Tracie L. Ostermeier v. Prime Properties Investments Inc. ( 2019 )

  •                                             In the
    Missouri Court of Appeals
    Western District
    TRACIE L. OSTERMEIER, ET AL.,                   
    Appellant,                        WD82432
    v.                                                 OPINION FILED:
    PRIME PROPERTIES INVESTMENTS                       DECEMBER 10, 2019
    INC., ET AL.,                                   
    Respondents.                     
    Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cass County, Missouri
    The Honorable R. Michael Wagner, Judge
    Before Division Three: Alok Ahuja, Presiding Judge, Gary D. Witt, Judge,
    Anthony Rex Gabbert, Judge
    Tracie Ostermeier and Samantha Rice (“Appellants” collectively) appeal the circuit court’s
    denial of their motion to amend the court’s judgment to award attorney fees on their Missouri
    Merchandising Practices Act (MMPA) claims against Prime Properties Investments, Inc. /Robb
    Steinbeck (“Respondents” collectively). They also appeal the exclusion of evidence during trial
    that they contend was relevant to their claim for punitive damages. We affirm in part, reverse in
    part, and remand for further proceedings consistent with this Opinion.
    Background and Procedural Information
    On September 17, 2015, Appellants filed a petition alleging they had been harmed by a
    bedbug infestation in apartments owned and leased by Respondents. Appellants filed an amended
    petition on December 23, 2015, and a second amended petition on March 31, 2016. The second
    amended petition alleged that, 1) Respondents negligently failed to provide habitable and sanitary
    living conditions to Appellants, free of bedbug infestation, and failed to eradicate the same during
    the course of Appellants’ tenancy, 2) that Respondents violated the MMPA by continuing to
    demand rent monies from Appellants despite the harmful bedbug infestation, 3) that Respondents’
    intentional placement of Appellants in an apartment infested with bedbugs which bite humans and
    feed exclusively on blood constituted battery, 4) Respondents breached the implied warranty of
    habitability by leasing an uninhabitable apartment to Appellants, 5) Respondents breached their
    promise of quiet enjoyment of the leased premises, and 6) Respondents’ conduct interfered with
    Appellants’ possessory interest in the property and constituted trespass.
    Trial on Appellants’ claims began August 28, 2018, and ended August 30, 2018. Two
    claims were ultimately submitted to the jury – negligence and the alleged MMPA violations. The
    jury returned a verdict in favor of Appellants on both claims, awarding actual damages in the
    amount of $17,480 to Tracie Ostermeier and $2,520 to Samantha Rice. The jury did not find
    Respondents liable for punitive damages. The circuit court entered Judgment on the jury’s verdict
    on September 5, 2018.
    On September 19, 2018, Appellants moved to amend the judgment to add reasonable
    attorneys’ fees pursuant to Section 407.025.1, RSMo 2016. Appellants requested fees in the
    amount of $184,555.69. On October 5, 2018, Appellants moved for a new trial on the issue of
    punitive damages only. On December 13, 2018, the court denied Appellants’ motion for new trial
    on punitive damages, and on December 27, 2018, denied Appellants’ motion to amend the
    judgment to add attorneys’ fees. The court entered final Judgment on December 30, 2018. This
    appeal follows.
    Standard of Review
    Our standard of review is set forth in Murphy v. Carron, 
    536 S.W.2d 30
    , 32 (Mo. banc
    1976). Schollmeyer v. Schollmeyer, 
    393 S.W.3d 120
    , 122 (Mo. App. 2013). We will affirm the
    circuit court’s judgment unless it is unsupported by substantial evidence, it is against the weight
    of the evidence, or it erroneously declares or applies the law. 
    Id. at 122-123.
    Point I
    In their first point on appeal, Appellants contend the trial court erred as a matter of law in
    denying their motion to amend the judgment to add an award of reasonable attorneys’ fees under
    Section 407.025.1. Appellants argue the court misapplied the standard set forth in Section
    407.025.1 by allowing Appellants’ representation by Legal Aid and pro bono attorneys to be the
    primary factor in denying fees. Further, Appellants argue that Section 407.025.1 requires a fee
    award based on the reasonable time spent by Appellants’ counsel regardless of whether Appellants
    paid fees to their counsel. Appellants also contend that the court abused its discretion in denying
    attorneys’ fees.1
    ‘“Missouri courts adhere to the ‘American Rule’ which states that, ordinarily, litigants must
    bear the expense of their own attorney’s fees.”’ Arcese v. Daniel Schmitt & Co., 
    504 S.W.3d 772
    Both of Appellants’ points on appeal are multifarious. Appellants combine into the same points relied on
    misapplication-of-law challenges with abuse of discretion challenges. These are distinct claims that must appear in
    separate points relied on in the Appellants’ brief to be preserved for appellate review. Ivie v. Smith, 
    439 S.W.3d 189
    199 n.11 (Mo. banc 2014); 84.04(d). Nevertheless, as we prefer to decide cases on the merits where an appellant’s
    argument is readily understandable, we exercise our discretion to review the merits of Appellants’ claims.
    787 (Mo. App. 2016) (quoting Lett v. City of St. Louis, 
    24 S.W.3d 157
    , 162 (Mo. App. 2000)). One
    common exception to the American Rule is where a statute authorizes a trial court to award
    attorney’s fees. Williams v. Fin. Plaza, Inc., 
    78 S.W.3d 175
    , 184 (Mo. App. W.D. 2002). Here,
    Section 407.025.1 provides that, “The court may, in its discretion … award to the prevailing party
    attorney’s fees, based on the amount of time reasonably expended[.]”
    In denying Appellants’ motion for attorneys’ fees the circuit court stated:
    Court takes up Motion to Amend the Judgment to Add Award of Reasonable
    Attorneys Fess [sic]. Court after hearing oral argument, conducting research,
    considering the amount of time reasonably expended by the prevailing party’s
    attorneys, and all other relevant facts including, but not limited to, the fact that
    plaintiff did not incur any legal fees in that plaintiff was represented by a legal aid
    attorney and an attorney working on a pro bono basis, DENIES motion.
    We note that the trial court did not deny fees on the grounds that Section 407.025.1 disallows an
    award in this case; the court acknowledged Section 407.025.1’s provision that fees are to be based
    on time reasonably expended.2 Because the court denied fees after considering several factors,
    including that Appellants had Legal Aid/pro bono representation, we review the court’s attorney
    fee ruling for an abuse of discretion. Hill v. City of St. Louis, 
    371 S.W.3d 66
    , 81 (Mo. App. 2012).
    Judicial discretion is abused when the court’s ruling is against the logic of the circumstances and
    is so unreasonable and arbitrary that it shocks the sense of justice. 
    Id. We deem
    the trial court an
    expert on attorney fees in a given case due its familiarity with all issues in the case and the character
    of the legal services rendered. See Essex Contracting, Inc. v. Jefferson Cty., 
    277 S.W.3d 647
    , 656-
    57 (Mo. banc 2009) (quoting Nelson v. Hotchkiss, 
    601 S.W.2d 14
    , 21 (Mo. banc 1980)). The trial
    See Selleck v. Keith M. Evans Insurance, Inc., 
    535 S.W.3d 779
    , 784 (Mo. App. 2017), in which the Eastern
    District compared different attorney fee statutes in the MMPA, noting that Section 407.025.1 expressly ties an award
    of attorneys’ fees to the amount of time expended.
    court may determine attorney fees without the aid of evidence. 
    Id. “We presume
    an award of
    attorney’s fees to be correct, and the complaining party has the burden to prove otherwise.” 
    Hill, 371 S.W.3d at 81
    (internal citation omitted). We will only reverse if it is shown that the award of
    attorney fees was against the logic of the circumstances and so arbitrary and unreasonable as to
    shock one’s sense of justice. 
    Id. Appellate courts
    have identified several factors trial courts should consider when making
    a determination as to reasonable attorney fees. Gilliland v. Missouri Athletic Club, 
    273 S.W.3d 516
    , 523 (Mo. banc 2009). These include: (1) the rates customarily charged by the representing
    attorneys and local attorneys who handle similar work; (2) the number of hours reasonably spent
    on the litigation; (3) the nature of the services provided; (4) the degree of necessary professional
    expertise; (5) the nature and importance of the subject matter; (6) the amount involved or the result
    obtained; and (7) “the vigor of the opposition.” 
    Id. In O’Brien
    v. B.L.C. Ins. Co. a trial court awarded $1,000, without a hearing, for attorneys’
    fees pursuant to Section 407.546 (an MMPA statute) after a jury returned a verdict against the
    defendant for odometer fraud. 
    768 S.W.2d 64
    , 71 (Mo. banc 1989). On appeal, the plaintiff argued
    that the appropriate fee award should have been $28,000 based on the regular hourly rate of the
    participating attorneys. 
    Id. Our Missouri
    Supreme Court discussed the factors necessary for
    consideration in awarding fees, and rejected the defendant’s argument that client/attorney
    contingent-fee contracts should control such a determination stating, “Counsel are entitled to a
    reasonable fee, and are not limited to their agreed share of the client’s recovery.” 
    Id. Significantly, in
    reversing the fee award and remanding to the circuit court with directions to determine an
    appropriate fee, the Court opined that, where the sense of the statute is that private litigants aid
    public authorities in enforcing the statutes by authorizing an award of attorney fees, fees must be
    determined with consideration of the legislative intent that the cost of litigation not stand in the
    way of statutory enforcement. 
    Id. at 72.
    In Berry v. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., our Missouri Supreme Court affirmed an
    attorney fee award of over three million dollars in a class action suit brought under the MMPA,
    also affirming the trial court’s addition of a multiplier which brought the total award to over six
    million dollars. 
    397 S.W.3d 425
    (Mo. banc 2013). The Court found the record supported “that a
    multiplier was necessary to ensure a market fee that compensated class counsel for taking this case
    in lieu of working less risky cases on an hourly basis.” 
    Id. at 433.
    In finding no abuse of discretion
    in the trial court’s award the Court stated:
    The MMPA’s fundamental purpose is the ‘protection of consumers,’ and, to
    promote that purpose, the act prohibits false, fraudulent or deceptive merchandising
    practices. Huch v. Charter Communications, Inc., 
    290 S.W.3d 721
    , 724 (Mo. banc
    2009); section 407.020. The MMPA is ‘paternalistic legislation designed to protect
    those that could not otherwise protect themselves.’ 
    Huch, 290 S.W.3d at 725-26
           (quoting High Life Sales Co. v. Brown-Forman Corp., 
    823 S.W.2d 493
    , 498 (Mo.
    banc 1992) (citations omitted)). The legislature granted discretion to the trial court
    to award, ‘in addition to damages, injunction or other equitable relief and
    reasonable attorney's fees.’ Section 407.025. These remedial measures are
    designed not only to remedy violations of the MMPA, but also prospectively to
    deter prohibited conduct and protect Missouri citizens. Scott v. Blue Springs Ford
    Sales, Inc., 
    176 S.W.3d 140
    , 143 (Mo. banc 2005).
    Id. Moreover, the
    Berry Court emphasized the legislative goal of protecting citizens through
    remedying MMPA violations, and fostering that purpose by encouraging private counsel to engage
    in MMPA litigation through an award of attorneys’ fees.
    In Selleck v. Keith M. Evans Ins., Inc., the Eastern District reversed a trial court’s fee award
    to a prevailing MMPA litigant after concluding that, while the court discussed a variety of factors
    prior to determining the award, “[t]he words and tenor of the trial court’s judgment suggest that
    the contingent-fee arrangement may have been the sole factor in the trial court’s decision, not
    merely a 
    factor.” 535 S.W.3d at 786
    . Selleck had claimed that the court erroneously used the
    contingent-fee arrangement Selleck had with his attorneys to dictate the fee award. 
    Id. at 784.
    Eastern District agreed finding that, although consideration of the fee agreement was not
    precluded, the contingent-fee agreement could not be the sole basis for the award. 
    Id. at 786.
    court stated:
    Although the trial court’s judgment references ‘other factors’ considered
    when determining the reasonableness of the attorneys’ fees requested by Selleck on
    his prevailing count, the trial court plainly rejected certain factors because of the
    contingent-fee agreement and seems to have minimized the relevance of the
    remaining factors given its ultimate finding that ‘plaintiff was not charged fees on
    an hourly basis ... and his testimony was that he had a contingent-fee agreement
    with counsel.’ The presence of the contingent-fee agreement appears to undercut
    the other factors mentioned in the trial court’s judgment and findings. It may be
    that the trial court indeed analyzed the contingent-fee agreement as merely one of
    many factors, and not the sole factor, for determining the reasonableness of
    Selleck’s motion for attorneys’ fees. However, the written judgment, when viewed
    in its entirety, presents a limited rather than broad consideration of the contingent-
    fee agreement.
    Id. We find
    the same true here. Although the court’s order states that several factors were
    considered in denying fees, the court’s complete denial of all fees with little explanation, but
    express reference to Appellants’ Legal Aid/pro bono representation, strongly suggests that
    Appellants’ lack of fee obligation was most influential in the court’s decision.
    We find our Supreme Court’s holdings regarding contingent-fee agreements in MMPA
    cases instructive here as, in the context of the remedial purposes of the MMPA, there is no
    significant difference between attorney/client contingent-fee agreements and attorney/client
    agreements requiring no fees but authorizing the pursuit of fees for successful litigation. In
    particular, we find it significant that in the contingent-fee cases, the Supreme Court and appellate
    courts have held that an award of fees is not necessarily limited by the amount of the attorney’s
    contingent-fee agreement with the client. By allowing an award of statutory attorney’s fees in
    excess of the agreed contingent fee, Missouri courts have permitted an award of fees for which the
    client is not directly liable. This is no different from the situation where the client is represented
    by Legal Aid or pro bono counsel. Fee-shifting clauses in statutes are considered to serve at least
    two important functions – to secure enforcement of the underlying statute at issue and increase the
    costs to violators for greater deterrent effect. 
    Arcese, 504 S.W.3d at 789
    . Denying an attorney fee
    award because a litigant is represented by Legal Aid or pro bono counsel thwarts the remedial
    purposes of the MMPA’s fees shifting provisions. The statutory scheme of the MMPA shows a
    clear legislative intent to allow attorney compensation regardless of whether a party aggrieved by
    an MMPA violation has an obligation to pay such fees.
    The attorney general has always been statutorily authorized to pursue court enforcement of
    the MMPA’s provisions. § 407.100. The attorney general may recover restitution “to restore to
    any person who has suffered any ascertainable loss.” § 407.100.4. The attorney general may also
    seek a punitive civil penalty against a defendant, payable to the State, of up to $1,000 per MMPA
    violation.   § 407.100.6. When the attorney general prevails in an action, included in the
    defendant’s judgment “in addition to restitution and costs, [is] an amount equal to ten percent of
    the total restitution awarded, or such other amount as my be agreed upon by the parties or awarded
    by the court.” § 407.140.3. This amount is paid into the State treasury to the credit of the
    merchandising practices revolving fund. 
    Id. “Money in
    the merchandising practices revolving
    fund shall be available for the payment of all costs and expenses incurred by the attorney general
    in the investigation, prosecution, and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter[.]” § 407.140.2.
    Notably, in spite of being a publically funded agency that enforces the MMPA free of charge to the
    benefit of aggrieved citizens, and that is statutorily authorized to recover additional money from
    offenders to facilitate enforcement of the MMPA, the attorney general also may recover attorney’s
    fees. Hess v. Chase Manhattan Bank, USA, N.A., 
    220 S.W.3d 758
    , 771 (Mo. banc 2007).3 We find
    it apparent from these statutory allowances that one of the purposes for which the Missouri
    legislature designed the MMPA’s fee shifting provisions was to increase costs to violators for
    greater deterrent effect.
    Section 407.025 allows a private citizen who has suffered an ascertainable loss as a result
    of an MMPA violation to act as a “private attorney general” and pursue statutory enforcement.4
    Where private individuals pursue enforcement of the MMPA, the attorney general and the
    taxpayers are relieved of that burden. Private litigants, however, do not have the costs of
    enforcement taxpayer funded or funded through the merchandising practices fund. Yet, prevailing
    private MMPA litigants may be awarded attorney fees “based on the amount of time reasonably
    expended” by counsel. 
    Id. We find
    that, because an aggrieved person may obtain restitution for
    MMPA violations via the attorney general with no obligation to pay for those services, and the
    attorney general may statutorily recover attorney’s fees above and beyond penalties designed to
    cover costs and expenses in investigating and prosecuting MMPA violations, it would be contrary
    to the remedial purposes of the fee shifting provisions of the MMPA to allow a private citizen’s
    “In any action brought under the provisions of section 407.100, the attorney general is entitled to recover
    as costs, in addition to normal court costs, the cost of the investigation and prosecution of any action to enforce the
    provisions of this chapter.” § 407.130. It has long been held that this includes an award of attorneys’ fees. 
    Hess, 220 S.W.3d at 771
    “In conjunction therewith, effectuating this legislative purpose is not confined to the Office of the Attorney
    General, but private citizens injured by MMPA violations ‘have a right to act as “private attorneys general” for
    purposes of enforcing it.’ 
    Arcese, 504 S.W.3d at 789
    Hess, 220 S.W.3d at 769
    lack of obligation to pay for legal fees to prevent attorney compensation in a case successfully
    enforcing the MMPA.5
    Here, Stinson LLP partnered with Legal Aid of Western Missouri to litigate this case on a
    pro bono basis, with express written contracts with the client providing that if they were successful
    in the litigation, the client would work with Legal Aid and the law firm to recover attorney fees
    from the violator. There is really no dispute that Legal Aid does not have the funds or staff
    attorneys needed to handle all of the demand for their services and relies on private lawyers and
    law firms to volunteer to assist their clients in protecting the client’s rights. Even then, more than
    half of the applicants who qualify for Legal Aid of Western Missouri assistance are turned away.6
    A holding that private law firms who agree to take these cases are prohibited by law from receiving
    any recourse for the time expended merely because they are acting on behalf of Legal Aid could
    have a chilling effect on the willingness of lawyers and law firms to take on this representation.
    Such an effect would be contrary to the fee shifting purpose of helping secure enforcement of the
    MMPA. See 
    Arcese, 504 S.W.3d at 789
    In Ehlert v. Ward the Missouri Supreme Court found that attorney fees could not be awarded to a prevailing
    plaintiff in a Truth in Lending Act claim because the plaintiff was obligated to pay no fees due to Legal Aid
    588 S.W.2d 500
    , 504-505 (Mo. banc 1979). The Court stated that attorney fees were unnecessary to
    make the plaintiff whole and expressed concern that unjust enrichment could result where the plaintiff’s attorneys
    were not “parties” and could receive no direct award. 
    Id. Ehlert did
    not involve the MMPA which evidences a
    deterrent and even punitive intent with its penalty and fee shifting provisions and clearly allows for attorney
    compensation for successful MMPA litigation regardless of an aggrieved citizen’s obligation to pay fees. See also In
    re Marriage of Ghaddis, 
    632 S.W.2d 326
    (Mo. App. 1982). As Appellants have contractual obligations to remit any
    fee award to the attorneys who expended time successfully litigating the MMPA claims, we find no concern for unjust
    See Legal Aid of Western Missouri 2018 Annual Report at 8,
    content/uploads/2019/04/2018-Annual-Report-Booklet-REDUCED.pdf (“Because of funding and staffing
    limitations, we turn away more than half of the applicants who qualify for our help.”).
    We conclude that, to the extent the circuit court’s denial of Appellants’ attorneys’ fees was
    based on Appellants’ lack of obligation to reimburse counsel for fees, the court abused its
    Appellants’ first point on appeal is granted.
    Point II – Punitive Damages
    In Appellants’ second point on appeal, Appellants contend the court misapplied the law and
    abused its discretion by maintaining a blanket exclusion of Respondents’ willful failure to treat
    bedbug infestations in several other buildings in close proximity to Appellants’ building.
    Appellants argue that exclusion of evidence showing a pattern and practice of misconduct and
    harm to others in the same apartment complex unfairly and materially prejudiced Appellants’
    ability to prove their claims for punitive damages under the MMPA and common law as submitted
    in the jury instructions.
    “‘We review the trial court's admission or exclusion of evidence under a deferential
    standard of review.’” McGuire v. Kenoma, LLC, 
    375 S.W.3d 157
    , 183-184 (Mo. App. 2012)
    (quoting Ziolkowski v. Heartland Regional Medical Center, 
    317 S.W.3d 212
    , 216 (Mo. App.
    2010)). On appellate review, the issue is not whether the evidence was admissible or should have
    been excluded, it is whether the trial court abused its discretion in admitting or excluding the
    McGuire, 375 S.W.3d at 184
    . “A circuit court has broad discretion in determining the
    admission of evidence [.]” Lewellen v. Franklin, 
    441 S.W.3d 136
    , 149 (Mo. banc 2014). A court
    abuses its discretion only when the court’s ruling is “clearly against the logic of the circumstances
    and is so arbitrary and unreasonable as to shock the sense of justice and indicate a lack of careful
    consideration.” State v. Johnson, 
    207 S.W.3d 24
    , 40 (Mo. banc 2006). “If reasonable persons may
    differ as to the propriety of an action taken by the trial court, then there was no abuse of discretion.”
    State v. Quick, 
    334 S.W.3d 603
    , 609 (Mo. App. 2011) (citing State v. Reed, 
    282 S.W.3d 835
    , 837
    (Mo. banc 2009)). Even if we find an abuse of discretion, we “will reverse only if the prejudice
    resulting from the improper admission of evidence is outcome-determinative.” Williams v. Trans
    States Airlines, Inc., 
    281 S.W.3d 854
    , 872 (Mo. App. 2009).
    Appellants argue that the court erroneously refused evidence necessary for Appellants’
    punitive damages claims. They argued throughout trial that, in order to show Respondents’ pattern
    and practice of willful and reckless disregard of others and harm to others to support punitive
    damages, they were entitled to introduce evidence of bedbug infestation in apartment buildings
    other than Appellants’ building. Appellants allege that, throughout trial, the court maintained that
    Appellants’ evidence of harm to others, other tenants’ complaints, multiple infestations, and
    Defendants’ denials of the same were not relevant to Appellants’ case.
    The record reflects that the court carefully considered this issue. When Appellants asked
    to reference bedbug infestations in buildings other than Appellants’ in opening, the court stated
    that the evidence might be appropriate for impeachment, but prohibited Appellants from discussing
    the information initially with the jury stating,
    [A]fter I hear the evidence from the expert, I may or may not allow certain things.
    Again, if the expert testifies to me that these – some of these locations are relevant
    to show, I may let that in, but I don’t know what that is going to be yet and I hate
    to have it out there at this point until I hear what the expert says. I don’t know if
    the defendants are going to open the door, I don’t know what the experts are going
    to say, but I don’t want to just start off saying there were bedbugs galore. I don’t
    think that is proper at this point.
    In response, Appellants’ argued that they pled an MMPA claim which regarded a pattern and
    practice of misrepresentation and non-treatment of the bedbug issues and should be able to bring
    in “me too witnesses” for that purpose. The court indicated,
    I don’t know that yet until I hear what you have to say, but I don’t want to open that
    up in opening and then later on say that was wrong and then you are in a spot –
    where I won’t let you present certain evidence. I don’t want the jury saying, ‘Well,
    plaintiffs said they are going to show us this and they didn’t show us this. Those
    are the kind of issues I am worried about.
    Plaintiff’s expert, Forrest St. Aubin, testified that for fifty-eight years he had been a
    professional entomologist, a career which involved the scientific study of insects and related
    organisms. He testified that through work with the Environmental Protection Agency, he had
    training in entomology and pesticides. He presently teaches pest control operators and from the
    mid 1980’s to 1993 owned SUMA Pest Management Services, LLC. He sometimes testifies as an
    expert in litigation regarding entomology issues.
    When asked if, in a multi-unit apartment building, bedbugs can move from apartment to
    apartment he stated, “Absolutely they will.” He testified that, generally speaking, they move
    through the walls by getting behind baseboards at the bottom of a wall and hiding behind electrical
    receptacles and switches. He testified that it was quite common in his experience for bedbugs to
    move between units in a multi-unit building. He stated that, even after a host vacates the premises,
    bedbugs can live in a sort of hibernation for months until they sense CO2, which is exhaled by
    mammals. He testified that bedbugs can also move from building to building if, for example,
    children from a bedbug infested apartment go to another building for a sleepover. Such transfers
    also occur when someone moves from an infested apartment and moves their infested furniture
    with them. He described that bedbugs could be effectively exterminated, although it is an
    “extremely time consuming” process to pinpoint where the problem is and how extensive. He said
    that, if there is a report in a multi-unit building in one unit, the proper method to attack the building
    would be to investigate all units around it. He stated that failing to do so would be unsatisfactory,
    and “asking for trouble, you are asking for a spread of the infestation.”
    St. Aubin testified that he reviewed Defendant Steinbeck’s deposition testimony and
    concluded that “the methods he used only beg for expansion of the infestation” “because they were
    in no way consequential to control.” He testified that in a situation where there might be a multi-
    unit complex, the whole complex is at risk if bedbug complaints are not taken seriously. He stated
    that, in his review of Steinbeck’s testimony, Steinbeck did not take every complaint at face value
    and investigate. When asked why it was not unusual that Appellant lived in her apartment for one
    year before experiencing bedbugs, the court sustained Respondents’ objection as to “speculation”
    when St. Aubin began to testify, “Well, they were probably in the building ….” The court did not
    grant the mistrial requested by Respondents.
    Appellants made an offer of proof regarding the foundation they wanted St. Aubin to
    provide so as to allow evidence that other complaints and infestations were present in other
    buildings in the apartment complex, and that Defendants’ pattern and practice was to
    ignore/improperly respond to those issues. In that offer of proof, St. Aubin testified that it was
    “absolutely essential” to treat adjoining units in an apartment building when there were complaints
    of various tenants in multiple apartments. When asked about if there are complaints about bedbugs
    across the street in the same apartment complex, St. Aubin testified, “That’s a difficult thing to
    answer,” indicating that it was impossible to determine where the bedbugs originated. He stated
    that it was entirely possible that the bedbugs could spread to every building in the complex, and
    that the entire complex will become infested if multiple complaints are ignored.
    On cross examination, St. Aubin testified that it was conceivable that the bedbugs could
    have been brought in from the mall, a movie theater, or the airport -- that it was “absolutely”
    difficult to rule out that the bedbugs could have originated from any of those places. He testified
    he had no idea where the bedbugs in Appellants’ apartment came from. He testified that, if
    Appellant Rice had sleepovers with other children, it was possible she could have brought them
    into the apartment. It was also possible that, during the period Appellants’ apartment was being
    treated, bedbugs were brought back in from the same source or a different source.
    After the offer of proof from St. Aubin, the court expressed the following:
    Again, this is what I am struggling with here from the testimony I have
    heard and the offer of proof and earlier today there is no doubt that, again, I don’t
    want to dwell upon it and talk about injuries and everything else, but the adjoining
    units, downstairs, upstairs, next door, I think that is relevant and I think it was
    correct to let the jury hear that these other people – there were bedbugs in these
    adjoining rooms because from what the witness testified to they can hide in the
    walls, through the holes they could creep through and everything. My problem is
    where to draw the line because if we say, okay, I will let in folks from and it is very
    possible somebody in 904 walked over there to 2205 and they spent the night like
    the kids did, it is possible that happened, it is possible somebody in Minnesota came
    traveling in and spread those bedbugs. My problem I have got is where to draw the
    line. I have to weigh the probative value versus the time delay, the prejudice, those
    type of things. How much are we going to gain by spreading this out and bringing
    in people from this whole complex. And it is true the bedbugs could have come
    from anybody in that place, but when we have a five-day jury trial, I have got to
    limit it somewhere. … I am just worried about the vast – because these things could
    have come from anywhere. I mean, the mailman could have brought them and
    should he have checked out the mailman, maybe, but I don’t know. I have got to
    limit it somewhere. I think for purposes of this trial I have got to limit it to the
    building of 2205 and the adjoining rooms in that immediate area or that vicinity
    unless there is some kind of stronger evidence like the witness testified it’s difficult
    to answer.
    April Everett testified before the jury that from 2011 to 2013 she lived in building 2205 at
    Twin Oaks apartments. She then moved across the street to building 1003 because the new
    apartment had three bedrooms and she had two boys who needed their own rooms. She testified
    that she had friends living in building 2205, including Appellants, and observed bedbugs at
    Appellants’ home and another friend’s home. She stated that she sat on Appellants’ couch and
    bedbugs crawled all over her and bit her. Her children and Appellant Ostermeier’s daughter had
    play dates and sleepovers where they would sometimes spend the night at each other’s homes.
    These play dates and sleepovers continued after Everett moved to building 1003.
    Appellants made an offer of proof with testimony from April Everett for the purpose of
    showing that Respondents’ pattern and practice was to ignore bedbug infestations in other
    buildings of the apartment complex as well. Everett testified that, after moving over to building
    1003 she experienced bedbugs all over her apartment. Her neighbors in that building also had
    bedbugs. Everett advised Respondent Steinbeck that her new apartment was infested with
    bedbugs, but he never came out and treated and never hired a professional to do so. He gave
    Everett spray that she and her boyfriend applied. Steinbeck told her it was a strong spray and not
    to breathe it in. Everett and her boyfriend threw their mattresses and box springs in the outside
    dumpster where other tenants had thrown theirs. The couple treated two or three times because
    the bedbugs kept coming back. Respondent Steinbeck was aware that bedbug-infested furniture
    and items were being placed in the dumpster outside the building.
    After hearing this offer of proof, the court continued to exclude testimony related to
    bedbugs in apartment buildings other than Appellants’ building. Concerns raised by the court
    regarded the “speculation of the other units where kids may have been coming across the street.”
    The court agreed that the evidence had probative value, “but I don’t know if the probative value
    outweighs the time delay and the prejudice.” The court stated that Respondents’ pattern and
    practice, methodology and protocols could be addressed by Respondents’ actions and inactions
    regarding Appellants’ building. Further, the court noted that the suit was not a class action suit.
    We find no abuse of discretion in the court’s limitation of the evidence to Appellants’
    apartment building. Given the evidence, the court’s determination that Respondents’ pattern,
    practice, methodology, and protocols with regard to bedbug infestations could be addressed
    through evidence regarding Appellants’ apartment and units within her entire building was not
    clearly against the logic of the circumstances and so arbitrary and unreasonable as to shock the
    sense of justice or indicate a lack of careful consideration. St. Aubin’s testimony was that it is
    very hard to determine the origin of bedbugs, they are very hard to eradicate, and re-infestations
    may come from outside sources. Everett’s testimony, coupled with St. Aubin’s, suggested Everett,
    Everett’s children, Appellants, or other building 1003 residents could have carried bedbugs from
    building 2205 to building 1003, or vice versa, and Everett and/or Appellants could have re-infested
    each other’s premises, suggesting that Respondents’ may have only really been fighting one battle.
    Given the offers of proof, we find it reasonable that the court limited the evidence to avoid undue
    On appeal, Appellants argue that the additional evidence would have been relevant to
    establish Respondents’ state of mind, and therefore the Respondents’ liability for punitive
    damages. We find it significant in this regard that Appellants offers of proof focused largely, if not
    exclusively, on the existence of a bedbug infestation in other buildings, and/or other tenants’
    complaints concerning bedbugs, rather than on the Respondents’ response to any complaints; yet
    the Respondents’ actions in response to any complaints would have been the most germane
    evidence concerning punitive damages. Further, we note that during her offer of proof Everett
    testified that Respondents did respond to her complaints of bedbugs by supplying her with
    pesticide to apply, making her circumstances distinguishable from the Appellants’. Moreover,
    even if the court erroneously excluded the evidence, we find nothing within the offers of proof that
    would have changed the jury’s determination that punitive damages were not appropriate.
    Appellants’ second point on appeal is denied.
    We conclude that the circuit court abused its discretion in denying Appellants’ motion to
    amend the Judgment to award attorney fees. The court did not abuse its discretion in excluding
    evidence regarding bedbug infestations in apartment buildings other than Appellants’ building.
    The circuit court’s judgment is affirmed in all respects, except for its determination denying
    an award of attorney fees, which is reversed. This matter is remanded to the circuit court for
    reconsideration, consistent with this Opinion, of Appellants’ motion to amend the Judgment to
    award attorney fees.7
    Anthony Rex Gabbert, Judge
    All concur.
    Appellants’ Motion for Award of Attorney’s Fees on Appeal was taken with the case. “‘The legislature
    intended that in any action filed under the MMPA the trial court within its discretion may order an ‘injunction or other
    equitable relief and reasonable attorney’s fees.’” Saavedra v. CHW Group Inc., 
    504 S.W.3d 141
    , 142 n.1 (Mo. App.
    2016) (quoting 
    Berry, 397 S.W.3d at 433
    ). “Thus, although this Court has authority to grant an amount of attorney’s
    fees on appeal, we believe ‘in most cases that the trial court is better equipped to hear evidence and argument on the
    issue and determine the reasonableness of the fee requested.”’ 
    Id. Therefore, we
    grant the motion for attorney’s fees
    and remand for the trial court to determine the reasonableness of Appellants’ request for attorney’s fees on appeal.