Meek v. 8th Judicial District , 379 Mont. 150 ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                         May 13 2015
    OP 14-0786
    Case Number: OP 14-0786
    2015 MT 130
    SHARON MEEK, as Personal Representative of
    the ESTATE OF JUDY J. MEEK, Deceased,
    Plaintiff and Petitioner,
    JON A. OLDENBURG, Presiding Judge,
    ¶1     This matter comes before the Court on a Petition for Writ of Supervisory Control
    filed by Petitioner Sharon Meek, as personal representative of the Estate of Judy J. Meek,
    arising from Cascade County Cause No. BDV-12-0657, Meek v. Bennett Motors, et al.
    This Court adopted a briefing schedule and conducted oral argument on March 11, 2015.
    Jeffrey G. Winter argued for Petitioner, Cathy Lewis argued for Respondent, and Anders
    Blewett argued for Amicus Curiae Montana Trial Lawyers Association. The matter
    having been submitted for decision, we grant the petition and exercise supervisory
    ¶2     The issue is whether the District Court properly granted a defense motion in
    limine to restrict the medical damages evidence admissible at trial, and granted summary
    judgment against Meek on that issue.
    ¶3     Judy Meek passed away on January 23, 2012, after a fall at a business premises on
    November 2, 2011. Sharon Meek, as personal representative of Judy’s Estate (Meek),
    brought this action against the business where the fall happened, seeking damages for
    survival and wrongful death.
    ¶4     In the period between the fall and Judy’s death, Judy’s medical providers billed
    $197,154.93 for her care. Judy was covered by Medicare and had supplemental coverage
    through Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Medicare and BCBS together paid a total of $70,711.26
    to Judy’s medical providers. The District Court concluded that despite the billing from
    the medical providers, Judy had “no exposure or obligation to pay any charges beyond
    those actually paid pursuant to the Medicare rules and the insurance policy with Blue
    Cross/Blue Shield.”
    ¶5     The issue in the present case arises from the District Court’s decision on a pre-trial
    motion filed by one of the defendants, Pierce’s Dodge City. The motion sought to limit
    Meek’s medical expense recovery to the amounts paid to the providers by Medicare and
    BCBS, and to prevent Meek from presenting evidence to the jury as to the amounts
    actually billed by the medical providers. After briefing, the District Court concluded that
    while there was a split of authority nationally, the legal issue has been decided in
    Montana, citing this Court’s decisions in Conway v. Benefis Health System, 
    2013 MT 73
    369 Mont. 309
    297 P.3d 1200
    and Newbury v. State Farm, 
    2008 MT 156
    343 Mont. 279
    184 P.3d 1021
    ¶6     The District Court determined that since Meek had no liability exposure to the
    medical care providers in excess of the amount paid by Medicare and BCBS, the only
    medical expense evidence that she could present to the jury were the amounts that had
    been paid to the providers. The District Court concluded that the amount actually billed
    by the providers was not representative of the reasonable value of the medical services
    provided to Judy and that the amount billed by the health care providers was inadmissible
    because it “is irrelevant” to any issue or to damages in the case.
    ¶7     The District Court granted the motion in limine to limit medical damage evidence,
    and granted summary judgment against Meek on that issue. Meek seeks supervisory
    control over that order.
    ¶8     This Court exercises supervisory control in appropriate cases pursuant to Article
    VII, Section 2(2) of the Montana Constitution and Rule 17(a), M. R. App. P. Supervisory
    control is appropriate where the district court is proceeding upon a mistake of law which,
    if not corrected, would cause significant injustice for which appeal is an inadequate
    remedy. Inter-Fluve v. Eighteenth Judicial District Court, 
    2005 MT 103
    , ¶ 17, 
    327 Mont. 14
    112 P.3d 258
    ¶9     A motion in limine can seek to prevent or limit the introduction of evidence at
    trial, and the authority to grant or deny the motion rests in the inherent power of the
    district court to admit or exclude evidence so as to ensure a fair trial.        Hulse v.
    Department of Justice, 
    1998 MT 108
    , ¶ 15, 
    289 Mont. 1
    961 P.2d 75
    . Where a decision
    on a motion in limine involves the exercise of discretion, this Court will not overturn the
    district court absent an abuse of discretion. State v. Weldele, 
    2003 MT 117
    , ¶ 41, 
    315 Mont. 452
    69 P.3d 1162
    . Where a decision on a motion in limine involves a conclusion
    of law or interpretation of statute, we review to determine whether the result is correct.
    State v. Peterson, 
    2011 MT 22
    , ¶ 8, 
    359 Mont. 200
    247 P.3d 731
    ¶10    This Court reviews a district court’s decision on summary judgment to determine
    whether it is correct, using the same criteria under Rule 56, M. R. Civ. P. Pilgeram v.
    GreenPoint Mortgage, 
    2013 MT 354
    , ¶ 9, 
    373 Mont. 1
    313 P.3d 839
    ¶11    We do not address Meek’s claim regarding the damages she may recover for
    medical expenses because that is an issue that can be adequately addressed on appeal if
    necessary. The only issue we address in this pretrial proceeding is whether the District
    Court properly limited the evidence that is admissible at trial regarding medical expenses.
    ¶12    The parties agree that Meek is entitled to damages “representing the reasonable
    value of the medical expenses for medical services obtained by Judy Meek.” This is
    consistent with Montana law, which requires that in all cases damages must be
    reasonable, and that no party has a right to unconscionable and grossly oppressive
    damages that are contrary to substantial justice. Section 27-1-302, MCA; Tidyman’s
    Management Services v. Davis, 
    2014 MT 205
    , ¶ 40, 
    376 Mont. 80
    330 P.3d 1139
    ¶13    The District Court concluded and the respondents argue that amounts billed by
    health care providers are “not a reliable or accurate indicator of the reasonable value of
    the services” because they are unreasonably inflated and few patients ever actually pay
    the billed amount. Respondents argue that the amount the providers actually receive
    from insurers or other benefit programs is a “far better indicator of the reasonable value
    of a provider’s services.” Further, they argue that allowing Meek to present evidence of
    medical bills in excess of what has been actually paid could lead to a windfall recovery.
    ¶14    The ultimate issue is whether Meek’s medical bills are admissible at trial or
    whether, as the District Court held, they are irrelevant and inadmissible. All relevant
    evidence is admissible, except when otherwise provided.          Rule 402, M. R. Evid.
    Relevant evidence is evidence that has “any tendency to make the existence of any fact
    that is of consequence to the determination of the action more probable or less probable
    than it would be without the evidence.” Rule 401, M. R. Evid.; Alexander v. Bozeman
    Motors, Inc., 
    2012 MT 301
    , ¶¶ 41-42, 
    367 Mont. 401
    291 P.3d 1120
    . Therefore,
    evidence should not be excluded simply because there may be contrary evidence or
    because it may be subject to impeachment. Although the District Court ruled that the
    amount of expenses billed is irrelevant when there is no claim for future medical
    expenses, medical bills received by a tort victim can be relevant evidence of issues such
    as the nature and severity of the injuries, and of the medical procedures and treatments
    that were required.    Chapman v. Mazda Motor of Am., 
    7 F. Supp. 2d 1123
    , 1125
    (D. Mont. 1998).
    ¶15    The respondents’ factual arguments regarding the nature and reliability of medical
    billings therefore do not provide adequate grounds for a pre-trial order excluding the
    evidence of the amounts billed by Meek’s medical providers. If supported by competent
    evidence at trial, these arguments could provide matters of impeachment, and could affect
    the weight the jury might give to the evidence. Without more, however, these factual
    contentions do not justify exclusion of the evidence. The District Court’s pretrial ruling
    to exclude all medical bills and grant summary judgment was not justified here, where
    Meek presented the affidavit of her primary physician that affirmed that the medical
    services represented in the billings were reasonably necessary to her care. The affidavit
    also affirmed that the amounts billed were reasonable, were the usual and customary rates
    for such treatment, and that they represented the reasonable value of the treatment.
    ¶16    Ultimately, there is a factual dispute in the case over the nature of the bills
    presented by the medical providers and whether they represent a reasonable measure of
    the value of the services provided. The reasonableness of the medical bills as a measure
    of damages is a matter to be determined by the jury. Burley v. Burlington Northern, 
    2012 MT 28
    , ¶ 91, 
    364 Mont. 77
    273 P.3d 825
    . The existence of genuine issues of material
    fact precludes summary judgment. Redies v. Attorney Liability Prot. Soc., 
    2007 MT 9
    ¶ 26, 
    335 Mont. 233
    150 P.3d 930
    . This does not end the inquiry in this case, however,
    since the District Court also issued an order in limine, limiting the medical expense
    evidence that would be admissible at trial.
    ¶17    The District Court’s order admitting only evidence of amounts the insurers paid to
    Meek’s health care providers violates § 27-1-308, MCA. That statute, referred to as the
    collateral source rule, requires that a jury determine its award “without consideration of
    any collateral source.”    Section 27-1-308(3), MCA (emphasis added).            A collateral
    source, generally, is “a payment for something that is later included in a tort award and
    that is made to or for the benefit of a plaintiff or is otherwise available to the plaintiff.”
    Section 27-1-307(1), MCA. The statute provides, however, that in a separate post-trial
    proceeding the district court must reduce a jury’s verdict in a personal injury case “by
    any amount paid or payable from a collateral source that does not have a subrogation
    right.” Section 27-1-308(3), MCA.
    ¶18   The District Court ruled that the “amount of the write-down” (the medical billings
    not covered by Medicare or BCBS) was not a benefit or was not otherwise “available” to
    Meek and therefore did not meet the definition of a collateral source under the statute.
    However, the payments made by Medicare to satisfy the providers’ billings are clearly a
    collateral source. The District Court’s order in this case, and now the Dissent, would not
    only require that these collateral source payments be considered by the jury, but would
    also make the collateral source payment conclusively determinative of Meek’s medical
    damages. This is a clear violation of § 27-1-308(3), MCA. The statute prohibits the jury
    from considering any collateral sources and evidence of collateral source payments is not
    admissible on the issue of a personal injury claimant’s medical expenses.
    ¶19   Respondents contend that allowing Meek to present evidence of the medical bills
    from her providers could result in a “windfall” recovery. This contention is addressed by
    § 27-1-308(1) and (3), MCA, which provides that after a jury verdict in favor of the
    plaintiff, the district court must hold a hearing and determine whether there were any
    collateral source payments to account for. If so, the recovery must be reduced by the
    amount paid or payable from a collateral source.
    ¶20   Contrary to the District Court’s conclusions, the issues in this case were not
    decided in Newbury and Conway.         Both of those cases involved contract disputes
    between insureds and insurers over application of insurance policy language, and neither
    case involved the admissibility of evidence in a personal injury action against a
    tortfeasor. Most significantly, neither case involved application of the collateral source
    statute, § 27-1-308, MCA. Neither case resolves the issues raised in the present case.1
    ¶21    The parties have devoted considerable argument to identifying the majority and
    minority national rules on whether a tort claimant is limited to introducing evidence of
    medical expenses paid by third parties. See, e.g., Bynum v. Magno, 
    101 P.3d 1149
    2004). We do not decide the present case through application of national trends, but
    through application of the Montana Rules of Evidence and the Montana collateral source
    statute, § 27-1-308, MCA.
    ¶22    We reiterate that Montana law requires that damages be reasonable, § 27-1-302,
    MCA, and Tidyman’s, ¶ 40, and that it is up to the jury to determine what is reasonable
    under the circumstances, Burley, ¶ 91. This statutory requirement of reasonable damages
    must be construed along with the collateral source statute, § 27-1-308, MCA, so as to
    give effect to both. Section 1-2-101, MCA; Hanson v. Edwards, 
    2000 MT 221
    , ¶ 19, 
    301 Mont. 185
    7 P.3d 419
    . Therefore, if at trial Meek introduces evidence of Judy Meek’s
    medical bills the defendants may contest the reasonableness of those bills as a measure of
    damages. If so, evidence of the amount that Medicare pays to other health care providers
    for the same or similar service could be relevant to that issue, as long as there is no
    evidence or argument that Judy Meek was covered by Medicare or other insurance, or
    that Medicare or an insurer paid any part of her medical expenses. Those matters may be
    Likewise, Harris v. Billings Clinic, 
    2013 MT 207
    371 Mont. 133
    305 P.3d 852
    , cited in the
    Dissent, neither involves issues in a direct action against a tortfeasor or application of
    § 27-1-308, MCA.
    considered only by the District Court and only after a verdict, as provided in
    § 27-1-308(3), MCA.
    ¶23   Therefore,
    ¶24   IT IS ORDERED that the Petition for Writ of Supervisory Control is GRANTED.
    ¶25   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the District Court order on Pierce’s Dodge
    City’s motions in limine and summary judgment against Meek, as discussed above, are
    VACATED and this matter is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this
    Opinion and Order.
    ¶26   The Clerk of this Court is directed to provide copies of the Opinion and Order to
    counsel of record in Cascade County Cause No. BDV 12-0657, counsel for Amicus
    Curiae Montana Trial Lawyers Association and Montana Defense Trial Lawyers, and to
    the Honorable Jon A. Oldenburg, presiding District Judge.
    DATED this 13th day of May, 2015.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE
    Justice Laurie McKinnon, dissenting.
    ¶27    I dissent. The Court’s decision is inconsistent with Montana’s statutes defining
    damages, §§ 27-1-201, -202, MCA, and with our precedent, specifically Newbury v. State
    Farm Fire & Casualty Insurance, 
    2008 MT 156
    343 Mont. 279
    184 P.3d 1021
    , Conway
    v. Benefis Health System, 
    2013 MT 73
    369 Mont. 309
    297 P.3d 1200
    , and Harris v. St.
    Vincent Healthcare, 
    2013 MT 207
    371 Mont. 133
    305 P.3d 852
    . The Court allows a
    person injured by another person’s tortious conduct to recover more than the actual
    amount she paid or for which she incurred liability for past medical care and expenses.
    In my opinion, sums beyond that actually expended are not damages. Fundamental
    principles of compensatory damages in tort actions compel the conclusion that a plaintiff
    may recover no more than her actual loss. Additionally, the collateral source rule is a
    rule of evidence that prevents a jury from knowing that the plaintiff has received payment
    from a source not associated with the tortfeasor; it therefore has no relevance in
    establishing the appropriate measure for determining the reasonableness of damages. The
    Court fails to observe this distinction.
    ¶28    In these proceedings, which do not include a claim for future medical expenses,
    there is no question about the appropriate measure of recovery: the Estate is entitled to
    recover the reasonable value of medical care and services reasonably required and
    attributable to the tort.   “Damages must in all cases be reasonable, and where an
    obligation of any kind appears to create a right to unconscionable and grossly oppressive
    damages contrary to substantial justice, no more than reasonable damages can be
    recovered.” Section 27-1-302, MCA. Accordingly, a plaintiff may recover as economic
    damages no more than the reasonable value of the medical services received. The focus
    on “reasonable value” in § 27-1-302, MCA, is therefore a limitation on recovery, not an
    expansion of recovery beyond a plaintiff’s actual loss or liability. The question here
    involves the application of that measure; that is, whether the “reasonable value” measure
    of damages means that a plaintiff may recover sums beyond that actually expended.
    ¶29    In tort actions, damages are normally awarded for the purpose of compensating the
    plaintiff for the injury suffered, restoring her as nearly as possible to her former position
    or giving her some pecuniary equivalent.          In Montana, compensatory damages are
    awarded to “redress the concrete loss that a plaintiff has suffered by reason of a
    defendant’s wrongful conduct.” Seltzer v. Morton, 
    2007 MT 62
    , ¶ 148, 
    336 Mont. 225
    154 P.3d 561
    . The law of torts “works to ensure that an award of damages restores an
    injured party as near as possible to the party’s pre-tort position—no better, no worse.”
    Lampi v. Speed, 
    2011 MT 231
    , ¶ 21, 
    362 Mont. 122
    261 P.3d 1000
    (citing Sunburst Sch.
    Dist. No. 2 v. Texaco, Inc., 
    2007 MT 183
    , ¶ 32, 
    338 Mont. 259
    165 P.3d 1079
    ). We
    stated in Sunburst that an “‘injured party is to be made as nearly whole as possible—but
    not to realize a profit. Compensatory damages are designed to compensate the injured
    party for actual loss or injury—no more, no less.’”         Sunburst, ¶ 40 (quoting Burk
    Ranches v. State, 
    242 Mont. 300
    , 307, 
    790 P.2d 443
    , 447 (1990)). Therefore, damages in
    a tort action “attempt[] primarily to put an injured person in a position as nearly as
    possible equivalent to his position prior to the tort.” Restatement (Second) of Torts § 901
    cmt. a (1979). Moreover, in “determining the measure of compensation, indemnity or
    restitution, the law of torts ordinarily does not measure its recovery as do the rules based
    upon unjust enrichment, on the benefit received by the defendant. This first purpose of
    tort law leads to compensatory damages.” Restatement (Second) of Torts § 901 cmt. a.
    ¶30    Section 911 of the Restatement (Second) of Torts provides guidance for the
    measure of “reasonable value.” While the measure of recovery for the costs of services
    rendered by a third party is ordinarily the reasonable value of those services, “[i]f . . . the
    injured person paid less than the exchange rate, he can recover no more than the amount
    paid, except when the low rate was intended as a gift to him.” Restatement (Second) of
    Torts § 911 cmt. h. Section 911 articulates a rule, applicable to recovery of tort damages
    generally, which establishes that the “reasonable value” of services rendered is the
    exchange rate, and if a person has paid less, she can recover no more than the amount
    paid. Thus, a personal injury plaintiff may recover the lesser of (1) the amount paid or
    incurred for medical services, or (2) the reasonable value of the services.
    ¶31    This rule is likewise consistent with our statutes which allow compensation for the
    “detriment” proximately caused by the tortious conduct.            Section 27-1-317, MCA,
    provides for recovery of damages measured by “the amount which will compensate for
    all the detriment proximately caused” by the tort. “Detriment” is defined as “a loss or
    harm suffered in person or property.” Section 27-1-201, MCA (emphasis added). The
    right to recover compensatory damages is defined by the “detriment” that a person
    suffers. Section 27-1-202, MCA. While the measure of damages for pain and suffering,
    emotional disturbances, and even future medical expenses necessarily must be left to the
    discretion of the jury, the measure of damages for past medical expenses must be the
    amount that was expended for the service, limited only by what was reasonably
    attributable to the tortious conduct.
    ¶32    Newbury, Conway, and Harris also establish that the reasonable value of medical
    expenses is limited to what was actually incurred. In Newbury, we determined that
    while it was reasonable for Newbury to expect that his State Farm policies
    would pay his medical expenses (up to the policy limits of $10,000.00)
    once the State Fund had paid all it was required to pay, it was not
    reasonable for Newbury to expect to receive funds in excess of his medical
    Newbury, ¶ 38. This Court, in Newbury, recognized that medical payments benefits are
    payable only for medical expenses, and when a plaintiff received full payment of his
    medical expenses and owed nothing more to his healthcare providers, a windfall would
    result if the plaintiff were to receive additional money in excess of his total medical
    expenses. Newbury, ¶¶ 39, 47. In Conway, we stated:
    Here, the record shows that Benefis accepted Kemper’s payment of
    $1,866.29 as payment in full for the actual cost of Conway’s medical
    treatment that resulted from the accident. Conway does not owe Benefis
    any remaining amount. Even though all of Conway’s medical expenses
    have been paid, he still seeks to pocket $1,203.55 in medical payments
    coverage benefits, representing the difference between Kemper’s payment
    to Benefis and the TRICARE reimbursement rate. We disagree. Conway
    is no more entitled to pocket excess medical payments here than he would
    be under the circumstances in Newbury, or any other situation in which all
    of his medical expenses are paid by his insurer under its medical payments
    Conway, ¶ 35.
    ¶33    We again explained in Harris that an injured party was not entitled to receive the
    difference in payment between the actual cost of medical treatment and the amount that
    the physician billed. Harris, ¶¶ 16-17. I concurred in Harris, noting that the plaintiffs
    had not suffered any “detriment or legally cognizable damages necessary to support their
    claim.” Harris, ¶ 36 (McKinnon, J., concurring). Accordingly, it is my opinion that the
    decision reached today by the Court is inconsistent, indeed irreconcilable, with the
    foregoing precedent.
    ¶34    In these proceedings, Judy Meek did not incur liability for her providers’ full bills
    because at the time the charges were incurred, her providers had already agreed to accept
    a certain amount from both Medicare and Blue Cross/Blue Shield in exchange for their
    services. Having never incurred the full bill, the Estate cannot recover it in damages for
    economic loss. As a result of paying her premiums, Judy Meek obtained the benefit of
    medical services at a reduced rate. She would have paid these premiums and received the
    benefit of reduced rates regardless of any tortious conduct. Therefore, there is no need to
    determine the reasonable value of the services where, as here, the exact amount of
    expenses has been established by contract and has been satisfied.
    ¶35    Finally, the Court fails to appreciate the distinction between an evidentiary rule
    and an appropriate measure of reasonable value. The collateral source rule is a rule of
    evidence which prevents admission of evidence showing that the plaintiff has received
    payments from sources independent of the tortfeasor. The rule is premised upon the idea
    that there is minimal probative value in considering the actions of an unrelated third party
    when assessing the conduct of the tortfeasor and determining compensatory damages. In
    contrast, it would be very prejudicial to the plaintiff if a jury were to learn that the
    plaintiff has already been compensated. The collateral source rule also has a substantive
    aspect apart from its evidentiary basis. Based upon numerous policy considerations, the
    collateral source rule serves to protect payments conferred on the injured party from other
    sources unconnected to the tortfeasor from being credited against the tortfeasor’s liability.
    Despite the Court’s conclusion to the contrary, Opinion, ¶ 18, a district court can apply a
    correct measure for reasonable value—the exchange rate—while still adhering to the
    collateral source rule that prevents the jury from knowing that the plaintiff has been
    otherwise compensated. A jury does not need to hear the source of the payment, or that a
    bill has been satisfied; all a jury need hear is the amount of the plaintiff’s past expense.
    The rule enunciated by the Court today would prove much more problematic for a district
    court to navigate.
    ¶36    Accordingly, I do not agree that medical bills, other than the amount actually paid
    and received, are “relevant evidence of issues such as the nature and severity of the
    injuries, and of medical procedures and treatments that were required.” Opinion, ¶ 14.
    These issues may be established through the testimony of treating physicians and health
    care providers and not by the admission of bills for amounts over and above what was
    received and accepted by Judy Meek’s medical providers. The desire to present higher
    bills in order to gain a larger recovery for other types of damages should not override
    fundamental principles of compensatory damages, our precedent, and Montana’s statutes.
    The evidence is simply not admissible for such a purpose and is not relevant, absent a
    claim for future medical expenses. Here, the amounts disallowed will not assist in
    developing a foundation for a life care plan or possible future medical procedures and
    needs. See Willink v. Boyne USA, Inc., No. CV 12-74-BU-DLC, 
    2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 152566
    , at *6-7 (D. Mont. Oct. 23, 2013).
    ¶37   For the foregoing reasons, I dissent from the Court’s decision.