Op. Atty. Gen. 124a ( 1994 )

    to provide per diem allowance does not permit a per meeting payment. Rer diem payment
    permitted for meetings of county board. Members may not be paid multiple per diem for
    meetings held on the same day, absent independent statutory authority Minn. Stat. §§ 375.055.
    Aprii zs. 1994
    Marl< B. Dayton
    State Auditor
    Suite 400
    525 Parlt Street
    Saint Paul. MN 55103
    Dear Mr. Dayton:
    In your letter you set forth substantially the following:
    Minnesota law generally authorizes county commissioners to receive
    "per diem" payments in addition to salary, for the performance of official
    It is current practice in many counties to interpret "per diem" as a per meeting
    fee. However. we find no authority for the payment of a per meeting fee
    under current Minnesota Statutes. and therefore seek your advice on the
    authority for these payments
    Crow Wing County. for example established a per meeting fee of $25.00 on
    Decernber 30, 1991. for county meetings, subject to an exception for Planning
    Commission and Board of Adjustment meetings, which are $30.00 per
    meeting. This resolution was reafl"u'med on 0ctobei‘ 5, 1993.
    During the course of our review of per diem payments we noted that multiple
    payments of $25.00 were paid for the same day for attendance at such
    meetings as community health service, planning committee, solid waste
    committee. ambulance meetings, community corrections, and county health.
    In addition, meeting fees for sub»committees of the Board are paid for such
    meetings as building committee. county highway, land and forestry and county
    sheriff. We noted instances where per meeting fees were paid for attendance
    at township, fire and municipal council meetings on a day where a per meeting
    fee was also paid for attendance at a committee of the County Board or a
    special meeting of the Board.
    More generally, we are advised by our field staff that some counties also pay a
    per diem fee for ittendance at the regular board meeting and all other special
    Mark B. Dayton
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    meetings and committees allowing multiple per diem payments for attendance
    at these events on the same day. ln addition. it has been reported to us that
    commissioners submit per diem claims for attendance at township meetings
    and other meetings of local units of govemment. 'l``he individual commissioner
    determines whether attendance and submission of claims for per diem payment
    is appropriate
    You then ask substantially the following questions
    May counties establish a schedule of "per meeting" payments rather than
    per diem payments for county commissioners in addition to their salaries‘?
    V e answer your question in the negative Compcnsation for county commissioners in
    most counties is provided pursuant to Minn. Stat. §§ 375.055-375.065 (1992). Minn. Stat.
    § 375.055`` subd. l, provides in part:
    The county commissioners in all counties. except Hennepin and Ramsey,
    shall receive as compensation for services rendered by them for their respective
    counties, annual salaries and in addition may receive p;r diem payment and
    reimpursemept for necessagg expenses in performing the dpties of the office as set
    by resplution of the coung board. The salary and schedule of per diem payments
    shall not be effective until January 1 of the next year. The resolution shall
    contain a statement of the new salary on an annual basis. Thg board may
    establish a schedule ot`` per diem payments for service by individpal coungv_
    commissiopers on anv hoard, committee or conunissiop of county government
    including com_rnittees on the board, or for the perfogpance of se;viccs by
    individual acting commissioners when required by law.
    (Emphasis added)
    Minn. Stat. §475.06, sub-d. 1. provides in part:
    'l``he members of the county boards in counties other than Hennepin, Rarnsey, and
    St. Louis, may be paid a per diem pursuant to Sectiop 375.055, suglivisipp l,
    for gach day necessarily occupied in the discharge of their oft``igial duties while
    acting on any committee under the direction of the board, and may be paid their
    actual and necessary traveling expenses in accordance with Section 471.665 for
    travel incurred in the discharge of the committee work. Any committee may be
    comprised of all of the members of the county board.
    (``Emphasis added)
    .\/lark B. Dayton
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    Ar)ril 28 , 1994
    Thus. county commissioners are authorized to receive annual salaries and may also be
    paid "per diem" for performing the duties of office. including work on committees "under the
    direction of the board." and individual services as commissioners "when required by law. "
    As noted in the materials included with your letter. the plain meaning of the term
    "per diem" is "by the day" or "pay for a day``s service" Black’s Law Dictionary (Rev.
    4th Ed.) 1293. Words in statutes are generally to be construed in accordance with their
    common and approved usage Minn. Stat. § 645408(1) (1992). Thus. we must assume. absent
    any authority to the contrary_ that the "per diem" compensation authorized by the foregoing
    statutes is intended to be computed and allowed by the day in which services are performed.
    rather than with respect to each "meeting" attended or each separate task performed. This
    concept is clearly expressed in Section 475.06. subd. l. quoted above iii stating that the
    payment may be made for "each day necessarily occupied " in the discharge of duties.
    May a county board member receive a "per diem " for attendance at the regular meeting
    of the board?
    We answer your question in the affirmative As noted above, Section 375.055,
    authorizes the county board of commissioners to provide. by resolution. a salary and schedule
    of per diem payments to be paid to commissioners for performing “the duties of office." The
    board is required by statute to meet on the "t``irst Tuesday after the first Monday iri January,
    and on other days it prescribes as necessary for the interests of the county." Minn. Stat.
    § 375.07 (1992). lt seems clear that attendance at meetings of the board is one of the "duties
    of the office" for which per diem payments may be allowed. Therel``ore. it is our view that
    such payment are permitted to the extent prescribed in the resolution of the board establishing
    the schedule of per diem payments
    This opinion is. howevcr. subject to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §375.065 (1992),
    which prohibits any county commissioner whose salary is more than 50 percent of the
    Mark B. Dayton
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    governor``s salary. from receiving any per diem for ``attendance at meetings related to the
    business of any local government unit. "
    May a county board member receive a per diem on the day of the county board
    meeting if the member also attends a committee meeting of the board or performs
    other board related services on that day'?
    The response to Question two above would appear to provide the answer to this question
    as well.
    May a county board member receive multiple per diem payments on the same day
    when the board member attends several committee meetings and performs such
    services as road inspection?
    We answer your question in the negative As noted above, the "per diem" authorized by
    Sections 375.055 and 375.06 is to be paid by the "day" spent in performing the duties of
    office. However. inasmuch as the law, in many circumstances, does not recognize fractions of
    a day. it is generally held that no particular length of time spent in a given day is required to
    entitle an officer to collect per diem for a "day" of work. B, ga Op. Att. Gen. 124a,
    May 19, 1959, Ann_ot. l ALR. 276, 277. On the other hand. it is also generally held that an
    officer cannot collect more than one day’s per diem pursuant to the same authority, regardless
    of the number of hours spent in performing work in a single day. _P_t_npo_t. 1, ALR, 276, 278.
    Minn. Stat. §375.055. subd. 1. authorizes payment to commissioners by the day for
    performing the duties of office. Section 375.06 authorizes the same per diem "pursuant to
    Section 375 .055, subdivision l" for each day necessarily occupied in the discharge of official
    duties while acting on any committee under the direction of the board. Thus. it appears that
    per diem whether for committee work or other "duties of office" is payable under the single
    authority of Section 375.055. subd. l.
    Marlt B. Dayton
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    'l``heret``ore. it is our view that a county commissioner. when authorized by resolution of
    the board. may collect one per diem for each day spent in performing the official duties
    connected with the ofi'ice. regardless of how few or many separate duties connected with the
    office are performed in such day.
    We recognize. however. that there might exist other statutes which provide independent
    authority for per diem payments in addition to those authorized by Sections 375 .055. 375.06.
    Minn. Stat. § 375.055. subd. 5. provides iii part:
    Exccpt as provided herein nothing in this section shall limit the right of a county
    commissioner to collect and retain any fees. per diem payment made pursuant to
    subdivision l. or any mileage or expense allowance. or reimbursement of expenses
    in attending meetings or in the conduct of the business of a board. commission or
    committee of county government on which the commissioner serves. which the
    commissioner is now authorized bv anv other law to collect and retain in addition to
    the stated annual salagg.
    (Emphasis added)
    This subdivision has recognized that commissioners in addition to serving as such,
    might serve on other bodies of government for which additional compensation is separately
    authorized by statute. ln those situations we have concluded that more than one per diem
    might be retained for a given calendar day in which a commissioner performs commissioner
    duties and also performs duties for a statutorily separate body with independent authority to
    compensate its members For example, in Op. Atty. Gen. 1243, May 19, 1959, we concluded
    that a county board member might receive per diem pursuant to Section 375.06 for
    commission work as part of a road viewing committce. and could also retain per diem for a
    county welfare board meeting held the same day. As noted in that opinion. Section 393 .03 at
    that time provided that each member of the welfare board may receive per diem "in addition to
    other salary received from any other source." The opinion noted that "when county
    commissioners attend meetings of the county welfare board, they do so as members of that
    board and not as county commissioners "
    Marlt B. Dayton
    Page 6
    Apri]. 28 , 1994
    Likewise in Op. Atty. Gen. 124a. April 12. 1972_ we concluded that a commissioner
    could receive two per diem allowances for attending a meeting of the welfare board and a
    meeting of the hospital board on the same day. Again. at the time. both the hospital board and
    welfare board were constituted under separate statutes each independently authorizing payment
    of added compensation
    Thus. there may be instances in which a commissioner might be separately authorized to
    receive a per diem apart from the one authorized for work as a county commissioner It
    appears, however. that such separate authority has been. for the most part. eliminated
    In 1975`` when the legislature amended Minn. Stat. §375.055. subd. l. to generally
    authorize the payment of per diem to county commissioners in addition to salary, it also
    amended other statutes pertaining to various boards and committees related to county
    government to remove separate authority for payment of per diem to county commissioners
    who are members. and to direct that Section 375.55. as amended, be the source of per diem
    authority for commissioners serving with such bodies. Act of June 4. 1975, ch. 301,
    1975 Minn I_.aws 816. M. §§ l (Extension Committee). 2 (drainage proceedings), 4,5 (tax
    forfeited land sales), 6 (fence viewings) 10 (miscell.aneous county boards. agencies or
    committees). 12 (nursing home boards). 13 (welfare boards). 14 (planning comrnissions).
    We have not located independent authority for payment of per diem other than that
    provided for in Section 375.055 for work with the committees mentioned iii your letter or for
    such things as "road irispection.°'1 Absent such independent authority. it is our view that a
    commit toner may receive. under Section 375.055, one day’s per diem for each day spent in
    carrying out his or her county duties regardless of how many or few separate tasks are
    l. - § Op. Atty. Gen. 1930, No. 273. P. 248 (enclosed) which distinguishes between
    legitimate "committee" work and undertaking of the function of the town engineer.
    Mark B. Dayton
    Page 7
    A_r)ril 28, 1994
    Is there authority to pay a per diem for attendance at meetings of other bodies
    such as township meetings or fire department meetings and if so, must t;'ie annual
    resolution detail which meetings other than county meetings qualify for per diem?
    Except as qualified below, we answer your question in the negative. The authority to
    pay per diem for attendance at such meetings would depend upon whether that attendance
    could reasonably be viewed as acting on a committee under the direction oi`` the board (Minn.
    Stat. §375 96. subd. l), or service by an individual which is either "required by law” or
    associated with a "board. committee. or commission of county government," (Minn. Stat.
    § 375.055, subd. 1). We are not aware of specific instances iii which a county commissiomr,
    as such. would be expressly required by law to attend town meetings or fire department
    meetings Nor would such groups be considered boards, commissions or committees of the
    lt is, of course. possible that the county board may, in appropriate circumstaimes,
    designate one or more commissioners as a committee to perform some fact-finding or liaison
    function which would necessitate attendance at meetings of some organizations or group
    outside of county goveriunent. In those circumstances per diem would seem to be authorized
    pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 375.06. subd. 1. However. we do not find authority for payment of
    per diem for general attendance where a commissioner simply decides on his or her own to
    attend such meetings g Op. Atty. Gen. 1930, No. 273, P. 248; 12»"..-A, June 15. 1951
    (copy enclosed).
    Best regards.
    Attomey General
    . etO

Document Info

Filed Date: 4/28/1994

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/2/2017