Neil R. Harrison v. Chandler-Sampson Insurance, Inc. ( 2003 )

  •                           IN THE SUPREME COURT OF MISSISSIPPI
    NO. 2003-CA-02085-SCT
    DATE OF JUDGMENT:                            08/29/2003
    TRIAL JUDGE:                                 HON. WILLIAM E. CHAPMAN, III
    NATURE OF THE CASE:                          CIVIL - INSURANCE
    DISPOSITION:                                 AFFIRMED - 01/20/2005
    ¶1.     Neil R. and Julia A. Harrison, husband and wife, appeal to this Court from the Madison
    County Circuit Court’s entry of a final judgment of dismissal on res judicata grounds.   Finding
    no reversible error, we affirm.
    ¶2.     The Harrisons (referred to individually as Neil and Julia, for the sake of clarity) owned
    and operated two separate, but interactive, businesses.     Their flagship venture, incorporated
    under the name Service Air (“Service Air”), operated as a heating and air conditioning business
    for which the Harrisons served concurrently as directors, officers and shareholders.                        In
    addition to her interest in Service Air, Julia worked in her own capacity as a homebuilder. This
    separate business venture was operated as a sole proprietorship under Julia’s exclusive
    control.1      In building her homes, Julia employed a homesteader strategy.                  Typically, the
    Harrisons moved into the residences which Julia built, and, after a period of time, they sold
    them in the real estate market.         The Harrisons’ cooperative plan allowed their two business
    ventures to work in concert with each other as Service Air provided the central air components
    to Julia’s building projects.      In relation to this contractual relationship, the Harrisons regularly
    procured commercial general liability (“CGL”) insurance coverage for Service Air.
    ¶3.     In 1992 the Harrisons again implemented their cooperative business plan and, pursuant
    to their efforts to build their newest project, obtained an insurance policy through Chandler-
    Sampson Insurance, Inc. (Chandler-Sampson).2               The policy was issued by Ohio Casualty
    Insurance Company (“Ohio Casualty”) to Service Air on June 30, 1994.                   After two and half
    years of residency in Julia’s newest home, the Harrisons placed the residence on the market.
    In October of 1994, Dr. Fred L. McMillan bought the Harrisons’ house and shortly thereafter,
    the home began to deteriorate as problems ranging from structural defects to foundational
    flaws surfaced. On February 12, 1997, Dr. McMillan sued the Harrisons in the Circuit Court
    of Madison County for breach of contract, breach of implied warranty, negligence and fraud.
    Julia Harrison testified that the construction business was part of Service Air’s operations although
    the building permits, deeds, financing and banking records are all in her name, not Service Air’s name.
    Chandler Sampson also procured the Harrisons’ automobile and workers’ compensation policies.
    A jury trial resulted in a verdict in the amount of $290,066 in favor of Dr. McMillan and
    against the Harrisons, and on appeal this Court affirmed the circuit court judgment. Harrison
    v. McMillan, 
    828 So.2d 756
     (Miss. 2002).
    ¶4.     Following the McMillan judgment, the Harrisons filed two suits in the Madison County
    Circuit Court against their insurers.      In Cause No. CI-98-0074, Chandler-Sampson, Ohio
    Casualty, and Great American Insurance Company3 were named as defendants and in Cause No.
    CI-98-0111, Chandler-Sampson, State Automobile Mutual Insurance Company, and State Auto
    Property and Casualty Insurance Company4 were named as defendants. In both complaints the
    Harrisons asserted similar legal theories and claimed that Chandler-Sampson was liable for the
    damages stemming from the McMillan judgment.              Specifically, the Harrisons alleged that
    Chandler-Sampson incurred liability when it refused to notify the liability insurance carriers
    of the Harrisons’ potential lawsuit and for their subsequent refusal to defend the suit.
    Concerning the defendant insurance carriers, the issue was whether the Harrisons’ breach of
    their contract with Dr. McMillan fell within any of the specific areas of coverage provided by
    each insurer.
    ¶5.     The insurance carriers removed both cases to the United States District Court for the
    Southern District of Mississippi on a theory of fraudulent joinder.           The insurance carriers
    argued that the Harrisons did not have a cognizable claim against Chandler-Sampson and that
    Great American provided automobile insurance, general and commercial liability, and umbrella
    coverage through American National for the Harrisons in the operation of Service Air.
    State Auto Insurance Company provided the Harrisons’ homeowners coverage.
    Chandler-Sampson had been joined in the suit strictly for the purpose of destroying the federal
    court’s diversity jurisdiction.
    ¶6.     In both cases, the Harrisons filed a motion to remand to state court.                   The Harrisons
    asserted that Chandler-Sampson was liable under Mississippi law and, as the procurer of the
    policies in question, Chandler-Sampson incurred individual liability when it disclaimed its
    liability under all insurance policies and refused to undertake the defense of the McMillan suit.
    Additionally, and for the first time, the Harrisons asserted that Chandler-Sampson was jointly
    liable with the several insurance carriers for negligence.5
    ¶7.     In considering the motions, the federal district court pierced the pleadings and
    employed a summary-judgment-like procedure in order to determine whether the Harrisons
    had any possibility of recovering against the non-diverse party, Chandler-Sampson.                 The federal
    district court acknowledged Chandler-Sampson’s status as that of an agent for a disclosed
    principal and reasoned that, in order to incur independent liability, an agent must act with gross
    negligence, malice or recklessness.           The federal district court applied this standard and
    determined that the Harrisons asserted no cognizable claim, and that they were thus precluded
    from recovering against Chandler-Sampson.            Based on these findings, the federal district court
    dismissed Chandler-Sampson from the suit as an improper party, retained jurisdiction, and
    ultimately consolidated the two claims against the remaining insurance carriers.                        Several
    The Harrisons alleged a negligence theory for the first time in their motion to remand. In his opinion,
    the federal district court judge refused to consider negligence since it was not pled in the complaint as of the
    date the motion for removal was filed. Cavallini v. State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co., 
    44 F.3d 256
    , 264 (5th
    Cir. 1995), citing Pullman Co. v. Jenkins, 
    305 U.S. 534
    , 537, 
    59 S. Ct. 347
    83 L. Ed. 334
    months later, after determining that the Harrisons’ judgment debt was not covered by the
    companies’ insurance contracts, the federal district court granted summary judgment in favor
    of the insurance carriers. Harrison v. Ohio Cas. Ins. Co., Inc., 
    519 F. Supp. 2d 518
     (S.D. Miss.
    2000).    In 2002, the Fifth Circuit affirmed both the federal district court’s grant of Chandler-
    Sampson’s motion to dismiss and its grant of the insurance carriers’ motions for summary
    judgment. Harrison v. Ohio Cas. Ins. Co., No. 01-60386 (5th Cir. Jan. 8, 2002) (per curiam)
    available at ftp://opinions.ca5.uscourts.
    ¶8.      On April 14, 1999, the Harrisons filed suit in the Madison County Circuit Court against
    Chandler-Sampson. It is this suit from which the instant appeal arises. Under the auspices of
    a new legal theory, the Harrisons claim that Chandler-Sampson, as their insurance agent, was
    negligent in the writing of their insurance coverage due to Chandler-Sampson’s failure to
    assure that the relevant policies covered the McMillan claims.
    ¶9.      In response, Chandler-Sampson filed a motion for summary judgment asserting that it
    was previously joined as a party-defendant in two prior cases which were removed to the
    federal district court.    Accordingly, in this motion, Chandler-Sampson raised the defense of
    res judicata and argued that the bar was appropriate since the Harrisons’ current claim was fully
    adjudicated on the merits in the federal district court action.
    ¶10.     The Madison County Circuit Court granted summary judgment in favor of Chandler -
    Sampson holding that the doctrine of res judicata barred all issues which were raised or could
    have been raised in the initial suit. It is from this final judgment that the Harrisons now appeal.
    ¶11.   We apply a de novo standard of review of a trial court’s grant or denial of a motion for
    summary judgment. Satchfield v. R.R. Morrison & Son, Inc., 
    872 So.2d 661
    ,663 (Miss.
    2004); McMillan v. Rodriguez, 
    823 So.2d 1173
    , 1176-77 (Miss. 2002); Lewallen v.
    822 So.2d 236
    , 237-38 (Miss. 2002); Jenkins v. Ohio Cas. Ins. Co., 
    794 So.2d 228
    232 (Miss. 2001); Aetna Cas, & Sur. Co. v. Berry, 
    669 So.2d 56
    , 70 (Miss. 1996).
    Accordingly, just like the trial court, this Court looks at all evidentiary matters in the record,
    including admissions in pleadings, answers to interrogatories, depositions, affidavits, etc. Id.
    at 70. The evidence must be viewed in the light most favorable to the party against whom the
    motion has been made. Id. If, in this view, the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter
    of law, summary judgment should forthwith be entered in his favor. Id.       When a motion for
    summary judgment is made and supported as provided in Miss. R. Civ. P. 56, an adverse party
    may not rest upon the mere allegations or denials of the pleadings, but instead the response
    must set forth specific facts showing that there is a genuine issue for trial. Miller v. Meeks,
    762 So.2d 302
    , 304 (Miss. 2000). If any triable issues of fact exist, the trial court's decision
    to grant summary judgment will be reversed. Otherwise, the decision is affirmed. Id. at 304.
    ¶12.    The Harrisons’ threshold argument is that the federal district court’s denial of their
    motion to remand was not an adjudication on the merits. They predicate this argument on their
    interpretation of Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(b).     The Harrisons assert that a Rule 41(b) involuntary
    dismissal is strictly reserved for a failure to prosecute, a failure to comply with the rules of
    civil procedure or a failure to comply with a court order. In applying this interpretation to the
    federal district court’s final order finding inter alia that Chandler-Sampson was an improperly
    joined party to the suit and that diversity of citizenship jurisdiction was preserved in
    accordance with 
    28 U.S.C. § 1332
    , the Harrisons argue that the federal district court dismissal
    was not one envisioned by Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(b) and thus was not an adjudication on the merits.
    The Harrisons assert that a §1332 diversity inquiry, for purposes of removal under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1441
    , requires only that the federal judge review the case in order to determine whether
    complete diversity exists.
    ¶13.    Conversely, Chandler-Sampson argues that the Harrisons’ interpretation is contrary to
    the plain language of Rule 41(b). It argues that a court need not specify a dismissal to be either
    with prejudice or without prejudice and to undergird this argument, Chandler-Sampson cites
    a case from the Fifth Circuit to assert that a failure to specify whether the dismissal is with
    prejudice or without prejudice should be interpreted as an adjudication on the merits. Nagle
    v. Lee, 
    807 F.2d 435
    , 442 (5th Cir. 1987).
    ¶14.    Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(b) states:
    For failure of the plaintiff to prosecute or to comply with these rules or
    any order of court, a defendant may move for dismissal of an action or of any
    claim against the defendant. Unless the court in its order for dismissal otherwise
    specifies, a dismissal under this subdivision and any dismissal not provided for
    in this rule, other than a dismissal for lack of jurisdiction, for improper venue,
    or for failure to join a party under Rule 19 operates as an adjudication upon the
    ¶15.   Rule 41(b) distinguishes between claims which are adjudicated on their merits and
    claims that are disposed of due to the non-occurrence of a procedural technicality. While Rule
    41(b) enumerates three specific instances where a case may be dismissed before reaching its
    substance, the rule contemplates more within its implicit exception.                The United States
    Supreme Court has previously addressed Rule 41(b)’s exception:
    We regard the exception as encompassing those dismissals which are based on
    a plaintiff's failure to comply with a precondition requisite to the Court's going
    forward to determine the merits of his substantive claim...[T]here must have
    been a right adjudicated or released in the first suit to make it a bar, and this fact
    must appear affirmatively...[I]f the first suit was dismissed for defect of
    pleadings, or parties, or a misconception of the form of proceeding, or the want
    of jurisdiction, or was disposed of on any ground which did not go to the merits
    of the action, the judgment rendered will prove no bar to another suit.
    Costello v. United States, 
    365 U.S. 265
    , 285, 
    81 S.Ct. 534
    , 544, 
    5 L.Ed.2d 551
    Recently, in Semtek Int’l Inc. v. Lockheed Martin Corp., 
    531 U.S. 497
    , 501-02, 121 S.Ct
    1021, 1025, 
    149 L.Ed.2d 32
     (2001), the United States Supreme Court stated: “[t]he original
    connotation of an ‘on the merits’ adjudication is one that actually ‘pass[es] directly on the
    substance of a [particular] claim’ before the court. That connotation remains common to every
    jurisdiction of which we are aware.”6 
    Id. at 501-02
    , 121 S.Ct at 1025.
    Quoting Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 19, Comment a, at 161 (1980).
    ¶16.    In Hall v. Tower Land & Invest. Co., 
    512 F.2d 481
     (5th Cir. 1975) the Fifth Circuit
    reasoned that a trial court’s dismissal “under Fed.R.Civ.P. 12(b) falls directly under the
    wording of Rule 41(b), and cases have held that such decisions operate as adjudications on the
    Id. at 483
    . In its conclusion, the Hall Court stated “that granting defendant's motion
    to dismiss for plaintiff's failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted operates as
    an adjudication on the merits...” Id.
    ¶17.    Fifth Circuit precedent regarding a district court’s review of fraudulent joinder and
    removal-type proceedings is categorical.    Moreover, the burden of proving fraudulent joinder
    is a heavy one. Cavallini v. State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co., 
    44 F.3d 256
    , 259 (5th Cir. 1995).
    The removing party must prove that there is absolutely no possibility that the
    plaintiff will be able to establish a cause of action against the in-state defendant
    in state court, or that there has been outright fraud in the plaintiff's pleading of
    jurisdictional facts.
    44 F.3d at
    259 (citing Green v. Amerada Hess Corp., 
    707 F.2d 201
    , 205 (5th Cir.1983)).
    A district court is mandated to employ a summary judgment-like procedure for disposing of
    these claims. Carriere v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    893 F.2d 98
    , 100 (5th Cir. 1990).              In
    Carriere, the Fifth Circuit explained:
    While we have frequently cautioned the district courts against [pre-trying] a case
    to determine removal jurisdiction, we have also endorsed a summary judgment-
    like procedure for disposing of fraudulent joinder claims. In B., Inc. v. Miller
    Brewing Co., we carefully discussed the procedures for assessing fraudulent
    joinder claims and noted that "the proceeding appropriate for resolving a claim
    of fraudulent joinder is similar to that used for ruling on a motion for summary
    663 F.2d 545
     (5th Cir. 1981) The B., Inc. court expressly
    authorized consideration of evidence outside of the pleadings: In support of
    their removal petition, the defendants may submit affidavits and deposition
    transcripts; and in support of their motion for remand, the plaintiff may submit
    affidavits and deposition transcripts along with the factual allegations contained
    in the verified complaint...In short, the Fifth Circuit treats fraudulent joinder
    claims as capable of summary determination.
    893 F.2d at 100
    .       Furthermore, under Fifth Circuit precedent a district court must resolve all
    questions of fact and conclude all ambiguities in the controlling state law in favor of the non-
    removing parties. Dodson v. Spiliada Maritime Corp., 
    951 F.2d 40
    , 42 (5th Cir. 1992). The
    Fifth Circuit’s analysis ultimately requires the district court to “pierce the pleadings” and
    determine whether the non-removing party has any possible claim under applicable state law.
    893 F.2d at
    100 (citing Keating v. Shell Chem. Co., 
    610 F.2d 328
    , 331 (5th Cir.
    ¶18.      In today’s case, the Honorable Henry T. Wingate, Chief Judge for the United States
    District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, in a thorough opinion, reiterated Fifth
    Circuit analysis and determined that it was clear Chandler-Sampson, in its capacity as an agent,
    was not a party to the insurance contracts in question.           Judge Wingate reasoned that the
    Harrisons failed to provide the court with any authority which substantiated the proposition that
    an insurance agent, who is not a party to the contract, owed a duty to defend under that contract.
    Judge Wingate further stated that he was not persuaded by the Harrisons’ argument that
    Chandler-Sampson’s decision to disclaim liability was made prior to any notice to the
    insurance carriers. Judge Wingate concluded:
    [T]he plaintiffs’ [Harrisons’] conclusory allegations are simply not substantiated
    by any factual evidence...[i]t is clear that plaintiffs’ [Harrisons’] complaint does
    not state a cause of action against Chandler-Sampson for which Mississippi law
    can remedy.
    Importantly, in rendering its decision, the federal district court took note of the Harrisons’
    failure to assert their negligence theory against Chandler-Sampson in their complaint as
    originally filed with the circuit court.   In line with Fifth Circuit precedent, a district court is
    required to take the complaint as it existed at the time of the petition for removal. Cavallini,
    44 F.3d at 265
    .      The federal district court concluded that the Harrisons’ legal theories could
    not succeed against Chandler-Sampson and it accordingly dismissed Chandler-Sampson from
    the suit.   This interlocutory determination became final when it subsequently merged into the
    final judgment dismissing the remaining case against the insurance carriers.
    ¶19.    The requisite criteria for a judgment to be given effect as an adjudication on the merits
    has been previously addressed by the United States Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit. The
    Supreme Court has drawn a line of demarcation in regards to Rule 41(b) and distinguishes
    between cases that are decided on their merits and those which fail due to the existence of a
    procedural defect.    In Costello, the United States Supreme Court clearly reasoned that the
    exception contained within Rule 41(b) encompasses dismissals which are based on a failure
    to comply with a “precondition requisite” to a court’s deciding the case on its merits. 
    365 U.S. at 285
    81 S.Ct. at 544
    ¶20.    In ruling on the motion to remand, the federal district court was mandated by precedent
    to employ a summary judgment-like procedure in order to assess the viability and substance
    of the Harrisons’ claims. It determined that the Harrisons’ complaint did not state a cause of
    action against Chandler-Sampson for which Mississippi law could provide a remedy.              The
    federal district court’s final analysis recognized that the Harrisons were procedurally barred
    from raising their only cognizable claim, that being one for negligence.      It is clear that the
    federal district court applied the proper legal standard, gleaned the record for any possibility
    of recovery, and ultimately determined that the Harrisons had failed to state a claim against
    Chandler-Sampson upon which relief could be granted.        Accordingly, the federal district court
    judge issued a final adjudication on the merits.
    ¶21.    The Harrisons argue that the Circuit Court of Madison County erred in holding that their
    present action was barred by res judicata. They urge that the circuit court misapprehended the
    distinction between insurance coverage vel non, and the agent’s duty to procure proper
    insurance coverage.      The Harrisons seek to differentiate between the federal district court’s
    dismissal, which included only those claims arising out of the insurers’ alleged breach of
    contract, and the claims which they now assert in state court regarding their agent’s negligence.
    They further argue that the action did not accrue until after the federal district court determined
    that there was no coverage by the Ohio Casualty and Great American policies for indemnity
    or defense.
    ¶22.    Res judicata, as a doctrine of claim preclusion, has two functions. Under the principle
    known as “bar,”res judicata precludes claims which were actually litigated in a previous action.
    Under the principle known as “merger,” res judicata prevents subsequent litigation of any claim
    that should have been litigated in a previous action.7       The United States Supreme Court has
    succinctly held, “[r]es judicata prevents litigation of all grounds for, or defenses to, recovery
    that were previously available to the parties, regardless of whether they were asserted or
    determined in the prior proceeding.” Brown v. Felsen, 
    442 U.S. 127
    , 131, 
    99 S.Ct. 2205
    60 L.Ed.2d 767
     (1979).           Likewise, this Court has been clear in regards to our
    application of the doctrine of res judicata, and we have held “‘that when a court of competent
    jurisdiction enters a final judgment on the merits of an action, the parties or their privies are
    precluded from re-litigating claims that were decided or could have been raised in that action.’”
    Miss. Dep’t of Human Services v. Shelby, 
    802 So.2d 89
    , 95 (Miss. 2001) (citing Aetna Cas.
    & Ins. Co. v. Berry, 669 So.2d at 66).
    ¶23.   Res judicata is fundamental to the equitable and efficient operation of the judiciary and
    “reflects the refusal of the law to tolerate a multiplicity of litigation.” Little v. V & G Welding
    Supply, Inc., 
    704 So.2d 1336
    , 1337 (Miss. 1997).
    It is a doctrine of public policy “designed to avoid the `expense and vexation
    attending multiple lawsuits, conserve judicial resources, and foster reliance on
    judicial action by minimizing the possibilities of inconsistent decisions.’”
    Montana v. United States, 
    440 U.S. 147
    , 153-54, 
    99 S.Ct. 970
    , 973-74, 
    59 L.Ed.2d 210
    The courts can not revisit adjudicated claims and “all grounds for, or defenses to recovery that
    were available to the parties in the first action, regardless of whether they were asserted or
    2 Jeffrey Jackson & Mary Miller, Encyclopedia of Mississippi Law §14:6, p. 350 (2001)
    determined in the prior proceeding, are barred from re-litigation in a subsequent suit under the
    doctrine of res judicata.” Alexander v. Elzie, 
    621 So. 2d 909
    , 910 (Miss. 1992).
    ¶24.    For the bar of res judicata to apply in Mississippi there are four identities which must
    be present: (1) identity of the subject matter of the action; (2) identity of the cause of action;
    (3) identity of the parties to the cause of action; and (4) identity of the quality or character of
    a person against whom the claim is made. Quinn v. Estate of Jones, 
    818 So.2d 1148
    , 1151
    (Miss. 2002); Dunaway v. W.H. Hopper & Assocs., Inc., 
    422 So.2d 749
    ,751 (Miss. 1982).
    We have held that the absence of any one of the elements is fatal to the defense of res judicata.
    Estate of Anderson v. Deposit Guar. Nat’l Bank, 
    674 So.2d 1254
    , 1256 (Miss. 1996).
    ¶25.    The four requisite identities of claim preclusion are well-grounded in Mississippi
    jurisprudence and are dispositive in the instant appeal. Here, all four identities are present and
    require that res judicata bar the Harrisons’ current claim.
    (1)     Identity of the subject matter of the action.
    ¶26.    The doctrine of res judicata bars a second action between the same parties on the same
    subject matter directly involved in the prior action.         In the instant appeal, the subject matter of
    the federal suit and the subject matter of the present state civil action are the same.              The
    subject matter in each case directly involves the written instruments that constitute the
    Harrisons’ insurance policies.      Specifically, the substance of the both lawsuits is founded on
    Chandler-Sampson’s relationship to this policy.
    (2)     Identity of the cause of action.
    ¶27.    This identity, which has proven to be difficult to apply, requires that the “cause of
    action” be the same.       As an initial note, Miss. R. Civ. P. 2 was specifically promulgated to
    relieve confusion as to the term “cause of action.”        The purpose of the rule was to replace
    “cause of action” with “claim” or “claim for relief”, and therefore provide our courts with “the
    freedom and authority to deal pragmatically with any aggregate of operative fact which gave
    rise to a right enforceable in the courts, consistent with the jurisdiction of the courts.”8   In
    cases involving claim preclusion, this distinction is indeed very important and requires that the
    parties, as well as the courts, distinguish between what body of fact constitutes a claim and
    what legal theories attach to that body of fact.
    ¶28.    The rules of civil procedure, both Mississippi and federal, alleviate any penalty by
    allowing for both liberal joinder of “claims” and attachment of theories in support of claims.
    In interpreting Rule 18(a) and Rule 8(e)(2), Professors Wright, Miller and Kane acknowledge
    that the concept of a claim is “an inherently amorphous one” and prescribe that:
    Because of the uncertainty as to precisely what the term ‘claim’ means as used
    in Rule 18(a), a pleader generally will not be penalized if the court determines
    that the allegations in the complaint are misdesignated as multiple theories in
    support of a single claim rather than as independent claims or if the pleader
    made precisely the opposite mistake. Furthermore once the court concludes
    that Rule 18(a) does not apply because only a single claim has been pleaded,
    Rule 8(e)(2), which makes it clear that pleading different theories is
    permissible, may be invoked to uphold the pleader’s method of presentation...In
    short the two rules are so comprehensive in their coverage that it is impossible
    to conceive of a joinder claim or theory situation that would not fall within the
    protection of one of them.
    See Miss. R. Civ. P. 2 cmt.
    6A Wright, Miller,& Kane, Federal Practice and Procedure: Civil 2d § 1584 (1990) (cited in
    Miss. R. Civ. P. 18 cmt.).
    ¶29.    The procedural impetus created by allowing parties to assert all possibilities for
    recovery and, in essence, blueprint their suit with numerous claims and legal theories, is
    buttressed by the specter of claim preclusion. Res judicata serves as a mandatory device for
    claim joinder by restricting the claims which a party may refrain from asserting against the
    opposing party. 9   According to Professors Wright, Miller and Kane, “[t]he possibility of being
    barred from asserting a particular claim in a second suit undoubtedly has an in terrorem effect
    and encourages cautious attorneys to join claims...” 6A Wright, Miller & Kane, Federal
    Practice and Procedure: Civil 2d § 1582 (1990). The ramifications of splitting a claim among
    two or more suits were outlined by this Court in Alexander when we stated that “[r]es judicata
    and the issue of splitting a cause of action are closely related.” Id. at 910.      Citing language
    from Restatement (First) of Judgments §62 (1942), we further stated in Alexander:
    Where a judgment is rendered, whether in favor of the plaintiff or the defendant,
    which precludes the plaintiff from thereafter maintaining an action upon the
    original cause of action, he cannot maintain an action upon any part of the
    original cause of action, although that part of the cause of action was not
    litigated in the original action, except * * *” (c) where the defendant consented
    to the splitting of the plaintiff's cause of action.
    Id. at 910.
    1 Jeffrey Jackson, Mississippi Civil Procedure §16:11 (2004)
    ¶30.       In Hayes v. Solomon, 
    597 F.2d 958
    , 982 (5th Cir. 1979), the Fifth Circuit also
    addressed the practice of claim-splitting and stated, “this principle prohibiting [re-litigation]
    requires that a plaintiff bring in the first forum every point which properly belongs to the
    subject of litigation, and which the parties, by exercising reasonable diligence, might have
    brought forward at the time.” 
    Id. at 982
    .                The Fifth Circuit, referencing Professor Moore’s
    treatise on civil procedure, likewise stated “[i]n accordance with public policy, partially to
    conserve the courts’ time but probably in the main to prevent the hardship upon [a] defendant
    of unnecessary piecemeal litigation, a single cause of action cannot be split so as to be
    properly made the subject of different actions...”10 
    Id. at 982
    . A party is encouraged to plead
    all claims on the front end so as not to be precluded from so pleading on the back end, as
    expressed in the first sentence of the Comment to Miss. R. Civ. P. 18, which states: “The
    purpose of Rule 18 is to eliminate piecemeal litigation by permitting liberal joinder of
    ¶31.       In order for res judicata and the ban on claim-splitting to take effect, the litigation must
    involve the same claim premised upon the same body of operative fact as was previously
    adjudicated. As stated earlier, this distinction can be difficult to make, especially, when a case
    involves several different legal theories which apply to one claim.               When faced with this
    enigma, this Court has looked past the legal bases asserted and relied more on the factual and
    transactional relationship between the original action and the subsequent action.                    The
    See 18 Moore’s Federal Practice 3d § 131.12 (2004).
    transactional approach, which is specified in the Restatement (Second) of Judgments (1982)
    and has been referenced by the United States Supreme Court in Nevada v. United States, 
    463 U.S. 110
    103 S.Ct. 2906
    77 L.Ed.2d 509
     (1983), states that:
    causes of actions are the same if they arise from the same “transaction”; whether
    they are products of the same “transaction” is to be determined by “giving weight
    to such considerations as whether the facts are related in time, space, origin, or
    motivation, whether they form a convenient trial unit, and whether their
    treatment as a unit conforms to the parties' expectations or business
    understanding or usage.”
     at 131 (citing Restatement (Second) of Judgments § 24 (1982)). In Walton v. Bourgeois,
    512 So. 2d 698
    , 702 (Miss. 1987), this Court barred an unsuccessful tort plaintiff in a medical
    malpractice suit from re-litigating her claim under a new legal theory of breach of contract.
    Id. at 702.     In determining that the claims were indeed the same, this Court explained that
    identity between claims exists “when the underlying facts and circumstances are the same [in
    the second suit] as those involved in the first suit.” Id. at 701. We reasoned that “[t]he primary
    right and duty asserted and the primary wrong complained of were the same in each action” and
    found that “[o]nly the legal bases advanced for relief were arguably different.” Id. at 702.   In
    Walton, this Court ultimately found that breach of contract was a ground which should have
    been asserted in the parties’ first suit inasmuch as “[i]t was a claim that might have been
    litigated in the previous lawsuit and, indeed, it should have been.” Id.
    ¶32.    In Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co. v. Berry, another case evidencing this Court’s same claim
    requirement, Ms. Berry brought three concurrent actions in federal court against her husband’s
    insurance carriers demanding coverage under her husband’s uninsured motorist policies. 669
    So.2d at 66.   After the three cases were consolidated, Ms. Berry requested the trial court to
    allow her to amend her federal court complaint and include an additional allegation premised
    on the intentional tort of “bad faith” because two of the insurers wrongfully denied coverage.
    The federal court case resulted in a judgment of $30,000 and a determination that Mr. Berry
    was only covered at the statutory minimum in regards to her husband’s uninsured motorist
    policy with Aetna. Two years after the conclusion of her first case, Ms. Berry filed a second
    action in state court where she sought to establish the tort liability of the uninsured motorist.
    Additionally, Ms. Berry renewed her bad faith claim against Aetna, this time including
    allegations that she had been injured financially by Aetna through its agent’s negligence and its
    own fraud. The state court case ultimately resulted in a large monetary judgment against Aetna,
    which Aetna appealed to this Court on res judicata grounds. On appeal, Ms. Berry argued that
    since her bad faith allegation was never ruled on by the federal court res judicata could not
    apply. In finding that res judicata precluded Ms. Berry’s bad faith claim, we reasoned that the
    “two claims stem from a common nucleus of operative fact and even assuming arguendo that
    she did not raise bad faith and medical damages claims in the district court case, it is clear that
    she could have.” 669 So.2d at 69.      Additionally, this Court concluded that Ms. Berry’s claims
    against Aetna’s agent were barred as well: “The facts surrounding the issuance of the policy
    were litigated in the district court suit against Aetna. That was the forum in which Ms. Berry
    should have asserted that Aetna was liable for Young’s [agent’s] negligent failure to inform Mr.
    Berry about UM coverage.” Id. at 69-70.
    ¶33.    The Fifth Circuit applies a similar analysis when determining whether a claim should
    have been included in prior litigation.      In Smith v. Safeco Ins. Co., 
    863 F.2d 403
    Cir.1989), the plaintiff first brought suit in federal district court for punitive damages under
    an insurance contract for the insurer's refusal to pay a claim under the policy for medical
    expenses. On appeal, the Fifth Circuit held that res judicata barred the second suit in which the
    plaintiff sought to collect under-insured motorist benefits under the same insurance policy.
    The Fifth Circuit applied the Restatement on Judgment’s transaction test and stated:
    Applying this rule, [plaintiff’s] first action extinguished all of [plaintiff’s] claims
    against Safeco “with respect to all or any part of the transaction, or series of
    connected transactions, out of which the action arose.” Restatement (Second)
    of Judgments §24 (1982). All of Smith's claims against Safeco sought coverage
    under a single insurance policy for injuries resulting from one accident. These
    claims arose out of a common nucleus of operative fact, and comprised one
    transaction. Smith was required to bring all of his claims or causes of action
    against Safeco that arose out of the crash. His second action against Safeco is
    Smith, 863 F.2d at 404.
    ¶34.    In this appeal, the Harrisons have renewed their claim for relief based on a theory of
    negligence.   The Harrisons’ present claim involves the same body of evidence that gave rise
    to their initial suit. There was but one transaction and likewise one injury in this case. The
    Harrisons’ initial suits involving their local agent, Chandler-Sampson, was made up of two
    concurrent actions.    Both claims were derived from the written instruments that represented
    the Harrisons’ insurance coverages and both claims sought recovery by way of indemnification
    in order to satisfy the debt incurred as a result of the McMillan judgment. The federal district
    court fully evaluated the Harrisons’ two claims and determined that the Harrisons had failed
    to plead a single viable theory of recovery against Chandler-Sampson.         The federal district
    court appropriately dismissed their claims and consolidated the actions.
    ¶35.      Now, in this successive suit, the Harrisons seek recovery by way of the same written
    instrument involved in the earlier suit against the same defendant, seeking the same relief for
    the same injuries in the same court, based on the same transaction.          The only difference
    between the current and prior suits is the legal bases on which they are grounded. Accordingly,
    the Harrisons seek to proceed under a theory of negligence and shoot the arrow that was left
    in their quiver following the dismissal of their first suit against Chandler-Sampson.     The law
    is well settled that “where one has a choice of recovery for a given wrong, they may not assert
    them serially in successive actions but must advance all at once on pain of the bar of res
    judicata.” Walton, 512 So. 2d at 702. The rule stated by the American Law Institute is that res
    judicata, as a doctrine of claim preclusion, serves “to extinguish a claim by the plaintiff against
    the defendant even though the plaintiff is prepared in the second action (1) To present evidence
    or grounds or theories of the case not presented in the first action, or (2) To seek remedies
    or forms of relief not demanded in the first action.” Restatement (Second) of Judgments §25
    ¶36.      The plaintiff is provided with the benefit of the procedural mechanism at the outset of
    suit.   Moreover, the plaintiff is afforded the option of attaching multiple legal theories to an
    individual claim, of attaching multiple claims to an individual suit and, ultimately, of attaching
    the suit to several defendants. It follows that the very doors to the courthouse that are so wide-
    open at the beginning of suit must be closed tightly upon final adjudication. Accordingly,
    plaintiffs must proceed with a watchful eye on claim preclusion and claim splitting, and
    consider the full gamut of their claim , in regards to the body of operative fact to which it
    attaches, and, additionally, determine the legal theories that will best support this claim.
    Plaintiffs must proceed with “reasonable diligence.”      Hayes, 
    597 F.2d at 982
    . To allow a
    plaintiff to breathe life into a claim by way of a new theory for recovery, and resuscitate that
    which had previously been fully adjudicated, would run contrary to the maintenance of an
    effective judicial system.   While the result is harsh, allowing the Harrisons to re-visit the same
    transaction and assert negligence in a second successive action would be to endorse garden-
    variety claim-splitting.
    3.       Identity of the parties to the cause of action.
    ¶37.    “To satisfy the identity [of parties] element, strict identity of the parties is not
    necessary. A non-party defendant can assert res judicata so long as it is in “privity” with a
    named defendant.” Russell v. SunAmerica Secs., Inc., 
    962 F.2d 1169
    , 1173 (5 th Cir. 1992)
    (citing Nevada v. United States, 
    463 U.S. 110
    , 129, 
    103 S. Ct. 205
    , 77L.Ed. 2d 509 (1983)).
    In the present case the identical parties are involved.       In both suits the Harrisons named
    Chandler-Sampson in its capacity as the insurance agent who wrote the Harrisons’ policy.
    4.       Identity of the quality or character of a person against whom the
    claim is made.
    ¶38.    In today’s case, the character and status of Chandler-Sampson has remained intact. It
    is the same company which was named in the two prior lawsuits filed by the Harrisons in the
    Circuit Court of Madison County and, subsequently removed to federal district court.
    Chandler-Sampson remains a separate corporation doing business in the state of Mississippi,
    and William S. Sampson remains its agent for service of process.
    ¶39.    The Circuit Court of Madison County properly granted summary judgment in favor of
    Chandler-Sampson and against Neil and Julia Harrison based on a finding of res judicata. In
    the Harrisons’ first action against Chandler-Sampson, the federal district court applied a
    thorough summary judgment-like procedure, gleaned the record and concluded that the
    Harrisons failed to assert a cause of action against Chandler-Sampson for which Mississippi
    law could provide a remedy.       We find that this ruling was a final adjudication on the merits.
    Furthermore, we find that the four identities which are prerequisite to the preclusion of a claim
    on res judicata grounds are present, and that the Harrisons’ current action is barred. We thus
    affirm the final judgment of the Circuit Court of Madison County.
    ¶40.    AFFIRMED.