making a false report of felony child abuse. Concluding that defendant’s remaining claims of
    error are similarly without merit, we affirm her convictions.
    Defendant and Louis Dominion have a daughter, PD, born in 2006. The parents have
    never been married, and they have been involved in extensive custody litigation over PD since
    2007. Dominion became PD’s primary caregiver in January 2009 with defendant having
    parenting time every other weekend. In November 2013, while PD was visiting defendant,
    defendant told PD that, if PD told a teacher at school that Dominion “hurt [her] private parts”
    and locked her in a closet, then PD would be able to spend more time with defendant. There was
    also testimony that suggested that defendant offered to buy PD a new horse if she made this
    allegation at school.
    Shortly after this discussion, PD told a teacher that Dominion “hurts [her] and has hurt
    [her] private parts.” PD’s teacher reported the statement to the school’s principal, who reported
    the incident to CPS. PD was later interviewed about the allegations, and she admitted that
    defendant told her to lie.
    Defendant was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, MCL 750.145,
    and making a false report of felony child abuse, MCL 722.633(5). The district court, however,
    refused to bind defendant over to the circuit court on the charge of making a false report of child
    abuse. The district court concluded that defendant could not be guilty under MCL 722.633(5)
    because defendant did not personally make a false report of child abuse. The district court
    compared the language of MCL 722.633(5) to the language of the false crime report statute,
    MCL 750.411a. MCL 722.633(5) states that “[a] person who intentionally makes a false report
    of child abuse or neglect under the act knowing that the report is false is guilty of a crime.” For
    its part, MCL 750.411a contains similar language, and states that a “person who intentionally
    makes a false report of the commission of a crime, or intentionally causes a false report of the
    commission of a crime to be made . . . knowing the report is false, is guilty of a crime.” Under
    the principle that the expression of one thing implies the exclusion of other things, coupled with
    the principle that laws dealing with the same subject should be interpreted harmoniously, the
    district court concluded that the inclusion of the phrase “or intentionally causes a false report of
    the commission of a crime to be made” in MCL 750.411a, and the omission of similar language
    from MCL 722.633(5) must be given effect. Thus, it held that the Legislature did not intend to
    make punishable a person’s intentionally causing a false report of child abuse to be made when
    that person does not personally make the report.
    The prosecution appealed the district court’s decision to the circuit court, and the circuit
    court reversed. In doing so, the circuit court noted that, under the common-law theory of
    innocent agent, a person was liable for the commission of a crime as a principal when the person
    used an “innocent other” as an instrumentality to commit the offense. The circuit court
    commented that MCL 722.633 and MCL 750.411a were codified in different chapters of the
    compiled laws and that the additional language present in MCL 750.411a was the result of the
    Legislature’s 2004 amendment to MCL 750.411a. Because that amendment was enacted 20
    years after MCL 722.633(5) was first enacted, the trial court declined to read MCL 750.411a as
    conclusive evidence that the Legislature intended to abrogate the common-law doctrine of
    innocent agent by way of MCL 722.633(5). Accordingly, the circuit court allowed the charge of
    making a false report of child abuse to proceed to trial.
    Before trial, the prosecution noticed defendant of its intent to introduce evidence that, in
    2008, defendant made three false reports that Dominion was sexually abusing PD. Defendant
    objected to the introduction of this evidence, and the trial court ultimately concluded that the
    evidence was admissible under MRE 404(b):
    [T]he Court finds that evidence of the Defendant’s prior allegations or complaints
    of sexual abuse of [the child] by [Dominion] to CPS, the resulting CPS
    investigation, resulting parenting time suspension during the CPS investigation,
    and ultimate disposition of the investigation, are logically relevant to show
    Defendant’s motive and intent to commit the charged offense (intention [sic] false
    reporting of felony child abuse, MCL §722.633(5)). Similarly, to the extent that it
    appears the object of the charged act (i.e. Defendant falsely reporting the child
    abuse through her daughter) remains at issue, the Court finds that those “other
    acts” have the requisite concurrence and combination of common features, to
    support the [prosecution’s] purpose of showing Defendant’s plan or scheme.
    Thus, as to these stated “other acts” involving Defendant initiating reports to CPS,
    the Court finds that the [prosecution has] satisfied their burden of establishing
    admissibility under MRE 404(b).
    At trial, the jury heard evidence that, on three occasions in 2008, defendant took PD to a
    doctor after PD returned from Dominion’s care. Defendant informed the doctor that she had
    observed redness and swelling in PD’s vaginal area, and the doctor reported the concerns to CPS.
    CPS initiated investigations of each complaint, all of which were unsubstantiated. The jury also
    heard evidence that these complaints led CPS to file a petition in 2008 against both defendant
    and Dominion to place PD in foster care while CPS investigated the false allegations. Evidence
    of this latter petition was not noticed by either party before trial.
    The jury ultimately found defendant guilty of making a false report of felony child abuse
    and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. For these convictions, the trial court sentenced
    defendant to seven days in county jail and two years’ probation.
    Defendant appealed her convictions as of right.
    We first address defendant’s argument that under traditional canons of statutory
    construction, she should not have been charged, let alone convicted of making a false report of
    felony child abuse because she did not personally make the report and she did not speak to a
    mandatory reporter. “This Court reviews de novo issues of statutory interpretation.” People v
    482 Mich. 41
    , 46; 753 NW2d 78 (2008).                             “The fundamental task
    of statutory construction is to discover and give effect to the intent of the Legislature.” People v
    317 Mich. App. 556
    , 561; 895 NW2d 198 (2016) (internal quotation marks and citation
    omitted). “The statute’s words are the most reliable indicator of the Legislature’s intent and
    should be interpreted based on their ordinary meaning and the context within which they are
    used in the statute.” 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted). Judicial construction of
    a statute is only appropriate if reasonable minds could differ regarding the statute’s meaning.
    People v Stone Transport, Inc, 
    241 Mich. App. 49
    , 50-51; 613 NW2d 737 (2000).
    Defendant argues that she cannot be held criminally liable under MCL 722.633(5)
    because defendant and PD were not mandatory reporters and the statute only criminalizes false
    reports by mandatory reporters. She buttresses this argument with a second point—because
    other provisions of Michigan law criminalize false reports of criminal activity by non-mandatory
    reporters, MCL 722.633(5) must be read to be limited solely to mandatory reporters of felony
    child abuse or neglect. We reject both arguments.
    With respect to her first argument, MCL 722.633(5) provides in pertinent part: “A
    person who intentionally makes a false report of child abuse or neglect under this act knowing
    that the report is false is guilty of a crime . . . .” Defendant argues that the phrase “under this
    act” refers to mandatory reporters as defined in the Child Protection Law, and therefore the
    Legislature clearly intended to limit the scope of the statute to only those designated reporters.
    MCL 722.623(1) identifies the specific categories of persons who are required to report child
    abuse under the act, and neither a parent nor a child is included. Given this, defendant maintains
    that she cannot be found guilty under MCL 722.633(5).
    Defendant’s argument suffers from a fundamental flaw—while the Child Protection Law
    mandates that certain persons report suspected child abuse, the law does not preclude a person
    who is not a mandatory reporter from reporting suspected child abuse. In fact, the Child
    Protection Law explicitly contemplates these reports. Specifically, MCL 722.624 provides, “In
    addition to those persons required to report abuse or neglect under [MCL 722.623], any person,
    including a child, who has reasonable cause to suspect child abuse or neglect may report the
    matter to the department or a law enforcement agency.” A person who chooses, but is not
    required, to make a report would still be doing so “under this act,” i.e., under the authority of
    MCL 722.624.
    Defendant suggests that such a reading would render the phrase “under this act”
    superfluous. But, just because the reading would encompass all instances of false reporting to
    CPS of child abuse or neglect—those made by mandatory reporters and non-mandatory reporters
    alike—this does not mean that “under this act” is without content. Rather, the phrase clarifies
    that the activity criminalized by MCL 722.633(5) is the making of a specific report to CPS as
    authorized by the Child Protection Law, as opposed to some other kind of report not involving
    abuse or neglect of a child or made to some person or entity other than CPS or law enforcement.
    As to defendant’s second argument, while she contends that other provisions of Michigan
    law criminalize false reports by non-mandatory reporters, this contention lends no weight to her
    position. It is well-established that the same activity can violate more than one criminal
    provision. See People v Ford, 
    262 Mich. App. 443
    , 447-448; 687 NW2d 119 (2004) (recognizing
    that the Legislature may choose to punish the same activity under multiple criminal provisions).
    Even if her activity might have violated another provision criminalizing false reports, it does not
    follow that her activity could not also have violated the Child Protection Law, MCL 722.633(5).
    Accordingly, because the Child Protection Law expressly contemplates reporting of child
    abuse by mandatory and non-mandatory reporters, the plain meaning of MCL 722.622(5)’s
    reference to “[a] person who intentionally makes a false report of child abuse or neglect under
    this act” covers both mandatory and non-mandatory reporters.
    Defendant next argues that she is not liable under MCL 722.633(5) because she did not
    personally make the false report of child abuse. The district court agreed with defendant,
    concluding that (a) the inclusion of language in a similar statute (MCL 750.411a) that
    criminalizes a false report of a crime by (i) a person who actually makes the report as well as (ii)
    a person who causes such a report to be made, and (b) the omission of language in MCL
    722.633(5) involving those who cause a report to be made, means that the Legislature intended
    to hold liable only the former (i) and not the latter (ii) with respect to false reports of child abuse.
    While not without some logical force, we ultimately agree with the circuit court that the better
    understanding of MCL 722.633(5) covers both groups.
    In construing a statute, the Court’s analysis begins with the plain meaning of the statutory
    language itself. If the plain meaning of the language is clear, then the Court’s analysis is at an
    end, and there is no need to reach for canons of construction for aid. People v Borchard-
    460 Mich. 278
    , 284; 597 NW2d 1 (1999); Stone 
    Transport, 241 Mich. App. at 51
    . The
    Legislature, like the other branches of our government, is bound to the dictates of Michigan’s
    Constitution of 1963, including Article III § 7 mandating that common-law doctrines remain in
    force until they are “changed, amended or repealed” by statute. This means that statutes must be
    read in light of the common law except to the extent that the Legislature has abrogated or
    modified it. J & L Inv Co v Dep’t of Natural Resources, 
    233 Mich. App. 544
    , 549; 593 NW2d
    196 (1999); see also Dawe v Bar-Levar, 
    485 Mich. 20
    , 28; 780 NW2d 272 (2010) (“The common
    law remains in force until modified . . . [and] the Legislature is assumed to know the common
    law when it enacts a related statutory provision . . . .”).
    This Court does not lightly infer that our Legislature intended to abrogate or modify the
    common law. Rather, this Court presumes that the common law remains intact, even when the
    Legislature enacts a statute on the same or a similar subject. See Butler v City of Grand Rapids,
    273 Mich. 674
    , 679; 
    263 N.W. 767
    (1935). When the Legislature intends to change the common
    law, its language must clearly indicate that intent. See 
    id. Turning to
    the language of MCL 722.633(5), it is clear that the Legislature intended to
    criminalize a person’s making of a false report of felony child abuse or neglect. It is equally
    clear that the Legislature did not intend to change, amend, or repeal any aspect of the common
    law by enacting MCL 722.633(5). Thus, the statute must be read in light of the well-established
    common-law doctrine of the “innocent agent.” Under this doctrine, when a defendant uses
    another innocent person to accomplish a crime on the defendant’s behalf, the defendant is guilty
    of the crime as a principal, rather than under any of the accomplice-liability theories. See People
    v Hack, 
    219 Mich. App. 299
    , 303; 556 NW2d 187 (1996). Under the doctrine, the innocent agent
    is not the one who actually commits the offense, but is a mere “instrumentality” through which
    the defendant commits the offense. Id.; see also People v Fisher, 
    32 Mich. App. 28
    , 33; 188
    NW2d 75 (1971) (noting in a larceny case that the asportation element need not be effectuated by
    the perpetrator of the crime, but may be accomplished by an innocent agent).
    This Court has found the following passage from Dressler, Understanding Criminal Law,
    2nd ed, § 30.06(B)(1), p 446, helpful to understand the concept:
    If D coerces X to commit a theft by threatening X’s life, X will be acquitted of
    larceny on the ground of duress. Today, and according to common law principles,
    D may be convicted of larceny. X was D’s innocent instrumentality. Therefore,
    at common law, D was the principal in the first degree of the offense.
    Conceptually, D’s guilt is not founded on accomplice-liability principles. Instead,
    D is directly liable for committing the crime through the instrumentality; D’s guilt
    is not derived from another culpable person. X’s acquittal, therefore, presents no
    bar to the conviction of the only culpable party. [See 
    Hack, 219 Mich. App. at 303
    Considering the facts of this case in line with the innocent-agent doctrine, we find no
    error with charging and convicting defendant under MCL 722.633(5). As the trial evidence
    showed, defendant repeatedly used PD and others as agents to make false reports of child abuse
    against PD’s father. As a result, on at least three occasions, PD has been removed from her
    father’s care, and, on at least one occasion, PD was removed from the care of both her parents
    and placed into foster care. With respect to the charged offense, defendant used PD to report to
    her teacher, who then reported the matter to the school principal, who in turn reported the matter
    to CPS. Neither PD, the teacher, nor the school principal intended to make a false report;
    instead, they were acting as the innocent agent of defendant’s malicious plan. Nor was the chain
    of agents too attenuated under the facts of this case, as PD was a minor and both the teacher and
    principal were mandatory reporters under MCL 722.623, meaning that they had no choice or
    discretion under the law but to report the allegations in accordance with the Child Protection
    Because we conclude that MCL 722.633(5) is not ambiguous with respect to holding
    liable someone who uses an innocent agent to make a false report of child abuse, we need not
    resort to the canons of construction used by the district court and suggested by defendant. The
    district court correctly noted that MCL 722.633(5) shares a similar subject with MCL 750.411a,
    as both criminalize the making of false reports of certain criminal activity. And, the district court
    applied a common canon of construction that instructs that where language is included in one
    provision but omitted from a related provision, then the Legislature intended for that omission to
    be given effect by courts. People v English, 
    317 Mich. App. 607
    , 615; 897 NW2d 184 (2016).
    But, as explained earlier, these canons are not necessary when the plain meaning of the statutory
    language is clear.
    Moreover, we note in passing that the phrase “intentionally causes a false report” was not
    added to MCL 450.411a until 2004. 
    2004 PA 104
    . The current version of MCL 722.633(5) that
    does not have that phrase was first enacted in 1975 and later amended in 1996. 
    1975 PA 238
    1996 PA 309
    . One could argue that had the Legislature intended to keep MCL 722.633(5)
    consistent with MCL 7450.411a, it would have enacted identical amendments to both statutes in
    2004. This would, however, stretch the canon of in pari materia too thin. There are likely many
    reasons—policy- and non-policy alike—why the Legislature would chose to amend one section
    of law without at the same time amending a related section, including interest, resources, politics,
    attention, etc. Reflecting this reality, our Court has limited the canon to instances “when the
    ‘related statute’ is a prior enactment.” 
    English, 317 Mich. App. at 616
    (emphasis added). When
    the related statute was enacted or amended after the statute at issue, the canon is generally
    Id. As the
    Supreme Court has observed, “It is one thing to infer legislative intent
    through silence in a simultaneous or subsequent enactment, but quite another to infer legislative
    intent through silence in an earlier enactment, which is only ‘silent’ by virtue of the subsequent
    enactment.” People v Watkins, 
    491 Mich. 450
    , 482; 818 NW2d 296 (2012).
    Under the law, defendant was criminally liable as a principal, not an agent. We find no
    error in charging and convicting defendant of making a false report of felony child abuse.
    Defendant also raises several claims of trial error under the Michigan Rules of Evidence.
    “The decision whether to admit evidence is within the trial court’s discretion and will not be
    disturbed absent an abuse of that discretion.” People v McDaniel, 
    469 Mich. 409
    , 412; 670
    NW2d 659 (2003). An abuse of discretion occurs “when the court chooses an outcome that falls
    outside the range of principled outcomes.” People v Douglas, 
    496 Mich. 557
    , 565; 852 NW2d
    587 (2014) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Yet, when “the decision involves a
    preliminary question of law, which is whether a rule of evidence precludes admissibility, the
    question is reviewed de novo.” 
    McDaniel, 469 Mich. at 412
    . “A preserved error in the admission
    of evidence does not warrant reversal unless after an examination of the entire cause, it shall
    affirmatively appear that it is more probable than not that the error was outcome determinative.”
    People v Burns, 
    494 Mich. 104
    , 110; 832 NW2d 738 (2013) (internal quotation marks and
    citation omitted).
    Defendant argues that the trial court abused its discretion in admitting evidence related to
    the 2008 CPS investigations involving allegations that Dominion sexually abused his daughter.
    Under MRE 404(b)(1):
    Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not admissible to prove the character
    of a person in order to show action in conformity therewith. It may, however, be
    admissible for other purposes, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent,
    preparation, scheme, plan, or system in doing an act, knowledge, identity, or
    absence of mistake or accident when the same is material, whether such other
    crimes, wrongs, or acts are contemporaneous with, or prior or subsequent to the
    conduct at issue in the case.
    In People v Sabin, 
    463 Mich. 43
    , 55-56; 614 NW2d 888 (2000), our Supreme Court held that a
    trial court does not abuse its discretion if its admission of other-acts evidence meets the three-
    part test articulated in Huddleston v United States, 
    485 U.S. 681
    , 691-692; 
    108 S. Ct. 1496
    99 L. Ed. 2d
    771 (1988), that was adopted in People v VanderVliet, 
    444 Mich. 52
    , 74; 508 NW2d 114
    (1993). Under that test:
    First, the prosecutor must offer the other acts evidence under something other
    than a character to conduct or propensity theory. MRE 404(b). Second, the
    evidence must be relevant under MRE 402, as enforced through MRE 104(b), to
    an issue of fact of consequence at trial. Third, under MRE 403, a determination
    must be made whether the danger of undue prejudice substantially outweighs the
    probative value of the evidence in view of the availability of other means of proof
    and other facts appropriate for making decision of this kind under Rule 403.
    [Sabin, 463 Mich. at 55-56
    (selected internal citations and quotation notation
    See also People v Denson, 
    500 Mich. 385
    , 316-317; 902 NW2d 306 (2017) (explaining that, to be
    admissible under MRE 404(b), other-acts evidence must be offered for a proper purpose as well
    as be logically relevant (i.e., material and probative), and the probative value must not be
    substantially outweighed by unfair prejudice).
    The evidence from prior CPS investigations showed that on three separate instances in
    2008, defendant sought medical attention for PD after observing redness and swelling in PD’s
    vaginal area. Every instance immediately followed a weekend in which Dominion had parenting
    time with PD. The physician, a mandatory reporter of child abuse, contacted CPS, and then CPS
    and the police opened an investigation into Dominion involving possible sexual abuse.1
    Dominion’s parenting time was suspended during each investigation. After each investigation
    was closed as unsubstantiated, Dominion’s parenting time resumed. In the instant case,
    defendant instructed PD to tell a teacher, a mandatory reporter, that Dominion “hurt [her]
    privates.” PD indicated that defendant told her to make the false allegation so that she could
    spend more time with defendant.
    In both the charged and uncharged conduct, instead of personally lodging a complaint
    with CPS, defendant used PD to make or infer an allegation of abuse to a mandatory reporter,
    who would then be legally required to report the abuse to CPS. In each instance, CPS would
    initiate an investigation of Dominion, and PD would be removed from her father’s direct care.
    Given the similar victims—PD and Dominion—as well as the similar pattern—defendant,
    through PD, caused a report to be made to CPS and an investigation of Dominion inevitably
    followed—the uncharged conduct from 2008 was logically relevant under MRE 404(b) to show
    defendant’s common plan, scheme, or system in using PD to make a false allegation of sexual
    abuse against Dominion in 2013. We likewise find that the uncharged conduct was also relevant
    to show defendant’s motive for causing the false report to be made in the instant case in that the
    false report could cause CPS to remove PD from Dominion’s care.
    Regardless of its relevance, defendant also argues that the other-acts evidence was unduly
    prejudicial to her defense such that it should have been excluded under MRE 403. “Evidence is
    unfairly prejudicial when there exists a danger that marginally probative evidence will be given
    undue or preemptive weight by the jury.” People v Crawford, 
    458 Mich. 376
    , 398; 582 NW2d
    785 (1998). As discussed above, the other-acts evidence involving the initiating of the three CPS
    investigations in 2008 was highly probative to show that defendant used a continuing plan or
    scheme to use CPS investigations to suspend Dominion’s parenting time so that she would have
    full or primary custody of her daughter. Although this evidence was prejudicial to defendant, it
    was not unfairly prejudicial or otherwise so prejudicial that an instruction to the jury under MRE
    105 would not cure it. See 
    VanderVliet, 444 Mich. at 55
    . Accordingly, we conclude that the trial
    court did not abuse its discretion in admitting the other-acts evidence.
    Defendant argues that the prosecution did not offer any evidence to show that the physician
    actually called CPS. This argument is without merit as defendant herself testified that the
    physician contacted CPS after defendant brought PD to the physician’s office.
    Defendant also argues that testimony regarding the 2008 CPS petition filed against her
    was inadmissible because the prosecution never noticed her of its intent to admit such evidence
    and because the evidence’s probative value was substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair
    prejudice. Under MRE 404(b)(2), absent good cause, a prosecutor must provide advance notice
    of the general nature of evidence it intends to introduce at trial. Despite defendant’s claim of
    insufficient notice, the record indicates that it was defendant herself who introduced the specific
    allegations of the 2008 CPS petition at trial. Dominion briefly testified about the 2008 CPS
    petition as it involved him but did not testify about the allegations in the petition. Specifically,
    Dominion testified in relevant part:
    Q. Now, did anything change in custody in terms of [your daughter]?
    A. It got to the point where the CPS . . . finally petitioned the Court to
    take [my daughter] away from her parents.
    Q. And after—that was after the third unsubstantiated allegation?
    A. That was past the third one. It was in October of 2008.
    Q. And did you cooperate with that?
    A. Yes, I did.
    Q. And then did you get—after that was all taken care of, did you receive
    time with [your daughter]?
    A. After that was taken care of, she was put into foster care. [My
    daughter] was put in foster care so that they could evaluate myself and the other
    Q. Okay. We are not going to get into that part of it. We’re not going
    to . . . .
    * * *
    Q. Eventually, when that case was taken care of, did you end up getting
    custody, having time with [your daughter]?
    A. Yes.
    This testimony provides only a timeline regarding his custody of PD, and therefore did not
    implicate the notice provisions of MRE 404(b).
    Rather, it was defendant who introduced testimony implicating MRE 404(b) when
    defense counsel questioned defendant whether the petition was in response to her making false
    allegations to CPS, and she responded that she did not remember:
    Q. . . . at that point, was there a petition filed at all?
    A. Yes.
    Q. and at some point in 2008, did that petition become about you?
    A. Yes.
    Q. That came about whether you were making false allegations or
    something else? Do you know what the petition was about?
    A. I don’t remember the specific what—what it was actually about, I just
    remember that it was—it was about me and if I was doing something to cause [my
    daughter’s] injuries or they’d come—it was something about botched evidence.
    On cross-examination, the prosecutor asked defendant additional questions about the
    2008 CPS petition. Defense counsel objected to the relevance of the testimony. The trial court
    overruled the objection, stating “No, I’m going to allow it. It’s related to—you brought up the
    petition.” Defendant does not take issue on appeal with this ruling, and we likewise find no
    error. Because defendant was the party who first pursued the substantive allegations involving
    the 2008 petition, any prejudice flowing from the evidence was of defendant’s own making. We
    find defendant’s claim to be without merit.
    Finally, defendant asserts that the prosecutor committed misconduct in his closing
    argument by asserting that defendant essentially had a propensity for making false reports of
    sexual abuse to CPS. “Because the challenged prosecutorial statements in this case were not
    preserved by contemporaneous objections and requests for curative instructions, appellate review
    is for outcome-determinative, plain error.” People v Unger, 
    278 Mich. App. 210
    , 235; 749 NW2d
    272 (2008). Prosecutorial misconduct issues are decided on a case-by-case basis. People v
    252 Mich. App. 349
    , 357; 651 NW2d 818 (2002). This Court reviews “the prosecutor’s
    statements in context to determine whether the defendant was denied a fair and impartial trial.”
    Id. The prosecutor’s
    statements “are to be evaluated in light of defense arguments and the
    relationship the comments bear to the evidence admitted at trial.” People v Dobek, 274 Mich
    App 58, 64; 732 NW2d 546 (2007). Generally, prosecutors are given great latitude regarding
    their arguments and are “free to argue the evidence and reasonable inferences from the evidence
    as they relate to their theory of the case.” People v Seals, 
    285 Mich. App. 1
    , 22; 776 NW2d 314
    During closing, the prosecutor made several references to the investigations in 2008. He
    stated that defendant used other persons to get CPS involved and argued that defendant had been
    making false reports of sexual abuse since 2008. Although the arguments were not made in the
    blandest of terms, they were consistent with the evidence to show defendant’s common scheme,
    plan, or system of falsely reporting child abuse and to show defendant’s motive to make the
    instant allegations. The prosecutor did not commit misconduct in his closing argument.
    Even if there had been misconduct, the trial court instructed the jury that “[t]he lawyers’
    statements, argument, and any commentary are not evidence. They are only meant to help you
    understand the evidence and each side’s legal theories. You should only accept the things the
    lawyers say that are supported by the evidence or by your own common sense and general
    knowledge.” Jurors are presumed to follow the court’s instructions, and instructions are
    presumed to cure most errors. People v Mahone, 
    294 Mich. App. 208
    , 212; 816 NW2d 436
    (2011). Accordingly, defendant has not shown any outcome-determinative error involving the
    prosecutor’s closing.
    MCL 722.633(5) prohibits a person, through an innocent agent, from making a false
    report of felony child abuse, whether or not the person is a mandatory reporter. Defendant used
    her daughter and school officials to make a false report of felony child abuse against her
    daughter’s father, and by doing so, defendant violated MCL 722.633(5), and we find no error by
    the trial court notwithstanding defendant’s claims to the contrary. Similarly finding no error
    with respect to the trial court’s evidentiary rulings, we affirm defendant’s convictions.
    /s/ Brock A. Swartzle
    /s/ David H. Sawyer
    /s/ Jane E. Markey