Jeffrey A. August, Relator v. Chisago County Board of Commissioners , 868 N.W.2d 741 ( 2015 )

  •                                STATE OF MINNESOTA
    Jeffrey A. August,
    Chisago County Board of Commissioners,
    Filed August 17, 2015
    Reilly, Judge
    Chisago County Board of Commissioners
    Terry A. Watkins, Watkins Law Office, LLC, Faribault, Minnesota (for relator)
    Paul D. Reuvers, Nathan C. Midolo, Iverson Reuvers Condon, Bloomington, Minnesota
    (for respondent)
    Considered and decided by Worke, Presiding Judge; Reilly, Judge; and
    Stoneburner, Judge.*
    In determining whether to grant a conditional-use permit, the responsible
    government unit may consider the resulting noise from the proposed use even if the noise
    levels do not exceed the sound level limits promulgated by the responsible state entity.
    Retired judge of the Minnesota Court of Appeals, serving by appointment pursuant to
    Minn. Const. art. VI, § 10.
    REILLY, Judge
    Relator-landowner Jeffery August challenges respondent Chisago County Board
    of Commissioners’ (county board) denial of his conditional-use permit (CUP)
    application.   August argues that (1) the county board’s denial was arbitrary and
    capricious and (2) the county board erred when it failed to consider certain Minnesota
    Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) rules.           Additionally, August seeks sanctions and
    attorney fees under Minn. Stat. § 549.211 (2014). We affirm.
    The Property
    In 2003, August purchased a 20-acre tract of land located in the Sunrise Township
    (the property). The property is zoned for agricultural use. Agricultural use in Chisago
    County is “intended to provide areas to be utilized for agriculture and agriculture related
    uses and low density residential areas.” Chisago Cnty. Zoning Ord. (CCO) § 5.06(A)
    (2008). The majority of the land surrounding the property is developed in a rural,
    residential manner, with farm fields or residential lawns. There is minimal vegetation or
    barriers screening the property.
    During the past few years, August built a fenced-in arena on his property for
    mounted shooting events.           He later built an announcer’s booth with a public
    announcement system to use in connection with the events. In 2013, August formed a
    club, Cowboy Mounted Shooting, and began hosting mounted shooting competitions and
    clinics. Mounted shooting competitions consist of 10 to 15 contestants who ride on
    horseback while attempting to shoot balloons on mounted posts in the center of the arena.
    Contestants shoot at the balloons with .45 caliber blanks.
    August typically holds these competitions on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to dusk
    and on Sundays from noon until 6:00 p.m.           In connection with the competitions,
    contestants and spectators camp overnight in either tents or RVs in an adjacent pasture on
    the property.   In addition to the competitions, August hosts “major shoots,” which
    typically span the course of a three-day weekend. August also offers one-day clinics
    where club members can train and learn safety skills. The 2014 schedule listed two
    clinics, five shoots, and five major shoots.
    In 2014, after receiving complaints about the property, the Chisago County
    Department of Environmental Services and Zoning (zoning department) investigated the
    property. The zoning department determined that August’s use of the property did not
    conform to its zoned use.
    CUP Application
    The zoning department advised August of the need for a CUP, and August applied
    for a CUP in May 2014. On May 23, 2014, the zoning department informed August that
    his CUP application was incomplete.            August submitted additional information
    concerning the property and the CUP application. The additional information explained
    that the noise from gunfire would cease just before dusk and that mounted shooting
    events would be limited to seven weekends.
    August then met with zoning department staff and agreed to have his application
    processed as rural retail tourism/commercial outdoor recreation use. August submitted an
    additional letter that addressed the “small-scale” and “low-impact” criteria of the rural
    retail tourism criteria. The Sunrise Township Planning Commission recommended a
    limited CUP.
    Sunrise Township Recommendation
    On June 19, 2014, the Sunrise Township Board (township) recommended denying
    the CUP application under section 8.05 of the CCO due to negative impact and the
    intrusion of noise caused by the proposed use. The township cited to the “noise based on
    the PA system and approximately 2,000 rounds [fired] per day” as the grounds for its
    Chisago County Planning Commission Recommendation
    On July 3, 2014, the Chisago County Planning Commission (planning
    commission) solicited public comments at a public hearing. Zoning department staff
    prepared a report in preparation for the hearing. With regard to the possible impact on
    neighboring properties, the report noted that the noise at the property, as estimated by the
    staff, “does not exceed, or even approach, the MPCA decibel limit.”            The report,
    however, stated that the noise is “easily audible from the four properties visited by Staff”
    and that “steady gunfire over the daylight hours of many weekends would rise to the level
    of significant annoyance for neighboring landowners.” Ultimately, the report
    recommended approving the CUP with conditions.
    At the planning commission public comment hearing, multiple neighbors
    expressed concerns over
    the fairly constant noise from the shooting, the volume of
    shots fired being often over 1,000 rounds per day, the use of
    the loudspeaker, the loss of peace and quiet and enjoyment of
    their property, potential property value depreciation,
    disruption to the rest and repose of small children, animals,
    livestock and the general negative impact to their quality of
    All neighbors commenting on the proposed CUP agreed that the noise caused by
    the mounted shooting events was significant and disruptive. Conversely, club members
    spoke in support of granting the CUP. When asked by the planning commission if
    August could reduce the number of competitions per season to four, August replied that
    he could not do so because it would not permit his club members adequate access to
    competition. The planning commission discussed the CUP and voted to recommended
    denial because it would violate “Section 4.15, part D, part five [of the rural retail tourism
    criteria], ‘creates negative impact on the neighborhood by intrusive noise.’”
    Chisago County Board of Commissioners’ Denial
    On July 16, 2014, the county board held a public hearing and discussed the CUP
    application. At this meeting, one of the members of the planning commission provided
    comment during the citizens’ forum, stating that he strongly opposed the CUP.             In
    addition, a county board member voiced concerns regarding the decibel level: “I’m
    concerned about a legal question which has been raised by the applicant, which I think
    has not been addressed. And that is the decibel level. I think that that kind of issue . . .
    needs to be addressed . . . .” The county board voted to deny the CUP application three-
    to-one with one abstention.     Their denial incorporated the findings of the planning
    commission, denying the CUP “based upon its conflict with the required performance
    characteristics cited in Section 4.15 of the Chisago County Zoning Ordinance governing
    rural retail tourism uses.”
    August appeals by writ of certiorari.
    I.     Was the county board’s denial of the CUP application unreasonable,
    arbitrary, or capricious?
    II.    Is August entitled to attorney fees?
    A county board’s decision regarding a CUP is quasi-judicial and reviewable by
    writ of certiorari. Interstate Power Co. v. Nobles Cnty. Bd. of Comm’rs, 
    617 N.W.2d 566
    , 574 n.5 (Minn. 2000); Picha v. Cnty. of McLeod, 
    634 N.W.2d 739
    , 741 (Minn. App.
    2001). We independently review a county board’s decision to grant a CUP to determine
    if it is unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious. RDNT, LLC v. City of Bloomington, 
    861 N.W.2d 71
    , 75 (Minn. 2015).
    “County zoning authorities have wide latitude in making decisions on conditional
    use permits, and except in rare cases where there is no rational basis for the decision, it is
    the duty of the judiciary to exercise restraint and accord appropriate deference to civil
    authorities in routine zoning matters.” Big Lake Ass’n v. Saint Louis Cnty. Planning
    761 N.W.2d 487
    , 490 (Minn. 2009) (quotations omitted). But “[a] municipality
    may not base its denial on ‘unreasonably vague or unreasonably subjective’ standards.”
    BECA of Alexandria, L.L.P. v. Cnty. of Douglas ex rel. Bd. of Comm’rs, 
    607 N.W.2d 459
    463 (Minn. App. 2000) (quotation omitted). A denial of a CUP is arbitrary where the
    applicant establishes that all of the standards specified by the zoning ordinance as
    conditions of granting the permit are satisfied. Yang v. Cnty. of Carver, 
    660 N.W.2d 828
    832 (Minn. App. 2003). The burden on a landowner challenging the denial of a CUP is
    lighter than one challenging the approval of a CUP. RDNT, 
    LLC, 861 N.W.2d at 75
    In determining whether a governing body acted unreasonably, arbitrarily, or
    capriciously, we first determine whether the reasons provided by the governing body
    were legally sufficient. RDNT, 
    LLC, 861 N.W.2d at 75
    -76. Second, if the reasons given
    are legally sufficient, we must determine if the reasons had a factual basis in the record.
    Id. at 76.
    August claims that the planning commission did not address the zoning
    ordinance criteria and failed to provide a proper and sufficient legal basis for the denial of
    his CUP.
    The zoning ordinances allow the following as conditional uses for agriculturally
    zoned property:
    Commercial recreation areas that are similar to public
    recreation areas including private campgrounds, golf courses,
    swimming pools, resorts, and crafting uses such as quilting
    and scrapbooking. Restaurants and/or liquor establishments
    when clearly incidental and associated with the primary
    commercial recreation use.
    Chisago Cnty. Zoning Ord. § 5.06, subd. (C)(5) (2008).
    In deciding whether to issue or deny a CUP, the county’s zoning ordinance states,
    in relevant part, that the planning commission
    shall consider possible effects of the proposed conditional use
    based upon (but not limited to) the following general factors
    and any other requirements set forth in this Ordinance or
    deemed otherwise relevant:
    1. The Comprehensive Plan and development
    policies of the County;
    3. The use shall be sufficiently compatible or
    separated by distance or screening from
    adjacent development or land so that existing
    development does not suffer undue negative
    impact and there will be no significant
    deterrence to future development;
    5. The use in the opinion of the County is
    reasonably related to the overall land use goals
    of the County and to the existing land use;
    7. The use shall not cause traffic hazard or
    congestion; and
    8. Existing nearby properties shall not be
    adversely affected by intrusion of noise, glare or
    general unsightliness.
    Id. § 8.04,
    subd. C. In addition to the CUP requirements, rural retail tourism uses must
    remain “small-scale and low-impact.” 
    Id. § 4.15,
    subd. D (Supp. 2011). “Small-scale”
    and “low-impact” land uses are ones that:
    1. Do not create an excessive demand upon existing services
    or amenities;
    2. Are screened or able to be screened adequately, or are
    sufficiently separated from adjacent development or land, to
    prevent undue negative impact to nearby properties;
    3. Will not have an appearance that is inconsistent or
    incompatible with the surrounding area;
    4. Will not cause traffic hazard or undue congestion;
    5. Will not negatively impact the neighborhood by intrusion
    of noise, glare, odor, or other adverse effects.
    Id. 8 The
    county board voted to deny the CUP based on its conflict with the rural retail
    tourism use, specifically the small-scale/low-impact requirement and the impact it will
    have on the neighborhood “by intrusion of noise, glare, odor, or other adverse effects.”
    The county board relied on the criteria enumerated in the county zoning ordinances and
    thereby provided legally sufficient reasons for denying the CUP.1
    August also contends that the denial of his CUP lacks a factual basis because the
    noise created by the mounted shooting does not rise above the sound pressure levels
    promulgated by the MPCA and that the county board erroneously considered
    neighborhood comments.
    1.     Noise levels
    We note that our discussion of the noise decibel limits is in the context of a
    conditional-use application. The use at issue is not one permitted by the county’s zoning
    ordinances. August contends that the county board cannot consider the effects of noise
    unless the noise meets or exceeds the controlling noise standards as determined by the
    responsible government entity. We disagree for the following reasons.
    August also challenges the county board’s consideration of his application under the
    “rural retail tourism” criteria. The June 12, 2014 notes from a zoning department staff
    member state that a staff member discussed with August the option of proceeding with
    his CUP application as a “hybrid—commercial outdoor recreation processed as a rural
    retail tourism so as to emphasize the tourism draw—out of town visitors etc.”
    Furthermore, in a June 12, 2014 letter sent by August to the zoning department, August
    explained how the CUP would contribute to the purpose of rural retail tourism. In this
    letter, August noted that existing nearby properties would be adversely affected by noise.
    Thus, the county board’s reliance on the rural retail tourism criteria should not come as a
    surprise to August.
    First, a plain reading of section 7.05 does not suggest, as August contends, that it
    is in conflict with the MPCA regulations. Section 7.05 of the county’s zoning ordinances
    Noise and vibrations generated from any use shall be
    in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
    rules. Any use established shall be so operated that no undue
    or objectionable noise resulting from said use is transmitted
    beyond the boundaries of that plat line of the site on which
    such use is located. This standard shall not apply to
    incidental traffic, parking, loading, construction, or temporary
    maintenance operations.
    Any use creating periodic earth-shaking vibration shall
    be prohibited if such vibrations are perceptible to persons
    beyond the lot line of the site on which the use is located.
    The standard shall not apply to vibrations created during the
    process of construction.
    CCO § 7.05 (2008). Minnesota Statutes section 116.07, subdivision 2(c) (2014), requires
    that “[n]o local governing unit shall set standards describing the maximum levels of
    sound pressure which are more stringent than those set by the Pollution Control Agency.”
    Because section 7.05 requires that the noise generated from “any use” shall comply with
    the MPCA’s noise standards, we fail to see how the county ordinance is in conflict with
    Minn. Stat. § 116.07, subd. 2(c).2 The county ordinance does not establish more stringent
    noise standards.
    We note that the legislature has exempted “skeet, trap or shooting sports clubs” from
    any “standards adopted by any state agency for limiting levels of noise in terms of sound
    pressure which may occur in the outdoor atmosphere.” Minn. Stat. § 116.07, subd. 2a
    (2014). Thus, August’s reliance on rule 7030.0040 of the Minnesota Administrative
    Rules is not persuasive. Moreover, rule 7030.0040 provides that “these standards do not,
    by themselves, identify the limiting levels of impulsive noise.” Impulsive noise is
    defined as “either a single sound pressure peak (with either a rise time less than 200
    milliseconds or total duration less than 200 milliseconds) or multiple sound pressure
    Furthermore, section 7.05 does not establish noise standards different from those
    promulgated by the MPCA. Rather, the zoning ordinances require that a CUP applicant
    demonstrate that the noise created by the proposed use will not adversely affect
    neighboring properties, and the rural retail tourism sections require that the use will not
    impact the neighborhood by intrusion of noise. Accordingly, section 7.05 is not in
    conflict with the MPCA noise standards, as it does not define any decibel limits for noise
    Second, August’s argument, in essence, urges this court to adopt, as a matter of
    law, the proposition that a governing body can consider the effect noise will have on
    surrounding properties only if the noise level surpasses the sound level limits
    promulgated by the MPCA. Not only did our research reveal no caselaw supporting this
    proposition but, under our statutory scheme, this proposed rule could place a governing
    body or property owner at risk for a Minnesota Environmental Rights Act (MERA),
    Minn. Stat. §§ 116B.01-.13 (2014), violation. See, e.g., State by Drabik v. Martz, 
    451 N.W.2d 893
    , 896-97 (Minn. App. 1990) (upholding temporary injunction under MERA
    prohibiting certain conduct despite the county’s prior grant of a CUP allowing conduct);
    McGuire v. Cnty. of Scott, 
    525 N.W.2d 583
    , 584 (Minn. App. 1994) (distinguishing
    between MERA violations based on enumerated government standards and those based
    on a general material adverse effect on the environment when homeowner brought
    peaks (with either rise times less than 200 milliseconds or total duration less than 200
    milliseconds) spaced at least by 200 millisecond pauses.” Minn. R. 7030.0020, subp. 6
    (2013). The noise created by mounted shooting would presumably qualify as “impulsive
    MERA claim against the county for a highway’s violation of the noise pollution rules
    issued by MPCA); see Minn. Stat. § 116B.04 (2014) (requiring that a potential MERA
    claimant show that the defendant’s conduct violates or is likely to violate “any
    environmental quality standard”).
    MERA permits any person to maintain a civil action for declaratory or equitable
    relief against another person “for the protection of the air, water, land, or other natural
    resources located within the state, whether publicly or privately owned, from pollution,
    impairment, or destruction.” Minn. Stat. § 116B.03, subd. 1. “Pollution, impairment or
    destruction is any conduct by any person which violates, or is likely to violate, any
    environmental quality standard, [or] limitation . . . .” Minn. Stat. § 116B.02, subd. 5.
    Under MERA, the statutory definition of “person” includes “any natural person, any
    state, municipality or other governmental or political subdivision or other public agency
    or instrumentality.” 
    Id., subd. 2.
    And the statutory definition of “natural resources”
    includes “quietude.” 
    Id., subd. 4.
    Consequently, if a government entity could only
    consider noise from a proposed use that meets or exceeds the limits enumerated in the
    administrative rules or statutes then the entity could, by definition, only consider noise
    levels that establish a prima facie MERA violation. See Minn. Pub. Interest Research
    Grp. v. White Bear Rod & Gun Club, 
    257 N.W.2d 762
    , 768 (Minn. 1977) (considering
    noise levels in the context of establishing a prima facie MERA violation even when the
    MPCA had not issued a standard regulating noise for skeet shooting); Citizens for a Safe
    Grant v. Lone Oak Sportsmen’s Club, Inc., 
    624 N.W.2d 796
    , 806 (Minn. App. 2001)
    (“But the legislature did not exempt shooting sports clubs from MERA claims, only from
    MPCA’s regulatory authority.”).
    Next, August cites to Minn. Stat. § 87A.05 (2014) and asserts, without a cite to the
    record, that the noise from the mounted shooting would fall within the levels allowed by
    statute for shooting ranges. See Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 128.02(c) (requiring that each
    factual assertion be supported by a cite to the record). Upon reviewing the record, we
    could find nothing in it specifying the actual decibel level of the noise created by the
    mounted shooting events. The county zoning staff report stated that it estimated that
    noise from the property would not exceed the MPCA decibel limits, but the report did not
    confirm that noise level was measured in accordance with the statutory and
    administrative rules’ guidelines. See Minn. Stat. § 87A.05 (“The noise level shall be
    measured outside of the range property at the location of the receiver’s activity according
    to Minnesota Rules, parts 7030.0010 to 7030.0080.”).
    2.     Citizen observations
    Next, August argues that the denial of his CUP lacked a factual basis because the
    county board erroneously relied on citizen evaluations and concerns.          The county
    maintains that the county board is not limited to expert testimony in making a decision
    and can rely on observations by individuals. We agree.
    August relies on Scott Cnty. Lumber Co. v. City of Shakopee, 
    417 N.W.2d 721
    727 (Minn. App. 1988), to support his proposition that the county board should not have
    relied on public comment but, instead, only relied on the zoning department’s staff report.
    In Scott Cnty. Lumber Co., the city council voted to deny a CUP to extract gravel from a
    130-acre tract of land. 
    Id. at 722.
    The CUP applicant met the 12 criteria laid out in the
    city’s zoning code. 
    Id. at 727.
    Additionally, it was “uncontroverted” that the applicant
    agreed to comply with 20 additional conditions imposed by the city, and multiple
    different experts testified that the conditions would mitigate “any environmental impacts
    in the form of noise, dust and water pollution and prevented traffic hazards.” 
    Id. Experts conducted
    environmental assessments and sound tests, and these tests supported
    granting the CUP. 
    Id. at 722.
    Experts, landowners, city council members, and the city
    appraiser all testified at the district court. 
    Id. at 722-26.
    In reviewing the city’s denial, this court first determined that the CUP applicant
    fully complied with all the specified standards in the city code in addition to the 20
    additional requirements. 
    Id. at 727.
    Testimony from engineers, a city planner, a soil
    scientist, and an environmental geologist recommended granting the CUP. 
    Id. The neighboring
    landowners’ testimony expressed their personal opinions regarding the effect
    of the gravel operation and provided no expert opinion to support their opinions. 
    Id. at 728.
    In concluding that the city council’s denial of the CUP was arbitrary, we explained
    that “[c]ommunity opposition to a landowner’s desire to use his property for a particular
    purpose is not a legally sufficient reason for denying a conditional use permit,” and that
    the denial must “be based on something more concrete.”            
    Id. at 728;
    see C. R.
    Investments, Inc. v. Vill. of Shoreview, 
    304 N.W.2d 320
    , 325 (Minn. 1981) (stating that
    neighbors’ objections to conditional-use permit application must be based on more than
    conjecture or speculation); 
    Yang, 660 N.W.2d at 833
    (finding neighbors’ anecdotal
    comments insufficient when they contained no detail as to how the cars they witnessed
    may affect traffic circulation). Ultimately, the Scott Cnty. Lumber Co. court found that
    the neighbors’ testimony was preferred over the experts’ testimony without any adequate
    supporting reasons and granted the 
    CUP. 417 N.W.2d at 728
    .     Moreover, it was
    uncontroverted that the CUP applicant agreed to comply with the 20 additional conditions
    imposed by the city to minimize the environmental impact of the project. 
    Id. at 727-28.
    Unlike the neighbors’ testimony in Scott Cnty. Lumber Co., a municipal entity
    may consider neighborhood opposition when it is based on something more concrete than
    non-specific neighborhood opposition. See Roselawn Cemetery v. City of Roseville, 
    689 N.W.2d 254
    , 260 (Minn. App. 2004) (“A city council is free to disregard an expert’s
    opinion when it is presented with conflicting non-experts’ opinions, including those of
    area residents, so long as the reasons are concrete and based on observations, not merely
    on fear or speculation.”); SuperAmerica Grp., Inc. v. City of Little Canada, 
    539 N.W.2d 264
    , 267 (Minn. App. 1995) (listing cases involving preference for non-expert,
    landowners’ opinions over expert opinions), review denied (Minn. Jan. 5, 1996). In
    contrast to Scott Cnty. Lumber Co., in RDNT, LLC, the supreme court determined that the
    city’s consideration of “detailed factual complaints from the neighborhood,” in addition
    to traffic studies and engineer testimony stating that traffic would increase, provided a
    sufficient factual basis to determine that the increase in traffic would harm or injure the
    neighborhood, public health, safety, and 
    welfare. 861 N.W.2d at 77
    . The CUP applicant
    argued that the city had no factual basis to deny the application because the streets were
    not near capacity as acknowledged by the city’s engineer and a consulting group. 
    Id. at 15
    76.   In upholding the denial of the CUP, the supreme court noted that “the City
    determined that street capacity alone was not dispositive as to whether an increase in
    traffic injures the neighborhood or otherwise harms the public health, safety, and
    Id. at 77.
    Here, it is uncontested that the proposed use of the property will result in noise
    audible by all neighboring properties. The neighborhood opposition to the mounted
    shooting was based on neighboring residents’ personal experiences with the resulting
    noise and increase in traffic caused by the mounted shooting events. In 2008, August
    built the arena on his 20-acre tract of property less than 500 feet from neighboring homes.
    Without obtaining a CUP, August has hosted mounted shooting competitions since 2011.
    Residents of the neighboring properties described their personal experiences with the
    noise caused by 1,500 to 2,000 of fired rounds per weekend.              Accordingly, the
    observations and comments are not speculative, and the county board properly relied on
    these statements in its determination.
    Furthermore, members of the planning commission visited the property and
    heard, firsthand, the noise caused by the mounted shooting events and relied on these
    observations when making their recommendation. In sum, the county board reasonably
    relied on the landowners’ concerns and planning commission members’ observations and
    therefore had a sufficient factual basis to determine that the increase in noise would
    adversely affect the neighborhood. Thus, the county board’s decision to deny the CUP
    was not unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious.
    August, on appeal, contends that he is entitled to attorney fees under Minn. Stat.
    § 549.211 (2014). Rule 139.06, subdivision 1, of the Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate
    Procedure requires a party seeking attorney fees to submit a motion for the requested fees
    under rule 127. In addition to a separate motion, the rule mandates that the motion for
    fees “must include sufficient documentation to enable the appellate court to determine the
    appropriate amount of fees.” Minn. R. Civ. App. P. 139.06, subd. 1. Here, August did
    not file a motion for attorney fees nor did he provide the court with an appropriate
    calculation of his fees. Accordingly, an award of attorney fees is not appropriate here.
    See Johnson v. Johnson, 
    627 N.W.2d 359
    , 364-65 (Minn. App. 2001) (declining to award
    a party attorney fees when party did not request fees by motion).
    Because the county board did not err in considering noise that did not reach the
    decibel levels promulgated by the MPCA, and its decision was supported by a sufficient
    factual basis, its denial of August’s CUP was not unreasonable, arbitrary, or capricious.