Cahill v. Papa S Cabin , 2017 MT 2N ( 2017 )

  •                                                                                               01/03/2017
    DA 16-0192
    Case Number: DA 16-0192
    2017 MT 2N
    Plaintiffs and Appellees,
    Defendant and Appellant.
    APPEAL FROM:            District Court of the Third Judicial District,
    In and For the County of Powell, Cause No. DV 14-22
    Honorable Ray Dayton, Presiding Judge
    For Appellant:
    R.J. “Jim” Sewell, Jr., Craig D. Charlton, Scott H. Clement, Smith Law
    Firm, P.C., Helena, Montana
    For Appellees:
    Marcel A. Quinn, Hammer, Quinn & Shaw, PLLC, Kalispell, Montana
    Submitted on Briefs: November 10, 2016
    Decided: January 3, 2017
    Justice Beth Baker delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    ¶1     Pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(c), Montana Supreme Court Internal Operating
    Rules, this case is decided by memorandum opinion and shall not be cited and does not
    serve as precedent. Its case title, cause number, and disposition shall be included in this
    Court’s quarterly list of noncitable cases published in the Pacific Reporter and Montana
    ¶2     Papa’s Cabin, LLC, appeals the Third Judicial District Court’s order granting
    summary judgment on Appellees’ claim that they possessed a prescriptive easement on a
    road crossing Papa’s Cabin’s property.1 We affirm.
    ¶3     The Evanses—parents of one of the Claimants, Pat Cahill—owned land that now
    constitutes all of Claimants’ respective properties. In order to access their property, the
    Evanses constructed a roadway in 1954 across the property of their neighbors, the
    Parkers—the property now owned by Papa’s Cabin.            The Evanses did not ask the
    Parkers’ permission before they built the road.
    ¶4     The Evanses lived and operated a sawmill business on their property from 1954 to
    the 1970s. Their family, friends, and customers used the road almost daily during that
    time. The road sat in close proximity to the Parkers’ cabin. The first time the Evanses
    met the Parkers was after they built and had started using the road; they later agreed to
    the Parkers’ request to move the road farther from the cabin.
    Appellees are Pat Cahill, Ronnie Curtis, Craig Curtis, Randie Curtis, Donna Sargent, Mark
    Goldhahn, Monica Goldhahn, Lonny Andreasen, Terry Jendro, and Shannon Jendro. We refer to
    them collectively as “Claimants.”
    ¶5     In August 2013, Papa’s Cabin locked a gate on its property to prevent Claimants
    from using the road. Cahill then filed a petition for a permanent prescriptive easement.
    Cahill’s claim was consolidated with claims of the remaining Appellees over Papa’s
    Cabin’s objection.
    ¶6     The District Court granted summary judgment to Claimants. It concluded that no
    genuine issue of fact existed as to whether Claimants’ use of the road was open,
    notorious, exclusive, continuous, or uninterrupted and that Papa’s Cabin had failed to
    present facts showing that Claimants’ use of the road was permissive. Finally, the court
    found that the original scope of the prescriptive easement encompassed both residential
    and commercial use and that the easement’s current residential use did not exceed its
    original scope.
    ¶7     On appeal, Papa’s Cabin contends that Claimants bore the burden of
    demonstrating that their use of the road was adverse and that they failed to satisfy that
    burden.    Alternatively, Papa’s Cabin argues that even if it bore the burden of
    demonstrating that Claimants’ use of the road was permissive, it presented sufficient
    evidence to raise a genuine issue of material fact on this question. Lastly, Papa’s Cabin
    asserts that the District Court erred by expanding the scope of the original easement and
    by permitting joinder of the parties and consolidation of their actions for trial.
    ¶8     We review de novo a district court’s ruling on summary judgment, applying the
    criteria of M. R. Civ. P. 56(c)(3). Citizens for a Better Flathead v. Bd. of Cnty. Comm’rs,
    2016 MT 256
    , ¶ 10, 
    385 Mont. 156
    381 P.3d 555
    . Summary judgment is proper only
    when no genuine issues of material fact exist and the moving party is entitled to judgment
    as a matter of law. Harrington v. Crystal Bar, Inc., 
    2013 MT 209
    , ¶ 9, 
    371 Mont. 165
    306 P.3d 342
    . Once the moving party meets its initial evidentiary burden demonstrating
    facts to support its entitlement to judgment as a matter of law, the burden shifts to the
    non-moving party to present substantial evidence, as opposed to mere denial, speculation,
    or conclusory statements, raising a genuine issue of material fact. Ternes v. State Farm
    Fire & Cas. Co., 
    2011 MT 156
    , ¶ 27, 
    361 Mont. 129
    257 P.3d 352
    . We review a district
    court’s determination of judgment as a matter of law for correctness. Roe v. City of
    2009 MT 417
    , ¶ 14, 
    354 Mont. 1
    221 P.3d 1200
    ¶9    A party seeking to establish a prescriptive easement must show “open, notorious,
    exclusive, adverse, continuous[,] and uninterrupted use of the claimed easement” for a
    period of five years. Lemont Land Corp. v. Rogers, 
    269 Mont. 180
    , 183, 
    887 P.2d 724
    726 (1994). It is well established that a presumption of adverse use arises once the
    claimant establishes the other five elements; the burden then shifts to the landowner
    opposing the prescriptive easement to prove that the use was permissive rather than
    adverse. Lemont, 269 Mont. at 185, 
    887 P.2d at 727-28
    ; Brown & Brown of MT, Inc. v.
    2012 MT 264
    , ¶ 19, 
    367 Mont. 67
    289 P.3d 156
    ; Albert v. Hastetter, 
    2002 MT 123
    , ¶ 20, 
    310 Mont. 82
    48 P.3d 749
    ; Larsen v. Richardson, 
    2011 MT 195
    , ¶ 57, 
    361 Mont. 344
    260 P.3d 103
    ; Glantz v. Gabel, 
    66 Mont. 134
    , 141, 
    212 P. 858
    , 860 (1923).
    “[I]f the owner of the servient estate shows that use was permissive,” the claimant cannot
    acquire a prescriptive easement. Leisz v. Avista Corp., 
    2007 MT 347
    , ¶ 17, 
    340 Mont. 294
    174 P.3d 481
    ¶10   The District Court reviewed undisputed evidence that the Parkers were aware of
    the Evanses’ use of the road, that the Evanses’ use of the road did not depend on anyone
    else’s use of the road, and that the Evanses and their successors used the road
    continuously and without interruption from 1954 until 2013. Based on these undisputed
    facts, the court concluded correctly that Claimants demonstrated open, notorious,
    continuous, uninterrupted, and exclusive use of the road for well over five years. See
    Lemont, 269 Mont. at 183, 
    887 P.2d at 726
    . The court then properly shifted the burden to
    Papa’s Cabin to show that a genuine issue of material fact existed as to whether
    Claimants used the road with permission. See Lemont, 269 Mont. at 185, 
    887 P.2d at 727-28
    . Papa’s Cabin failed to meet its burden because it did not present evidence that
    the Evanses’ use of the road was permissive between 1954 and 1959—the five-year
    period in which the District Court determined that the prescriptive easement was
    established. See Lemont, 269 Mont. at 183, 
    887 P.2d at 726
    ¶11   The only evidence that Papa’s Cabin presented that did not clearly pertain to the
    1960s or later—deposition testimony from Pat Cahill that her parents, the Evanses, asked
    the Parkers for a written easement at one time after the road was built—is inadmissible
    hearsay. The conversation that Cahill described constitutes an out-of-court statement
    offered “to prove the truth of the matter asserted”—that the Evanses sought a written
    easement.   M. R. Evid. 801(c).    Claimants moved to exclude this statement from
    consideration on summary judgment. The District Court was not required to consider the
    testimony in its summary judgment ruling. See N. Cheyenne Tribe v. Roman Catholic
    2013 MT 24
    , ¶ 21, 
    368 Mont. 330
    296 P.3d 450
     (“District courts need consider
    only admissible evidence when determining whether to grant a motion for summary
    ¶12    We are unpersuaded by Papa’s Cabin’s argument that Cahill’s testimony was not
    hearsay because it qualifies as an admission by a party-opponent under M. R. Evid.
    801(d)(2)(A). That testimony was not an admission by a party-opponent, because the
    Evanses are not a party to this action.
    ¶13    The admissible evidence before the District Court undisputedly established that
    the Evanses acquired a prescriptive easement by 1959. In reviewing this evidence, the
    court correctly determined that Claimants satisfied their burden and that Papa’s Cabin did
    not satisfy its burden. See Roe, ¶ 14; Ternes, ¶ 27.
    ¶14    Finally, the District Court rightly found that Claimants’ use of the road did not
    exceed the easement’s original scope. We have held, in the context of a prescriptive
    easement, that the “right of the owner of the dominant estate is governed by the character
    and extent of the use during the period requisite to acquire it.” Brown & Brown of MT,
    Inc. v. Raty, 
    2013 MT 338
    , ¶ 13, 
    372 Mont. 463
    313 P.3d 179
     (Brown II). When the
    Evanses acquired the prescriptive easement in the 1950s, the “character and extent of the
    use” included both residential and commercial use. Brown II, ¶ 13. Claimants presented
    evidence that they now use the road primarily for residential purposes and not for
    commercial purposes. They satisfied their burden of establishing that their use of the
    easement did not exceed the easement’s original scope. See Ternes, ¶ 27. Papa’s Cabin
    failed to meet its burden of presenting evidence that Claimants exceeded the residential
    and commercial scope of the easement. See Ternes, ¶ 27. As such, the court’s ruling on
    summary judgment was proper. See Harrington, ¶ 9.
    ¶15    Because we affirm the District Court’s award of summary judgment to Claimants,
    we do not address Papa’s Cabin’s assertion that the court erred in permitting joinder of
    the Appellees and consolidation of their actions for trial.
    ¶16    We have determined to decide this case pursuant to Section I, Paragraph 3(c) of
    our Internal Operating Rules, which provides for noncitable memorandum opinions. This
    appeal presents no constitutional issues, no issues of first impression, and does not
    establish new precedent or modify existing precedent.         The District Court’s order
    granting summary judgment to Claimants is affirmed.
    We Concur:
    /S/ JIM RICE