Elfi E. Janssen v. Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King & Stageberg, P. A., Sibley Holdings, LLC ( 2014 )

  •                         This opinion will be unpublished and
    may not be cited except as provided by
    Minn. Stat. § 480A.08, subd. 3 (2012).
    Elfi E. Janssen, et al.,
    Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King & Stageberg, P. A., et al.,
    Sibley Holdings, LLC, et al.,
    Filed December 22, 2014
    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded
    Smith, Judge
    Hennepin County District Court
    File Nos. 62-CV-13-8745, 27-CV-13-13223
    John E. Trojack, Joseph E. Trojack, Trojack Law Office, P.A., West St. Paul, Minnesota
    (for appellants)
    Paul C. Peterson, William L. Davison, Matthew D. Sloneker, Lind, Jensen, Sullivan &
    Peterson, P.A., Minneapolis, Minnesota (for respondents Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King &
    Stageberg, P.A., et al.)
    Richard J. Thomas Chad J. Hintz, Burke & Thomas, PLLP, Arden Hills, Minnesota (for
    respondents Sibley Holdings, LLC, et al.)
    Considered and decided by Rodenberg, Presiding Judge; Worke, Judge; and
    Smith, Judge.
    SMITH, Judge
    We affirm the district court’s dismissal of appellant’s individual claims under the
    Minnesota Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (MUFTA) because, as a beneficiary of the
    trust for which the trustee is pursuing relief, appellant lacks individual standing. But we
    reverse the district court’s dismissal of appellant’s MUFTA claims in her capacity as
    trustee and appellant’s common-law claims against respondent attorneys because
    appellant’s complaint alleges facts that, if true, state valid claims upon which relief could
    be granted, and we remand for further proceedings.
    In July 2013, appellant Elfi Janssen, both individually and as trustee of the RIJ
    Revocable Trust Agreement Dated March 16, 2006 (RIJ trust), sued respondents
    Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King & Stageberg, P.A. (Lommen) and Anna MacCormick, her
    former husband’s daughter. Janssen alleged that, in 2006, her former husband had
    created RIJ “to satisfy certain obligations arising out of [their] divorce.” The trust was
    funded by four bonds valued at approximately $500,000 and producing about $34,750 in
    annual income. The trust terms mandated that, upon the death of Janssen’s former
    husband, Janssen and MacCormick would act jointly as co-trustees.
    After her former husband revoked the trust in 2008, Janssen sued MacCormick in
    2011, alleging undue influence and lack of capacity. In the midst of the trial on these
    claims—after the district court received testimony that Janssen’s former husband was
    “confused and disoriented” and “rambling and incoherent” when he revoked the trust at
    the urging of MacCormick—MacCormick created Sibley Holdings, LLC with the
    assistance of Lommen attorneys who were representing her in the ongoing RIJ trust
    litigation. Janssen’s complaint alleged that MacCormick transferred “virtually all her
    property to Sibley,” including real properties in two Minnesota counties, shares
    constituting a majority stake in a corporation, all of the assets formerly in the RIJ trust,
    and other assets. Janssen also alleged that, although MacCormick received less than
    $500 in consideration for the transfer of each of the real properties to Sibley, the total
    value of assets she transferred to Sibley was between $1,250,000 and $2,000,000.
    Janssen alleged that MacCormick became insolvent as a result of these transfers. Janssen
    further alleged that the purpose of the transfers was to hinder the collection of any
    judgments against MacCormick.
    Janssen alleged that MacCormick maintains control of 97% of Sibley (after
    transferring a 1% interest to each of MacCormick’s three children), that MacCormick
    functions as the de facto sole member of its governing board, that MacCormick has
    unilaterally created liens against Sibley assets by writing nearly $600,000 of checks
    against the Sibley account, and that MacCormick, with the assistance of Lommen
    attorneys, created two mortgages in favor of Lommen totaling $500,000 against the real
    properties she transferred to Sibley. On July 13, 2012, the district court found that
    MacCormick unduly influenced her father, voided the revocation of the trust, and ordered
    that MacCormick return the trust assets. Janssen alleged that MacCormick’s attorney at
    Lommen subsequently stated that MacCormick was unable to comply with the district
    court order because those assets were now owned by Sibley, not MacCormick.
    On May 22, 2013, the district court reformed the RIJ trust’s terms, appointing
    Janssen as sole trustee. Janssen then initiated this action, alleging that MacCormick
    made fraudulent transfers under the MUFTA, was unjustly enriched, and engaged in
    theft. She also alleged that Lommen conspired and colluded to fraudulently transfer
    assets, aided and abetted fraudulent transfers, engaged in fraud, and was unjustly
    enriched.   MacCormick and Lommen moved the district court to dismiss Janssen’s
    MUFTA claims and all of her claims against Lommen, and to stay her remaining claims
    pending resolution of other related litigation. The district court granted the motions on
    January 29, 2014. In relevant part, the district court ruled that Janssen lacked individual
    standing as a trust beneficiary to sue under the MUFTA, that as a trustee she had failed to
    state a cause of action under the MUFTA, that she had failed to state a cause of action
    against Lommen for unjust enrichment, conspiracy, collusion, or aiding and abetting, and
    that she had failed to meet the heightened pleading standard required for her fraud
    allegations against Lommen.
    “Standing is the requirement that a party has a sufficient stake in a justiciable
    controversy to seek relief from a court.” State by Humphrey v. Phillip Morris Inc., 
    551 N.W.2d 490
    , 493 (Minn. 1996). A plaintiff may acquire standing in one of two ways:
    (1) the plaintiff suffers some “injury-in-fact”; or (2) the plaintiff is granted standing
    through some legislative enactment. 
     A plaintiff who lacks standing may not bring a
     “Whether a party has standing to sue is a question of law, which we review de
    novo.” Rukavina v. Pawlenty, 
    684 N.W.2d 525
    , 531 (Minn. App. 2004), review denied
    (Minn. Oct. 19, 2004).
    Janssen contends that she has statutory standing because, as beneficiary of the RIJ
    trust, she is a creditor as defined by the MUFTA. See 
    Minn. Stat. §§ 513.41
    (4) (defining
    “creditor” under the MUFTA), 514.47 (authorizing creditors to sue) (2012).              But
    “beneficiaries of a trust cannot maintain an action at law against a third person who
    commits a tort or other wrong with respect to the trust property” unless “the trustee fails
    to bring suit against [the] third party tortfeasor.” Uselman v. Uselman, 
    464 N.W.2d 130
    137-38 (Minn. 1990), superceded by statute on other grounds as recognized by Radloff v.
    First Am. Nat’l Bank of St. Cloud, N.A., 
    470 N.W.2d 154
    , 159 (Minn. App. 1991), review
    denied (Minn. July 24, 1991). Here, Janssen is—and has been during all relevant
    periods1—a trustee of the RIJ trust and, in that capacity, she has acted to redress the
    fraudulent transfers and other wrongs that she alleges occurred. Since the RIJ trustee has
    not failed to act, we conclude that the district court did not err by dismissing Janssen’s
    individual claims for lack of standing.2
    In her complaint, Janssen states that she was not a trustee for the period during which
    the allegedly fraudulent transfers occurred, implying that she had no choice but to assert
    her claims individually. No authority supports her belief that she was not a trustee of the
    RIJ trust during the relevant periods, and the district court’s later holding that Janssen
    lacks individual standing as trust beneficiary because the trustee has not failed to act
    necessarily (albeit implicitly) holds that Janssen remained a trustee during all periods
    relevant to this litigation. MacCormick and Lommen do not challenge that determination
    and, in fact, endorse it.
    Janssen also asserts that this court has already held that she has standing, citing In re
    RIJ Revocable Trust Agreement Dated March 16, 2006, No. A13-1305, 
    2014 WL 684698
    , at *2 (Minn. App. Feb. 24, 2014). But, although this prior opinion held that
    Janssen is an “interested person” with enforceable creditor’s rights under the trust, it did
    Janssen challenges the district court’s dismissal of her MUFTA claims for failure
    to state a claim on which relief can be granted. “We review de novo whether a complaint
    sets forth a legally sufficient claim for relief.      We accept the facts alleged in the
    complaint as true and construe all reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving
    party.” Walsh v. U.S. Bank, N.A., 
    851 N.W.2d 598
    , 606 (Minn. 2014) (citations omitted).
    The purpose of a pleading is “simply to give fair notice to the adverse party of the
    incident giving rise to the suit with sufficient clarity to disclose the pleader’s theory,” and
    a pleader is not “required to allege facts and every element of a cause of action.” N.
    States Power Co. v. Franklin, 
    265 Minn. 391
    , 394-95, 
    122 N.W.2d 26
    , 29 (1963); see
    also Walsh, 851 N.W.2d at 605 (emphasizing that the purpose of the pleading is to notify
    the opposing party to the incident at issue). A plaintiff need only make a “minimal”
    showing to survive a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim. Noske v. Friedberg,
    670 N.W.2d 740
    , 742 (Minn. 2003). “[A] pleading will be dismissed only if it appears to
    a certainty that no facts, which could be introduced consistent with the pleading, exist
    which would support granting the relief demanded.” Franklin, 
    265 Minn. at 395
    , 122
    N.W.2d at 29.
    “The Minnesota Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act prohibits a debtor from
    transferring property with the intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditors.” Reilly v.
    852 N.W.2d 694
    , 698 (Minn. App. 2014) (quotation omitted). Its purpose is
    not consider (let alone override) the Uselman requirement that such a creditor may bring
    an action individually only if the trustee fails to do so.
    “to prevent debtors from placing property that is otherwise available for the payment of
    their debts out of the reach of their creditors.” Id. at 699 (quotation omitted). “The act is
    remedial and is meant to be construed broadly.” Id. (quotation omitted).
    Minn. Stat. § 513.45
     (2012), MacCormick argues that Janssen’s complaint
    failed to state a claim for relief under the MUFTA because she failed to allege that
    MacCormick was insolvent. She alleges that her 97% ownership of Sibley disproves any
    claim that she is insolvent. She further contends that her ownership stake in Sibley
    means that her movement of trust assets and other assets to Sibley was not a “transfer”
    under the MUFTA. Under section 513.45, a party alleging a fraudulent transfer must
    allege either of two sets of conditions. First, a party may allege a fraudulent transfer
    (1) “if the debtor made the transfer . . . without receiving a reasonably equivalent value,”
    and (2) “the debtor was insolvent at that time or the debtor became insolvent as a result of
    the transfer.” 
    Minn. Stat. § 513.45
    (a). Second, a party may allege a fraudulent transfer
    when (1) “the transfer was made to an insider for an antecedent debt,” (2) “the debtor was
    insolvent at the time,” and (3) “the insider had reasonable cause to believe that the debtor
    was insolvent.” 
    Minn. Stat. § 513.45
    (b). “‘Transfer’ is defined broadly as ‘every mode,
    direct or indirect, absolute or conditional, voluntary or involuntary, of disposing of or
    parting with an asset or an interest in an asset, and includes payment of money, release,
    lease, and creation of a lien or other encumbrance.” Reilly, 852 N.W.2d at 699 (quoting
    Minn. Stat. § 513.42
    (12) (2012)).
    Janssen’s amended complaint alleges each of the elements required by section
    513.45. First, it alleges that MacCormick’s transfers were made “without receiving
    reasonably equivalent value” and it notes that the transfers included trust assets and
    corporate shares for which MacCormick received no consideration and two parcels of
    real property each valued at $500,000 for which MacCormick received “$500 or less per
    property.”   Second, Janssen alleged that “[a]s a result of the transfers to Sibley,
    MacCormick is insolvent as defined in the Minnesota Fraudulent Transfers Act,”
    supported by the allegations that “MacCormick transferred virtually all her property
    to . . . Sibley” and “[d]eeding her non-exempt property, as well as virtually all her other
    property or assets, to Sibley resulted in MacCormick being insolvent.” Finally, Janssen
    identified Sibley as an “insider” recipient of the transfers. We therefore conclude that
    Janssen’s complaint sufficiently alleges a violation of section 513.45.
    MacCormick’s claims that her Sibley ownership stake precludes Janssen from
    alleging a violation of section 513.45 also are belied by three facts either already present
    in the record or potentially accessible through discovery.       First, the record already
    contains the response from MacCormick’s attorney to Janssen’s demand for the return of
    trust assets stating that MacCormick could not return the assets because she no longer
    owned them after transferring them to Sibley. To assert, as she does now, that she is
    solvent because she retains ownership of Sibley is, to say the least, disingenuous.
    Second, even if she retains ownership of the trust assets through Sibley, it is well-
    established that, for purposes of determining whether a debtor is insolvent within the
    meaning of the MUFTA, the assets that were allegedly transferred fraudulently are not
    considered. See 
    Minn. Stat. § 513.42
    (d) (2012). Third, Janssen’s complaint alleges that
    the value of Sibley has been degraded by MacCormick’s creation of $600,000 in liens
    against Sibley and by mortgages in favor of Lommen encumbering the real property held
    by Sibley.
    As the district court recognized, Janssen’s complaint alleges violations of the
    “actual fraud” provisions of 
    Minn. Stat. § 513.44
     (2012) in addition to the provisions of
    section 513.45. Section 513.44(a)(1) mandates that “[a] transfer made . . . is fraudulent
    as to a creditor . . . if the debtor made the transfer . . . with actual intent to hinder, delay,
    or defraud any creditor of the debtor.” Although it is unclear from her appellate brief
    whether Janssen continues to pursue this theory, the supreme court has emphasized that a
    sufficient pleading must identify only the incident in question and need not allege each
    element of each possible cause of action. See Walsh, 851 N.W.2d at 605. In addition to
    facts relevant to a section 513.45 cause of action, Janssen’s complaint alleges specifically
    that “MacCormick’s conveyances were done for the purpose of defrauding [Janssen], and
    hindering and delaying the collection of any judgments against her.” Under the notice-
    pleading standard that the supreme court reaffirmed in Walsh, this is sufficient to put
    MacCormick and Lommen on notice as to the incident at issue and the potential that
    Janssen could pursue a cause of action under section 513.44 as well as under section
    513.45. We therefore conclude that the district court’s dismissal of Janssen’s MUFTA
    claims was erroneous.
    Janssen challenges the district court’s basis for dismissing her common-law claims
    against Lommen, arguing that her amended complaint presents legally sufficient claims
    for relief. We turn first to Janssen’s conspiracy, collusion, aiding-and-abetting, and fraud
    claims against Lommen. Janssen cites cases holding that attorneys may be held liable for
    fraud committed by their clients when the attorneys actively engage in a client’s fraud.
    Lommen asserts that no Minnesota caselaw exists supporting the argument that attorneys
    can be sued for participation in an allegedly fraudulent scheme under the MUFTA. But
    the MUFTA contains no provision exempting attorneys from liability when they actively
    participate in a client’s scheme to fraudulently transfer assets in order to frustrate
    collection of a judgment. To the contrary, the supplementary provisions of the MUFTA
    emphasize that “the principles of law and equity, including . . . law relating to . . . fraud
    . . . supplement its provisions.” 
    Minn. Stat. § 513.50
    We recognize that “an attorney acting within the scope of his employment as
    attorney is immune from liability to third persons for actions arising out of that
    professional relationship.” McDonald v. Stewart, 
    289 Minn. 35
    , 40, 
    182 N.W.2d 437
    440 (1970). We therefore “narrowly and strictly interpret the elements” of conspiracy,
    collusion, and aiding-and-abetting claims against professionals in order to “preclude
    meritless claims.” See Witzman v. Lehrman, Lehrman & Flom, 
    601 N.W.2d 179
    , 186-87
    (Minn. 1999). Although we acknowledge that this raises a high bar for Janssen’s claims,
    we also note that the strict-interpretation requirement does not prohibit suing
    professionals for knowing participation in a client’s fraudulent scheme.       Id.; see also,
    e.g., McDonald, 289 Minn. at 40, 
    182 N.W.2d at 440
     (holding that an attorney’s
    immunity “may not be invoked if the attorney . . . knowingly participates with his client
    in the perpetuation of a fraudulent or unlawful act”); Hoppe v. Klapperich, 
    224 Minn. 224
    , 241, 
    28 N.W.2d 780
    , 791 (1947) (“In the performance of his duties to his client, an
    attorney enjoys immunity from liability to a third person insofar as he does not materially
    depart from his character as a quasi-judicial officer charged with responsibility for the
    administration of justice. Clearly, he may forfeit his immunity if he permits the private
    interests and desires of his client to become so dominant that he ceases to be a minister of
    justice and instead knowingly becomes an instrumentality for the perpetration of
    fraud . . . .”); Rucker v. Schmidt, 
    768 N.W.2d 408
    , 412 (Minn. App. 2009) (holding that
    when an attorney is accused of fraud, “general principles of attorney immunity [are] not
    appropriate”), aff’d, 
    794 N.W.2d 114
     (Minn. 2011). Determining whether Janssen has
    stated a claim upon which relief could be granted thus requires determining whether the
    complaint alleges that the attorney knowingly participated in a client’s fraudulent act.
    See McDonald, 289 Minn. at 40, 
    182 N.W.2d at 440
    Janssen’s complaint contains such specific allegations. It alleges that Lommen
    prepared documents creating the Sibley entity and transferring the trust assets to it in the
    midst of a trial wherein Lommen represented MacCormick in a proceeding seeking to
    recover those assets. It alleges that this timing was not coincidental or driven by the
    client’s instructions, but rather resulted from Lommen attorneys’ expert assessment that
    MacCormick was likely to lose in light of the testimony that the district court had
    received. This uniquely suspicious timing and the purported role of Lommen attorneys in
    hatching the allegedly fraudulent scheme (rather than merely following their client’s
    instructions) could, if proven, support the allegation that Lommen attorneys knowingly
    participated in a fraudulent or unlawful act. The claim that Lommen attorneys knowingly
    participated in a fraudulent or unlawful scheme to frustrate a judgment also could be
    supported by the Lommen attorney’s letter stating that the transfer of the trust assets to
    Sibley made the assets unavailable to satisfy the judgment. We therefore conclude that,
    under the particular facts of this case, the complaint pleads facts sufficient to clear the
    high bar set by McDonald and Witzman.
    Janssen’s complaint also alleges two alternative bases for Lommen’s conspiracy—
    collusion and aiding-and-abetting liability.       First, it alleges that Lommen received
    mortgages, each valued at $500,000, against property transferred into Sibley in purported
    payment of legal fees of greatly lesser value, giving Lommen an interest in the fraudulent
    transfer and placing its attorneys’ actions outside the scope of the immunity announced in
    McDonald. See 
     (stating in a tortious-interference-with-contract case that an attorney
    is not immune from liability for professional services when those actions are “dominated
    by his own personal interest”). Although Lommen’s alleged knowing participation in
    transfering trust assets into Sibley might, if proven true, form the basis for its liability for
    conspiracy, collusion, aiding and abetting, or fraud, we can discern nothing illegal or
    unlawful in receiving mortgages to secure payment of fees for legal services rendered to a
    Second, Janssen’s complaint alleges that Lommen was “legally and equitably
    obligated to disclose” the Sibley transfers to the district court and to Janssen, implying
    that its failure to do so is a basis for collusion liability. Although failure to inform the
    district court of the transfer of assets central to ongoing litigation may be a relevant fact
    in a complaint alleging knowing participation in a scheme to frustrate collection of a
    judgment, we are aware of no authority that requires an attorney to disclose his actions on
    behalf of a client to opposing parties in litigation or that failure to disclose such actions
    can form an independent basis for liability.
    The district court also ruled that Janssen failed to meet the heightened-pleading
    standard for fraud claims. “[P]arties pleading fraud must meet a heightened pleading
    standard.” Hardin Cnty. Sav. Bank v. Hous. & Redevelopment Auth. of Brainerd, 
    821 N.W.2d 184
    , 191 (Minn. 2012) (citing Minn. R. Civ. P. 9.02 requirement that “the
    circumstances constituting fraud . . . shall be stated with particularity”). “To plead with
    particularity is to plead the ultimate facts or the facts constituting fraud.” 
    omitted). To meet the heightened pleading standard for fraud, the complaint must allege
    the “who, what, when, where, and how” of a fraud allegation. Baker v. Best Buy Stores,
    812 N.W.2d 177
    , 183-84 (Minn. App. 2012), review denied (Minn. Apr. 25, 2012).
    As outlined above, Janssen’s complaint meets this requirement. Beyond merely alleging
    fraudulent intent, the complaint alleges that Lommen attorneys (who) conspired with
    MacCormick through specific acts (what) alleged to have occurred at specific times
    (when) and at specific places (where), using specific processes (how) to shield
    MacCormick’s assets from an impending judgment. We therefore conclude that the
    district court erred when it dismissed Janssen’s common-law conspiracy, collusion,
    aiding-and-abetting, and fraud claims against Lommen.
    Unlike Janssen’s other claims, her unjust-enrichment claim against Lommen does
    not rely on its alleged knowing participation in a fraudulent scheme. Rather, Janssen
    argues that Lommen’s receipt of mortgages on property held by Sibley in payment of its
    legal fees constitutes unjust enrichment. Essential to an unjust-enrichment claim is the
    allegation that a defendant received some benefit from the plaintiff that the defendant
    unjustly retained. Acton Constr. Co. v. State, 
    383 N.W.2d 416
    , 417 (Minn. App. 1986),
    review denied (Minn. May 22, 1986).         Here, Lommen received mortgages from
    MacCormick or Sibley, not from Janssen. Also, “[a] claim for unjust enrichment does
    not ‘lie simply because one party benefits from the efforts or obligations of others, but
    instead it must be shown that a party was unjustly enriched in the sense that the term
    ‘unjustly’ could mean illegally or unlawfully.’” Dahl v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 
    742 N.W.2d 186
    , 196 (Minn. App. 2007) (quoting First Nat’l Bank of St. Paul v. Ramier, 
    311 N.W.2d 502
    , 504 (Minn. 1981)), review denied (Minn. Jan 20, 2009). The district court
    properly dismissed Janssen’s unjust-enrichment claim against Lommen.
    Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded.