Five Delta Alpha, LLC v. Director of Revenue , 458 S.W.3d 818 ( 2015 )

    en banc
    FIVE DELTA ALPHA, LLC,                             )
    Appellant,                           )
    v.                                          )       No. SC94224
    DIRECTOR OF REVENUE,                               )
    Respondent.                          )
    The Honorable Sreenivasa Rao Dandamudi, Commissioner
    Opinion issued February 24, 2015
    Five Delta Alpha, LLC ("FDA") filed a complaint with the Administrative
    Hearing Commission ("AHC"), appealing the denial by the Director of Revenue
    ("Director") of FDA's use tax refund claim on its purchase and subsequent lease of an
    aircraft to JetSelect, LLC ("JetSelect"). The AHC denied FDA the refund, finding the
    lease to JetSelect did not constitute a "sale" for purposes of the statutory exemption in
    section 144.030.2(20), RSMo Supp. 2010. 1 The decision of the AHC is reversed, and the
    matter is remanded.
    Further amendment of this section resulted in renumbering the subdivision to (21). See section
    144.030.2, RSMo Noncom. Supp. 2014. All statutory citations will be for the time period
    relevant to the transactions and the payment of the taxes under protest, i.e., RSMo 2000 and
    RSMo Supp. 2010, unless otherwise noted.
    Factual and Procedural History
    FDA purchased a Bombardier Challenger 300 aircraft in Kansas and immediately
    leased the aircraft to JetSelect. 2 JetSelect then moved the aircraft to Missouri where it
    has since been based in Kansas City for use in JetSelect's air carrier operations. 3
    FDA paid Missouri use tax in the amount of $1,396,083.33 under protest and filed
    a tax protest payment affidavit with the Director. FDA asserted that the purchase of the
    aircraft was eligible for exemption pursuant to section 144.030.2(20), because the aircraft
    is leased to JetSelect as a common carrier providing air carrier service to the general
    public pursuant to JetSelect's Federal Aviation Administration certificate. The Director
    denied FDA's refund, and FDA appealed the Director's decision to the AHC.
    The AHC found JetSelect to be a common carrier but concluded that FDA was not
    entitled to the refund because FDA's lease was not a "sale" for purposes of the resale
    exemption. FDA appealed the "sale" issue, and the Director cross-appealed the AHC's
    determination that JetSelect was a common carrier. The Director subsequently dismissed
    her cross-appeal pursuant to Rule 84.09. This Court has jurisdiction under Article V,
    Section 3 of the Missouri Constitution because the case involves the construction of the
    revenue laws of this state.
    The purchase was completed on March 8, 2011, the effective date of the lease to JetSelect.
    JetSelect is engaged in the business of providing on-demand air transportation to paying
    customers in accordance with FAA requirements for air carriers contained in Part 135 of the
    Federal Aviation Regulations ("FARs") (14 CFR Sections 135.1 and following) and maintains a
    Part 135 certificate authorizing common carrier operations. The company holds itself out to the
    general public as engaging in the transportation of passengers or property for hire under
    individual agreements, without refusal if the fare or charge is paid and there is an empty aircraft
    available to transport the customer or group.
    Standard of Review
    "A decision of the AHC will be affirmed if: (1) it is authorized by law; (2) it is
    supported by competent and substantial evidence based on the whole record;
    (3) mandatory procedural safeguards are not violated; and (4) it is not clearly contrary to
    the reasonable expectations of the legislature."     Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Dir. of
    438 S.W.3d 397
    , 399 (Mo. banc 2014); Mo. Const. art. V, sec. 18; section
    621.193. If the evidence supports either of two opposing findings of fact, deference is
    afforded to the administrative decision. Street v. Dir. of Revenue, 
    361 S.W.3d 355
    , 357
    (Mo. banc 2012). However, the Court reviews the AHC's interpretation of revenue
    statutes de novo. Circuit 
    City, 438 S.W.3d at 399
    . A taxpayer must show by "clear and
    unequivocal proof that it qualifies for an exemption, and all doubts are resolved against
    the taxpayer." Fred Weber, Inc. v. Dir. of Revenue, ___ S.W.3d ___, No. SC94109, 
    2015 WL 161751
    , at *2 (Mo. banc 2015). See also section 621.050.2 ("burden of proof shall
    be on the taxpayer").
    FDA argues the AHC erred in finding FDA did not qualify for the resale
    exemption for use tax as provided in section 144.018, pursuant to the exemption to
    common carriers in section 144.030.2(20).       FDA further claims the AHC erred in
    excluding three exhibits from the record because FDA believes the evidence is relevant to
    the determination of whether JetSelect was a common carrier.
    In her cross-appeal, the Director challenged the AHC's finding that JetSelect was a
    "common carrier" for purposes of section 144.030.2(20). The Director subsequently
    dismissed that cross-appeal.         The Director concedes that "at least in certain
    circumstances, leases can constitute 'sales' for purposes for determining whether a
    particular purchase – even the purchase of an airplane – was 'for resale,'" as was found in
    Brambles Indus., Inc. v Dir. of Revenue, 
    981 S.W.2d 568
    , 570 (Mo. banc 1998). In her
    brief, the Director also agrees that if JetSelect is a "common carrier" then FDA's purchase
    was for "resale." And when questioned at oral argument, the Director stated that for
    purposes of this appeal the record below supported the determination that JetSelect is a
    common carrier. Thus, the Director concedes that FDA's purchase of the plane qualifies
    for the "resale" exemption in section 144.030.2(20).
    Evidence Excluded by the AHC
    FDA argued that the AHC erred in its evidentiary rulings when excluding its
    proffered exhibits O, P and Q, which it claims were relevant to the issue of whether
    JetSelect is a common carrier for purposes of Missouri sales and use tax. Each of these
    exhibits was excluded when the AHC sustained the Director's objection on the basis of
    the exhibit's relevancy. 4 Even if the Court assumes the AHC erred in these evidentiary
    rulings, that error was harmless because the AHC ultimately determined that JetSelect
    Exhibit O is an FAA Advisory Circular discussing Common Carriage. Exhibit P is a
    screenshot from the website of The exhibit was offered to show that airlines do
    not lose their common carrier status simply by negotiating prices with passengers – the airline
    does not become a "contract carrier." FDA asserts that the negotiability of price in JetSelect's
    agreement with its customers does not disqualify JetSelect as a common carrier. Exhibit Q is
    Southwest Airline's published Contract of Carriage and applies to every ticket sold by Southwest
    Airlines to its passengers. FDA offered the exhibit to refute the Director's assertion that
    JetSelect could not be a common carrier because it entered into individual agreements with its
    customers. The AHC excluded exhibit O stating it believed that the Advisory Circular did not
    address whether JetSelect is a common carrier for purposes of Missouri law. The AHC excluded
    exhibits P and Q believing this Court's analysis of what constitutes a common carrier does not
    involve price negotiation or individual customer agreements.
    was a common carrier and the Director, at oral argument, conceded that the AHC's
    determination that JetSelect is a common carrier is supported by the record in this case.
    Harmless error cannot justify reversal. Rule 84.13(b).
    FDA's Lease to JetSelect was a "Sale"
    FDA purchased the aircraft solely for lease to JetSelect. After the purchase was
    made in Kansas, the aircraft was based in Missouri.
    A "purchase" is defined as "the acquisition of the ownership of, or title to, tangible
    personal property, through a sale, as defined herein, for the purpose of storage, use or
    consumption in this state." Section 144.605(5). A "sale" is "any transfer, barter or
    exchange of the title or ownership of tangible personal property, or the right to use, store
    or consume the same, for a consideration paid or to be paid, and any transaction
    whether called leases, … or otherwise, and notwithstanding that the title or possession
    of the property is retained for security."           Section 144.605(7). 5     (Emphasis added).
    "Tangible personal property" is defined as "all items subject to Missouri sales tax as
    provided in subdivisions (1) and (3) of section 144.020." Section 144.605(11). An
    aircraft is an item subject to Missouri sales tax as tangible personal property. Fall Creek
    Const. Co. v. Dir. of Revenue, 
    109 S.W.3d 165
    , 169 (Mo. banc 2003). 6
    Similarly, the definition of the term "gross receipts" in section 144.010.1(3) addresses the
    consideration of leases as sales, providing in pertinent part: "Gross receipts", ... For the purposes
    of sections 144.010 to 144.525 the total amount of the sale price … shall also include the lease or
    rental consideration where the right to continuous possession or use of any article of tangible
    personal property is granted under a lease or contract and such transfer of possession would be
    taxable if outright sale were made and, in such cases, the same shall be taxable as if outright sale
    were made and considered as a sale of such article …."
    See also Westwood Country Club v. Dir. of Revenue, 
    6 S.W.3d 885
    , 887 (Mo. banc 1999)
    (when aircraft are sold to non-exempt entities a sales or use tax is to be collected on the sale of
    the final product.).
    Section 144.018.1(4) governs the purchase of tangible personal property for the
    purpose of resale, and provides in pertinent part:
    1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, … when a
    purchase of tangible personal property or service subject to tax is made for
    the purpose of resale, such purchase shall be either exempt or excluded
    under this chapter if the subsequent sale is:
    (4) Subject to tax but exempt under this chapter; …
    Section 144.615(3) addresses the use tax exemption for resales stating:
    There are specifically exempted from the taxes levied in sections 144.600
    to 144.745: 7
    (3) Tangible personal property, the sale or other transfer of which, if made
    in this state, would be exempt from or not subject to the Missouri sales tax
    pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of section 144.030 …
    Subsection 2 of section 144.030 describes exemptions from state and local sales and use
    taxes, providing in pertinent part:
    2. There are also specifically exempted from … the computation of the tax
    levied, assessed or payable pursuant to … sections 144.010 to 144.525 and
    144.600 to 144.745:
    "(20) All sales of aircraft to common carriers for storage or for use in
    interstate commerce …."
    The interplay of these statutes would exempt FDA from paying Missouri sales or use tax,
    pursuant to chapter 144, if FDA purchased the aircraft for the purpose of leasing it to
    JetSelect and the lease constituted a "resale" subject to tax but exempt under section
    This Court, applying the statutory definition of "sale," has previously held that a
    lease can constitute a sale for resale where the right of use is fully transferred, even if the
    Sections 144.600 through 144.746 are collectively known as the "Compensation Use Tax Law."
    Section 144.600.
    title or ownership of the property is not transferred. 
    Brambles, 981 S.W.2d at 570
    . 8 The
    end result of the lease in this matter is, as it was in Brambles, the same as though an
    outright sale had been made. 
    Id. 9 The
    facts of this case are on point with Brambles.                 The lease to JetSelect
    constitutes a sale for sales tax purposes because the right of the aircraft's use was fully
    transferred to JetSelect, who in turn, provided air courier service for valuable
    consideration. The Director conceded at oral argument that for purposes of this appeal
    this record supported the determination that JetSelect is a common carrier. Based on this
    record and the concessions of the Director, FDA has shown clear and unequivocal proof
    that it qualifies for the exemption.
    The decision of the AHC is reversed, and the matter is remanded to the AHC.
    All concur.
    The taxpayer in Brambles (Brambles Industries, Inc. d/b/a "Chep") leased pallets to Proctor &
    Gamble ("P&G") for use in shipping soap from P&G's St. Louis plant to its customers. Chep
    collected tax on the lease proceeds and remitted it to the Department of Revenue. Chep then
    filed for a refund, arguing that an outright sale of the pallets would qualify for the sale for resale
    exemption to sales tax and so should leases of the pallets. This Court held that proceeds from the
    lease were exempt from sales tax the same as from outright sales of such property because the
    packaging material was leased for the purpose of transferring the right to use the packaging
    material to a subsequent purchaser for valuable consideration. Brambles, 
    981 S.W.2d 568
    See also Weather Guard Inc. v. Dir. of Revenue, 
    746 S.W.2d 657
    (Mo. App. 1988) (rentals of
    tangible personal property are "sales" for purposes of the resale exemption to use tax in section

Document Info

Docket Number: SC94224

Citation Numbers: 458 S.W.3d 818

Judges: Per Curiam

Filed Date: 2/24/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023