Gale W. Blomenkamp v. Polly A. Blomenkamp , 462 S.W.3d 429 ( 2015 )

  •                In the Missouri Court of Appeals
    Western District
    GALE W. BLOMENKAMP,               )
    Appellant, )
    v.                                )                 WD77040
    POLLY A. BLOMENKAMP,              )                 FILED: April 28, 2015
    Respondent. )
    Gale Blomenkamp (Father) appeals from a judgment granting Polly
    Blomenkamp's (Mother) motion for modification of child support and child custody.
    Father contends the circuit court erred in: (1) finding a change of circumstances to
    support the child support modification; (2) calculating the amount of child support;
    and (3) finding the statutory requirements were met to justify a change of custody.
    For reasons explained herein, we find no error and affirm the judgment.
    Gale Blomenkamp and Polly Blomenkamp were divorced on December 22,
    2005. The dissolution judgment awarded the parties joint physical and legal
    custody of their two children, Krista and Bo, who were eleven years old and six
    years old respectively at the time of the divorce. The court approved a parenting
    plan whereby the parties agreed to alternate physical custody of the children every
    other week and neither party paid child support. This custody arrangement
    continued until late November 2011, when Krista moved in with Mother on a full-
    time basis. At that time, Krista was seventeen years old and had become
    dissatisfied that Father did not treat her more like an adult. Bo continued to spend
    alternate weeks at both parents' homes after Krista moved in with Mother.
    On February 17, 2012, Mother filed a Motion to Modify the Dissolution
    Judgment, in which she sought sole physical custody of Krista, an award of child
    support, and an order requiring the parties to proportionately share the children's
    college expenses. After a hearing in January 2013, the court granted the motion.
    The court found a change of circumstances had occurred because the "de facto
    move by Krista is evidence of a voluntary relinquishment of custody by Father."
    The court made the following findings in awarding Mother sole physical custody of
    The Court finds there has been a change in the circumstances of
    Krista Blomenkamp and of Mother since the decree of dissolution of
    marriage, and that modification of the decree to change physical
    custody from joint to sole in Mother is necessary to serve the best
    interests of the child. To fail to recognize that the 18-year-old
    daughter has not stayed overnight with her father's family more than
    occasionally for well over a year, has no intention of living in her
    father's household, graduates high school in the spring of 2013, plans
    to undergo Marine basic training and become a U.S. Marine reserve,
    and is to become a University of Missouri student when her Marine
    training and scholarship opportunity allow is to perpetuate a fiction of
    joint physical custody of this child which the Blomenkamps have long
    since left behind.
    The modification judgment also ordered child support as follows:
    [Father] is ordered to pay as child support one-third of the cost of
    post-secondary education costs and the amount of $786 per month
    for so long as he is obligated to pay support for both children, of
    which $573 is for Krista and $213 is for Bo; and [Father] is ordered to
    pay as child support one-third of the cost of post-secondary education
    costs and the amount of $213 for so long as he is obligated to pay
    support for Bo only.
    Father appeals the custody and child support award in the judgment of
    Our review of a modification of dissolution of marriage decree is limited to
    determining whether the judgment is supported by substantial evidence, whether it
    is against the weight of the evidence, or whether it erroneously declares or applies
    the law. Selby v. Smith, 
    193 S.W.3d 819
    , 824 (Mo. App. 2006). In applying this
    standard, we view the evidence in the light most favorable to the judgment,
    disregarding all contrary evidence and giving deference to the trial court's
    determinations of credibility. Mehra v. Mehra, 
    819 S.W.2d 351
    , 353 (Mo. banc
    1991). The determination to award a modification in child support lies within the
    discretion of the trial court, whose decision will be reversed "only for abuse of
    discretion or misapplication of the law." 
    Smith, 193 S.W.3d at 824
    . Giving similar
    deference, we will not set aside a trial court's judgment on child custody unless we
    firmly believe that the decree is wrong and that the child's welfare requires another
    disposition. Hermann v. Heskett, 
    403 S.W.3d 136
    , 140 (Mo.App. 2013).
    Modification of Child Support
    In Point I, Father contends the circuit court erred in awarding child support in
    the modification judgment because Mother failed to meet the statutory requirement
    of proving a change of circumstances “so substantial and continuing as to make
    the terms [of the original judgment] unreasonable.” § 452.370.1, RSMo.1
    Specifically, Father argues that Mother failed to produce any evidence to show
    how her income or expenses have changed since the entering of the original decree
    in 2005. In response, Mother asserts there was evidence of changed
    circumstances in that: (1) both parties shared physical custody equally at the time
    of the 2005 dissolution, but now Krista lives with Mother on a full-time basis; and
    (2) the original divorce decree did not contemplate post-secondary education
    expenses, but Krista is now a high school senior with a bona fide intention to
    attend college.
    "A change in the parties' financial circumstances or in the children's needs
    may evidence a showing of substantial and continuing change" as required by
    Section 452.370. Eaton v. Bell, 
    127 S.W.3d 690
    , 697 (Mo. App. 2004).
    "Increases in the cost of living, which occur with the growth and maturing of
    children, have been held to constitute substantial and continuing change allowing
    for modification in child support." Buckman v. Buckman, 
    857 S.W.2d 313
    , 318
    All statutory references are to the Revised Statutes of Missouri 2000, as updated by the 2013
    Cumulative Supplement.
    (Mo. App. 1993). Moreover, "[i]t has long been recognized that payment of
    college expenses can constitute a substantial change of circumstances." Gordon v.
    924 S.W.2d 529
    , 535 (Mo. App. 1996). In Leahy v. Leahy, 
    858 S.W.2d 221
    , 223 (Mo. banc 1993), the Missouri Supreme Court affirmed the trial court's
    finding of substantial change based, in part, on the fact that the child planned to
    attend college the following semester and such college expenses were unknown at
    the time of the prior order.
    Here, Mother testified that Krista had received an acceptance letter from the
    University of Missouri with a prospective enrollment date for the Fall of 2013.
    Krista testified that she intended to enroll at that time. As in Leahy, the trial court
    found that Krista had "bona fide educational goals" and the prior dissolution decree
    made no mention of post-secondary educational expenses. The trial court also
    explicitly found that both Krista and Bo were of "appropriate" ages for the court's
    consideration of college expenses and that both parents had the ability to
    contribute to such expenses. See DeCapo v. DeCapo, 
    915 S.W.2d 343
    , 348 (Mo.
    App. 1996) (stating that "[t]he trial court is in the best position to determine the
    financial capability of a parent to assist in the support of the parent's child,
    including college expenses").
    As the initial dissolution decree made no arrangement for the payment of
    post-secondary educational expenses, evidence of Krista's recent acceptance and
    intention to attend college was sufficient to establish substantial and continuing
    changed circumstances to justify modification of the initial decree.2 Point I is
    In Point II, Father argues that the trial court erred in calculating the Form 14
    presumed child support amount (PCSA) in three respects. First, he argues that the
    trial court should have included $950 of monthly rental income in its Form 14
    calculation of Mother's gross income. Second, Father argues that the trial court
    erred in awarding him a 10% Line 11 adjustment for overnights spent with the
    children because he was entitled to a greater adjustment of 34% - 50%. Third,
    Father contends the PCSA should have been rebutted based on his “non-
    duplicated, fixed expenses” for the children’s extra-curricular activities.
    Section 452.340 and Rule 88.01 mandate the use of Form 14 guidelines in
    determining child support. Woolridge v. Woolridge, 
    915 S.W.2d 372
    , 378 (Mo.
    App. 1996). The trial court must calculate the child support amount pursuant to
    Form 14, either by accepting one of the parties' proposed calculations, or by
    rejecting the parties proposed Form 14s and preparing its own. Douglas-Hill v. Hill,
    1 S.W.3d 613
    , 616 (Mo. App. 1999). "There is a presumption that the amount of
    child support calculated pursuant to Form 14 is the amount of child support to be
    Id. The PCSA,
    however, may be rebutted if the trial court finds it to be
    unjust or inappropriate after considering all relevant circumstances. 
    Id. 2 As
    discussed later under Point III, the de facto change of custody (which resulted from Krista
    moving in full-time with Mother) also provides evidence of a change of circumstances sufficient to
    justify modification of the prior decree. However, we need not address it in the context of Point I.
    Father notes that Mother receives $950 in monthly rental income from
    property she owns. He argues that the court erred in failing to include the rental
    proceeds in its Form 14 calculation of Mother's gross income. However, Father
    fails to acknowledge the evidence that Mother also pays $1,040 in monthly
    mortgage payments on the rental property. Father cites no authority for his
    contention that the $950 rental income must be included in the court's calculation
    under these circumstances. In light of the evidence that Mother’s rental proceeds
    did not cover or exceed her mortgage expense on the property, the trial court did
    not abuse its discretion in excluding the proceeds from Mother’s gross income on
    the Form 14 calculation.
    Father also argues that the trial court erred in its calculation of the applicable
    adjustment for overnight stays under Line 11 of the Form 14. In calculating its
    original Form 14, the trial court took the average number of overnights that both
    children spent with him in the prior year —Krista had zero overnight stays with
    Father, and Bo spent 183 overnights with Father – such that the average of the
    two is 94 overnights. Thus, the court concluded that Father was entitled to a 10%
    overnight credit because he had fewer than 109 overnight visits with both of the
    children. The court then made a second Form 14 calculation (for the future) in
    which it gave Father a 34% overnight credit for Bo only. Father argues that the
    trial court erred in that it should have credited him with more than a 10% Line 11
    adjustment in its Form 14 calculation for both children; he also contends that he
    was entitled to a 50% Line 11 adjustment on the calculation of future support for
    Bo only.
    To support this contention, Father relies on the Comments to Form 14,
    which allow for a Line 11 adjustment of up to 50% when a parent has been
    awarded more than 109 overnights per year. However, a 50% credit is not
    mandatory. The Directions for Use state that if the parent obligated to pay support
    has been awarded a period of overnight visitation of more than 109 days, "the
    adjustment for that parent may be greater than 10% up to a maximum of 50%."
    (Emphasis added). Given this language, our court has recognized that a trial court
    is not obligated to give the parent paying support an adjustment exceeding 10%.
    Hatchette v. Hatchette, 
    57 S.W.3d 884
    , 891 (Mo. App. 2001). Thus, even if
    Father's assertion is correct that the trial court's procedure in averaging the number
    of overnights of the two children is not sanctioned by Rule 88.01 or Form 14, he
    cannot show that the trial court abused its discretion because the court still
    awarded him the maximum credit that is required in any situation, which is a 10%
    Line 11 adjustment. Any greater amount is solely within the trial court's discretion.
    Father also points to Comment (C)(3) on the Form 14, which states that the
    Line 11 adjustment may be rebutted if the parent obligated to pay support only
    exercises his overnight periods with some but not all of the children, "[w]ithout
    fault of the parent entitled to receive support." Father attempts to use this
    provision to argue that Mother was at fault for enticing to Krista to stay with her,
    but there is nothing in the record to support this assertion. Moreover, Comment
    (C)(3) only applies in situations when the parent receiving support is attempting to
    rebut a Line 11 adjustment awarded to the obligor parent. See Nevins v. Green,
    317 S.W.3d 691
    , 697 (Mo. App. 2010). Thus, Comment (C)(3) is inapposite, as
    Father did not receive a Line 11 adjustment, and Mother had nothing to rebut.
    Finally, Father argues that the trial court should have rebutted the PCSA to
    account for the fact that Father incurred significant “non-duplicated, fixed
    expenses” for the children’s extra-curricular activities. He acknowledges that some
    of these expenses are included in the PCSA pursuant to Assumption 12 of the
    Form 14, but he argues that Mother had fewer “non-duplicated, fixed expenses”
    than would be assumed. We note, however, that Father failed to meet his burden
    of showing that the changed custody arrangement would cause him to incur
    additional expenses, rendering the PCSA unjust or appropriate. Conrad v. Conrad,
    76 S.W.3d 305
    , 313 (Mo. App. 2002) (child support obligor has burden of
    showing additional expenses to rebut PCSA). As Mother points out, the original
    dissolution decree is to remain in effect in all other respects, which requires both
    parents to share equally in extraordinary expenses of both children. These
    expenses include such things as music lessons, sports equipment, and car
    insurance—many expenses that Father claims are non-duplicated, fixed
    expenditures. Although Father adduced evidence of expenses relating to sports,
    clothing, lunches, and other extra-curricular activities for both children, Mother also
    adduced evidence of expenses she incurred regarding Krista's extra-curricular
    activities after Krista moved in full-time with Mother. Because Father did not carry
    his burden of rebutting the PCSA by showing additional expenses, we cannot say
    that the trial court abused its discretion in calculating the Form 14.3
    Point II is denied.
    Modification of Child Custody
    In Point III, Father contends the trial court erred in granting sole physical
    custody of Krista to Mother, because there was neither substantial evidence nor
    adequate findings to support modification of the original award of joint physical
    custody. Section 452.410.1 provides:
    [T]he court shall not modify a prior custody decree unless … it finds,
    upon the basis of facts that have arisen since the prior decree or that
    were unknown to the court at the time of the prior decree, that a
    change has occurred in the circumstances of the child or his custodian
    and that the modification is necessary to serve the best interests of
    the child.
    Based on these requirements for modifying a custody decree, Father argues that:
    (1) there was no evidence of a change in circumstances, and (2) the trial court
    failed to make findings on the best interest factors pursuant to Section 452.375.6.
    In the modification judgment, the trial court made a specific finding that
    “there has been a change in the circumstances of [Krista and Mother] since the
    decree of dissolution of marriage, and the modification of the decree … is
    necessary to serve the best interests of the child.” The court listed five reasons in
    Father also takes issue with the method in which the trial court stated that it was rebutting the
    PCSA as unjust and inappropriate for failure to take into account college expenses, yet ordered
    Father to pay the amounts listed as the PCSA. But as the trial court correctly noted, educational
    expenses can be included in the Form 14 calculation, or may be considered in rebutting the PCSA as
    unjust and inappropriate and adding the amount that each parent is to pay toward college expenses.
    See DeCapo v. DeCapo, 
    915 S.W.2d 343
    , 346–47 (Mo. App. 1996). The trial court did not err in
    choosing the second approved method.
    support of this determination: (1) Krista has not stayed overnight with Father more
    than occasionally for well over a year; (2) Krista had no intention of living in
    Father's home; (3) Krista is expected to graduate high school the following spring;
    (4) Krista plans to become a U.S. Marine reserve; and (5) Krista plans to enroll at
    the University of Missouri.
    Father argues that these reasons are insufficient to justify a change in
    circumstances because they primarily relate to Krista’s preferences regarding her
    custodian. 4 Relying on Johnson v. Lewis, 
    12 S.W.3d 379
    , 384 (Mo. App. 2000),
    Father asserts that a finding of substantial change cannot be predicated solely on
    the wishes of the child.
    In Johnson, the mother had sole physical custody of the parties’ twelve-year-
    old son. 
    Id. at 382.
    The father attempted to modify the custody order on the
    basis that the child had told him that he wanted to live with father. 
    Id. The appeals
    court concluded there was no change of circumstances because the child
    had merely expressed a preference to live with father and that such preferences are
    “entitled to little weight.” 
    Id. at 384.
    The court noted that the child did not testify
    at trial to explain why he wanted to live with father. Although it did not find
    grounds for modification under the facts presented in Johnson, the court
    acknowledged that the reasons underlying a child’s custodial preference “could
    Father also argues that reasons (3) through (5), as listed above, cannot serve as a basis for
    modification because they relate to future events. See Johnson v. Lewis, 
    12 S.W.3d 379
    , 385 (Mo.
    App. 2000) (court lacks jurisdiction to alter the decree based on events that have not yet occurred).
    However, even if we exclude these reasons, the fact that Krista had already moved in with Mother
    and Father did not seek her return is sufficient to demonstrate change in circumstances. Thus, we
    do not further address this argument.
    provide a basis for finding a change of circumstances.” 
    Id. Thus, Johnson
    not exclude the possibility that the trial court could consider Krista’s wishes in
    determining whether a change of circumstances had occurred.
    Here, Krista had already moved in with Mother on a full-time basis and did
    not stay overnight at Father’s home during the year preceding the modification
    hearing. "This court has recognized that the [m]odification of a custody order is
    proper where the custodial parent allowed the child to stay with the noncustodial
    parent for an extended period of time … and the child desired to remain with the
    noncustodial parent." McCreary v. McCreary, 
    954 S.W.2d 433
    , 446 (Mo. App.
    1997). Moreover, in Lee v. Lee, 
    767 S.W.2d 373
    , 374–75 (Mo. App. 1989), this
    court found a "clear showing" of a significant change in circumstances when the
    children had been living by choice with the noncustodial parent for over a year and
    the custodial parent did not wish to attempt to force their return. Likewise, Father
    allowed Krista to stay with Mother for over a year and took no action to force her
    return. This situation differs significantly from Johnson, where the custodial parent
    had not allowed the twelve-year-old child to move-in full-time with the noncustodial
    Father also argues that the trial court erred in failing to make written findings
    on the specific best interest factors under Section 452.375.2, as required by
    Section 452.375.6. Father claims that the trial court's failure to detail the relevant
    factors requires reversal of the custody modification.
    In general, when child custody is contested, written findings must be made
    in the judgment based on both the eight factors listed in Section 452.375.25 and
    the public policy contained in Section 452.375.4, detailing the specific relevant
    factors that made a particular arrangement in the child's best interests.
    Alberswerth v. Alberswerth, 
    184 S.W.3d 81
    , 90 (Mo. App. 2006); § 452.375.6.
    Such written findings are mandatory unless the parties have agreed to a custodial
    arrangement. Buchanan v. Buchanan, 
    167 S.W.3d 698
    , 702 (Mo. banc 2005).
    The purpose of such a requirement is to facilitate a more meaningful appellate
    review. In re Marriage of Swallows, 
    172 S.W.3d 912
    , 915 (Mo. App. 2005).
    As noted, the trial court listed five reasons to support its determination that
    the change of custody was in Krista’s best interest. These reasons do not
    precisely track the eight factors in Section 452.375.2, and Mother explains that
    Section 452.375.2 provides that the court shall consider all relevant factors including:
    (1) The wishes of the child's parents as to custody and the proposed parenting plan
    submitted by both parties;
    (2) The needs of the child for a frequent, continuing and meaningful relationship with
    both parents and the ability and willingness of parents to actively perform their
    functions as mother and father for the needs of the child;
    (3) The interaction and interrelationship of the child with parents, siblings, and any
    other person who may significantly affect the child's best interests;
    (4) Which parent is more likely to allow the child frequent, continuing and
    meaningful contact with the other parent;
    (5) The child's adjustment to the child's home, school, and community;
    (6) The mental and physical health of all individuals involved, including any history of
    abuse of any individuals involved . . . ;
    (7) The intention of either parent to relocate the principal residence of the child; and
    (8) The wishes of a child as to the child's custodian . . . .
    many of the factors are not useful or relevant in considering the best interests of
    an eighteen-year-old who, for all practical purposes, is no longer a child. While
    acknowledging that Krista was eighteen years old at the time of the hearing, Father
    argues that she is still considered a "child" for whom written findings must be
    made. Father cites Scruggs v. Scruggs, 
    161 S.W.3d 383
    , 391 (Mo. App. 2005),
    wherein this court stated that the age of majority, for purposes of child support and
    custody, "is now age 18, not 21," unless certain exceptions apply.
    Contrary to Father's argument, Scruggs does not provide guidance on
    whether the eight factor test should be used in determining whether a change of
    custody is in the best interests of an eighteen-year-old. Scruggs addressed the
    determination of the age at which a child should be considered emancipated—and,
    thus, no longer "eligible" for a custody or support determination. Moreover, in
    attempting to define the word "child," the Scruggs court acknowledged that the
    term "child," for purposes of custody orders, refers to a "minor dependent child."
    Id. (citing Miner
    v. Miner, 
    669 S.W.2d 628
    , 629 (Mo. App. 1984)).
    A key provision of Missouri's dissolution law indicates that a child’s
    eighteenth birthday does have significance apart from efforts to determine
    emancipation. On a motion to modify custody, under Section 452.310.8, both
    parties must submit a proposed parenting plan which “set[s] forth arrangements
    that the party believes to be in the best interest of the minor children.” Notably,
    the statute further provides that "[t]he filing of a parenting plan for any child over
    the age of eighteen for whom custody, visitation, or support is being established or
    modified … is not required." § 452.310.11 (emphasis added). The relaxation of
    this requirement strongly suggests that the standard considerations for the “best
    interests of the child” are not necessarily relevant for those who are eighteen and
    older. See Cannon v. Cannon, 
    280 S.W.3d 79
    , 87 (Mo. banc 2009) (stating that
    "once they reach the age of majority, the limitations [placed on visitation rights of
    parents convicted of certain crimes] put in place to protect the children's best
    interests no longer will be relevant.").
    Given Krista’s age, the trial court’s findings in this case are sufficient to
    support the determination that the custody change was in her best interests and to
    allow for meaningful appellate review. The court’s reasoning for the modification is
    both practical and sound, particularly in light of the fact that many of the best
    interest factors under Section 452.372 are not applicable to a “child” who is
    eighteen or older. For example, the first factor listed in the statute is "[t]he wishes
    of the child's parents as to custody and the proposed parenting plan submitted by
    both parties." § 452.375.2(1) (emphasis added). As noted, a parenting plan is not
    required when the child is eighteen years old. § 452.310.11. Moreover, the
    fourth factor listed in the statute is "[w]hich parent is more likely to allow the child
    frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with the other parent."
    § 452.375.2(4). With regard to an eighteen-year-old, our court has recognized
    that the custodial parent will have little, if any, control over whether the child
    decides to have contact with the noncustodial parent. See Morton v. Myers, 
    21 S.W.3d 99
    , 105 (Mo. App. 2000). For the same reason, the trial court would not
    be able to consider the public policy contained in Section 452.375.4, which
    requires the trial court to determine which custody arrangement will "assure both
    parents … have frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with their children…"
    The trial court’s judgment was supported by sufficient evidence to show a
    change of circumstances and proper findings to indicate that the change of custody
    was in Krista’s best interests. Accordingly, Point III is denied.
    We affirm the modification judgment.